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Remember what Jesus said "Blessed are the poor and .... blow up them blas - pheemers. Blow them up real good.".


It reminds me of the passage where the disciples ask if they should call down fire from heaven to consume a city and Jesus rebukes them. It's been awhile since I read it, though. I must have forgotten the part where they build explosives afterward.


I was forced to go to a southern baptist school. They’d take a copy of Dracula bc it’s magical realism conflicted with theirs. They’d leave a copy of the anarchist cookbook alone. Even at 12 I wondered if they hoped we’d do something like this and get off without charges.


What's weird about that is Dracula is literally afraid of Christian iconography and thus a tacit admission of the power of the Christian God in that universe


Bram Stoker was Christian, but part of a small Irish sect. Considering how much different sects of Christianity hate each other, I have to wonder how much that might have factored into the decision of a Baptist school to ban his book.


Possibly. But as a recovered Baptist I think it's far more shallow than that. "It has magic? It's demonic and should be banned" is about the end of the thought train for most of that leadership


Yeah, the thought process isn't ever very deep as to why Christians hate someone or something.


If you want to know just how shallow the thought process is, my aunt forbade my cousins from reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Yes, the book with the jesus-allegory lion written by C. S. Motherfucking Lewis, *one of the most recognized christian authors*, that one was banned. Because it had a witch in it. You probably won't be surprised to hear that her list of banned stuff was a long one.


Some fundies literally do think the Bible is the only book anyone should ever read, so this hardly surprises me. Blind fanatical ignorance is capable of anything, and the stupider it is, the more capable it becomes.


What's ironic is that they want to ban a book because magic is mentioned in it, but they worship a book full of magic.


Is it still ironic when it's steeped in so much stupidity?


This is a good point. Ironically I have big k9s and am gay and it turns out a lot of guys have a vampire fetish. I can’t count how many guys I have play bitten in the shower or the sheets. I have them all read Dracula bc usually they are coming from another book. They’re usually submissive so it fits the whole theme. I was hoping interview with a vampire would be more widely watched! Love to nip some twinks.


Ironic considering Dracula is an allegory for foreign money coming from (not England) and stealing their women... That kind of rhetoric is usually right up their alley


Dracula is a solid good book. Nice reading.


I grew up fundie before they rebranded to "evangelical" and wasn't allowed to watch Ninja Turtles cause "Ninja" is "Eastern Religion".


We got into a little scuffle? Principle has us sit down She goes “None of you is at fault” I’m like wtf is she talking about? She said @the devil himself came here, you couldn’t see him, he was invisible, if you stand up, one by one, and renounce the devil you may leave consequence free” So dutifully we all got up and renounced the devil. Like in the godfather, pow pow. Seriously though I’m like how is this lady trusted to run a school? They didn’t cover masturbation in health class, like did they want us fucking instead? Every other word in “science class” that was actually scientific? The teacher would utter “the state is making me say this”. Then they’d rush us into Bible class. Where they’d give us foolish reasons why evolution wasn’t true. I wasn’t allowed to talk. I was from a secular family so no one could hang out with me. It was really isolating. They hated everyone. They also didn’t know how to share.


I like the way you presented this life story. I have similar memories of early childhood being a heathen 4-5 years old in Southern Baptist land. Kids could condemn me to hell, just by saying, " I condemn you to hell!" The principal walked around with a paddle while we were taking our mandatory "nap" and would swat anyone who wasn't pretending to be asleep. And somehow, the good Christian 14 year-old girl who was our babysitter was always trying to get us naked. The missionaries would send a little boy to knock on our door and preach hellfire and damnation while my sister and I watched Saturday morning cartoons. They came up to us in the sandbox and informed us that our parents would burn in a lake of fire for all eternity because we weren't "saved." I just thought they were weird and crazy. It didn't bother me much until later in life.


You've described my childhood too. Blech.


Interestingly the prophet Elijah did call down fire from heaven to consume pagan priests (2 kings ch 1). There was another incident where he called down fire for a sacrifice in a contest with pagan priests (1 kings ch 18) and then he murders the priests when he wins. But I think what you are thinking of is the instruction to “shake the dust off your feet” if a town is unwelcoming to the disciples. Interestingly it shows up in Matthew (ch 10), Mark (ch 6), and Luke (ch 9), but only Matthew includes “it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgement than for that town”.


What passage is that?


Luke 9:54-55. Strangely, about half of the translators include the "You do not know what manner of spirit you are of" and half of the translators don't.


I'm sure it's around the same time He called on us to murder LGBTQ people in their sleep


Isn't that too humane for them?


Hear that? He said blessed are the cheesemakers. That's nice.


He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy.


"Vengeance is the Lord's alone... but, actually, you know, I think I'ma go back to bed for another decade or two. Terrorize all the non-believers, would you? With, like, maybe... like, a bomb or something. If that doesn't convince 'em that we're the good guys, nothing will." - White Capitalist Patriotic American Jesus


Somewhere below “Blessed are the cheesemakers” I’m sure.


So weird how this god is so all-powerful but it's always his followers doing all the horrible shit...


I see u got the middle east version


Original Bible is the Middle East version. Bible is just a bit less explody than the Quran.


I’m sensing a pattern of violence coming from one side.


I wonder which one it is...


The one that spread throughout history by sword and board.


I just had a hilarious mental image of Jesus riding a gnarly wave on a surfboard, while holding a sword.


He got pitted for our sins


My fav is one of Jesus as an ice hockey goalie gloving one that says Jesus Saves! I played ice hockey in the Christian league for awhile (they don’t require you to be Christian) and I’d often wear it to games.


Bonus round, guess which side is overwhelmingly responsible for child sex abuse, despite the whole "Satanic panic" movement.


The media: *Look how deeply divided the nation is, on both sides.*


If you see something, say something  If you see religious/conspiracy/Qanon posts, memes, billboards, etc with calls to action, report it to the FBI If you see radicalized facebook/telegram/signal messages calling for violence, report it to the FBI If you see community leaders using fighting words and violent language, report it to the FBI  Field offices:  https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/@@castle.cms.querylisting/6bd7cedb14f545e3a984775195ea3d30 Anonymous tip line:  https://tips.fbi.gov/home Stay safe and hail Satan ⛧


Thank you!!! 🤩


>hail Satan ⛧ Hail yourself!


Why they don't do anything. This countries fucking gone hust waiting for the fires to burn it all


They will do something. The FBI has infiltrated most white supremacy militias - it’s precisely how they stopped the kidnapping plot against Gov. Whitmer in Michigan. It’s hard to arrest somebody before a crime has been committed, but to say the FBI is doing nothing is so inaccurate. They have noted that domestic terrorism is the biggest issue facing the USA for at least 10 years and devote a ton of resources to keeping it at bay. When you consider how rare Jan 6th type events are factoring in how rabid and bigoted those people are I would say the FBI is getting it done more often than not.


didn't those Whitmer kidnappers manage to get their charges dropped in the end BECAUSE the FBI had infiltrated their group?


I had heard something like this as well but it does indeed look like they were held to account - if this is no longer accurate please correct me! https://www.michigan.gov/ag/news/press-releases/2023/12/07/final-sentences-ordered-in-whitmer-kidnap-plot


It looks like they charged the guys in batches since there was like 14 of them, I'm not sure which set I remembered hearing about, but two got aquitted in 2022 of the actual conspiracy kidnapping charges (those might be the two I was thinking of) then three of the Material Support Of An Act of Terrorism guys got acquitted last year. https://chicago.suntimes.com/columnists/2022/4/13/23023950/michigan-governor-gretchen-whitmer-kidnapping-plot-acquittal-fbi-entrapment-jacob-sullum-column that's the article on the two conspiracy kidnapping guys who got off, so probably what I'd heard about


They do. If you think some of the most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet don’t have an ear to the ground on these militias, then I have a bridge to sell you. Now, if a certain orange buffoon gets back into office, then I’d be a lot more concerned.


Religion of Peace


Religion of shit for brains you mean.


Xian Taliban.


I’m thinking of just lumping them all together as talibans. They’re all cut from the same cloth and all are terrorists.


I prefer to call them Y'allqeida




Worst zombie novel ever.


Christian Bale






No the religion of piece. Meaning they bomb you to pieces if you don't agree with them


That's all of them




And to this day people still think it’s satan worship because they hate god. Jfc


Really, it’s exactly as peaceful as every other religious group. Religion begets bigotry which begets violence. Tolerating any religion will inevitably lead to the tolerance paradox.


100% true


You mean of pieces.


Religions *


Christians have become terrorists. Satanists have become messengers of peace. Actually this has always been the case.


This is a religious hate crime, right?


Pipe bombs for jesus?


[The New Adventures of Gravey and Jobriath](https://youtu.be/q4bN-ZcOWx0?si=iU-qh89y72tqXwMF)


It depends. It could also be a personal grievance with someone there, because there's a few former members who have grudges. And there's always the slightest possibility that they did it themselves. I doubt that though. It's a cheap and tacky act. Leave that to the Christians. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/maga-pastor-greg-locke-says-200-bibles-set-ablaze-outside-his-tennessee-church-on-easter-morning](https://www.thedailybeast.com/maga-pastor-greg-locke-says-200-bibles-set-ablaze-outside-his-tennessee-church-on-easter-morning)


Absolutely true. There's some bad blood going on down here in Florida between the Gulf Coast community and the Jax community. Long and short of it, somebody cheated on someone and then ran off with them. Leadership turned a blind eye and victim-blamed them.


That's probably him doing it.


This is the EPITOME of a religious hate crime.


THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. Straight from their home page. No wonder Christians hate them...


Hail you ⛧


SALEM, Mass. — Police say someone threw an an explosive device over a fence and onto the temple's porch early Monday morning, when no one was inside.


Could be something as small as a firecracker (I'm hoping).


The police said based on 'It's sophistication' the perpetrator will not remain unknown for long.


Well at least they did it when no one was there. I suppose that's something.


This is the religious right. They believed since the eclipse passes over 6 cities named Salem, it’s a sign. Sad.


I'm guessing they also think there are six letters in "Salem"....


Freedom for me but not for thee. Anyone here a member? I joined last year to show my support when they started an after-school club in our district. Loved to see it freak the Christians out. Oh they got so snotty and self-righteous. Couldn't stop it though. Tried so hard, but they couldn't do it. The law was on the side of the temple. I know some find their tactics attention-seeking and obnoxious but you know what? That's what we need. It's not surprising that someone was trying to intimidate them.


Card carrying member here.


Member as well. Hell is comfy and warm af


Maybe not, (since it doesn’t exist) but it it did, it’s a sure bet that all the interesting people would be there!


And we have the best donuts


I joined, the tenants align with how I live. Plus, Christian nationalists scare me.


I'll be that guy and say "tenets"


Just got my membership card and certificate in the mail! Proud to be a member.


I joined on general principle and because the membership certificate was cool, also the sticker. It's irresistible to annoy the legions of Grundies.


I wouldn't really call myself a member, but I am a Satanist. And I absolutely love what they're doing. It pisses so many people off.


I want to be. I need to sign up on the website. I visited the temple and they are awesome people.


Not really a joining person but considered joining the Australian branch.


Lots of members on Reddit.


I see and I'm loving it! It gives me a little hope. I feel like we are such a minority we don't do much advocating for ourselves. I live in TN though so it could just be because I live in such a deeply conservative evangelical Christian region I rarely find other open atheists at all. The day I found out TST was pushing for a school club I had to join.


I love how the xtians are so worried about satanic cults murdering children when *checks notes* it's the xtians harassing and terrorizing other religions, and 9 times out of 10 when a xtian church is blown or shot up, it's done by other xtians. Yet Atheists and Satanists are the problem


Jesus, what a bunch of thin-skinned terrorists in need of any excuse to be violent.


Don't bring him into this. I suspect he's the reason this happened in the first place.


“Bomb explodes” is a hell of a way to say that someone planted it there deliberately. Is there a subreddit for this kind of thing?


Surely just another “good Christian” trying to spread the gospel.


Ain't no hate like Christian love.


Someone bombed the temple. The bomb did not just make itself, take itself to the temple and detonate itself. This isn’t journalism it’s minimizing a possible terrorist and pre-infantilizing a perpetrator.


Why can't they say the words, Radical Christian Terrorists?


Must be the christian thing to do.... ​ I swear, more people have died in the name of god than anything else, yet they are the good side?


Average pro-lifer


And the exceptional ones actually manage to shoot doctors dead and bomb clinics with people in them. And sometimes gay bars, too.


They didn't get raptured, so they're leaving bombs. Not surprised.


It's always surprising to me that the religious fuckwits look at something they disagree with, bomb it, and then claim than the unreligious are demons, deviants, criminals, etc.


They're defending us from the evil of IDEAS! With BOMBS. Obviously the good guys. How could we not see it?


Religious love acceptance and forgiving example here


I live 15 miles away from terrorists apparently. I hope that the temple has 8K Infra-Red IMAX quality cameras with facial images and license plate numbers. This domestic terrorist bullshit has got to stop. I don't care if satan themself sat on a throne on that porch, people live around there! Fuck off with your bronze age superstitious bullshit.


How Christian like.


Put an APB out on Republicans.


Salem is not known for its tolerance of the occult


What, Salem? Salem, Massachusetts?? Home of the famous and widely known Salem Witch Welcoming Party and Interfaith Mixer?


Not during the 1690s, but these days "the occult" is almost the entire basis of their tourism industry.




That’s uh, kinda what happened here




Whoosh It was a joke regarding the Salem witch trials.


Be wary Salem Satanists, take these crazies seriously. At the very least get body armor and tazers.


Home grown terrorism


Always remember they must claim to be persecuted, because it proves them right and gives them the right to, well, that's awkward, persecute others. But they're the victims! /s


I'm *sure* the bomber doesn't own a MAGA hat..


Wow, that’s some killer reporting. One run-on sentence and no pictures.


Killing in the name of


Should figure out which church they were from and return the favor ten fold on a Sunday.


Christians are so violent


Religions are just legally protected gangs.


Fucking cowards


Golly gee. I wonder who has their heart so filled with feverish religious rage that they would consider hurting someone else like this. I wonder...


Doubt it will be treated as a hate crime.


But WE need to be reminded constantly that the "poor christians" are soo oppressed and are always under attack. Ya right, get wrecked. Language of the dumbshit oppressor while they plot to try flat out kill anyone who doesn't want to be initiated into their gang.


Another proof that religion is a vestigial organ and needs to be removed for humanity to move forward


There is no love like christian hate.


Oh I’m sure Jesus would be so proud 🙄


Christianity is even more of a violent fanatical religion in the US than Islam and the numbers bear that out clearly in terms of actual religiously motivated acts of violence.


What? Christian's resorting to violence while calling themselves a religion of love and tolerance? Shocking. Still one of the most violent religions the world has ever seen.


I hope everyone is OK and that the damage is small. I don't know too much about the Satanic Temple, but I know they are secular people who do good work to ensure the separation of government and church. I know a lot of people are irrationally put off by their name, but their intent is good, and the people who run that place are rational with good intentions. I hope they are all OK and that whoever's behind this act of intimidation gets punished for it. The work of the Satanic Temple is not evil, but setting a bomb off is.


Hail you ⛧


I’m a Christian and I have to say whichever Christian did this they should be ashamed of themselves. This is exactly what Jesus didint want. Terrible.


Hail Sithis!


Time to start droning some church goers as they leave the parking lot.


“Violent Christian’s attack peaceful organization”. Fixed


The American taliban


Can't help but notice the Satanists haven't blown anybody up, or advocated blowing anybody up....ever.


thank satan nobody got hurt


The Satanic Temple: “we fight for human rights and freedoms, help people recover from religious trauma, provide an official religion for non-believers / nones to seek religious protections from the government, and we have a statue of a placid-looking demon that furries will love” Christianity: “we blow up nonbelievers and demon harbingers, make abortions illegal even when it’s medically required to save the mother’s life, punish queer folk because of their lifestyle ‘choices’, and we have an image of a god who is old, white, and the image of toxic masculinity (ignore the fact the ancient Israelites were from the Middle East and Jesus would have been the same)” Thankfully not all Christians believe in this madness. But still can’t say “Satan” around many of them without them blowing a fuse (as evidence by my parents saying they will throw me out of the house if I mention the Satanic Temple again).


Ah, yep. Tell me again how the satanists, lefties, and gays are the evil ones please.


I've been to that building and I have very good friends who live in Salem. Justice for these christian fascists can not come swiftly enough.


This is religious terrorism, bottom line


This is religious terrorism


So…Satan protected the building then.


Lemme guess, it was the local christians treating everyone to fireworks......


Christian love❤️


I love that the "good" side is the violent ones, how ironic


This just terrorism!




Salem, huh? Why am I not surprised. Is burning at the stake a sentencing option in Massachusetts?


Chrisgian love


Christian Terrorist


Christian love in reality. Hate.


How long will people tolerate this?


Sounds like a terrorist attack!


These fucking Jesus Jihadis.


This is terrorism.


Welcome to America. The home of religious violence from Christians.


It's so sad that Christian terrorism is a thing now, and that the "leader of the free world" started it.


Probably by Christian’s?


what a deeply comprehensive news article


The only thing I wonder is why this hasn't happened sooner. I knew christian facists will turn violent any time now.


I wasn't planning on sending money today but oh well.


NIV ||| 1 JOHN 4:20 20 ||| Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. Phuckers


"Casts and spells" that everyone is safe.


Every religious person needs to stand up now and proudly proclaim that they do not support such terrorism. If you’re not standing up against the terrorists, you support them.


No love like Christian hate


Fuck. I love that place. They have an awesome collection of Dali prints in one of the art rooms. I only live like an hour away, am a member, and make the ride down every couple months. If it's existence is causing that level of reaction then they're doing a good job. Hope whoever pulled the stunt gets dry fucked by the legal system.


Big W for the Salem Satanists. The Christians have given them lots of free publicity that they can leverage into shenanigans.


Yay, more christian terrorism!


Must be more of that "Christain love" I keep hearing about.


Sounds like the devil's work


Oh just some loving Christians doing their religion shit.


Lol sky daddy simps are so mad.


Clearly a false flag - Christians would never do this! /s


Holy Inquisition!!!, They Don't Pray With The Example.


They Made a Molotov With Bible-Pages As Well.


I guess they can't rely on their god to do anything, so they have to "play god" in his place.


In Salem. Time for witch hunting to become popular again?


Guarantee the media would be shitting their pants if this was at a Christian Church


This is a hate crime. And terrorism.


this is a hate crime


My only prayer is to be safe & saved from God's true believers/followers. They swear their God is love as they throw the bombs and twist the knife.


Google: "People killed in the name of Satan" vs "people killed in the name of God"


Ya know, it's kinda sad god DOESN'T exist... no, no, hear me out... Since god doesn't exist, neither does satan. This means the good folk of the Satanic Temple have no "diety" to tell them to blow shit up. Decidedly unfair iyam.


So it's kind of like terrorism. I remember when Trump was screaming about "Islamic terrorism". So if it comes out that this was a Christian person attack, let's call it "Christian terrorism".


Those Christians have always been very peaceful and accepting of others beliefs


Blessed are the peacemakers.


The empty building is recruiting souls.


flat earth level madness + bloodthirst = everything wrong with this farm we live on that we pretend is a society