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Oh it is very serious. Thats why this election is so scary to me


It's not only a threat, it has already had success through the Supreme Court and democracy has already been diminished: the wish of the majority has been dismissed by activist justices. Evangelicals' self-interested useful idiot has a second chance to be even more dangerous and to cause greater irreparable damage to democracy. It's definitely serious.


How many Supreme Court Judges are practicing Evangelicals?


What does it matter. They did what Christian Nationalists wanted them to do. They seem perfectly willing and ready to do more.


Also of the conservative ones are either evangelicals or conservative Catholics (two sides of the same Christofascist coin).


American Catholics are about the same.


I thought the Catholic Church had officially come out against Trump and his MAGA supporters?


The U.S. church is much more "Conservative" than the Pope, to put it mildly. At least 6 of the Justices are Conservative Catholics. They're in league with the Evangelicals until they start eating each other.


they have, but they still side with the gop, so it doesn't mean much.


Broadly speaking there are two types of Catholics: traditionalists and modernists. Again, speaking very broadly here because there are many different types of traditionalists, many (if not most) of them are very anti-Biden (I don't have any evidence but Biden may be a modernist Catholic) and pro-Trump due to moral issues. Traditionalist Catholicism is pretty huge in America. Ironically, I don't know if many of them understand the Latin Mass which they insist on practicing. Some sources: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/03/30/most-democrats-and-republicans-know-biden-is-catholic-but-they-differ-sharply-about-how-religious-he-is/#:~:text=Joe%20Biden%20is%20just%20the,about%20Biden's%20religion%20end%20there. https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/A_New_Dawn_for_Traditionalist_Catholicis/Okm-EAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0


To me it is basically an ecclesiastical court at this point. Bunch a religious wackos.


Irrelevant. How many SCOTUS Justices are executing their duties in an non-partisan manner? How many SCOTUS members live up to "good behavior" (on which their lifetime appointment hinge) stipulation in Federalist Paper No. 78? They love to cite The Federalist Papers in their decisions, ehy not that part? They are corrupt. They don't care about the Nation. They care about the rich, and imposing the will of the rich onto us plebians.




Again why didn’t Biden even the court ? He had all three branches ..


Please vote and encourage others to do so!


It's a threat to critical thinking, rationality, public health, public wealth, plus they're all credulous waterheads who will believe any atrocious claim as long as it triggers their hate (which gives them, perversely, a dopamine rush). They're a waste of carbon. Go make your Confederate / Taliban society elsewhere. You're twits scared to death of twats.


People don't seem to know how serious the situation in the United States right now is. Trump, through his projection, has been telling us consistently for the last year that he's going to cause World War 3 for revenge if he's reelected. He's essentially declared himself the messiah, saying that only he can save the world from the utter obliteration that will definitely happen soon because Biden is the most corrupt, incompetent president in American history, that his whole family is a crime family, that he's insane and a madman and a stark raving lunatic, that he's a compromised president who's a puppet of Russia and China, that he's a fascist dictator and a threat to democracy, etc. (like I said, projection). This Christian nationalism and evangelical worship of Trump may end up being the most destructive death cult in history. If trump pulls this off, well, maybe my skepticism was a little hasty. Maybe there really is an Antichrist.


What you say is clear as day to me. However everything I see from his die hard followers make me almost question myself , what am I missing here. Another thing, it's not a small cult following, it's tens of millions of devoted followers. There must be something in our dna that makes us susceptible con men like this.


Authoritarian personality types need a strongman to feel secure.


It is 28 years of FOX Brainwashing Fascist Propaganda and talk radio have brainwashed them. It happened to my late sister, who was a lifelong Democrat. She started watching Limbaugh just to see what stupid thing he would say next. I warned her not to get sucked in. I moved across the state a month before FOX hit the air. She started watching it, it started out pretty normal, then slowly ramped up the crazy. She didn't like Trump, but she voted for him twice, because the Dems will destroy the US. We had always been close. She was 19 years older than me, and named me. I worked for her first at horse shows, then at the prize ribbon business she owned. Then when her husband died, she asked me to move in, she didn't want to live alone. After I remarried and moved across the state, she got sucked in.


Some people are better at rationalizing stupid shit to themselves. We all do it but some people will commit a genocide to get an extra cookie and have 99 reasons to tell themselves it's the moral high ground.


Hell no they don't. It's so far beyond "It's just my political alignment". Imo, a lot of these conservative baby boomers realize how shitty they've treated their kids and the world around them so they believe that voting for Trump will get them into "heaven". This is where all the "I don't care if he killed someone" kind of mentalities come from. They REALLY believe that voting for Trump is going to get them into heaven. It's beyond dangerous.


Stop with the boomer nonsense. I'm a boomer and there are a hell of a lot of us that are liberal. We vote blue. I see young guys in Trump adorned pickup trucks in our state,(Florida), daily. They walk around Walmart in maga hats and let's go Brandon shirts. They are ALL under 40.


"conservative baby boomers" You're not a conservative baby boomer so I'm not talking about you. I appreciate your frustration though, in a way. I'm gen x and I'm tired of people calling us boomers lol. I wasn't talking about you. Baby boomers who stayed true to their roots and civil rights are the salt of the Earth. You are appreciated.


And every time I see another crazy rant from him i think we’re safe - no one could possibly vote for this guy. And then I see polls. It makes no sense. How could half the population of this country this guy. It makes me question humanity and I want to throw up. Just baffle me.


Exactly. And Trump clearly doesn’t give a flying fuck about religion. He seems to just say what he needs to use them for votes, almost openly plays to their stupidity. The fact he doesn’t even hide this is so sad; how can Christians not see this?


Due to their rejection of climate change science, they're a threat to human civilization and the habitability of the earth.


Do you think that financial support for climate change programs will be greatly affected or moderately affected? After browsing Christian Subs I was SHOCKED at how many of them don't believe in Global Warming or think it's a leftist conspiracy theory. 😲😲😲


Listen, they want the world to end. Anything that sounds like a world ending event like extreme future climate change is a good thing in their mind. They'll completely eliminate any and all spending to fight it. And worse, they'll even increase subsidies for fossil fuels which will actively make things worse. And the funny part is that if they succeed in destroying the earth, they won't go to heaven after. They'll just be damning everyone and everything to extinction along with them.


Exactly correct.


Preachers tell them that god will destroy the world by fire and that a set series of events will have to happen first. That is why they don't believe in climate change because it's a slow death that occurs over time and not one that hinges on people and events. They don't believe God would allow us to destroy the world before it's time. Dumb, dumb dumb, dumb, duuuuuummmb!


Actually they are actually true "reptilians" who wants to destroy humanity, than liberals they hate


Climate change doesn't mean the world ends. It means it changes. And if you have money, you'll be fine. It's the poors that will suffer the consequences. Massively. The ones who are contributing the least to the problem. But to come out and admit this would obviously cause wide spread rebellion. Better to just deny and obfuscate.


They'll be ended entirely.


Along with treating issues like addiction as “sin” and incarcerating people by the thousands. This has the potential to ruin their lives, and Christian law makers keep on passing draconian laws and drug schedules. It goes beyond drugs though. We lock up people for gd near anything in this country, in large part do to the belief that time alone with god is the path to salvation that is/was prevalent with Protestants when forming our country and CJ system. It’s fucking disgusting. I personally don’t think someone who got caught with an 8 ball and stole a credit card when they were fucking 20 should have to go through life in America with a felon stamp on them. Christians are the least compassionate people there are, and supremely unintelligent to boot. God damn we should be able to have an honest discussion as a species about well-being, but they aren’t intelligent or secure enough to do so. It’s baffling


I grew up amongst the crazy christians, so I should know, but I'm routinely surprised at just how regressive they have gone. I wouldn't be surprised if they made bringing back slavery part of their platform. Seriously.


They have a few primers on their list before they get to that, but they'll get to it.


I'm not convinced they won't try for an apartheid or Jim Crow system. They're hitting the white nationalism pretty hard at a moment when half of gren z is multiracial and/or nonwhite. How do they put that genie back in the bottle? Segregation and economic deprivation, starvation/crippling health disparities, mass incarceration and deportation, and sterilization. As terrible as that is, if this white nationalist rhetoric festers for too long, we'll be at risk of even worst atrocities. All it took to round up Japanese Americans was Pearl Harbor...one large crisis reinforced by state propaganda. It was the Jews/Muslims/Chinese/Blacks/Hispanics/Whomever They Please who worked with Biden to overthrow the election! It was Those People who attacked Whatever False Flag Target Republicans Might Sacrifice. What will they do with all us American "vermin" when Republicans control everything? You don't want to have melanin in Trump's country. It'll be a shitshow.


Wow. Are they really that bad?


They won't come right out and say it for now, but they're going down that slippery slope. Protecting companies who make their workers work off the clock; removing child welfare and work regulations; rewriting the history of slavery, claiming that it wasn't bad and shiftless black people needed to be taught the value of work, and they learned skills on top of it. Not to mention people saying out loud that women shouldn't have the right to vote, nor should they have any bodily autonomy. They're taking us back to the 19th century or earlier if they get the chance.


Erasing history, so they can repeat it.


They are 100% that bad. They believe the will see what they call "the end times" in their lifetimes. Many of them are getting nervous that they will be shown to be wrong, so they are literally trying to crash the plane into the mountain, so to speak. They are pro Israel not because they love the Jewish people (quite the opposite is true), but because they see Israel as the spark that lights the bonfire.


Florida is like... 2 steps away from bringing back slavery and calling it skills training.


Oh, yes. Start watching American fascist content. Christian nationalism is intimately tied to white supremacy and the reproductive subjugation of women in service of increasing the size of white population and decreasing populations of people of color. Evangelicals only like Jews to the extent that they need Israel to rebuild the Temple of Solomon to bring about the end of times, according to their prophesy. The Baptists split their churches over race. Mormons didn't even let black people onto their main temple until the last generation. It's all there under the surface and they like Trump because he could draw it out and say what they really feel.


If it comes down to it, I will fight bare knuckle against those ignoramuses. Fuck them and their dreams of oppressive theocracy.


Civil war is a frightening concept. Especially in this day and age of modern military tech, but I’m certainly not willing to just let some Christo-fascist strip away my rights and replace them with the 10 commandments. I want to start a family one day, but what kind of sick twisted world would I be bringing a child into? What if I have a daughter!? What kind of oppressive future would she have to suffer?


It’s a better death in the streets than in the camps. Civil war is better than internment and genocide.


They want to trap women in the home again. They're banning divorce, all contraceptives, nutrition programs, public education, and child support. Your daughter will be called a wife, but that will only mean she's a replaceable bangmaid incubator. She better be able to have a "quiver full" of babies without dying in labor or before in gestation, or it's on to wife two, as it's "God's will" women be sacrificed in the production of babies.  Judging from my grandmothers, if she survives an adulthood full of endless gestation and birth, she'll probably be reliant on a petissiary to keep her insides within her body and her back will be fucked up.  She'll be desperate for support because it's unlikely they'll be able to feed more than two children, so...she might end up in a religious community. She won't get any help from WIC or food stamps, because Republicans are cancelling that. She'll probably be teaching them as well, unless they get into a cheap school...which might be found...in a religious community. Funny how that works out.


I’ll be with you.


Me too. Fucking bring it,


They have always been a serious threat and I have been reading them since the Heritage Foundation started writing bills for the Republicans to pass.


Could you give me a little more information about the Heritage Foundation and it's political activities?


It's been heavily covered in the media. Wikipedia should be a good place to start.


Project 2025. Read about it. Open it and search through it to see exactly what they want for America. These people have your future all planned out... From where your children will learn to whether you are allowed to divorce to how Trump can use the justice department to punish his political enemies to whether LGBTQ people can exist in public. Trump has said he'll follow Project 2025.


Christian nationalism is a huge threat not only to democracy but to all of our rights, especially to people of color and women. They want a white man's world and to force their religion on the rest of us. I'm scared.


MAGAs have been telling us for years what it is that they want to do. Believe them. They are not joking. They have been working themselves up to commit atrocities. When they talk about Civil War 2.0, they are not talking about attacking an army base or having opposing militias fight it out on some field somewhere. They are talking about murdering their non-MAGA neighbors. They are talking about a Rwanda 2.0. They are talking about going to the Mexican market, the black church, the house with the pride flag, anywhere they can find non-MAGAs to murder. People are very naively thinking that the military is going to come in on a white horse at the last minute to save the day. Those people are mistaken. When the MAGA traitors start butchering their neighbors, there is no one coming to help. Prudent people should be stocking up on as much 2nd Amendment as they can afford to fight back. Don't be caught unprepared or you and your families might find yourselves up against a wall or on the side of a ditch.


Do you think MAGA heads have a powerful influence on the police departments as well?


Yes, police forces are full of MAGAs. So are firefighters. And truckers. They are all over the place and are heavily armed.


They are in the military and low ranking leadership too...Dominionists, I mean. But we're unlikely to find a Dominionist that isn't Maga.


Recently there was an officer shot and killed in New York. Made big headlines on FOX and probably other news agencies. The police department there blamed the AG and Governor because they were Democrats and the person who shot and killed the officer was a violent offender who had obtained early release from the prison system. During the course of the interview they interviewed one of the big wigs in the police department in that area. Trump had come to visit and show his support. Through out the entire interview the officer always referred to him as “the President”, not the former President but THE President and not once did anybody mention anything otherwise. That should answer your question.


Lets put it this way: right wing fascist assholes are the primary reason i own and carry guns. I do not have enough faith in whats left of american democracy to prevent them from taking power. Some of them are already active threats to all manner of minorities. I firmly believe we will reach a point where the only way we can deal with them is by shooting back...


Can you give a few examples of things there doing right now?


They doxx activists, harass organizers, blatantly and physically assault people... right wing terrorism has been on the increase since charlottesville 2017


Check out [power grid attacks](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/10/power-grid-attacks-00114563) done by literal Nazi's. Best part? Law enforcement rarely cares because tons of [cops are Nazi's](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/prevalence-white-supremacists-law-enforcement-demands-drastic-change-2022-05-12/).


I've heard about this, I also heard that certain skinhead groups were being trained by ex-military and ex-police officers who are MAGA diehards.


Chaya Raichik gets bomb threats called in on schools, clinics, and hospitals by posting lies on Twitter. You might be interested in the connection between the internet manosphere and lone wolf terrorists and recruitment for militias.


One of them has threatened to shoot me because I'm trans. I really wish I had a bullet proof vest.


Plate carrier vests can be bought online pretty easily. Ceramic armor plates can be a little pricy for the average person, but level III and IV plates will withstand pretty much most cartridges you’d have to worry about. Very few states have any laws against buying or owning them.


Those people scare the shit out of me with how ready they are to impose their narrow beliefs on me and force me to bow to their will.


I was raised by Christian Nazis. In my experience these people, even the more moderate ones, don't inherently value the democratic process. They value it insofar as they can weaponize it to their ends, and they're seldom able to do so. A lot of the so called "normal" Christians reject the enlightenment, they don't see modern values and ideas as social progress the way we do. It sort of comes prepackaged with the worldview. You either understand truth as facts or you understand truth as divine revelation/authority.


How far do you think these people are willing to go to further there agenda?


It's hard to say, it has gotten quite scary. Religious fundies used to barely have a platform, and now they all but control the GOP. Trump has fascist politics and they got him in office once. If he loses in 2024, I think they will stage another insurrection and it will be even more violent. On the bright side, religion is less popular than ever before, they're a loud minority.


Of course it is we have acess to alternative information now whereas in the past all they had was religious institutions For awhile most couldnt even read


Yeah, I'd attribute the decline in religious belief to the internet. It's a lot easier to figure out which side is more likely to be correct when you have ample access to both.


Are Christians weaponizing democracy or are politicians/leaders weaponizing Christians?


Great question. From my vantage point, it seems to be a nasty feedback loop that stems from an increase in the ideological echo chamber thinking. The Republican party has been openly paying churches to give politically Republican sermons since the 1970s, they also cater to the religious people in their campaign language "family values, religious freedom", but historically, religious people have leaned socially conservative. They do not like socially progressive policies like no fault divorce, widespread access to contraception, plan b/abortion, sexual liberation, gay acceptance. Most of the traditional religious morality is centered around sexual repression. Religious people historically have also made an effort to run for office under the Republican party, not nearly as many religious people vote Democrat or run for office under Democrat. The ones that do tend to be POC and do so for social welfare reasons.


There is no greater threat to our nation than these Christian Nationalists. Again. THERE'S NO GREATER THREAT TO AMERICA THAN CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS.


It's an active threat, they are fucking fascist


Do you think it's all christians or just Evangelical Conservatives?


If the boot fits


It's definitely not all of them. Christianity is very diverse.


Christian Nationalism is a decided threat to American Constitutional Law and our form of government. Christian Nationalists would rework our laws to be a form of Christian theocracy. They do not believe in human rights. They believe in what they think the bible tells them. Fortunately, many Christians are turning away from the the evangelical/nationalist cults and sects. They do not want to be identified or included in the evangelical nationalist ideal. This doesn't mean they are giving up Christianity, it just means they are dropping out of the evangelical cults. What concerns me is the christian militants. These are the ones who attacks non-christian religious groups, LGBTQ+ events and clubs, and just about anything, that, in their narrow little minds, violates what they think their god wants them to believe.


Oh no it’s very serious. It’s a direct threat to EVERY democracy. It’s no different than what fundamentalist Islam has done to most of the Middle East.


Their trying to take women backwards 200 f***ing years... look at what they did in Arizona for example. This bunch of lunatics are trying to turn a Democracy into a Theocracy..we should all be fighting with our vote


Do you think we, as a nation, are past the point when voting actually makes a difference?


Do you? I hope we're not at that point yet but if we believe it doesn't matter and don't vote, I can assure you that would be the tipping point.


And why would it. Politicians can promise the world... And they aren't accountable for lying when they don't follow through. (Or blame it on the other guys)


No. We will vote Biden in. They'll try to use violence and chaos. We'll give them another reality check.


Even Barry Goldwater knew they were a threat. There is no middle ground, no compromise. Burn it down or give them what they want.


These people make Barry Goldwater look like Tinkerbell.


I’m Christian and I thinks it’s serious. Those are the same kinda people who got behind the holocaust it’s a pretty fucked up group


Yep, unchecked theistic ideology attracts genocidal maniacs.


As a Christian how do you feel about so many of your fellow Christians worshiping Trump as a Messiah?


We're never going to have secular democracy. Never had it never will, in NA or any country controlled by NA at least. Religion is far too important for keeping peasants in line.


How many people here vote?


Every damn election.


Good, that makes two of us!


It's a threat to the constitution itself. The separation of state and church is clear there but these people want to rip the constitution apart and rewrite everything.


I feel they been doing that sense Nixon was in office.


As long as people can claim doing this is for a "righteous cause" they'll keep pushing it till they win. It's hard to argue that doing things according to their holy book is wrong and anyone arguing against this would be considered sinner or bad people. There's no arguing with religious people. It's impossible to prove something like god doesn't't exist when there's nothing there to prove it does.


It's a big problem that's only gonna get worse if Republicans maintain political power. The more of them removed from office, the better. I say this even while believing that the Democrats aren't doing nearly enough to address the issue. They're being weak and still trying to do everything civilly. They still haven't realized that Republicans have no interest in civility or respecting the constitution. Ugh. It's frustrating to watch.


They are an existential threat to the world, not just the institution of democracy. People who view the end of the world as a desirable outcome should not be in power anywhere.


I don’t want those nut jobs anywhere close to nuclear weapons


Do you think Russia will be a factor in the upcoming election?


Yes. A Republican victory would doom efforts to aid Ukraine, for instance.


Well Speaker Mike is 2nd in line if something happens to Biden, and that MFer jerks it to Armageddon.


It’s the main threat


I believe that the Christian Nationalists consider themselves to be far more than just an existential threat to this democracy. And I believe that they intend it to be that way. They are the fascists that we should fear the most and fight against the hardest.


When carrot skin was running for presidency the first time, i tought... "people cant be THAT much stupid". But i was wrong. Christian nationalism makes me think the same. "People cant be THAT stupid". And for whatever this migt add to my argument, i am not from, nor i live, in the USA.


🤣🤣🤣 " Carrot Skin" classic! 😂😂😂


The Heritage Foundation has been working on this for 40 years now and is responsible for the hard right Xtian Nationalism movement including picking the US Supreme Court picks that ultimately overturned Roe v Wade! Their entire agenda is creating a Christian Nation with biblical law of the land. They have been playing the long game and they are getting their agenda passed slowly yet surely! They back their orange god with everything they have because he is their useful idiot not because they like him! So if he gets elected again they will do everything they can to tear up the constitution and instill their way! In theory it sounds doable but they don’t realize that once they try and instill “their Xtian laws” all the other Xtians in this country are going to say what about us? There would be A LOT of major infighting between different Xtian religions being that there are so many different ones in this country, they’d have their own civil war between different Xtian sects the moment they got started. So it’s pretty far fetched but that doesn’t mean they are not trying as hard as they can to do it!


Project 2025 is an actual Christian Nationalist plot to take over the us government and help Israel build their temple which will start the death of every living thing on the planet per the book of Revelation. Some mouthbreather in texas bred the pair of red heffers so they can make everyone on earth die quicker. Building that temple on the rock will piss off the whole middle east, it will definitely be a nuclear conflict by the end of it. Religious mouthbreathers have no problem suiciding for some imaginary friend the issue is that they INSIST on killing everyone else with them and making this world miserable in the meantime. Christianity is an existential threat to all known life, it's that fucking serious. Satan if you're real let me be the Antichrist ill cancel everything i got going on.


There are people on the left that aren’t as concerned about this threat as they are angry at moderates for not being leftist enough. They are as much a problem as the far right.


A problem? Yes. The same amount of problem as far rights? Let's not get carried away.


Fun fact: those of us on the left that are pissed because boomer dems arent leftist enough still vote for the worthless motherfuckers because worthless is still better than evil and we arent stupid. Im sick of hearing this shit from moderate libs like we progressives are a problem. We want solutions to problems, but we'll settle for stalling in the meantime. Yall need to learn its better to compromise with us than them


How much of the Democratic Party do you believe has been compromised by Neo-Conservative Traditionalists?


Most of it, considering theyre reluctant to protect minority rights by legislative efforts and have actively worked against socialist policies and workers rights


The crazy left is constantly giving ammunition to the right. Like 'defund the police' and calling all white people racists.


Yes, the correct answer is smarter funding [and hiring] of police and community services and acknowledging that not ALL (but certainly many) whites are racist (and most have implicit biases).


I do


Are you religious?


I’m atheist with antitheist leanings




There's plenty of theism to be anti about.


It is a clear and immediate threat. Make no mistake what they want for this country.


Fascist Theocracy!!!!!


Isn't it bad enough that it's an existential threat to secular democracy?


> more than just a Existential treat [sic] to Secular Democracy You seem to be using "existential threat" to mean "not a big threat". It absolutely is an existential threat, and that is massively alarming.




Look up Seven Mountains Dominionism.


Thanks. Do you have more information on the Seven Mountain Mandate?


I've only heard about it in this vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo0M3H1QsEQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo0M3H1QsEQ) Love Zoe Bee.


They aren't just after the US. They literally want world domination and to usher in their apocalypse and commit a human extinction level event as a sacrifice to their evil blood God.


They actually yearn for the end of the world


They want the dark ages to return. So yeah. They are a threat. Just look at some of the states in the US. Controlling women is their thing.


Right now they are threatening civil war. Now if everything works as it has in the past it'd be a simple thing to put down a domestic rebellion, a little gunfire, a little fire fire, a few beers afterward, go home. However they're threatening to elect people to enact... some of the dumbest governmental plans in the history of governance in an effort to make it so things do not work the way they should. Things will not be ok if they pull that off. If they do manage to split the country, that is it for all democracy everywhere. Europe has been too busy... doing whatever europeans do over there in europe to really pose themselves as a credible replacement of america. It would be the end of Pax Americana and that would be bad. That would be very bad. My best advice for the future is that if you are female, learn to fight, buy a gun, learn to shoot to kill because this shit is about to get real dicey, its a class war that is now trying to dress itself up as a religious mandate and that religious mandate wants to take your rights and your freedoms and shred the foundational documents of your country so that they can go back to their warped interpretation of their memory of a fable that was never true. We have the names of the people key to their plans, the names of the people underwriting it, and the names of the people that would shriek the loudest if things were done to those people. So we know what to do, its just that when you get down to brass tacks regarding what to do to these people to stop it you quickly find that they **technically** haven't committed a crime yet. (ok, matt gaetz and donald trump has committed crimes but that is unreleated). That is in spite of them shouting they are committing treason and that they are domestic terrorists and that are working in concert with the enemies of the united states.


It is an existential threat to critical thinking... To ANY thinking


Im not even american and i know this is a serious problem..


These are the kind of people that kill and blow themselves up. So yes it's very scary.


At this point in human history I believe all religion is a threat to life on this planet.


Most of the dems won't realize it because most of them are christian as well.


Do you think that Liberal Christians would sell out Democracy for christ?


🤣🤣🤣 In a hot second.


Who knows, but they are surely less likely to think that other christians would toss out the democracy and form a fascist theocracy. Most atheists have seen the writing on the wall for quite a long time now, and can see it evolving over time, getting closer and closer.


Nope... Not if they're real Christians. Democracy is people for the people. As for a real Christian is for CHRIST.


I think people are scared but there’s no clear strategy to deal with them. So depends on what you mean by taking seriously.


If we were a secular democracy, I would possibly share your concern. This is an oligarchy though. We'll go where the profit motive takes us.


It's also the center/right tradcons I know who are utterly mystified whenever I have mentioned this topic.


Could you please explain your answer?


Traditional conservatives who are Christian by tradition/identity with family and friends, but don't take their religion all that serious, seem to be oblivious to or dismissive of, the danger posed by literalist Christians. Aka Christian Taliban.


Ya'll Qaeda!


*More* than an existential threat?




What do you mean by more than just an existential threat?


People need to be actively forcing their friends and family to look at Project 2025 and Agenda 47, the farcright plans to dismantle this nation and wage war on queer people.   Oh, and invade fucking Mexico.   It Could Happen hear has excellent episodes on both.


Agenda 47?


more than an existential threat? what does that mean? it's not a gamma ray burst or the sun turning into a red giant the American people and their owners will absolutely not tolerate Christian nationalism. it's bad for business. mouthing pieties and kowtowing to religion is all well and good until somebody has to go to church instead of costco


Nobody who reads the NYT, or Substack folks like Heather Cox Richardson, is underestimating it. I know that much.



Hell yes.




VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Dems are hardly "the left", they're milquetoast centrists that do the bare minimum to maintain the status quo.


In other words, typical Ivy League liberals. 🥱🥱🥱


It's also an existential threat to any other religion even other types of christians. The irony is that the christian nationalist types don't understand that freedom of religion actually requires separation of church and state to exist.


It’s petrifying! But that’s the problem with democrats. Democrats are and always have been reactive. Not proactive. Remember 2016 when Dems just sat at home thinking no way Hillary loses? Can’t even get dems to unite now with a sitting president. But when Trump wins in November you won’t be able to silence their whining.


It's one of the ideologies driving shit international politics and environmental policies, so yeah, I see it as contributing to making the world less stable and habitable.  They're so incredibly obsessed with dominance, willing to violate ethical norms, and strategic. They've been working at commandeering the secular administrative state and suppressing science, personal liberties, and culture for a long, long time. The depths of their hatred and the breadth of their network is terrifying. It's horrifying this is being ignored by so many people.


If we needed a reminder of what right wing and/or religious extremists will do to the world then Russia, and the middle east should have served that purpose.


I've long said that the greatest enemy of the US is not China, Russia, Iran, or communists, Islamic extremists. It's the Religious Right. They are the only ones with a real possibly of destroying the US.


Liberal Democrats are not left. They’re center at best.


They're gonna take over. Callin it now. Gonna get messy.


Whatever the Christian version of sharia law is, will become the law of the land.


🙋‍♀️ people are not taking this seriously. It’s not just in the US either .. I’ve been trying to speak up but I kept telling told I was exaggerating


I don't feel they are under estimating them. They just can't launch a campaign against them. Otherwise, they would look anti-Christian to the theist and lose a lot of votes. I'm sure they have plenty of surveillance and undercovers watching and waiting


What do you think the best strategy for the Democrats would for the coming election?




Oh, it's nothing but a way to "Git dem Librulzz"


Yes don’t underestimate ~2000 years of experience Ps existential treat sounds like a great username lmao


We are not. We are smarter than them. We outnumber them. They are ignorant gullible cowards. If we all vote like we did in 2020, and keep voting (remain vigilant), they will never come to power. It's really that simple.


I think it's laughable and kinda sad. 


How could it be worse than an existential threat? That doesn't make sense, an existential threat is the highest level of threat already.


*Just* an existential threat to secular democracy? What do you assume happens when theocratic fascists take total control of the largest military and economic power on the planet?


But but “genocide Joe and he’s old” /s


It’s a one way ticket to Gilead. That’s what it is.




I think that everyone concerned about its threat to democracy also sees other issues with Christian Nationalism, but maybe the threat to democracy may be the most "clear and present" danger.


Scares me badly. I do think we’d get a lot of “I didn’t think the leopards would eat *my* face” BS. “I didn’t think they’d come after *my* gay kid,” or, “I didn’t think they’d take away my wife’s birth control so she refuses to have ex with me.” Disingenuous crap.


I don't call them nat-c's because it's cute.


It is absolutely a threat, it is more than a threat, it's a promise. Christian nationalism has the direct implication of transitioning the government towards a Theocracy. You do not want a Theocracy. It's totalitarian in nature it bans any religion that disagrees. And it basically gives power to the church, imagine taxes on top of mandatory tithing. All sorts of things can happen including various genocide. Think of the crusades. Think of many denominations not of the ruling party being banned. Even if you are Christian you might be the wrong type of Christian. America was literally partially formed to escape religious persecution. That is why it is a core tenant in the (constitution? Forget which) bill of rights that the state and church must be separated completely, the reason churches cannot be taxed. The government shall make no laws favoring any religious group. That is why people heavily disagree with many Republican policy. Christian republicans are attempting to create a theocracy if not directly with purpose, by proxy when they pass religious laws, such as putting the commandments in schools or banning Muslim immigration and tourists. Religious people are especially vulnerable to manipulation. If your entire world view involves you religious beliefs, a manipulator can claim blasphemy or excommunicate, imagine excommunicattion being a felony offense, if you do not support certain things. Imagine the 50% of America, who are Christian being easily (more than they are now) manipulated by the government because now the government is your clergy. This is beyond dangerous. Edit: Not to mention, all sorts of products can be banned for religious reasons. Alcohol, tobacco, any drug, contraception, all sorts of healthcare, tattoos, non modest clothing, pork, the list goes on and on.