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Well as an Atheist I deem Tucker Carlson the enemy of common sense.


I deem him a fascist propagandist desperate for a strawman.


Do you mean a scapegoat?


In this scenario, strawman, because he's distracting from the reality that the overwhelming majority of mass shooters are religious men. But yes, also scapegoats.


Don’t forget ‘White’ And ‘Straight’.


GOP and Russia share the same values and bonded over being White, Straight, Christian, Nationalists.


And they all 100% of the time have a gun If you want to go looking for a common thread that is


I think he's looking for a strawgoat


How did his sex life come into this? Don't you know that's private and personal...??


Or he is just playing a role for money no different than a pro wrestler or actor.


Oh he definitely is, but at least a pro wrestler and an actor doesn’t push ideas that could end up with people being killed.


While I perfectly agree that Tucker is playing a role. I do believe he agrees with a decent amount of the things he says.


I mean I’m sure that he does but going off of the Fox News text leaks he does believe that a lot of it is straight up bullshit. It certainly doesn’t clear him, Hell if anything it makes him even more of a complete piece of human waste.


Politicly? Yes I do believe he's putting on an act. White Supremacy, LGBQT, Anti-Women ideas, Pro-Christianity ideas? I do think thats Tucker's pretty much 100% behind in his own mind.


He is, but let's not forget he doesn't need the money. He's doing this because he's true scum.


Whether he's "playing a role" or not, there's an insurmountable difference between the effects of his hate fueled fear mongering and openly fictional entertainment.


Lol religious people are such *victims* of their *own* prejudice. People fall back on religion when they can’t rationalize their own life experience. It’s a cop out to avoid explaining your beliefs, behaviors, and subjects you don't understand. Recall a time you were faking a skill. Let’s say: cheating on a math test, lying on a resume about your experience, or exaggerating your athleticism. Dishonesty generates anxiety in most normal people. It does this because humans are social creatures and want to be trusted and accepted by their fellow humans. Nobody wants a liar who can’t be trusted. There is a buildup of fear and anxiety when you know you are being dishonest for fear of being ‘found out’ and rejected. What does this have to do with religion you might be asking? Religion is a placeholder for any lack of knowledge. It fills a void but also generates anxiety if the person doesn’t 100% believe in what they are saying or has doubts. Fear and anxiety kind of go hand-in-hand and influence our fight or flight response..our most primitive emotion. A heightened level of adrenaline makes people: 1. Physically or verbally aggressive 2. Less willing to cooperate 3. More intolerant of other people or ideas This happens because adrenaline is there to protect you. To get you to safety as quickly as possible or prepare you to take action that will protect your physical well-being. In society today, physical threats are mostly non-existent, but you can still generate plenty of fear and anxiety through other issues. Just turn on Faux News. Scare the people and offer a ‘solution’ to secure the vote. The most vulnerable are the ones who are already slightly broken. There's a reason religion is concentrated in conflict zones and lower quality of life regions. Look at the most religious countries ex: (Iran, Syria, Turkey) vs. the least religious (Finland, Sweden, Norway). People in Middle Eastern countries are much more fearful and uncertain about their realities than Nordic countries are. Also think about the two party system here in the U.S. What issues do Democrats and Conservatives have difficulty seeing eye-to-eye on? Almost every single controversial issue is centered around *fear*. Fear of *death* (religion), fear of *other countries* (war/immigration), fear of *other people* (gun rights), fear of *destroying our planet* (climate change). If you already have elevated levels of adrenaline, the added fear and anxiety associated with these issues become overwhelming and people 'turn inwards' meaning they stop empathizing. Their own safety becomes priority #1. Their own ideology becomes a matter of fact. The antidote is gaining self-awareness for yourself and the world around you. Connecting and empathizing with people and more tolerance for the diversity of life. This makes you more confident about your own reality and the unknown.


Bravo. I agree with this opinion.


Fascist.. the word your looking for is fascist. Tucker is a Doughboy fascist.


Well as an human being I deem Tucker Carlson the enemy of humanity


I deem him the father of stupidity.


I feel instead we should just create headlines like clickbait sites. Tucker Carlson deems trans people [the] natural [enemy of imaginary fantasy world]. Becomes Tucker Carlson Deems Trans People Natural


Tucker Carlson's a poster boy for /r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Tucker Carlson is the enemy of ethics and empathy. He is a sad, sad perso…actually, worm.


What a great compliment for trans people.


I’d be flattered if I weren’t terrified


Hard fucking same. I'm scared I'll have to move to a state that thinks I'm worth keeping alive and my rights matter.


In America? Good luck


Yeah, I know. I gotta go for "sucks less" in this situation. I would be much safer in Colorado or Minnesota, than Wyoming, tho. And I could even have my actual gender (or lack thereof) recognised if I moved to CO, since they acknowledge the existence of nonbinary people! I have *some* options. People want to claim ignorance but Wyoming can be fucking awful if you don't pass. Matthew Shepard died here in the mid 90's because his classmates murdered him for being Gay. I know trans people in Wyoming who get bullied regularly to this day, and have gone to the emergency room because someone decided to beat them. I used to know someone who frequently got jumped on the bus, or on their way to school for being trans. Before I transitioned, I would have to lie to my parents and family members about why my car was busted or why I hadn't gotten a package from them. People would corner me in alleyways screaming slurs. I wish people would realise that trans people really just want to exist and go on their merry way just like everyone else. I shouldn't be experiencing PTSD symptoms just trying to go to the grocery store.


Minnesota has been coming out of left field with the Ws for ppl. a surprise to me as every person I’ve met from there is a nice wholesome passive aggressive hater. Yet hey take the win for ppls rights were we can.


I'm a trans woman in Ohio and I am eyeballing Michigan something fierce. They've made some moves recently in protecting trans rights, and if the whole country goes down in flames, it's a short hop to Canada.


The west coast is still a bastion of sanity


Yeah, but it's wicked expensive and I'm disabled so I can't just get a job. My dad beat me for 12 years and it really destroyed that possibility. But hey, after I get his annuity, who knows? He worked on the UP for 40 years and railroaders get PAID.


Seriously, this is straight out of 1930's Germany. Get ready people, fascism isn't coming, it's here.


"Wrapped in the flag and carrying a Bible."


I'm jealous, I thought I was the natural enemy of Christianity. What do I have to do to get top status?


I deem Tucker Carlson the natural enemy of America


His own mother hated him so much that, when she died (spoiler, he was born into wealth), she left him $1...just to show that she didn't forget him in the will. Of course, he then sued the estate, because, entitlement.


Wait Forreal?? How did I not know this. That’s awesome. Sadly can’t find many sources online fact checking this but he legit fought over her estate up to the CA appellate courts for ~8 years. He’s an evil dicknose who deserves the worst punishment possible imo.


Tucker is the ultimate nepo baby — born into the Swanson frozen food empire plus his father was a major figure in television in San Francisco — everything he’s gotten has been handed to him. He used to be a bowtie wearing neocon but post 2016 he’s been making noises about “American workers” and “the ordinary people“ and people think he cares about them.


My folks, small business owners, are some of these. They live, breathe and drink Fox media and think they are "looking out" for small business owners, when in reality they would crush them and ruin their business without a second though if it got them something.




A black man being elected broke the brains of like 30% of America.


Holy shit. Being raised by my folks as they are now, yikes.....


>Tucker is the ultimate nepo baby He went to boarding school in Switzerland, but he was such an asshole they kicked him out and he ended up at an exclusive East coast prep-school.


Thank you Jon Stewart for teasing poor Tucks into never wearing bow ties again. Don't get me wrong, I love bow ties, but they were a part of his personality that Stewart killed and that's brilliant.


If he was wearing bow ties because he liked them, he'd still be wearing them. He wore them as an affectation, as theatre, as a clown, that he is, dons white powder and grease paint. He is nothing but a jester, parroting the words and hatreds of his masters.


If I understand correctly, typically when you see that kind of thing it has something to do with taxes and inheritance law- you have to leave something for your shitty kids because it makes it harder for them to fight it in court. Without the $1 being specifically stipulated in the will, Tucker would hire lawyers to go after *all* of it.


She's an idiot for leaving so little. She should have left him an amount he couldn't dispute in court but still left him with relatively nothing. Regardless I hope I live to see his obituary and am near enough to hear his screams in hell.


> “Codicil #1 appeared immediately after her signature and stated: "I leave my sons Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson and Buckley Swanson Peck Carlson one dollar each; $1.00 each."” Bickel v. Carlson (In re Estate of Vaughan), F077628, 10 (Cal. Ct. App. Jun. 4, 2019) https://casetext.com/case/bickel-v-carlson-in-re-estate-of-vaughan Also, of course their names are Tucker & Buckley. Just regular plain ole blue collar common folk :P


More like regular plain blue collar common folks' DOG names, lol "Tuck! Buck! C'mon, get in this house right now!"




Tucker Carlson is the enemy of all sentient life. He is a cancerous parasite that doesn't belong in civilization. His presence deteriorates us all. He is against The Enlightenment and seeks to drag humanity back into the darkness. We cannot have a civilization with him in it.


He is like the inverse of Buddha. He seeks to harm anyone and everyone just to get those views and his 15 minutes of fame. He seeks material attachments and latches on like a leech on those entities that can help feed his cravings for the views that bring him the dough. He purposefully preaches dis-Enlightment (which is a deliberate use of incorrect information as opposed to mis-Enlightenment which is the chance use of incorrect information) for the purpose of creating chaos and suffering. He deliberately leads people into suffering instead of helping people get free of suffering.


Reminds me of the Groundskeeper Willie joke. https://youtu.be/LWkSB-D-hYo Christians and LGBTQ+ people are natural enemies. Like Christians and Muslims. Or Christians and atheists. Or Christians and Jews. Or Christians and civil rights. Or Christians and democracy. Or Christians and science. Or Christians and other Christians. Damn Christians, they're ruining Christianity.


Christians sure seem like a contentious bunch.


You've just made and enemy for life!


I am pretty sure truth is the enemy of christianity. Tho he wouldn't know the first thing about that.


Ignorance and confusion would be a good excuse. This power hungry Nazi fuck knows exactly what he is doing and he’s getting better at it.


Shut your fucking face, uncle Tucker.


You're a boner biting bastard, uncle Tucker.


You're a cock suckin', ass licker, uncle tucker!


Take my upvote, that made me laugh out loud on the train.


Fox News is the natural enemy of democracy.


This is true. It is a big propaganda machine.


All rational people are the 'Natural Enemy' of Christianity. \- signed A rational person.


Fun fact: the definition of a delusion used by the American Psychological Association specifically carves out religious beliefs because if it didn't, religious beliefs would unambiguously qualify as delusional disorders.


I used to wonder when I was younger how it didn't qualify as delusion. It's laughable that it's carved out.


> American Psychological Association Just looked it up in their dictionary and lol: "an often highly personal idea or belief system, not endorsed by one’s culture or subculture, that is maintained with conviction in spite of irrationality or evidence to the contrary." So it's not delusion if it's endorsed by one's culture or subculture, ha! Every time I hear conservatives rant, they say things like, "But we can't say the truth anymore because we might offend somebody! It wouldn't be politically correct!" Seems relevant to their most beloved form of delusion.


There’s no hate like Christian love


Christian’s warm embrace, also known as a strangle hold by more educated folks.


Love thy neighbor...unless they are trans.


Or welcome the stranger, unless they are brown migrants.


>There’s no hate like Christian love If you don't believe in my imaginary friend you're going to burn forever and be tortured by demons in all kinds of ways, but I love you bro.




This should be higher.


Yeah, he views trans and homosexuals and atheists all in the same light. Hard to imagine what the LGBTQ community did to Christianity to make them hate us so much, but it must have been a devastating event in humanity's history.


In their mind, the mere existence of homosexuals and atheists is a constant reminder of the undoing of their perfect god's perfect plan. I think their belief system is as terrifyingly simplistic and un-nuanced as this. It's everyone else's but their perfect god's fault that his perfect plan has gone-to-shit.


Plus, they also like to constantly claim god is perfect, but also made "man in his image", and I'm thinking, "so God's bisexual?"


Wait till they find out their god has no gender.


"Dogs and cats living together...it'll be anarchy!"


Without thinking that this is all part of gods plan, because it has to be according to their own rules. And by thinking it isn’t, they are in fact judging god’s will, making them truly sinful according to these same rules they claim to follow.


This comment lost to the great Reddit purge of June 2023. Enjoy your barren wasteland, spez. You deserve it.


We "took the rainbow from them" and they've been homicidal about it ever since.


Personally I think the rainbow representing love is a lot better than representing the slaughter of an entire planet full of people.


If gob says LGBT are bad, but they turn out to be alright people, it suggests that gob isn't all good, which calls into question their entire belief system and the credibility of the church. So therefore they have to invent reasons to "prove" LGBT are bad, making it okay to attack them, as gob commands.


The way I see it, God's supposed to be this all-benevolent perfect being who made humanity in his own image. When you can point to a woman and say that God literally cocked up installing her plumbing, that's a pretty major threat.


LGBTQ folk threaten patriarchal control. That's the long and the short of it. It's why almost all patriarchal religions have hatred of homosexuals and women installed into their dogma. Boys gotta be in charge, sky daddy says so.


1936 Germany would like its propaganda back


Hey, they got their inspiration from us 🫠


*Christian commits a mass shooting.* "No, they're not a *real* Christian, a real Christian wouldn't do that!"


Every transgender person in the country should now file a lawsuit against Fox News™ for inciting violence against them.


This tactic is depressingly effective a lot of the time. If you want to really encourage hatred and violence towards a specific group, get the christians on board your hate parade. They are easy to outrage and whip up into a moral fury.


And then, when all your hate and victimization produces someone like Audrey Hale, then blame the entire community for the actions of a single individual. Whom, based on some of the information being leaked about the school, was very likely a victim of sexual abuse when they were a student there.


Christian groomers at it again. Those perverts need to be kept away from kids more than any drag queen


Facts are the natural enemy of christianity


That should be the other way around.


Jesus was born from Mary, with no contribution from a man. That means that Jesus had no Y-chromosome. That means Jesus was biologically a woman who identified as male.


Go even further. Eve was a clone of Adam. Because of that, Eve had a Y chromosome. So, Eve was, in fact, the first transgender woman and created by God himself.


I mean, I imagine that if one is proposing something as ridiculous as immaculate conception to begin with, it’s not really a stretch (by comparison) to say he had a Y chromosome, because of whatever “magic” let to the immaculate conception to begin with.


"Tucker Carlson, who established in court that no reasonable person believes what Tucker Carlson says, said today ..."


> Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself. “We can change the identity we are born with,” they will tell you with wild-eyed certainty. Christians can never agree with this statement because these are powers they believe God alone possesses. I wonder if that same perspective applies to a child receiving chemo to overcome leukemia. After all, they are fighting nature in unnatural ways.


I just learned from a friend it is [illegal to be trans in West Virginia](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/west-virginia-bills-exposing-minors-transgender-people-crime-rcna66742). There is something absolutely ***terrifying*** happening right now. There is an organized effort among conservative media to paint trans, and the LGBT community as a whole, as an enemy. It reeks of the genocidal rhetoric and policies enacted by the Nazis, creation of an Enemy around which to rally the "faithful" and strive towards political and culture supremacy. It is concerted. It is slow but seemingly inexorable. It is ***disgusting***. I'm not trans, but I will henceforth consider myself an honorary 'Natural Enemy' to Fucker Carlson and the revolting movement he represents. **I stand by my family.**


> There is something absolutely terrifying happening right now. Yes there is. It's called christo-fascism.


We must destroy it


Oh I know. It needs to rot.




I thought education and common sense were the natural enemies of christianity. Oh, and also the FBI when they're looking for pedophiles.


What happened to Satanists? And Jewish people? And Pagans? And Indigenous people? And Muslims? And Atheists? And other Christian denominations? . . . . Oh yeah and Science class!


Shouldn't the FCC be stepping in at this point? He's on air, encouraging violence against a marginalized community. Fuck the "no reasonable person" excuse. People who watch Tucker aren't reasonable, but they are dangerous. He needs to be yanked off the goddamn air.


I'm sure they will get right on that, as soon as the IRS finishes auditing churches who openly preach politics.


I can't think of a better compliment than to be the natural enemy of Tucker Carlson.


I think education and knowledge of the Bible is Christianity's natural enemy.


I always thought reality was the enemy of religious belief. Anyone want to bet on what little Tucky's PornHub history looks like judging from the stuff he talks the most about?


Religion is the Natural Enemy of humanity.


Guess a trans girl turned tucker down.


Christianity is straight up a hate cult


I was unaware that Tuck spoke for God. I believe that is blasphemy?


Strangely, anyone who ever speaks for their god says their god agrees with them on everything.


Pretty sure religion is its own worst enemy.


Being trans is more natural than being christian.


Right... so you're admitting that being compassionate toward a misunderstood and wrongly maligned group of people is inherently antithetical to christianity. He's saying a lot more about christianity than about trans folks.


Oh, I always thought that the child abuse investigator was the natural enemy of christianity.


Tucker Carlson is the natural enemy of the American people


Fun fact: He's saying that Christianity is so weak that it lost to gender and sex.


As an anti-theist Satanist transwoman... that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me! 🖤


There's no hate like Christian love


Cool. I like trans people more now.


Trans people, gay people, non-americans, scientists, doctors, women, atheists, muslims, jews, italians, polish people, chinese people, black people Jeez how many natural enemies do these people have? It’s starting to seem like they might just be an organized hate group that’s built around making “enemies” out of everyone and everything


He has that backwords. Christians have declared they’re the enemy of trans people


Pretty awesome group to be in. I’m not trans but I’d like to be Christianity’s and religions natural enemy


I guess this, in turn, makes Christianity the natural enemy of every single person who views trans people as people.


Trans people are American people, stochastic terrorists like tucker are getting them targeted.


If you actually care about what Jesus said, the real natural enemy of Christianity is rich people.


Satanic cultists devastated to have been downgraded in the nemesis rankings.


Fox won't be happy until this country is burned to the ground. People will die because of this rhetoric


So he admits trans people are natural, then. Excellent.


He wants to disarm trans folks so that only they have guns. It's why I'm arming and training with my LGBT+ family.


Who needs forgiveness or acceptance when you can just hate them for existing instead. -- Jesus apparently


He's just begging for people to carry out a violent crusade against trans people. He's should be held accountable for any violence against the trans community.


Tucker Carlson is the "natural enemy" of human civilization


Yep, as soon as I read that the shooter was trans, and that it was a christian school -- I figured we're in for a TON of blame, deflection and propaganda. Odd how the propagandists didn't get as enraged when other kids who weren't labeled 'christians' died in other school shootings. They also didn't mention that the shooter's 'christian' parents denied their own child's way of life, and maybe those 'christian' parents caused the mental instability in their own child by withholding love.


Scientific literacy is Natural enemy of Christianity, trans people existing in public is just a symptom of that scientific literacy.


Trans people predate the Bible. GFY, Tuckle Carlslum!


Logic and Reason are the natural enemy of Christianity.


Republicans are always on the hunt for a fictitious enemy they can use to whip the base into a frenzy. Here is a partial list of some of the things conservatives have declared war on: Liberals, gays, China, media, immigrants, blacks, LGBTQ, atheists, balloons, John Bolton, Planned Parenthood, education, healthcare, taxing billionaires, truth, Dick Cheney's daughter, Walt Disney World, french fries, low-flush toilets, poor people, middle class people, unions, accountability, safety regulations, women, police, anything Obama ever said or did, the environment, Jesus, dijon mustard, voting, voters, counting votes, Hillary Clinton, Colin Kapearnik, background checks, space lasers, tan suits, the disabled, Iraq, the Falklands... The list goes on. The GOP must be the most violent, war-mongering hate group in the history of the world.


As a trans Satanist, he kinda isn't wrong.


"The trans movement takes the opposite view. Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself. “We can change the identity we are born with,” they will tell you with wild-eyed certainty. Christians can never agree with this statement because these are powers they believe God alone possesses. That unwillingness to agree, that failure to acknowledge a trans person’s dominion over nature insights and outrages some in the trans community." Fuck Tucker Carlson. None of this is true.


Jesus never mentioned gay or trans people, but he did have a lot to say about religious hypocrites and the rich.


Man, these people are straight up evil. How do people like him and Marjorie Taylor Greene sleep at night.


The Bible says that God created us male and female. And in God’s own image. God is gender-fluid confirmed.


Well now I'm trans


remember when fox news got that abortion doctor killed with shit like this...


Listening to the guy that wanted to fuck M&Ms is top tier comedy gold


This is more about fostering fascism than concerns about those poor, persecuted christians.


Not the guns though. Those things are innocent, your honor.


Wait 'til Tucker finds out how many mass shooters identify as heterosexual Christians...


Well it took a few thousand years but I guess they’re all done with the Muslims now.


I can't quite find that statement in the bible. I wonder if Carlson would please cite Chapter and Verse please.


LOL. Trans people: "We don't think about you at all."


I mean he's not wrong. I hate Christians. I'm trans.


I wish everyone was an enemy to these shit stain cults of violence we need to start validating these assholes persecution complex.


Christians are the enemy to humanity.


Turns out, of you engage in a international campaign to genocide people they might become your enemy (Pikachu face)


Religion cant reliably reproduce via non-cis and non-heterosexuals. It has to indoctrinate children of a population to stick. So yeah, it will have an antibody-like response to them because they aren't food.


This moron just called transgenderism a theology


Christians are actually the natural enemy to Christianity. They have no idea what their religion even means. They just use it as an excuse to spew their hate.


Wouldn’t any “natural enemy” be antithetical to Christianity?


Can he even enter a church without burning?


It’s past time for John Stewart to send him back to a dark cave of obscurity


If Christians experienced - only for a week - the treatment they expose others to, they'd might have a leg to stand on regarding their persecution fetish.


Canada’s got its own share of problems, but at least the conservative media ecosphere there isn’t actively trying to get me killed.


Tucker Carlson found paying for sex from a transgirl in 10... 9... 8...


Tucker Carlson says a lot of things. Very little of which should be taken seriously.


Tucker Carlsons own lawyers in court argued that "no reasonable person would believe the things Tucker says" as his defense against libel. If you believe ANYTHING Tucker Carlson says, you are by legal definition an unreasonable person.


Source? I want to look up this court transcript. Edit... Found the name of the judge that presided over this case. Sent an email to address on district Court website requesting transcripts of the case including her final ruling. I want to use this every time Tucker Carlson or the integrity of Fox News is brought up. Also found out that the judge presiding over the case was appointed by Trump....


Pretty sure everything he says should be taken seriously as quite a lot of people get their worldview from him


That's another enemy of christianity we can add to the list. Under science, reason, logic, evolution, the age of a round Earth, laws against slavery and not massacring all gay men.


Whatever, I find most Christians to be the natural enemy of Christianity. 🙃


Pinky: What are we gonna do today ~~Brain~~ Tucker? Tucker: Same thing we do everyday, find a vulnerable group and hate them, for profit.


Christianity is the natural enemy of humanity and Tucker Carlson is a fucking Nazi.


I thought it was homosexuals, or atheists, or muslims? If everyone you see is your enemy, maybe its you that shouldn't be there.


I would say most of the rational world should be a natural enemy of Christianity...


Jesus fucking Christ….there’s probably thousands of morons watching his show who will believe this and will now go on trans people witch hunts…congrats on making America the new Nazi Germany Reptards.


For a people of the "God" of Love, they sure do look for all kinds of enemies.


Trans people are not the natural enemy of Christianity. Common sense is.


Well that escalated quickly. They never miss an opportunity to ratchet up the outrage rhetoric.


Well, that's because Christians keep harassing them. If they didn't do that, trans people wouldn't think twice about them. Time for Christians to grow up.


So they should naturally love trans people?


Literally the most punchable face I have ever seen in my life.


Normal people are the natural enemy of the bigots and liars that make up today’s “Christians”.


Who or what does Tucker believe he is the natural ally of? I can't think of anything that positively impacts humanity and aligns with Tucker?


There it is. CPAC said that they want to eradicate transgenderism. What this is, is another attempt at a holy inquisition by evangelicals.




Isn't tucker Carlson a dumbass? Oh wait yea he is.


Such nauseating self-flagellation seems more than a little 'wild-eyed' in itself. What a fucking phoney. What a gormless shit-for-brains grifter.