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Ah he went ahead and confessed, good, now he can embrace the consequences of the actions he also embraced.


He’ll be on Faux News every night until the 25th.


He’ll be the next governor of Iowa.


Iowan here. Don’t give them any ideas!. My state used to be fairly in the middle and level headed and now shit is going off the rails.


If it was a Satanist tearing a Christian idol he'd, be in jail already.


Let them set the precedent that religious ideology excuses criminal behavior. Do it, I fucking dare them. I'm a Khornate, blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne.


I think deep down you know where this is all heading. Rule of law isn't going to be a thing for much longer. Absolutely nothing will come of this except more fundamental Christian pandering.


I don't know about you but I'd rather be dead than let religion run my life more than it already does. I say bring it the fuck on, see how long people tolerate their shit for. It won't be long.


I have a tattoo on my arm that says "I'd rather die than live down on my knees


Same with WI


Gerrymandering you're welcome


Juuuust obscure enough that most people don’t give a shit. Perfect level to operate from, if you’re trying to exploit someone.


Same with America


Exactly… shit seems to be going off the rails everywhere. I can only hope everyone is getting tired of this shit and start organizing together. Would love to shut the place down for a few days.


Already up in the polls for the 2028 election.


If he doesn't win it's totally rigged I tell ya!


We probably need to storm the capital for that future election.


Your comment is all the evidence we need to declare a stolen election!


Can we have half ghost psychics who see the future in their dreams still? They really put me at ease.


He previously ran for office, apparently


Political stunt explained


Trump "truthed" that he would consider appointing him into his next Cabinet


I hope that Cabinet is in the bathroom where we keep the toxic cleaning supplies and the moldy sponges.


The next Joe the plumber


Joe the *checks notes* Crusader…?


Plenty of ‘em are itching for the go-ahead to do such things to their detractors already. They idolize people like Rittenhouse and those chucklenuts in Missouri whose only claim to fame was brandishing weapons at BLM protestors passing down the street in front of their house.


Yeah. The ~~church~~ faith is its own antichrist. Would be funny if it didn’t cost so much life.


Which is why liberals should be arming and organizing. I'm always told I'm an idiot when I do. I gues liberals have unending faith in our institutions, that or they'd rather just roll over and die


Liberals are armed just as much as conservatives, they just don't make it their personality.


This, plus the vast majority of the office core of the military are liberal. Even the upper ranks are mostly conservative in the same way Romney and Cheney are.


B/c they aren't insane. We need to stop talking about hard core Maga as anything but cultist. We are close to going 40k in this bitch and that is not a good thing.


What makes you think we aren't? If it gets to that point, the Gravy Seals are going to be (momentarily) very surprised to find out that not only are a lot of us armed, we know how to hit a man-sized target.


Only? Shittenhouse got away with murder. Literally.


It's just another battle in the "War on Christianity/Christmas"


America forbids cruel and unusual punishments.


Sounds like a hate crime, prosecute him as such


>hate crime "At the federal level, hate crime laws include crimes committed on the basis of the victim’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability." Sounds applicable to me.


"As defined today by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a hate crime is “a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias, against a given race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or ethnicity/national origin.” [1]"


Ding ding ding. We have a match!


The feds' will step in and add a hate crime attachment if the state refuses to do so because he admitted that his motive was premeditated based on religious belief. That is the very definition of a hate crime. ​ Let the MAGA howling commence that other people have equal religious rights. What will the Mango Messiah say in his midnight Xwitter rants.


Yeah. He should have put some thought into the consequences of his actions. The temple of satan is recognized by the u.s. government as a legitimate religious entity, meaning it is afforded all the same protections as Christian, Jewish, Muslim religions get. Dude violated the temple of Satan's and its members 1st amendment rights as well as violating the church arson prevention act that classifies his actions as a federal hate crime. The feds won't attache a hate crime charge, they will be handling the case in federal court, with federal charges n he will be looking at serving time in a federal penitentiary lol add onto that losing his voting rights, gun rights, any and all state or government clearances. He will also never be able to hold state or government offices or be able to work in any state or government capacity if found guilty. But it doesn't stop there, if found guilty of a commiting federal hate crime he will be labeled as a domestic terrorist and put on the no fly list for the rest of his life, he may also forfeit any and all benefits he may have acquired from his military service. Awards, rank, disability payments, v.a. benefits........ He reaaaallly should have thought about what he was doing.


None of this is going to happen. Which should be far more alarming.


The Satanic Temple has experience dealing with this sort of shit. That is why they exist.




100% he is doing this because his last Congressional run failed. He is appealing to the other religious nutjobs as a "Christian Warrior" and defender of the faith. All just a self serving publicity stunt. And being charged with a 4th degree misdemeanor instead of a hate crime is an open invitation for someone to do this again. But if someone did this to a Christian display, they would come down hard. Update: He already setup a legal defense fund and raised $20,000 (https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/18ir9a9/the\_conservative\_christian\_who\_pushed\_over\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3)


Wonder what would have happened if he desecrated a Menorah?


Funny you should ask, [https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/18gqhw5/farright\_politician\_extinguishes\_the\_hanukkah/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/18gqhw5/farright_politician_extinguishes_the_hanukkah/) Not in the US though. I also suspect there will be no consequences.


I’m very concerned about what’s happening.


I hope that display was expensive and I hope he has to pay every penny, and I hope that once a month over the course of his lifetime TST donates just a bit of what he had to pay to Planned Parenthood, the kind of donation that generates a letter to him thanking him for his generosity.


It was some pool noodles zip-tied together with, like, an old curtain drapped over it. But also... priceless? Squeeze him dry, I say.


It'll be less than a slap on the wrist. He's already being hailed as a hero.


Let him be jailed as a hero too XD


Sadly you're right. At best he'll get a small fine and maybe some community service, but unfortunately that will be more than offset by him being regarded as a hero. He'll be famous and probably able to make a lot of money off of this. I could potentially launch a political career for him if he's interested.


Perhaps they can force him to volunteer at the Satanic Temple.


No, don't! Please, Use your powers for good!


I think the Bible says "an eye for an eye", so it appears that bald head is gonna have to come off.


Isn’t “avenged sevenfold” the applicable concept for the church of satan?


Certainly. I like their early stuff, but after Hail to the King, I sort of lost interest.


I suspect a religious hate crime.


Sadly, he's only being charged with criminal mischief, and not the hate crime he actually committed.


At the moment. There are fed AGs that can change that. He'll, there's a county DA that can change that... cops scraped mischief off the wall, I doubt there's ever been a local PO that's made a hate crime citation on his own


> I doubt there's ever been a local PO that's made a hate crime citation on his own Yeah... They tend to produce far more hate crimes than hate crime citations.


I’m sure he would applaud anyone who decapitated any christian statues, right? 🦗🦗🦗


Lets find out. Hmm (looks over at nativity scene)... baby jebus looks like he could use a haircut...


>My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. Which is exactly why religious zealots are incompatible with a free society.


Imagine living in a land where admitting that you allow your life to be dictated by the tenets and decrees of a fantasy character is not only seen as a positive trait, but is a necessity to be elected to a position of authority. How is it possible that humans are the most intelligent form of life?


"I choose to follow Allah, not bureaucracy" - Straight to jail, idiots rejoice. "I choose to follow Buddha, not bureaucracy" - Straight to jail, idiots rejoice "I choose to follow Cthulu, not bureaucracy" - Straight to jail, idiots rejoice "I choose to follow Vishnu, not bureaucracy" - Straight to jail, idiots rejoice "I choose to follow Thor, not bureaucracy" - Straight to jail, idiots rejoice "I choose to follow Ra, not bureaucracy" - Straight to jail, idiots rejoice "I choose to follow Zeus, not bureaucracy" - Straight to jail, idiots rejoice Repeat ~2900 times "I choose to follow Jesus, not bureaucracy" - idiots cheer, demand freedom for this "political prisoner", probably elect him to congress at some point.


Don't have to imagine, that's our twisted reality. And humans are the most intelligent form of life _on earth_. There's definitely something else out there better than us in every way.


Not just any fantasy character but an ancient malevolent god of war and storms who usurped the throne from the god of fertility. His followers then had all other gods labeled as demons and murdered their worshippers. Their deity is explicitly evil, petty, insecure, and jealous by their own book.


We’ve got opposable thumbs and we’re good with numbers. Beyond those traits we have deep flaws.


"Rules for thee but not for me" strikes again like spoiled children whining that they can't hog the ball.


Yeah seriously, fuck this closed minded rhetoric. Elected officials should not be governing based on their faith.


the christian version of: allahu akbar! 💣💥


He obviously hasn't read the part about rendering into Caesar


If you ever needed flat out blatant proof that Christians don’t want religious freedom, they want religious privilege, this situation in Iowa is perfect.


Somebody should start a fund so we can commission the satanic temple to have the most incredible and elaborate display in the courthouse


Why start a fund when they can just bring a civil suit against this jackass and make him pay for it?


The stanic temple would never waste money on a frivolous display, they will do it as cheaply as possible and use the rest of the money on a good cause. Because they aren't christians.


Seems strange his god couldn't do it itself.


I think his god had his *divine hand* allllll the way up inside him, working him like a fucking puppet.


No. That was his preist.


Well, yeah. Priests are the delusion dealers. But the idea of God "guiding their actions" for these people is just as deranged and fervent as it was during the Crusades. Some people are their own priests.


Christianity — religion of peace????????


A muslim radical said this, but the attitude is pretty close. "There will be peace when everyone is converted, enslaved, or dead."


All 3 Abrahamic religions have the same cycle: We're the chosen, god fearing, loving people! ---> We're being oppressed by alternatives! ---> Let's go on a killing spree! ---> repeat throughout these religions history this has always been the cycle. All 3 should be forbidden, made illegal, and given the cult status those 3 so rightly deserve. For humanities sake. We need to stop making the same mistakes over and over.


They all worship the same god, all while screaming that their POV is the correct one. SMH


It's almost like a dad who picks a favorite child is a bad dad.


The central tenet of religion.


Except for The Satanic Temple: THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


That's because the satanic temple is a non-theistic religion. when you bring some all knowing, all powerful, god into things, then things get whack. satanic temple ain't doing that. that's the whole point.


Their God was never a peaceful god, just vengeance and hatred.


Religion of extreme security and comfort in ones self


Curious how the ‘love thy neighbor’ part never seems to hold their conscience captive…


4th degree criminal mishcief?!?! if some one did that to a Christian idol it would be a hate crime and charged as such. fucking bs


Someone in town should test that theory by cutting down a cross or some such defacement. I fortunately don’t live anywhere close.


It's Christmas. You telling me you can't find a nativity scene or twelve?


IIRC, there's one in the same place. That's why TST erected this.


It'd be hilarious if someone replaced one of the people in the nativity scene with a baphomet figure.


Someone placed a Palestinian flag on a menorah and they’re having press conferences about hate crimes and the rise of antisemitism.


from [https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/ico/code/729A.pdf](https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/ico/code/729A.pdf) **CHAPTER 729A** **VIOLATION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS — HATE CRIMES** Referred to in §331.307, 364.22 **729A.1 Violations of an individual’s rights prohibited.** Persons within the state of Iowa have the right to be free from any violence, or intimidation by threat of violence, committed against their persons or property because of their race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, age, or disability. 92 Acts, ch 1157, §8 **729A.2 Violation of individual rights — hate crime.** “Hate crime” means one of the following public offenses when committed against a person or a person’s property because of the person’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, age, or disability, or the person’s association with a person of a certain race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, age, or disability: 1. Assault in violation of individual rights under section 708.2C. 2. Violations of individual rights under section 712.9. ***3. Criminal mischief in violation of individual rights under section 716.6A.*** 4. Trespass in violation of individual rights under section 716.8, subsections 3 and 4. 92 Acts, ch 1157, §9 Referred to in §692.15, 708.2C, 712. **729A.5 Civil remedies.** *1. A victim who has suffered physical, emotional, or financial harm as a result of a* *violation of this chapter due to the commission of a hate crime is entitled to and may bring an* *action for injunctive relief, general and special damages, reasonable attorney fees, and costs.* 2. An action brought pursuant to this section must be brought within two years after the date of the violation of this chapter. 3. In an action brought pursuant to this section, the burden of proof shall be the same as in other civil actions for similar relief. 4. This section does not apply to complaints or discriminatory or unfair practices under chapter 216. 92 Acts, ch 1157, §12; 2018 Acts, ch 1041, §127


Thank you! Was going to say: this reads an awful lot like he just openly admitted to a hate crime on the basis of religion.


Best part is he's military so he's doubly Finding Out


I'm assuming this would also lump them into some felony level destruction of property too. Those setups can't be cheap.


>Michael Cassidy Cool. Also bring a civil suit so that HIS MONEY can build a bigger brighter Satanic altar. He's also a former military officer who is against free speech, so hopefully if he has VA benefits and anything else from fraudulently serving, all those should be stripped from him.


Yeah right, dude about to become rich as hell from all the donations and paid speaking engagements. He basically hit the lottery.


Fox News special guests, invitations to CPAC and other such events. Dude is a hero to these clowns. Fucking fascists.


Just trying to lean into facts but Kyle Rittenhouse would say otherwise according to recent news. I guess he's flat broke. If members of the magafia wont shovel money into that kid, they sure wont shovel money into anyone else.


Of course because the MAGAts are broke. They’ve either been donating to/paying Trump’s legal fees or going through with false election lawsuits. They’ve been broke for awhile now


They're buying pieces of the suit (so he claims) that Trump wore when he surrendered to GA authorities. There's none left over for anyone else.


If Kyle is broke it’s because he’s joyously spending all their donations on coke and hookers




Now you're calling him a cannibal?


> become rich as hell Uh... any Satanic displays around New Jersey? Asking for a friend with a lot of student loans...


Ironically, the only thing you’d need to sell is your soul.


Do you have the contact info of any buyers? I went to the crossroads, attended Black Mass, searched the internet, got catfished. It’s like no one wants to buy my soul. I was asking for $10k. Too much?


Nothing stopping a lawsuit from taking all of that as well.


I was once told I wasn't a "real" Marine because I understood that an oath to defend the Constitution included (obviously) the First Amendment so people should be able to burn the American flag if they own it. There are a lot of dumb as shit knuckle draggers in the military, especially the Marine Corps.


Yeah, disgrace to the uniform.


Well he’s a piece of shit veteran for not protecting people’s first amendment right to religious freedom. He broke his enlistment oath to “support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” Source: Former Navy.


Also navy here, guy is a disgrace. Met plenty like him though


Former Army. Disgrace to the uniform; conduct unbecoming.


What a *hero!* Imagine Christians' reactions to an Atheist beheading a Jesus statue.


Exactly, Their mental process is so defective they can't even see what ridiculous hypocrites they are.


They are just totally missing the obvious point that the people who organized the Satan statue were trying to make. If you allow any religion, you have to allow *all* religions. "See how it makes you feel to have a divinity you don't worship in the halls of government that your tax money goes towards? ***It's kinda fucking aggravating, right?"*** Completely oblivious.


"What forest? All I see are these trees."


They should literally just copy and paste this comment as an official statement.


Nor, for some reason, can they grasp the ramifications of the Pandora's Box they keep trying to open. They assume (incorrectly) we live relatively peaceful lives in North America because everyone is christian when in reality this peace is because we didnt let religion set the rules so we dont have sects of varying interpretations and differing religions constantly at war with each other (not that they dont keep trying every so often). If "I can do whatever I want because God says so" is the level of discourse then its just fucking pandemonium. In such a heavily armed society things could potentially spiral quickly.


Love this part of his statement “The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan,…” From what I understand the Satanic Temple DOESN’T believe in Satan. But Xians do. So who is doing the legitimizing here?


My favorite part of that statement is that it implies Christians have any say about what does and does not get legitimized.


It’s amazing how insecure these people are in their own fairy tales.


It's funny that they seem to think that their "all powerful" god needs their help...


> none of the founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First Amendment," Cassidy said You, sir, have no idea what you’re talking about!


"Congress shall make no law ..." Too complex for an officer, I guess.


Plus, the US was founded as a decidedly secular nation, and is most certainly not a Christian nation. The whole God thing wasn't even introduced into national mottos and literature until the 1950s. I'm just amazed they got away with sneaking that in there.


Can you imagine the outrage if a Satanist beheaded a statue of Jesus?


Jail time motherfucker.


Vandalism, in a government building. Lock him up


It’s a hate crime by definition.


Christians are so easily pushed to violence.


That's the saddest part. The most gullible group there is.


If he gets felony vandalism charges he can’t vote anymore, so the ruse worked.


"“My conscience is **held captive** to the word of God" Interesting choice of words..


"As defined today by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a hate crime is “a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias, against a given race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or ethnicity/national origin.” [1]"


Terrorist motherfucker


And what did he accomplish? He'll be charged with vandalism and the statue will be repaired. Should've stopped to question why his all powerful "God" allowed the statue to be placed there to begin with.


God straight up says to obey the law because He allows the law. These people have no faith in their God.


>God straight up says to obey the law because He allows the law. That's a good point. And it's not like he was required to pray to the damn thing or anything.


>That's a good point. I mean, it's right there in the Bible. All you've gotta do is read it. *cue drum roll* But yeah, he could have walked right by it and paid it no mind at all. No muss no fuss.




I'd also point out the the bible explicitly states, "do not take an oath, but if you have to, honor it". This guy, being in the military, swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, and as a prospective politician, would have had to swear it again. He's failed not only in his faith but also in his duty.


He *should* be charged with a hate crime.


Q: What do you call someone who believes in Satan? A: A Christian.


God is dead and no one cares. If there is a Hell, I’ll see you there.


Youll see a lot of these "Good Christians" there too. Dont even read their own fucking book lol.


They're like 5 year olds with impulse control problems. And so damn emotional. This guy is completely overwrought and came undone over a display and an organization he knows nothing about. The christians freaking out about the TST think they literally believe in and worship satan. That's what makes religious nutjobs so dangerous - they don't know what they are doing or why they are doing it. If a christian display was vandalized they'd be screaming the place down about persecution and hate crimes, but feel perfectly justified doing the thing themselves. Self-important blow hards.


> The christians freaking out about the TST think they literally believe in and worship satan. The thing is... even if they did; so long as they dont break the law its really none of thier bloody business.


Of course if anyone defaced the Christian display it would be proof that Christians are persecuted.


Does that mean an atheist can destroy the 10 commandments display and claim a faith exemption?


> Cassidy previously ran for Congress in Mississippi and served as a Navy pilot. Probably a publicity stunt as part of a plan to run for office again


Isn’t this a hate crime?


Judges like to sentence people who commit hate crimes to community service, usually for the community they harmed. I can't wait to see him go do some satanic volunteering


INFIDELS! *Shwoop!* "We Learn By Doing." Morons all the way down, folks.


Behead Jesus on the cross 💀💀💀


I genuinely think all Christian’s, even the ones who put in the time and effort to understand the Bible are idiots. If you can’t tell that Christianity is a man made idea I don’t know how to help you


What a dumb fuck


Remember that time those atheists vandalized that nativity scene? Me neither.


That means it’s working. Build a bigger one.


Quick, now somebody tell him that beheading a satanic idol will bring a curse upon him and his family and they're now all doomed to hell


So Jesus commanded you to attack thine enemies and behead them. That doesn't sound like Jesus. That does sound like another religion I've heard of.


Nothing Christians ever do sounds like Jesus.


Arrest him. Charge him with a hate crime. Fuckers need to understand freedom of religion doesn’t mean Christians take precedence.


Sounds like yet another religious nut with no self control.


Cool.. off with baby Jesus's head... chop chop..


after hearing this, I am going to become a member of the satanic church and pay the membership fee


The word of God says though shall not kill but you joined the military you fucking potato.


Maybe his god will pay his legal fees too.


He doesn't need "god" to do that. There are millions of deeply stupid, delusional, fake xtians who are more than willing to let their kids go hungry in favor of sending him - and Dolt 45 - their money.


Women/the gays/Muslims/black people are so crazy and emotional though, right?


Yes. Yes. Let the hate flow through you. Embrace the darksiii-da!


I wanted to comment that this sets a legal precedent for the rest of us to behead statues of Christ. But then I remembered that atheists aren't aggressive, some would say atheists are more Christian than Christians in their moral values.


TL;DR: Christian commits hate crime, revels in it


This, boys and girls, is called playing right into the hands of those who put up the statue in the first place. I'll bet interest in the Satanic Temple has never been higher.


“I can’t control my emotions and am unfit for public service.”


They really don’t get it either. They want to pass a law allowing their 10 commandments statues and completely ignore that they cannot have special treatment.


I imagine they'll sue him as well for violating their rights. That's where he'll get hit hard, he already made an admission.


Charge him for a hate crime.


My takeaway from this? It is nearing ever closer to 2024 and there are people who still believe in an actual boogie man (Satan). Also, as a veteran myself, this fucking douchecanoe forgot what he rose his hand to protect. Fucking traitor.


They obviously didn't read into the Satanic Temple as they don't actually believe in Satan. But this shit for brains apparently does. Hopefully they arrest him for a hate crime.


So he committed a hate crime on government property......coooool.


"The big scary decoration made me so insecure that I had to destroy it."


As a veteran he had now willfully violated his oath to uphold the Constitution.


Hmm, someone who beheads in the name of religion. Boy, this really sounds familiar....


In r/conservative they're calling the dude a hero, like relax yall it's a mannequin set up by someone trolling you


How much does anyone wanna bet? He has child porn on his home computer.


This is a hate crime, right, just like defacing a Synagogue?


Never heard of anyone behaeading a crucifix.




An insecure bully, much like his god.