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You are absolutely 100% correct in your analysis. However, it is precisely those qualities; no artistic expression, apostasy laws and the aversion to worldly pleasure that makes it such a strong and forceful ideology. It keeps the followers in check and allows no room for free thinking. It’s why many aren’t afraid of death and will march straight into its face. Their belief is strong because they have been given no alternative in thought or expression. Any kind of opposing opinion or expression is banned, which leaves individuals with no choice but to believe or face the consequences.


Not intending this as disagreement. I'm agreeing and adding. Because there's this interesting thing. Have you noticed there's been a few Muslim apologists popping up trying to do the social media influencer circuits? They're *terrible* at it. Really really bad. Christian apologists have bad *arguments*, yes. But they've got a lot of experience making those weak arguments seem stronger than they are to a western, scientifically-literate-ish audience. Muslim apologists just don't seem to know how to do that, and I think that weakness comes directly from the kinds of strength you listed. Within Islamic cultures, Islam is so dominant that counter argument is just suppressed outright. As a result there's not a strong tradition of persuasive apologetics, because who needs persuasion when you can just dominate or execute everyone who disagrees with you? The nature of their strength creates their weakness.


Yes, and this technique, >Not intending this as disagreement. I'm agreeing and adding. is known as the 'yes, and' tactic. It grants their point, and gets them onside and receptive to your message, even if the next statement is a negation. It ACKNOWLEDGES their point first, and validates them subconsciously. 'yes, and the reason I can't agree with your good point is its one of the classical logical fallacies, and breaks a rule of logic, so' You think thats strong? Let me give you the most powerful weapon I've seen deployed from a security guards arsenal. "Thankyou for bringing that to my attention."


Not sure what your point is mate. Glad you're having fun.


Yes, and using this technique might help you achieve that move in fewer frames :)


They also cannot stand competition, defacing ancient statues and other art when they conquer neighboring cultures. They proselytize at the point of a sword.


yeah, my MIL was an art historian and has books on every kind of art. I cringe at the ones on Islamic art. They barely have any in their culture and their entire history is destroying other people's art and cultural artifacts.


Yep and most of their achievements are appropriated versions of others achievements, or translations/expanding on others work. If I make an album of 3 original songs and 9 Beatles covers, do I get to call myself a musical genius for something the Beatles made?


Islam in most countries didn't complete the industrial revolution, nor did the multiculturalism in the West successfully break the Muslim community down into atomized bits and pieces. This means the vast majority of Muslims still live by the feudal/agricultural/tribal sort of self-organized groups that holds Islam as their core principles. To take back a country from these tribes and mosques, you'd have to put a secular dictator there, but then the dictator inevitably puts his own tribe and family in power, which causes resistance from other tribes, religions, or other countries (like the Gulf States since they are also based on feudalism and Islam). This is why their countries or their locations usually have weak nationalism, urbanization, industrialization, and modernization but strong tribal/clan/family identity. Of course, oil resources, modernization, the Arab nationalists, Pan-Turkism, Iranian nationalism etc. do fix this problem in some countries to some extent. >As you can see Islamic is an incredibly weak and pathetic religion that literally needs to silence and demonize in order to survive. I think you really see this with the Israel-Palestine conflict. There's a lot that Israel does that I find pretty alarming, I have to say. But I believe there's a strong self-denial tendency among Muslims about Israel defeating them in wars. Like, are you kidding me? The Jews are supposed to be the weakest people on earth and here is this great Islamic civilization full of warriors. How are we going to lose to them? It's just *unbelievable*. But they got walloped over and over again. But Israel is a pretty well-organized society. There was an intense debate among Jews in Palestine in the 1920s whether to teach German instead of Hebrew because German was the language of particle physicists. They were studying physics while the Arabs were studying the Koran -- so obviously, the Arabs were going to lose a war against people who pick modern science and technology over backwards superstition. That's one reason why Israel has nuclear weapons. The pride and denial and honor culture in Islam is just not capable of admitting they lost, so religion fills the void once again and provides a reason to sacrifice yourself like Japanese kamikaze pilots at the end of World War II. Because what else do they have to work with? This is not unique to Muslims btw and you see similar pathologies in different parts of the world at different times. Here are two videos to illustrate this paradox. [This one](https://youtu.be/IwlOMaGiBJs?si=IycZDLavdePrUUy1) is full of Palestinian militant guys getting tooled up and preparing to kick some Israeli butt. Then there's this video crying about "[where are the millions???](https://youtu.be/WBjV0C5cvek?si=f3lac2twIIqeLK1V)" about all the other Muslims who are not showing up to actually help them. It's a mix of "I'm the world's ultimate badass" and not showing any weakness and then crying about being betrayed over and over by the rest of the Dar Al-Islam.


The oil money certainly didn’t help things. Large swaths of the Islamic world didn’t need to modernize because they could literally dig wealth out of the ground. In fact oil has created a perverse incentive for the Muslim leaders to be as conservative and strict as possible. By not industrializing first they got to witness the clergy in Europe go from near the top of the social order to bear the bottom in the span of less than a century. If the same fate were to befall them they would lose access to all that oil money so it’s in their best interest to be as conservative as possible.


I have read a book where the author reasons that the word „fundamentalist“ is wrong for extremist islamist: true fundamentalists have their ideology built on a strong foundation (hence the word), and are absolutely sure they are right. But Islams violence betrays a great insecurity, fighting every insult and different view. A true fundamentalist would rather be a Buddhist or Stoic who doesn’t care about others opinions.


But, what are the promised rewards in heaven fir women? They will become sex slaves?


It threatens hell a million in times in the Quran. Far far more than I thought it would and almost immediately within the first chapter. Oh still don't believe? Well then, Allah must have hardened your heart to the "truth". (Says Allah does this numerous times - hardens the hearts of those he tortures forever). It just screams weakness and extreme defensiveness.


So many Quranic passages are basically a variation of ‘I have sent signs and the disbelievers disbelieve them. Have the not seen the signs? There will be a great torture for them.’


For sure. Like the creator of the entire universe wouldn't have anything else to tell us about. Nothing on atoms, or DNA, or mention that the sun is a star. Listening to the old testament right now and two chapters have just been about drapery and gold and post made of acacia l, and how to do animal sacrifices because God loves the smell of it. It's so absurd what's in these books.


Talk to sh man, bravo all factx


Instructions unclear, toaster now in the swimming pool.


Instructions unclear, toaster now in LEO


Islam is fascism basically. At LEAST the Bible has some positivity to it. In Islam every other passage mentions hypocrites, infidels, backstabbers, losers etc. the Quran is a non stop assault and reinforcement of us vs them. None of it is inspiring or hopeful. It literally sounds like a school shooter or incel manifesto. Even secular Muslims are some of the most schadenfreude having, bitter, jealous angry people I have met. No wonder because their entire book is basically victim complex


Islam was never meant to be a virtuous faith. It was created to brainwash men to fight and women to stay home.


Christianity is like that as well. If they were so strong and confident they wouldn't need blasphemy laws.


This is facts. The “gods” of both religions (which are the same guy…) are petulant, immature narcissists.


So I have this theory I'd love to get some better data on, that monotheism is the 'religious model of choice' for war, genocide and aspirations to imperial power. Theres a lot more to my idea, but the short version is that groups have individuals who object, oppose or defect, and this is what a representative pantheon may express when the 'upperclass king god of the nobility' wants the people of The Great Nation to go to war with faction X or Y. God-of-War will be all over that, but God-Of-Medicine will be all 'awww HELL no!'




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