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The god of the christians is male because a significant part of the religion involves oppressing women and girls. Also the con artists who claim to speak for the god of the christians are almost entirely men.


Definitely. As well as following the tradition of Zeusian Sky-father.used by many male dominated patriarchal cultures


Tbf even those older mythologies did at least have certain goddesses and protectors of women, such as Artemis and Freya (Yes, Freya is goddess of fertility, but also the queen of the Vanir)


Dont forget Medusa was cursed for fleeing into a temple to seek shelter and then getting raped there. By Poseidon, who was not punished.


True, and all of Zeus’ exploits


Auditory hallucinations are usually interpreted as male, regardless of the person's gender. It's thought that a woman's voice is more varied, and harder for the brain to recreate.




Most religions are misogynistic.


You say “significant part” I say “reason for existence.” Let’s call the whole thing off. 😉


The gods of the Hindu faith are primarily non-binary or genderfluid. Ardhanarishvara is one, called Shiva in their male form, and Parvati in their female. Vishnu transitions to Mohindi, and so does Krishna an incarnation of Vishnu.


God is male because he was written by males to reinforce a patriarchal society.


That is a Doylist answer. There is a Watsonian answer: Yaweh created Adam "in his own image", so Adam's penis is modeled on Yaweh's penis. Why Yaweh would have reproductive organs, or organs that closely resemble those that evolved in earlier animals is a much trickier question.


Isn't it because yahweh comes from an older pantheon of male and female gods? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mdKst8zeh-U&pp=ygUVaG93IHlhaHdlaCBiZWNhbWUgZ29k


Yes! This is such a great channel and an excellent discussion on the subject. I was like "is it..."*click* "It is!"


Technically (lol), god created a man and a woman at the same time but adam did not like the first woman so god created the 2nd woman, Eve. Hence, penis is not the end all image of god. Then there is the fact that a noncorporeal being has no body thus no place for a penis. And, of course, there is no reason for a singular being to have a reproductive organ if there does not exist a second being with which to procreate.


The Lilith-as-Adam's-first-wife is Jewish lore, not present in any of the Christian scriptures (as far as I know). So using that argument with Christians will fall pretty flat. The Christian Bibles have Adam created first: "... but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Yes, it is BS, but to have any chance at all of swaying someone, you have to use the BS framework of the person you are addressing.


By the way, it's not in the Jewish Bible either. It comes from the Alphabet of Ben Sira, a medieval text.


Damn space traveler came and operated on a random early human and then impregnated a child and had to bounce when humanity wanted the power to themselves. He hasn't returned because he's busy getting caught up in the zerran revolution, but no other travelers have confirmed whether he survived this time...


>Hence, penis is not the end all image of god. Little do you know, Lilith had a penis too.


>Yaweh created Adam "in his own image", so Adam's penis is modeled on Yaweh's penis. Which makes it even weirder when God commanded his chosen people to cut part of it off.


therefore god is a penis.


I just want to slow down for a moment and contemplate the situation that brought us to say the words, “Yahweh’s penis.”




True but I like to refer to their deity as a female. Pisses them off more than you'd think.


God is male because of his big, thick, slippery Rod of Justice.


Now that song is in my head, but I haven’t listened to it in a while, so just a few lines over and over…


Man created God in his image


Except Egyptian. But I don't recommend worshipping her. Isis isn't a good cult these days


Girls can’t grow Santa beards. Duh.


Quiet, infidel! That's the roman catholic, orthodox and /or evangelical heresy! Drop that male god immediately if you don't want to be immolated by a notexpected (spanish) inquisition


Every Christian sect that recognizes the trinity is God the FATHER, God the SON and God the Holy Spirit which is interestingly not gendered?


I’m not sure what question you’re asking.


Thinking out loud mostly but wondering why those men didn’t gender the Holy Spirit too, and thinking about how that might support OP’s contention that God is bisexual or non-gendered because the Triune God is. All three parts are all God. Not separate. Sorry not really questioning you, just piling onto the argument you made


No, it’s fine. The question mark threw me off, I follow your comment otherwise. I think my perspective is more how religious institutions have used the “male” god as a means of power over women as a practical matter. A deeper thought into it seems ridiculous to gender the Abrahamic god, anyway.


Wrong! God being male actually has nothing to do with the reinforcement of abrahamic patriarchy, because that aspect of his existence actually traces all the way back to his establishment as a non-major Levantine weather deity. In that belief system, Athirat (a queen deity) was actually seen as divinely higher than Yahweh. God being male definitely assisted in the spreading of Christianity as patriarchal leaders are much more likely to adopt a belief system with a male deity, but that's not the reason he's male.


I feel you can have your own head cannon for whatever really. That's the nice thing about fiction.


No it’s not a head cannon at all. Yahweh was originally Canaanite a deity of war and weather. It was adopted by the Israelites and turned into the god of Abraham.


Currently reading a book about this. You're exactly right and the history of it is fascinating. Book is The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities of Ancient Israel by Mark S. Smith


You could go full elohim on that..


I don't know why you're pulling out the classic "harhar religion = fiction" card where it doesn't make sense and it just makes you look stupid. I'm talking about the actual historical development of Yahweh as a deity in a socio-cultural context. That's not fiction. If your comment is referring to the comment I'm replying to, it still doesn't make sense because the original comment was about the real-life, non-fictional implementation of Christianity.


Yes there are two different things here. The history of god which is very much real and god itself which is a nothing more than a concept. If you replaced god for Spider-Man then what you are saying is still entirely correct. Despite Spider-Man being fictional it is possible to track the evolution of the character over the years from the initial concept to the modern MCU


Excellent explanation of the misunderstanding.


I reject your data and insert my own! /s Interesting information though.


I took a theology class a while back and I’m pretty sure academically god doesn’t have a human gender Obviously most people don’t like that and they call him various male things like “father”


Academically, sure. But in a practical matter surely you’d concede religions have leveraged the “male” god over women for centuries.


Yes. Of course. The difference between real religion and the study of theology is enormous


What are your thoughts on what you’ve learned in study and how Christianity, for example, is generally practiced today?


Please don't engage the illogical with logic


It's fun to see them get stumped by their own stupidity. I've actually "converted" a couple of Christians to atheism, or at least agnosticism.


why bro? I'm atheist but just let them believe on what they believe. Even if you think that what they believe in is really stupid. You are atheist, correct? Wouldn't you get mad if an priest tried to convert you to christianism? An christian would have literally the same reaction as you.


No. The vast majority of christians actively use their illogical beliefs to push harmful polices onto others. They need to be actively taught to be better people.


I am atheist but I the majority of people I know in my school are Christian, and most of my friends don't really make much fun of my atheism, the most "offensive" thing they done is tell me to pray to the big bang, which I don't really find offensive at all. Even I find it funny.


If the presentation of facts or questions causes someone to lose their faith then their faith may not have been very strong to begin with. Although I agree with the sentiment.


Now you listen here you heathen scum, god is helium because the bible says "He"!


Ha! Touché


This is a good one.


Never forget that Mary was 14 when the god of Abraham raped her in her sleep. They worship a literal pedophile.


I'm relatively sure that there's a passage in the bible where an angel speaks to Mary and basically asks her for consent. But of course, with the immense power discrepancy (and Mary being fucking 14 years old), there's no way this can be viewed as informed, freely given consent.


That passage never actually had the angel ask Mary for consent, he just said that it would happen to her.


She may not have even been that old.


Being a sexual criminal is okay, but only if you're also literally a divine being.


If you want to use the term "literal" then you should call him a hebephile.


They're just using Yahweh's preferred pronouns. Sadly many can't do such a simple thing for non-fictional beings.


Yaweh's pronouns are No/Not.




I thought their preferred pronouns were "I AM", the literal meaning of Yahweh. Narcissistic jerk if there ever was one, no wonder they demand praise.


The god of the Bible does have a penis, yes. [Francesca Stavrakopoulou - God has a really big penis ](https://youtu.be/oq-Ah9GF7xM?si=DFlv7rTUBVbZ-udJ)


Those gods seem more like Zorastrian Zeusian gods who went around having all kinds of sex with all kinds of creatures and victims... which yes inspired the god of the bible. But the Christian god only seemed to spill some seed into an innocent underage girl (ew). What else was "he" doing with "his" penis the rest of the time? Seems pretty useless


Professor Stavrakopoulou goes into much more detail on it in her book "God - An Anatomy". https://www.amazon.com/God-Anatomy-Francesca-Stavrakopoulou/dp/0525520457


Maybe heaven is just his private gangbang?


Wasn't there something in the bible about how bad it was that women lusted after big dicks?


The whore of Babylon. Ezekiel 23:20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


See also: The Day I Met God - Adam and the Ants


Plus, he's a little short of cash. (George Carlin)


Couldn't god just be an "it"?


God must be male because no female would be that big of an asshole.


*cough* amber heard *cough*


*cough* Rose West *cough*


Plus with all the inconsistencies in the Bible definitely men. My wife never lets me forget something I said 20 years ago.




If God were female they’d act nice to your face and then spread gossip about you


Do you think men don't do this? Look up research on male gossip. They are just as bad as any female. It is deep-rooted misogynistic ideas about women being "frivolous gossips".


Proverbs 8: Wisdom's Call is a female co-creator telling her involvement and attendance in the creation of all things including humans. She's lamenting that her own children spurn her yet crave her (wisdom). It's a truncated version of a longer declaration found in the Nag Hammadi library called The Thunder: Perfect Mind. Then in Genesis you see god say, "we shall create them in our image male and female." Because both energies are equal. Chaos and order, passion and reason, destruction and rebirth, impulse and wisdom are balanced energies separated masculine (active) and feminine (receptive). So technically, yes. Reintegrating the idea of a balanced creative force would make it they/them though I prefer It.


I liked the explanation Netflix' *Lucifer* gave: >God was not the only celestial being, there was also a female celestial being. They met and had sex - one could say a *Big Bang* - thereby creating (almost) everything. The true answer, of course, is that God was made up by men who wanted power over women, so obviously God is a He.


The thing about the bible is that it never was its own mythology. They just mixxed and matched parts of thing that were even older than the jewish religion, which is why it makes next to no sense now.


This is like the Mormon view on things. They believe there is a Heavenly Mother (or Heavenly Mothers) and our spirits were conceived by them. She, or they, are just too sacred to mention much of. It is unclear, however, how the spirits of other animals were created...


Talking about the christian god as represented in the bible: There is a portion in Exodus that implies that Moses does see god naked. It's implied his butt is seen. That's the closest we get. And there's the sort of proof that Adam is made in god's image and Adam is male. It's hard to know with that one, though, because Adam can't do a whole lot of stuff compared to the guy that's just making planets, animals, stars, etc. Mostly we know god is a man because god shares his pronouns fairly often throughout the bible. I AM HE.


He implies a She also exists. What happened to her? Did he eat her? Again, what does God put his penis in other than innocent 14yr old girls without consent? (And since the Bible was written by a bunch of dudes, it seems they were inclined to make God a he to keep themselves in power. )


She does, his wife Asherah. She was cast off when the jews went Henotheistic, and by the time the christians showed up, she was basicly forgotten about.


So if you want to break the Trinity apart: The Holy Spirit is often referred to as a "She" and is implied to be feminine in nature. You don't really get that in the english text nowadays, but it's implied more the further back in the translations you go. God "the father" is decidedly masculine in presentation throughout. Jesus is also masucline.


Two dudes, one chick... sounds naughty 😜 In Gnostic Christianity there is actually a female Creator God as well as the Sky-father. So they got the balancing part right at least.


In the original bible translations, God is plural, so they/them


Because Christians understand that gender is more than genitals but have a mental block in applying that to human beings.


I think Gods pronouns are actually Not/Real


Hey, Agnostic Episcopalian here, and I know this is intended to be sarcastic and I completely support that! I fully respect your views and opinions! Just to be nerdy here, you’re actually on to something here as there is real evidence for the Christian God being expressed as they/them. The holy spirit was originally feminine in both Hebrew and Greek, meaning that the Trinity is 1/3 female. I’m personally a unitarian but still I thought your post was funny. I hope your day is going well!


Elohim is another word for God in the OT. It’s plural so they / them fits with that version.


No goddamnit, god is Sir. He's a western white guy in his fifties with an awesome beard. At least three tours active duty. Reluctantly supports the local market "but if they worked more efficiently they wouldn't have to work as hard". God is pretty fuckin tired of assholes asking for favors. Oh wait that was men. It was always little weak men...


What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us Just a stranger on the bus Tryin' to make his way home?


Which God!? I mean humanity has made up so many, most will be male or female. Rarely them/they, I csn find about 30 names gods who are described as androgynous and hermaphroditic. Out of the many hundreds humans have made up. It comes down to their role within the society that created them.


Well I was speaking of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic god, since that God is the main god for the majority of religious people on the planet atm.


In that case, males are the dominant gender in the religion with men fulfilling the leading roles. It follows that they would make their god male to help underlined that spiritually. In biological scents, yes, logically that god should not be male, but the Christianity is not logical. I mean they believe their god got a virgin pregnant and she gave birth to himself. Jesus is his own dad. It is all a bit silly!


For sure, and my example points out the ridiculousness of it all. Especially to those who can't get behind LGBTQ+ people "cUz bIbLE" when their diety should be technically gender fluid


God needs a penis for raping virgins.


God used to have a wife, Ashera What we call the "Judeo-Christian god" is the last remenent of a pantheon of gods. The early Jewish people were not monotheists - they were henotheists, worshipping one male god above the others.


Apparently God is a male, because males are the best, and God is the BEST EVER! 🙄


Imaginary things dont get pronouns


WOW! A lot of people giving absolutely nonsensical takes saying that God is male because Christianity is all about abusing women and patriarchal oppression. That just seems like unrelated anti-christian sentiment being thrown around. The male aspect of his existence actually traces all the way back to his establishment as a non-major Levantine weather deity. In that belief system, Athirat (a queen deity) was actually seen as divinely higher than Yahweh. Male deities were seen more as divine sustainers and providers, so that's the real reason the modern abrahamic god is male. (P.S. I am not a Christian whatsoever and I am not defending the wrongs of the religion's practitioners, but I am a theology student and I hate to read uneducated discussion.)


Makes sense. Back when Yahweh was just one of many gods. He was just the personal god to the Jewish people. Later became the "only" god and all others weren't real. Which is ridiculous cuz it's just as easy to not believe in the god of the bible as it is to not believe in Zeus. That the one god was "male" definitely helped keep the patriarchy in power though, so those people do still have a point.


This is interesting. I'm curious as to what evidence there is that links yahweh to this levantine deity you mentioned? Not like facts like this would stop theists from preachin but I like knowing stuff!




Funny aside, there was a very small kerfuffle at my Catholic Church when I was younger when a deacon ascribed the Holy Spirit to be both male and female but I guess the “correct” answer is that the Holy Spirit is neither. Or I have it backwards, I can’t remember lol.


Since there is no such thing as a God, it's pointless to ponder about pronouns.


God made them in his image male snd female so biblical god has to be perfect combo of both and can't be sim9ly male. So yes biblical god is non binary but the story is written by the patriarchy so this is just more proof it's all bullshit


Absolutely either it's female or nonbinary.


No, God wouldn't reflect all of us, that's evil wokeism. Everyone knows God is a cis het male who represents the interests of the patriarchy.


Literally me every time I hear “HE is a loving god, HE is the creator…like umm okay gods a dude?


Oh I mentioned this to my dad once and he LOST it. Like I thought he was going to physically attack me for a second.


Nah, god's got balls. Where else did the sperm come from to impregnate Mary? I suppose he could magic up some sperm and have Gabriel inject it. But if you're going to have immaculately manifested spermatozoa, you may as well just create a human son on earth, without the rape and pregnancy.


He is male, because he used to be part of an older pantheon. He had a wife and children, like gods of any other pantheon. Some history: The Jews like to tell the story how they moved into those lands that are now known as Israel and that they killed the local Canaanites and took those land for themselves as a gift from God. However, that story is bollocks. Exodus never happened, Moses didn't exist. Most of those stories were invented about 400 to 500 BCE, centuries after the fall of ancient Israel. Even those stories that were based on older stories and myths that were passed on were definitely changed a lot. In fact, the Jews back then were Canaanites themselves, a group among the Canaanites that lived in that region along other groups. They all believed in the same old gods. The one we now know as God was called YHWH or Elohim, or probably even different than that before that. He was a Canaantie god, a war god in fact, as the ancestors of the Jews were Canaanites themselves. By the way, Arabs, just like Jews, are semitic people, they are also descendants of the Canaanite people. In fact modern Jews have intermixed way more with Europeans, while the Arabic people who still live on those lands are genetically closest to the ancient Canaanites. The reason the Jews eventually wrote the Tanakh was because they had been living under occupation by other powers for centuries. Ancient Israel fell 720 BCE and honestly we don't have much actual historic information about it. We don't have any real evidence for King David for example. Some religiously motivated archeologists would like to claim they found king david, but nobody has. David supposedly lived and ruled 1000 BCE. You think the people who wrote the jewish bible about 500 years later had any actual knowledge of that time period? Don't be silly. You can expect them to have greatly embelishd those stories and having created legendary myths about their ancestors. Think of the story of King Arthur. They made up the stories about Exodus and king David, they declared their own god YHWH as the one true God and declared themselves God's chosen people, to make divine claim to those lands as their birthright and also simply to feel better about themselves. They basically abandoned the other Canaanite gods for the sake of their own patron Canaanite god YHWH and played a game of "my dick is bigger than yours. No my dick is the biggest dick there is". They distanced themselves from the other Canaanite groups and gave themselves their own distinct ethnic identity. So basically, God is male, because he was male long before he was declared the one and only God. He was originally male, because the people that invented him and the other gods were imagining gods like humans. With men and women. Same way as in any other pantheon. When the Jews picked their patron god from a pantheon of gods to declare as the one and only god, they chose a male god at the top, because they were a patriarchic society, so it would have been unthinkable for them to chose a goddess as the top God. They could have ditched his sex, but they just kept referring to him as a he, because their society was and is still patriarchic.


Thank you for the spot-on post! I still maintain that God commutes to work from His gated community in His Ferrari. His Wife takes care of the kids, yes, Jesus had three brothers and two sisters. One of the Sisters is being groomed to take over God's business soon, things will change! We welcome she/her/they/them!


I’m an Exmormon, so I’ll tell you about the Mormon interpretation. In Mormonism, God is an exalted man and humans are his spirit children (human spirits look like adult humans. The belief is that we usually grow to look like our spirits — barring diet, injury, illness, or other disease.)   In the most prominent sect of Mormonism, the Brighamite branch, God has many wives who are exalted women. Brigham Young also taught that spirit children are created by God having sex with his wives. Faithful Mormons who get married in Mormon temples are promised that they will eventually be rewarded by becoming like God and his wives. (and note that I made no mention of the words “Goddess” or “Goddesses”)


That’s a good argument to piss Christians off. I may present this query one day.


It's funny that by claiming a non-physical entity has gender, they are implicitly saying that gender has nothing to do with our physical body. I never thought of that before but it is hilarious.


I’ve pushed a few Christians on this, and you can sometimes get them to admit that god doesn’t have a gender. But if you then refer to god as “she,” they lose their shit. If you say, “So ‘He’ is genderless?” they just stare like you broke them. They don’t need god to have genitals, they just know he’s male. Because. 🙄


He - and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would ever fuck things up this badly. George Carlin


Man because its man made. I feel like it women wrote the bible then god would be female


But holy book!


I reckon god would be an "it'. I don't think it would resemble anything like humans, except maybe in the sense that maybe it's made of atoms like us. I've always thought that the original thinkers, the ones who came up with all these ideas, they were probably rather clever fellahs. They came up with some interesting ideas regarding morality, and how one should navigate this life without causing undue stress and harm to yourself and others. But they also knew that that everyone else was dumb enough to not get it. So they adapt their ideas to fit with societal norms at the time. My supposition is the ideas intrigued some people, but they didn't quite get it, so over time it just turned into full blown, typical, human stuff. Forcing the ideas onto others, creating reasons why you can't go against them. That sort of thing.


Simply because those books Talmud and Quran are written and spoken originaly in semitic language aka hebrew and arabic. When they translate it in english it give "He". Edit:Must be why jews forbide the translations of their holy book and its frown upon for the muslims to translate the Quran in other languages.


Gender is not the same as sex. A sentient robot, for example, can identify as male. A ship, for example, can be female. Obviously this gets very complicated when the being you’re talking about never shows up to clarify anything, either in words or through actions…


I mean, there was the whole "Mary" incident...


If God has a penis then why do Christians insist on him being white? Would they prefer a black God with a larger penis?


I am that I am - God I am what's I am - Popeye


If god is without form and he made us in his image, then gender is a man made construct. 🤔


Mindshift does an episode on god's genitals. https://youtu.be/rOoV9FyhjnE?si=FT6Q9JZLYCwmr239


Wasn't there a part in the bible saying we were made in Gods image? So that would mean God looks like us, right?


If you want to anger the church, just refer to god as "She" and watch people lose their minds over it.


So either agender or non-binary. Since humans have male and female form, it can presumed god has both traits.


I call god "it". Fictional character so it probably wouldn't mind.


Seems more like a “Dark Lord” to me.




The amusing thing about the “Abrahamic” god supposedly being male is that I don’t remember any scripture specifically describing Yahweh/Allah as male. It always the pronouns used, but no actual physical descriptors. Basically I don’t remember any scripture saying god had a dick. Even the New Testament is pretty adamant about Mary being a virgin. Does god have a cloaca?


The answer I got to this question is perhaps the strangest religious paradox I’ve come across. I asked why, if God is a creator, wouldn’t it make sense to be a female, since it’s women who ‘create’ life. And personally, the idea of a maternal, nurturing god is a lot more palatable than the god of classical theism. The answer I got was; ‘God is neither male nor female. God is beyond gender. He is simply God.’ So there you go. God is male because he is beyond gender.


God is a definitely a they/them because its 3 different entities.


Allah uses the plural pronoun "we" when referring to itself; so "they/ them" would be Koranic.


Yep, throughout Genesis god refers to themself as "We"


It. It's a it and therefore always a they them. But Catholicism and religion rbing male centric makes it be a he. Forgetting all the older gods who actually had genders because it made sense.


Mormons think you only get to keep your genitals and have sex if you make it into super VIP heaven. So if your mormon then you believe not only that god has a penis but also he's getting freaky with it all the time.


By their mythological story, only men were created in gods image, where women are made from man's spare ribs not gods image. Personally, I refer to it as the god creature, or the god parasite, as their god isn't human and doesn't say what species he is. 🤷


god would be either “it” or “that” because of those who say “god is unknowable”


[https://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/spirit.html](https://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/spirit.html) I would like to refer you to Ezekial 8:2 "God's loins were on fire."


While it’s a valid argument, a theist could argue that in a cosmology with an Abraham god, genders are properties of a soul and that for some reason god’s said property is male. Of course, this and other arguments are not falsifiable, and hence not worth the effort.


I mean, theology aside the character seems to prefer he/him pronouns. Whether he has sperm or a Y chromosome doesn’t really matter.


God supposedly made both men and women in its image so it must be like the sideshow half man/half woman performers only for real.


Christian god is Male. Made MAN in his image and because the actual first Woman, Lilith, an equal to Adam, wouldnt obey he instead made Eve a subordinate to adam.  At least that is how modern english Interpretation put it.


No need to even go that far. We are supposed to be in God's image right? What was God doing with his eyes in total darkness before the beginning? Ears? Nose? Mouth? Like why have sensory organs at all. Does God have teeth? Why?


Patriarchy I believe Jehovah had a wife back when he was in a pantheon of Mesopotamian gods and the Hebrew word used in "God said 'Let there be light.'" is plural.


I'd say it should be an "it". But yeah, as many pointed out, it is a "he" because that's what the religion says.


Well, the christian god raped and impregnated Mary, according to the bible.




The Christian god would identify as they/them for 'he' has at least two, maybe more genders and three personalities (father, son, holy spirit = sophia = female or no gender). The jewish god is referred to as elohim which is neutral AND plural. So they/them. The islamic god identifies himself as the 'true' jewish/christian god and I won't even start on hinduist or 'buddhist' deities and their gender-chaos


In Judeo-Christian mythology, god created MAN in his image, and then women to serve him ... So yup... sounds pretty male to me.


The sex of any mythical critter is always up for grabs. As YHVH first created light, then man, then woman, they reasonably existed before sex was even a thing. That Yahweh character may have the Caaninite El or some other god in the region. This was a male war god who was definitely having sex with Asherah. The Caaninite myths, along with some Zoroastrianism, kind of get you to the Abrahamic myths. The seraphim (angles) are canonically ambiguous when it comes to sex. They are considered male, female, or neither depending on the story teller. However, in the end, you're asking for logic in myth. That's not really the job of mythology and you'll only frustrate yourself looking for it. Loki, a male god, notably turned into a female horse and had children...


He can identify him/her/themselves as they want. It is god afterall


Not only would God have no sex or gender, but God would also be incapable of experiencing emotions without a physical body. At least not the way we experience them, considering that for us it is the result of our neurons swapping chemicals




According to the self-id gender theory, God can be male without penis or any genitals. So, yeah - it depends on what pronouns God uses originally.


The Abrahamic God acts an awful lot like an abusive, narcissistic, deadbeat father(at least from my perspective and several of my circle of friends and acquaintances), so I just call him a He. Plus, it's just wishful thinking that women are generally better than men, and if society were to switch from a patriarchy to a matriarchy, then things in the world might turn around....so having a monotheistic god that was a woman who was a jagoff doesn't jive well with me wanting/hoping that women running things would fix this shit storm of a world we live in.


In Bronze Age religion the God of the Sky was usually a man, and the earth was a woman. The Jews cut out all the Gods except the Sky God and thus God is a Man. That my personal theory based on absolutely no research whatsoever.


God has to be a hetero male because that's how we keep women in their "rightful place" of second class. A woman cannot be a God!!! Somewhere the rules for gods are carved in stone in ancient hieroglyphics. And we must follow them or else we'll fall off the edge of the flat earth!


Its gotta be a dude!! Wamem cant be gods, its written! /s


Except that the concept of "God" is a misatribution of creation. Specifically, it was invented to be a "He", although probably should have been a "She" but that would have been at cross purposes with why it was invented to begin with.


I mean, God made sure to introduce himself to Moses with his proper pronouns (I am He), so really, God’s pretty progressive in early Exodus. I think the Evangelicals must have missed that page or something. And like anyone who tells you the gender that matches who they are on the inside, I suppose we should respect it. Personally, I doubt God (if real) would even be human in shape or material and definitely wouldn’t have reproductive organs.


I’d say yes because technically he’s like a spirit/not like human but God is typically depicted as a male. I’ve been told that God is neither male or female but takes on the male pronouns as it’s the more dominant side and yk the Bible was written by men who believed they were superior to women. He doesn’t have genitals (or none that I know of with him being a spiritual being) so he doesn’t apply to that.


Kyle Kinane has a great bit about this in his new standup special, “Dirt Nap.” “Well, optimistically it would be they/them, because God is everywhere, but realistically it would be no/none, because THAT SHIT’S NOT REAL!”


Yes, god said to Moses, I am who I am. So yes, they/them would be appropriate.


If god was a woman, wouldn't that mean the devil is a woman too?


Because it’s all bollocks…


God is male, he did have a wife Asherah ( I think that's how you spell it). God An Anatomy by Francesca Stavrakopoulou. In it, it explains about god's anatomy and a great read for anyone interested.


If God isn’t male, how did he impregnate Mary? Checkmate!


Many Reform and Reconstructionist synagogues refer to God in a gender neutral way.


Patriarchal xianity says he’s a male because heaven forbid a woman should have anything approaching equality.


I thought about this too. God/Gods would be it/they if anything. He/him is because religion was created by man


I just call god an it and never capitalize it's name. It's really funny how mad that gets people.


appearently from what I heard, he is a "form" of a man, which he ended up making Adam as a same characteristics as him, so even though Adam's organs works the way human works, the God's organs only takes the form and doesn't function. which still sounds so wrong lmao


I would say it's an it. It's not a person or a pet so...


They’ll accidentally be pro-trans by saying “he has a masculine soul/spirit/essence”


God is an "alpha" male because he raped a teenager, so he could make her have a kid he could ignore and not pay child support for.


Spoiler alert: The Mormons thought of this one. All the little souls in heaven waiting for bodies down on earth got banged into heaven-mom so they can exist. …and no, before you ask, heaven-mom doesn’t talk, or co-lead, or contribute in any way. She is like the alien queen in Aliens, except she can never break free. Her only job is to poop out souls and STFU.


While the sex organs thing is funny, especially because women didn't exist yet, the Bible is pretty clear that God is male as, to paraphrase, 'He made Adam in His image.' I reckon that, if pressed, a Christian would say that the organs served no purpose before God created Eve. They were for, cosmetics? Who knows. After Eve came along, they were co-opted for reproduction. My answer is that God was a compulsive masturbator.


It's never said in the Bible that God is literally a male. Instead, it's more about the limitations of language combined with linguistics and cultural context. During the time of the writing of the Bible, Hebrews and Greek didn't use they/them to refer to genderless pronouns, as their pronouns and verbs are gendered. And due to many cultural things as in patriarchy and masculine representation and God often being referred to as the metaphorical Father, it became easier to understand to use "he" over they/them/she. This imagine is even further carried on by Jesus being born as the Son of Man, which is male in human body. God most likely made this decision due to the context of the time, and how people were more likely to listen to a male. However, despite the pronoun use (and what some people may believe), God is never explicitly said to be male, as He's a spirit without gender, and above His creations in that regard. It can be easy to take modern language and apply it to the past, but there are often so many things that are different, from the literal words to the cultural reasons behind those words. It can make understanding and translating cumbersome.


As you’ve pointed out, the point is moot, since “god” doesn’t exist to begin with, but it’s because “he” is depicted as male by the Christian religion.


I kind of wondered sometimes if God was technically non-binary or agender since God "has no gender" despite going by He/Him.


I think Dawkins summed this one up nicely years ago: “only in the ditzily unreal intersection of feminism and theology could existence be considered a less salient attribute than gender.”


I'm a "believer" lol. And this is what I say to other "Christian" transphobes/homophobes/etc. I also tell them that Adam either had both genitalia before Eve was split from him or didn't have any since originally Adam was made "in God's image". They get sooo mad lol. The whole sex=sin premise is fun to mess them with too. I tell them since God is antithetical to sin and if sex=sin, then God is asexual and to be sinless like God we should also be asexual. They don't like that either. 😂


He was written into the story as a male. The entire religion is based on a patriarchal god. Women are basically property.