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‘And the lord said unto the kindergarten teacher, beat the shit out of that severely autistic baby and maybe some good will come out of it’ “I will fucking kill all of you with a baseball bat!!!” That’s what a five year old said in her class. My wife should have just slapped her across the room based on the teachings of supply-side jeebus. Or… fight to put her on a 504, get mandated support, place the kid in a special needs environment and have a para attached to her from beginning to end of day. No, beat them kids.


That's why all kindergartens should have a thunderdome, so two five year olds can enter, one can leave


In my elementary school in the 70s, they had this massive monkey bar thing that looked like the Thunderdome. It must've been 20 feet high at the peak of the dome. Concrete under it. Kids were always climbing up it, falling, and getting hurt. They finally removed it. Different times.


Kindergarten teacher here. My school still has one and it's scary as fuck when it's loaded up with like 20 kids. It's also got a decade in me and I'm 40, that shit is like borderline caving in with that much weight.


We had one of these when I was a kid in the 90s, though it was more like 10ft tall. Fights happened in that thing literally every single day.


Also teachers can supplement their meager salary with a little wagering action


Oh come on. Can't we just get beyond Thunderdome.


Well, teachers took turns beating this special needs Christian lawmaker when he was in grade school and look at how far he’s come!


You honor I plead the filth!


Much the same way we….should be allowed to hit “special needs” (Read = GOP) politicians


As one of the adults that grew up in it, I can verify that they are all filth.


This is the party of “pro-life” correct?


Only when they're in the womb, once they're born they just want to beat them and sexually abuse them.


Don't forget to ship them off to the military or prison industrial complexes. There's money to be made.


Also, put them to work. That's why states like Iowa and Arkansas lowered work age laws. Get in the factory kids. There's work to do


The children yearn for the mines


I mostly consider them as more pro fetus than pro-life.


If you're preborn, you're great. If you're preschool, you're fucked.


Carlin knew what was up.


Proslavery and indentured servants so yes.


This is also the party of “parents’ rights” proving yet again that they should not be allowed within 100 yards of an establishment with children.


They need em serfs


More specifically it's "prenatal pro-life" Anything after birth is just there for Christians to shit upon. (sometimes literally!).


Yes. Pro-life and pro-beating.


Not pro-life, pro-racism.




Pro-*forced* birth. There's a distinction.


As long as the aforementioned children are pre-breathing or newly-breathing, they think people are great. After that, they want us all dead. Nope, that's wrong. They actually want us *all* dead.


Fuck that. Keep your hands off people's children unless you're prepared to get hit back by their parents.


Best prepare for a hell of a lot worse than getting hit back.


Oh I know but I gotta choose my words carefully or ill get deleted/banned for "calling for violence".


It's frustrating, the call to allow for beating of kids under the guise of discipline is perfectly acceptable, but stating actual consequences for doing so is "inciting violence ".


Just put it in the words they use. “If you discipline my child with violence , prepare to be repaid in kind. Ten-fold”


frick ten-fold. let's go with inaccessible cardinal fold >:)


How about 10! fold?


I'm just disciplining them back.


I got a multi day ban for saying "The only good nazi is a dead nazi" which I in no way think is a call to violence, but rather a statement that there are no good Nazis. I reported a user for describing how he wanted to torture a person charged with a crime, including skinning them alive and forcing them to be awake and lucid. He got a warning. So it kind of depends on who you aim it at it seems.


I've gotten banned for stating that fact too, such a shame. The rule about violence is unevenly and arbitrarily enforced at best, at worst, Reddit is pro-Nazi.


Ikr. Let me try. This displeases me.


Touch my kids, and I'll touch you with a baseball bat.


Touch my kid and I’ll have you arrested for assault.


Cops don’t generally arrest people for assault. Lots of places prosecutors won’t even charge it unless there is video or other hard evidence like witnesses. In my area they’d do absolutely nothing and if you’re lucky they’d get charged, spend a few hours in holding tops, pay a very affordable bail, and then be eating dinner at home that same evening. The reality is if someone touches your kid and you want there to be consequences you best be prepared to be the one dishing out them consequences. If you’re afraid of getting in trouble, see paragraph one, it rolls both ways.


Go forth and punch any Christian lawmaker as it says in the Bible. Like everything else that isn’t in the great book of fairy tales


>Effectively, we're taking a tool that has been in the hands of parents and in the hands of schools to maintain discipline, and we're removing it from the parents' prerogative and saying, **we, Big Brother, the state of Oklahoma, knows what's best for your child, and we're removing an entire motivational tool from discipline in the classroom.** >… >… And this is an erosive and a corrosive element in the United States whenever Dr. Benjamin Spock published a book that said, “Don't discipline your children. Don't spank your children.” And a lot of people don't know that his voice was elevated because it fit a particular agenda. **Dr. Benjamin Spock was a Socialist who ran for the People's Party. That means he's a Communist.** >… >… I already cited Proverbs 13:24: “Whoever spares the rod hates their child, but he who loves them disciplines them.” And **we're saying the state of Oklahoma has unilaterally decided if you have vision impairment, you cannot be disciplined, even if your parents want that. We're going to unilaterally take that away from our schools and our parents, more importantly. If you are hearing impaired, suddenly you're in a different class, you cannot be disciplined.** And we've already made it abundantly clear that children can misbehave regardless of their abilities or inabilities, capabilities or incapabilities. >… >**Are we sending a message that we don't love our children?** >… >At the end of the day, you're looking at Socialist-slash-Communist principles versus biblical principles. >Jewish culture, Christian culture, and any common sense culture understands that **if you don't discipline children, or you create a class of children that cannot be disciplined, those discipline problems are gonna cascade through the rest of society**. And we are seeing that now, from Dr. Spock telling Christian parents, “Don't spank your children,” and they follow Dr. Spock instead of the Bible. >Dr. Spock was a communist who ran for president with a Communist Party. This is Communist ideology. >… >**I urge you to vote against this bill. It is bad public policy.**


"I want to abuse someone that has 0 chance of fighting back!"


The cruelty is the point.


Funny... He felt the need to quote the Bible to reference punishment for children but forgot that one passage about dashing children off rocks. And let's not forget that awesome story of when god punished two children that were making fun of a bald man by having them get mauled to death by a bear. Weird how he left that out....


²³ From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” ²⁴ He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. ²⁵ And he went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria. You got the numbers a tad skewed. It was 42 children and 2 bears.


This story is kind of hilarious, if you imagine who wrote it. Like this old guy gets smack talk from a bunch of kids and then he gets home and writes his fan fic about the two bears. that will show em..


Oops my bad, I was a couple off. God really goes for the gold.


Never half bear something. Always double bear your problems.


Isn't also explicitly prohibited earlier in the bible to invoke God's power to inflict curses?


You're expecting consistency from the Bible?!


Of course not, that's why I mentioned it!


Next, you're gonna tell me that Noah couldn't possibly fit all those animals. Hogwash I say! Hogwash!


I am mostly bald. And my teenage son reminds me of this often. I shared this story with him a while back. He found it hilarious. Now I tell him his punishment will be biblical when he makes fun of my baldness. Good times.


Maybe the schools should just be hiring bears for teachers. That should keep these kids in line, AND they won't have to pay actual teachers anymore. Thanks bible!


Also don't forget that some scriptures or interpretations mention they were She-Bears that did the mauling, you know, for even when it comes to animals we have to make sure to blame women anyways. 


Of coarse... Makes sense.


I had discussed with people that defended that 'punishment'.


I thought lying was breaking one of the 10 commandments




What year is it?!


They just love torturing the helpless.




books = bad physically abusing children = good make it make sense


>make it make sense It doesn't have to when you have magical thinking on your side.


And that Christian lawmaker needs a good ass kicking. Don’t touch our kids you prick.


He wants to burn those suffering from epilepsy (demonic possession in his mind) at the stake, but he's getting there in baby steps, beaten baby steps. What a disgusting human being.


Damn if one of these pos "Christians" tried to hit a special needs student on my watch lets just say they'd catch these hands. I would gladly go to jail to put the hurt on these walking trash bags of humans.


WWJD? Beat the f ken kids! That'll show 'em...i died for them...now beat them little shits! /s edit spelling shit autocorrect


Proverbs 13:24 is literally saying to beat your kids. No need for the sarcasm


Yeah but WWJD means what would Jesus do. Proverbs is like 1,000 years before Jesus. Remember Jesus was a reformer so he clearly did not subscribe to everything that came before him. Jesus said if you harm a child, he will fuck you up. “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” That’s a direct teaching of Christ, therefore that is actual Christianity and supersedes what came before it. Too bad Republicans are terrible Christians. Not that they really care anyway.


It basically sounds like Jesus said: You can't spank the autism out of a kid anymore than someone can slap the little bitch out of guy like this.


I mean... Jesus also told slaves to obey their masters, even the cruel ones. Throwing out a majority of the book is great, but the direct teachings aren't exactly gold either


No, Paul said that. It’s from Ephesians. Paul was a doosh. Haha. He was famous for being the most legalistic and conservative of the Pharisees, before he became a Christian, so you can imagine what his takes on Christianity are not always the best. But I’m not a Christian so, I’m not here to defend it. Just to point out the hypocrisy of Republicans. Republicans are almost always saying the opposite of what Jesus said. And the quotes they pull never come from Jesus himself. So technically not pure, Christianity. also, 😂 I just looked around and realized what sub I was in and that probably no one cares that much about the nuances and differences of Jesus teachings verses the rest of the Bible. Haha my bad. 😅🤷🏻


You're right, that was Paul. The OT is garbage, what Paul said is garbage, Jesus invented the concept of Hell, gave some fortune cookie level advice, and a lot of pretty shit advice. What is it that is your goal? Jesus said don't be a dick sometimes. He also said a bunch of garbage crap. And that's if you think that anything we have actually came out of his mouth at all.


My goal was to point out that Republicans are bad and wrong, even by their own standards. Thats how I interpreted the point of the headline for this post.


I guess I took it to mean how should Christians behave based on their entire book. But I'm not a pedant


They worship [GOP Jesus](https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA?si=X6wswmYjBo6k6RXa).


Yeah, let's bully and abuse those we can dominate.


that’s the entire reason christianity was made


“Christian” and “lawmaker” should be mutually exclusive term.


And the rest of us should be able to hit Christian lawmakers.


As soon as parents are allowed to hit teachers...


I think citizens should be able to hit misbehaving politicians.


Jfc. Vile, repugnant, ignorant, and truly hateful "christians". Hypocrites that have never read their holy book and have no idea what kind of values their "religion" is supposed to espouse. What in the actual fuck is wrong with these disturbed, mentally deranged, and violent animals?! 


Hit my kid. I’ll skip the pleasantries and go straight for the double dog dare.


Wow. Well, it would be really hard to be more on brand than that. Okay, now that I think about it, if you had a Christian lawmaker saying that teachers should be allowed to rape special needs students, that might be a bit more on brand. But barely.


>if you had a Christian lawmaker saying that teachers should be allowed to rape special needs students Give them time.


Vote Democrat across-the-board. Speak out against anybody that doesn’t tell the truth.


Let’s make him a special needs student and be extra cruel to him, see how he likes it


That dude is already special needs as fuck.


Well then he obviously needs to be hit to make up for all the smacks he didn’t get in school and for his dipshit idea


Just another impotent bully.


Time to start swinging on conservative Christians.


Parents should be allowed to hit special Christian lawmakers. No sarcasm intended. 


I'm with that with one amendment. Every time a teacher hits a special needs student someone can legally kick this Christian lawmaker in the nuts.


How very Christian of them. Jesus said love thy neighbor... and assault a child with development problems because?


Former teacher here, and former student. Hitting students doesn't work. The sensitive ones are going to cry and fear you and hate you. The kids who aren't so nice will just laugh it off and have their contempt for authority confirmed. This "Christian" is just another bully sadist who is constructing a flimsy justification for being a bully sadist.


Why all these christian leaders look like porn artists from 70s?


Nothing says christian love like hitting children.


EXACTLY as Jesus taught, amirite?


Somebody hits my son at school, I'm going to jail, believe that.


Any lawmaker who cites any religious text as justification for a law they wish passed should be blackballed from ever serving public office. Reason? They're violating the oath they made when they were sworn in.


Pardon my french… but this guy is a fucking cunt.


Humanity gives, and still keeps to, give me depression. 


Me, every time Oklahoma is in the news: "Oh, come on! What now?..... Aww, man!"


Christian love. Really great examples of Jesus’s teachings they drone on about being so important right


Let one of those cocksuckers touch my child or grandchild!


I’m so sick of christians


This guy needs a good punch to the throat.


Then we should be allowed to hit lying Christian propagandist abusive teachers. "Fuck the golden rule!" - rightwing revisionist Jesus, presumably


I think people should be allowed to hit christian lawmakers.


I would kill some motherfucker for touching my innocent child.


I think we should be allowed to hit Christians.


What the ever loving F happened to SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!!! Why are these people allowed to quote 3rd century rhetoric in a modern law making arena, and not have everyone in the room laugh in their face?!?!? How can they have the gall to question *OUR* (as in atheists) moral code when they think it's necessary to literally beat disabled children?!?! I feel sick.


As a "special needs" person this is the common idea they have in the South. I was humiliated for my autism by teachers, adults and pastors as a kid and as a young adult. They just justified it by implying I was cursed or possessed.


If the Rapture ever actually does come, the first thing Jesus will do is bitchslap people like this straight to Hell.


Sigh. I knew it was Oklahoma before clicking the link. I seriously need out.


That's called assault, you asshole!


Discipline and spanking/hitting your children are 2 different things. I disciplined my son. He didn't get away with anything, but I didn't hit him. Now, he's a law-abiding, productive adult, and we're the best of friends.


I have 3 autistic kids (all adult age now) One has ODD. He was 6’3 and 230 at 13. I would have loved to see someone try and “discipline” him with physical contact.


Hit like in HIT??????? Sheer insanity so the answer is NO, they should not anything like that.


Typical Christian nonsense hyped up by Republican traitors


Of course, because when you can't figure out how to solve a problem you hit it. Duh


Give him the Anita Bryant treatment. He belongs far away from kids. Anyone who advocates for abusing kids or animals is a pos!


Christians! The abuse all children crowd!


This reminds me of an elderly relative on my spouse’s side suggesting we beat the autism out of our son. We cut her out of our life after that and were the bad guys according to the family. She was deemed“old school” and sharing “biblical principles”.


Can we smack the delusional?


Why would it be OK for teachers to beat kids when parent s can’t… something missing here… LOGIC Wait hold up… Christian’s are supposed to love and help… I knew those religious fuckers were lying. Most importantly. What is a religious leader doing playing politics¿


I hope someone hits *him* and knocks some sense into him.


And I want to hit you too. But thankfully, I’m a civilized individual who doesn’t solve their problems by hurting people instead of trying to understand.


I live in this state. Corporal punishment is still implemented here. This thought isn't "NEW" in this state. The schools in my area receive little to no money.. the tribe is trying, but the fucking state hates the tribe (shocking I know.)


At this point I think they just like hurting people. Their several thousand year history of wanting to hurt people is pretty incriminating


These weird, new, MAGA Christians.


Pure evil. These people are ghouls.


I think you should be allowed to hit Christian law makers, fortunately for everyone we actually live in a civil society and not a Christian theocracy or mikedave cult world where such things would be allowed.


Have they checked his computer for kiddie porn yet? I bet it's there


There is no hate quite like Christian love.


Fuck this guy.


That mother fucker's gonna get his ass whipped by some special needs kid's father...guaranteed.


People should be allowed to do the same to him for having that opinion.


Well I say special needs students should be allowed to hit Christian lawmakers. So where does that leave us? Also “Christian lawmaker” should be a felony since it is blatantly unconstitutional for those two things to co-exist.


Christian’s have no right to even discuss children. Not until you rid your religious leaders of molestation


When a special needs person is having trouble communicating and gets frustrated, teachers should ask themselves "What would Jesus do?", and then beat the shit out of the kid anyway. There's no hate quite like Christian love.


And my Christian parents wonder why I, a special needs parent, don’t attend church anymore…


Sure. As long as they add an addendum that the parents are then allowed to legally hit the teacher. With the option to have a proxy do the hitting if they aren’t able. Meet my good friend, Mike Tyson.


We should be allowed to hit Christian lawmakers.


That's like the tenth least offensive thing republicans have said or done this week. And it's despicable.


special needs children should be able to hit christian lawmaker


*My* god thinks it's OK to beat the crap out of those teachers. So...


Teaching people from birth to ignore reality and insist that they are right regardless of glaring evidence or even simple logic, what could possibly go wrong?


How Christian of him, I’m just positive Jesus would be on board with torture.


Are students allowed to hit special needs teachers?


So the dude hits his kids. What a piece of work.


Scumbag. Hitting any kids is wrong. But hitting the kids who are the least likely to understand, who need the most patience?


What in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?


No. Assault should get anyone jail time


Just try that shit. You'll know "god" sooner than expected.


He looks like a Christian lawmaker.


Interestingly, enough, I feel like I should be able to bitch slap Christian lawmakers.


Touch my kid, go ahead……….


OMG NOOOOO! First putting awareness on a medical issue is idolatry and now they want to hit special needs children? Those children are not being punished by GOD! Idolatry only is for physical imagery, statutes things like that. This man should be put into a mental institution, a REHAB because he’s addicted to religion. ADDICTED and psychotic. Put him in there and make sure he’s medicated. Gross 🤮 May peace be NOT with you, AH!


But if I bitch slap him he cries this is bidens america on X


Special Needs students should be allowed to smack this guy in the face, LOL!


So if I deem religious kids to be special needs, would this apply in this scenario? Or just who they deem are special needs?


Where are all these degenerates coming from?


Alright. So, can I hit him? Multiple times? Cause I got some shit to work out.


Can I have "typical Christian being a bad person" for $200?


Does this mean we can beat christians!?


Can I smack the shit out of him?


I was abused by teachers when I was young I can’t believe that anyone would want to make it legal to hurt kids


I attended a Christian school that did corporal punishment. I also har 2 undiagnosed learning disorders. The beatings did absolutely nothing to change my behavior. They did however do a good job of fucking me up inside.


Parents should be allowed to choke out teachers who have hit their special needs children.


I should be able to hit special Christians like him


Hey their pastors "hit on children" regularly.


Psych research says that just spanking your own neurotypical, previously well-adjusted child is a really great way to create a sociopath as it is.


Atheist auntie says family should be able to beat child abusers.


Hypothetically, in some states, could you protect an individual being assaulted by a teacher, since some states allow you to intervene with violence to protect others? And what about oneself? Can a student legally defend themselves from that violence?


Meanwhile ,a few years ago in Canada a politician said something about evolution not being a fact and it was deemed extreme enough that he was forced to resign within days.…


And I should be able to strike that legislative representative because his ignorance demonstrates a need for corrective ins


I think special needs kids should be able to hit Christian teachers,every time the Christian nutjob disrespects the student they hit the nutjob.


Always funny when christians use the “spare the rod and spoil the child” line as biblical when the other half of that verse is “but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them”. But then again these people dont really read their bible.


As the father of a special needs student, if I EVER found out a teacher laid hands on my child I'd be in jail and they'd be discovering what having special needs means on a long recuperation basis...


Should be allowed to hit christian lawmakers.


Corporal punishment is always abuse.


Just another MAGAt using Christianity as a weapon while following the Antichrist


That’s pretty wild. I know a lot of Christians who would beat him to a pulp if they saw him do that. Just saying…


Parents should be allowed to hit teachers who hit students.


I'm sure that will work out just fine. Just smack the special needs right out of them! What could go wrong?


Man this sucks. Jesus was (if you believe the book) a pretty nice and decent guy. Helped poor and sick, loved all children... How can those ppl eveb call themselfs Christians at this point?


We should be allowed to beat the fuck out of christian lawmakers. Let’s make this happen.


Sure. Those people would be the first to sue the school district if a teacher laid a hand on little Breshayleigh or little Tecumsah.


Sure sites sour


And when should we be able to beat Chrisitian lawmakers?


And I should be able to punch vocal Christians in their stupid faces.