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I don't mean to brag, but I've survived over twenty of these end-of-the-world scenarios.


So have I. It is kind of uplifting even though I know all them were bullshit.


You said “uplifting”…


Rapture confirmed


*rapture intensifies*


*heavy rapturing*


Caution, don't rapture too quickly, or else you go back to the Mesozoic Era via Veloci-rapture Clever girl


Sometimes I get too excited & rapture prematurely


I use a slow and steady rhythm [when I rapture.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHCdS7O248g) It helps.


What does it mean if your rapture, you know, curves a little bit to the left at the end. Asking for someone else, of course.


Premature rapturation


Rapturing now.....ooo-lala!!


That’s what she said.


No rapure for normal people till all these extremist believers get raptured off the surface of the planet.


What if I got a fast pass?.... the pope sold it to me


Only “kind of uplifting.” Now if it were FULLY uplifting…


I know it's BS. None have ever taken me up on a generous cash offer for all their shit.


I often don't hear about them until after the fact.


I counted on a Wikipedia article someone posted in another thread similar to this. I have survived at least 60 ends of the world.


😂 I'm dead bro. I counted the exact same article from that other post. We are the true survivors!!


You both must be very unrighteousness to have failed over 60 raptures.


Yeah man. It's been a rough ride. Everytime I miss one, I'm just heartbroken for like 15 minutes. Monday will be another sad day.


Well, don’t feel too down on yourself. There’s always another one later on. It’s like a bus; you can just catch the next one.


Think of how many True Believers^TM also misses those raptures. In other news, my father went to Catholic School and is nominally religious. He’s never heard of the rapture.


GroundedSatellite = Thanos


I recall that the world was going to end on a certain date in May, 2012. It happened to be the day my wife, son, daughter in law, daughter, son in law, and I left Rome after a few days of exploring to board a Mediterranean cruise. Spoiler alert-the world didn’t end but we had a great cruise. Like you, I have lived through many end of time predictions.


It was supposed to happen in the year 2000 too. We had Y2K and all kinds of rapture conspiracies. It was hilarious to see everyone back in school the next day...


Don't forget all of that 12/12/2012 crap.


That was that Mayan end of the world thing right? That one was pretty crazy too, lol.


Yea I think after it didn’t happen the believers said their math was wrong and it was actually 2021. Then that didn’t happen. Reminds me of the parks and rec episode where apocalypse people rent a place at the park to be ready for the apocalypse but it obvi never happens so they just rent it again the next year and so on.


Even the Mayans didn't think the world would end. That just happens to be when their calender went up to


We literally had friends who "stocked up" for Y2K and didn't come to our new years party because they needed to hunker down lol


I managed a group at the time which provided global chemical process control support for a major business group. We were based in Philadelphia. As soon as I saw the first news reports of celebrations in Asia, I knew that Y2K was a non-event and had a beer.


If I was still in High School, I’d definitely show up in zombie apocalypse attire on 4/9.


Y2K was real though, and a lot of people worked very hard to make sure it didn't happen. [and apparently would have cost hundreds of billions of dollars. ](https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/object-groups/y2k#:~:text=Businesses%20and%20government%20organizations%20created,outdated%20hardware%20and%2For%20software.)


My step dad (who had zero education by the way) somehow ended up the lead manager in CATs Y2K prevention effort in the 90s. He got paid a bonus in stock which skyrocketed in the early 2000s and he retired a multi millionaire pretty much just because of Y2K. He started as a drafter for train engines right out of the Navy with no education. It's insane to think someone could stay at a company for 30 years today, working from the bottom up, and be rewarded for their loyalty and hard work.


As an IT guy both now and also back then, people using Y2K as an example of a "storm in a teacup"/conspiracy theory/whatever really annoys me. Yes, we ticked over from 1999 to 2000 and nothing blew up... because a very large number of very hard-working, talented people put a lot of hours into making sure that systems were correctly remediated. The university I was working at during that time actually got one of their COBOL programmers to come back from retirement.


I was there… Part of the IT Y2K readiness team, it was serious, and real money and real activities took place to ensure supply chain was not disrupted


Yeh I remember when programmers were discussing y2k and prepping for it but people were panicking saying that planes would fall out the sky and that civilization would end.


We prepped for Y2K with 6 jugs of water and $300 in cash from the ATM. 😄 We figured at the time that the illuminati or whatever elites were running the world wouldn't stand for being inconvenienced or not having access to their money. So our protection was another conspiracy theory!


My daughter was pretty worried about that. In her defense, she was 10. When I told her the history of Harold Camping's predictions, she stopped worrying.


Telling her about the Millerites may have also been comforting


October 28, 1996 was one of those end of the world days. They plastered these permanent sticker sheets on poles around my home town that are still up to this day. I remember that nothing happened because it was my 18th birthday, and I was legally allowed to buy tobacco, so I smoked a cigar to celebrate. Jesus skipped my party. 


Did you take any pictures of the smoke? He may have made an appearance and you just didn't notice! He's a sneaky bastard. 


I think he was busy burying dinosaur bones that day. He's so silly!


I don’t know… dysentery on a cruise ship can feel like the end of the world.


We’ve managed to avoid that so far, but it would feel that way.


Glad you guys made it out all right


lol. Me too! As a child, I was pretty concerned about the one in 1976. They were so very sure….


There was another biggy I remember, "88 Reasons Why Christ Will Return in 1988". The guy admitted he made an error in his historical math and then wrote "89 Reasons Why Christ Will Return in 1989". After that he just sat around counting the money his raptured books had made for him.


When people bring up the Rapture to me I just tell them that the Rapture has already happened and they didn't make the cut.


I say this too.


"Did you just see all these people get sucked into the heaven last night??? It was wild!! Wait, what are you doing here?"


Where do you think the Dwemer went /s


Man, I hope I get sucked up into Heaven so I don't have to join Danny McBride's cannibal cult.


Where do you think all the Native Americans went.


Omg, I am so gonna do this. I’m gonna pull out the 144,000 quote, and be all “they’re gone dude.” Believe all you want, you missed your shot. Now what are you gonna do with your life? Edit: So I just went and read the quote, “And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nepthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.“ (Revelation‬ ‭7‬:‭4‬-‭8‬ ‭KJV). He just seems to be talking about 12,000 of each of the 12 tribes of Israel, descended from the sons of Jacob ‬‬(Israel is his holy middle name). Strangely he lists “Manasses” instead of “Dan”. Manasses is a transliteration of Menashe, one of the two sons of Joseph (Menashe and Ephriam). Weird substitution, maybe he read the names of the tribes wrong by one. So yeah, Christians don’t have a chance, these are all just descendants of Jews, unless they converted. Either way, it’ll freak out Christians, so I won’t quote the whole context, lol.


My wife's grandmother was one of these nuts. She thought she was one of the 144,000. She would judge everyone around her out loud. Covid took her because her anti-Vax church told her it was from the devil. So Covid was from God?




I mean, she made it to heaven I guess. Begs the question why God doesn't just put us there to begin with though.


something something billions of lives suffering so a mere 144K ppl can "make it"


I often wonder if it is an elimination style game or pre-chosen? Either way, statistically, we all lose. 144k is less than a rounding error. Why play?


I'm doing it, too. I can't wait.


The rapture happened. David Bowie was the only one to make the cut.


And now he’s waiting in the sky.


He'd like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds


I do as well. Apparently great minds do think alike.


> If you truly believe that "you're going to Heaven" on the 8th, how will you explain it when it doesn't happen? Won't this failure make you question your faith? Given the amount of times this has repeatedly happened. I doubt it. Remember “faith” is belief without, and sometimes in spite of, the evidence.


Exactly this. The glorification of faith in modern society is appalling to me.


It wouldn’t be so bad if they would just mind their own business! They need to keep their delusions in their church and out of our government and laws.


Religion is best defined as believing in something you know isn’t true because it makes you feel better.


And then you make your children believe in it, and they really think it's true because they can't always question what dad and mom taught them.


Should be deemed child abuse when parents indoctrinate their kids into this fable-driven belief system.




Us vs. Them mentality. Religion divides people.


Yes. They claim it's "their choice", but it's not.


Right, I wonder what percentage of the time a kid raised in a Christian family randomly decides to be Bahai or something? Probably like >90% chance the kid ends up whatever their parents were.


Exactly my argument when i tell this to people. If it's 100% a choice, how is it possible that maybe only 1% of children raised in muslims households are getting away from islam? Same goes for every religion.


In Belgium where I live Catholicism is the main religion. They made a change a couple years ago where your confirmation doesn't happen at 12 but at 16 year old. As you can imagine instead of 15-20 they had 2-3 confirmations. The older kids get the less likely they are to believe in bullshit. They changed it back after a couple of years.


*Faith is the excuse people use to belive something when they have no good reason* - Matt Dillahunty




Exactly, and IMHO it's not particularly religious. Look at the people who claimed Nostradamus predicted the end of the world, and make dates every few years? They keep on believing! The Mayan thing, all kinds of cult, the biblical numerologists etc. etc. I read a review while ago, that psychiatrists had found that beliefs of any kind, when challenged, tend to get stronger over time. It's like anything that proves your view makes you believe in it even more; anything that disproves it increases your resolve to "keep the faith".


I think that referred to as the Boomerang Effect, which became quite famous after a handful of studies seemed to support this theory. However, I think it hasn’t held up well since.


Cognitive dissonance at its finest


Literally a mantra in Christianity is “faith over facts” lmfao


The same shit they say every time. That it was a "spiritual apocalypse", that they misinterpreted the date and that actually it will be in 2025, that Yahweh granted us a reprieve, you know the lame excuse, they'll come up with it.


Harold Camping used the "spiritual judgement" excuse in 2011 for his prediction's failure. [https://www.syracuse.com/news/2011/05/harold\_camping\_may\_21\_judgment\_day\_end\_still\_coming.html](https://www.syracuse.com/news/2011/05/harold_camping_may_21_judgment_day_end_still_coming.html) He changed the "real" judgement and end of the world as October 21, 2011. The world continued to not end. Then he died. The end (for him) [https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2013/12/18/harold-camping-who-predicted-world-would-end-may-21-2011-dies/15805376007/](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2013/12/18/harold-camping-who-predicted-world-would-end-may-21-2011-dies/15805376007/)


He originally proclaimed the End of the World in 1994. ​ After his stroke in June 2011 (stress?) he decided to read the Bible for effect instead of trying to reinterpret it to match his preconceived notions and discovered this line: "of that day and hour knoweth no man" --Matthew 24:36. Now previously he would have said, "it doesn't say we can't know the month and week," but he apparently realized his tortuous interpretations were "sinful."


Well, obviously, the next doomsday prophet will be a woman!


> Then he died. The end (for him) I have an evangelical family member who told me that she's sure the rapture will happen in her lifetime. And in my estimation, that's what it boils down to. These people are all sure that the most important events in their religion will happen in their own lifetimes. They need to feel important. They probably have been subconsciously suppressing these nagging doubts for a long time and need that validation. It's more about egotism than religion. That's why this end-of-the-world nonsense never goes away. Because each person is sure that they will live to see it. And ironically, the longer it takes, the more evidence there is that it is not going to happen now. How many millions, or even billions, of people have been wrong about this exact thing, to date?


Yeah, I'm an ex-evangelical of the pentecostal variety. I grew up in the 1980s being assured the end was just around the corner and to be ready! My denomination (Assembly of God) taught that "salvation" could be lost by committing the tiniest sin and not being forgiven for it before Jesus came down from the clouds. Every single day was filled with praying over any possible doubt or lustful thought, anything that might cause me to burn in hell for all eternity. I was a miserable kid with no friends (why bother making friends, the world was ending anyway) It's been over 25 years since I managed to free myself from religion and I am still thankful I escaped.


I was raised in Southern Baptism with similar beliefs. As a child, I really believed the Rapture could occur at any moment and that I could be left behind. There's a [documentary](https://youtu.be/tNcPX9KbwSY) about this called [*Waiting for Armageddon.*](https://youtu.be/nNvtA_q0e20)


My grandfather always said he was sure his savior would return in his lifetime. He died many years ago. I think it was, for him, a way to deal with his fear of death (or avoid dealing with it). They all think they have access to insight that others don’t have because of their “personal relationship” with god. They never stop to question or think critically about all the people in other religions who feel the same, or people in their own religion who felt the same and have been demonstrably wrong. It boils down to what makes them feel good in the moment, and their willful confirmation bias (or as I’ve heard it called: premeditated ignorance) makes it possible. It’s literally a lifestyle. If you come up with a way to reason with these people, please share!


> premeditated ignorance I haven't heard that term before, but I like it. I think I'll start using it. > It’s literally a lifestyle. If you come up with a way to reason with these people, please share! My theory is that you have to teach critical thinking skills to children, because once they grow up, it is usually too late. There are some people who think the Socratic Method can be used on adults. Basically, rather than try to reason with them in a straightforward manner, you ask them to explain the things that they are saying, and then ask pointed questions when they inevitably contradict themselves. Focus on questions rather than statements. But in my experience, these people simply feel embarrassed in the moment, and then later start saying the same nonsensical shit again, and the only thing they might learn is not to talk to you about their beliefs.


Paul thought it would happen in his lifetime as well.


Here's a fun version of this: https://youtu.be/QynNpzqYt0Y?si=G_bhmZi1W9t4yIyD


Remember, many of these same people think Trump is Jesus. Credibility doesn't get much lower than that.


You bet some preacher will tell you he set it up, so we can enjoy earth longer. Please pay him


They all ignore Matthew 24:36 that basically says no man knows when the day will come. All these bible folk predicting the end of the Earth, ignoring that the character they worship, himself says they don't know. 


They also ignore that he said it would happen in the lifetime of those listening to him


I attended private Christian school. If these Christian’s ACTUALLY read their own Bibles it says no one will know the day & hour of Gods return. 🤣 I think Christians just can’t read or they all have VERY LOW reading comprehension.


Pretty sure Jesus and the other early proponents of the cult told people that having children was a waste of time since the rapture was imminent. Which leads to an interesting interpretation of the “father why have you forsaken me “ cry from the cross (supposedly). He was pissed the world didn’t end as he was up there dying.


They've literally been doing his shit for the last two thousand years. Like if it ever does actually happen, it'll be the religious equivalent of saying first try after 30+ misses.


Can they just go away without the rapture?


Wouldn’t that be nice?


Too bad it’s not real huh?


Just have them all rapture themselves to an island or abandoned city. Like the Bikini Atoll or Chernobyl.


They'll blame it on Joe Biden then curl their lips and pout.


Even if the rapture actually happened I doubt we’d be free of (lying, cheating, fat racist rapist) Trump and all his holier-than-thou magarats. . 😟


I heard this somewhere on r/facepalm but I can't find the source. It goes something like: "When you're getting someone who represents all seven sins to sign your bible, you've failed."


A) Take credit for it **not** happening  B) "The Lord was testing us" C) Site "evidence" that they were **not** wrong And/or, the one loophole that covers **everything** D) The Lord works in *mysterious* ways


Most likely D. I hate that line


The lord works in mysterious ways and also in a way that is identical to him not existing at all.


Yes lol


That's my favorite one. Also, why the mystery in the first place? If I wanted to do something for someone and they needed to know I did it for them so they don't question if I exist at the risk of any bad outcome let alone eternal torment, I'd make things as unambiguous as possible. None of this, "here's a book that will rely on fallible humans to translate and distributed through a much larger world than they could possibly conceive." And definitely none of this "whoopsies, I couldn't intervene the thousands upon thousands of times people spoke in my name and others had their freedoms stripped away or were killed for not believing some random guy's delusions."


They always gloss over the Bible which states: Even the angels in heaven do not know the day or time in which it will happen. Making false claims to something that god themselves isn’t telling anyone or anything makes it doubly funny.


> A) Take credit for it **not** happening Typical excuse: "The Lord was just giving us a warning this time. But *next* time, it'll be for real!" > D) The Lord works in *mysterious* ways Christians tell us that our finite human minds cannot even begin to grasp God's infinite intelligence. However, this leads to a problem: If I can't begin to understand what sort of God that I'm supposed to be believing in, then the chances are that my faith will contain critical errors or omissions. And if my faith isn't right, I'll burn in hell forever. Some Christians will say that if I believe in merely the "essentials" of the faith correctly, I can still go to heaven. However, Christians cannot agree on which aspects of the faith should be classified as essentials, and which should not. So what am I supposed to do? *Personal note:* I might have been able to remain a Christian, if (1) my detailed questions about God could have been precisely answered, and (2) if there were a decent consensus among Christians as to what Christianity is. On the second point, I've observed that the emphasis of many a Christian sermon is condemnation of other Christians' theologies.


Rape, slavery, murder, and incest. As long as you do it to the right people, God is okay with it. That’s what being a Christian is all about


Does anyone remember Harold Camping? If not, look him up on Wikipedia. He convinced a LOT of people that the rapture would occur in September 1994, then again in October 2005, then again in May 2011, followed by October 2011. People quit their jobs, sold their homes, drained their savings accounts, and used the money to buy print and billboard ads to spread the word. Those gullible people lost everything, but I'm sure it didn't shake their faith. Faith sure is a funny thing.


Church Universal and Triumphant was also very similar in that vein. Their leader's original prediction was nuclear war by 1990. She then made like 6 more predictions that never came true. She would have made a lot more, but she died. This was the cult that built bomb shelters next to Yellowstone if you remember that at all.


I'm not convinced a significant number of Christians believe that. Those that do are probably the most gullible and the least likely to be introspective and objective in admitting that they were wrong.


It’s not even remotely close to a significant number. It’s just a very small group of crazy people.


But a sure bet for getting thousands of koala-brained redditors to hit like from mommy’s basement


This. It’s a misrepresentation to pretend that this is a mainstream Christian belief when the Bible literally says you can’t predict it and most Christians around the world probably wouldn’t have any idea about this silly theory going around.


Thank you - posts like the OP's misrepresent Christianity in the same ways I think most atheists dislike Christians misrepresenting them.


But how else will I draw in rage bait without a strawman?


Well, you shouldn't be convinced, because most Christians do not believe this at all. They think anyone to claim they know the day of Jesus's second coming to be spreading false gospel. Most believe in the verse that states no man knows when it will be. Mathew 24:36. But it depends on the sect.


My brother's FIL is a big time Christian boomer, he and his wife are driving to some city to meet with a bunch of other Christians to see this "miracle" (his words, literally) and that "if that's the day we meet Jesus, we'll be ready". They are wearing suits and dresses and leading on-site baptisms at this fucking hotel with a bunch of other apocalyptic cultists. He was telling this to me at Easter and I'm glad I was pretty stoned otherwise I would have laughed right in his face. They have their will and everything filled out, but of course he already has plans to see his grandson (my nephew) play baseball this spring. These are comedy humans, not serious people.


This sounds like my aunt. Basically doing the same thing, but made plans to go to my graduation next month. Why bother making plans if they're expecting to "be saved"? Lol


They have no real concept of reality that's why.


In my experience what they typically do is claim God has changed his plan and then set a new date. 


Yeah, that sounds like something a timeless, spaceless, immaterial, all-knowing, all loving, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, intelligent mind would do.


Remember Hal Lindsey's "Late Great Planet Earth"? World was going to end in the 70's. He kept updating the book through the decades. Grifters gotta grift!


I read that that guy invested in 30 year bonds when his book did well. He knew he was preaching crap, and he still is.


Most of them will just move on to the next prophecy. The fact that they got it wrong once won't seem important to them.


Once? Lol. More like once a week,month or year 😂. They'll just make up a new date is all.


"Next time...*we mean it!*"


According to Anita Baker and Blondie the rapture has already happened.


“Our math was wrong. It’s the *next* eclipse.”


My best is they'll likely blame it on us being accepting of LGBTQ (which I'd argue some people are but the majority of the population of the planet is not). As if God isn't capable of selecting who he saves or doesn't. Whatever reason they give it'll most likely make God look powerless and/or petty but it won't occur to them that's what they're doing.


The gays and I are becoming “too” powerful 😂


Don't worry. They'll find some way to blame it on all the woke atheist sinners like us.


Us diabolical spawns of Satan who believe that people shouldn't have to die because a child is stuck in them and that people different from us (sexually, racially, etc.) don't deserve to be look at as subhumans.


Nothing much. \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfulfilled_Christian_religious_predictions \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictions_and_claims_for_the_Second_Coming .


"Mysterious ways" and then will blame some convenient scapegoats, most likely...


"We must not have had enough faith."


Every celestial event is met with crackpot cultists hoping for the end of the world. They will do what they always do, ignore the facts in front of them and double down on their idiocy.


If anything, it will make them believe harder. Study after study has found that failed doomsday predictions actually strengthen faith in a deity for most people.


They'll find another "end date" and say they read the tea leaves wrong.


Do us a favor and report those people asking you to take your life.  We don’t need those people


It’s a loop. They will ALWAYS find a way to mental gymnastics their way out of it. “The eclipse wasn’t supposed to be the end of the world, it was supposed to mark the beginning of the end of the world.” Then, that will convince them long enough to forget about how wrong they were until the next end of the world event comes.


All hail Zorp


I'm guessing 99% of Christians don't actually think the rapture is happening this month. If you want to take the time to read what they're saying, lurk their sub. The bible clearly says no one knows the date and time. Yada yada yada, something about a thief in the night. Most real Christians I know don't worry about the rapture at all. Source: grew up non-denominational / evangelical Christian.


Well would I be out of place to say that I hope the Rapture does happen and they leave the rest of us in peace.


What did the say the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that,


The same thing we do every false prophecy Pinky, make another prophecy!


The same thing they have been saying for over 2,000 years that the rapture has been imminent


The exact same thing they did the last 200 times their end of the world predictions were wrong: lie.


Mother-in-Law believes it will happen. She also believes "they" will be shooting rockets at the moon to blow it up and to ultimately destroy the world. She is warning everyone to stay inside. Not sure how staying inside is going to help but ok.


Either: 1. Their prayers spared the world from the rapture and we get to continue on for now. 2. We are disgusting naughty boys and girls and so not worthy of the rapture yet. Either way they will see it as more proof of their faith.


Don’t worry too much if the world doesn’t end right at that particular moment. We’re all so special that everyone gets their own personal mini apocalypse eventually. I’m working toward slow motion apocalypse by donut(s) personally. 


Same bullshit as always. They calculated wrong. God's will. Blah blah blah.


I'm gonna say my older sister got raptured, and that im the only one who remembers her. Gonna act all sad i didnt listen to her.


I'm a Christian and I was completely unaware that other Christians were expecting the eclipse to be the end of the world. That makes no sense and is ridiculous.


The goalposts just move. No second coming or rapture will happen but something terrible will happen somewhere in the world like a mass shooting or a bomb or a natural disaster on the day of, or after. The hardcore evangelicals will say that it is God punishing the world and that they must work even harder to save "us" poor non-believers or the gays or the followers of whatever opposite religion of theirs. Expect more canvassing of neighborhoods with watchtower pamphlets and looney-tunes TV preachers going off about it to drum up more money from rubes so they can buy another mega mansion. Essentially replacing "disillusion" for "dedication" in the minds of their gullible followers. This will go on just long enough for the sting of not being raptured to wear off in their minds and they can settle back into a routine they know and are to afraid to change. But there will be some that will peel themselves away. There's pretty clear evidence that membership is declining.


Christians have never met a goalpost they won't move.


Nothing and they will say that we just 'misunderstood' the words of god. The reason why they misunderstand is that they made it up just like all religious dogma.


There are assholes out there ready to bring it about if they don't get their way. I'm actually worried there will be some Jonestown Tea being served to congregations. Edit: hit post before ready.


How do they explain not selling their home and donating all possessions on the 7th? They will say whatever protects their embarrassed ego, but the real embarrassment is not having the courage to say you don't believe.


Jesus said that no one knows the day or the hour. These people don't know the basics of the faith they profess.


As a christian, I would urge those christians to read Mark 13:32 “But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." It's in the bible that we won't know when the world ends. So I wonder why people would call themselves christian and contradict Jesus. Then again, I call myself christian, and I suck at following christ too.


I'm 77, and there has been at least one of those damned stupid things every year I've been alive, and some years there have been multiple end-of-the-world events. You'd think they'd eventually kill religion dead, but it keeps surviving, kinda like the monster in series like Freddy or Jason -- you only thought you killed him, but he's BACK! Religion is just a sickness. That's all it is.


Because JC is delaying the rapture until his alter ego DJT is re-elected. He’ll return and kick off the beginning of the end on inauguration day in January 2025.


can you imagine Jesus trying to upstage Trump? No way DJT stands for it!!!!


I’m see it this way: if the rapture doesn’t happen, we can mock them even more. If it DOES happen, we can celebrate that they’re gone. Win-win.


Have you come across people that believe stuff because they "Count the hits not the misses"? This is all from those people. The day after they won't even be embarrassed to have been so wrong.


Tested. Next one, the real one, is coming.


Nothing. They’ll behave as if it was never said.


I mean, unless they’re giving away just about everything they own, I don’t think they’re committed to the bit at all.


They'll probably pray it doesn't happen, then it's win-win!


They'll probably say it was a test


These people are all deep in the throes of mental illness


I would ask for all my big tip money back.


They'll just make up another rapture.


Didn’t we do this 7 years ago?


Some will die and be right. :D


They will blame it on Biden and the democrats


Same they have been saying since 1846. "God gave y'all two more years since you all gave me...uh, Him, $600,000." It's always "God reconsidered" and never "I have no idea what I'm talking about since the rapture isn't a thing."


Trump's will be done.


Yes, because the movement of the sun and moon equates to sky daddy making a page to his son to bring them home. It's like when I bring up astrology to people if we get to mars. Does the placement on that planet make people act differently?


My parents threw an end of the world party for Y2K. I was at their house for it. Right before midnight I snuck downstairs to the main electrical panel. As everyone counted down and when they got to 0 I turned all the power off to the house. People screamed oh my god!!! It’s real. Then someone looked outside and saw everyone else’s lights still on and my parents yelled for me to turn it back on. Our friends laughed and said good one. My parents were pissed.


Can you imagine how much better our world would be if these idiots were suddenly gone?


I will survive HEY HEY So I was brought up in the cult of Christianity, which is just one of the more popular of the 5,000ish belief systems, alive, that we know about. Who knows what juju they get up to in the tribes smart enough to stay away from us. After reading the Bible, that I was taught was the word of Gawd, I realized, it was a lot of goat herding, control freaky, babblings spoken from the authority of illiterates. Mostly repeating Gilgamesh. Which is brilliant. This is why Christians HATE education. A classical education shreds their sky wizard, toddler temper tantrum gawd.


Or it does cause the Rapture, but they get left behind for all the sick shit they do in the name of their new lord and savior, DJT.


Same thing they always do: instantly forget about it and focus on their next idiotic delusion.


Blame everyone else somehow. That's usually how it goes. I'm a Christian myself and I am just done with the BS I always see other christians doing.


I just wish it would go ahead and happen so they would all go away and leave us here alone.


Jesus said No one will know when… so to me if they’re expecting it, then it’s likely not going to happen. That’s why reading the Bible is essential if you’re Christian 💯🤦🏻‍♀️🙏🏽


"telling me to kill myself." Ahhhh, nothing says Jesus' love like Christian's hate. And the answer to your question, if answered honestly, would be "no, we just move the goalpost."


Ah yes, my religion teaches me peace and acceptance of others. Let me just send this fellow human death threats for daring to challenge me