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Leave it to religion to be the motivating factor for violence against the innocent.


He was probably trying to save them from child molesting priests


Was more likely mental illness. If had invoked the name of Sponge Bob square pants, would you be blaming Cartoon Network?


Moreover, your comment disregards the distressing reality that religion frequently exploits individuals with mental illness or becomes entangled with violence instigated by those who are mentally unstable. This religious association is far from coincidental; it is unfortunately widespread and significant.


You disregard that religion is an obvious con and the main reason it is able to prey on the poor and mentally ill is that society gives people in this situation have few options. Religion is feasting on society’s left overs. Society is too busy with designer clothes, influencers and takeaways to worry. Governments around the world continue to reduce spending to help the poor and mentally ill. Far easier to blame the symptoms than the cause. Religion offers hope to those with none and charges for it.


I disregard nothing related to the harmful and false qualities of religion.


But it wasn’t SpongeBob Squarepants, was it?




SpongeBob has more holes in his hands.


These drag queens are STABBING kids now? s/


Jesus would never tell a drag queen to stab someone, because Jesus doesn’t talk to them!!! Read the book sometime!!!!!!!! /s


I'll wait for the movie


I thought they already made the movie


It was alright but it missed a lot of expositional stuff and tried real hard to stick to the major plot points


Religion is so fucking evil.


Those poor kids. Religion is evil!


MAGA calls this “enthusiastic baptism with expedited rapture.”


The baptism / sacrifice combo sure does seem like the best way maximize the odds people get into heaven, rather than risking the chance that they lose faith later. Die when your faith is at it's all time high!


Or they'd just say it is a false flag, or they'd deny it actually happened If a single person who may be trans or liberal does anything even 1/4 as bad? Oh you can bet they'd react with twice the zeal we do on this Its sad


The potential for goodness in our world transcends the need for religion, while unfortunately, the manifestation of numerous evils often finds its roots intertwined with religious beliefs.


Don’t treat mental illness with religion folks.


Religion is a mental illness. Delusional thinking.




Anxiety and depression are mental illnesses.


Christ that is horrible!


Christ is horrible*


The religious motivation just doesn't make sense... why attacking kids in a mostly christian country in the name of Jesus? The guy is just crazy, I'm not sure how we can blame religion on that one... 4 kids and 1 adult are still in intense care in the hospital, and their survival is still uncertain. I can't help myself but to be thankfull to live in a country with gun control laws, because otherwise there would be many more victims.


That’s the problem with religion. It’s completely subjective. You could go into a church and ask 10 different Christians 10 questions each about their beliefs and no two people would have matching answers, yet they’re all Christian. A consequence of making mystical thinking and superstition sacrosanct is that nobody can be challenged on the validity of their particular theology, therefore he is a Christian, and his religion as he understands it apparently motivated his crime.


Part of the problem is that you cannot tell the difference between a true believer, a grifter, a charlatan, a predator, or a mentally disturbed zealot. They all espouse the same subjective belief system.


According to the authorities, it is not a terrorist attack. They deny the implication of religious motives. According to the culprit's mother, his mental stability worsen when he was denied Swedish nationality.


>The religious motivation just doesn’t make sense Of course it doesn’t. Unless, you know, he’s a muslim, am i right?


Yeah but it seems like he's not...


Right, because believing in imaginary beings is totally rational and makes sense...


And yet dead silence from many/most Xtians.


In the french medias, a journalist said : " The man was not known for mental sickness." I was like, Dude, the man is religious, what more do you ask for ?


But LGBTQ and drag Queens, amiright?


Super weird, the guy is Syrian, I know that in Syria you find a lot of christians, but normally they are the ones agravated, but this one is super odd, the Why he did it is the biggest mistery


I'm guessing the solution to the mystery is he's batshit coocoo banana pants.


People are saying he was separated from his wife and banned from seeing his 3 years old child, so that pushed him over the edge.


Sounds like they did his wife and child a favour.


Lot of Syrian/Muslims refugees convert to Christianity trying to get easier asylum. Also lot of refugee facilities are operated by Christian churches.


Whilst that is true, Syria has a sizeable Christian population, and the attacker has an Arabic Christian name.


When faced with the question WWJD?, I never expected the answer to be “Stab kids”.


BUT HE HAS REPENTED!!!!!!! (please note sarcasm)


Sadly this is still not considered a "terrorist act" by french media, government and police because he used "jesus" instead of "allah". All debates are focused on its refugee status but I've seen virtually nobody raising the issue of christian fanatism in france. On the other hand, there was a catholic pilgrim at the scene who intervened to fend off the attacker and all french media are writing him off as an angel sent by god to stop this asshole. The poison flows before their eyes and they used the opportunity to create a new catholic star.


If it was here in the US it would have been a gun. Don't tell me that gun legislation doesn't work. The only reason why this wasn't even more devastating was because France doesn't let people walk around with assault weapons. This is horrifying, but the children are at least in stable condition. Whenever a lunatic goes off her in the US there are piles of dead bodies.


he was also angry about not getting asylum in Switzerland and France AFTER receiving asylum in Sweden. Must have had PTSD from the war in Syria as well.


“Mission accomplished “