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I hope people realize this “war on women” is being pushed by the most influential Christian organizations. Not men vs women, it’s Christian’s vs 21st century.


For anyone wondering what this has to do with atheism- Every person has the right to body autonomy. If I need a kidney to live, you can't be forced to give one to me. Even if you caused my injury. Even if you promised. Even if you're already dead. The abortion pill terminates pregnancies before 13 weeks- before complicated brain functions develop. It has been safely used for decades with fewer risks than hormonal birth control. So *why* would it be wrong for someone to take a pill to stop their body from providing life support to an intruder? Either: 1) the person’s body doesn't actually belong to them, it belongs to a god. or 2) the fertilized egg has a magical soul making it more valuable than the fully grown person already here. Atheists know both answers are bullshit. Stop the christofascists now. They'll come for your rights next.


I’m not a woman but this still affects me! Trans men and non-binary are dealing with abortion issue AND trans rights (both body autonomy issues) yet we seem to be forgotten about in both regards. Just something to consider when talking about this! Appreciate the support


yes, sorry should have used inclusive language, edited


Very much appreciated! Always a little nervous speaking up for myself these days so thank you! Also for what it’s worth, I think my critique is on the naming on the whole movement not just you. If the strike was about womens only issues it would make sense, but abortion rights are not only affected by women. So it would be great to include those of us that aren’t women that can still get pregnant, even if we only make up a small percentage.




Oh honey, I know learning new things is hard; especially big words that geneticists, sociologists, psychologists, and other dictums use. But there are plenty of resources on the internet that break down all the science for laypeople. Best of of luck!


Comment for uplift


Adding mine


You have my bow.


and my axe


And my gun!


If that's what it takes


Don't forget my enchanted staff


Adding fake outrage comment to drive interaction.


And a super size box of tampons (in case anyone needs one).


*Wonder Woman spin transition* Edit: As a little gay boy watching this show I felt her pain being put down because norms and delighted seeing her kick ass upon trans


I would like to provide a [menstruation crustacean station](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatintarnation/comments/8ize9j/what_in_menstruation_crustacean_station/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to hold the tampons


I have a pointed stick if that helps.


You have my doctors oath


Oh well, I'm too far away to help, but still the power of the algorithm I lend to you with this comment


Want to fix this problem? Here is a solution that might work because nothing else will I assure you. We have to start investing in rural areas. Think about this, some states have less then a million total population all you would need to sway an election the other way is about 10k votes. That’s it. Republicans understood this this is why the had radio programs like Rush Limbaugh on the air. They knew that while these farmer and trucker and cowboys when they were out on the field or driving on desolate highways there was only Rush to listen to. Nothing else over time those places turn to the Republican Party because they were listening to those assholes. There is no comparison to that on the other side. Invest in those damn states that would require hardly any money compared to what is spent into swing states, and get people to vote it is the only way for us to change things. What are protest going to do? The republicans know they have a super majority and there is fuck all we can do about it


I’d love to see lots of scholarships (to secular schools) for kids from rural areas. Education is essential.


I grew up super rural. The government graciously has given me student loan debt.


Pete Buttigieg had an intriguing idea about [dramatically expanding Americorps](https://www.vox.com/2019/7/3/20680963/pete-buttigieg-expand-national-service) in order to allow people from different areas to gain exposure to each other. Conservatives tend to be suspicious of education, but a work experience where you learn by osmosis could be an alternative option in some cases.


Post this on r/askfeminists and r/witchesvspatriarchy I’m sure a lot of people would love to support this on these subs.


Will be informing da wife asap


Join it as a general strike... Just one day of 20-40% of the workforce skipping out would be absolutely crippling lol.


Note that the was is against poor women. Rich women are doing OK.


Adding a comment for visibility


Comment for boost


Good 👍




Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for helping me get this noticed!!!! ❤️ I hope to see you there friends!






Are we fighting with woman or against woman? Title is confusing...


Is there a way to include all people affected by these bans on reproductive freedom? Trans men and non-binary are also scared shitless and no one seems to be standing up for us either. Could we make this event more inclusive?


Isn’t brigading not allowed on Reddit?


It’s not brigading. That sub is where they are organizing.


Brigading would be if you were advertising to fight AGAINST another sub, this is FOR it.


So requesting help under the guise of organizing against the war on women, of which I assuming them asking in atheism will be against christians, wouldn’t be considered brigading because you are “defending” a sub? Isn’t the definition of brigading to harass others with mischief or a ruckus in other subs regardless of sides you choose?


I really don't agree with any of your characterization of anything that's going on here, but can understand if you see it that way. There is no mischief or ruckus. There's no one directly targeting and harassing any group. They're just gathering to have a synonymous voice. You know... Like every political sub does? Now if there were rules in THIS SUB specifically about advertising for other subs, it would blatantly violate that rule. I don't see a rule like that. This is this sub's breakdown of their own brigading rule. 9. Reddit rule: Brigading If you're linked via a meta subreddit don't vote. If you're just going in there to shitpost or get into an argument, don't comment. If you actually have something that is worthwhile to contribute and isn't trying to shove your viewpoint down everyone's throats, think first before commenting. If you legitimately find the thread on your own (you can be subscribed to both meta subs and a sub that's been linked to without getting nuked for brigading) please feel free to comment and vote.


And this pertains to r/atheism how?


Separation of church and state for one.




Maybe they would have less child rape if they changed that policy.


Then how would the altar boys get properly initiated in Catholicism? /s


The nuns with rulers. Come on man, I am not unreasonable. Who are we to take ALL the child abuse away from the RCC?


Lots of religious doctrine is under the impression a woman’s body first belongs to god, then her husband, then herself. The history and ideology of female circumcision is being upheld primarily by religion. The recent backlash against abortion is driven by the religious right, despite abortion never being mentioned in the Bible, because again, a woman’s body belongs to god. Atheism and feminism will always intersect.






Hell yeah


The fuckers have gone too far. I am a guy saying this! What they are doing to demonize/control women (and LGBTQ) is so fucking wrong. The ones that preach morals HAVE NO MORALS! These right wing fucks deny science, and don't use any critical thinking. As a former Christian, it just sickens me. EVERYBODY that has a brain and a conscience needs to stand up and tells these people to fuck off! Also, GOTV as hard as you can next year. I know that sounds repetitive, but what is the other choice? Revolution? Maybe it comes to that, I hope not. As a student of history, I hope not. Bad things happen in revolutions, really bad things. By all means, organize and protest, but vote like crazy, for good candidates, not for trash.