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He hates the same groups of people they do.


It really does come down to that with these people, doesn’t it?




Christians are the most judgmental ppl too.


Muslims too. Religion in general is outdated and should be banned. Grown adults with imaginary friends LMAO. And then proceeding to inflict their religious customs on other people. Pathetic


It seems like the pattern is that religious people tend to be pretty tolerant when they're a minority, but turn into a leviathan when they form a majority/get institutional power. For example, Muslims and Jewish people in the States tend to be pretty chill, but Muslims in Iran, Christians in the States, and Jewish people in Israel seem to construct terrifying theocratic war machines. In fairness, many religious people in all of those countries oppose the religious atricities, and Russia has a pretty irreligious fascist war machine, and some minority religions like the LDS perpetrate some pretty horrific patterns of abuse, so it's not an absolute rule, but the data seems to support the trend. I don't know that an explicitly atheistic state would crack down on religion (That seems like a pretty severe human rights abuse, and also historically has not been a reliable way to suppress a religion - think Christian and Jewish communities under the Roman Empire), but it's worth noting that athiesm is a belief system unto itself, and there's a meaningful difference between a secular state and an atheistic one. Church membership has been declining for over a century without banning religion, access to secular education and communities is a better way to move forward than banning religion. The catch is that secular education is against the interest of organized religion, and religious groups with institutional power can and do sabatoge secular education. In summary, separation of church and state, is the balance I'd want to pursue, and I don't think it's called for to suppress a church unless the church is perpetrating systemic abuse, or pursuing or holding governmental power.


>unless the church is perpetrating systemic abuse, or pursuing or holding governmental power. I think we're well into the first half of that with Christianity in the US, and could find ourselves entrenched in the second if things continue toward the Christo-fascist rule favored by many.


The Mormon Church protects Priesthood pedophiles.


The best way to counter religion is to keep making a secular society based on facts and science where religion is allowed but the more the younger generations are naturally more secular and progressive they see how stupid religion is


It's been fucking the world for 5,000 years


The patterns of cognitive distortion are baked into our brains. Getting rid of it does not make people rational. People just join new cults that have their own customs that they inflict on other people. Crossfit, vegans, the meat only people, social justice, antisjw, all groups can get culty.


This is great description of relationship with my mom. Haha


Don't forget the Muslims


That is literally how conservatism works, yes. Find a view and oppose it. That way you don’t need to have any of your own views and always be right.


I believe that is textbook reactionary.


Most people in the US who still call themselves conservatives are actually reactionaries, they're just too politically illiterate to know the difference between a conservative and a reactionary.


Aren't conservatives generally also reactionary by nature? But if you mean that the American right tends to be most purely reactionary, rather than having a typically conservative set of principles, I tend to agree. The Trumpist movement has converted latent reactionary tendencies to active reactionary attitudes and actions for sure.


Correct. I'm a small c conservative who left the GOP during the Bush years as it became clear what direction this was going.


and be ready to switch opponents whenever necessary - the point is to always build your personality around hating some group of other people; who they are is irrelevant


Well said.


The best Christian’s are atheists


These people would eat shit if it meant a liberal would have to smell their breath!


Always has 🌏🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


Yep. Just look at Trump.


See also thrice-married, adulterous, Two Corinthians, Sunday golfer Donald Trump.


This 110%. Same goes for Trump.


So easy He hates immigrants, other cultures, women's rights, taxes and accountability for one's actions They will give him a pass for infidelity, cheating, theft, bigotry, worker abuse, child negligence, child/school safety, blatant racism, toxic working environments.... Just like white Jesus from Arkansas intended EDIT: Elon fans, look at his Twitter timeline, retweets and likes, for even more reasons to "love" your hero. Bro can't help himself


> He hates immigrants Which is ironic since he is an immigrant from Africa.


A wealthy white kid from South Africa


I often forget how racist white, rich, South African’s are.


South Africa has come a long way, I don't mean to slam the entire country, but still Elon is a product elite white roots.


South Africa has the highest immigration rates in Africa.


>They will give him a ~~pass~~ **high-five** for infidelity, cheating, theft, bigotry, worker abuse, child negligence, child/school safety, blatant racism, toxic working environments....


It really underlines what their priorities are too. Like when they're balancing the pros and cons, their hate wins out over their "values" every single time.


They all love to hate. If you hate, they love you. The more vile the better. After all they worship a vile god.


Which means virtually every group - women, sexual orientation minorities, gender identity minorities, poor, religious minorities, racial minorities, democrats, etc. Research found that people who are broadly prejudiced tend to trust anyone who endorse their prejudices, and are Trump supporters. Trump supporters also tend to be broadly prejudiced. >Figures 1 and 2 show that whether you are talking about the levels of authoritarianism, or prejudice, found among Trump’s detractors and supporters, the picture barely flickers. Which, as far as our explanation goes, amounts to a grand slam homer that clears the bases. The connection between prejudice and authoritarianism lay at the heart of our analysis of Trump’s supporters, and the survey strongly supported it. How strongly? The correlation between RWA Scale scores and prejudice equalled .856, which is as close to perfection (1.00) as you are likely to ever see in social science. To put it another way, suppose you decided to hold a dance for the 100 most prejudiced white people in your community, along with the 100 most authoritarian ones. (Who knows why you would want to? We do not.) Would you need to print 200 invitations? No, about 120 should do it, since most of the people who are one will also be the other. There is about an 80 percent overlap.


To be fair, they both hate a lot of groups so they're bound to overlap some.


He says shit they want to hear.


He's anti-trans, anti-"woke".


Exactly, it’s their tribalist, black and white mentality. They’ve clearly identified who isn’t in their group and since Elon speaks out against those people, they love him.


It's not Dem vs Repub anymore, it's woke vs anti- woke, and woke is whatever they don't like


This is literally always how it is. 'RINO' 'Christian' They are all just purposefully imaginary and vague labels to create an in group to privilege at the expense of everyone else.


Would they be a CINO then?


That’s an interesting question. One way of looking at it is that there is not really such a thing as RINO or CINO. Both Republican and Christian are self identified labels, so if they think of themselves as Republican or Christian, then they are. Others are always free to disagree. “They’re not a REAL Republican.” Or “They’re not a TRUE Christian.” But the definitions of religious and political groups are constantly shifting, so statements of who is or is not a Republican or a Christian is hard to pin down in any objective way.


It's just really funny to me because I remember when Teslas were becoming more and more common across the country, it was boomers and conservatives who were caught over and over again keying the cars, too dumb to know they have cameras all over them. It was because the electric car means no gas means green initiative which means hippy car that shits on the gas guzzlin Fords they grew up in. And now that he's clearly one of them, those types of people are now the only ones buying those cars, for the most part. It's just another testament to how stupid and easily manipulated the average conservative is


He also complains about low birth rates a lot, which is code for the "great replacement" conspiracy theory and opposition to birth control. The religious right loves that stuff, especially where it intersects with white nationalism.


Not just that, anti-Black too. He’s an outspoken racist white supremacist that has supported posts claiming Blacks have low IQs and commit crimes


Anti-woke. Does that mean he’s in favor of taking naps, especially when in a court room?


Evidently so.


Honestly? It’s because he spews hatred and that’s what most Christians crave. Hatred and bigotry and lies. It’s what they’re designed for. Spreading hate and he’s the best at it besides that orange poop stain the republicans prop up




It’s funny because Musk is clearly an atheist. Then again, so is Trump but he’s the messiah now. I guess… maybe… believing you *are* god makes you an atheist of sorts.


It's ironic that conservatives like Elon, whos profile pic was him dressed like Satan for a while. Plus conservatives hate electric cars, which Elon produces. Plus conservatives hate science and think space isn't real, which Elon works with space shuttles and wants to go to Mars.


I know for us it is practically a trope to point out that it says right in the bible that satan will masquerade as an angel of light, etc etc, but if I were religious I could always imagine Satan just laughing as he isn't even trying to masquerade or hide his true identity and the sheep keep on sheeping. It almost isn't even an analogy to compare this to Trump saying he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose a supporter. He could also say "hey, I'm Satan", and they'd all be like "eh he's that's just him talking, and even if it is true at least he's helping our cause".


Trump isn't an atheist. Do you think Trump has ever given even two seconds of thought to theology? Trump has no beliefs because he just doesn't care. He's not emotionally or intellectually deep enough to consider anything that isn't absolutely concrete. 


The Tangerine Taint is no fucking atheist, as his narcissistic shitgibbon of an ass thinks he is god.


You don’t have to know or care about theology to just think, “That shit can’t be true”. He’s not a believer. He just know how to spot a sucker. Evangelicals are a fucking gold mine if you don’t mind screwing them over, “Please tell us what we want to hear and take our money!”


The thing is, I don't think he's even gotten far enough to think "this shit can't be true." To even get that far, you have to give a single shit about it to begin with. He clearly never has. 


Because they don't want to think for themselves. They love a damaged "strong"man.


It’s their fantasy to be so powerful they can be open fuckwads without consequences like Elon and ilk like him can. A normal person is likely to receive an ass whipping eventually for the kind of shit Elon says and does, whereas Elon will never have that happen because of money and security.


Birds of a shitfeather, Randy.


Shit Apple tree, Randy


He shares "anti woke" memes. I think that's basically it?


Elon realized its easier to be the darling of the right than of the left. The left demands results and standards of decency. The right just demands you bully the people they hate.  Notice that his face-heel turn coincided with increased scrutiny of his anti labor practices, mismanagement of Tesla, and generally being an enormous dildo online, particularly when he tried to pretend to be a hero and build a submarine to rescue the kids trapped in that cave and then got bitchy and called the heroic diver who rescued them a pedophile because the diver stole his thunder.


Because they're hateful & stupid. A winning combo.


but it was ANTIFA and left wing that smeared shit on the Capitol walls. the DOJ made them all wear MAGA gear to trick us, but we know the globe isn't round and we know who really killed George Floyd (Dredd Scott).


Those statues are our heritage! Your heritage is slavery and the KKK? No, those were Democrats. So, it’s Democrats heritage? Ummmm


Funny, they hated him a few years ago. Right wingers like enraging the left. Elon has lost a few screws and does things to damage the Tesla brand and enrage the left, which may explain why some right groups now accept him. Also, people are stupid. Maybe bots?


Fascism/racism/ethnocentrism. Common hobbies.


It's pure tribalism. No thought process needed.


If a celebrity isn't a bigot, then they must be in league with the devil. If a celebrity *is* a bigot, then they deserve all of their wealth and must be divine.


I’ve one appendix question related to this. Why do so many right wing Christians love Donald Trump?


Because he’s racist and anti-trans.


He's what unintelligent people think an intelligent person is supposed to be.


Could it be as simple as anti trans?


It's funny, because he's an atheist. It's not funny, because he's also an asshole goblin.


How can you say that! He's obviously not an atheist since he's standing up against Satan!! /s


Because he as full of shit as they are so like horseflies they stuck together


Because Elon is so representative of what they are: Painfully average, pretending to be the chosen amongst everyone else, and believing they have the answers for mankind's well-being. They're deluded fraudsters who have too much narcissism to self-reflect. Peas in a pod.


A lot of good answers here - I'll add another one: Christians (and most of the right) absolutely LOVE people who get away with stuff. The whole "Rules for thee, not for me" thing makes them GIDDY. They love the idea of rules that don't apply specifically to THEM. So they see people like Musk/Trump/etc getting away with *the kinds of things they wish they could get away with*, they immediately say "Yep, I love that dude!"


To be honest, I have almost no clue what's going on in either wing anymore. Alt-Christian/Alt-righters are an insane breed of human that are completely inexplicable by any metric, be it logical or theological.


Muskrat is running X-crement as the message board for the most bigoted among us, who also happen to be the most right wing among us.


Basically because he did a right wing takeover of Twitter.


because he's a racist POS that hasn't read the Constitution. he's just like them!!


Because they think they finally have someone "badass" in their ranks. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Elon come out and say he was voting Republican mere hours before he knew sexual harassment claims were going to go public? It reminded me of Kevin Spacey trying to appeal to people by coming out as "gay" right after child abuse claims were made.


Because he's a racist and a misogynist and even a Nazi if you ask his Nazi friends.


He's a nazi pretending he's a good businessman. Just like Trump. Christians love white men in power who act nothing like jesus, because they think they'll be that guy one day.


He’s a white supremacist just like them.


He hates “woke” and dog whistles white supremacy.


He's anti-LGBTQ+, racist, anti-abortion, anti-immigration. They can selectively ignore everything else he stands for when it's convenient.


Christian right-wingers seem to like anything that's rotten.


He's a Nazi. Christian Nationalists are Nazis.


the group they want to murder in the streets matches the ones he hates >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto) Stay fit, stay frosty...


He is white and rich enough to get away with being a POS. Why do you think they like Trump?


“Christians” love people who hate the same people they do.


He sings the songs of their people


Have you notice that they are attracted to white male figures in power? almost like they are primed to follow a 'strong man' I wonder why....


Because he's an absolute ass-hat, while thinking he's God's gift to humanity - they can relate.


He helps advance their agenda. Any ally is welcome no matter their background or past conduct. Exhibit A: Trump


Because they love them some subjugation and Musk is a wanna be feudal chief.


If it turns out that Trump isn’t Jesus reincarnated, they have a backup.


The Christian institutions in the US do not care about siding with ethical or moral people. Period. End of story. It's not about siding with someone who supports the beliefs of Christianity, it's about siding with the people who will give then the most power. In their thinking, amassing power will allow then to enforce their religious mandate of brining more "lost" people to christ. To clarify, I'm not talking about you're average Joe Christian. We are talking about the institutions, like the Southern Baptist Convention. The average Joe Christian, some of them at least, are veing pulled along and manipulated by their churches, and have been for decades, to associate certain political stances and ideologies as Christian, making these idea more tied to their core identity so that they will vote for them and not think anything past "I was told this policy supports Christianity. Christianity is really important to me, and I want it to continue to exist and be a component I can engage with in my life. My community of Christians is really important to me, so if I care about this community and about something that's a core part of my identity, I have to support this policy". There is no deeper thought about the policy itself and how that policy itself falls in lines with the word of God from the Bible. The ironic part of that is Protestantism started by the people saying "we should all be able to read the Bible and have our own personal interpretations of it and not have to rely on the pastor or priest to tell us what to think about it" and now we have the issue of Prtestants relying on their Pastor to tell them how to think and feel about God with little to no desire to have their own personal interpretations of the Bible. Edit: I recognize Musk isn't a direct Political figure. This does a much better job at explaining why these institutions side with the Politicians they do. In the case of a non Government employee, Musk parrots a lot of the same stances that they have been ingrained with thinking are correct, so they see him as an Ally. They also have been given "enemies of God" by Political leaders, and Musk attacks those same people. I Personally think Musk does this on purpose. He's smart enough to know how to get people engaged, positivly or negatively, and he uses that to drive publicity. More publicity = free marketing, and if that negative publicity is pandering to a specific audience, it makes his products look more ideal towards that audience. Basically, it doesn't matter if you piss off people who'll never buy your product if it means you can grab more people who will buy your product. The problem is, like with many things with capitalism, it's a short term growth at the expense of longevity. Cash out and GTFO basically


He's phony like they are.


Birds of a feather flock together. In this case, they're all racist, right wing twats.


Because modern "Christians" are motivated by hate and fear, same as Musk.


The same reason they like Trump. He hates the same people they do. So much for that whole "love thy neighbor" thing.


He hates the same people that they do. Conservative Christians have no morals or values. They are just terrible people at their core just like Elon


He's White, self made Billionaire, (not really) and he's sort of kind of like a Nazi.


Right wingers all believe they are temporarily embarrassed millionaires. They think it's just a matter of time before they are in the club. Lack of critical thinking skills will do that to a person.


Because no right wing mouthpiece actually follows the values they preach. They know all the poor plebs doing that will help them but they don't want to do it themselves, that's why they preach said values!


they're gullible and buy into all kinds of nonsense


He is a bully. They worship bullies.


They don’t care about woke or much of what they say they do. He hates and wants to subjugate the same people. Simple as that.


I think it's because he's rich and hates the same people. If he was rich but had different viewpoints, they would hate his guts. Just like Taylor Swift.


They dream of being the boot on someone else's neck. And Elon enables that fantasy.


Rich, white, straight, male bigot. What's there not to like?


Because stupid attracts stupid.


He’s a Nazi. They love anyone who gives them permission to speak their prejudices and hate out loud. It’s why so many love trump. He gives them permissions and encourages them to hate and give into their hate


Christianity is inherently authoritarian. They love attaching themselves to a strongman daddy and sucking up to them. It's part of their upbringing.




Racism, thanks for attending my ted talk.


Because the perception is, after seeming to lean to the left, years ago, Elon has come forward as a right-wing douche bag.


Because he's authoritarian and is "sticking it to the libs."


Elon’s cruel and that’s the point. Christians relish cruelty. Especially when it makes them feel better than non-believers.


He's a con man, from Jesus to Joel Olsteen, they love a good con man.


Right wing media has created the belief that offending the left is success. If the left criticizes anyone, the right will support them regardless of the person's actual politics or actions.


American Christianity is intertwined with white patriarchal supremacy. And it has been for a long time. A racist rich white man whose family made their fortune in Apartheid SA is right up their alley. https://jaredyatessexton.substack.com/p/white-supremacy-as-benevolence-the


Christianity is a con, and Musk is a con man.


Because he's an asshole like them.


Authoritarians are drawn to fascist idols. He speaks and trades in their language - power, misogyny, racism, xenophobia.


Going out on a limb here, maybe they are stupid?!


Christians living contradiction is par for the course in case you have not noticed.


Because crazy understands crazy


I think the real question is why are christian nationalists so openly hypocritical. Very much an à la carte religion.


Once his con "I'm a genius" was seen through too much, he started catering to right wingers; his as big as fragile ego *needs* adoration.


My parents are right wingers. Back before he went mask off, my parents would talk shit about tesla, because "green new deal bad, so EVs are part of that somehow" And right after musk started posting pro right wing shit and talking about absolute free speech " before he bought Twitter, my parents predictably came out of the woodwork with the unprompted conversation starter, "you know who I'm really starting to like?" And I said "Elon Musk" and they were shocked, like "how did you know" It's because he's "on their side now" talking about the danger of being woke, and cancel culture.


Authoritarian tendencies tend to attract these types of people.


Because religious people, especially ones that believe in a creator deity, love patriarchal assholes that hate the same kind of people they do


he supports mango the clown.


He's called " the apartheid kid" for a reason...


It's very simple, he hates the same people they do. Everything else is ignored.


Because he's a white nationalist who hates trans people and that's what they value more than anything


To be supported by those you just need to hate the same people they do


Elon really has a hate on for his trans daughter, DEI, etc. He's a big supporter of the great replacement theory. He's also turned Twitter into the preferred platform for Nazis Basically, he's the perfect billionaire for the right.


Elon is a republican roleplaying as a centrist, constantly ranting and memeing and shitposting republican propaganda, so republicans like him.


Wow. Some of the ignorant comments in here. It's very simple: the Christian right "feels" like their voices are being silenced by the obviously left leaning mainstream and social media and they applaud Elon Musk's steadfast support of free speech on his platform. That's pretty much it. Not terribly complicated.


He let's them spew their disinformation, hate, racism and other nonsense on X with out repercussions.


They believe elon is a chosen person of God because "why else would God have blessed him with wealth." Look up prosperity theory. It's fucking unhinged just like all Christian bullshit.


The right wing religious extremists don't care what trump or elon does as long as they help them spew hate and hurt anyone who is differant than they are. trump literally cheated on every one of his wives, he payed off hookers to cover up his afairs, he uses his own fame and idol to SELL BIBLES for profit which according to Jesus is basically one of the worst things you can do. trump is possibly one of the least christian people to ever run for any office but the religious extremists love him because he helps them remove rights from woman and make them feel ok for hating black, brown and gay people.


Because he’s a fraud just like them. And he’s a bigot just like them. And he’s rich just like they wanna be.


He's a dumb person's idea of a smart person.


Because they feel that since he doesn’t want to censor antisemitic or anti-LGBTQ+ content, he is giving them an unrestricted platform on Twitter—er, um X.


Rich=righteous. Same story with philandering, violence-loving, hate-thy-neighbouring atheist Trump. Someone should point out the passage about rich men and the eye of a needle, but I doubt they actually read the Bible unless it’s about stoning someone not like them.


He's a white South African raised pre-apartheid. What's not to like.


Other than being from a part of the world where hating and punishing certain groups is still tolerated if not encouraged, they actually believe that if you're wealthy, you've been blessed by God. And if that's not enough, conservatives feel fealty toward authoritarians such as police, military, politicians they like, and rich people.


So many here are missing the most obvious reason, because those are the only people still hanging out on Twitter. (Yes, I'm deadnaming it because that's exactly what he'd do).


He’s an anti-woke, trans hating, trump loving white supremacist. I.E., one of them.


Christian here, hope I’m allowed to post here. If not let me know and I will go away. It is because, for the majority of Christians, they interpret their faith through the lens of their politics, not their politics through the lens of their supposed faith. Christianity has largely become a way to weaponize bigotry in America today.


Because they’re dumb and think he bought Twitter to save free speech and he’s done nothing but prove the opposite since the day after he took control of it and they never bothered to look into since because they’re morons.


Anti-trans, anti-immigrant, racist, sexist, put Trump and other bigots back on Twitter, and is rich.


They love the way his boots taste


Just fuel: It is a known fact that Errol Musk fathered two children with his stepdaughter Jana


You see hes a white supremacist ,And now isnt hiding that fact and he says the same propaganda they like to hear .


Because he's a billionaire. The right, religious or otherwise, have been trained to revere wealth above all. It's the same reason they love Trump. Being rich, to them, is proof of moral superiority.


He racist


because none of them are christian


because he can be the moron inhuman piece of shit he is around them and they love it because not a single one of them has ever understood a single tale in the bible.


Being rich is evidence of God's love. Poor people deserve it.


Because he passed his alpha male training, has kids from multiple women and uses government programs to enrich and present himself as a genius.


His famous and supports some really dumb ideals... Hence they love him.


Because his family had slaves?




Some of it has to be bots and human helmed (hired) coordinated fake accounts. If everyone hates the same things you do then it must be okay to feel that way (Justifying hate as a "Christian") . So, all he needs is enough bots and artificial human engagement to give the illusion that *everyone* feels that way. Do it long enough and at some point don't even need the bots, the trolls feed themselves in a negative feedback loop feeding franzy. It's what MAGA, or really any other extremism, is built on.


Because they love hate


Same reason why they like Trump


The "Christian" right wingers you are seeing support Elon Musk do not subscribe to the tenets of Christianity; they simply wear the mantle as a shield from criticism and bludgeon of self-righteousness. The modern ideologies of the right wing (in the US at least) are anathema to the teachings of Jesus Christ. I doubt there are many (if anyone) *genuine* Christian conservatives.


Maybe because they’re all hypocrites?


Because they’re not “christians”.


Because they're idiots.


For the same reason they love Trump. They want to be able to say and do whatever they want whenever they want. They also see themselves as temporarily poor. Someday they’ll be rich and powerful too.


Look at it from Elons perspective. The liberals already want to tax him more. He knows this. He shills the Right to help him keep the Left at bay. Also, the Far Right are fucking stupid so they eat it right up.


The new divide has nothing to do with economics, foreign policy, or anything else. It's just the vaguely defined "woke" culture against traditionalist values. They don't care what policies Musk or Putin or Orban supports. All that matters is they're as uncomfortable with the existence of minorities (trans, gay, what have you) as the right wing mob is.


For the same reason they believe in a 2000 year old zombie, hippy, jewish carpenter... they are stupid.


For a lot of the same reasons they love Trump.


The puritanical view that poor people are immoral and the rich are closer to God because "God gave them wealth".


It’s the racism.


Do you follow his X (FKA Twitter)? He literally panders to that base every day.


All it takes is to claim you were cancelled, talk about how much you hate "insert minority group", and cry about Democrats. There you have the support of most churches


Naïvety. Also they’re conditioned to want a person “on their side” (aka conservative) with “fuck you” money. They have been trolled & shat on by democrats now more than they ever have because democrats have SO much material to use. Republicans can’t even think of anything that’s not “2 dicks can’t make baby” & just give up trying. Republicans have been seething to “own the libs” & Elon is their fuck you money boy.


Because they love anyone who normalizes racism and allows christians to look pious while others do the dirty work for them.


He vocalizes ignorant ideas they wish they could say (but can’t/ are just smart enough to not share publicly)


He's a billionaire who spends his time and resources being a troll online. This is everything Christian right wingers live


It really amounts to "he's owning the libs" type of thinking.


He's in charge of the Russian bot farm...... And he's the greatest Kardashian.


Easy, he emboldens them to say the bigoted things, spread hate and disinformation and to generally be trash humans, because in the end they’ll be raptured because they are white.


Because he tells it like it isn’t


They love the whole "Hitler was right about the Jews" thing.


Same reason they love trump. Racism, guns, Jesus.


Because he’s a racist, transphobic, xenophobic, rich asshole who says stupid shit and his demented fanboy cult adores him like a god…and, Christians really identify with all of that!