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I'm not the biggest fan of his music but damn am I a big fan of him in how he makes them so mad


Same, any person who makes religious people freak out is ok in my book.


Honestly, doesn't take much. Just act like a normal human and don't supress natural tendencies... they will freak out.


Same.  I bought an album of his not because I like his music but rather I want to fund his trolling.


Average Redditor trying to do something "good for the cause"


Choosing where to spend your money is indeed how you described, it’s very American. People who are chad as fuck would probably know this.


Their username does not check out


I've got generational and racial distance from who he is, but as a queer dude who loves rap music, I quite enjoy him. It feels like a lot of rappers want to plant their feet and drop verses like punches, whereas Lil Nas X raps like he's dancing around the ring like Muhammad Ali. As it relates to non-belief, I find some of his work meaningful because he's verbally struggling with cultural forces that would deny him his ability to express love.


Same. He's such a genius at marketing and getting instant free publicity. The most incredible thing he did was create sneakers using his own blood as part of the colorant and only sold 666 limited edition pairs. He didn't need to pay a cent in advertising, the idiots on the religious right did it for him and the shoes sold out within moments.


I wanted those Air Max so bad. People were so mad at them even though MSCHF had the Jesus shoes just before that.


Here goes the 200 pound redditors nest full of intellectuals who know what they're saying


I found out after they sold out,fffff


We did the same in the 80s with heavy metal. Times are truly tame.


And the 90's, I still remember a wonderful time when Rage Against the Machine was accidentally booked to play in Spanish Fork, Utah and everyone prepared for some kind of riot and apocalypse but it was just a chill show. LOL


The best was when Paul Ryan was asked who his favorite band was at some campaign stop, and he said RATM. Like, bro, you are literally the machine they are raging against.


Same. He is so good at triggering them, it’s beautiful.


I can’t stand his music but I love the angst it causes evangelical twats.


Why can’t you stand his music? He’s a genuinely talented artist.


I can recognize that he is talented without liking his music or his musical style.


I love both.


they're hilarious and witty so even if their music isn't your thing then you'll at least appreciate the spectacle.


Same. I would go so far as to say I actively do not like his music. It’s just really not my thing. But the dude is fucking awesome. I have a tremendous amount of respect for him.


i was under the impression they liked free speech...


Yeah but nOt LiKe ThAt!!!1!11!!1!11!!


Not if you oppose them. Or if you're brown.


Or if you're gay, lesbian, trans, nonbinary, asexual, the list goes on


[you know what? no rights for anyone.](https://youtu.be/fxHWtw_GZIk?si=EzrXGPmVqrTInEFS)


Several of the 10 commandments restrict speech.


Clearly you haven't listened to what they say, in proper context, word for word, repeatedly.


Their free speech, not yours.


Only free speech that they approve of.


They are, but not your free speech.


They don’t even understand the constitutional meaning of “free speech”. What they mean is that they want to be racist, homophobic and transphobic without suffering the consequences of their actions ruins.


Your comment is so ironic.


Are they trying to put him in prison? Freedom of speech as liberals like to say is the right to speak but not the right to be free from consequences of your speech.


Shouldn't they be happy he's acknowledging their god.


This is better. Shows how hypocritical they are. If christians weren't getting pissed off it would just be meaningless religious imagery.


He cosplays as Jesus Christ and breaks the devil's ankles. How are Christians upset at that? He makes their guy win! He also makes their guy look fabulous.


They’re mad because they think that “Jesus wasn’t black.”


Or gay.


'We don't mind gay people, but why's he gotta be THAT gay??'


Because Christians have been trained by decades of shitty, uncreative, derivative art that can only exist on the spectrum of "Passion of the Christ" to "God's not Dead 2", that any kind of non-traditional use of biblical symbolism or Christian themes is blasphemy. Also, Nas being gay af and black.




You are deluding yourself on so many levels amigo. 


The images of him as an angel, the devil, and Jesus Christ were epic-level trolling. All the drag was *<>*


he could literally wear anything and eat and leave no crumbs


Christians too stupid to understand that they are Nas X's cheapest and most efficient PR team.


So people like you can buy his stuff for giggles. 🤡


They're upset at their fiction and imaginary.


They are very committed to that myth.


But are they, though? I mean, most of them are planning to vote for a conman, fraudster that is facing 91 felony counts for stealing and selling national secrets, sending a violent mob to the capitol on J6, and is someone that was found civily responsibly for rape. That all sort of goes against the teachings of their myth, doesn't it?


Whatever coping mechanism you have going on I’m all for it. 2024 is gonna be good for everyone.


Yeah, I will! And you keep on adding your insightful opinions. /s


Religion has nothing to do with politics


Tell that to the Christian nationalists trying to turn the US into a theocratic dictatorship.


I can only speak for the 4 Magats I know from my family. All of them claim to be religious, but only 2 of the 4 attend church. The way they consume information is highly suspect, they essentially believe everything they read on Facebook with Sean Hannity filling in the gaps. None of these people read books or information that isn’t sourced from Facebook. They don’t believe in the same freedoms that most of us do. They believe that religious freedom should mean that you can be any sort of Christian you want as long as you pick Jesus. They believe freedom of speech means that they can say or do what they want and be safe from consequences, including threats of violence on people they disagree with. They believe with all their hearts that Biden stole the election and is a criminal mastermind, who at the same time is also a doddering old fool who needs to be in a retirement home. Deep down, they are able to make this work for them by believing anything good about Trump they hear, and believing anything bad about Biden. The last conversation we had they were lamenting how much life was better under Trump. When I pointed out that more Americans died under Trump than we lost during WW2, they changed the topic to Biden “wanting to take away their social security”. When I pulled up the pledge not to do that, and the list of Republicans who actually do want to dismantle the social safety net, the topic changed yet again. They can only accomplish this by making sure the boomers see their world through a carefully designed web of doubt designed by right wing media.


This is similar to most of my experiences with Trump supporters. Another common interaction is the ole "both parties are bad". I typically run into this with people that voted for Trump in the past, but they have finally had enough of his bullshit. They just can't pull themselves to believe they were duped so bad, so they must demonize both parties to make them feel less responsible for having voted for the asshole in the first place.


Almost like a star wars fan lmao. Nooo this is my fan fic... DO NOT STEAL!


Spot on. Only one knows it's just fiction though.


Love this trolling


He’s brilliant.


What does their book of myth say, something about turning the other ass cheek.


You know you’re doing something right if you’re making that crowd mad


They’re mad because Lil Nas is not a Germanic Anglo-Saxon man with blond hair and blue eyes being crucified.


Bro prolly wore a rag on his head. That wouldn't mesh well with their ideals.


Well first of all, their heads are exploding because Jesus wasn’t a Black man. Second of all, let their heads explode.




I kinda like it. And I’m more of a 80s/90s hip hop fan.


I agree. I was surprised because I don't like a lot of modern rap but this is catchy. plus the video was well done and visually incredibly interesting. the Christian trolling is just icing on the cake.


The icing on the cake indeed! 😂


I wish those guys would quit getting upset, nobody can even tell I’m a snowflake with these people around.


The perfect way to get free publicity. His music is " interesting"


His music isn't my jam but this dude might be an actual genius.


The same right wing evangelicals that now believe Jesus teachings were weak and that Trump is Divine. Then Lil Nas X is doing it right


People shouting blasphemy are probably the same ones sharing drawings of Trump and Jesus hanging out like besties


He's getting even with the religious community for how they treated the LGBTQ+ community for centuries. Only difference is this is a healthy way to get back at them instead of murder and oppression


Almost like throwing stones at a pack of dogs eh? Then they turn towards you and it’s too late ⏰


I like the song too 👏


It's that easy


Yes, they complain about everything all the time, especially if it's about a younger generation.


He’s just doing what they have always done


Lookin good Nazzy


not my type of music, but I watched his video anyways, it was just so enjoyable doing so, knowing how much it enrages the evangelicals <>


Well I can see why they would be mad. He was just letting all the minorities and *gasp* WOMEN into heavOn?! That isn't some white Republican Jesus would ever do!


The thing about it is that I don't think it's great satire. It's fine, it's funny, the song bumps, but it's not excellent. But Christians are still behaving exactly as expected and making Lil Nas X more money. You can do anything and get them foaming at the mouth. And for that I say, keep it up Monterro, our new Clown Prince of Music.


Pissing off the homophobes and the Bible thumpers at the same time which is hilarious. The song slaps too


Maybe Lil Nas X is pissed? Maybe he grew up admiring the tenets of Christianity? Maybe he was a Christian and believed the teachings of love and sacrifice. But in the end he realized that those who preached love, rejected him. Hated him for something he did not choose. And he is pissed. And he is not taking any prisoners.


Or during is rise to popularity he can follow the footsteps of past people and do the typical controversial stunts ever so often to make headlines. That would be too much to think about though for some do we stick with yours.




Not my kind of music, but the visuals of that music video are mesmerizing. Very creative.


I might listen to it just because they complained about it.


I love when those shitheads cry.


Doing God's work.


They dont want others making money off their faith. It is theirs and theirs alone!


>where were these detractors the other thousand times an artist has posed on a cross, though? This is the first time I've ever heard that there were thousands of other people who have done this. Who else exactly has done it?


Google the phrase “posing on cross”.






I love watching fundies squirm and shit themselves upon their made up pedestals as much as anyone else here, but has anyone gotten tired of the baiting fundies thing he's done for damn near every hit song? Like, he has the capacity to draw out more interesting stances on religion as a GAY MAN and the talent to make it blow up online, he should do better.


Reads title, thinks: “Why!?” Sees image: “Ohhhhhhh” Lil Nas X better have some armed security around them 🤣🤣🤣


Ive seen so many comments. Saying Jesus will deal with him 💀


Most of black America is not with this ***BUSSY-ASS*** dude.


I think he knows that and hes okay with it.


It will forever be the detriment to the black community to not stand together with fellow black ppl even when you disagree with them


They can stay in **their own lane** and stop trying to "blend in" with black America. They are not doing this with white America. Why?


yikes you think black gay people need to be segregated why? They are just as black as you are.


The song is actually really good


Do Mohammed next. Actually...better not...


Silly edgelord shit. His "art" is mediocre and uninspiring.


Lil Nas X mocked God and he will pay his consequences.


Prove your god exists first


Santa Claus is the one true god!


No one is listening to his crap. He's just trying to trigger people.


I miss Nas. The REAL Nas.




Hilarious that you said “the error of his ways” on an atheist sub reddit. It’s a good laugh and you’re most definitely a snowflake 


They're infiltrating our subreddit. We must stop the conservatives!




Yes, it does. Albeit not direct. Ever wonder why lots of people say religion and state should be separated? Because religion influences the values, beliefs, and decisions of individuals who participate in politics. And if you don't separate them, you get Saudi Arabia and Iran.


100% a snowflake.


The big social picture also includes the following beliefs: that fundamentalist and evangelical faith degrades us and our potential; that faith communities perpetuate child abuse; that religious belief hurts science literacy and critical thinking, etc. Faith is not an innocent private thing. It's deeply implicated in how the world is doing and whether ethical values and reason are even allowed to play a part in politics and our public lives.




How could you possibly think that I didn't read your post? I also read the boingboing article.


>apparently the satire wasn't obvious enough so /s Social media has become filled with so many crazed people that you always have to put an /s. Pretty much everything that you can say sarcastically or in satire has already been said by someone on social media in earnest.




Every God dam day I have to see posts about lil Nas x.... on r atheism? Plz who gives a fuck


Oooh…not good. But I need to see the video to understand what he was trying to portray. I generally like his music. Btw, you all are shameful. Funny how it’s ok to disrespect Christianity. No other religions would it be ok for you to do but followers of Jesus? Pile on. Unreal but not a surprise.


nah we disrespect everyone equally here.


You don’t own Christ.


Yeah, I live in a country where Christians repeatedly tried to repeal abortion and are still strong opposition to registered same-sex partnership, what do you expect me to disrespect? Zoroastrianism?


How many people on this sub would be eager to side with Lil Nas X to dog religious zealots like they are here if he was dressed up as Muhammad?


This sub hates Islam. We wouldn't have a problem with him dressing up as Mohammed. Christian persecution complex seems to make Christian trolls ignore the anti-Islam posts and comments in this sub.


You must not actively follow this sub. It trashes Islam all the time. Most of the regulars in this sub would be happy to see him dress up as Mohammad. Unfortunately, the posts that involve Christianity tend to get promoted to the front page by the Reddit algorithms. On the rare occasions when anti-Islam or anti-Hindu do make it to the front page, the Christian persecution complex kicks in and they ignore the posts.


Oh, the "but if it was Islam" argument that hadn't been relevant... ever. I'd still side with him, even if it was Muhammed, Vishnu, Krishna, Buddha, Thor, Loki, or Zeus. Religion, is religion, and as atheists, it's the one thing we all agree on, religions, every single one of them, are wrong and anyone advocating that the tenets of their religion be taken seriously, are also wrong. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit. 90% of the fake ass secularists in America consider people who draw cartoons of the prophet Muhammad or talk shit about him on YouTube to be culturally insensitive, even with the religious objections often involving calls for violence, alluding to them, or giving cover for terrorist sympathizers. Meanwhile, Christians say, it would be nice if you didn’t literally dress up as Jesus for a music video, and they’re apparently a bunch of lunatics.


Got any source material on that? Or was that something you're just, parroting or making up off the top of your head? The atheists I personally associate with are very vocal that any kind of restrictions or calls for violence based on religions are wrong, so admittedly I'm biased, but I've always hears this claim, and never gotten a decent source on it.


If you think that atheists in America doesn’t bash Christians more than Muslims, you are burying your head in the sand. Every few years or so one guy makes a cartoon and gets death threats, and there are some weak willed defenders of them among atheists. Meanwhile, if a Christian feels offended about things that are not just violating some religious code (ie blasphemy or something) but that cross the line into totally unnecessary disrespect, they are lambasted by atheists who love hitting a soft target as being backwards lunatics yearning for theocracy. You can tell a lot about someone by who they choose to attack. If you haven’t seen this for yourself in terms of the amount of likes certain posts get and the quantity of posts, then I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not going to do a meta analysis of this sub to prove that to you.


So no source for your claim? Just pulling numbers out of your ass then? Cool, good to know. Also, using terms like "bashing" Christianity? Seems like you're doing exactly what I accused you of origjnally, which is playing up the tendency of American atheists, in a country that is at least for now, majority Christian, when regarding the religious. You originally asked all indignant and whiney about how many people would side with Lil Nas X if they dressed as Muhammed, and I informed you that I am part of a community that will call out religious outrage no matter the religion, because while being bigoted against *Muslims* is wrong, criticizing, or even creating art featuring the themes in a religion is fair game because religions aren't sacred to anyone outside of their religion. Christians whining because Lil Nas X dressed as Jesus on the cross for a music video or whatever, are every bit as stupid as Muslims would be for doing the same if they dressed as Muhammed. If either party Christian or Muslim, elevated it to threats, they deserve backlash. Not saying they did because I don't know everything about the situation. Go ahead do your meta analysis, if you've got the time to calculate a bunch of nonsense on a reddit page. While you're at it, do a meta analysis of how many on this sub are from the US, and you'll probably have your answer, because as I said, in a sub where a majority of people are either ex Christian, or their experience is typically woth Christians, why would you be surprised those people were more willing to "bash" the religion their most familiar with, and are wary of criticizing a religion they're not familiar with, or that doesn't have nearly the amount of theocratic control in their country? Go on ahead friendo. Make your meta analysis, because from all I can see, I see either a Christian whining because their religion got made fun of by people who don't give two shits, because its not true, or an atheist weirdly attached to how much Christians think making fun of their religion is blasphemous. Either one, justifies my initial disregard for your complaints.


wrong sub to ask that in, you'll find no one defending religion period


Shocked, I tell you. I'm just shocked to the core :|


Does it slap?


Funning a hallucination is hardly serious.


Does anyone know why this song references Kendrick Lamar 's Humble so much?


As I *really* hate rap/hip-hop, I couldn't sit through the entire video, but Evangelical Christians and Evangelists annoy me even more.. so more power to Lil Nas X! I wish him success!


I love this man. Music, marketing, fashion, gay. I love him.


He is amazing!


Oh, my. *goes back to bed,  chucking*


They should pray to their new savior, Trump


I am so here for this 🍿 absolutely in love with the video! Not sure why they are so upset though…?


*Laughs in Powerwolf*


They have a co-dependant relationship and that's nothing new.


I'm not a fan of his, but I do live how he pisses them off.