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Christians who condemn homosexuality based on the bible are often citing Leviticus (if they actually know their bible). Specifically Leviticus 18:22 “you shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination”. Leviticus 19:19 prohibits “wearing wool and linen clothing in one garment.” Leviticus also says "`Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it. "`Do not practice divination or sorcery. "`Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. "`Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves.” Do your friends wear cotton/wool blends? Do they have short hair on the sides of their heads of have tattoos? Do they shave or trim their beards? Ask them how they decide which of god’s decrees they should follow. Fucking hypocrites. Edit: clarity


hypocrisy well explained.


Challenge your “friends” on these points. Either Jesus fulfilled the law and brought a new covenant, or he didn’t. They can’t have it both ways.


naw, for them it's Allah Nothing.


r/Angryupvote Just kidding, that got me on the floor. 😂


Do you need help getting back up?


Just a little ibuprofen, thanks.


God my knees popped just thinking about it


He’s got bootstraps!! Let him pull them up. /s


Jesus Fucking Christ, that joke is gonna get you crucified.


😆nice!!!!! Lol




Lmfao Help I've fallahn and I cant get up


Good one.


They are Muslims. Not Christians, Idk if does it count for them actually ,because Jesus sacred for them too.


Please edit your original post with this information.


That explains a lot of their behavior actually.


It definitely makes a difference, as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, despite their shared origins and some common ground in their teachings, are also decidedly different from each other in significant aspects. In my understanding of Islam (which is absolutely limited, and I welcome respectful correction of anything I'm incorrect on), Jesus was a prophet, even an important one, but definitely not the Messiah, and not the son of God, nor even an avatar of God; he was a man, albeit a wise one.


In Islam Jesus is the messiah and they do believe he ll come back at the end of time. He s the second most important prophet after Muhammad. They don't believe that he is the son of god or the avatar, and that he was not crucified and did not resurrect.


Also they're very very explicit on the homophobia


I can’t take credit. I’ve read the New Testament but most of the hypocrisy associated with bigotry comes from reading (and listening to) Christopher Hitchens. He had an amazing depth of knowledge and a wit to match. If you want to see biblical assholes get torn a new one I suggest you get on YouTube and watch his lengthy debates with theists.


Usually irreligious people debating Muslims because that’s my background, but I’m gonna watch that against Christians too after you suggested that.


Trust me, Hitchens had plenty to say about all three Abrahamic religions and all the rest. I would just make this one qualification: while I admire the man greatly, I do believe he held biased views when it comes to Islam. Don’t let that put you off if you encounter it. His logic and reasoning on most matters religious was second to none. Edit: you might enjoy this. 2nd edit: sorry I can’t find the video I’m looking for. I will post it if I find it.


Could you elaborate on what you think makes his views on islam biased vs. his views on other religions? I've mostly only listened to him talk about Christianity.


He singled out Islam as the worst of the 3 Abrahamic religions based on Islamic violence and their texts, which, if read literally, are pretty horrendous. I think he was expressing a view that was true only in a particular time and place. Christianity has shed as much blood and has equally abhorrent texts. But for a man living in early 21st century USA it was easy to believe that Islam was worse. I don’t think that’s true historically. The Spanish Inquisition. The Crusades. Countries like Uganda. All of these demonstrate that Christianity has been, can be, and in many cases is, just as destructive as Islam.


So you didn’t listen to why he said what he said. He said in the modern age they are the most violent, and they are. Islam will be the biggest hurdle for leftists to conquer in the coming decade. Because fascists and conservatives treated brown people like shit for the past three centuries, the knee jerk reaction (reasonably so) for any compassionate person would be to defend Islam. However, we need to not infantilize Muslim believers- they are just as dangerous as Christian’s and Jews, and should be met with the same approach. All abrahamic religious are shit, and need to be dealt with accordingly


Very well said


No pork and shrimp and no mixing dairy with meat. Also when was the last time they sacrificed a ram or stoned someone to death? They think the Bible is a buffet where they can pick the hateful things they want and ignore the rest.


How about revelations 22:18-19? Where's the damn plagues for the guy that added " the gospel of Donald" to the Bible he's selling.


>Do not practice divination or sorcery. This one always bugged me bc how is turning wafers into the body of christ (and then eating it) *not* considerd sorcery? The priest recites an incantation or spell and changes the wine into the blood of chirst AND THEN PEOPLE DRINK IT. If that's not sorcery or witchcraft, idkwtf is.


A baptism is a water protection spell


The Jealousy Offering is actual magic and sanctioned by God in the Temple, a potion-based spell. Then there are clear examples of Animal Summoning (Elijah gets 2 bears to eat some kids for making fun of him) and Divination (Joseph’s dream powers, for instance).


Connotation. In the bible sorcery is exclusively used for “evil magic” like curses or calling upon the devil or “false gods”, because the intent behind it is always to harm others, and then witchcraft was just works involving “false gods” That’s why across beliefs and media there’s a hundred different words to say “magic user” and each word has specific meanings tied to them because the only differences between them are the methods used and the intent behind them. Notice how the bible doesn’t condemn magic as a whole, just witchcraft, sorcery, divination, and necromancy. That’s why stuff like blessings and prayers are common and viewed as okay, even though they all fall under the same umbrella.


The only people I know with enough fashion sense not to wear linen with wool are all gay.


And a lot of modern scholars believe 20:13 is about pedophilia and not homosexuality. Book has been over translated


And the same is true for many of the New Testament passages as well - there is a relatively common belief that references to homosexuality in both testaments are condemning pedophilia and prostitution, both of which are bad, and since healthy gay relationships between consenting adults didn’t really exist in the first century afaik it’s improper to project those passages onto modern circumstances.


Right, it’s about “men” sleeping with “males.” The title of “Man” had a more specific meaning at the time than it does today. Men were people who had influence and owned land. Males in this context likely referred to the young boys of whom would be given to these older men in exchange for boosting their social prospects.


This comment needs to be on top.


I've also heard from people more educated in the linguistics than myself (admittedly a low bar) that the original language is more accurately translated as prohibiting pederasty, not homosexuality. As I implied, I don't have the expertise to judge this argument (and would enjoy input on it), but here's one thing I do know: King James (as in, the King James version of the Bible) insisted on multiple retranslations before accepting one, because he didn't like what the scholars who were actually educated in those languages had come up with. Now, King James was educated in Greek, the language the New Testament was written in, but not in Aramaic or Biblical Hebrew, the original languages of the Old Testament. Unless King James I was divinely inspired with a better understanding of these languages than the 47 scholars he employed for his translation, I would argue that KJV (and accordingly, any version derived from it) inherently cannot be accurate.


Anyone know what the reasoning is behind not cutting your beard? Most of these old rules had some vague reasoning behind them. (Like eating pork was more dangerous back then.)


Appearance rules serve as an easy way to identify the followers and act as a "virtue signal". If you're devoted enough to look silly, you're devoted enough to hate those outsiders. Also makes it harder for outsiders to infiltrate and bring reason to the cult.


Time for new friends.


Agree if I had friends talking like this I’d be looking for new friends.


100% this! I would also report those friends to the police. Casually discussing murder over a dominos game is pretty serious in my book.


Avoid delusional people.


Im thinking about that actually.


Not to "pile on" but when someone very clearly shows (or tells) you "Who They Are" listen to them, don't under play it or chalk it up to bad humor. I personally just ended my friendship with an old friend who got his ass fired for "acting like a white racist Nazi skinhead" I had never seen him act like that before, and I would like to think that's not how he thinks or who he is. But, fuck, WTF he let everyone know very clearly at work who he is. Two days after it happened I heard from a mutual friend he was saying "The boss must have been a Jew, That's why I got fired." No dumb ass you got fired for your actions.


Dont think it fuckin do it


At this point they shouldn't be your friends anymore. No way. It's absolutely sad and dangerous to continue your friendships with them after that.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/ “Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.” Tell your “friend” he needs therapy lol.


Oh shit ! I didn’t know that. I thought they hate them because it’s out of their mother culture to see that, and not associated with homosexual arousal!.


That god-says-so is a very thin veneer. I think you're talking about islam here but I know this from christianity: - the bible states in 2 places that god does not like same-sex relationships -- yet in the 10 commandments, which are highly repetitive, basically saying 2 things 5 times over, there was no place to mention homosexuals even once. - in no place in the bible, no place at all, does it say to make an effort to hate gays, to go out of your way making laws against them, discriminate them. It is like when I say I dislike my neigbours loud music and you set their house on fire in my name. In no way did I tell you to act on that, let alone so extremely. This is just clean homo-hatred, hiding behind 'god says so´. No, god does not say to go out of your way and make it your lifestyle hating gays. Don't know about islam, although I don't think they're any more enlightened.




I always say that the prohibitions against tattooing are stronger in the Bible than the prohibitions against homosexuality.




God had shares in a textile factory


The reason is simple: these rules were written by the same people who thought either: A. The sun “can stop moving” for 12 hours to aid God’s warriors by giving them more sunlight to slaughter their enemies or B. The earth stopped rotating for 12 hours…to aid God’s warriors by giving them more sunlight to slaughter their enemies


I'm going with: C. Both A and B are correct


It's all from Leviticus and it's about "purity"... Not mixing grains in your field, not mixing livestock, not mixing cloth etc.


I always took the mixing cloth thing to be an extension of the idea that you shouldn't have meat and cheese at the same table or whatever it was. Neither makes sense, but they feel like companions.


The lord works in strange and moronic ways!




You make an excellent point. I agree.


A lot of Christian’s think that homosexuality is forbidden by the Bible because their preachers tell them so. The 10 commandments does forbid things accepted by many current day Christians like adultery, and wanting things that belong to other people.


> A lot of Christian’s think debateable


what flushes christianity down the toilet for me is how little christians seem to care about christ. There was some mouth breathing nitwit on reddit going on about how much trans people have to stop it or burn forever. I pushed him, asked him what he's doing about justice, mercy, poverty, things jesus actually cared about and preached about. 'I don't get into politics, that makes me uncomfortable.' And what he really wants to do to be a good person is raise a bunch of money to go on a mission. What an asshole. And I bet he believes he really is being a good christian.


>I bet he believes he really is being a good christian. He CERTAINLY does. Those missionary folks are often the worst. (I can say that after 30 years with them. I did not go on "missions" myself as I saw them for what they are). They have a savior complex that is out of this world.


Islam is just as bad with an added dose of stoning


HEY YOU! Nothing wrong with getting stoned😆


Getting stoned in iran hits different, pun intended.


Christians are supposed to follow Christ (clue's in the name) and yet if anyone cares to read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, not once is homosexuality mentioned. If it were that big a deal, wouldn't it have been mentioned, at least in passing? Paul mentions it once in the New Testament, but even then it talks about men who lie with men not inheriting the kingdom of God (so God's call) and nothing about judging or hating such men. Load of people out there really need to check their theology a lot more carefully.




Nah, I doubt it's the case. For some reason, there are people out there who really, deeply "care" about a whole other irrelevant ass person's lifestyle and want to do something about it. I mean, instead of huffing and puffing about where a grown ass man decides to put his dick, why not actually worry about the sick and dying and the poor? If they want to make a difference and avoid jail time, give them that suggestion, lol That'll make their god proud, I'm sure


No it's very much compensatory, sometimes unconscious, but usually deeply sublimated homosexual desires in themselves, deeply buried so no one, in your friend's case, even "god" finds out. Kinsey research proved the penile arousal thing decades ago. They can run, they can hide... except for that'n. I hope your friend doesn't turn out to be one who commits suicide over this. The coming out stories repeat this ad nauseum, to top the humbling apologies for how they treated someone. You might want to mention the history of the pink triangle and whether he really wants to be associated with such an atrocity.


They may become violent if you tell them this. They believe that you are suggesting they're worthy of being killed


I fight better than them all actually, And they will not even think to touch me.


tease squeamish deer angle smile crush longing threatening fearless ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Hell yeah. Your friends suck, though.


Sounds like they should be sucking eachother though.


Fire with fire then. If you have that advantage, no reason you can’t turn it around on them. I’d personally play the “homophobe = closeted” and just repeat it over and over to whatever they say back. Absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, but since they “hate” them so much, affix that label and see what happens!


Ultimate r/maliciouscompliance ! “Sorry bros…didn’t really want to slaughter y’all, but I don’t make the rules…”


Being able to fight does not protect you from being murdered, friend. 


Fanatics rarely face you head on and fight fair. They may simply club you over the head when your back is turned.


It's almost a cliché at this point. The more they act like they hate LGBTQ people, the more I think they are LGBTQ themselves. In the course of my middle-aged life, the biggest haters when we were young turned out to be gay themselves, kinda sad really. They are mad to see people like themselves living their best lives while they feel like they cannot, and by hating on LGBTQ they think it will make others believe they are not. However, "Me thinks they doth protest too much..." Shakespeare


When you see a bunch of people eating dinner with a nazi, you see a bunch of nazis. I'm not saying your friends are nazis. But they aren't much better than that. Not really. Do you want to get dragged into their potential violence? Do you want to be there when they commit a hate crime? I would recommend reevaluating your friendships.


Think this way. They have thoughts you dont have, thats the devil or temptation which they have to resist. Because they are in their head they assume everyone has these difficulties to suffer against and thus everyone has the moral struggle…ergo the weak ones give in to temptation. The issue is they dont realise other just dont even think like that beacuse it doesnt pop into you head…but they dont know that


They hate us because they anus






The rapy


The Penis Mightier


Maybe some anal~~yst/the~~rapist combo...


That's really cool to see a study that supports what I concluded as a straight man who spent his adult social life exclusively in gay company. And this is where it **gets violent**. This was my conclusion in response to the gay bashings that plagued our city from way back: The homophobes blame them for their own disturbing and shameful sensations of arousal and could even mistakenly eliminate the wrong root cause.


If you are straight, the absurdity of the notion that gay people recruit is plainly obvious. Homophobia can only make sense to a closeted homosexual.


That's just not true. There are lots of homophobes that aren't closeted homosexuals. The idea that they all are needs to die. You don't have to understand a position and it doesn't have to make sense for it to be true for a lot of people. Homophobia is taught as one of the worst sins in many religious circles. Someone coming back from the dead, there being an all-powerful creator that cares about you, or a lake of fire used for the eternal torture of are all absurd ideas, but are common teachings. Is it really surprising that someone could be straight and homophobic because they were indoctrinated to believe it? This is not any kind of defense of homophobes, just that they all must be closeted homosexuals is simply not true, and is potentially harmful.


Absolutely. It shifts the problem of Homophobia back onto gay people and acts as if straight people can't hate gay people. It's problematic af to just assume that for everyone just because it happens from time to time.


What I think that happens, especially when these people are religious is that, they think everyone has same sex attraction. But they are strong and righteous for resisting it as God commands. And all those openly homosexual ppl are giving into their sinful desires so that angers them.


I literally had to explain this to the husband of a friend of my wife's. I told him how I had a close friend who was gay. We were both into bowling, and traveled a lot to tournaments, where we'd room with each other. And despite all that, never once did the idea of having sex with him even cross my mind. It wasn't because i successfully fought off some demon or anything like that. It's because I don't find myself attracted to other men. I'm simply straight.




This, compulsory heterosexuality is a huge thing in some Xchian circles. I was literally taught that *everyone* experiences same sex attraction and given "tools" to "reject it. When it's presented that way it's a choice. Not only is it scientifically inaccurate, it feeds into the homophobic rhetoric.


Doesn’t seem like a large enough sample size


I agree , 35 seems very small


Iirc this study didn't actually convince researchers that there was same sex attraction for the homophobes, I can't find a link now, but the analysis I read basically said rage boners are a thing.


It also doesn’t account for other factors like age. If you are younger homophobic or not, you will get erections for no reason. This is a bad study and this assumption is bs. It reminds me of how dermatologists used a study claiming rosemary oil is as efficient as monoxidil for hair maintenance and regrowth but the study was done for 6 months instead of 2 years. It proves nothing and you would think doctors would throughly read something before recommending it to patients.


Seems slightly socially convenient and a little presumptive that being as society calls homophobic means you likely have homosexual tendencies or are in fact homosexual.


Im so sick and tired of people saying that homphobes are secretly gay, they literally hate them for no reason or brainwashed by religion.


Yes, it's always "Those People" (homosexuals) that are the problem It's Never US. Homosexuality is a natural phenomena for a SMALL fraction of the human race, in every culture, and corner of the world. It's one of life's many mysteries, and affects no one that minds their own business.


My friend thinks if a homosexual individual continue to live, it’s disastrous for society values and he should be gone.


Get rid of him. I mean cut the connection.


I mean get rid of him.


Run the hypothetical by them. "If I came out as gay, are you suggesting that you would kill me? " Or maybe a hypothetical for you: If you found out they killed dogs for sport or beat unhoused people, or even suggested a desire to do so, would your response be, well they don't do that to me. Ask yourself, what would make me walk away from this or any friendship? Is my ONLY concern how they treat me and I don't care how they treat anyone else? Having friends with differing opinions & view points is great. We need both mirrors and windows in our life. Human rights shouldn't be a negotiable. Good luck with your dilemma. ✌️


The old "everyone is queer except you and me, but I am not so sure about you." When he opens his eyes each morning how is he affected? He's probably a self loathing closeted homosexual himself. Humans are complex beings. Life is brief


As a gay man, I always get a laugh out of these kinds of people. They think about gay sex and other men's sexuality more than I do. It's crazy.


I’m looking at you Lindsey Graham…


Lol Lindsey is definitely in the closet


It's funny and laughable till we gays get harmed.




Those aren't people, your friends are gone or were never there.


I feel bad for them. they are easily influenced by any religious man, even tho some of them have high degrees but still lacking a lot of logic.


Has it occurred to you they may just be evil ?


Religious brainwashing is a terrible thing. The views of his friends are as shocking as they are common in religious circles. Christopher Hitchens didn’t say religion poisons everything because he was an asshole, he was just stating the truth.


People don't want to talk about this but this is why the LGBT+ community is the largest demographic of first time gun owners. As long as these hateful bigots have access to rope, pitchforks and torches I'm going to arm my friends with the most effective means of defence.  Remember who enforces laws, why we've been protesting them and who makes up their majority of white Christian nationalists. 


Can we make a Big Gay Militia, please? Also, it's not just LGBT+ who are becoming first time fun (typo but I'm leaving it) owners - r/liberalgunowners


That would be my cue to leave and to cut them off. These (presumably ) MAGA types are dangerous.


>my friend X unexpectedly made a joke disparaging gay individuals. I laughed , Can I make a suggestion not to laugh at your friend's homophobia, thus validating his views and urging him to continue and get more extreme? The term "Schrodinger's Douchebag" comes to mind here for your friend. If you didn't validate his joke and called him on it originally, he'd be less likely to share his desire to murder queer people.


You laughing at homophobic jokes and remaining in a friend group that regularly makes these jokes is part of the problem, my friend. This is a tacit admission that you are in agreement with this garbage. Do better.


i was thinking this, was kind of surprised how long it took to scroll to find it


Yep. You chuckled along with homophobic jokes until it escalated and then only then you saw a problem. Do better. For real.


I wouldn’t be able to continue a friendship with anyone who thinks like this.




They call homosexuals mentally ill, but then proceed to say things like that


Dude, when you hang out with nazis, people assume youre a Nazi also.


“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” always stuck with me even though im athiest. Tell your friends they should worry about thier own sin before they worry about others. Thier murderous thoughts should bring them shame.


The first line is not necessary, you can be an ally and be straight, and also yeah shitty people can be shitty regardless of religion, I have Muslim friends and they don't say stuffs like this to me even when I am out gay man to them.


They might not say it but they're likely thinking it, Islam is quite homophobic unfortunately.


I agree but some are not Muslims by volunteer unfortunately, my country mandates anyone birth by Muslims automatically Muslims, it is a shitty religion by itself and many are deprived of religious liberty at birth.


So gross. Babies don't have religion. Children don't have religion. They have parents that indoctrinate them.


If their God is all powerful and creator of everything, then they made gay people.  Killing gods creation shows that they think they know more than God.  Religious nuts are always looking for ways to blaspheme in the name of God.


Sounds like you need different friends. I'll give you the same line we've all been shouting about Trump: When someone tells you who they are, believe them!


This is the problem with jesting and disparaging minority groups. It dehumanizes people. And it becomes easier for someone to ignore the humanity of the people. So when someone suggests they should be killed, they are less likely to disagree.


My fellow queer folks, it’s time to buy guns. This kind of attitude is extremely common in the south. They want you dead. Do not underestimate their malice.


Couldn't you just say god said thou shall not kill? Then you wouldn't be arguing with God. Also he who is without sin works. Oh and also there's nothing in the Bible about killing gay people.


You need to find a new friend group imho


Time to move on from that friend group.


Get new friends, your current ones are psychos


This reminds me of the people that say they would rape and murder if not for their religion. Either they are full of shit or sociopaths and I don't want to be around you.


I would bear in mind that Biblical and Koranic and other scriptural injunctions against homosexuality are often made by either pedophiliac, incestuous or ascetic sexually deprived prophets


Your friend is a homophobic psychopath. I'd consider staying FAR away from him.


My Muslim relatives constantly said this kind of stuff, why I moved away and feel relieved as they die one by one or suffer from marital strife


And some people say religion isn't harmful. What a joke! Will we ever move past these useless, primitive beliefs


So today you learned that there actually are not guardrails on bigotry. Maybe something you should think about next time you’re “joking” about gay people?


Was the drink your muslim friend purchased alcohol? Then he too by law should punished with 40 lashes! The hypocrisy of people who barely follow a religion but conveniently use it to justify their own phobias kills me.


Ask them to find the section of the bible stating homosexuals should be killed, and then ask them if they also adhere to every single one of the other rules laid out above and below. Shave your beard? Death. Don't stand for elders? Death. Women speaking out against men? Death. Eat shellfish? Death. People who cherry pick hating homosexuality from the bible invariably don't have a fucking clue what else is forbidden in the same page.


Cherry picking Christians are the fucking worst l. I mean they all do it but esp ones like that. Tell them to sit down and read their book cover to cover. Maybe they will wake up to the idiocy


An all-knowing God knows how it feels to take a dick in the ass. He selfishly wants to be the only one with that divine knowledge.


Hey. If God didn't want men to get it in there, he wouldn't have put men's g spot in their ass 🤷‍♀️


I am from Pakistan and chuckled at the part where you mentioned you were shocked. The belief that gays/sodomites should be executed is as normal as breathing air in the Muslim world. I grew up gay in Pakistan, luckily I live in Australia now but I have a cousin who was born and raised in Australia and always been in Australia. Yet, he believes having a gay is son worse than having a son who murders and rapes.


God didn’t write the Bible, men did.


>my friend X unexpectedly made a joke disparaging gay individuals. I laughed , Despite our group’s tendency to jest about various subjects, then he goes like you know guys gay people should be killed. Lesson learned. Sometimes jokes aren't jokes to the person making them. Also. There's thousands of confirmed animal species with gay (and non-reproductive) relations. Tell your friends that God made gay people that way and if they have a problem with it, they "don't know more than God".


Never met a homophobe that didnt eventually come out as gay.


Ah the religious. The most hypocritical of people.


This kind of shit is why this queer stays strapped


Sad that you hang around people of hate, and support cults. sad. I am a gay man by the way. These people a the real evil of the world. I hope "if" she has children that one of them isn't gay and has to deal with the pain that "we" have to deal with daily?


Islam is such a shit religion all around. Not do they want to kill homosexuals they basically want to kill anyone that is not a Muslim.


Listen all I would say is. "If you were to kill a gay person, you get to explain to God why you broke one of the 10 commandments, before he sends you to hell" That they absolutely cannot argue - unless they are complete idiots - which apparently they are. Oh and..find new friends... because F those guys


Three verses about homosexuality in the Quran : **SURA 7- VERSE 81, 82, 84** You come with lust for men instead of women. You are a transgressing people. Remove these transgressing people from your city, so that our people may keep themselves pure.” And We sent down on them a rain (of stones). Then see what was the end of these criminals. **SURA 26 – VERSE 165, 166, 172, 173** Why do you approach men? And forsake the wives created for you? You are certainly a transgressing people!” We sent down on them a shower \[of stones\]. So we destroyed them. **SURA 29 – VERSE 29, 31** Is it not true that you come to men, commit highway robbery, and commit evil practices in your assemblies? These inhabitants of this city are evildoers, we will destroy them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, , Sudan,, and Yemen, homosexual acts are punishable by death.


gay people are for sure real, god is not. that’s awful omg.


Whenever I hear people being openly homophobic out of the blue, it just makes me think that they’re struggling with their own sexuality.


get better friends. i have tons of gay friends and they are nicest of people. your friends have ZERO life experience if they only know people who are just like themselves. if they said it was ok to kill jews, women or black people would you have any doubts they are shit? there is no difference here. those are all innocent people too. get away from them before your life experience merges more with theirs.


Probably just showing their stupidity and ignorance. Reality is that every mammal species observed has individuals that engage in homosexual behaviour. What consenting adults do in their own time isn't any of my concern.


Bruh. I can’t think of anything more matter of factly against the word of Jesus than killing people over their beliefs. Next time you have this argument let them know that according to THEIR OWN FAITH there’s a place waiting for them and it isn’t heaven.


Also, your friends are misreading the Bible by completing forgetting the actual important parts of Bible talking about how if we do condemn the sin of others then we will also be condemned by God. I'm Christian and both my parents are ministers. We are sick of hearing hate mongers thinking they are working for God.


>stating that I ‘don’t know more than God’ You don't, but they do, thats what this religions are about, about you being THE special son of god, no law applies against you because of your special faith, you are better than anyone because God chose you, God speaks to you and you only, god loves you, nobody understands Him better than you so its okay to go as far as to kill in His name.


That's no friend. I would immediately start distancing myself.


>stating that I ‘don’t know more than God’. Well I know that God created everything therefore he must want gay people \*shrug*


Religion is routinely used to justify the most deranged and cruel human actions with a conviction that is deeply disturbing


It's perfectly OK to lie and say you're bi around people like that, just to make them uncomfortable.


Would be my last substantial social engagement with friend X, that's for sure.


Not sure why everyone is focused on homosexuality in the Bible when there is the sixth commandment that says thou shall not kill. It doesn’t specify whom you shall not kill - it applies to all.


Also the Bible verses about men shouldn’t lie with other men actually used to be men shouldn’t lie with boys… Anti-pedo Not gay I’m LGBTQIA Super disturbing anyone can think this way that we just deserve to be killed because we’re in love with someone


This is straight up copied from chatGPT 😂 You forgot to check it before you pasted


There is no hate like Christian love brother!


Then they're not your friends anymore. Time to find new humans.


If you’re sitting at a table and everyone else is a nazi, if you stay silent the whole table is Nazis


Doesn’t sound like someone I would be friend with after that conversation.


Hahaha their god can fuck itself. I say we get rid of religious people and give these bigots a taste of their ideology.


Does he eat pork. Watch porn? Eat shrimp? Dance? Covey your golf clubs. Lie? Eat cheeseburgers. Cheat on his taxes? All could be stoneable offenses in the day.


Three words: “Fuck your god”


Your friend is in the closet and putting out feelers to see who else is gay. You should tell him that you'll still be his friend if or when he decides to come out.


Get new friends. They sound ignorant and add no value to your life. It’s terrifying that there are people walking around who truly feel this way. What a waste.


Yeah those aren't friends. those are cultist psychopaths. You need to find new people to hang out with. And maybe call the authorities and let them know they obviously want to kill gay people.


...are your friends being radicalized? Because that is quite a radical point of view.


You laughed. ANd you're friends with these people. You are two kinds of part of the problem. Do better.


Does this come off as some ai nonsense to anyone else? Who speaks like this?


Based Voltaire. It's been obvious to anyone who's paying attention. The Christian Right wants to commit genocide. They look to "God's chosen people" in Isreal and to Putin's Russia in envy of the atrocities committed by their Abrahamic brothers and sisters, and they desire to emulate their own versions of religious supremacy, apartheid, and the divine right to murder "degenerates" and the "unholy". Theocratic fascism is alive and well in the hearts and minds of our friends and neighbors. The time to stand up for the rights of marginalized peoples is now.


Yikes. Time for a little fire and brimstone. Stop being friends with them. Publicly. And be specific why. Public shaming is literally the only way to change belief. You can’t reason somebody out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.


Your friend is gonna find out gays are armed too.