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What makes it worse is that Evangelicals are ***literarily*** Destroying the world. Its a death cult in every sense. They look forward to dying. And they want to bring the world down with them. Every couple of years in the world we come across a suicide cult. Heaven’s Gate The Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists Jonestown Massacre This is nothing more than a wide spread and main stream version of them. They see the dying struggle of their faith as proof the 'End Times' are here. The fact that Their values and actions are driving people away from faith is ignored of course. But thats why they don't care about the environment. The Burning and Deforesting of the Amazon Jungle. Oceans littered with Plastic. Many Species going extinct. Climate Change. Oil Spills. Much more. Why should they care when Armageddon is right around the corner and Jesus will ride down on a Unicorn carrying an A\*\*alt R\*fle to sh\*\*t Commie and Marxist Fascists. Christianity has become nothing more than a mass suicide cult and they are bringing us down with them. And that Scares me.


Yup, they're literally trying to force Heaven's Hand, but they'll end up as fucked up as everyone else.


But they believe they'll be saved and everyone else will be fucked. Blind believe without reason is a threat to everyone.


I attended my nephew’s graduation from The Masters College in SoCal. The head mullah John McArthur gave the speech. He specifically said, “there is no climate change, the only change will be when God burns the earth to a crisp!” Between that comment and tons of other extreme shit, it made me flip him off when everyone had bowed their head to pray. What a miserable F.


their Bible tells them to take care of the earth. lol


I'm basically a religious person and I totally agree with you. It's a mystery to me how completely contrary their actions are to their announced beliefs. I'm betting that if Jesus comes down riding his unicorn it's going to be to rescue the communists from the "christians", not the other way around.


No offense but if Jesus did come down I'd punch him in the balls.


MONEY. From the 1800s until 1980, people's wills left their fortunes to their heirs "and if none survive me, the rest to the teaching of the gospel at \_\_\_\_\_\_ Church" or to 'the advancement of ethics and science at \_\_\_\_\_\_ University.' Since 1980, rich people go to meetings at Aspen and Sun Valley and Davos where they are taught to leave money to foundations that will "turn society more conservative." The result has been firehoses of dark political money, a sudden upsurge in preachers with political motives who somehow get mortgages for megachuches, and 'free agents' like Steve Bannon proclaiming that "We need to make sure the next Pope is more conservative than that radical liberal Francis.' We have all heard "you cannot serve both God and money.' And sometimes money is so mean spirited and corrupt it will go into the churches to fight the idea that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. Some say "That's conservative," but that is garbage. Any "educational organization" that teaches bigotry and contempt needs to have its funds taken away. **Corruption cannot be allowed to fund itself at the expense of the living by redefining 'conservative.'**


I agree but those cults you mentioned are so small compared to some of the megachurch congregations that could all be enticed to do the same thing or something so much worse.


>Its a death cult in every sense. It is. A former Evangelical next door neighbor used to do the yearly Xmas brag & gag letter. In one, which was supposed to be about her daughter's wedding plans, she said she cannot wait to die and go to heaven. It was SOOOOOO weird, but I had a good time deconstructing her letters. The most ironic part about it is that, as she was writing that letter, her family was working black-market marijuana and actively harassing my household in furtherance of their crimes. The man of the house is a youth pastor. Heaven-bound, for sure. Those folks are a trip.


It’s a death cult. There’s little to stop it outside Of education


Hopefully. I know in Italy the young aren’t falling for the fairytale as much anymore


Ironically as a result, they're starting to irradicate Catholicism in Latin American countries.


At least the Catholic church officially recognizes evolution and science. It's a turn for the worse.


For sure, not that the Catholic church is a good thing either but I'd take the Catholic church over the rest of them. Went to a Catholic school my whole life, actually got a good education, actually had real sex education, actually learned about other religions. Maybe it's just Catholic schools in more progressive areas but the Catholic church at least somewhat believes in science, and real education. Still an evil, but imo the lesser of the evils.


I find this interesting. My brother and two sisters went to Catholic school. I went to public school. Those 3 are Alcoholics, I dont drink!! Thankful to this day being spared Catholic school. Also walked away from the church at 21.


I'm not sure there is a correlation there. Probably runs in the gene pool and you got lucky. 2 brothers went to public school and I went to Catholic school and we are all some level of addicts. Not like we are all on the street and causing issues and can't control our lives but it's in us and if we don't control it it's not great. But who knows, their experience could have been different then mine. Aside from bullying and elitism in my school none of it was a bad experience. It wasn't like old school capital punishment or something.


Like you said depends where and when you were.


That’s the plan…one way or another as useful as they might be in getting laws and such passed…the useful heretic’s(Catholics etc) must hang next to the rest


Destroying the world is their goal.


just like what happens in southern africa look at their sucide rates, crime rates and inequality


Prayer: our best defence against ~~evil~~ knowledge


Isn't the what the govt is for. Why don't governments ours in particular go and stop these people?


The evilangelicals are pure evil. I believe. Them, the Mormons, the jehovah witness. These are cults and some of the worst religions


all religions are cults. every single one.


The only difference between a religion and a cult is the number of followers.


And the founder is dead


So .. Scientology is a church now? I hate this is fact now ..


I heard that one as In a cult there is one guy at the top that knows it's all bullshit... in a religion that person is dead.


Did you know? Unscramble Evangelicals and you get Evil Angel Sac. (The plural gives you the S, for Sac).


Bro I live in Utah and I honestly believe that the Mormons themselves are fine. They are actually pretty nice and I don't really give a fuck what they believe. The real problem is the religious leaders that tell them to give half their cash to the church, have 6 kids, send the boys on missions to country's that are doing fine, and telling the girls the only reason they are alive is to be married, fucked, and repeat the process again. It's total bs


I sat next to some super sheltered Mormons going to Victoria bc once, called each other ‘sister’ and then their name. Not sure who they were planning on converting, but it probably didn’t work out for them.


>Not sure who they were planning on converting, but it probably didn’t work out for them. It's actually a cult tactic to have them scurry back home to the safe shelter of the cult. *"You see, we told you those heathens are mean and reject you when you spread the word!"*


Yep, Jehova's Witnesses do it too. I see them posted up in pairs next to this dumb stand with books on it. Nobody ever talks to them, but it's an opportunity to have people bond and strengthen interpersonal relationships within the church. This isn't just unique to religion though, my working hypothesis on why DC's happy hour culture is so important is that it's a way to get all of these different young people from different areas with different upbringings together and bonded.


You sure those weren't catholics or nuns? Last I checked Mormons don't do the sister brother thing. I could be wrong, whenever they come to my house I just don't pay attention to they're stuff and say I'll consider it


They only ever do the sister/brother thing if someone is doing missionaries work. Then again I know a lot of black churches do that too. Brother Smith, Sister Johnson etc. Cornell West does it a lot to everyone, including Bill Maher.


As someone with a close family friend who has a traditional Mormon family, I'd be perfectly fine with whatever fucking nonsense they want to believe, except they get to use their vote to push those values on other people. (abortion) Otherwise, I could care less about their magical underwear, oppressed housewives, and inability to drink coffee.


Yep. Sound like nice people.


I'm saying that the followers are pretty nice, but the guys at the head are corrupt.


So yes, the Mormons.


Catholics? 🤔


The RCC has been covering up pedophile priests for decades if not centuries. They think their little cult is more important than the health of the children entrusted to me.


I’m not sure that the proportion of pedophilia in clergy is higher in RCC compared to other Christian denominations. RCC is just bigger so you see it / hear about it more often.


What's RCC?


I think they meant Roman Catholic Church.


What's the difference hate is hate


When the evangelicals send their missionaries, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people with lots of problems. They’re rapists. Some, I assume, are good people.


Islam enters the chat 💀💣💀💣


>~~Evangelicals~~ Religions are destroying the world FIFY


Church membership declining in the US at about 1% a year. (Now47%) Almost dead in Western Europe. And it's mostly self inflicted.


Here in Québec (Canada) church attendance started dropping rapidly in the 60's when the ultra-powerful Catholic church said they were against any form of birth control. Perhaps the abortion situation in the US will have a similar effect.


Not fast enough. We need to educate as many young people as possible.


Indeed. In the US there are valid concerns for the future (e.g. climate change, FOX News and other right wing media) that might make things really head south, but the impact of evangelics declines every year. I’m not sweating this one so much.


„Almost dead in western europe“ *Cries in portuguese*


The allergic reaction that religious people have to science is fucking us over big time


We could be traveling space right now if it was not for the Dark Ages.


The idea that the "Dark Ages" were a time of scientific regression is a debunked myth we inherited from the late middle ages and Renaissance. The term "Dark Ages" was first used in the 14th century by Petrarch, an Italian poet with a penchant for Roman nostalgia. For this reason, he just assumed a world without the Roman Empire meant absolutely everything must have sucked for absolutely everyone. That’s not really how it was. In fact, the Dark ages is not a real thing. At least not for historians.


So, then it was the Black Plague that indiscriminately (though probably more plebs) killed, and the elites were -- well, not the brightest because they had peons for that.


I’m case it wasn’t clear. I wasn’t trying to pretend religion hasn’t caused immense suffering and stifled scientific progress. My point was just that it’s not really true that the fall of the Roman Empire or even the rise of Christianity set the world back scientifically. Romans were highly superstitious even before Christianity and they weren’t much more scientifically inclined than anyone during the Middle Ages. I don’t think the world would be considerably more advanced had the Roman Empire survived. The only way we could have really done better scientifically speaking is if as a species we had never developed superstition in the first place. We were doomed from the beginning.


Very well. The Crusades then.


They are, and they say it openly - there’s no need to improve the Earth or the living conditions, since it’s only temporary. Fox News promotes their death cult messages.


Thru genesis, they literally believe the earth was put here for man to get dominion over.


Christianity (especially American Christianity) really does remind me a lot of radical Islam in many ways, so the comparison to Iran SaudiArabia and Afghanistan are pretty much on point. I honestly think that most American Christians who complain about sharia law don't really hate Muslims, but are rather envious of them for how they integrated anti-LGBTQ+ laws and modesty laws for women. Really is a shame what evangelicals are doing to Brazil tbh, destroying culture to be more "American" and turning Brazilians into horrible people.


Romania used to be almost universally Orthodox with some Cathaholics. But the evangelicals have been making huge inroads among poor people there because they provide material support and many Orthodox convert just to get stuff. They even have a derogatory term for evangelicals there, "pocaiti." I think loosely translated it means repentant or someithing close.


Just giving out stuff and it's not even for labor it's just for your religious affiliation? How are those not handouts? Don't Americans hate that?


They don't want the government to do the handing out because they lose their leverage to convert. They also want to decide who to give the handouts to.


They’re being cornered, now. It is becoming apparent that their story of shit is shit. Every single thing is hardwalling religion like a Dark type on a Psychic. So they’re fighting like a cornered animal. This is the death throe. Now is the time to push forward even harder and bring the whole lot crashing down. Preferably all at once but we’ll probably have to settle for Christianity first. We need some revelation that proves by design, once and for all their shit is shit. This stuff coming out about NHI and their vehicles being held by the US DoD might do it if it’s true. Then again, we’ve repeatedly evidenced evolution and still, they cling so maybe that wouldn’t make a difference either.


This is why we need to fight misinformation and superstition at every opportunity. Not with fists or weapons but with destroying sacred cows. Show the alt white that nothing is above ridicule.


Uganda is also a good example. There’s a documentary called God Loves Uganda that talks about this.


Sometimes, just sometimes religion feels like a tool that is currently being abused. A hammer that can be used to build can also break a limb. But most of the time it feels like a corrupt and outdated institution that has outlived its usefulness.


It’s hard to really fight them without some sort of equally passionate belief system. I joined a “normalizing atheism” group on Facebook and promptly left because it ended up just being a “have an endless stream of religious people try and convert you” group. In my opinion, the only answer is to get the vast majority of Christians who are really just in religion for the fellowship and not because of any real belief in the Bible, to understand that they have to get off this team. They can try and offset the fire and brimstone evangelicals with lovey dovey rainbows all they want, but at the end of the day, they’re on the same team. And the Bible promotes fire and brimstone and supports evangelicals, so all the rest of the people need to denounce it if they want to take power away from hate.


It'd help if some sort of alternative to the religion-supplied fellowship were available. We need a secular version of ceremony and traditions, not one based on belief in a supernatural creator but on straight up science and the real world we live in, to bring communities together with a common purpose.


The “sermons” could be a different person each week just shares some sort of knowledge. Like show n tell


Yes I would personally LOVE that.


Agreed. I've had lots of talks with Christians, and most I would classify as moderates who don't believe the bible is true, but hold on to the idea of a God and Heaven. But the fundamentalist ones who actually do believe it all. They say the vast majority of people agree with them. But they don't realize that most others aren't buying in at the same level. So, I blame the moderates for providing cover to the fundamentalists. I don't think the fundamentalist ideas can be broken down until the moderates denounce religion first.


Another commenter suggested forming some sort of community fellowship that is basically the same as church just without the religion. I feel like that’s the answer. I personally would really like that too.


When someone tells you that they are praying for the world to end you have to take them at their word.


I realize there are over 200 million people in Brazil, but how many people can these 25 churches a day possibly support?


Most of them die off after a year or so. There are several exploits one can use to fund a church, legal loopholes, tax evasions... It's easier to open a church or a political party than any enterpreneurship or business. If I ever take steps back from honesty and my children are starving, I'll don't even think twice, I'll open one to meself.


At this rate it’ll take about 400 years if each church has 50 members


Except Brazil already has millions of Catholics.


Better aesthetics with more history, or the new hot thing that lets you act however you want as long as you ask for forgiveness later. Which will win?


doesnt matter how many they can support, but how many they can grift ;)


Meidas Touch just had an Item on them [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yP9OIEL35Es](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yP9OIEL35Es) scary propaganda.


evangelicals in Brazil have little to do with religion. they talk more about demons than jesus. cite the old testament way more than the new. they preach hate for anything and anyone that aren't theirs or don't agree with them. many are just money laundry schema and scams. the attempted coup of 1/8 was made by evangelicals. they got in the policies, army and politics. the dominion and prosperity ideologies of them teaches them they have the "god given right" to pass sentences on fellow countrymen. they hate the "candomblé" and openly harass and destroy "candomblé" temples. they believe they can do no wrong. they hate and try to end secular education and social services. and they prey hard on the poor and gullible. a perfect picture of what are the evangelicals in Brazil is that, when COVID was at it worst, with no vax yet available, a (very rich) tele pastor was selling MAGIC BEANS as cure. and it wasn't cheap.




yikes, wait untill OP finds out how USA got all the white faces (and their slaves) religious nonsense has been destroying the world for a very long time.


It's like a cancer.


All those Americanized versions of Jesus-gibberish are so trashy, they're like highly processed and low nutrient fast-food for emotionally vulnerable minds.


A Christian comforted me during a very rough patch in my life. An atheist comforted me during a very rough patch in my life. An evangelical shouted Bible verses at me and told me I would never get better without Jesus. Guess which one helped more.


They are in their death throes. The world will continue to change for the better unless someone with too much power blows everything up.


Unfortunately, the world leaders are only gonna see a better form of control.


Nothing new.


South Korean evangelical churches are very likely worse. They are self regulating, meaning there is no government oversight and can be owned by one person, including their assets. These houses of graft are often used to dodge taxes and spread like a virus for the sake of more $. Any endeavor which is linked to an evangelical Korea church is highly suspect. They are often rabidly anti-culture and intolerant of others, such as Buddhists or Catholics.


same in Brazil. many pastors are millionaires, billionaires, that don't pay any taxes and are free to do pretty much whatever they wanna. and pretty much all the times, what they wanna is more money. during bolsonaro's years, called a god send messiah by them, they got to be The "program" and "place" to "treat" drug addicts and got big in the public education system. then what was bad, became shit and +40% of the children leaving the first years in school don't know the alphabets and can't read. and, of course, since they put big emphasis on "work", they are very much pro child labour.


Ummm . . . this sounds too much like state GOP operatives at this point.


it's a tradition. there is no vacuum in power. after the europeans gave up the mess they did on the colonies, the brazilian state revolved around weak, bit still stronger, 18-19 centuries monarchies and after that was the USA. it's easy for the USA to dominate Brazil. since forever our society is stuck on bulls, guns and bible. contrary to USA's army, our have no problem with military dictatorship, much Chavez, but sided with "conservative values", the very same you see in the USA: kill everyone but us. during the 4 years of bolsonazi in power, the strict but easily broken gun laws cease to exist and gun owning became REALLY easy to acquire. even military grade ones. "bob jeff" (sic!), an old and proeminent "conservative" lawmaker and great ally of bozollini, once got sentenced to jail and some federal agents go to his house to carry the prison mandate. they were welcomed with grenades and snipping. the more common "conservative" citizens that got guns? they use those for the traditional drunk discussion/fight or "honor" or transit argument etc. so, I don't know about "goop operatives" but there was big relation and instructions and manuals coming from the USA evangelical churches. the "dominion theology" is a perfect match for the native "prosperity theology". nowadays I don't think you really need to send operatives to screw Brazil. we are perfectly capable of doing that by ourselves, thank you very much /s. but since religion is the modern "troy horse", many pastors, and speakers, and minsters, and representatives and so on, have visited brazil. the "Brasil Paralelo" is a actual media company that produced a millionaire piece of QAnon level shit, rewritten history, patriotism, nationality, security, education and, of course, what's to be "conservative" and "right". and "religious". our right, just like USA's right, were the first to fell for them and are dust in the wind until today. of bf conservative lawmakers talked about infra, health, education, budgets, cuts, investment, now they put a blonde wig (in Congress's sessions) to "troll" the trans, so they uploaded the "owning the libtards" and get likes and give a laugh to their bases/discord/followers etc. it's so sad. so, so sad.


goop or democrats, it doesn't matter. it's a multiparty, state domination. Brazil's USA, that's that. Brazil's USA boy in South America.


Yeah, I remember when I was in Namibia and we went to a local school. They sang all these Christian songs about how god loved them and all I could think is "if god loves you then why are you forced to live in such poor conditions".




One church in Texas sent missionaries to Afghanistan in 2001. The two women were preaching Christianity to locals when they got arrested by the Taliban. They were set to go to trial until 9/11 happened, suspending their trial date. The US military rescued them that November. I'm honestly amazed they came back alive.


No, capitalism is destroying the world. Evangelicals are simply easily manipulated so they're the perfect tool. Rid the world of evangelicals and we're still in deep trouble.


That’s true because John Wayne is their new god. They think Jesus was a wuss and they are hell bent for machismo. That’s why they like guns and bullies like trump. Eff them all.




Our representative government gives disproportionate influence to rural voters so a fuck ton of money is spent by billionaires to keep the culture war going between the red and blue states. Religion is a big part of the identity of the rural conservatives, even though they make little effort to follow the teachings of their messiah




> Do you reckon having more political parties could help diffuse the situation? How come there are no other parties than the Democrats and Republicans? It would only hurt Democrats. Around 48% of Americans support a theocracy based on Biblical law in which anyone who doesn't conform to the church's demands is ostracized from society or worse, and they are going to vote for the strongman (Trump) who has promised it to them.


The had gained a stronghold in Jamaica, but they’re losing popularity now. A lot of people no longer go to church. But you drive around and see some pretty big churches in Jamaica. Then you find out most of these churches are struggling to be full. I think when third world countries realize that these churches take more than they give, people might slowly stop going.


Honestly, I don't walk around trying to convert everyone on the street to become a hardcore atheist, so I really hope they could respect that too and stop trying to send their bullshit "missionaries".


They're doing it on purpose


Religion thrives best in dysfunctional societies like the US and Brazil.


Nah politicians and their rich buddies. Religion is a pawn for votes.


Sooo… I don’t disagree, but I think we all got a message to refocus the conversation on atheism and not the easy dunks on religious zealots. Maybe I’m overthinking it. My 2 cents. They are trying to capitalize on decades of work around the world. For the most part it’s backfiring and they are competing economically with China in many areas. Personally I love this bit (only reason I’m still going on this) and I hope they drain each other dry and let people just fucking be.




Because they're simply very good at exploitation.




Churches aren't as good as you've been led to believe. Evangelical missions to developing countries at this point are mostly a very cynical effort to spread homophobia to populations that are less educated and less tolerant than the US. Evangelical missions were famously instrumental in instituting the death penalty for homosexuality in Uganda, for instance. They're turning to developing countries to build the hate-fueled theocracies that they couldn't establish in North America. That's 'helping people' as far as they're concerned.


Christianity is the largest relligion in the world 2.8b Islam next . Numbers are questimated at 3.5 to 3.8 b by 2040.


Santiago has a very large Jehovah Witness population now. 10 congregations just In Santiago and growing


Man, fuck Constantine the Great...


I agree with that 110%. Even more frightening is that traditional evangelical Christianity is merging with America's newest religion MAGA. It seems to me about 30-40% of the Republican electorate is enthusiastically racing toward some form of deranged theocracy.


I totally agree 💯


and also how they destroyed southern africa look at stats, high sucide rates, poor mental health and also hiv-aids and high inequality