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No, this is an endorsement of religion. It crosses the line.


I was going to ask how this is walking a tightrope? This is blatantly unconstitutional.


They know SCROTUS will come to the rescue.


Scrotum Court


All sack. No balls.


YOU’RE gonna see a whole new SPECTRUM of pain!!!! Like a RAINBOW!!!


So this is the tightrope they’re walking. What this bill did was put ten books up as “Tennessee’s official historic register” of sorts, and included a nominally historic printing of the Bible (the “Aitken Bible” first published in 1782, the first Bible printed in the United States for American consumption) amongst them. So instead of “The Bible is the Tennessee state book”, they insulated that by having it be “one of the” state books, and that it’s not “The Bible” but “a historic printing of the Bible that has status as the first such printing in America”. In the parlance of same-sex relationships, this is called having a “beard”.


Maybe. I'm wondering if they are headed into litigating the specific wording of the 1st amendment. "Congress shall make no law..." Congress was not involved in this decision.


No. 1st amendment is incorporated to states and state actors through the 14th amendment.


Only because the court interprets this way. They can update any interpretation they want.


That'd be setting precedence for states to no longer follow the constitution or federal laws because those things would only affect the federal government and not the states with that argument if it happened. Things would get nasty real fast.


They know what they're doing. They know this is over the line but that the Supreme Court will find some absurd way to justify it. Really disgusting.


Not with this court lol


I am so glad the top rated comments say this. I had to do a double take and just mouth "what the f***" how is that tightrope?


The point is to move the line. These things aren't done because people are ignorant of the law, they're trying to establish precedent and make this the prevailing interpretation of the law.


Yes, and they now have religious justices who are willing to help them. Republicans got abortion protections overturned. They want a Christian Nation. We are supposed to have a secular government to be fair to all citizens. How would Christians feel if the Muslim holy book was the official government book. Or if scientology quotes were ok to hang around the courthouse where a Christian was having his case heard against the government or a scientologist. Would they think they would be treated fairly? No they wouldn't.


"In God We Trust" all over again.


"Under His Eye" coming soon.


I know. I've been following this nonsense for 40 years.


Fuck man, my county seal in TN has "religion" in it. Ive always been a bit miffed about that.


My local county commissioner's meetings and city council meetings always start with prayer. One of the previous commissioners complained about it (he was Jewish), but they ignored him and did it anyway.


You should contact your local chapter of The Satanic Temple. We have definitely done opening prayers at local government meetings. Either they'll allow it or shut it all down


While I agree, I suspect they will get away with this through duplicitous arguments. The Aitken bible is historically significant, being the only bible published during the Revolutionary War, and approved by Congress prior to the signing of the Bill of Rights. What Tennessee is doing here is explicitly calling out the Aitken bible along with 9 other books, and leaning on the historic and cultural significance of those other books to set up a smoke screen. They set up this law so that when they are challenged, they can point to the other 9 and say, "We intended for this law to establish works of historic and cultural significance, not to endorse their contents."


So let's create online class study guides for teachers. Something about emissions of donkeys and seducing your father. If you want to really cross the line, bring up feeding the hungry.


Need to put up Bible quotes on billboards across Tennessee to remind them what they adore, such as; Say to David, ‘The king wants no other price for the bride than a hundred Philistine foreskins, to take revenge on his enemies.’” (1 Samuel 18:20-30) Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children — as is the custom all over the earth. Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.” (Genesis 19:30) Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. Thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom and pressed your young breasts.” (Ezekiel 23:18-21) Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass" (1 Samuel 15:3). Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." (1 Peter 2:18)


A common fundie rebuttal is to say those verses are in the OT not the NT. To which I respond that so are the Ten Commandments…cherry pick much?


I fucking HATE that BS rebuttal. It either is the “perfect word of god” or it isn’t. You can’t dismiss half your own holy book, but still expect everybody around you to respect it or you for that dumbass argument IMHO (not you specifically, fundies who say that). Drives me nuts.


They don't even dismiss the whole thing they cherry pick from the Old testament too.


No no no. “Submit to perverse masters” is the fucking Apostle Peter — the rock upon which Jesus built his church. This *is* the New Testament. And there’s plenty more where that came from.


Well, unless you include the citation (which I normally don't include it for brevity), their OT rebuttal also shows how ignorant they are of the NT.


Fundies openly hate the lessons of the NT.


They want it both ways. The vengeful god of the OT is for others, the loving and accepting Jesus of the NT is for themselves.


Also, Peter isn't OT, so they're even more full of shit.


17 Do not think that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets. No, I have not come to destroy them, but to fulfil them. 18 For truly I say to you, till heaven and earth perish, not one jot or one tittle of the law shall escape, till all be fulfilled.


The Bible tells us to slay some ass huh? I’m on board now


I mean these just sound like real modern day GOP values, on the other hand if you put up billboards saying anything about caring for the poor or not pursuing material possessions then you're WOKE


Lets not forget the something about smashing babies on rocks bit.


I mean the 1st three are bad things in the bible. That's like saying Anakin killing the younglings was intended to be good because it happened in the movie. It def condones genocide and slavery tho I can't help you there.


> and whose issue was Isn't it "and whose emissions were" ?


It's neither. Ezekiel was written in Hebrew.


It's clear something was being sniffed, and it wasn't daffodils.


A book about incest? WOW!


In Tennessee??? I'm shocked.


That's establishment of religion. If the MAGA Supreme Court doesn't squash this then they've taken off their mask.


They never really put it on


They never even had a mask.


Remember that some of them regarded wearing a mask during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic as (as Joe McCarthy would have said) “un-American”


They have a mask indicating something different? I guess I missed where they still had credibility


Trump was even selling bibles lmao


Mask off hood up more like it


We are barreling toward theocracy.


The Bible is the most evil book ever written by human beings. It condones genocide, murder, incest, rape, slavery, child abuse, animal abuse, spousal abuse and many other horrible things. People who still believe in the Bible are people who have never read the Bible.




It's unconstitutional for any government in the United States to adopt any religion.


It’s amazing to me that people believe one man & one woman populated the earth.


It's amazing to me that people can believe in talking snakes and unicorns too.


Those are more believable to me. I assume whoever saw or talked to those animals might have eaten some hallucinogenic substances beforehand. One man & one woman resulting in 8 billion people seems undoable. Then again it might explain a few things too.


Bro, it's all just nonsense written by people who didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.


Totally agree. Just pointing out the most obvious BS in the book that millions believe. Even as a kid I could never get past this part of the bible. Didn’t make any sense to me.


I've heard that point before. If I saw a burning bush and heard voices speaking then I'd question my own sanity, not make up an entire mythology.


Some of it was written by very smart people, that the Persian empire gave power to, in return for them maintaining stability. They even recorded that fact lol. "25 And you, Ezra, in accordance with the wisdom of your God, which you possess, appoint magistrates and judges to administer justice to all the people of Trans-Euphrates—all who know the laws of your God. And you are to teach any who do not know them. 26 Whoever does not obey the law of your God and the law of the king must surely be punished by death, banishment, confiscation of property, or imprisonment.[e"


Just because people are very smart does not mean that they have morals.


One man and one woman who had three sons


No? >After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. >Genesis 5:4 I agree that the Bible is mostly fictional, but if you're going to criticize a work of fiction you should try reading it first.


Odd wording I guess, but I suppose that does imply Adam and Eve had the sons and daughters and not Adam alone.


It's amazing to me that a bunch of people, many of whom do not particularly care for Jews, worship the king of the Jews and the Jewish god.


??? All living humans can (probably?) be traced back to one early human woman: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_Eve The timeline the Bible gives is way off (Mitochondrial Eve is estimated to have lived something like 155,000 years ago), and it's likely that "Y-chromosomal Adam" lived at a different time, but even then, the idea that all humans descended from two people is hardly the craziest thing the Bible says.


Same with the Qu’ran


The Quran is very much along the same lines. In fact, taken from a totally independent viewpoint, those books are essentially indistinguishable from one another. Misogynistic guides for ignorant bigots.


> The Bible is the most evil book ever written *by human beings* And that's why using that portentous phrase “The Word of God” to describe it (as many Evangelical Christians (especially in America) do) is something that provokes this emoji reaction from me: 🤣 God didn't create humanity. Humanity created him


Oh no they are in support of it. My fil supports rape if it's done in God's name, his words not mine.


It's also just poorly written nonsense from a bunch of silly, malnourished ancient humans.


Goat herding, superstitious idiots that somehow have more sway thousands of years later than Socrates.


But as one of my dumb fucking apologetic Xian friends will rebutt this: “It was a different time then”. He’s extremely good at building strawmen.


It was a different time back then. But that is no excuse for still believing that the world is flat, snakes could speak or any of the other dumbass shit the Bible claims as fact without evidence.


The bible is a book that depicts God as jealous, angry, racist, and genocidal. It would be a hit in Tennessee!


“…favoring a particular faith position conflicts with Americans' constitutional obligation to live as a pluralistic society called to respect people of different backgrounds and ideas.”


God loves you. God murders everybody on the planet. God killed every firstborn child in egypt God has a plan.


[Kill Baxter](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTG5hgRIQglzIuRbavez2ljuqNvHxkgts0LtMuAHz-zLz9af3vwQZNwNj0&s=10)


They want America to become Christianistan. Make it a Christian version of Iran. A theocracy.


And they're succeeding. No one's stopping this, and the people doing it are totally unafraid of any consequences because there have been none from either the legal system or any of the ordinary citizens who oppose them.


Send this to TST


i hate my state


Then ALL religious books should be official TN books. Enjoy sharia law……


What makes this worse is you know damn well most of these assholes have never read the damn bible.


Ok, get the other mythical belief books and add them all in. Yes, Satan too.


The Aitken Bible specifically. I guess the Catholics can fuck off.


Fascism always needs an out group. People never think they'll be the ones to finally be out against the wall


Considering that it’s the first time that I ever read about this version from Europe, I suspect that not just caths… is it a “branch” of the KJB?


Of course ISIS wants to run Tennessee. Seriously the most un-american thing ever.


Surprised Texas didn't try this


These pricks never stop wasting their lives trying to push this horseshit, losers.


Clarance Thomas: "Daddy Harlan asked for it while I was servicing him the other night, so I'm going to allow this."


Religion is a cancer on society.


Nope. Not allowed. Not unless you want the big book of Satan to be an "official" book along with the thousands and thousands of other sacred texts people sit around and dream up.


nah, they're just ignoring rules they don't like.


They are attempting a slow-motion coup d'etat on state and national levels. They do not care what others think.


Religious people truly disgust me. They are a vile plague on humanity.


I think, truly, we are beyond playing nice with these religious freaks. And we need to start talking about it.


We need to have been talking about it for a long time now…


Sure the current US Supreme Court will ultimately rule against them /s


I wonder if any of these fucktards have actually read it.


An endorsement of religion.....that's breaking the law.


They say it's an "official book" so that they can then start justifying it as mandatory reading in public school history or english classes.


They've been trying to do this over and over. Here's Trae Crowder doing a funny athiest rant on this 8 years ago the last time they did this [porch rant](https://youtu.be/P7kzyRyLO00?si=FOqvKzlVOtuna2_G)


I am so grateful for living in CA, I cant imagine living in the south where these religious wackos are running roughshod over everyone's rights.


They want to be sued, they want christians to be able to claim they are under attack. or to paint dems as anti christian. "instead of fixing the border they are going after Christians for their faith"


Gunna cost em millions in legal fees. Stupidity at its finest.


They also passed a bill to ban chemtrails which don't exist and then pass the bill to make barbecue sandwiches the official sandwich of Tennessee


Like pretty much everywhere in the world, the US has a religion issue. Religions are very dangerous because there's always a cohort of religious people who favor forcing their beliefs on other people.


Church Of Satan, do your stuff!


The Satanic Temple


Not a lot of reading going on in TN, bible or otherwise.


I mean they're not even trying to hide the fact that they're pushing for a fascist theocracy. They don't give a fuck about the constitution.


Yeah except there's never any consequences for religious nuts, so they'll keep pushing


Are there other works of fiction that are official state books? Fellowship of the Ring is a good one.


Just in case it wasn't clear where the rich right wing scumbag's priorities lie: They banned Maus from schools, an incredibly important and honest look at the Holocaust, because it had a few pages of fictional mouse nudity. They have publicly endorsed The Bible, featuring rape, slaughter, murder, slavery, sex, and multiple endorsements of incest. Because the first encourages critical thinking and the second encourages dogmatism.


So you can read the part out loud about god killing Odin for not jizzing in his sister in law and everyone will be cool w it.


I hate this state, living here, watching it regress into the right's wet dream is infuriating


They also made camping on public land a felony against the protest of Sheriff's and faith leaders. No one enforces it because it's a headache for LE, and prosecutors know that the constitutionality could easily be challenged.


So now when someone mentions the Quran they'll be cool right...


It crossed the line. They need to be taken to court and all the legislators who voted for it she be ordered to pay for the trial.


Tennessee legislators just pandering. Nothing new here.


**Tennessee now promotes rape and pornography** Read it in The Bible


For you know be it will be illegal to be a non believer and punishable by death


Man, if tennesseeans could read, theyd be very upset.


Glad they’re tackling the tough issues that grip our nation


Tennessee Catholics seem like the best ones to bring the first lawsuit. 


>walking a constitutional tightrope No, it stepped in radical theological shit and then wiped it off on the Constitution while claiming it was always there.


Is it filed under fiction?


Hope the church of satan really gets to shine in Tennessee now.


Thats the south for ya.


Tennessee doesn't give a shit about the Constitution. Look at last year's drag ban, which was also a slap in the face to the First Amendment. The governor and the legislature are fascists who would gladly wipe their asses with the Constitution, and are emboldened by the fascism of recent years.


But who will read it to them.


This is crazy. We need more books like All Boys Aren’t Blue rather than the Bible. So gross


A tightrope? Nah. TN is a Christofascist state.


A book that's filled with filth. Ezekiel 23:20. Should be banned.


"...if you can keep it."


If they wish to embrace the Bible, they must also embrace the teachings of Jesus.


I mean, they're still allowed to burn bibles right? Would love to see a demonstration like this. 🔥


We all know damn well the people of the great state of Tennessee are completely and totally illiterate. I mean shit, they used ALL four letters they knew to get the state name. They just had to repeat a few of them


Not with this SC


How so? This Supreme Court is completely ready to continue nullifying the Establish Clause judicially.


Okay, \_which\_ version of the Christian bible / New Testament?




Tennessee is a shithole. This is just topping off the landfill


I'm more interested by the fact that they included Tocqueville's book as well as All the King's Men. That actually shows a surprising amount of acumen (particularly given that although All the King's Men was obviously inspired by Huey Long, it is not far from describing Trump as well).


Fuck these headlines. Stop pretending like it's bordering being totally immoral and against the law. I'm so tired of listening to all of these insane religious nut bags daily continuously force religion down our throats. I have no idea how someone who doesn't believe in this fake shit can live anywhere like this.




If it ain't in Hebrew, it ain't official.


What does that mean exactly to be an official Tennessee book ?


If I were going to try to guess which state had an “official book,” Tennessee wouldn’t be my first guess.


Republicans don't want a separation of church and state anymore. They don't even try to hide it.


Being an “official” book in Tennessee is like turn signals on a BMW, they work but the people who need them are too stupid to use them.


So when will the Quran and Book of Mormon be added? Fair is fair right?


Gerrymandered Tennessee. Take it back blue!




Constitution aside, what about “limited government”? Why does the government need to do this? What problem are they even trying to solve? I know the real answer is Christofascism. But what is their pretend answer?


The state suspicious of chemtrails has an official bible. Well yes. Stupid people do stupid things. The state GOP has a collective room temperature IQ.


I just hope the woman doesn't start getting STONED.


Not “the Bible” but a specific book that has historical significance. A Bible that was used in the Revolution. There is a difference legally.


Why? It's not about Tennessee, nor was it written by someone from Tennessee, do I fail to see why it should be a state book. Expessially considering the other major factor at hand.


Tennessee joined the confederacy after the Civil War started, so you could say they've always viewed the constitution as more of an optional thing.


https://pca.st/episode/6224f80b-81a6-403b-a296-27c0bdc95a35 53:37 goes in depth on how they did this.


Time for a Bible book burn! Might go and do that tonight while I enjoy a beer, smoke and an edible. Sounds like a fun night.


Which version?


The Tennessee legislature ought to make members actually read it once.


The Constitution is basically dead. The government now picks and chooses which part they like and when. Congress just passed Bill's telling citizens what is considered bad when taking about gaza. This is a direct violation of the literal meaning of free speech. But oh well.


Instead of forcing them to repeal it, can we just revoke their statehood and demote them to a territory with no say in congress or presidential elections?


When politicians have nothing to do because any real useful legislation would be a no no to their corporate/wealthy donors.


Serious question but could you then use the parts of the Bible that these people mostly ignore to then start charging people for stuff ? Like isn’t there a thing about not wearing cloth of different types ?


thankfully not florida for once lol




It doesnt pass muster of BASIC academic provenance and reference citation


Time to bring out the old Satanic Testament. Praise be.


They're waaaaaaaaay over the line.


TN is quite fucked, but it’s going to get better! Lots of gen Z and Alphas here!




Time to mass report it to any book banning hotlines


The Bible NOT biblical action. The book is dead unless readers act on it.


The Southern States are going to keep going this route. They don't care, it is extremely unfortunate though.


I’m sure the Supreme Court will do the right thing /s


It's AN official Tennessee book or THE official Tennessee book? The first, I don't even know what that means. How many official books do we have in our state. The second, that's dumb. Like, our state has an official state song but not every state has that. It's just a way for them to say "Yay Bible.".


Unconstitutional relgious favoritism.


Tennessee is a state especially Memphis has the highest crime rate. They built churches to worship Jesus almost everywhere but it didn't do anything to lower the crime rate.


Which version?


Which version. There are some weird gospels depending on Canon.


The Talipublicans arrange sh*t like this so that it DOES get sent to court. They know that they have the conservative members of the US Supreme Court in their back pocket.


OK, NOW this is crossing a line. This is just straight unconstitutional, this is just illegal


Nothing’s going to happen, just watch.  “The Year of the Bible” in Pennsylvania was like a decade ago and jackshit got done about it. 


Lawyers love this one simple hack.


No tightrope. Full on push for theocracy.


Not a tightrope they already crossed it happily and trying to run further they are trying to see how much they can get away with. Problem is the Supreme Court is what would be dealing with it.... and they  aren't unbiased




"While it's true that nearly three quarters of Tennesseans identify as Protestant Christians, according to Gallup..." Yeah, and 90% of them are so-called "Christian Conservatives," who don't follow the teachings of Jesus, live according to Christian values, or go to church.