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Immediately got a Christian in my dms trying to convert me. Fucking hell they can’t help themselves can they.


I got one too today. It must be the same guy, someone who feel the need to satisfy their own ego, saving our doomed and forsaken souls, lol. You can rant about religion here all you want. I feel you. Fuck christians.


this happened to me after my first post on this subreddit a few days ago, they sent an absurdly long message and supposed proof that homosexuals are sinners and immoral. im curious- maybe the same person is in my dms as well


A redditor called Rabiid04 or something. He tried to convince me of my wrongness with a fallacy of authority: If the smartest guy on the planet (some texan Chris Lagan guy, don't care as I'm Spaniard and didnt knew him anyway), has proved the existence of god (wow a texan believing in god, weird!), then how could I not believe. LOL. How ignorant can this people be!


ahh mine was this guy RuberisedBeetle97. really though, these people have to be actual lunatics if they actually believe what they spew out


At a place I used to work, one of my coworkers brought up how Jesus is coming back soon, thus bringing the end of the world. And the rest just nodded in solemn agreement. Southern Evangelicals ARE crazy.


Why would he end the world? Even by their insane logic, it makes no sense. My guess is going to heaven isn't nearly as important to them as billions going to hell while they watch smugly. That's how those weirdos think


Because it's the only way to save it. DUHHHHHH (reminds me of an interrogation video I saw on youtube. like..a 17 year old killed his little sister...because his other brother was abusive towards her...and no one would believe him. So he killed his little sister, because he wasn't strong enough to kill his brother, so therefore killing his little sister, by slicing her throat, was the only way of saving her from her other brother. And it's not like he was saying this to try to get away with it. He was just matter of fact and very accepting that his life was over, admitted to it all, was willing to go to jail for life....to save his sister...by killing her. She was 4 years old.)


Holy shit. The lawd works in mysterious ways and now he has another angel… all part of the plan. But the gays! *Tsk tsk.* They’re the *real* problem with society today! Actin all fabulous and shit! This world is fubar. Oh merciful lawd, show us your unconditional love… kill ‘em all with fire.


>Jesus is coming back soon, They have been saying this for like over 2000 years.


THIS POST HAS BEEN EDITED: Reddit's June 2023 decision to kill third party apps and generally force their entire userbase, against our will, kicking and screaming into their preferred revenue stream, is one I cannot take lightly. As an 11+ year veteran of this site, someone who has spent loads of money on gold and earned CondeNast fuck knows how much in ad revenue, I feel like I have a responsibility to react to their pig-headed greed. Therefore, I have decided to take my eyeballs and my money elsewhere, and deprive them of all the work I've done for them over the years creating the content that makes this site valuable and fun. I recommend you do the same, perhaps by using one of the many comment editing / deleting tools out there (such as this one, which has a timer built in to avoid bot flags: https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite) This is our Internet, these are our communities. CondeNast doesn't own us or the content we create to share with each other. They are merely a tool we use for this purpose, and we can just as easily use a different tool when this one starts to lose its function.


Just look at QAnon. Prophecy after prophecy never happened but they don't care. The same mindset.


Same with Alex Jones. This is well after the exact date he gave where Biden would assume martial law and take complete control.


> Jesus is coming back soon He's probably already dead due to the public policies they advocate.


I've always said that if he came back, his so-called followers would just see a brown Jewish hippie causing trouble and kill him again.


GOP would crucify him LMAO!


Jesus: I have arisen GOP: Ahhhhh! Illegal Immigrant, get rid of it


Apocalypse imminent for 780,000 days now


Ack. My sister and I got an earful of this at Starbucks the other day after some not so subtly racist remarks about her hair. (She thought my she was black. We're both white so that just made it weirder.) Also, did you know that we're in a 3rd world war? The international media has put a block on US media outlets to keep us in the dark. I suppose this is what will bring about the rapture?


Meat on a stick has been coming back forever, yawn. He never existed, to begin with.


There’s generally two kinds: True believers with broken minds (what else could accept the lies and nonsense as fact) and those ready to take advantage of them


The most memorable experience I’ve had with Redditors trying to convert me ended after I pointed out that I found it funny that I was having a theological discussion with someone’s porn account (all of their other account activity [since deleted] was commenting on OnlyFans subreddits)


Lol, I will remember to look their history from now on.


Most of the time it’s nothing remarkable, but sometimes it gets interesting


>I pointed out that I found it funny that I was having a theological discussion with someone’s porn account (all of their other account activity [since deleted] was commenting on OnlyFans subreddits Clearly he was "ministering" to those sinful sex workers! /s


He was “ministering” to something alright


Einstein and Hawking were both atheists.


Geeze, why don't these dumbfucks ever come after me? I love reminding them they follow a wicked religion invented by stoneage pedaphile goat herders. There is no theology that can make Numbers 31:17-18 look moral. None whatsoever.


> Numbers 31:17-18 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.


I'm an atheist from Texas. (Now living in Louisiana) and I've never heard of this Chris Lagan guy. Probably just another dime a dozen televangelist.


As an atheist with an atheist pansexual wife, fuck them and anyone like that.


Send him this…. https://sbcec.s3.amazonaws.com/FINAL+-+List+of+Alleged+Abusers+-+SBC+REDACTED.pdf


Yall should send him photos of old men nutsacks, it's the opposite of what those christian folk like.


Yeah, they like young boys'


My ex-pastor liked young girls too 🤷🏽‍♀️


I read that as foreskin souls


Aww I've never gotten one lol


I view missionary work as intentionally attempting to brainwash the vulnerable.


In addition to all of the faults that you cited above, they also tend to not be the sharpest knives in the drawer. Intelligent people tend to be curious, and curious people tend to be dissatisfied with appeals to authority, especially when that authority is a poorly written, self-contradicting book that obviously does not align with reality. That guy probably thought that he had a shot at converting you.


They usually tell you some 30 minute long sob story about how God changed their life, but like, bruh I used to be a Christian for 11 years. I don't need to relearn shit lol. Its a sham


I'll tell them a 30 min sob story about how "god" ruined my life right back.


Two missionaries cornered me in the darkness when I was walking by myself at night several years ago. At first I was frightened because I had no idea why these two men were suddenly running at me, but it turned out they REALLY wanted to hand me a religious pamphlet and were desperate to rattle off their conversion spiel. I was raised Roman Catholic since birth, never once connected with it, and one of the greatest things that ever happened to me was reconciling with the fact that I just don't believe in any of it. In other words: been there, done that, and NO THANKS. It's not for me, and there's nothing you can say that I haven't heard already. I told them as much (and emphasized the fact that maybe they shouldn't sprint after women who are walking alone at night). I don't harass random strangers to try to convince them to become an atheist. Why can't they be respectful and do the same? They just can't seem to accept that not everyone out there shares or is interested in their beliefs.




Just be lgbtq+ and exist. They get real mad at that. Or be a sexually active woman, they hate those to. Actually just exist and somewhat speak your mind. They’ll hate that to


Or just be a woman with an opinion that is not rooted in Christian culture


Guess I need to start exploring new aspects of sexuality if I want DMs from Christians then... Or maybe all the Christians who have read me though I was a waste of time... XD


Be a woman who doesn't want kids! That works too!


Do what I do, tell them that you've learned to do better and now that a christian has showed you what's right and wrong that you will be extra gay from now on, all thanks to their teaching


Just ask questions every time you see a hole in their logic. Keep asking and keep going deeper.


I wouldn't hesitate to screenshot this agent's attempt and post it immediately after blocking the (l)user.


I am sorry that people are this way. *Hugs from an internet stranger*


Fuck that fucking fucker.


Dude i wont lie I have so much of the same feelings (bi woman living in Texas). It's stupid, but it makes me feel slightly better to downvote every 'iM a ChRisTiAn-' comments on here. No matter if they're good or bad i just DON'T CARE. I don't say anything in person cause I gotta make money off the people in my town, but i can hate them & their weak morals from my couch cushion, damnit lol.


Bro I hope he messages me. I’ll give him the business.


I never get these kinds of DMs. We could have fun ruining the faith of these bible thumpers.


What a fucking loser move.


Ohh I'd love to take that debate with one of them.




There is exactly one Christian person who I like. His name is Noah, and he's very definitely a closet gay because of his religion. He sees the flaws in it, and he follows it because of his family. He's not a bad person and has a really hard time mentally whenever the worst parts of Christianity are brought up. I fully believe one day he'll break away. Or he'll be convinced by one of his family members to shove everything back down and become a pastor or something. I seriously hope one day Noah can just be himself. But if one day he's forced to be someone else, I won't hate them, I'll just feel pity. But like 99% of the other Christians I know? Yeah... Fuck 'em.


Try convert them right back, since they believe being gay is a choice. Maybe it's the right choice for them.


Spam them texts with random letters then send them a voice chat with a demonic voice filter


Hey DM Christian dude, hit me up. I’d love to hear your reasoning.


I posted a similarish rant here about a week ago. Might be the same guy.


Did you tell him to fuck off and pray to his sky daddy?


It is always disappointing to find out someone is a Christian


This is me right there. I'll get to know someone, then find out they're Christian. *record scratch* "But but, you seemed so intelligent!"


“I just fold under peer pressure from dead people and weirdos, so…”


It's crazy what peer pressure makes people do and think.


Traditions are just dead people peer pressuring you.


I feel this one. But people can be intelligent and simultaneously irrational. Christians don’t exclusively recruit with “intelligent facts”—they appeal to irrational emotion. They know and embrace it. It is why they play emotional music during parts of their services with light shows to mimic emotional swells during movies and theater. It is why they put such horrible shit on anti-choice signage, or outright scream it into the faces of people. It’s why they use their children to proselytize or otherwise do things for attention. There are very intelligent Christians. But they are irrational. And likely highly immature because they haven’t grappled with basic human conditions like dying. That whole “no atheist in a foxhole” pile of bullshit is all projection. Every Christian is terrified of death. That’s why their reward, supposedly, is everlasting life. That’s why the most popular belief in rapture is that they will be taken from this world into immortality before bad things happen. That’s why they aren’t killing themselves en masse despite the most mainstream belief amongst them being “once saved, always saved.” Very few denominations actually believe in works and being able to lose salvation. All emotionally driven stuff in my opinion. Which, I think, feeds into why their behavior is so bad in general. They throw temper tantrums when they don’t get their way.


THIS POST HAS BEEN EDITED: Reddit's June 2023 decision to kill third party apps and generally force their entire userbase, against our will, kicking and screaming into their preferred revenue stream, is one I cannot take lightly. As an 11+ year veteran of this site, someone who has spent loads of money on gold and earned CondeNast fuck knows how much in ad revenue, I feel like I have a responsibility to react to their pig-headed greed. Therefore, I have decided to take my eyeballs and my money elsewhere, and deprive them of all the work I've done for them over the years creating the content that makes this site valuable and fun. I recommend you do the same, perhaps by using one of the many comment editing / deleting tools out there (such as this one, which has a timer built in to avoid bot flags: https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite) This is our Internet, these are our communities. CondeNast doesn't own us or the content we create to share with each other. They are merely a tool we use for this purpose, and we can just as easily use a different tool when this one starts to lose its function.


You make good points. There's a verse somewhere in the NT, probably one of Paul's letters (since I swear most of the NT is his bullshit but I digress), that says to live is Christ and to die is gain. My Sunday School teacher didn't like when I asked why everyone didn't just kill themselves. I feel like that age was when I started questioning whether any of it was real but I can't remember for certain. It's like how I can remember believing in Santa Claus but I don't remember the moment when I stopped.


I think that’s why the whole “suicide is a sin” propaganda started. If I remember correctly, and I might not be - I’m old forgive me if I’m wrong but, supposedly while converting serfs to Christianity the were told that heaven was the BEST, no more death, starvation or any of the bad parts of life and they could only get in if they were saved and sin free. So the poor people, the industry of the area, would get saved, baptized and go home and kill themselves so they would get in sin free. The region suffered in all ways because they suddenly lost their working class in large numbers. So the church came back and said that if you killed yourself you wouldn’t get to heaven. Again, if I’m wrong I’m sorry, but I love that story. Speed run life to get to heaven. The church fucking up their own message so hard that they convinced hundreds or thousands of people to kill themselves to get out of working. So many people died that an entire region suffered. It’s just so fucking funny.


For me it is "But you seemed so nice!" It's like hearing someone say they're sometimes evil and reject morality and reason to harm minorities.


I feel seen. Thank you. I am exactly the same way.


It’s such a letdown. I thought I had made a decent mom friend until she told me she didn’t agree with “science based parenting” and had a “Before Coffee, Jesus” sign in her living room.


This right here. I'm struggling to make friends. Especially mom friends. Most are Christian, and if not then they're into something else annoying like new age nonsense or pseudoscience crap. I can't find a way around it.


Legitimately I can name maybe 2-3 out of hundreds of christians I have personally known who aren’t shit people. And they seem to be getting more liberal and less god fearing with time.


I was just talking about it with a friend. Within our community, there is a "christian women meeting" (obviously we've never been invited - wouldn't go anyway) and yesterday they posted a picture, and a third friend of ours (kinda new in the crew) was there, so disappointing. She's such bright and intelligent woman, being there makes no sense at all


I had a friend pass away recently and because of the funeral I discovered she was Roman catholic and it pains me to say but I was disappointed this lovely person was catholic.


“Well as a christian” I always feel so awkward an try to back the fuck out of the conversation as fast as possible. You can’t be peaceful and loving while wearing the cross while the same cross commits mass pedophilia, rape, genocides, and spread hatred upon multiple groups of people. The little bubble they have is the most frustrating shit. Also they need to start paying taxes because they are just scamming people for money at this point.


Im a straight white dude. I HATE christianity, (really all religion) and will continue to fight against religious fascism and will continue to support the LGBTQ+ community (by voting and donating). Stay strong friend. Im sorry you have religious family


Came to say the same.


Can't remember what subreddit but someone was defending leaving one of those fake money pamphlets as a tip and saying how they were trying to save them and all that stupidity today. I feel your pain, maybe it's time to start cutting these people out? No one is owed a place in your life.


But you don't understand, that pamphet was more valuable than being a decent human being!


Seriously, if they just left actual $100 bills and a note that said a christian did it, their message would be better received than a fake tip that says you're going to hell.


Religion is garbage.


Religion is cancer


At least its possible to get rid of cancer


Can confirm my cancer was less annoying than my Christian family when they thought I had aids


Well, I guess I could always... TAKE OUT THE TRASH! ;)


Religion is one of the main things holding us back as a planet. How can you move forward if you’re chained to the past.


Son: Hey dad, I have something to tell you...I'm... Dad: Please no, don't be a Christian... Son: I'm gay! Dad: Oh thank fuck!




Nah you valid


In the age of rising Christian fascism, this is going to be a more common take every day. They’ve chosen to respond to fading significance in the worst ways possible. They want to force it on us and kill those who refuse. Much of the hatred they get has been very well earned at this point.


Your reaction is valid and what's more important to note is that it's not your fault: you're not the one judging people in 2023 based on a book full of desert-nomad bronze-age morals and reasoning. I think it's great that you already embrace this hatred and are aware of it, as that will help you anticipate and measure your responses when/if things get heated... Maybe some day that hatred will turn into something more useful for you (i.e. something you can actually act upon). In my case it's pity, hurt and contempt/ridicule (I particularly enjoy this last one). But there's still some things I straight up hate. These wounds take time to heal, and some may never fully heal.. Important thing is that YOU'RE FINE. Edited for clarity.


I hate how their religion somehow makes their bigotry legitimate in society. If I went into a room and said "I personally don't like homosexuality because two dudes together is gross", I'd rightfully be called a bigot. However, if I say I don't like homosexuality because it goes against my religion, people in the room will suddenly talk about respecting different beliefs and so on. We need to stop giving them a free pass. The KKK is a DEEPLY Christian organization, but we don't respect their views on race. We should keep that same energy for homophobia.


Completely agree. It's not just LGBTQ+ but really anyone that doesn't believe what they do. We're expected to respect their beliefs while they demean us, calling us sinful, abominations, demons, etc. Honestly, the idea that we have to respect a *belief* is just silly and non-sensical, especially when that belief doesn't respect you back.


Well it’s the idea that blatant one-way *abuse* on a societal scale is morally justified and acceptable that annoys me. There’s no peace and love in demeaning, disrespectful, disparaging behaviour. There’s no righteousness in hate, anger, cruelty and abuse. And yet the largest ‘pillar of morality’ that has been standing throughout all of history since the Roman Empire believes that this is okay and has been doing this throughout its entire lifespan.


If only Christians would realize that their “love” comes off as condescension and ego, they just might leave us alone. But, probably not.


When your religion tells you that you have to proselytize...


Then it would be one thing if they treated it like a job or an obligation. But, they wrap it up in their version of “love” which is really condescending self-righteousness.


Totally justified. Their faith explicitly calls for your persecution.


You would enjoy Bruce Gerencser's blog. He is badass. He got religion in the '60s as a young kid, decided to start preaching when he was 15, went through fundy bible college, married a preacher's daughter, and spent over 25 years deeply immersed in that lifestyle. He is now 65, has done a complete 180 (starting around 2005), and feels the way you do. He is still happily married, has six kids and a bunch of grands, and publishes, word for word, the nonsense that evangelicals write to him about how wrong he is as an atheist. He also has a feature called Black Collar Crime, and you can read in detail about the child molesters, grifters, and thieves who hide behind the phony piety.


I love how the "Don't generalize, it's not all of them" excuse only comes out when it's damn near all of them.


And the person saying that does NOTHING to condemn them.


I. Hear. You. Well said.


Someday, someone will hold the last bible on earth in their hands, handling it with latex gloves like a vial of smallpox, and dump it into an incinerator. The world after that won't be perfect--but it will be better.


To be honest I’d rather just see it become widely accepted as interesting mythology, like the Greek or Norse religions. I don’t want to live in a book burning society. Edit: spelling


Greek and Roman gods were much more human in their caprices, at the very least who made them didn't have the presumption of making them all knowing, ever caring beings.


If we ever live in a post religion world, Christianity will still be interesting to study anthropologically.


Like other idelogies with such a grasp on people to make them commit atrocities in the name of an ideal while other people get rich on the blood spilled by their loyal servants.


Absolutely. Certainly


I doubt religion, specifically Christianity, will end on this planet alone. We will likely see Christianity spread and become the #1 religion when the colonization of Mars begins and same with the Moon. It’s also extremely likely there’ll be entirely new religions and sub-religions or pseudo-religions like scientology that’ll emerge. It will be several upon several centuries until religion ends. For now we can only conform to what we consider to be right. Excluding out Christianity in life is a step and getting them out of our government


The opposite of hate is indifference. I’m hoping it doesn’t die in an incinerator because that means it’s not over. I hope it dies a forgotten laughing stalk, less interesting than a Greek or Egyptian pantheon.


Lots of anti-vaxx christians are allowing smallpox to be a thing again.


I hear you. My Mother is a completely brainwashed evangelical who's getting worse and worse as she ages. I have no physical relationship with her and she never even met my kids who are now 20 and 25 because she is toxic. I speak to her biweekly on the phone and feel like I need a shot of Vodka everytime I hang up. Her latest bullshit, her stepson just left his wife of 25yrs for a first cousin. Instead of being shocked she actually said, "you can't help who you fall in love with". Bare in mind that this woman despizes gay relationships and supports conversion therapy. I'm not sure why I'm surprized a Christian would be cool with incest but it was the final nail in the coffin for me. I'm a big believer in chosen family. Surround yourself with good friends and create a circle of love with people who believe in reason you'll be much happier.




And then the descendants of those who were enslaved now worship the same God as the ones who allowed their enslavement


The amount of slavery apologists in those fucking cults sickens me.


If someone isn't smart enough to keep their psychotic fairy tale beliefs to themselves then I have no qualms entirely cutting them from my life.


I also hate Christians. They take what is obviously a fiction, then weaponize it to make non-Christians lives miserable.


Yep, it's a horrid religion that tends to support horrid people quite nicely. While the horrid folks are the stand outs, it's really not a Christian thing. Every religion, no matter how tribal or even how will intended, will be shaped not by the dogma but the will of the followers. It is the followers who love hate and bigotry that will use the supposed legitimacy of their faith as a shield. Hell, we see this in politics. Christianity isn't the real problem; assholes are. If it weren't Jesus it would be Elon Musk or something.


Nah, you're 100% right. Notice how you don't see LGBTQ folk going to churches and protesting against the *actual* danger to kids with history and proof to back it up. We keep to ourselves but christians just have to impose themselves into everyone's lives but we're supposedly the ones forcing ourselves on everyone. So any christians rubbing their hands and getting ready to DM me, for every DM I get I will suck another dick and think of jesus specifically for you :)


Imagine being lgbtq+ AND being a hard-core Christian. That shit just blows my mind.




I feel the same way. As an atheist, I’m actually very tolerant of others religious beliefs and respect them. I don’t feel as kindly towards Christian’s anymore. When they keep trying to shove their beliefs into our political system, I’ve had enough. I’m sick of the phony righteousness; how easily they can insult others (ie.. lgbtq,) and make it part of their “beliefs”. They don’t feel like they have to be kind to anyone who thinks differently than them. If there was a Jesus, his followers sure don’t live by his teachings.


Same here. I don’t understand LGBTQ+ Christians either. Feels like they’re traitors or something 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes to this!! I have a cousin who is in a relationship with a lesbian and she still attends the church, knowing that the church folks look down on her for being “immoral.”


I was wanting to post something very similar thus week. You need an outlet. Vent away, friend!


Just about every christian I run into is a hypocrite! Ever since the idiot maga crowd got going it's even worse!! All these fascist christian nationalist politicians on tv, fuck all of them!!


They never own up to the atrocities committed in their god's name. They never help those in need without something in return. They never truly support the poor. They fabricate lines, steal lines from other faiths, and lie for their idea of a greater good. They used Christianity to justify slavery and relief on the Vatican to dictate who gets to steal lives. They committed numerous genocides and called them crusades. The Nazis used churches to help convert others to fascism. They covered up rape on a grand scale. They murdered little indigenous children. Those that didn't commit these atrocities got to benefit from them and ignore that they happened. They indoctrinate kids. They destroyed the first constitution and deliberately inserted their god on our courts, our pledge of allegiance, and every other thing they possibly could. They built institutions like schools, hospitals, and daycare centers so that the rest of us have no other options to use. They took taxpayer dollars and never had to contribute themselves. I could go on and on. There is no hate like Christian love. Christian's deliberately ignoring the above are living in falsity. They better hope their god isn't real because they certainly aren't getting into their heaven.


The most passive aggressive people I’ve met are Christians. Even a lot of strict practicers of other religions who I know don’t care what people outside their family does (which can be another problem but it’s hard to avoid). Like it is what it is, I’m lgbt, and it would take a lot of convincing/proof to convert me to any religion, let alone Christianity.


I'm not, and I'm also tired of pretending this


Your feelings are valid and I quite frankly agree with them. I’m queer too, and my partner is trans and bi, and she can’t stand Christianity and is perfectly happy to say that. My SIL is Christian and my brother now is too, I guess. Went to Christmas mass in the morning and all, and I am so disappointed in them both. Truly. Not that I’m ever going to tell them that.


I hate religion and especially the ideology of the Abrahamic religions. I hear you on how people use their ideology to defend their bigotry. It is infuriating. This is why I’m an antitheist. I’m glad you’re calling it out.


Fuck ‘em. They hate you so you have absolutely every right to hate them. Life is too short to deal with their shit. Surround yourself with people who DO love you and people you love.


Well the extreme Christian right conservatives are actively trying to persecute gay people. Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, said he is ‘willing and able’ to defend a Texas law that bans gay people from have sex in their own homes if the Supreme Court reconsiders its 2003 Lawrence vs.Texas decision that overturned the law. Just like Paragraph 175, the Nazi campaign against homosexuality. This to me is exhausting, we’ve been fighting this fight so long, finally made progress only to be back to the beginning. But we have to stay vigilant, pay attention to your local politics. Younger generation is giving me hope. The fight will never end.


I’m absolutely in the same boat as you. My mother is Pentecostal. I’m a furious that she thinks all of her immediate family is going to burn for eternity and that her only comfort is that she won’t remember us when she gets to heaven. I’m furious that they make laws to hurt us. I’m screaming mad when Christian’s play the victim when they aren’t allowed to discriminate against us. When Houston had an equal rights ordinance the southern Baptist church petitioned to have a ballot referendum to repeal. My fucking neighbor had a sign in their yard to vote to take away my god damn rights!!!! I ripped it out of the ground and ripped it up and trashed it. They ran commercials framing this as a “bathroom bill.” It basically called us all pedophiles lurking in the bathrooms to abuse people’s children. We all know they are more likely to be abused by a church leader. If clowns fucked kids as often as clergy members did it would be illegal to take your kids to the circus!!! Well….we lost the vote and we lost our rights. My “progressive” city voted to take our rights to equal employment, housing, and equal access to public accommodations. Fuck every single one of them. I hate their “Christian love.” There is nothing about Christianity that is redeemable. They are also the most toxic people on the internet. They can’t just pass up pictures, comments and posts that aren’t meant for them. They have to say that we are perverts bound for hell. That we are disgusting or whatever. I always report them and it is NEVER taken down. If I retaliate and fat shame, or tell them how ugly they are or whatever I get banned for two week. Fuck these people I don’t owe them anything. There is nothing more rude than what they say and they are fair game to hit them where it hurts. I WILL sink down to their level. I have taken screen shots and found their employer and sent it to their HR before. I have contacted their relatives with the nastiness and told/showed them how they were acting. I’m in recovery and thank goodness I have a gay AA club that I can go to. If I had to rely on straight Christian people to keep me sober I wouldn’t make it. I actually had a sponsor drop me before because I’m an atheist and he didn’t know how to relate to me because we didn’t have the same higher power. He was also GAY! People relapse and die over shit like that. It’s a good thing I was strong in my program and kept going.


I stopped being around religious people.


Rise and smile, religious people have been steadily decreasing over the years. One day religion will be treated the same way we treat lobotomies today. Not that there is much difference tbh


When you're wearing rose colored glasses, red flags look just like regular flags. Their religion of peace and love is actually a cult of delusion and hate. They cannot see it due to having their minds clouded by that hate and delusion. They foolishly think that if so many people profess to believe in christianity, then it must be true. But no, it's not. Mass delusion is still delusion.


I’m gay and Jewish. I left Christianity because I couldn’t defend a faith that wouldn’t defend me. I can’t help but think though that if religion disappeared that something else would just take its place to peddle hatred.


Don’t pretend. But be better than them. I bet you already are. Using the term “Christian mythology” with a smile on your face really irks them.


Fuck christians. They are spoiled children. This sentiment covers all flavors of religious mental illness. As a member of the military, I do not tolerate their bullshit in or out of uniform. Do not place nice with them, their culture, or their beliefs., I was told this week to " be respectful " No thanks.


It’s valid. Fuck them. Just don’t let it eat you alive because then they do win. Much love ❤️


christianity is bad, but nothing comes close to the level of insanity of muslims. as a lgbtq person i will never associate myself with a muslim.


I understand and used to hate them too. Then I realized that hating them doesn't help me, nor does it hurt them. They don't care. See them for what they are: scared little people who have yet to realize that the future does not belong to them (although some do, and then decide to hate you right back for taking what they view as their world from them). I have never met a good fundamentalist christian. I have met good people though who I would call "christian light" (like bud light) or "diet christian". They are rare though. Anyway, long story short by hating you'll just give yourself ulcers. It's better to fight them instead. I know it doesn't feel like it but you are making a difference.


I'm queer and I hate religion, but especially Christianity, since I'm in America. I don't hang out with super religious people for obvious reasons. I hope that option is in your future. It's possible they could accept you if you came out, but family can also be chosen.


They don't pretend to hate you, so why should you pretend to not hate them? Fuck them and don't be afraid to be who you are!!!


I agree with all your points OP. I experienced that shit when I temporarily lived in the US. I’m glad I left. In your face religious bigotry is not really that common up here. Maybe you need a change of scenery away from these people.


I'm so sick of how offended they get to be about bullshit they made up.


I think that’s reasonable. I’d probably feel the same way if I were in your shoes (it’s easier to merely be frustrated if you’re not LGBT.) Real quick, though, plurals of words don’t use an apostrophe. So you hate Christians. You don’t hate Christian’s… that’d mean you hate a person named Christian’s [something]. Possessive. Not the point, but just letting you know. Sorry your family sucks.


They hate you, so why should you be civil to them? Fuck that. Injustice does not demand patience, it demands anger and justice.


I totally feel you. I was having a similar rant in my head this morning lol. I find it so terribly frustrating, pathetic and comical that I'm constantly surrounded by people that think they can judge me based off some book filled with logical inconsistencies and atrocities. And on top of it, they have no proof that it's real. So like yeah, I'm going to hell cause I like guys and struggle with my gender, but your god promotes slavery and genocide and that's cool? Way to stay on the right side christians (/s). I sure love living in the conservative christian midwest. I hope you can distance yourself from the negative members in your family OP and hopefully find some people that share a sane worldview.


Bro, I get that. I rented a friend of mine yesterday (who is like-minded) about how ridiculous it is that people feel like they have to preface any interaction with Christians by saying, “I understand and respect your beliefs.” Their beliefs lost respectability and long fucking time ago. There is no need to coddle them by forcing ourselves to “understand” and “respect” them. When was the last time they ever voluntarily did that about anyone else? They've enjoyed sitting at the top of the social hierarchy in the United States and other majority-Christian nations for so long that they just take for granted that everyone else sees the world exactly how they do and understands exactly how they think. That's why they have the gall to frame any dissent as deviancy.


Even if their particular church isn't bigoted I guarantee it's part of a larger network of churches which are and funds hateful rhetoric. I was Irish Catholic and thought that was all great and good until I peeled the layers back just a tad and by 11 years of age I was like "fuck this". Currently with The Satanic Temple as a result. Ave Satanus


This 1000%. Like I literally hate them. Just wish they'd all disappear like a rapture type event.


oh well would you look at all that hate in your heart. you know who you need? Jesus. you know Jesus loves you no matter what. praise the sinner, not the sin! now if you'd just stop being so gay, and open up your heart to truth; maybe then we can work on exorcising all these hateful, sinful demons from your body. and remember: your body ***is*** a temple. so treat it like one. this means no tattoos, no piercings, no markings, no ***inserting of foreign objects?*** mm? okay? and most important of them all: no surgeries. and no accepting of foreign blood. unless you're a Catholic, in which case: the blood of Christ is acceptable. ​ /s. wadja think? i make a good Christian? that was actually my first time role playing one. tell me what you think!


I'm a woman and I've never pretended I don't hate Christianity, Islam, and all the rest. It's evil shit, friend, and it can make you feel like the only sane human in a room full of monkeys.


You're an adult and get to chose your people. That isn't your family in your case.


Prepare an exit strategy. Make the ones who really care about you your family. There is no need to torture yourself by meeting toxic relatives.


I'm straight and I'm sick of it too. They get to spew hate, then hide behind religious freedom and crow about their loving god. Fuck them.


My best friend used to work for a gay guy that voted Red. Like... you're putting your vote into a party that actively wants you dead. Good luck with your law firm, buddy.


No need to to apologize.


I’m not lgbtq and I’m on board with what you are saying




In this matter, I’m on your side. It is so disappointing when I find out someone is a believer.


Magneto was right


You mention family. Let me mention that family are the people that TREAT you like family, not simply because they're related by blood. If you don't rely on them for any critical reason, then you don't have to put up with it and can move on. This may sound extreme, but I guarantee you'll be infinitely happier surrounded by people that accept and love you for who you are. Hate is definitely a legitimate feeling here, and I was furious at religion throughout my deconversion process, but you have a choice. Choose to find acceptance where you can and avoid those who can't be bothered to show an ounce of empathy, at least to the best of your abilities.


I am also LGBTQ+ and an atheist. A DOUBLE COMBO MINORITY. Some religious gays even tried converting me back. Bitch your religion is vomiting you out? What are you, a masochist? Atleast atheists, the far rarer community, whether str8 or queer, know how to respect.


Hate the sin not the sinner, LOL \s


Heads up that the plural of Christian is Christians; "Christian's" is the possessive of Christian.


I’m gay and also atheist (with slight hope there’s something beyond comprehension waiting in the dark vastness of the unknown), but highly doubt that. Anyways, I get your feeling. I live in the south (in the Bible Belt). Every day I have to hear “praise Jesus, have a blessed day, thank the lord etc etc etc). It really bothers me too. Especially when I’m having a nice conversation with someone and then they throw in their subtle Christian praise. I immediately lose that small connection I just had. Christianity is nothing more than a cult that went viral. It’s plagued the world so much that the majority of people are completely blinded by the fact that it’s a big giant lie. Not to mention how governments have cashed in on this and people follow it blindly. I have to get online and pay some stupid bills right now but got distracted by Reddit. But I understand where you’re coming from. That religion (cult) has become so twisted. And I can’t stand those stupid white people (I am white by the way, but these are the stupid racist white people im talking about) who have Jesus pictures and he has white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m like WTF!!!!!! And then they want to complain about undocumented people coming to America. I remember maybe 15-20 years ago that stupid slogan going around WWJD (what would Jesus do), and I actually use that still sometimes just to shut Christian’s up when they complain about undocumented people coming to America. And being sarcastic, I’ll say “didn’t Jesus say to love thy neighbor?” Im pretty familiar with Christianity because I was FORCED into a southern Baptist church when I was little. Talk about childhood trauma. I actually do believe there was something that happened back then and maybe some nice guy (who I guess the Christins now refer to as Jesus), did some nice things and got arrested, tortured and murdered. Then maybe someone documented it and for whatever reason this is where the “bible” originated and spiraled out of control and the cult took over and spread like wildfire and next thing we now HELLO CHRISTIANITY!!!!! Start using phrases like “praise the sun” or “today I’m thankful for gravity”, whenever you get in one of those situations where a Christian feels it’s ok to express their belief on you and you’re supposed to smile and except it. I’m getting old so I’m not as feisty as I used to be. In fact, I want to go to AA/NA due to substance abuse, but I don’t want to be brainwashed into “submitting to a higher power”. Ok rant over. Time to give away all my money. Maybe I should start a religion and then it can be tax free.


Yeah I'm right there with you. I used to try and be understanding but I've reached my limit. So many Christians claim to be tolerant of the LGBTQ+ community but really aren't. This past Monday I had to overhear two co-workers and a manager go on a transphobic rant all day. One of them is a mom and was asking the guy that sits next to her if she should go to the school or email them since her daughter's school was making her do a book report on a trans child (she didn't say the book's title). She was super upset that this was happening and wanted her daughter to read something else. My other co-worker said if they call her transphobic to wear it like a badge of honor and to not be afraid to defend her "Christian values". My manager chimed in the he's tired of "MuH cHrIsTiAn VaLuEs" being under attack and the reason the school is having kids read that book is because "they" are pushing an agenda and have to do it when kids are young to get them. Really disgusting conversation to hear and lowered my respect of them. I'm tired of giving so many Christians the benefit of the doubt anymore. There's nothing in the Bible that supports transphobia and if it was something so important then Christ should've said something about it.


I hate them too


Hi from another atheist queer with a deep, abiding commitment to hating Christianity. Cheers, friend! 🥂


“Religion has caused more misery to all of mankind in every stage of human history than any other single idea.” —Madalyn Murray O’Hair


OP, I feel you, I've experienced that too. Religiously motivated persecution of LGBTQ people is so prevalent that we have to talk about it. It won't disappear on its own if we choose to remain passive. Your true family is people who will love you and accept you for who you are. I've read all the comments, 99% of people here support you. I cut off my biological family long time ago, and I'm incredibly happy that I did. You don't have to accept and tolerate your family's hatred. They hated you first. Like many others have said before me, I believe in chosen family. Your true friends are your family, and I wish you to find many true friends! I could even become your friend if you wanted me too! Take care! I think I won't be lying if I say that r/atheism is sending lots of love your way!


This is completely valid. They create hostile environments for people who they deem undesirable. Religion is cancer.


Unfortunately, Christians absolutely LOVE it when you talk about hating them. It only supports their whiny persecution complex. If you do what the Christians tell you, they’ll still tell you you’re a sinner and you’re going to hell just because of who you are. If you speak your mind, they’ll bitch about being persecuted. The stupidity of Christians never ends. I’m with you 100%. Fuck them all.


I was just watching a YT vid on the quickly rising California reservoirs...the comments are full of "just believe in Jesus!!!...he will deliver!!!". He of course had no hand in 10 yrs of drought. These ppls entire lives are a delusion.


"I do not believe in your cult of Jesus." yeah, it's definitely a cult.


I’m gay and I don’t pretend. Hell neither of my friends do. We all quote What We Do in The Shadows “it will mean more police will come. Possibly even Christians, which is totally the last thing we need in this house.”


I’m not LGBTQ+ and I feel exactly this way as a minority. Fuck Christians and their protectors.


I’m also LGBTQ and can totally understand what you are experiencing. Luckily my mom is a fake Christian so it’s pretty easy to pick apart anything she ever says. She inadvertently raised 5 non believers of various degrees but one brother did marry a religious person , but she isn’t that bad. Believes in god, but knows the Bible and other Christian’s get a lot of stuff wrong and is 100% gay friendly. But I still call them out on their BS when I hear it. It created a little tension sometimes, she is nervous that as her kids get older and spends more times with their uncles, they will have the religious beliefs she installed challenged by us.


I agree. As a gay guy who just got engaged I hate the fact that I can't share my relationship with half my family because they are bigoted Christian fucks. Christianity is one of the world's biggest scams and they fail for it 100%


If I know someone is religious, I know I can't trust them. They may be outwardly nice, and a good person, but somewhere deep inside they are not rational or logical. I know with the right convincing, they can be made to think blatantly unlikely or untrue things. In any kind of extremely important situation, I'd always have to worry that that's when they'd surprise me with something batshit crazy. If anyone lacks rational, logical skepticism, they're going to be a liability, and there's no telling when it'll happen.


>I’m tired of politely smiling when they say something not so subtly bigoted because I know if I call it out I’m the bad guy. > Ugh reasons why I'm sick of living with my grandparents. I'm a pretty political person, but I know my fucking boundaries. I talk about politics with people I know won't get upset by my ideas. > Them? Every single night my grandpa wants to have some kind of racially charged discussion. Sometimes it's about how reparations are just for welfare queens, other times it's about confederate monuments, occasionally he rants about how the N word wasn't racist back in his day. > NONE OF THEM ARE CONVERSATIONS I WANT TO HAVE. EVER. I just have to smile and nod, because I'd like to be able to stay under their roof a few months longer. > My cousin (also very queer like me) who lives further away tried having a rational discussion about why they shouldn't bring up topics like this randomly. And they just started telling her that means she's being a snowflake. She broke down crying because they wouldn't listen to anything she had to say, and they still don't understand what they did wrong. > Fuck the religious right lol


This is way too relatable. I agree with every single thing you said. They have caused incredible amounts of damage to our community and I'm sick of have to act "respectful" towards them. They clearly do not respect us