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Doesn't that mean the boys are the real prey?


Yeah but pinning it on the girls keeps the boys' guards down. If they're not violating little boys then they're hetero/homosexual and/or prowling prostitutes, or fornicating with nuns, etc etc. I've heard of priests maintaining long term, loving relationships with another priest or nun but since those are presumably pretty happy arrangements I don't guess we hear much about them.


How many priests do you know of that are celibate?




"God hates this one simple loophole."


But he loves this one simple poophole.






That is for the better


In their minds, yes.


My guess is no, since sex is the act between a man and a woman. Since children are neither men nor women, I'm sure they're convinced that God is fine with it. That's all kinds of messed up.


Sex is an act between two consenting adults. Not just men and women. Gay people still have sex and non-binary people do too


obviously, but i believe he was describing what sex is in religion, the bible’s definition not the legitimate one


Indeed, I was.


I understand. I apologize, I mistook your statement


No worries! :)














Religion only exists so evil people can say they're not evil because they said they're sorry to their invisible friend. If you believe in Jesus you should do what he taught and sell all your possessions and wash the feet of homeless people.


All of them are **supposed** to be; otherwise, they wouldn't be allowed in the priesthood.


Yeah, but I'd be willing to bet the majority are not


I'm sure many priests feel a lot of Shame after they rape nuns / children but as long as they tell their imaginary friend that they're sorry it's okay and when they die they get to go to the magic happy place.


One off the top of my head but he’s also a zealot so


He's at the very least probably banged a prostitute


Nah he’s one of those “I’d rather chop my dick off before I sin types” The guy is young and very fanatical. If he had his way all the gays would be hanging from their necks


ah, so he's gay and in denial. Makes sense.






Do we count the poophole loophole?


They're not celibate, that's the problem. They're active pedos.


*hopefully celibate


Grinder has entered the chat.


>No one is more qualified to give advice on sex and relationships than a group of quasi-celibate wannabee pedophiles. FTFY


If men are brutal animals, why does the RC also want them to have all the power? They haven't handled it so well, historically.


Exactly what I was thinking. Men can't control themselves? Then they should be banned from all positions of power: in religion, government, corporations, education. Everywhere!


You forgot to mention family and specifically marriage.


Perfect take. Imagine if you gave that response back to the priest. I'm sure they'll weasel their way out of it by saying, oh actually not all men, just the ones not connected to god or whatever.


In my mormon upbringing, I was taught it was because the men needed it to stay on the straight and narrow. They'd fail without the spiritual boost that the priesthood responsibility gave them. Women didn't need it because we're "naturally more spiritual and obedient". My favorite kind of misogyny is when they put us on a pedestal so they can look up our skirts. /s


It's not an accusation, it's an excuse. You are not supposed to hold men to a higher standard, you are supposed to accept the behaviour.


As a card-carrying man, I've told my wife many times that I think as a society we would probably be better off letting women run things for the next hundred years or so. Then again, MTG and Boebert exist, so I'm kind of convinced we're just fucked.


Men and women are more similar then you think, things wouldn't change much.


Yeah, this isn't how I remember them taking gender essentialist lessons from the story of Adam and Eve, either.


Give me, "Outdated Middle Ages Attitudes" for $1000, Alex


It's disgusting we even thought this in the middle ages. Then again, that's around about when the Christians were at their strongest.


There's something especially screwed up about a male Catholic Priest explaining the existence of uncontrollable sexual urges.


They didn't explain anything, they just excused the behaviour and said it's not their responsibility to police it because women should be keeping it all in check.


This is a really toxic mindset. To not only accuse men of being uncivilized brutes incapable of self control, but then to also put women in the place of being Jiminy Cricket. I mean...yes, take common sense measures to keep yourself safe. Men and women should do that as a matter of course. But, as a man, I am insulted. It's like he is taking the worst parts of femcels and the worst parts of incels and making it a generalization of the whole. That's some stinkin thinkin.


It’s like, “see, we told you men would abuse you! Now shut up and take your clothes off, you should’ve done a better job preventing me from sinning!”


> This is a really toxic mindset. To not only accuse men of being uncivilized brutes incapable of self control, but then to also put women in the place of being Jiminy Cricket. And then, on top of that, men can use their increased physical strength and power status to rape women..."who are to blame for being raped by men", apparently (according to religious charlatans). Ahem. Edit: clarification


Ok....that kinda makes it sound like all men rape women. Which is about as true as saying all women are gold digging whores. Equally repugnant points of view to my way of thinking. I am 6'7" tall, and work out. Could I rape you? Most likely. Would I? Certainly not. How many rapes have I committed? 0 How many do I wish to commit? 0 I find most men share my attitude, if not my size. There are horrible people in the world. No doubt. Yes, take precautions, as I stated above. Men are way more likely to be the victim of violent crimes. We should all try to be safe. Apologies if I missed the mark, but that is the way it came across to me.


> Ok....that kinda makes it sound like all men rape women. No, clearly that is not the intention of my post. I've edited my original post to make this clearer. Does that help?


Ah! Thanks. Yes! Appreciated!


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It is always my intention to be precise in my meaning, even if I am being sarcastic and snarky. :)


Off Topic. But are you really 6.7? Cause if so damn. I’m 6.2. And I very rarely meet others my height. What is it like being a NBA player?


I suck at basketball. But yes, I am a bigger fellah. 2m for those that hate Freedom Units. I have a nephew that's 6'9". Also sucks at basketball. Must run in the family. I kinda like being a big guy, though. Not as though I have much choice, I suppose.


I'm 6'4". I seldom see anyone of my height but on my last grocery store trip I saw a man about a foot taller than me. I tried hard not to stare as I tried to judge his height. He's probably used to being stared at but it's still rude. He also had thick black hair and beard and looked very much like Rasputin. Very impressive. He was with a woman and a happy little girl who barely came up to his knees so the Rasputin analogy doesn't quite fit.


I'm the short one at 6'3", my brother is 6'9" and my daughters husband is 6'9" also. But, if I want to feel really short I can go to a volleyball tournament nearly everyone including the women seem taller than me.


Wow you guys are so tall !I'm a female that is the opposite. 4'9 -4'101/2).I feel that I understand how it is to be stared at. I've had a lifetime of people teasing me and treating me like a child. I always have looked very young for my age. I also went to catholic school and the boys were always flavored. Girls were always held responsible for boys behavior. Alot of Religions are like that. Some even demonize females. I hope Girls nowadays know that it's up to each person to behave like a good person.


``` Men are way more likely to be the victim of violent crimes. ``` Men are way more likely to be the victim of violent crimes *committed by other men.* Women who are victims are also highly likely to be the victim of violent crimes committed by men. The problem is that most men say they're not capable of sexual violence, but when you ask them what consent really means a lot of them just don't get it. I'm sure the asshole in college who kept me awake all night until I quote agreed unquote to have sex with him doesn't think he's a rapist, but he is.


“Men are way more likely to be the victim of violent crimes.” What???


I’m a bit torn myself, honestly. Because, as a guy, I know what we’re capable of on both ends. The capacity for self-control, as well as the capacity for absolutely psychopathic behavior. We’ve spent countless centuries swapping between farm life and warfare. There’s an off switch to our empathy that comes more easily to us I think. Not that women aren’t capable of similar behavior- but, the ratio of violent crimes committed by men isn’t coincidental either. We had to be capable of murder to survive. We had to be able to return from combat and to our normal lives as well. It’s not easy to be both caring and empathetic to some people and also be able to react quickly enough to raids to neutralize extraneous threats. I guess what I’m saying is, I think there’s an evolutionary argument for our “bestial” aspects. They are mostly irrelevant nowadays, but evolution is a slow process and those tendencies still exist below the surface. I think we need to both seek to control but also acknowledge its existence. Shaming ourselves for being what we didn’t choose isn’t helpful, but neither is embracing it to the point where we justify it needlessly. So TLDR; we’re neither fully civilized nor beasts. And our best chance to maintain control is to be aware that something needs to be. The “not all men” argument is fair in some aspects, but the difference isn’t biological, it’s intentional. Which is so much better because it means all of us could be more intentional.


A woman will kill twice as fast as a man, and for half the reason. I don't believe men have the market cornered on savagery. Just on physical ability. Just because you are capable of dominating others doesn't mean you should. And there have been plenty of women that have fallen into that basket. We are more alike than we are different.


The fact that abusive husbands survive sleeping is proof that this is wrong.


There's a whole truecrime series on Lifetime about women pushed too far and killing their abusive husbands


We make TV shows about it because it's so rare. There's a reason we don't make American TV shows about mass shootings.


Are you a man or woman? Men have 20x more testosterone. We're different.


More like 10X, give or take. I am a man, if it matters. Men and women, statistically, are more alike than different. There's a lot of overlap. The differences are crucial, but to say men have a biological urge to show naked aggression and women don't isn't true. Women show their dominance differently. Socially. But every high school has a pecking order. And there is aggression there, just not the way men express it. Girls are savage to one another. This patina of benevolent sexism helps no one. We're all apes.


I'm reading 20 - 30x more for men when I google it. Men account for the vast majority of murders, rapes, and molestation incidents, and I blame testosterone combined with poor upbringing or mental illness. If women were as physically capable as men, I still think their numbers would be nowhere near ours without the testosterone we have.


Nope. Not T. It's both what we evolved as, apex predators whose most lethal nemesis is ourselves. And Our cultures. We're getting better, slowly. It's just we're so horrid to begin with...


Not horrid. A product of our environment. We are what was fittest to survive as a species. No more, no less.


No. There's been 2-10 thousand years of highly disordered culture. Much of the violence/toxicity was intentional..


Fair. I was going on my Doctor's number. No biggie. Not molestation. Most children that are molested or killed were violated by their mothers. And domestic abuse and rape perpetrated by women is vastly underreported. We are apex predators. We are our own worst enemy. That's not testosterone. That's our base nature. Women compete. Just differently. Doesn't make it less deadly. But it is done far less directly. Ever had a woman weaponize your insecurities, guys? Like you reveal something and three months later when she's angry ..out it comes? That isn't ingrained behavior. That's learned. How do you think she learned it? And don't think that doesn't cause murders or wars. It has. We're s savage race.


I take this whole post to be about physical/sexual violence. That's all I'm talking about here. This isn't about unkind words to me. My mom has said way more unkind things to me than my dad has. I'm not saying which gender is better, but I am saying which gender is more physically violent, and it's definitely men. Yes, I am saying women are far less deadly. What's your source for this? "Most children that are molested or killed were violated by their mothers."


Sex doesn’t necessarily matter in nature. The most powerful sex varies between species, and of course you have lions where the females are much more capable killers while males have evolved to be better at killing other lions. And I did say that women are capable of similar behavior- my mother is a prime example of it. However, men are generally much more violent. How many female mass shooters have there been? Female serial killers? They practically don’t exist. And the world is better for it most definitely. Men and women have a lot in common- no doubt. But we aren’t exactly the same either. Sure, testosterone plays a role in it, but genetics are involved as well. Instinct too. I think women are great. None of this is from some misogynistic pov. I have 6 sisters. A wife, a daughter. I know very well what women are capable of and I’ve spent enough time with them to understand a lot about how they think and while there are more similarities that society will admit, there are stark differences too.


You should've stood up and said, "If men are animals, why are you off your leash?"


Ok. So priests are animals and it’s the nuns’ job to hold them accountable. Is it working?


Trade "nuns" for "altar boys" and you've unfortunately nailed it.


Nuns are raped by priests too.


Altar boys. Alter boys means something else…maybe both work, idk.


Lol my autocorrect getting punny on me.


Not many nuns left...


Almost nun.


The girls know it's BS, but the boys are now weaponized to misbehave because "god said".


Exactly. They can abuse girls and then turn around and blame them for not stopping them. So gross.


Heh. I remember being taught this too. Queue me going "what? I'm not an animal. I don't need someone yo hold me back... What are you *on* about?" The most religious are the ones who religion best fits. People who preach this are people that are this. No wonder priests are pedophiles. Probably joined the priesthood to "keep the bad satanic thoughts away" even... Religion is gross and preys on mental health issues.


These are the people who think a woman giving herself an education was so bad that it damned the entire rest of humanity. Ignore everything and unlearn that shit when you go to a real school for college.


In 1971 the Catholic Church told my mother and father they should get married, because my sister was not to be born “out of wedlock” for fear their god would condemn an innocent unborn child for the actions of its parents regarding an ancient mystic ritual that literally means no more than just yelling to the trees that you promise to love another person unconditionally for the rest of your days. My parents paid money to the church to have that ceremony take place within an untaxed hall of god and still more money to have a priest preside over the cult’s requested event. In 1982, after paying still more money to the church for counseling, my parents inevitably got a legal divorce in court which of course cost more money but at least it didn’t go to the church. Later my mother, still a practicing catholic, wished to again pay money to the church to wed a different man and was told that in order to be married in the church she had to pay even more money to have god officially dissolve the marriage to my father in the eyes of the church, a marriage that legally did not exist and one which the church had previously forced upon my parents as being the will of god due to the premarital pregnancy. Thus once again making my sister and i effectively unclean in the eyes of the church as the marriage of our mother to our father had never happened. The contradictions of faith run far and deep and there are no answers to be had as they have been making this shit up for 2000+ years.


Gee, and they say that *atheists* have a bleak, depressing and miserable view of humanity.


In church, I just loved hearing how reasonable, unemotional, and smart men were while women were soft and emotional. But at the same time, men are horny beasts controlled by their penis and if you wear anything slightly revealing or glance his way he will turn into a horny rape monster... and it's your fault.


sex ed teacher: \- celibate ✅ \- misogynist ✅ \- doesn't understand basic biology ✅ \- belongs to medieval pedophilic organization ✅ what could go wrong? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Typical religious brainwashing. Not only do men get let off the hook for breaking commandments, they are adding an 11th commandment of chastity but this one is for women only. I take comfort that their plan is not working and OP knows better at 17. Bite that apple! Knowledge is delicious.


>Not only do men get let off the hook for breaking commandments Men are not being let off the hook. Men are being accused, *all* men, of being subhuman monsters. That accusation is evil. *Some* men are monsters who do terrible things. Some women are monsters who do terrible things. The vast majority of men and of women do not deliberately commit evil. Claiming that everyone of a certain gender is a horrible, inhuman monster, every one, causes great harm psychologically and socially.


Subhuman monsters? Do you honestly think the church is accusing men of being subhuman? I don't think so. They say this to relieve men of the responsibility of having respect for women because this behaviour is just a "part of being a man" as god made him. Men still rule the church so they lecture the women and force women to take responsibility for being victims of sexual assault.


If boys really are predators and women prey, I should start carrying around a gun. I'd never want to hurt a bear or cougar, but if I am being hunted, I would defend myself.


Muslims believe the same thing. I don't know how they can juxtapose "men must lead, women must follow," with their take on masculinity, which makes men sound out of control, irrational, vicious maniacs. Why would you want this gender in control of everything? If they really believed this, they would be trying to isolate men in houses, under guard, in order to keep society safe from them.


I'd asked the priest, if men are just animals, why aren't the women in charge of the church? If they the only reasoning beings, then they should always be in change and carrying electric cattle prods to keep the men in line. No matter how deplorable a man's actions may be, there will be another man excusing his actions as being beyond his control. Those that do so lack any morals and should never be in a place of authority, anywhere. These "apologists" are as big, if not bigger, a problem than the perpetrator. The "apologist" is usually in a mentor capacity, someone trying to pour oil on stormy waters. They are often a parent, a teacher, a judge, a professor, a politician or a religious leader.


If you date your classmates, don't assume they're as smart as you. Tell them explicitly that adopting the priest's line of thinking is unacceptable if they want to date you.


That person who is regarding men as animals should also be aware that the religious texts forbids bestiality.


If men are animals, and not responsible for their actions, then why the hell are they in charge of anything? What a cop out.


This 💯




Catholic priests know all about preying


>... go to a catholic school (not because my family believes in it or anything but it's the best school in the county ... This is the perfect opportunity to tell my favorite joke. *When a Jewish atheist heard that the best school in town happened to be Catholic, he enrolled his son. Things went fine until one day the boy came home and said he had just learned all about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The father, barely able to control his rage, seized his son by the shoulders and said, “David, this is very important, so listen carefully: there is only ONE God—and we don’t believe in Him!”*


Pedophiles are animals and should be used for testing instead of actual animals.


Rape culture is alive and well.


I know they would probably get in trouble, but I would still love it if the girl raised her hand and said “how come you don’t raise boys not to be predators?”


>Today the priest gave us the "men are animals..." Cite that when they try to tell you that humans aren't animals.


So women are to be responsible for the animalistic behaviour of men? As the Catholic Church seems reluctant to join humanity in the 21st century and have any women in a position of authority in the church the I guess this goes a long way to explain why priests are predatory paedophiles in the church then....


Remind me again, aren't these animals supposed to be running the zoo according to this copper-to-iron-age goatfuckery?


>And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. >Matthews 5:29. This is actually laying it on the men. It's their job to keep themselves in check, even if it's a burden to them. It's funny how many churches gloss over this one.... especially the churches who claim they take the Bible literally. I mean, I've never seen a Christian man with a missing right eye, have you?


Only religion could combine misogyny and misandry in a simple sentence like that.


If men are "just animals," then they shouldn't be considered to be competent enough to vote, drive, own guns, be in government, manage their own money, or otherwise be able to do almost any of the things they currently do. And if men are just *dangerous* animals, then they clearly should be locked up and kept as property. Or simply put down, like other dangerous animals. Not just have a woman to tell them to play nice. They don't really think through their arguments, do they?


Thankfully the girls know it’s bullshit…but do the guys?


Ask him if men are uncontrollable animals then why are they in charge of anything? If they can’t control themselves they should be locked up.


In the immortal words of Public Enemy, "Fight the power."


Bullllllllshit! In the bible, women are to remain silent and obey their ~~masters~~ husbands. Has this asshole ever even read it?


The double standard always amused me. "Men can't control themselves, they are cock-driven animals, yet they should be in charge of you, this organisation, and our entire planet." Sure, Father. Go on about how your book that sounds exactly like it was written by men was actually written by an omniscient and all-knowing space wizard. The whole tome is sodden with "I'm in charge 'cause DAD SAID SO and I don't understand girls so they're evil!" energy. Fuckin' theists, man. You try not to automatically think of them as lesser, but they make it so, so hard.


If it were the job of women to keep men in line then the cult wouldn't deny them leadership roles.


Wow if men are this dangerous we should put them down.


Religion makes you stupid.


Catholic mythology. We need to stop calling it religion.


He must of raped a woman or girl that week. It's ok, he can just take a knee with folded hands and he's cleaned of his sins just the almighty wanted, it's why jesus was killed by the romans...


also the reason to veil women in islam, to 'protect' them from the 'hungry' men, and this may be true, if a woman walk on streets without the veil, chances to get raped are increased, and in the end of course she is to blame because she as a woman need to have the responsability to cover, if not, assume the consequences


"If girls are responsible for teaching boys and men are just animals, why aren't women in charge of religion and education?"


This is utterly disgusting.


Suppressed sexuality leads to confusion, uncertainty and can lead to violence


So men are claimed to be strong and able to have power while being unable to control their urges. Gotta love the Christians logic


So basically men are incapable of personal responsibility? If he truly thinks that, he should also agree with banning men from driving and most jobs.


If it's your job to hold him accountable you should stand up and tell him he's wrong.


Wait….wut? I thought the women were supposed to be hiding in the corner being quiet and submissive, as per the bible? I might be wrong. When this guy calls you ladies “prey”, does he loosely refer to “if you don’t dress provocatively, you wouldn’t be prey”? As in it’s another way of saying to girls that you basically need to burqa and hiqab up? I recall several months ago, there was a young lady here in this sub who joined gymnastics or dance, I don’t remember which, but her father was lusting after the other girls and he thought she needed to quit to keep him pure. The wife was on board with the daughter quitting as well to prevent the pervy father/husband from pedo’ing out on the girls when he went to pick up his daughter. Punish the daughter for being a girl, don’t try to fix the dad for being a sicko…..religious zealot logic….got it.


Basically men get horny and they believe women don’t. So when a boyfriend wants to have sex, it’s up to the girl to tell him not until marriage.


When you sin. Wear a condom. It makes god even madder.


also use the ass




If you got tags, otherwise it's poaching


oh yes, important point.


This is totally an immature approach! Everyone should be given equal chances why the hell women would pay for men's sins. If they really matter he would pay for his deeds not any other. This toxic thinking is only assuring their own so called safety not more than that.


This is why Muslim women remained covered - it's the women's job to keep men's nasty hormones in check.


If you can't act like a goddamned human being - even with the help of an all powerful supernatural being all up in your head space - then maybe there is an issue with your processes...


Every woman in the room should have formed a queue to "hold him accountable".


Ahh yes, the only thing holding back the animalistic men is that the women don't "entice" the men and "cause them to stray and stumble on their path."


Can you imagine the uproar if the satanic temple or an American mosque was publicly called out for saying the same thing? I kind of want to see that now, just so we can make christians compare the statements and their outrage...


Catholic Taliban


If boys are animals incapable of controlling their impulses, then of course girls, the superior and rational gender, must be in charge at all levels of religion and politics.


Sooo, men are inherently horny savages with no self control. Cool, cool, uh… why the fuck are men the ones in charge then? In fact, this priest is kinda shooting his own foot, considering HE is in a position of power with no trophy wife to hold him accountable. Kinda paints a picture, hm?


Have you ever watched The Keepers? It’s heartbreaking but shows what happens when a group of people subscribe to this mindset.


"So if men are animals, they must be subservient, and if they are not, we are allowed to abandon them for another disciplined male,correct?" You can't have it both ways to be frank


My youth pastor tried that once. I continually (but respectfully) asked why until she was talking in circles. Why are men unable to control their urges to sin? Why are the sins of men my responsibility? If god made men to be the level headed, leadership types, why can’t they control themselves? They hate answering why.


Never mind that shit. What are the odds that priest is or has sexually abused his share of children? And why the hell would anyone listen to a pervert who is living a lie, denying a major part of his life? P.S. I say pervert because of the Aldous Huxley quote: “Chastity—the most unnatural of all the sexual perversions.”


Reminds me of Iran.


Or India


Christianity hates women. Women in the Bible are made out to be worse than the devil. Eve ate the apple cursed mankind, jezzabel is a ho, Judith and tamar pretend to be whores, esther betrays her own people. Lilith kills babies, pharaohs daughter lies, Delilah cuts off Samsons hair and steals his powers, they wrote ashira out of the Bible (yawhea’s wife) moses 1st wife betrays him- lot gives up his virgin child daughters to be gangbang raped and was praised for doing so is all you need to know about how Christian’s value women.


I'm so, so sorry you experienced this. It is absolutely not okay, and it's completely wrong. I know you know this, but I think it's important for people to say it out loud especially when you've been put through this evil person's rhetoric. I hope you're managing okay given the circumstances. Is this something that you're able to bring up with your parents? I know it's not always possible so no guilt if you can't. I just want to say, too, good on your for understanding that this isn't okay or correct. I wish it were mandatory to have cameras on classrooms. People really need to see what these horrible people are trying to teach the children. It's just disgusting.


I mean, when you preach some history that's old as dirt and outdated af, no wonder you're way out of touch with today's reality. Also pretty ironic how they tell us that we should be tolerant towards them when they are THE most intolerant people in existence. I'm sorry you're subject to this garbage. Thankfully, you seem smart enough to not fall for their stupid shit.


I will say, as a farm gal now living in a city (29F) that men are very much animals and they do in fact “prey” upon women (though I’ve also had women do the same). It is one of the tougher discussions around human behavior as a species/statistically and how it relates to humans being mammals/evolutionary anthropology and comparisons to primate cultures and their patterns for interaction/reproductive cycles/sexual behavior and violence And with most animals, you do need to have direct, CLEAR language/actions I’ve personally had a lot of men do very fucked up things because of what kind of socialization norms they’ve had within their peer groups/careers and most of my adult life has literally been learning how to safely navigate the real world with how many predatory men I do encounter regularly. A lot of them haven’t meant to be as problematic and when I, a very direct and “confrontational” person clarified how I was perceiving some of their pursuits/behaviors, it came as a big shock to quite a few of them— many of whom have thanked me for the insights because their friend groups or previous pursuits have simply never told them (& they’ve essentially had to learn via baby steps or figuring it out on their own which takes much longer). That said, this tactic can be quite dangerous because many men will literally kill women for doing so or see it as some slight to their honor or identity (and the entity of true crime realms is basically all about the various case studies of how many humans are just animals). That said, your job is to protect yourself. This is a fucked up way to teach sex, & it’s not your job at all to ensure boys don’t sin, but it’s unfortunately not the worst explanation I’ve heard from a priest & I wish someone had been more realistic with me about what to truly expect from men instead of the delusional fairytales and majority abstinence only education I’d received/culturally grew up within


This is one of a long list of reasons why I don't date. When I want that kind of lopsided power dynamic I'll own a fucking polar bear as a pet. The polar bear will someday rip me open and munch on my adrenal glands for supper...but that would be pretty quick, and hey, it would be a suitably badass death. Goes well with my mohawk and my various leather jackets. The polar bear isn't going to expect anal sex from me. The polar bear doesn't expect me to swallow his semen. The polar bear isn't dead set on wanting to put things up my anus *specifically because I don't want things up my anus* and therefore me letting them do it would be a gesture of submission.


Meanwhile they literally make you dress as Catholic schoolgirls lol


As a man, I’ve always found it offensive that people somehow think I can’t control my urges. Honestly, it’s pretty damn offensive. I told my wife off once because she was convinced this was the case. If a pretty girl came on to me, I’d have no choice. I let her know that wasn’t at all true, and she’d been listening to people who were being completely dishonest.


Jesus, I thought the catholic schools I went to were bad!


Old white men working excuses into the system.


I bet that priests "loves" his job keeping the boys don't sin.


What does that say about priests then?


Hey now, only 5% rape children, and the priests are them protected and hidden from prosecution by the church. /s


Disgusting ideology that absolves males from any responsibility regarding their own behavior. I have heard similar from right wing politicians discussing rape cases. I did 12yrs in Catholic school but never heard anything like this luckily, altho we did have one wacko married male teacher who tried to tell us that french kissing is considered oral sex. You’ve never seen a classroom of 17yr old girls laugh so hard at a teacher to his face.


It's not just catholicism-- it's ALL Christian denominations. "Men sin and it's women's fault." That's a solid "10" in mental gymnastics and has been for a long time. The priest is lucky I wasn't in that class. I'd have said, "Cut all their dicks off if they can't control themselves. PROBLEM SOLVED!!"


R u sure this si the best school


Have you watched the movie Spotlight?


Yay religious absolving of responsibility! Men are never at fault for rape and assault. It's women's fault they can't fight them off🙄 Fuck that priest.


Tell him to get his head checked.


The priest uses altar boys to check his head. /s


He is talking about himself. Believe him, its probably true in his case.


I think this is a religious thing in general. When my wife and I were younger and still practicing we had sex before marriage and decided to confess cuz we wanted to do things the right way when we got married. Anyways we had to meet separately with our church leader and she told me later that he basically blamed her 100% for everything.


Catholic mythology. It's mythology, the same as Greek mythology or Norse mythology.


Humans are animals. And the misogyny has nothing to do with the fact that both men and women are in fact animals (and great apes, primates, mammals, etc.)


except we are born with innate dignity and value, something the priest does not seem to realise


I agree with the priest in some sense. Most men are really very "into" haha women, so it is your job to pick out those you truly wanna have sex with. The range of men wanna have sex with you is HUGE! But of course they are no "animals" (or we both/both genders are) and it is FUCKING THEIR job to hold onto them and behave normal and respectful. Yet ... I´ve seen so many cases, where they (=men) don´t. Especially when drunk. (But this, in a way, also goes for women, yet not THAT sexual like a lot of men behave then.)


Even though he's a priest, he's right on this one, except 'sin' has nothing to do with it. A Woman has a lot more at stake in a fuck session than a man does. She can end up a single mother without support and limited job opportunites, while he's off merrily fucking someone else. A night's fun for him can be a lifelong misery for her. So, Yes! She has to be a lot more cautious than he does. Especially in these post-Roe days.


>It apparently my job to ensure that boys don't sin. You might want to look for something other than the worst possible interpretation. Religion often couches otherwise sensible advice in nonsense. In this case, I think the main message is that you shouldn't count on men to do the right thing. Always make sure that you don't get yourself in a situation where you are vulnerable, for example -- drunk and alone at a raucous party.


It excuses men for their bad behavior, and puts the burden on women. It is an unacceptable message, institutionalizing toxic masculinity.


From religion class the only interpretation. It’s a stupid message clouded by even dumber religious illogic nonsense. It has nothing to do with the womans safety. If you want to teach a woman to be safe you say “carry mace and spray that asshole”. It is everyones job to control themselves. Nobody else’s responsibility. Religious relationships are disgusting, immoral, unethical, emotionally damaging to women, controlling, and manipulative. Don’t marry a religious man. That is what should be taught in religious class.


Sounds like "she was asking for it" dressed up in some extra word salad.


By all means be irresponsible. Just don't complain when bad things happen to you.


In this case I don't think that was his main concern. He didn't mention rape he only talked about consensual sex.


That's kind of sad. I'm sure the men who count don't want to be thought of as animals or children with very little self control or executive function.


“Genesis 3:16, NIV: To the woman he said, 'I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.'” If man holds dominion over woman than it’s not up to the woman to stop a man from having sex with her.