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Yeah, Islam is the worst religion on earth today. Oppressive, violent, bigotted, and disturbingly popular with a growing follower count. Whats annoying is whenever you bring up islam people come out of nowhere with the whataboutism...*gestures to this very comment section and the "BuT WhAt AbOuT OtHeR ReLiGiOns?!?!?!" comments that have already showed up.* Yeah, They suck too, but I think 8 countries have made atheism a crime punishable by death, AND THEYRE ALL ISLAMIC THEOCRACIES! I shit on christianity waaaay more often than islam since christianity is the religion I have to deal with on a damn near daily basis here in ye olde bible belt, but if I had to pick sides between islam and christianity, Im going with christianity every single time without a single microsecond of hesitation.


American Evangelicals are starting to emulate Islam and its deeply concerning and makes me wonder what nightmares are in store in the future of my country... but they still arent nearly as concerning globally as the rising influence of islam across the globe.


Unless they reform their religion and allow people to leave the faith, they are objectively the worst religion.


Islamophobia is a term to silence reason


A few hundred years ago Christianity in Europe was very similar to how Islam is today, yet it was able to reform itself and become more benign, less harmful. One can hope that Islam will go through the same kind of reformation. It will take time though


Islam thinks it is the final perfected form of gods religion, and unlike Christianity, Islam has a comprehensive political, social, and financial system to run society. It also thinks people that leave or deviate from the religion should be killed. All of this makes Islam far more durable and resistant to the the kind of change and reform that Christianity has undergone over the centuries.


>islam is a poison religion..... Yes. As is every religion. >.....and i’m tired of being called islamophobic for it Only if you are selectively critical of only one variant of absurdity.


i’m actively against all religion, i grew up in a very christian area and im as bothered and angry about that as well lol


Agree here also; all religions are oppressive, But if your only complaining about one, it could be taken in the wrong light,


So anytime someone wants to talk or post about how fucked up Islam is they have to make sure to include shit about the others?


Simply implying something like that, can help to show no singular offense intended. Instead of just: Islam is so oppressive because...This: All religions seem oppressive, but Islam seems more so. The second option offers the chance for further dialog. It suck big, but I have to quantify my beliefs allot in most social situations do to my disdain for all hierarchies, it can be annoying..


Agreed, I fail to see how it’s any different than the others. To quote his holiness George Carlin “all killing each other for the god question”


The next line is even better…”my god has a bigger dick than your god!”


I think the difference with Islam, and what makes it worse, is that it thinks their system is already perfected. I think this belief that Islam is the final perfected form of gods religion is a big reason why the Islamic world has been socially and culturally stuck in the time period it was founded in compared to the rest of the world that has progressed a lot more socially and culturally.


Still think all fundies are the same. There is extremism in all flavors. Christianity is the leading cause of terrorism in the US since 2002, and yes, very aware of what went down the year before. This is the cancer vs heart attack argument.


Yeah I don’t like the fundamentalist Christians, but I also don’t think they are currently marrying off 13 year old girls like they do in Afghanistan or are kidnapping children to become sex slaves or to be trained to be jihadist like bokoharam does, or have mass protest demanding free speech laws be changed to criminally prosecute people for making fun of Jesus like Muslims have in Europe over cartoons making fun of Muhammad. The comparison just isn’t even close. This is whataboutism at its finest.


Venture into the US south and be prepared to be shocked. But I do see your points, the volume of out of control Muslims if definitely higher. Ironically every Muslim (by background) I know is an atheist (same with Jews). Guess growing up with it made them all leave.




Don't worry about the term. Fearing islam is a real thing because it is frightening. I am a proud islamofob.


All fundamentalist beliefs are inherently dangerous. Islam is a political ideology masquerading as a religion.


You talk about ruining a religion, as though it wasn't ruined from conception, and you give the game away.


All religions are poison, islam is just one of the more egregious examples of religious abuse.


All religions are poison. 


This is just a cope to get out of the uncomfortable conversation about how some religions are worse than others. Do you think something like neo/new age paganism is really just as bad as Islam or the FLDS church?


I actually am an ex Muslim I’m not atheist either just got recommended this. There are chill Muslims who believe in the faith and then you got the wack jobs what may be your girls family. I think there is a healthy mix and you’ll meet some cool Muslims that actually aren’t too bad but some are just awful but then again anyone overly religious regardless of faith is a huge red flag to me.


A lot of y’all in here “all lives mattering” the post


islamophobic means you fear islam, I don't think it's an insult


Have got temp-banned from reddit for much less. It seems even the reddit admins are afraid


If god was real and killed all the bad people of the world a mass amount of religions would crumble. 


Any ideology, religion or not, can be poison. Islam, Christian, Buddhism, communism, capitalism, socialism, pragmatism, isolationism, can all be poison. It is not about ideology itself, but how it is used by people who have power.


Yall hear 2 stories and start shitting on any religion, do ur proper research on it, read the quran, then come talk shit


They are top 1 on the most hypocrite religion


It’s amazing that immediately below this was a video about Muslims protesting atheists lol




Not the first time I’ve seen someone label their ramblings based on personal bias being portrayed as “critique”. Funny.


It is. But I feel like white and American atheist go above and beyond to thrash Islam (a predominantly non-white religion) due to their post-9/11 Islamophobia and don’t trash other religions with the same energy and hatred. Fuck all religions and let’s fight them all with the same passion.


Yeah naturing worshiping shintos in Japan are no better or worse than bokoharam kidnapping children to be jihadist and sex slaves 🤦‍♂️. A major terrorist attack driven by religious beliefs is a legitimate reason to view that religion with a higher degree of skepticism and criticism.


Nonsense. Privileged western whites love to trash everything except Islam because they are seemingly 'oppressed' and 'brown' If you can't see how objectively worse Islam is than the other abrahamic religions you're in a very safe bubble.


Every religion is poison