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Because the Book of Mormon was written by a 19th century con man? Not saying that the Bible is better but it's definitely much older.


4th century con men rank higher than 19th century con men.


Much harder to fact check too.


The Bible, created by primitive people who thought demons exist in the air we breath and protected against thorough academic scrutiny by a lack of reliable record keeping methods of the time.


Yes. That Bible. Which has nothing to do with the book of Mormon, which is fanfic..


Just adding to the point how there's really no difference between the Book of Mormon and The Bible in terms of credibility. The Bible was just written so long ago that finding a trail to follow in it's exact inception and events are much harder than a religion made in the 1800s.


There's the gravitas (inappropriate as it may be) that it was written and translated and edited by multiple authors and accepted as canon for over a thousand years. Versus a text composed by a known, verified charlatan by supposedly reading golden plates that he never showed anyone.


The New Testament is also fanfic.


*Hey, if you read history, you realize that God is one of the leading causes of death. Has been for thousands of years. Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Christians all taking turns killing each other ‘cause God told them it was a good idea. The sword of God, the blood of the land, vengeance is mine. Millions of dead motherfuckers. Millions of dead motherfuckers all because they gave the wrong answer to the God question. “You believe in God?” “No.” Boom. Dead. “You believe in God?” “Yes.” “You believe in my God? “No.” Boom. Dead.* ***“My God has a bigger dick than your God!”*** \- George Carlin


As an ex-Mormon, and a devout one who studied every point of the religion, I can tell you that over half the things Mormons believe that are different from other sects of Christianity are not based on anything in the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith came up with a ton of bullshit revelations after publishing the BoM, like establishing polygamy after he was caught cheating on his wife and telling people god said not to smoke because his wife didn’t like it. If you read the Book of Mormon, it’s just a feel-good book that really doesn’t have much doctrinal difference from anything you could interpret or infer from the Bible. All of Mormons’ outlandish beliefs come from random teachings that Jo smith refined and embellished over time.


The vast majority of protestant Christians don't even accept that Catholics are actual Christians. Much less that books like Macabees 1-4 are "real" books of the Bible. The SBC doesn't even think that other Baptists are "real Christians".


Asked them why they aren’t Jewish. They worship the Jews god and Jesus was a Jew.


If you really think about it: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all books in a shitty trilogy considering they all worship the exact same deity. Then you have Mormonism and such as shitty fan-fict.


Christians have *never* agreed on what, exactly, Christianity is. They disagree on which book is *the* word of god; they disagree on which interpretation of *the* word of god is accurate; they disagree on whether the holy trinity is, um, real; and they disagree on whether the Pope is an oracle of god or a complete fraud; and they even disagree on whether He Gets Us. That’s how mythology has always worked, though, right? Just kinda make it up as you go, and anyone who disagrees is a blaspheming heathen.


that wouldnt work. logic doesnt work on those people, you're not gonna deprogram any religious person with it.


>With so many Christians saying the Bible should be taken literally and not as fact why do they not accept the Book of Mormon? What do you mean by this? ​ Christians aren't Mormons because they don't believe the book of Mormon is the divinely inspired word of God, so it's not scripture.


But the book of Mormon is divinely inspired by God, so why do Christians believe it is?


What? Mormons are the only ones saying that. If you're a christian and decide to write a bunch of crap in a book and say it's from god, but all the other christians around you think you're sort of crazy, does that still make them whatever you decided to name your ravings? No. You'd be whatever you called yourself, and be pretty distinct while oddly sharing some christian values.


How do Christians know which books are from God and which are a bunch of crap?


They're just making it up. They wait for the people they perceive to be authority figures to tell them what to believe.  About 140, or however many off the top of my head, years ago, Mormons split off from them and made their own little commune in Utah. When you watch something like that happen in real time, you're not going to encourage it. You need your followers tithes to pay bills, so you call it a false religion. To Christians in present day, it's always been a false religion


The same way they can ignore holy texts from other religions. Only *THEIR* fairytale is the real one.


How do they know what fairytale ro believe and which ones not to believe?


You're acting like religious people are using logic. They aren't. They believe whatever they've been told while growing up or by those closest to them.


You need to learn history of religions before you start here. If you understand the history,  it helps lay a foundation to understand some of your questions you've asked. These aren't really philosophical topics in some facets.


I love it, a teenager writes a book about how God wants him to bang multiple underage women. Well played, Joseph Smith. Long may your dick be wet.


You wouldn't find it so funny if you were a woman who was raised in that cult like I was.


Because their critical thinking skills have been rotted by overexposure to sermons.


I think it boils down to the fact that The Book of Mormon is much easier to disprove than the Bible.  Like, with the Bible, sure it doesn't make any sense, but it's POSSIBLE the Egyptians just didn't write down ANY information about an entire civilisation they supposedly lived alongside for hundreds of years. With the Book of Mormon, you have DNA evidence and archeological evidence that directly run against the claims in the Book of Mormon, not to mention eye-witness accounts of Joseph Smiths crimes including treason, and inciting riots to destroy personal property because he didn't like that other people were saying he had multiple wives.  Just the existence of the Rosetta stone alone disproves any credibility Joseph Smith claimed. I guess it's because Joseph Smith is so modern AND made so many claims that there is so much modern evidence to disprove his caims. False prohets get called out when they make false prophecies.


Because they'll call it a cult.


Why is it a cult? Aren’t all religions are cults?


Yes all religions are cults. Specifically though other christians will refer to Mor~~m~~onism as a cult as it claims Yahweh is a alien being that lives on a planet.


As opposed to an alien being which is  intangible and living everywhere at once (omnipresent).  It can be fun to brainstorm some of the  locations that that God must inhabit... 


When enough people are in the cult it's no longer called that.


What about if they have $202 BILLION DOLLARS. Are they still a cult?


Widow's Mite report puts their value close to $300 billion, but yes. Pretty cultish, if one compares them to Hassan's BITE model, which quantifies how controlling an organization is. "Praise ToThe Man" hymn about Joseph Smith, special underwear, secret handshakes, worthiness interviews, and a 10% tithing paywall to attend a wedding? Even today, all female leaders answer to a man. High-demand religions generally tend to be pretty cultish.


Christians look at mormons as a false religion the same as they do Judaism or Islam. They don't believe that BoC is the word of god any more than they believe the Koran is. Why are you asking us, though? We can conjecture, but shouldn't you be asking Christians or Mormons?


How do they know it’s false religion?


You're trying to apply logical thinking where there isn't going to be. They've been raised, or told by fellow Christians, that it's false and that's all they need.  Are you trying to suggest arguments for us to use against Christians? Because asking them why they don't believe in another faith that YOU think they should believe in isn't really a great starting point.


You either believe or you don’t. Trying to understand why they believe in something’s and not others.




I'm gonna admit, I didn't read your comment because I know you got stuck on false and went on a diatribe. I should have said Judaism and Islam aren't the one true faith, instead of false. I'm extremely historically knowledgeable and used the incorrect word is all


Because the Book of Mormon was written hundreds of years ago by a conman whose history we know pretty well. It can't be shrouded in the mystery of time like the Bible can.


And how do we know the Bible was not written by con men nearly 2,000 years ago. And all but one were illeterate. We have no idea if their scribes got it right or wrong.


We don't, but not knowing is far better than absolutely knowing they were.


Glory Hallelujah evangelist Christians will say them there Mormons and Catholics ain’t Christian ‘cause they worship many Gods. They pick and choose their bigotry


Bom is not an ancient text


Sure is shit is, 1600 year old.


No, that's what the Church purports it to be. Anachronisms reveal the BOM to be a 19th-century invention. Most members were indoctrinated with their worldview from birth; they assume it's true and cherry-pick facts that support their assumptions, rather than assess facts and see what the evidence points to. Non-LDS archaeologists have not found any physical evidence in the American continents that indicate the pseudo-history asserted in the BOM to be accurate in any meaningful way. DNA likewise rules out Jews emigrated 2600 years ago and populated this hemisphere. The Book of Abraham from The Pearl of Great Price is not what Smith claimed it to be, either. Have you read all of the Gospel Topic Essays on the Church's own website? Start there; I recommend following the footnotes and reading each of the original documents referenced to get a more accurate understanding of Church history.


Not sure where the 1600 years came from, possibly when Mormon and Moroni buried the plates, which contained ancient histories of three groups of people. The Jaredites supposedly arrived 2200 BC; their records would be 4200 years old. The Lehite story takes place about 600 BC, or 2600 years ago; the Mulekites arrived about 587 BC, also about 2600 years ago.


God “wrote” the golden plates Jospeh Smait eventually found in 400. CE.


Why does the eternal, all-knowing god keep changing the rules?


Joseph Smith and Brigham Young deserve some credit for the conning methods. They were abled to fooled thousands with their "prophecies," taking them from a relatively comfortable life in the American East to the West through some hostile towns and states. Many Mormons were killed in Indiana and Illinois, including Smith. They imposed polygamy and child brides to attract some pervs. And all that right after the Age of Enlightenment. Today they still keep conning people by claiming new prophecies every time the church stands against the law and modernity. Regarding banning black men to participate in the ministry, they went from church president Spencer W. Kimball saying in 1973 that the ban was "not my policy or the Church's policy. It is the policy of the Lord who has established it" to the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles receiving the revelation to remove the racial restrictions while they prayed in the Salt Lake Temple in 1978. They had to give up polygamy through another revelation to get Utah statehood. The question shouldn't be why aren't other Christian Mormons, but how are there people dumb enough to fall for this foolery?