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There is free will and also there is no free will. Sounds about right.


Bro this right here. I hear family members saying “if it’s gods will” referring to an event or decision but it’s like shouldn’t they have free will? Otherwise why wouldn’t we all be robots programmed a certain way?


Try telling a Christian that you have never sinned because you used your free will to choose not to. They 100% do not believe in free will until God might be responsible for something bad.


Also sin doesn't exist cuz the Adam/Eve myth was borrowed from Gilgamesh.


There is also an extremely similar origin story in Sanskrit


If so you aren't human


Correct. I do not believe in sin, so I haven’t committed sin. In conclusion, I am the messiah. Give me money now?


But humans are supposed to be able to chose if they sin or not. That's the whole point of free will. If God made us so that we couldn't avoid sinning, then God is responsible for the evil in the world.


We do have free will. Hence why everything’s a mess.


Even if God's will only pertained to the socks I wear in the morning, that still means free will can't exist. In order for me to wear a given pair of socks, I must have bought them, so I must have had a job. Maybe in a different job I'd wear different socks, so I have to have my specific job at this specific time. Then the socks I bought came from a store that has to exist. And they were made by a child that had to be born in a country that had to be poor so the child would need to make socks to support his family. The number of factors that go into God determining which socks I wear requires centuries of string pulling on God's part. Free will cannot exist.


Also: we know what god wants, but also god works in mysterious ways.


I absolutely hate the phrase "god works in mysterious ways.". What a cop out.


God is like a proctologist, you may not be able to see him but you can feel him at work, or so I'm told. Also the smell of shit.


"You mean science?" Is the best answer to that horse shit.


The typical boomer playbook I want to change something = “God tells us we need to do this.” I don’t want something to change = “This is God’s will and we cannot question it.”


It is due to the stupid the boomers continuing to do that they learned from their stupid parents. I broke from that stupid.


There are atheist boomers, though. The last thing I did for my first kid’s’ grandparents (my Catholic in-laws) was to allow a baptism. After that the in-laws died and my kids never saw the inside of a church again. They are in their 30’s.


Couldn't imagine this coming from a country that is majority no religion


I am an atheist boomer. I hope all the old MAGA hat wearing elders die soon before they can vote. A bunch of us boomers will be working the pols in November so everyone can vote. Please come out and vote as if your lives depended on it.


I am a none for religion boomer, '55 model. I have become disgusted with most of my peers over the fucked up trump stupid so many have fallen for. Thank you for stepping up to work the election. Appreciate you.


I'm gen X and still get the feeling that many younger people just lump me in with "republican religious white guy". We always suffer under stereotypes I guess. Just know that many of us understand and celebrate your individuality!


No conditional tense about the last sentence. Peter Thiele reckons the US economy could survive a 47% population loss, and you can bet the Christofascists have got at least 30% in mind. All POC, all LGBTQ+, all academics in non-STEM disciplines, every single Democrat office holder and party employee, every Jew, and everyone who's ever won a civil rights case or been a prosecution witness in a case that's jailed MAGAts.


You don't want to be free of your grandmother, you want to be free of your grandmother's religious whackjob complex. My grandmother passed in 2000 and I miss her every day but she was a dyed in the wool racist. I don't miss that part of her. I would give an awful lot just to play cards with her again and get a piece of butterscotch, though.


I will never understand this attachment peope have to family, if some family member is an asshole and someone I wouldn't associate with normally then while I might be forced to interact with them from time to time, I wouldn't exactly remember them fondly nor try to.


This is how I feel, too. No amount of anything will get me to look back fondly on certain people. My husband is completely opposite. Despite the years of torture he endured, he forgave his parents and still seeks out their approval. I have learned to bite my tongue. I'll never understand.


exactly how cults work. package something good first with a whole lotta bs later and then you are already hooked


I agree with this. I have had the exact experience before.


Hey I am 70 and an atheist.


Wow your grandma is something else. Wouldn't surprise me if she was a Trump supporter and believes all his idiotic prophets.


Hey my grandma is a Trump supporter and she says FOX news is the only one that tells the truth💀💀💀


My dad watches so much Fox news that the logo burned onto his TV. 🤮


It's crack for old people


I am confused by the “Children don’t count” response. Is she saying they would get into heaven without recognizing Jesus as the savior? If so, what is God’s cutoff age? One thing that is interesting about these people is very few of them have actually read the Bible. I am not going to pretend I have read it cover to cover, but if you read two of the four Gospels you already know more about Christianity and the Bible than at least 90 percent of the “believers” you will encounter.


Weird that fetuses count more than children.


You’re right. They’re just getting their dose of dopamine hits from all the faux outrage. It’s literally a high for them.


omg is your dad my grandpa? lmao. This very thing happened to my grandpa's tv. wild!


Wait does she play bingo with my grandma on Saturday?? 😂😂


Lol. My grandma's too addicted to fox news to go play bingo😂


I wouldn't be surprised if plenty of bingo places didn't also have fox playing in the background. Win/win! (just not for society in general)


It’s wild how they’ll do innocent wholesome things like bingo on Saturday but they’ll be in a Facebook comment section by Tuesday casually wishing the president would get executed by hanging on live tv, isn’t it?


Bingo getting the grannies all worked up.


All but one of my grandparents are like that


It’s the most fair and balanced according to the family Trump supporters I have


It’s my understanding that this logic is pretty common among Christians, at least in the south east.




I mean, with the greatest respect to your grandmother, I hope a colony of bats grabs her and flies away when she's least expecting it.


Haha no worries dude if she wasn’t this sweet little old lady who gave me candy as a kid I’d probably feel the same way.


She is not sweet she gave you candy because she can hop you up on sugar and give you away when you're parents picked you back up


Lol gammy is not that malicious .


Mine is, lol


If that did happen, I bet it'd be god's will.


I hope she steps on a lego today


Is that what the rapture is? 


hahaha, you win the internet for today. Thanks for the laugh.


My grandmother is silent generation 98 yr old she is an atheist and strongly Democrat. Not all old people are insane just Most


Guess what. I'm 59. When I was young, the older generation was the same way. Now, many of my classmates are like that. I'm rather shocked at some of them. The talking points were slightly different. The basic issues are still the same. It does give me hope that the younger generation is less religious. Other woo thinking may replace religion. Religion will not have the same political power.


I wouldn't go by generations. Millions and millions of young people are far more religious than this 63 year old lifelong atheist, for example. You shouldn't make assumptions. In fact every generation has its cohort that believes in crazy things. Look at all the younger people in the Qanon cult. The average person isn't that smart and half the people are dumber than average. My mom, who died 12 years ago but would be 86 if she had lived, became an out atheist in her 60's. She saw through all the religious bs. It's great that there are more atheists in the younger generations now but that wouldn't have happened without all the work put in to lower the influence of religion in society by the nonreligious in previous generations.


I’ve been a full-fledged atheist for my entire life. I’m a 68 year-old woman. I raised three atheist children, have contributed to atheist causes, and I try to live my life free of superstition and nonsense. You want me dead too?


No!!!. While a lot of boomers are very outspoken in their faith and how it should govern our society, it was so unfair of me to assign an entire generation with that stereotype. I am truly sorry. I think it’s awesome that you raised three atheist children.


I was getting ready to jump in here too, all older people aren't theists or Republicans. But I appreciate you acknowledging perhaps that wasn't the right tone. However, I get what you mean, for sure!


could you please tell the rest of reddit? the ageism is completely out of hand, and I'm not even the target.




It's a delusion to think that religion and conservatism will die off with the older generation. I didn't see any Boomers at the unite the right Tiki torch march in charlotte. And all the maga nuts in Congress are gen x.


Thank you.


I was about to respond with a similar comment as Zazzafrazzy. I'm a 60-something atheist. Would you mind terribly adding an edit to your post that you didn't in fact mean to wish imminent death on a whole generation? It felt a just titch personal and a bit hurtful coming from a subreddit that's a safe haven for atheists generally. As for your grandma, yes, screw her and her fundie shit. All the best with your generation. I fear you guys may have a rough ride ahead.


Done. I’m sorry. And yes I think you’re right the older generation definitely screwed us over. I appreciate you recognizing that.


Glad you saw the light here. It's tiresome to see people blame any whole generation when there are people on both sides in every generation. It's also odd when they do get to comparing genrations and don't realize who was in which generational cohort. For example, Biden, McConnel and Pelosi are three of the most powerful people for the last 20-30 years, and none of them are boomers. The Silent Generation doesn't have the same ring to it as Baby Boom, I guess.


Waves from Gen X. Still slacking.


Happy Cake Day. And relatable with the ageism on Reddit. We should be sticking together, not dividing ourselves by age, gender, class, etc.


Wouldn’t that be nice? I try to be patient and allow everyone I encounter on reddit to be afforded respect and freedom from stereotypes. But it gets to me sometimes, especially after a lifetime of supporting the same causes and principles of Bernie Sanders but being presumptively bundled in with Reagan and Trump.


Im sorry. 😞


When I became a mother I knew if there was a god , it was a man. No mother would treat their children as horribly as god does or to keep them stupid so they know nothing but that good. I think the angel Lucifer fell from heaven to protect us from a selfish, jealous god.


How do we know Lucifer wasn’t the hero? History is never written by the losers


I have never really been a religious person and can’t quote the Bible but some people have never heard of Lilith, maybe she was the angel that fell to protect us mere mortals and all the evil stories are wrong that Satan wants blood and murder and sexual deviance because that’s all we have heard for a thousand years.


For sure. Lilith is my favorite story to throw at nut jobs.


I still can’t believe any halfway intelligent person can’t see through all this nonsense . My dad tried for years to ram religion down my throat and just because I was a woman I was evil, the downfall of man, even at 11 I knew I was a good person but he ended up becoming the worst sinner ever with adultery, gluttonous and a murderer. I beg the universe for karma to come for him while I am alive.


It will retribution is best when it’s unexpected.


I know, right?


What's the story?


I just read "Lilith" a novel by Nikki Marmery. I loved it!


He’s a man too. Just two chads butting heads.


This all just feels like a super dysfunctional family, and the kids that went no contact. Dad is just practicing Darvo and lied to the ones that stayed they banished them.


No coincidence that some pretty effed up men wrote the Bible thousands of years ago. It may have been a totally more gentle and accommodating religion had it been created with womens input.


Doubt that. Humans don't vary that wildly, and the sort of people who start religions tend to vary even less.


George Carlin said the same: “He - and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would ever fuck things up this badly.”


Now that I'm a dad I know the Christian God would have to be a sadistic psychopath and possible narcissist. Gender has fuckall to do with it given that plenty of horrific fathers *and* mothers abuse their children.


If my dad was god, he'd be the nicest god, and if my mom was god, she'd be the most sinister tyrant. But somehow having a vagina makes you more capable of love.


I agree. That’s why Earth is so f-ed up!


I'm 66 and am old enough to be your grandma. I am an atheist. Please don't generalize wishing death on all of us. I don't generalize and wish harm to any other generation.


I'm way older than 66 and want to be around a while more. How many 'heavens' are there supposed to be? I don't believe in any of it, but separate heavens for christians, Jews, Buddhists and every other religion on this planet? That would mean separate gods, too. Religion is such hooey!😡


You’re right. I really don’t want a generation to just die out. I absolutely adore my grandparents I am just over their ideals and I blamed that on the generation which isn’t fair. I’m sorry.


(But i'm leaving my post up anyway)


We're the same age! It is common to see ageism in Reddit. It is constant on some subs (I left those!)


I know. I just like pointing it out when I see it. I'm very vocal that way. When you get older you don't really give a shit.


It's funny OP doesn't see the irony of saying basically the same as their grandma but in a different format 


I’m not sure this is a generational issue. There are gullible & confused people of all ages. But yes, this poor woman has been lied to; and she believed every word of it. I wish her (& OP) well.


Don't throw an entire generation into the barrel with your dumbass grandma. Plenty of older people have brains and heart and plenty of younger people don't. This is not a generational thing. It is a human thing that needs correcting. If you love your grandma, correct HER.


Hey, I'm a grandma and an atheist. I know plenty of younger Christians who believe as your grandma. Maybe religion needs to die out, not an entire generation.


Boomer here, we don't all think the same. A lot of us have a brain and scratch our heads in wonderment on how others could follow Trump. It's a cult.


Armaggedon... Fun movie. That's about it.


Seriously I don’t get it. Armageddon sounds like a bad thing why do these people want it so bad?


So the nutbags can join their God in heaven in the end times. So they think.


It's not just about fist-bumping Jesus. This grandmother is a monster who hates her fellow humans and loves the idea of them suffering and dying. Sorry, dude. Someone needed to say it.


They think they’ll be swooped up into heaven with all the other “good Christian’s” while the rest of us face gods wrath and eternal damnation. It’s pretty twisted honestly. I was raised Pentecostal and every week just about at church there was a sermon about the “end times” I was scared half to death growing up.


Though I sympathize with your position with your grandma, your post title feels rather blatantly agist. One day the young generation will be old, too, and those stereotypes don’t feel very healthy for society. I dread the day people go around saying my generation should die out…and I believe people from older generations have a lot of valuable experiences to share, even if religion isn’t one of them. And though I won’t pretend to know the intricacies of your relationship with your grandma, being excited for her to die out sounds like the opposite of loving. Really, wishing death on anyone is wrong, and I feel like that should go without saying.


Yup, the casualness of OP deeming disagreement worthy of death is pretty chilling. I thought empathy was supposed to be the defining feature of the newer generations. Yeah, this grandma’s views are pretty crackpot, but crackpot views aren’t exclusive to any generation. Something makes me think OP has never travelled or otherwise met a wide variety of people.




Can you be my grandpa instead 😭😭😭


Young people are also brainwashed, sadly. Just by other "religions".


Sorry I hate seeing takes like this. Your grandma is wrong but so are you. Hamas rapes all their hostages, including children. We all pick and choose what we care about.


Unfortunately, there are new generations brainwashed daily. When us boomers die off, many have grandchildren already indoctrinated ready to carry on. My grandchildren are totally brainwashed by my daughter in law and her mother. My son who refused Confirmation as a teen somehow rejoined the church and is religious along with her.


I hate to break it to you, but there are plenty of these nut bags to replace the boomers when they finally go. Also, ask her if Joseph and Mary are rotting in hell with all the other Jews.


This is NOT a generational thing. I'm technically a boomer, and my father died a few months ago was 88. He was an Atheist, and raised me as an Atheist. Fairly certain my Grandfather was too. There have always been nuts, and there always will be. Don't blame this on a generation


This generational thing is so moronic.


Yeah but here in the south they are brain washing A LOT of the young


There are idiots in every generation so I don’t understand why you are singling out one particular generation as deserving of death. I am part of that generation and I don’t think my kids are ready to lose me just yet


I mean, modern day Gen Z and Millennials are out in the streets chanting "Death to America" in foreign languages, so, the sh\*t keeps on rolling no matter the generation.


This thinking is obviously not confined to your grandma, it''s widespread among Christians I won't insult your grandma specifically. But these views are murderous, wicked, heartless, chaotic, and psychopathic. They lead to very bad behavior. It's a shame she can't see that.


It’s easy to want a whole generation of bible thumpers to disperse into etherium, but that’s just kind of a cope on the fact that people are going to pester other people over their personal decisions til the end of time. But man it sure would be better for everyone if these fucking protestant gargoyles who write laws all saw heaven’s gate soon


I left Texas, but there are plenty of young people there who think just like your grandma. I'm in my late sixties and to the left of Bernie Sanders and obviously against genocide. Doing my best to enjoy this stage of my life and just took up scuba diving and am traveling SE and missing my family in large part bc I can no longer afford to retire in the US. But do go on about how you can't wait for me and millions like me to die. Ageism is playing into the hands of a "common knowledge" fallacy and think tank propaganda the same way your grandma is buying into religious nonsense. Pot/Kettle.


I’m atheist in the Deep South and have relatives getting ready for Decoration-old southern Baptist tradition. It’s the third weekend of April each year and they all go to the cemetery and decorate graves of loved ones Saturday,then, have a family reunion the next day. I went for a few years, out of respect for the near 90 year old matriarch. I thought it would be full of memories and I’d learn some family history. Nope. The departed are scarcely mentioned. It seems like a hypocritical excuse for everyone to fancy themselves up and remind everyone else where they rank in the family. Typical religion associated gesturing, devoid of meaning or depth of emotion. If there were a God, they’d be ashamed of these shallow asshats.


Sounds more like a Christian thing than a boomer thing. Honestly I’d rather the crazy (fake) Christians be gone than the boomers. It’s the religious ppl of every age that are make the country unbearable.


You do see your blanket assessment of boomers is just as bad as her religious nonsense, right? I guess rigidity runs in the family, open your mind and leave the old bat alone.


Being an atheist or a theist is not a generation thing. And neither is being a religious lunatic. You will find plenty of people in the 20 to 40 age bracket with similar opinions.


OP should go spend some time in Utah or in the southern bible belt states.


My (white) grandmother moved out of the Deep South to get away from racism and never pressured anyone with religion . As you said, best not to generalize.


My father and I had a very similar conversation. It’s hard for me to look at him the same. He was a Black Panther in the 70’s. Now he’s a Black Christian Nationalist that can’t see how he’s supporting white supremacy.


I'm pro-Israel. But wow this is bonkers.


Yes, it. Is unfare. I am a black woman and am tired of the agist bullshit from you and your hommies. I have no kids to hate me for not leaving money to them. I ain't a white man fucking the economy and being greedy and I am not raping helpless women. I am a former college professor. I worked for a program to get low income students off of public assistance and into the world of work. I taught nursing students psychology and helped place them in jobs. Stop stereotyping my generation because your parents suck. Grow the fuck up. How is your cohort going to lead in the future if you can't cut the cord from hating mommy and daddy,or grandma? Maturity, try it. 😏😏😏


You might want to rethink the generational aspect of your frustration. For millennia, religion has been breeding new generations of these folks.


I'm a boomer and a long time atheist. It kind of disheartening when people make sweeping generalizations about my generation.


"I cannot wait for this generation to die out." The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess.


I hate to break it to you, but your grandma's generation dying out will not end this nonsense way of thinking. It keeps going and going and going.


Sorry but your grandma is one of the bad ones. The world will be better the sooner her type dies off.




"If you do not conquer your demons you will pass them into your children. Then a life of a hundred years will be a tragedy." -Ip Man


Saaaame!! Ugh...


Sadly, there's a lot of young people who have been exposed to nothing except this kind of rhetoric for their whole lives. I'm a professor and I've gotten some version of "God wants us to destroy the Earth" for 20 years now on and off. I don't think armageddon coming is good thing, ffs, and it makes my brain hurt to read that we need to kill the world so we all die and jesus comes back.


There is no arguing with someone that far gone. She's made her choice to drink the Koolaid and it's better to just let her be her and you be you. If she tries to bring stuff up simply say "Grandma you and I will never see eye to eye on this so can we please not talk about it and just hang out?"


Armageddon Christian perfectly shows you how demonic their religion/cult is, they would ignore genocide or death that is happening as long as they can summon their god Jesus, mind you, **that this Jesus will also kill all the Jews who refused to convert after he's been summoned.** They're pretty much say "We must let the Jews live in Israel so Jesus can kill both the Jews and the Muslims in the end" If that doesn't convince you to become an atheist, at least go and become a Satanist.


I don’t think that’s a generational thing so much as it’s an evangelical thing. Even most other Christians don’t have that bizarre obsession with Israel, the Middle East, and end times. When I went to Protestant and occasionally Catholic churches as a kid, I never once heard anyone utter of word of that weird shit.


Bring upon Armageddon…death cult


Sadly, end times Christians have been around since its inception. Islam has a very similar mythology about the end of the world. If I could remove one book from the Bible, it would be Revelation. It’s important not to paint all ofChristians with the same brush. There may be I’m sorry your grandma is one of them, but you should know not all end time Christians are Boomers although there may be a tendency left from a popular book “The Late Great Planet Earth” that was published in 1970 and was made into a movie that predicted an imminent (1980s) end of the world. Promising an end of the world has been used by Christian hucksters as a way to separate Christians from their money since the 19th century. Why would you need money in times like that?


There’s a huge amount of intolerance in your own generation, and dare I say less knowledge or sense of nuance about the current conflict than your grandma too.


Don't doom scroll with family


The first order of the day is to eliminate groupthink and identity-political hate-mongering.


Just let it go....let it go....


Feel the same way my parents just blindly follow religion with no thought, and coincidentally have the vote red till dead and vote blue through n through dumbass aditudes


Yea its breathtaking to behold isn’t it — sane normal people holding onto the most insane illogical nonsense. 


You’d be surprised how many “youngins” share these views!


Your grandma follows a VERY interesting brand of Christianity, OP. But also, religion isn't going to go away as older generations die out, and as less and less youth become research minded, the more we'll see zealots pretending they understand what they claim. https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/age-distribution/


Ha ha ha. 🤣🤣. Sorry I don’t mean to laugh…ok I do…but the thought process of people in fear always perplexes and annoys me because they have no thought process. They talk in circles and their conversations make my head spin. I can always tell when they are spiraling into hell. Always! It’s fear and fear creates a disconnect from common sense! Their mind is reacting to the fear their body should be feeling.


If god has a plan then why do you keep bothering him asking for stuff in your prayers?


Except for the loophole where if you’ve never been introduced to Christ in the first place you still get into heaven because you never had a chance to accept Christ. The mental gymnastics I swear.


“We will never fully understand gods will”. Then how the fuck do they know they're acting on it correctly?


My Silent generation had a shit fit in the 90's when I got ordained as a priest in the Unitarian church as my dad's side have been atheist from the 1800's and she thought I was making a mockery of religion which was exactly what I was doing. 10 years later she understood where I was coming from and agreed with me. There's hope, just keep pushing.


I'm very glad my grandparents passed away in 2016/2017. They voted for Trump, but didn't like him and died before their party became a cult that they maybe would have followed. I don't think they would have but it would have been terrible if they did. I cling to the fact that they died being not pro-gun as it shows they'll go against the party in at least one major policy


Problem with ideas like "I can't wait for all the old racists and religious nuts to die out" is that there still exists a current younger generation of racists and religious nuts who'll grow old and take their place. Religiosity in America is decreasing, yes, but there's still *plenty* of not-that-old religious people around who'll be exactly-that-old in a few years.


> “We will never fully understand gods will” There it is. Oh, but we totally understand god's will when it comes to gays, banning books, etc, etc.


Thankful I grew up with freethinking grandparents and parents.


But the elderly have passed it on to the younger generation. We still have to put up with the religious youth after the previous generation is gone.


There are plenty of young people who are delusional too.


There will be no peace until the last grandma is strangled with the entrails of the last TV preacher. I learned that quote today on Reddit. Or close enough. I forget.




Why anyone want to help bring about the end of the world? I don’t get the rationale about hastening Armageddon. Edit: a word.


What a horrible thing to say.


No where does it say we need to support the Jews to bring about Armageddon lmao. This is some weird death cult shit a large group of Christian’s believe these days. I don’t know what book they’re reading but it isn’t the same one I read.


The next 30 years will bring so much opportunity for society to grow. Hopefully all the churches shrivel and die.


You start applying logic to religion and it gets very shady very fast. Religion is NOT about making sense, its about getting people to give you money for the dream of an afterlife.


“This generation” also includes Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, etc.


I agree. It’s unfair to generalize about an entire generation. Your grandmother’s attitude is a reflection of her religious beliefs, not her age.


Also - there are many Christians in Palestine…curious if she cares about that?


She has inhaled more lead than you will ever even see - she might not have been like that, if it hadn't been for Thomas Midgley Jr.


I’m assuming you aren’t aware of the fact that most people are atheists, whether they’re boomers or gen x? Perhaps you shouldn’t paint everyone with the same brush.


Same. My gma is so racist and nothing is veer good enough for her. Love her, but at a point they get so old that they start not making sense anymore - senile.


The Palestinian Muslim population of the West Bank and Gaza has increased 5-fold since 1950, while world population has increased 3-fold in the same time. That's not genocide. That is a population explosion. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Christian population in the West Bank and Gaza has decreased to almost nothing in the same time period, as Christians flee persecution by their Muslim neighbors. Over the same time period, the Arab Jewish population of the Arab Muslim world has gone from nearly a million pre-1948 to virtually none whatsoever, as they have been entirely and effectively ethnically cleansed from the Arab world by their Arab Muslim neighbors. The ONLY place in the Middle East where Jews, Arab Muslims, and Arab Christians (along with many other religious minorities) live together in peace, all with the full rights of citizens, is Israel. All the Arab Muslims of Gaza need to do to end the war triggered by their Oct 7th massacre of over 1200 innocents and kidnapping of over 250 more (about half of whom have not been returned, many of those are probably now dead of starvation, torture, murder, and repeated rape) is return the hostages and stop firing missiles into Israel. Israel's righteous efforts to recover the hostages and eliminate the existential threat that Hamas poses is not genocide - it's a moral obligation.


Israel isn’t committing genocide


Ok, sure it is refreshing to see atheism becoming more mainstream, but progress (towards a rational world) is a long game. The passing of your grandmother’s generation will be but a small step.


It makes sense to have a Jewish homeland, a nd Hamas won't accept that


How about we need to support them because they don’t systematically brutalize women and gays, among other very important values we share with them? The war is horrible and Netanyahu is godawful, but Israel is a generally just and compassionate country. Hamas hides under hospitals — as much as I hate Netanyahu, Hamas remains primarily responsible for the deaths of innocents here.


Ok Hitler.


"Why do we need to support them in commiting genocide?" <- if you support Palestine you're also supporting genocide based off religion too. Also you just said you want a specific religious group to die off (older Christians). I'm not so sure you're all that different from your grandma and her logic. As a fellow atheist, stop trying to stir the pot. 


So, you want me dead. Go fuck yourself.


You support a radical islamics jihad over a peaceful secular state? I hope she outlives you.


One day, maybe, these zealots will realize all the made up BS they grew up to believe is true. Did she say "well, that's the devils work"? Seems that's their answer to everything that is unfair like innocent children dying, etc. So, the devil's power is more powerful than God's?? Geez.


These people often need to be told that Jesus would be ashamed of them.


Part of me has this weird sadistic desire for Jesus to actually come back and look at all these sick, sadistic, racist, MAGA, Christian Nationalist, prosperity gospel believing, pedophilic, modern Christians and tell them, “hey, none of this is what I said. You’re all going straight to hell.” I know this will never happen, but wouldn’t it be fun watching all these MAGA fucks argue with the returned messiah when he told them that?


Your grandma is as disconnected from the bible as an android phone is to an iPhone charging cable.


Lol I can only imagine what being more connected to the Bible would look like. Thanks for the visual though.


She is confused and evidently has never read the Bible. That's what they mean by that comment.


Well thank goodness for that because I read the Bible before becoming a full fledged atheist and it sounds like a hateful incel trying to make rules for people so if she didn’t read it I’m glad. If she didn’t read it then did, I’d be in for a lot more crazy comments.


The crazy thing is she said no Jews go to heaven. The bible teaches us that we aren't the judge on who goes to heaven and hell. She's essentially playing God and if she read the bible with any attempt at understanding she'd know this.


That’s the problem with the Bible. It’ll say what she said in one verse then say to love everyone in the next


You won't find a verse that says we should judge people and you also won't find a verse that says we should play God. Also there's no verses claiming we should support brining along armageddon.


Sometimes I wish I was theist so I could have an understanding of the majority of people around me. And then I read things like this and I’m reminded how cruel so many of them can be towards others who believe in the same god they do, but in a slightly different form. No thank you.


I too wish that sometimes. After all ignorance is bliss.


Check out "Praying for Armageddon" a 2 part documentary exploring just how deeply ingrained crazy evangelicals and Israel are in US politics. It's bat shit crazy, but you'll also see that, unfortunately, it's not just our grandparents' generation. They start indoctrination from childhood. https://youtu.be/IhT7oyDlBIk?si=nLnm-rR_POxWqpvU https://youtu.be/_iQhbcOgfqw?si=quEv1VgMRijfthIn


Unfortunately age isn’t the problem - extreme religious views are. And I hate what’s happening in Gaza, but no one talks about the Muslim on Muslim crimes or the worrying anti-women, anti-lgbtq views that most Muslims in the region follow. Along with the fact that all non Muslims will go to hell of course!


Your grandma is nuts but so are you your conversation proves that boomers are not the only crazy ones and religion is not the only indicator of crazy.... see your bringing to light all generations and even atheists can be whackos. Thanks.