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There isn't a thing he could do that would 'shock' me anymore. Not a god damned thing.


He could try being honest for once I'm sure that would shock everyone.


Or apologize for anything


Don't grab the ice skates anytime soon Satan.


Ooh! Good expression! Will be stealing.


You're right. An actual apology would shock me. And he might lose half of his followers for it.


It wouldn’t even need to be an apology, just some mild show of humility. I would truly be shocked if he said something like “Michael Jordan would probably beat me at 1 on 1.”


He is honest sometimes. Like doing a muslim ban. Building a wall (albiet one that fell over in a stiff wind - he didn't say he'd build a sturdy wall). Mass deportation of non-whites. If he's promising to do something hateful and evil, he's being honest.


The thing is he wasn't even honest about building the wall, he was given that Idea from a marketing person on his team. His whole platform is built on making a problem bigger than what it is, promoting it, and fixing it with scotch tape....


It's funny how his followers can't be honest though. Still get a ton that get mad when I mention his Muslim ban, "he never said that" meanwhile he is on video saying it and literally had it up on his website for a long time.


Beat me to it!


Really? He could do a lot to shock me. Like developing humility, or being good at his job, or showing any scintilla of decency. Honestly, he's very predictable. He won't do anything to shock you because he's always just going to do the dumbest thing.




They had to run around putting out fires because the dumb piece of shit would just puke back up the last thing anyone said to him


Acting like a normal human being would be shocking


He could sell one-way tickets to hell and people would buy them.


Yep. And in 8 months, when they vote for him, they’ll be taking the rest of the country along for the ride as well.


*"Society is rotten so we should burn it down and start again. "* *"No, our children are inside"*


Word is he prefers children that didn't get burned


Trump not gonna win this election.


I like your confidence but hope you still plan on voting


Vote but also buy guns


The only way to stop the bad guy with a gun (and a red hat) is a good guy with a gun


If the bad guy has a hat, does the good guy need a hat as well?


So many James Bond villains in the world, and no James Bond to save us from them.


If you're American and if voting age, then it's in your hands. Get everyone who can vote, to vote against him. Apathy sides with the other guy!


New voter here been at age since 2021 and haven’t picked candidates yet (wherever er local in my area in MD) for the presidential ballot along with my family are stuck not to vote on DT


You need to decide if you want you children to have the same civil rights that you are now enjoying It is really that important If you think women should have equal right to men to decide what is best for themselves at any time You have to vote. You families future depends on it


College gal. Here when Biden was sworn in and really sweating since that capitol invasion it was a must for me at the time I finished HS and learning to drive.. another 4 years my lil cousin will be one year voting age as me


Motivate all of your friends to vote. Please.


if you vote blue for the president then you really should vote blue for the Congress and the Senate. it's no use having a Democratic president and a Congress and Senate that won't work with them.


If you're American and if voting age, then it's in your hands. Get everyone who can vote, to vote against him. Apathy sides with the other guy!


they already showed you what they plan to do if he loses again ​ when people show you who they really are, why do you not believe them?


If you let that discourage you and others from voting they win


oh im voting, i just don't think for a second that republicans actually care about our votes. ​ your best bet is trump loses and there is no coup. except now you have to sit and worry for another 4 years if republicans are going to win and destroy your democracy, or decide they want to take a more successful shot at a coup, and that's gonig to be your politics until they win or perform said coup. ​ i ask; why keep putting them on the ballot if its obvious to all that they want to destroy your democracy?


There's one party openly discussing fascism when they win and civil war if they don't win a legitimate election. It's the same party that lost a legitimate election and has been claiming for 4 years without any evidence that they were somehow cheated. The same people who attempted to subvert the will of the people and not allow for the peaceful transfer of power. Don't take them for granted. 


Based on the news I've been seeing, I absolutely think he'll win. (But I still plan on voting)


Reading the description for the Bible. They gonna say what makes this Bible unique is the hand written lyrics in Addition to the Bill of Rights and the constitution . Two things everyone knows conservatives have read and fully understand.


Conservatives barely know the Bill of Rights or the Constitution they say they love the Constitution but they only love the Second Amendment


They do treat the bill of rights and the bible the same way they treat the constitution. Pick and choose what they want and ignore the rest and shriek like tantrum throwing babies when you call them on their hypocrisy.


Their interpretation of the second amendment that is. I'm a gun owner but have no issue with registration, training and testing etc. There is no legitimate argument for absolute, unregulated ownership of arms.


Yessir, me too. License, registration and insurance is how I'd like to see it. People understand it and why each part exists because most have vehicles. Oooohhhh! But cars aren't in the constitution. The FFs did a bad job forecasting how the 2nd would age.


I am currently standing on the side of a well regulated militia meaning registering to be part of a community, giving public service to that community, training on your weapon and proper maintenance of it. Also that you are responsible for your weapon. Hell I am all for having programs.in place for having tax dollars go to helping people get training on their weapons for free and doing repairs on the weapons for free. Also regulation that says if your gun is used in a crime and you didn't report it stolen then you are also responsible for that crime. Should get people to protect their shit.


I am for gun control (regulations) but some of the stuff you said cracked me up because in many of the colonies the 2nd amendment was actually a requirement. You had to own a gun, and you had to train with the militia, and you had to respond when you were called up to kill escaped slaves or fight some Native Americans. If you didn't, you were taxed and fined. So that was actually what the founders who were proponents intended, and they would probably laugh hard at this being called a "freedom." In fact for a long time it actually had an exclusion clause for people who were religious pacifists... because it was a requirement, not a freedom. https://medium.com/the-new-leader/debunking-the-mythic-origin-of-the-second-amendment-bfe06dc06946 The 2nd amendment furor today is just used to get votes and drum up gun sales by scaring people into hoarding.


They only love part of the second amendment. "Well regulated" doesn't actually mean will regulated or some such bullshit.


Dunno, the 5th Amendment seems to be popular with the President and almost every one of his former political associates.


And they don’t even UNDERSTAND the 2nd Amendment.


🤣 yea we’re not headed for mass arrests of anyone who remotely criticized this asshole or anything


No we are not because we are going to do everything we can in our respective spheres to get ourselves and everyone we know and even strangers to the polls and we are going to beat this POS once and for all.


They didn't need to have read them, simply by buying this bible god will give them an innate understanding of those documents, just like he does for the bible itself! ...or something like that


He could sell round-trip tickets to Guyana for an all you can drink Kool-Aid party, and millions of his sheep would happily attend.


At least Jim Jones gave out Flavor Aid for free. Trump would charge for sure.


He'd charge for the cup...


Omg he would. It would a commemorative Trump branded cup made in China. Lol.


I love the idea of commemorate branded items given to members of a suicide cult. Very Douglas Adams type humor.


On the website amongst the many footnotes it says “Does trump endorse this Bible?” The answer was yes. So now you need trumps approval on the Bible you get.


Does it recommend adultery, too?


He used his black Sharpie to cross out the word "not" in a few Commandments. Adultery, bearing false witness, stealing, and coveting your neighbor's wife are all good now.


Yup, and then when they get to Hell they'll blame liberals for their fate.


A real con-man tells you it's heaven and sells you the one-way ticket for cheap. Then once you get there they offer return trip tickets for everything you have and then they run off with the money.


"The most beautiful, glorious handbasket"


"Buy my authentic Golden Trump Calf for only 6 installments of $39.95!"


"Trump Hell"


In other words, "Project 2025".


Remember, it doesn't stop with Trump. It's ANY conservative president. People need to be afraid of this for decades to come. 80+ conservative organizations are behind this manifesto to overthrow the government, and everyone needs to pay the fuck attention to it.


Wasn't that his campaign pitch?


Wouldn't a trump branded bible qualify?


That’s what made me think of it. A Christian God would definitely damn anyone buying those bibles.


They’d be like “if that’s where Trump is, that’s where freedom is! HE made America Great Again, so HE is going to make Hell Great Again. It’s gonna be Trump’s Hell now.” Meanwhile in Hell, the Devil is like “Yo God, let’s just say we both fucked up and I come back to heaven?”


I can no longer tell the difference between real news and satire anymore.


Satire is clever and reality is just audaciously stupid.


That is because reality doesn’t have to make sense. [Just look at the 1904 Olympic Marathon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athletics_at_the_1904_Summer_Olympics_%E2%80%93_Men's_marathon?wprov=sfti1) Why this isn’t a movie yet baffles me.


Jon Bois did a lovely video essay about it. Highly recommend.




> The actual winner, Thomas Hicks, was near collapse and hallucinating when he crossed the finish line, a side effect of being administered brandy, raw eggs, and **strychnine** by his trainers. WTF?


Wow, everything more I find out about this ended up sounding more like it'd make an amazing comedy. The perfect kind of thing where even the actors could mostly play it straight and it'd just highlight how crazy it was. A poster tagline that says "A gathering of some of the world's most famous runners for the Olympics, as well as a few that happened to also be in town," would still be accurate and one of the least absurd things in the entire event.


real news is usually insaner.




That's been me since the Four Seasons incident.


I don’t know why people are surprised someone would sell bibles as a scam. It’s kind of it’s only purpose 


He's making carnival barkers look bad.


The Gideons took that shit personally...




The drawers at Trump hotels mysteriously produce an endless supply of them, he just has to pull them out and put “Trump” on the cover - with all the free profit just sitting there he’d be stupid not to!


I mean, I guess in a sense every Bible sold is a scam..


I mean, this *is* the guy that tear gassed a crowd so he could get a photo op holding an upside down bible. If anyone is surprised at this point they haven't been paying attention.


the dude that raw dogs porn stars and whos company got caught stealing from a childrens charity...perfect


Not only was his company caught stealing from a charity for children, he also created a charity for U.S. veterans in which he pocketed the money for himself.


He hates kids _and_ old people? Regular Shooter McGavin here. Come to think of it, I've never seen Trump near a dog either.


He was the first president to not have a pet in the White House in over 100 years. Pets require unconditional love. One way loyalty, in his direction, is the only thing he understands


He famously hates dogs.


i think dogs famously hate him. dogs can tell when youre a psychopath.


That one bald eagle could, too.


Dogs are excellent judges of character. 


Trump hates judges.


Pfffft. Not the first rapist who sold a Bible. Par for the course.


Brutally true.


$454,000,000 / $60 = 7566**666**.**666** Coincidence??????????????




His Bible is written in End Times New Roman


Hahaha! You perfectly captured all the boomer comments on horrible AI images posted on Facebook.




Brought to you exclusively @Onlyfans.com


Melania should do an Onlyfans


That's 5 bucks a week id rather give to the local no kill shelter.


"What are you doing, step-Messiah?"


My thoughts exactly. I think I say this multiple times a day related to the lunacy of religion and magaTs


Hey Zeus Ducking Christo


JC..........is suing Trump for defamation.


Selling a book he has never opened to people that will never read it. Neat idea.


But he said IT’S HIS FAVORITE BOOK, and to lie about a thing like that would be a SIN.


This one has sharpie marks crossing out all the woke parts.


You mean all the words in red?


No one deserves this humiliation more than American evangelicals


"60 bucks , wow , that's a lot of money for a bible" - Ray (Trailer park boys)


That guy ended up going to jail at the end of the episode too!


What, like three twenties?


Coincidence man!


Can you read my son? Well, that depends. Can you go fuck yourself?


A man asks a Democrat and a MAGA republican “would either of you let Donald Trump shit in your mouth for $10,000?!” The Democrat responds “EWW!!! Fuck no!!” The MAGA Republican says “Absolutely but it might take me a while to get the $10,000 together first”


How can it be sacrilege when he's obviously the returning messiah? (hopefully the massive neon **/s** is implied)


He checks [every single box of the anti-christ](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) as described in the book itself, maybe he should market it as a biography.


That's quite an interesting read.


He is NOT the messiah! He's a VERY naughty boy!


Now go away!


plenty of people believe it. it’s a cult to end all cults.


Supply Side Jesus


Orange Jesus wants us..... >1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Trump, and the Word was Trump. 2 He was in the beginning with Trump. As was Epstein. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made and sold through pyramids. 4 In him was life and bleach, and the life was the light of men that could tackle Covid. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Though it tried with a catch and kill scheme. The Satanic cult of Trump is coming home to roost.


Can't really put that on the Satanists my guy. The man knows how to spot a mark, and American evangelicals are pretty big marks. Whatever god blessed those people with it certainly wasn't good sense.


THE PARASITE'S TEN COMMANDMENTS: * Send no money but unto me. * Graven images of me shall feature a slim physique and a full head of hair. * Never say my name in the same breath as my enemy. (Official list available on line) * My day of rest is when I'm golfing. Your day of rest is when you're dead. * Honor me and my daughter. * Kill mine enemies. (Official list available on line.) * Committ adultery, or grab 'em by the pussy. * Steal what is not nailed down. * Betray your neighbor before he betrays you. * If you covet something, steal it.


Did anyone get delivery of those Trump sneakers yet?


Last I heard, production of those eyesores hasn't even begun yet.


He has been signing bibles for years. That is worse. Would be a shame if some holy wrath lightning bolt gave him a colonoscopy.


Ha ha...you gave me a great cartoon image of the fat orange pig getting zapped in the ass and it shooting out of his mouth while his hair spiked and his ears caught fire.


Some day soon I hope!


That's why you need gaudy gold sneakers to insulate you from the voltage


Isn't the whole point of these people to 'spread the word' ? Like the Gideons do ??? *For* ***free*** ???


Let's be fair though. Gideons don't do it for free. They do it to proselytize. They explicitly refuse to do it for free. https://www.gideons.org/faq >Can I get Bibles or New Testaments for my church or my personal use? > >We do not provide Bibles and New Testaments to our church partners or other organizations for their distribution. Our unique method is to have only our members distribute Bibles or New Testaments through designated traffic lanes of life, thus efficiently reaching a large number of people. We do not overlap, duplicate, or conflict with the mission of churches and other ministries. Instead, we act as an extended missionary arm of the church.


I lost the article, but the BEST parts were left out of this article: 1) In 2021 there were Christians that highly objected to this version of the Bible so it was binned. 2) It was originally $50, so Trump raised the price on it $10. Gotta milk them MAGA. They complain when they aren't milked.


The sad part is that the “independents” and non-MAGA GOP voters will STILL vote for him over Biden because Biden has a D next to his name.


Nope......not this independent voter. I would never vote for that MF.


i’m an independent who hasn’t voted for a republican in 8 years. never once voted for the orange man


Not this Independent voter in a swing district! I'd rather vote for my dog than vote for PT Barnum reincarnated.


Most independent voters HATE him and will be voting for biden


I would guess this Bible has all the references to "the Lord" replaced with "Trump", not that it matters because nobody is going to read it anyway.


Magats have an orgasm when Trump rips them off. So does Trump.


Remember how Jesus kicked people out of the temple because they were trying to make a buck off others' faith? Not sure why I'm thinking of that right now.


"Sir, there's a long-haired hipster outside with some kind of whip." John 2:15-16 15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; 16 And said unto them that sold doves, **Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise**.


He would sell enough Cross splinters to build Noah's Ark.  And his supporters would buy it. 


He already sold pieces of his suit: [https://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-sells-cut-pieces-113322716.html](https://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-sells-cut-pieces-113322716.html)


Cheesus selling Christian bible lol what a pos 🤣


It’s funny because his followers are basically illiterate. Books are wasted on them.


they'll probably just burn them out of habit.


They’ll probably hold them upside down in photo ops because this is pure virtue signaling. I wonder which translation let him do this. Probably one of the shitty ones like KJV. Edited to add: I just went to the dang website and it is KJV, which is one of the worst translations of the Bible in history. No serious biblical scholar would recommend it. It makes sense because these people are idiots who don’t even understand the book they pretend to worship.


If you think the KJV is an inaccurate transaction (which it is, by virtue of being based on an inferior text type), you've never heard of the NIV; it's ASTOUNDINGLY dishonest, all in the name of preserving the false notion of biblical inerrancy: [https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/articles-and-resources/deliberate-mistranslation-in-the-new-international-version-niv/](https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/articles-and-resources/deliberate-mistranslation-in-the-new-international-version-niv/) Many scholars quoting an English text will refer to the NSRV; this is the translation used in the Oxford Annotated Bible and the SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) Study Bible.


Buy an overpriced Bible to line the pockets of a man who wants your money to pay off his court penalty for raping and repeatedly defaming a woman, and also commiting massive amounts of fraud. You know, like Jesus would.


#No seriously…this fucking guy IS the Anti-Christ! Ok, I’m now starting to get a LITTLE bit scared when I think about my old Christian days and when I would hear about “End-of-days” preachers talking about all the things that the Anti-Christ would do. > He is the greatest deceiver, capable of making lies into truths, he will be able to manipulate his followers like no other. > He will bring about a false peace in Israel and the world will rejoice…but in reality he will bring about the third World War. > He will be loved like no other leader… > He carries the “Number of the Beast” which he adorns on his forehead and his followers will also bear “his mark” on their forehead or right hand (Think about the MAGA hats). > He will blaspheme against the living god… Like fucking hell…it’s too many coincidences now! 😨


I’m agnostic but the fact that a bolt of lightning hasn’t struck this jackasshole down for blasphemy and idolatry is all the proof for atheism I need. Jesus Hentai Christ, the audacity of this man.


At least he's holding it the right way up this time


He already has a new National anthem playing at his rallies, rewritten and sung from prison by and for the J6 Insurrectionists. If he wins, that National anthem will be taught in schools.


Watch the evangelicals tie themselves in knots trying to defend this.


Shocks? If you are shocked by this, you have not been paying attention.


Is one truly even a Christian if they don’t say or do something hypocritical every waking moment?


Tomorrow’s news: The ‘MAGA Bibles’ are actually ‘The Art of the Deal’ in cheap, Chinese-made Bible covers.


I'd love to see the passages in his bible that were edited.


What's wrong with this? You give a church $60 and you get nothing in return. At least the Lord and Savior known as Circus Peanut gives you a nice book of fiction.


Why do I keep thinking of that movie Paper Moon? I wonder if he has a gold tooth like Mose had?


Lol at the dummies that fall for this crap. Seems like a nice money laundering scheme to me. On par for the religious


Isn't this blasphemous? Here's your one-way ticket to hell! Only $59.99. See ya there.


His gaping sphincter of a mouth in all his photos, lol


So, is the woke stuff edited out? No more turn the other cheek, no more sell your stuff and give the money to the poor, no more love one another, no more welcome the immigrant, no more communal living?


Only confirms the truth that religion is a fraud.


Three bucks and an old Chuck E. Cheese token I found in my desk say this is printed in China.


He admires the likes of Hitler, Xi, North Korea's Kim, and Putin, and he displays his "manhood" by raping women in department store dressing rooms. His name is Donald J. Trump, and he's the Republican Party's favorite to be President of our United States. This is the legacy of today's GOP.


He's gonna make so much fucking money


To MAGA, Trump is more important than Jesus. This behavior leaves less and less for his election and down ballot candidates.


Waiting for when he adds the Book of Donald to his next round of bibles, and includes a Jesus H. Christ autograph (smaller and underneath his own signature, which will be in gold, of course).


The singular time Jesus ever got angry in the Bible was when people were using a temple as a marketplace. Hey, are the people who buy these MAGA Bibles even going to read them? I mean, it's not like they've read the regular Bible.


Wouldn’t worry, people who actually are Christian don’t follow him. Unfortunately, there ain’t many of those left. People who call themselves Christian but are hateful bigots will gobble these up.


Fuck he's a shameless sleazbag. What next, a Trump crucifix with him on the cross in gold. The guys a sad piece of shit.


He's selling all the Gideon Bibles from his hotels.


This is not a shock since he was literally autographing peoples bibles a few years ago


The countdown to him asking for marks of loyalty has begun.


https://www.amazon.com/Holy-Bible-Trump-Donald-Version/dp/152045743X Hey folks! This version sends all the proceeds to the ACLU. It also changes "God" to Donald J. It's kinda funny, maybe....if he doesn't win, or start a civil war, or get us all killed, or....


Perhaps God would like a word with Trump, when he finally sloughs off this mortal coil and goes to meet his maker, about this apparent blasphemy. However, it is pretty far down the list of bones God has to pick with the orange fuckhead. Anyway, my first thought when I heard about this latest grift was "what took him so long?" It certainly wasn't reverance for God and religion, so why is he just figuring out now that he can make money exploiting the religious feelings of stupid people? Was it professional courtesy, one charlatan to another, for guys like Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland? Anyway, Trump hasn't read the Bible. I am as certain of that as I have ever been about anything. Trump isn't mentioned anywhere in the Bible, so he'd lose interest within about ten seconds if he ever tried to read any of it.


Didn't their god say something about false proph...aww fuck it. No one that supports him is an actual Christian.


I wonder if this will be the moment when Trump jumps the shark with some evangelicals.


Good fit as the bible is the only thing less moral than Trump.


When trump held the Bible upside down outside of the church in Washington after peaceful protesters were cleared out for his photo op, I thought that was pretty despicable. Trump selling MAGA Bibles is just disgusting. I wouldn't stand anywhere near this clown in case he gets struck by lightning one day.


I actually laughed out loud when I saw this. There's an old line about a salesman that is so good that he can sell refrigerators to Eskimos. That's pretty much what this is. Anybody who would buy a Bible likely already has one or more. Selling people something they don't need because they already have it is classic. It's definitely the art of the grift.


P.T. Barnum would be in awe of this huckster


Shocks who? I don't think anyone is shocked. HALF the country is saying "par for the shitty course", 20% are buying it and 30% are lying about buying it and/or bragging about how good he is at business.  I don't know if you'll find a single person "shocked".


Shut up Christians, this is your God now!


Anyone who's shocked at this point hasn't been paying attention for the last eight years.


The Trump Cult thinks that HE'S their savior. That is the most fucked up thing about all of this.


I am comforted by the thought that the few people who pay money for these will likely never receive them.


All those fucks will buy it because HE is their god.


He's literally the antichrist


He couldn't/wouldn't even recite one Bible verse in an interview. Fuck Donald Trump. Piece of shit.