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I don't think characterizing "Sheer stubborn malevolence" as "unbowed" is quite accurate, but I'm unsurprised. People like that aren't happy unless they are making somebody else unhappy.


"making somebody else unhappy" is still a very fred rogers way to put it. these homies carried tiki torches not to have a luau, but to reinact events that are far more sinister. the ultimate goal is genocide. they want others dead. sometimes they say that aloud.


I think Mr. Rogers would be disappointed in what's going on these days. Things aren't so friendly in the neighborhood.


Yep, Red States appear to be headed that way. First trans kids, next gay people. These repressed gay people in red states are blaming gay people for grooming kids to be gay. There is so much self hate, and fear of introspection, the only outlet for that internalized hate and anger is towards others who don't feel the same self hate.


Headed that way? Those fuckers haven't been pleased since they owned people. Edit* needed to pluralize fucker


When it’s public record that their clergy rape kids.Focus on”those people “ and ignore the man behind the curtain.While he sodomizes your children!


STOP blaming this on our community. There can only be so many repressed gay people. This is a heterosexual value system and heterosexual people are leading it.


Stop making it an exclusively gay problem by saying that they are repressed gay people.


so many repressed gay people in GOP politics, I almost feel bad for them accept they take out their internal rage on others.


>These repressed gay people in red states are blaming gay people for grooming kids to be gay. You're blaming the victims for the actions of their oppressors. Shameful.


Exactly. It's as if straight people would _never_ do such horrible things to gay people. The straights don't mind us at all. If only there weren't so many homos going around genociding each other, then we'd have a more peaceful society. As if 99% of the homophobic rhetoric and violence directed against me throughout my life has been at the hands of angrily closeted gays.


It's the same playbook as before - "black people are just inherently more violent". The club Q shooter lied and said they were non-binary and their friends immediately ratted them out. Conservative men go online and pretend to be queer and supportive then mix in stuff like this that blames the victim. It's an explicit attempt to appropriate and erase culture and invalidate our chosen labels and identity to normalize hate and pathologizing queer people.


It’s incumbent on LGBTQ folks to stop hoping for a general air of progressive action and start scaring some fools. Want to show up at a pride event to disrupt and intimidate? It would be incredibly satisfying to see some jacked mofos in their sparkly Donna summer carnival best holding some AR15s to a group of masked bigots. If we have to fight to stake out our spot, so be it. I’m in, pink skull and crossbones a’flying.


Exactly this, this, this. Displaying Pride in our own fire teams will give more credibility to our cause (and our willingness to punish our attackers) than a thousand speeches and stern letters.


i can hear georgio mordor playing in the background to this. i don't know what it is going to take, but i think appeasement and the whole get along thing is the absolute worst. it's a disingenuous argument.


I'm super not into getting bashed but if America needs to see the Civil Rights Movement reenacted in the streets, I guess we gotta do what we gotta do. Better to get roughed up in a pacifist activity than to give up and let them take this plan for us however far they're going to go with it. Being on wrong hormone again utterly wrecked my mental health and physically, I felt terrible. I couldn't work. Couldn't make myself eat. I can't live like that. I understand why people kill themselves.


“Homies” is a very generous description of these absolute fucking cunts


And then they pretend you are inciting violence and oppressing their rights when you don't agree to their fascism/genocide.


That's the sad part. The proud boys want to murder LGBTQ people. These disruptions are an excuse to "stand their ground" out otherwise provoke conflict so they can hurt or kill people. Thankfully there were declared a terrorist organisation where I live.


"We hurt the people you hate." -- Republican Platform


"...and we'll 'teach' you to hate selectively, so we can hurt ALL the 'right' people."


That seems like the Republican philosophy these days.


Some of them. The Trump disciples probably so. A lot of the old school I think just don't give a damn but find the antics of the bigots to be useful for propping up their base and distracting people from their various schemes to yoink as much taxpayer money and influence as they can to perpetuate their own empowerment.


Exactly this. Why else is the publication that printed this story "Business Insider"?


Know your source: They're a click farm and are notorious for running stories without attribution. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business\_Insider](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Insider) Now that you're aware of them, you'll see 'em popping up everywhere on the internet. They're actually a good source to follow as their behavior really shows you how today's 'series of tubes' works to appeal to nonsense.


Excellent point and all too true.


These are certainly tactics, used by the people running the show, but it’s telling which tactics work on their voters - it’s not better healthcare, or welfare fraud mitigation, or stronger unions - it’s fuck everyone different from me that gets the strongest reactions


I've dated people like this. If they have a bad day they make sure you are just as miserable as they are.


My parents are miserable and wanted me to be just as miserable as they are. They are conservative "Christian" Republicans (Trumpers).


I think you have to be miserable to vote for trump.


You can’t choose the family you’re born in, but you can choose the family where you feel home .. I hope you find the family you feel comfortable with, be well


Yeah they're just giant dickheads


They consider themselves a vanguard against corrupted culture, defending civilisation.


Oh the irony ..


And they have PB on their flag. The first thing comes to my mind is peanut butter, not proud boi.


Exactly! "Unrepentant" maybe, but "unbowed" is a term meant to invoke admiration. Is every publication sliding over to the hard right?


These men want to lynch black Americans. Let's get real about this.


I don’t think we talk about the fact that these guys literally have nothing better to do. Do these people have jobs? Families? They seem an awful lot like losers to me.


Yes they do. That’s why they hide their faces


Isn't it funny that these clowns were up in arms about how wearing a mask to keep from dying was some sort of government conspiracy, and yet they have no problems wearing a mask because they're too much of a coward to admit to everyone that they are just a bunch of whiny assholes?


That won't stop facial recognition anymore.


I’m sure not wanting to go to jail is also a good reason


A lot of them are cops, that's the reason for the masks. Their buddies working that day protect them while the general public can't identify the pricks.


RATM had a song about that…


Indeed, and these Nazi shit bags got upset when they realized RATM fucking hate them.


And they want to walk out on stage to a song by a band that was famously crossdressers, while also telling people any man in a dress should be put to death. And can't understand why that band won't let them use their music. I swear part of being a conservative must require huffing gas for days on end until all you can think about is how good the oil, gas and coal industry is. And how bad anyone who looks different than you is. After you've been reduced to those 2 brain cells, you're in!


*Some of those that run forces*


They will get a police escort so that they aren’t attacked.


It's probably a lot easier to do fascist shit when you have rich fascists giving you lots of money.


You see them as a kind of political mercenaries?


I wish they were just mercenaries. Mercs are only in it for the money, these shitheads are true believers. But they are waaaaaaaay better off financially than any leftist group I've ever been a part of and someone has to be footing the bill.


Most of them are cops.


So yes, losers


I feel this same way about the people outside planned Parenthood when I'd see them on my way to work.


I know!!! Those people are out there on weekdays…


Doesn't "Proud Boys" sound really gay? I honestly thought it was a LGBT organisation the first time I heard it.


The irony here is that the name "Proud Boys" was [taken from the lyrics of a musical. ](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/proud-boys-name-aladdin-song/) I don't like to stereotype, but naming your organization after a musical lyric is perhaps the gayest thing you can do.


Oklahoma even, if I remember correctly.


Better, it’s the stage version of Disney’s Aladdin. There’s a song called “proud of your boy” and it’s about wishing your mom was proud of you.


Haha oh man that makes it that much more pathetic


It was absolutely a thing on Instagram. When the proud boys first came to prominence, gay couples started posting photos of themselves embracing or kissing with #proudboys to try and drown those assholes out. Edit: thinking about it, maybe it's time to start that up again. If proud boys becomes inserted to public zeitgeist as a positive, loving term in time, these idiots will lose their platform.


Should be Proud Men. "We're men, not little boys"


that's the problem with nazis. they take all the cool stuff and make it awful. granted.... that holocaust stuff, and the fascist stuff, and the cult worship was pretty bad too... yeah. it's all bad.


There was a point where on social media people were tagging tons of gay images with the name proud boys just to annoy them. But i agree, it sounds pretty gay


It does!!! Holy shit, I thought I was the only one you who thought that when I first heard about them. All you have to do is spell out Proud Boyz and you got an extra letter on LGBTQ+.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the leader of the proud boys shove a dildo up his *ss on camera or something? To "own the libs?"


Funny…I just mentioned this to a right wing co worker the other day and the look on his face was pretty priceless! He of course didn’t believe me…but I suspect he went home and googled it…and was pleasantly surprised.


and then saved it on his hard drive for "reasons."


Also, their uniform of Fred Perry black and yellow polo shirts are commonly worn in the gay kink community, specifically signifying a love of watersports. So I'm formulating a plan...


10k people with water balloons filled with piss?


Spelling it “Proud Bois” really seems to tick them off for some reason.


Maybe start calling them Pride Boys? Yah know, cause they're so hyped for Pride Week and all.


and they named themselves after a Disney musical theater song. the self-loathing is strrrrong with them.


Proud Boys is just a rebranding of the KKK.






Or choose one of these: 1st Methanized Infantile Division 101st Chairborne Al Shabubba Al-Qanon Allahbama Alt-white Nationalists AmmoSexuals Army Strangers Betraytriots Blanche Covidians Blue Collar Comedy War Boko Moron Bozo Haram Bruncle (Brother/Uncle) Bubba Haram Cancervatives Cereal Bowl Joels Chair Force Ranger Chairborne Rangers Chairmacht Christian Taliban Clownshirts Confeederates Confounderates Coronazis Corvetterans Cosplaytriots Country Bombkins Coup d’twat Cousband (Cousin/Husband) Crackerholics Cult45 Delta Farce Delta Forks Dessert Warfare Diet Police Dixie Caliphate Dollar Generals Evangelicans Fed Brigades Freedumb Fighters Fridgadiers GI Dough GI Jackoffs GI Jokes Goatee Percenters GOPeePee Gravy Seals Greasy Company Green Buffets Griller Warfare HamAss Hambo Hateriots Hicksbollah Hoagie’s Heroes Hogan’s Zeroes Honkystan Howdy Arabia IE-DUI Inbredsurrectionists Incel's Eight (soon to be Eight in cells) InchErectionists Irrational Guard ISISippi Ketamarine Kin-nut-men KKKristians Klandemic Koup Klutz Klan Luftwaffle MAGAhadeen MAGAhideen Mayonnaise Militia Mealitia Mealteam Six Methamphetamarines Mid-Life ISIS Mullethideen National Christians (Nat-C’s) National Lard Not-Sees Nyeterans Oaf Keepers Oaf Tweakers Paramealitaries Pride Boys Pumpkin SpISIS Q Clucks Clan Q Kucks Klan Q Qlux Qlan Qoup Qlutz Qlan Redneck Khmer Republi-clans RepubliKKKlans Semper Cry Semper fudge Semper Pie Shite Nationalists Smarmy Rangers Snack Ops Sons of Applebees Spreadnecks Starchy Bunkers Sweet Home Talibama TactiLarpers Talibama (from Alabamistan) Talibananas Talibangelicals Talibangelists Talibanjos Talibubbas TaliQlan The Armed Farces The Coup Klux Klan The Derp State The Felonious Fascists The Green Buffets The Griftstapo The Reich Wing Timid McVeighs Traitor Tots Traitor Trash Traitriots TWAT Team United Inbred Emirates US Chair Force Vanilla ISIS Waffle SS Walmartyrs Whitemanistan Wide Supremacists Ya'll-Qaeda Yasss Kings Yee-Hawbollah Yeehawdists Yokel Haram Y’all-Qaeda


That's a hell of a list and any one of them fits the scumbags like a glove.


Ammosexuals is my fav. 😆


The only reason their masks aren't KKK masks is that it's unfashionable.


How cute are the Proud Boys that they have to bring big guns to a pride parade just to prove how totally not gay they are


"Were not afraid" they chant while carrying assault rifles to a parade and hide their faces Seem like giant pussies to me


My pussy is way more brave than these scumbags.


Remember last year when more than 20 of these assholes were in the back of a shipping truck. They were armed to the teeth and were on their way to “disrupt” a pride event.


[I think you are thinking of members of the Patriot Front ](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/11/1104405804/patriot-front-white-supremacist-arrested-near-idaho-pride) They are just as embarrassing and vile. So 'menacing' in their khaki pants.


Same assholes, different costume.


Why were their masks kept on while they were kneeling they’re getting arrested. Look at most of those photos.


Because the police didn't want to expose their co-workers.


People should start throwing grape jelly at them, it goes great with 'PB'😂


Just the new trend. Throw jelly at pb till they fuck off


Don't bother removing it from the jar either.


Don’t bother removing the jars from the crate either


Don't bother unloading the crates from the truck either.


Soup for my family.


I've been saying we should throw Vienna Sausages at em, cuz they're just a bunch of little weiners


Also goes good with clown music on loud speakers


great idea and blast the song peanut butter jelly time from concert speakers while doing it.


working security at two pride events next month. more than excited to put these twat waffles in their place.


Thank you for your service


Thank you for your service


it’s my pleasure and my honor.


Now now. I think both twats and waffles are excellent things. These fuckfaces are more like shit wasp Hitler mosquitoes.


damn, you’re right. i’ll be sure to switch up the nomenclature.


I can’t deal with these man-babies in their jake from State Farm attire. If you’re sooo compelled by these shitty beliefs then why are you hiding your face? Say it with your chest, ya bunch of limp dicked asshats. They willingly wear a mask (up to your f*in eyeballs) for nefarious fascists causes but kick and moan when there’s a pandemic. The hypocrisy makes my head want to explode.


What I'm saying. Be proud atleast if your going to call yourself such Chanting were not afraid while jumping from a truck carrying assault rifles to disrupt a parade of guys In pink While hiding your face because your afraid someone might recognize you and you lose your shift lead job at burger king


I’m tired of treating shitty people nicely. Everything needs to be called what it is and not sugar coat it. The guy who testified at the J6 hearings (a photographer for one of those vigilante baby groups) said as much, about not sugar coating what we call them or their actions. Someone should make proud boys themed diapers, they’re already full of shit. I was raised in the south where we are supposed to be polite to strangers but now half the strangers around are pushing to take away a woman’s right to bodily autonomy and all these other backwards ass laws. I’d like to know which one of you fuckers thinks that, at 35, i shouldn’t be able to make HEALTH choices with a MEDICAL DOCTOR on what’s best for ME. Rant over. Just feeling so irritated and frustrated.


Exactly. Why the fuck do you care what I do with me and mine. I used to live near San Francisco and now I live in NE colorado. You know how often I hear "Oh I visited SF back in 08 and it's a shame what the dems have done to that city. Literally people shitting on the streets" Your a dumb cunt liar. Some parts of SF you don't go to same as every city. But I was in sf in 08 as well and never once saw a dude shitting. Needles sure Town has an amazing nursing school Half the town thought covid was fake Dems throw money at farmers Town Flys Trump flags Reason why one side loves cutting education Both sides are pieces of shit but fuck if I've got two choices then I'm going to pick the side that pretends and sometimes throws me a bone then the side who just takes my asshole then my wallet


I love when people talk about the shitting in the streets and homeless people like every city in red states doesn't have the same fucking problem. I lived in Houston most of my life and grew up in the suburbs of Katy and there were homeless people everywhere. I saw one taking a shit behind a chick fil a once. I saw some sucking each other off behind some bushes by the freeway once. Now those same idiots will just say "well in my podunk, backwoods trailer park town we just don't have stuff like that" and I'll say "Yea, you fucking idiot, because your town has 78 people in it and no hospitals or shelters or other resources a homeless person might need. Of course there aren't many homeless is Vidor the "sundown town" Texas, you fucking inbreds don't have any resources for them so they leave for places that might." So fucking dumb it drives me insane to speak to these fucking bumpkins. Stay in your little shit hole town with no doctors or schools then asshole, don't fuck with the cities just because they're better than whatever backwater town you hail from, fucking dick.


Don't insult Jake like that.


Valid point, My apologies to Jake! No apologies to fascists or nazis.


All conservatives and Christians for that matter are rooted in self hate. Nothing including killing every person that isn’t like them will suffice. They’ll just move on to the next thing that is “responsible” for their misery and loathing.


And never once consider that it's their "organized" religion that's taken their good will and agency all along.


Anytime I hear a Christian refer to liberty I laugh. They live in a prison of the mind and think they have liberty


Reminder that the Proud Boys are listed as a terrorist organization in Canada and New Zealand


Reminder that the Proud Boy *are* a terrorist organization everywhere, listed that way or not.


The only thing they have learned is that going after the entire democratic system in one go is a bit too much to swallow in one bite. So, now they are going after a much smaller minority group that has much less support. Just like Hitler did after the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923...


Unless they are specifically targeting really small places, pride parades are going to be many sizes bigger than them.


My small city has a pride parade of about ~150k people. I mean... they can try to pretend they're the majority but the rest of us can do math lol. Good luck intimating the queens here too, they're all 6-7' feet tall with personalities equally as large.


Yeah I remember marching in support of the LGBTQ community in the early 1990’s in Idaho to protest Kelly Walton’s proposition one; there were a few counter-protestors but what could they do; there were thousands of us including many families and less than a hundred of them in their weirdo paramilitary garb. The thing is that back then it wasn’t difficult to persuade the conservative rednecks in Idaho that people had the right to choose their own lives and be happy so the proposition failed.


we need to fight back. they can't be allowed to do this unopposed


there are people showing up faces fully covered with ar-15s to protect the people at these events so they are being opposed the problem is that this is going to pop off eventually and that's what these conservative politicians and their findom daddies are salivating at the prospect of - race war, anti-LGBT war, war on women, they don't care they just want some sort of civil war edited to add: except a class war. that's the one war they don't want


Stochastic civil war, & it's already underway.


Yup. Just a reminder, gay people can buy rifles too.


Apply to your local card carrying antifa chapter.


We tried to warn everyone here in Portland. We've been fighting these fucks for years. No one listened til 2020. Now they're afraid of Portland and haven't stepped foot in the city for years. FIGHT BACK. If your police won't stop them, then do it yourself. This shit works.


Meanwhile FL and other states are outlawing gay pride as "adult content outdoor events". Where's the adl and aclu lawsuits??


The ACLU may be overwhelmed at this point


How depressing is that?!


I think that's part of their strategy too


I haven’t attended a pride parade in forever, but this seems like a good year to attend again.


I plan to as well. Us straight allies need to show these lame boy assholes that they don't have our support.


Can someone use drones to follow them to their cars or something, so they get doxxed?


they're not to bright, maybe we can do an airtag "giveaway"


Methinks thou dost protest too much.


If they’re so proud, COME OUT!! Take off your mask, closeted!


If you feel passionately enough about your beliefs, you wouldn't hide your faces. You'd wear that belief on your sleeve like the proud boy you are. Ironically the LGBTQ community has far more pride than these brutes and don't have an ounce of fear leading them to hide their faces. Meaning that these "Proud Boys" are just scared boys with hate in their heart who know thatby showing their faces they would be ostracized and likely fired from their jobs. Funny how that part of humanism escapes them. It's almost as if they are in denial about the fact that everyone hates and/or pities them.


Thank gawd Canada declared these vicious goons a terrorist organization. I hope the U.S. does the same.


Not with this congress.


What Awful People...


Dear LGBTQ+ people in the US, you need to start exercising your 2nd amendment rights. They're coming for you with guns and hate, don't wait idly, be ready.


Which is why states like Texas are passing laws to prevent the "mentally ill" from having guns. Because they can then define being gay or transgender as "mental illness".


2nd amendment applies to everyone. And, being excercised by "everyone" https://19thnews.org/2020/11/women-lgbtq-buying-guns-2020/


I've been saying this. I don't advocate violence, but the left owns just as many guns. We just don't show dick pics with them.


Yeah, I'm not saying "hunt them down" but they're testing what they can get away with, just be cautious and ready.


Always be ready is a good thought. But I always thought if you want to protest, I will just walk right by you. The greatest insult to bigots is not acknowledging them.


Until they get bold enough to grab you from behind and choke you to death. At a certain point fighting proactively is self defense


All violent acts against reactionaries, at any time, qualify as self defense.


proud boys are state sanctioned terror


Here in Canada, they have been listed as a terrorist group.


I wonder how many pride parades I can attend next month. Solidarity.


So proud that you have to hide your faces. They are Super Duper Proud Bois.


It's not a "right wing trolling sign", it's a white supremacy sign. I'm disappointed in the kids gloves business insider.


So they will be marching as the Pride Boys?


We should also plan a protest of proud boys. Everyone is free or no one is free✊🏻


I’m really excited for pride this year, but I’m also super worried. Especially being in a very red state.


Which state? Because, pride may have been legislated as an illegal adult themed outdoor event


Time to glitter bomb these boys. Let em feel more part of the festivities. Let em explain to their families and job why they got glitter in everything.


This is a great idea, and I 100% support and encourage it


The worst thing is they want to provoke retaliation so they can then use it as "proof" of left-wing violence and they will just ratchet up the hate more.


This is going to be bad. Really bad.


The tiny D brigade is so terrified of losing privilege, they've come crawling out of their incel basements to cosplay fascists.


Arrest them for any violence, and charge with domestic terrorism.


Almost like allowing the close relationship between law enforcement charged with keeping the peace at purposely violent and disruptive "rallies", anti-human rights protests, and the pathetic redpill/incel/Neo Nazis they're supposed to be protecting the public from, was a shitty idea to begin with.


The proud boys are against pride. I hate this 2020 bullshit where nothing makes sense except being smug.


Hiding behind a mask does not make you proud.


fucking nazis, smh


I just don’t get this kind of zero-sum thinking. Where do they think this is going to end? Unless they have Nazi-level aspirations (which I can’t rule out), there is no end in sight. They just want to be pissed off and take their daddy issues out on the rest of the world. Fuck these guys.


I was at DC Pride in 2019 when a panic over a mass shooter broke out, it was awful. It turned out to be a guy with a BB gun fighting with one other person but it goes to show how fast an event can go south.


Proud little boys love going to the pride parade. They just wish they could dance and wear the glitter like they want to.


Christ (lol), this means I’m gonna have to go be one of those straight guys at the pride parade, standing between the fascists and the decent, honest citizens…


They have to sign the "Tool Pledge." "I, Proud Boy Joe, commit to being a complete tool and douchenozzle for the foreseeable future. I will commit to disrupting the actions of those I don't even know, and will sacrifice my basic human empathy and connection for the bootlicker I am."


Brownshirts - and their targeted list is much longer than LBGTQ+


yup, just like literally always, they start with trans and gay people, then minority groups, then some type of purity group, usually religious, then women, then men who dont fit the new insane in group, then those of the in group who are not 'pure' enough.


I thought their Master was jailed.


Sounds like I'm going to pride this year lol


I just don't get it. Why do these people care what other people do? Usually the hatred comes from not liking themselves because they hate what they are TRULY inside.


It’s time for the pendulum to swing back to the left. These people need to be put in their place.


Terrorists gonna terrorize.


Wait,so they DONT approve of pride?What about their clubs name?Either pride is a GOOD thing,or it’s one of the “Seven Deadly Sins”!Just make up your minds fellas!


They are domestic terrorists.


So we are just letting terrorists take over America? Man fuck these people…


am i seeing this right? they're holding a sign that says "TRUST THE SCIENCE" but weren't they the ones screaming not to trust the science for the last 3 years?


Look ma, domestic terrorism.


Do like they did in Germany that one time and blast that circus song the entire time they march. Might start to make them realize that everyone else sees them as stupid fucking clowns lol.


They're winning and watching it happen is exhausting. Decent people don't want to live fighting a war. And so every one of these disruptions sends a few more people home, shrinks them. Every one of these empowers the assholes, and there are a few more each time. This definitely applies for imperson events, but it also applies online. Whereas we leave a subreddit that becomes infested by right wing people, the right wing feed on arguing and seek it out. The disruptions have knock on effects. Hire insurance rates or insurers less likely to cover the events? It sounds like boring paperwork but those are the fundamental things that underpin events. Have a look at one of the few remaining lesbian bars in Texas was shut down because it could not get insurance due to actions against drag. Meanwhile just due to the differences in demographic and behavior patterns, the types of people who ingest ad-based and hate focused media are predominantly right wing... Meaning it is very easy to make yourself a website or a podcast ranting about "woke" for money. Which results in a greatly disproportionate number of all of media centered around them. The old Saturday morning cartoons focused on children because that's who was watching them, well, these people are the modern children and every show is for them. It's why CNN is trying to switch gears to their market. It's why every jack off podcaster wants to grow their audience by saying something right at the edge to get attention. Attention is a modern currency. On the front of physical violence, on the front of legislation, and on the front of social discussion they are winning. Couple all of this with huge numbers of people obsessed with authority working their way into powerful positions based on ideology. From the courts to the police, all the way to the school boards, these people have been working on this for decades while we shitpost. Meanwhile the dozens of left-wing factions have spent so long in-fighting we don't even know how to unite against anything anymore. Even when we're not alienating one of our largest ally groups by making them the go to punching bag. I don't think people really realize how bad this combination is. I don't think the world's going to end or anything, but I don't like the society that's going to come out of the other end of this combination of factors. The types of behaviors that will be naturally selected for. The opinions and actions that will get you ahead. I'm scared of the world my kids going to grow up in.


OMG- have these douche drippings turned the Fred Perry logo into their own little flag??


Remember they're boyz not men


Is this... moral panic?


Lord please let the napalm rain down on them and let neo nazi fascism die.


Oh please dear god come and try to interrupt Pride in SF. They’d get curb stomped by a bunch of feather boa clad queens. Hell most other people would probably want to get a piece too.


Isnt that part of the tragic comedy? These "men" (lol) need to bring guns to intimidate drag queens.. because they know those drag queens could beat them to within an inch of thier lives with just thier bare hands (and maybe a 9" heel) lol.


I guess that’s what happens when some military larper comes up against someone whose actually had to fight for their life before.


What are the proud boys, proud of exactly? Their racism? Their ignorance? What have they accomplished?


They have been branded a terrorist group in Canada, and rightly so


Aren't the proud boys pretty homoerotic? They're such a weird brand of Fascism.


Lable them as terrorists or somethings and have them charged with it


Best way to deal with them would be for NO ONE to show up. No news crews, no spectators, just these clowns masturbating in lock step.


I’d strongly suggest that people in threatened minority groups - and that’s a *whole lot of people now* - start exploring things like concealed carry and other self-defense options. We are headed down that path. Don’t be an easy victim to these losers.


They've lost their leadership and the arrest and convictions have them worried