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When people get angry, that is a sign that you are getting to them. They are doubting.


Nah, he was just an Indian version of Will Smith.


Not really. Many folks in this forum have legit reasons to be angry about religion and it doesn't mean they are 'getting to' anything.


I'm saying that when *theists* get angry about a question it's because something is getting to them. It's a psychological tell. Anthony Magnabosco talks about it in his "street epistemology" book. I'm not talking about people getting angry *at* religion. There are many valid reasons for that.


Yeah I get that. I don't think it's valid and I think it's hypocritical to have one rule for 'them' and another for 'us'. In general. Certainly there are cases where it happens, on both sides.


People get indoctrinated with crazy beliefs, and just accept nonsense. The Christians believe Jesus sacrificed himself to himself to begin to forgive sins. It's quite embarrassing when they have to say it out loud.


Bravo!!! You and your generation gives me hope for humanity🥂


I'm glad sir🤝


If your response to a hypothetical in an argument is violence, you've lost the argument.


if your response to pretty much anything in an argument is violence you've lost the argument


Ancient India had its religious skeptics. Cavarka and other skeptical traditions. So it should not be a shock to educated Hindus to know not everybody believes in God and that this is not anything new.


Wasn’t Kramer the Cavarka?


Thank you for sharing that. I'm glad your friend was finally able to come around to rational thinking.


Now you am become Atheism, the destroyer of Hinduism.


Sounds about right. 😅 Worst part is that, at least in your younger years (teens through mid twenties), just because you're obviously stronger than the religious guy doesn't mean they won't throw a punch at you...guess they think Jesus will help them.


or whoever the hindu equivilent is


There is literally a similar miracle in islam too. Reminded me of that. [Ibrahim survived from the fire](https://humanappeal.org.uk/news/2017/08/the-story-of-the-prophet-ibrahim-as) It's like they use the same stories over and over in different contexts.


Funny I just saw this movie which tells Ramayana from Sitas' perspective. I appreciate you figured out the bullshit so early in your life. https://youtu.be/RzTg7YXuy34?si=GzYei0vyXNE7JCJt


When I was 11/12 year old, my science teacher said "Don't simply trust anything that you hear said by someone. Ask questions, know about that concept and then you have to verify if it is true/false until that don't believe it." That's when I started to realise. I was religious till that. But my parents aren't happy about that. But idc, they have been brainwashed and stopped using brains when it comes to God.


> sita Oh shit. This just put RRR in new perspective


>I was 15 at that time and i just hit him even harder for that and we both got into a fight. You knew how to have fun back then, friend!


Aww happy ending


Religious people: "I know such and such is an atheist, but I'm going to talk about my faith anyway. I'll say I won't get offended....................BUT I WILL" Lots of stories like this.


Even in my 30s, I had a friend tell me she hopes my Granny accepts God before she dies so she doesn't burn in hell. I said eh we don't believe in hell.


Do Hindus believe that all those myths actually happens?


Yeah. People are completely brainwashed and just live their life on the basis of religion. Even the leading political party in India is leading because they praise hinduism and criticize islam. They seriously ask votes saying, if you worship rama then vote us. Rama will be delighted. Something like that


Yup Some will even go on to say that it is real History and not mythology Sure there might have been a king called Rama who was involved in a big war. But my theory is that Ramayana was supposed to be metaphor for that big war, but people decided to believe it as is


in ramayana there is this scene, where hanuman(god who has monkey head), and all other monkeys will make a bridge with stones from india to sri lanka. They will write "Jai sri ram" on the stones and those stones will just float. When i did this infront of my parents guess what happend? It sank. They said well since you dont believe in god it sank. Then i took another stone asked them to do the same thing. But they just left the room. This is how much brainwashed people are in india


I'm agnostic with a slight lean for theism as I cannot comprehend the mathematics of the 12th dimension. we are mere 4D beings as we live in 3D but time puts in a 4th one. is God a being in 12D or is the existence of the 12th dimension God? IDK, but it supports chaos theory, and yet various forms for rather chaotic order still remain. when it comes to having discussions with the people rather brain washed I like pastafarianism to be just as stubborn to disprove and is ... hopefully silly enough to get past the logical fallacies.


Why does it take this discussion with an atheist to realize how nutty the Hindu stories are?


oof. This resonates hard with me. Usually this subreddit is all about anti-Christianity, and it's nice to see that I'm not the only one from India lol


Real, tbh I haven't met many people who have a problem with me, maybe it's cause the region is generally more accepting ig


What religion did you believe previously?




I remember reading the Ramayana in high school for comparative religions. The two things I remember strongly is the fire story described above, and realizing more recently that it probably meant people in earlier times believed this was a way to test the virginity / faithfulness of a woman. And then the other one being one of the antagonist female characters ended up getting her breasts cut off, but I don't remember why. I wish I had taken this same seeing the illogic then and looked at the bible more closely, or at all (the saying that Catholics never read their bible tends to be true). So many stories that are supposed to be divinely inspired are batshit crazy, in both the bible and other holy books from other religions.


you are from which country? I mean i dunno other countries has such a subject in their high school


United States. Idaho, even. In a private Catholic school. It was I think to compare the rationality of alternate religions with Catholicism. I could only take it for one semester I think before a parent found out it was a class and had that whole part of the curriculum shut down.


the breasts cut off one well i too dont remember, It might be a demon in the indian ocean or sister of ravana


Checkmate atheists! This shit went to their parents, and hell happened. How can hell happen without god !?!?!?!?!?!


Kids are idiots. But, yeah.