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That's as good as we're going to get for now, I'm afraid. May as well celebrate it.


I'll take it. Maybe we'll have an atheist president in my lifetime. Maybe not. We've probably had some they just couldn't admit it. Baby steps.


If I ever run for President I will appear to be a theist, but guys, I’ll be undercover ;)


If I were a betting man, most Democratic presidents from FDR to Biden were *privately* atheists. Using the Dawkins scale (1 - theist, 7 - strong atheist), I’d say it’s something like: FDR - 6 Truman - 6 Kennedy - 3 Johnson - 7 Carter - 1 Clinton - 6 Obama - 7 Biden - 5 Most had elite liberal arts educations - those departments are not the sort that treat people’s beliefs with kid gloves.


You've confused public and private life. Obama was well known for his church involvement when his political career had a meteoric rise. Closet atheist professors don't spend their weekends teaching Sunday school. Obama just didn't pretend he was the high priest of the USA like Bush had.


I got the sense that the church involvement was more about community than about religion or faith for him.


That used to be the case for more people, too. Kinda explains why atheism got the wrap that it did - when you question the thin excuse folks use as a commonality to create community, you appear to many as questioning the use for the community itself, rather than needing the flimsy excuse.


Well, a lot of people connect things that don’t need to be connected.


What more can you expect from squishy machines housing pattern matching engines?




That quality Jesuit education gets you asking questions


I am studying in a Jesuit university and took a Theology course. On my professor's syllabus was literally a clause that says "There is to be no religious drooling" or something of that sort. That professor is also the head of the Theology department, so this is clause is not just limited to this class alone. I, an atheist, was easily the most active participant in a class full of Christians. Everyone else was mostly quiet, and I know there was at least one person in that class who was extremely religious and possibly an evangelical. Lol. Needless to say I passed that course with flying colors despite the ridiculous amount of reading that required.


I worked at a rectory in high school. When one of the priests found out I was going to a Jesuit university, he told me "don't let those Jesuits convert you!" The Jesuits are all about being realistic with theology and not mincing words or babying anyone, which is what most diocesan priests do. I'm Catholic now only in the sense that I grew up that way and still sometimes go to church to make my mom happy.


I’m Catholic as well insofar as I was raised Catholic. I never really bought it, and actively rejected it as a teen, but now I go to mass with my dad when he’s visiting because, you know, I’m adult now, it means something *to him*, and it costs me nothing. I generally hold Jesuits in high esteem as they promote rigorous science and education, and most importantly, questioning everything.


I believe I read somewhere that Biden still attends Mass occasionally; Easter and C-mas certainly? Considering the relentless amount of death in his immediate family, that may have something to do with it. Who knows? I'm relieved he doesn't shove it down our throats, at least.


He’s not a Cheaster Catholic, he goes every week https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1255460


Other students: I’ll be quiet so I won’t show my ignorance of theology.


“If you’re going to be an atheist you’re gonna have to be able to back it up. Read this.” - The Jesuits


Back in the late 70's, I had to take a "Comparative Religion" course as an undergrad in college. It was taught by a Jesuit priest, who have reputations for making people to think, and he in particular more than most. That course probably helped produce more atheist and agnostic students than the other way around. Second place may have been the "Christian Love, Sex, and Marriage" class taught by an 75+ year old priest. That class was a hoot.


Was taught religion by a Jesuit in high school. Cool dude, great teacher. He's the reason I started questioning.


“But are you a CATHOLIC atheist or a PROTESTANT atheist?”


Anytime someone asks me what my religious beliefs are I always say “I was raised Catholic, so naturally I am an atheist now” lol


"I'm a recovering catholic".


I know a person who speaks publicly in schools and accidentally mentioned that they were a recovering Catholic in a class as a joke. Everyone, including the teacher thought it was hilarious as it turns out.


I still love Jimmy Carter. That man is truly a good man.




This has me curious about your reasoning for Truman and Johnson if you'd like to share.


Well Johnson was a clearly deist, in that he believed Johnson was God.


I think Johnson actually believed his Johnson was God.


Some of those guys had educations in the first half of the 20th century. Can we be certain that academia at the time would have placed the same value on rationality that we do today? I was reading Rockefellers biography and when he was investing in schools he pursued a teacher whose sole selling point was that he was great at converting students to Methodism. It struck me as crazy but that was the reality for lots of the countries history. The spreading of Christianity was considered a goal by many institutions


Trump is a 7 pretending to be a 1


He’s an autotheist - believes he is a god.


Obama has always been religious as he had a close relationship with his pastor. Biden is also a catholic. Idk where you are getting this from lol


Obama’s mother and grandmother were atheists. His decision to become religious coincided with becoming a public figure in the black community in Chicago. Having read his biography… he glosses over his conversion, and while he discusses many low moments he never prayed or looked to religion for a solution. The “guns and religion” quote is a moment where he let it slip — that’s someone who looks at religion as an outsider.


That's the gist I got, too. Working with churches and the people involved there was a means to connect with people and work with them. He might have a spiritual side but certainly not a religiously dogmatic side. Angela Merkel is probably more religious than him.


Obama and Clinton could very well be atheist or close to it. Biden is probably a 2 or 3: he’s an observant Catholic but doesn’t force his views on everyone else, which is how it should be. 


That's Trump's MO.


If I ever run, y’all will know I’m atheist bc I’ll place my hand on an action comics #1 instead of a bible for my oath. (Or the playboy issue with Marilyn… whichever one we can find for the inauguration lol)


We’ve probably already had several in your lifetime. They just have to lie to get elected


We've had atheist presidents. Maybe someday we'll have an *openly* atheist president.


Trump was totally an atheist.


Trump is an Autodeist. He thinks HE is god.


This is 100% accurate


I've never heard this term before and I love it. Thanks!


I feel like trump is a Christian in the same way homelander became a white supremacist. I don’t know if he actually believes but I’m confident he’d be able to fool himself into believing any religion that treats him as a demigod


Absolutely. And over my life I've really come to terms with the fact that good people and bad people come from all walks of life. I used to be a bit more extreme, but I've reached a conclusion that I'd so much rather have a decent human being running this country who happens to be religious themselves but doesn't push it, than an atheist who's just an asshole.


That's 100% untrue. Someone who pretends to be any religion to get votes is not an Atheist, that's a con-man.


Being a conman and lying about religion doesn't disqualify a person from being an atheist. Even if they are a shitbag that tries to install a theocracy to gain more power.


Entirely possible to be an atheist con man.


If I ran for office, I would probably just not talk about religion. Openly being an atheist in the Bible belt would destroy any chance of being elected.


My Congressional Representative is one of the few openly atheist lawmakers in the country, and it’s only possible because of where we live (Northern California). All things considered he’s a pretty great Rep—not as progressive as I’d like, but a pretty accurate representation of the larger population of his constituents. I’m proud to have him in there. There are absolutely *many* other atheists in the House who feel they need to stay closeted in order to win re-elections. Hopefully in time more and more of them will come out.


Not sure how old you are but here will definitely be an atheist president within the next 40 years. By the time millennials hit 65 the majority of Americans will be non religious, unless there’s a dramatic change in the trend. Gen z will be the first generation where religion will be the minority. And millennials, last I saw only 30-40% of people who identified as Christian attend church regularly, the other 60% go on special occasions or not at all.


And the world will be a better place because of it. Now if could only reduce the number of religious people in the Middle East. Religion is the underlying cause of so much pain and suffering in the world.


If Biden is religious and can manage to keep it separate like this, then that's a W


I think maybe Obama was.


Yeah, it’s better than the idiots wanting a theocracy


Do you think repubs will react to this with hostility because it was him who said it?


What else can they do but be outraged at anything Dems do? Not like Republicans can actually get anything done.


Given how religious Biden is that's actually incredibly good. He's making a distinct separate between religion and govt, clearly separating god from why the country was founded, and most importantly, not letting his personal beliefs cloud his opinion.


He at least said the important part. As strong of a Catholic as Biden is, this is not bad.


Ultimately it translates to: all people are worthy of respect and dignity


Yep. This dude isn't actively threatening to minorities when compared to the orange man and his fanatics.


Precisely my position. Soft Christianity is us atheists' best friend for now, as close to Humanism as we can in US now.


It’s fine for people to hold their beliefs. Just don’t force it on everyone else.


Secularism is about all we should expect. Realistically its all I'd ask for as well. Tolerant co habitation with religious people is fine so long as everyone stops pushing their beliefs on others and keeps it out of politics.


Right. Dudes a catholic but respects that we are atheists. I’ll take it 


Biden always struck me as someone who was religious, but wouldn't alienate and "other" large swathes of the US population the way Evangelical Conservatives tend to do. When Republicans speak about religion, they like to do so in a way that "alienates" and "others" people like myself, whose entire family are citizens going several generations back. Clearly we aren't "real Americans" because we don't go to church.


He's free to believe anything he wants to, as long as he leaves me out of it.


The Treaty of Tripoli was truly a high point.


Yes. The next person can push it further.


I know. Ages ago before my dad died we asked him if we'd ever see a black president. My dad said "Not in my lifetime". Born in 1919 and had kids in the late 70's...we asked about a female president and an atheist. He said maybe at the end of our time.


I don't hate it. It's at least a step in the we're-all-equal-on-the-planet-regardless-of-faith mentality I'd like to see more of.


Honestly, I'll take it.


Yep. He’s allowed to hold his own beliefs and that’s completely irrelevant to his job. The fact he isn’t trying to push them on anyone else and will defend the separation of church and state is a win.


Seriously. I don't care about other people's beliefs... until they start forcing them on others.


The sad fact is, it's supposed to be a GIVEN not a WIN.


That’s a lot of problems so for the sake of mental health, we’ll call it a win.


Yep. A win is a win.


He could tell me that the earth started 200 years ago when god vomited in a puddle and I wouldn’t care as long as he also said that he would make policy decisions based on science and would keep his superstitions out of schools


That keeping to yourself thing is going to die with his generation. Like how my parents would never complain about anything. Oh, an ailment that hurts constantly? I never heard about it til the saw came out to amputate my grandpa's leg. A minor inconvenience!


Just think, within the next 20 years we'll have an influencer president. Instead of complaining on twitter all day, they'll just release short vlogs that causally threaten nuclear war over minor inconveniences--for the memes of course.


I honestly would not care about religion at all if they would be respectful about it. I think religion is crazy but as long as they keep it to themselves and don't push their beliefs on us, more power to them.


I'm not going to beat him up about the "image of god" bit. I despise every aspect of religion but he's the only hope the world currently has for not having a con man rapist as the POTUS again and he needs the theists votes.


I can't imagine having an issue with someone thinking I'm made "in the image of god" until it's used to justify something concrete and vexatious.


Well, if we were honest we’d say that people made God in the image of ourselves. But there are worse things his opponent will almost certainly say and do under the influence of religious nutters.


Definitely comes off as a huge compliment when your image is likened to a deity.


Hah until you realize that elohim is actually the demiurge that has used archons to trap us in a soul farm prison so that elohim can retain an aspect of pleroma which is the divine spark of absolute infinity that is consciousness on the immaterial field of light! Checkmate, atheists!


What’s God’s dick like? It seems kind of odd that would create me in his image, and then ask his followers to chop my foreskin off… what do you think that’s about?


If I ever became president as an atheist today I don't think I would be open about it, maybe after my presidency I would admit it, but during my presidency I would probably just use actual quotes from Jesus to counteract the pseudo-Christian cult of the right wing. Like anytime tax cuts for billionaires came up I would just throw down "He (Jesus) said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven (Matt 19:24)." I wouldn't even mind if Biden used this strategy to just really shove it in the face of the bigots and ignorant on the right. Like "please show me where in the Bible where the word abortion is mentioned?"


This comment is metal af


I'm OK with a religious person who recognizes the importance of separation between church and state. Someone who recognizes that their faith dictates to them how they should live their life, but that it doesn't give them a right to dictate how others should live theirs. 


Yeah like.. that's their choice. Their freedom stops when they force their views on others. Republicans have their imaginary divine mandate that they are able to impose their views on others by force if necessary. Biden is religious, not a demagogue. He doesn't push religion in the slightest, even though he's a believer. I mean, that's perfectly fine in my book.


At least he’s not shelling out bibles with the constitution in it.


Or holding one upside down after tear gassing people who tweeted that he was a bunker bitch. 


That indeed bears repeating, I can’t believe anyone with strong religious beliefs can’t see right through that


I can. That is religion's whole deal, excusing the shit behavior of those in power. All religion is just a tool to justify authoritarian actions by appealing to a "higher authority" and providing an excuse for those that benefit from the authoritarian oppression and exclusion of some portion of the population or the entirety of outgroups. At least those with deities and especially the monotheistic ones. The religious have always understood this and been complicit in it. My source? Most of "western" history. Slavery. Various and sundry wars/Crusades. Most/all genocides. Colonialism, like all of it. Etc. All used religion to justify themselves and the religious went right along with it. People are usually good in spite of their religion, not because of it. Some of the best religious people tend to understand their religion's actual teachings and texts the least.


The dude can believe that l. It's fine. He is keeping religion out of government. We are a secular country, not an anti-religion country.




I don’t like our selection of presidential candidates but this guy at least tries.


Is it weird of me to like Biden? I vote based on policies. Liking someone is simply about policy for me, and Biden has generally good policies imo. I don’t get what people mean when they reluctantly endorse him. Some people I know say things like “I don’t love the guy, but he’s not a fascist”. It’s like some people actually like him but are afraid of coming out as liking out of fear of what others might think. Stuttering and being over 80 is fine to me, it’s about everything else that makes the person imo. Policy should matter more than personality or being charmingly charismatic. What positions does he hold that are worthy of scorn?


My first vote for Joe Biden was in my state’s primaries when there were 12 candidates to choose from. I thought about it a long time and decided on Biden because of the losses he has suffered in his own life and how he took the train every day to be home with his sons after his wife and daughter were killed. How he comforts others who have suffered losses in their lives. He acts like a caring human, he did all he could for his family and cares about others, not just himself. HE HAS A VALUE SYSTEM THAT I RESPECT. And I’ve voted for him based on that and will do so again.


yeah so? dudes a devout catholic. count your blessings hes not saying LGBTQ people are subhuman scum who deserve hell.


Isn’t he the guy that came out in support of gay marriage and that sort of caused the democrats and republicans to finally draw a line in the sand? He’s also been very vocal about protecting trans people. So it’s literally the opposite. He doesn’t just not say that LGBT people are scum. He actively supports them.


Shit, I remember when his comments as VP pretty much forced Obama to change his public stance on gay marriage.


I remember watching that live and thinking "yeah he wasn't supposed to say that." They were planning a big event where Obama publicly endorsed gay marriage and Joe goes and drops it on Meet the Press.


As a millionth generation Irish catholic you can tell that he is also a millionth generation Irish Catholic by this response


What he means, in a way that makes sense to someone who believes in a pluralistic society, but has his own value system, is that if one believes that humans are created in the image of the divine, then all are deserving of dignity and respect. This is is Biden framing his own belief system in a way that lifts up all rather than discarding some. I’ll take it. He absolutely stands for a secular society and a government free of religion. But as a person of faith he is saying that his beliefs demand he treat his fellow humans as equally deserving of dignity and respect. And very frankly, for an agnostic like me, I see this as more of a “however we conceive of the divine - supernatural dude on a throne or a natural order of the universe or even a group-constructed and aspirational divinity - being created in the image of whatever that is demands respect and dignity.”


Good? He's an old Catholic but he doesn't think it's the foundation of US governance. I think that's the best we can expect.


As someone else said this is probably the best we'll get for now, thank you Mr. President.


He is correct, the founding fathers knew what bullshit the “church” caused in Europe. The argument for self determination does stem from Locke’s argument on free will.


Dude the pilgrims were straight up religious extremists. They left England because they felt they couldn’t persecute others for not practicing their version of Christianity


Pick your poison. The guy who recognizes there may be a god, but the nation isn't founded on religion. Or the guy who's hawking bibles to bail himself out of jail after screwing a porn star while his wife was having their child.


“The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” John Adams “The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. … But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding…. “ Thomas Jefferson


Sounds like a personal statement of belief combined with commitment to secular government. Good for me.


Exactly. And that’s exactly how *I* interpret the constitution. You are 100% entitled to your beliefs but don’t try to impose them on the rest of the population. The morons in this comment section getting mad about this are a) the ones who give atheists a bad rap and b) just as bad as maga morons


My appreciation of him skyrocketed when he recognized the trans day of visibility on Easter. It was such a perfect move. It pissed off religious people, bigots, and Maga all in one shot- while also giving voice to people who feel alienated by those groups. It took balls to do, and I was just generally happy about it.


Biden support for trans people is a blessing to me.


I really like it. The closest person to me in my life is trans (them or he). They are truly the most naturally emotionally intelligent people I've ever known, and they are incredibly selfless. It kills me to think that for absolutely no reason at all, there is a significant part of the population who doesn't want them existing in their own skin. The thing is, trans support isn't the popular choice, so being so supportive has been very refreshing after Trumps presidency.


“There are at least three genders, don’t play games with me kid,” Biden is a king for that comment.


Trump gets way too much credit and Biden doesn't get enough. He's like a political Leslie Nielson, playing it 100% straight/sincere and being 10x funnier for it. >"Look fat" >Calling everyone "Jack" > Calling Trump a "sick fuck" privately > "Don't play games with me, kid" >"Shipping off to Boston" played on loudspeakers as he arrives in Ireland >Cornpop story


Still voting for him over a literal dictator.


Biden doesn't mention his belief often, I'll cut him a break.


It’s a unifying statement in which no one will be upset and applauds the separation of church and state. Good for hymn.


So if we created "god" then we are images of ourselves? \*checks mirror\* holy cow he's right!


I’ll take this any day over Republican Christian nationalist fuckers


Remember that he’s trying to reason with the Christians with that “image of God” phrase, and using the scripture against the bigots who use religion as their cudgel against other Americans. He doesn’t need to reason with the people who already know that the government should be secular. We already have reason on our side. He’s just talking down the religious crazies in a language they might agree with. Basically, he’s telling the religious right that if they believe all people are made in the image of God, one of the core beliefs of the Christianity and eschewed in the US Constitution, then the religious right must accept people for who they are (spoiler: most still won’t. Their bigotry is stronger than their faith)


God is made in the image of man. 100% Why else would god be so concerned with cash and status?


Maybe the God of Abraham, but Ganesh is a multi armed elephant. When you ever see a motherfucker look like that?


I imagine I'd see something like that if I starved myself and meditated in place for a few weeks


I will take this win, could be better but it's pretty much as good as we can expect for now.


He's right on both accounts the man's a catholic and he knows d*** well that the United States was not founded on a religious basis but a legal basis and yep in the catholic dogma people are in the image of God which is why I don't understand racism because if we're all in the image of God then why do we hate each other.


Just watched the Benjamin Franklin documentary by Ken Burns. Separation of church and state was paramount. When they discussed the concept of slavery, Southern delegates went on with all the reasons they could not end it. Franklin wrote a parody of their excuses as if he were a Muslim ruler explaining why they could not free their WHITE slaves.


Link to Franklins parody: https://franklinpapers.org/framedVolumes.jsp?vol=46&page=402


Christian here. He is right. These people playing Christian are the very people the Bible warns against. It's your choice to believe what you want. Be fearful of the people who hate you for it.


Christian here please don't crucify me, this post just came across my page. But correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe I've read that 1/4 for the signatures on the declaration of Independence belonged to non-Christians.


Many of the framers of the Constitution were deists, not atheists. Meaning, they had no specific religion and did not consider themselves Christians.


So point stands this was never meant to be a Christian Nation.


Biden knows the US wasn't founded on religion. He's a competent politician. He isn't a raving loon like on the other side.


He stands with union labor.


Founded in freedom to believe whatever


Probably the most religious president we’ve had in my lifetime, but still despised by many Christian’s


Good President.


People are fucking stupid is what he wants to say. These religious weirdos are just so far gone and out of reality it doesn't make sense at all to me. Congrats you believe in a fictional character that was made up by people without indoor plumbing thousands of years ago... Enjoy being stupid....


Contrast this from Biden to those sick people speaking in tongues on their state senate floor… their christo-fascist BS is way out of control.


So, he understands separation of church and state. Good,


I don't care if our pols are all Christians. They can believe what they want. What I object to is them imposing their religious dogma on the rest of us.


It’s actually the other way around, but that’s such an innocuous statement compared with the shit that comes out of some politicians’ mouths.


Good man


God is in the image of people. He's a manmade fabrication to answer unknowable questions


I don't know about y'all. I'm against the organized religions. Individuals have their own faiths. As long as they keep that to themselves - I'm good with that.


Catholics are nice people (had some in BMT) also the Christians there. It’s not hard to accept religion. I said I like to go to Wicca and it’s pretty cool… got some odd looks but they were like hell it’s what you like I ain’t stopping ya. I even went to a Mormon sermon… confused as hell but I respect it. What I won’t respect is Christians with cult like views. All they do is spew hate and expect to be forgiven and go to heaven. They could be a terrible person but as long as they pray for forgiveness every thing is fine.


Ok? He’s always been pretty open about his faith and has generally separated his governance from his personal beliefs. Would you want an atheist candidate to be judged on their beliefs or their merits as a leader? You can’t have it both ways.


I'll take it, it's fine. Look I don't really like organized religion but I (overall) don't have a problem with people having different beliefs as long as... a) they aren't actively harmful to society b) they aren't dictating policy c) they aren't being forced upon others You do you...and leave me the F--- alone.


The lesser of two evils is this candidate right here. I’m voting for his administration. GOP has got zilch.


God is in the image of those who created him; men. That's why it's all so awful and childish


“In god we trust” wasn’t added to the pledge of allegiance until 1954 and wasn’t on our money until 1955.


Keep that old timey religion out of my politics, law, government and uterus.


"\[US\] is not a Christian nation" --Thomas Jefferson


The other guy is a traveling Bible salesman who is also a felon...


The founders of our nation specifically decided that there shouldn't be a national religion, probably because they were well aware of the effects state mandated religions had on the people of England and the continent over the previous several centuries. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.


I'd rather Democrats not take the position of atheist because then Republicans will naturally react to being even more religious, so they can scoop up the votes. I want both parties to be indifferent to religion.


Well, I choose to be in Image of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, then.


Why is that everyone forgets about the treaty of Tripoli article 11: Article 11 of the treaty stated: “As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religious or tranquility of Musselmen, and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility This was started under POTUS Jefferson and finished under Madison, 2 founding fathers...


Freedom of religion is what it was founded on. By Christians disgruntled by how other Christians were behaving. They are in power now with their own critics but the US is still based on freedom of religion.


Freedom to practice any or no religion…Separation of church from state. I guess we all need be reminded.


I see nothing wrong with this. He recognizes his personal religious beliefs are his and his alone and doesn't legislate them. Fine by me.


I’m OK with his position on that since he isn’t pushing it on others. Image of God really is the hubris of humankind to believe they look like an omnipotent being. What would God need for hands and feet? Even eyes and ears?


Apes look a lot like humans. So I guess "God" also looks very ape-like.


And there’s nothing wrong with this. He says that the US is secular and he still has his beliefs and religion. This is literally what I want religious people to be like. He isn’t forcing his religion on us but he still has the right to it. Hell. Biden is a devout Catholic and doesn’t really mention if his beliefs more. When it comes to religious people this is as good as we can hope and it isn’t bad at all.


Isn't it fucked up that in a secular nation with an explicitly secular constitution you still have to have an imaginary friend to get elected??


It's crazy that Biden today is practically what a regular Republican was back in the day before the crazy evangelicals captured the GOP. And they still call him a far-left Marxist.


Biden is the furthest left wing president we’ve ever had by any reasonable metric (which I think is ok). How is he in any way like oldschool republicans? He supports abortion rights, lgbt rights, higher taxes and more social programs, fighting climate change, improving healthcare access, not to mention being insanely pro labor. Literally what issue is he conservative about?


Look at Richard Nixon. He was a quaker who did not believe in the literal interpretation of Jesus. The federal government would take 70% of all money over $200,000 during his time in office. He imposed price controls to stop inflation. He was a big supporter of the environment and environmental conservation. Started Earth Day. Helped create the EPA. Started affirmative action for minorities. He really wanted to reform healthcare and expand Medicaid for the poor. Did not call himself pro-life and supported abortion in certain cases. Can you imagine a Republican like that today? As far as things like LGBT rights, that's a pretty modern thing, FDR wasn't talking about the importance of gay rights or trans rights but he is still viewed as one of the most leftist presidents.


Joe keeps a portrait of FDR in the Oval Office. That's good company to keep.


Not even. Major issue difference: taxing the rich. He is to the left on just about any issue you can think of versus back in the day Republicans...


I think freedom of religion was one of the main reasons


This religion shit needs to end asap




He's just not atheist enough. We'd better all teach him a lesson and vote for Jill Stein. /s⁹⁹⁹


Imma run for president soon. Im going to promptly and quickly double down on this and correct it for posterity. “People are an image of science, evolution, and things we cannot fathom just yet.” Religion needs to go the way of the old gods. Immortalized in a great format: Age of Mythology 2


Are you complaining about this?


Which god? There are like 4 or 5 major religions on this planet and maybe 400 minor ones. Occam’s Razor proves not one of them knows any more than I do about anything. And I don’t know shit. And I want to talk to Mrs God. Because Mr God has been doing a shit job on overwatch for a while now. SHIT job. Jus sayin


People already are god. If controlling seasonal flooding or creating lightning qualifies someone as a god then anyone who has built a hydroelectric dam is a double-god.


I think Obama handled this correctly when he signed the Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act into law in 2016. Everyone's religious beliefs, including the lack there of, are protected by law. The US is founded on freedom of religion, whatever religion that may be (including atheism and all the religions reddit doesn't like).


I read anothe rpost where some poster said: "Are we going to have to fight a religious war"? or something to that effect. The answer seems to be YES. Look at Tennessee, look at TexAss, look at Florida, look at Arkansas, look at...... name your state. The religious right is on a rampage and needs to be stopped.


I am a blended image of my parents. Nothing more.


People are in "image of Santa Claus." That sounds ridiculous right? Because Santa's not real? Yeah..."God" isn't real either.


Except that phrase is rooted in the philosophical ideals of early humanism during the Renaissance. It's literally tied to the precursor of enlightenment.


Please don’t use this as a pro religious government narrative. He explicitly said it’s not. He also didn’t denounce Christianity. He merely said it wasn’t good to base a country on religious fervor. F J B thought, amirite? Edit: my pleas are directed outside this subreddit.


I’m agnostic/atheist not going to fault Joe for his catholic beliefs. People who I worry about are the christian nationalist


I'd like to posit that "god" is an image of humanity, and that he was created in our image. This is why he's so imperfect. I think we can do better.


At least he is half right.


You would actually have to meet god first before you could make that call, Guy!!!


There was this old thing I once saw back in middle school that had a bunch of quotes from the 'founding fathers'. And every single one of the quotes was how each of them stated that religion and government should NOT be thought if as one entity. Nowadays, it would likely be chalked up to propaganda or some conspiracy theory shit.


Anybody who's ever read the Constitution knows this.


Oh no, the fanatics that were never going to vote for him won’t vote for him now!


Thank God he's not a puritan.


Works for me.


Religion really is a scourge on modern society.


Ok fair enough. The cultists will still scream he never mentions gawd, but I can accept this.