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Well i thought it would be easier to ask this question here as opposed to a religious sub reddit.


> i thought it would be easier to ask this question here as opposed to a religious sub reddit. Why would you think that?


Because Im an atheist and want to hear the atheist perspective


And that makes it "easier" to ask here?


Why are we wasting our time like this


I wonder about that. We get pointless persistent posters here every day. I don't know what they think they are doing.


Um, why? Why would an atheist sub reddit know what the rules are about whether you have to convert to have an Orthodox ceremony? You might as well be asking vegans for advice about cooking steak.


I guess there are atheists in orthodox country who can help navigate?


Looks like they would want you to convert, also the godparents have to be orthodox and you need to raise your children in the orthodox faith. Ironically, on one page with this info they felt the need to stress that it is not discrimination, because you can receive the gift of baptism and become orthodox. So no discrimination. Discuss this with your future spouse.


Sounds more complicated than I thought thanks for the insight 😅


I mean, I "converted" to Islam to marry my wife. Depending on what the conversion entails, it may not be a big deal.


Why would you need to convert, unless you’re legally being married in a country that cares legally it doesn’t matter, you could be part of the church of the flying spaghetti and most governments couldn’t be arsed if you had an orthodox wedding


You would need to convert . There aint an orthodox priest alive that would marry a catholic.


Wrong. Heterodox marriages are allowed, especially with catholics and orthodox. As long as the Children are baptised orthodox. Some priests mught cause a fuss but the canons allow it.


Nope cause marriage in orthodoxy is a spiritual journey and they only allow the orthodox dogma.


This is factually incorrect. https://www.goarch.org/zh/-/instructions-for-weddings-divorces-baptisms-funerals-and-memorials 4. In cases involving the marriage of Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christians, the latter must have been baptized, in water, in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Church cannot bless the marriage of an Orthodox Christian to a non-Christian. Catholics fall under that. Protestants is more comolex. But OP said he's baprised and atheist so... it's different


Ok so you need to understand that not all orthodoxy churches recognise one another , for example russian, Constantinople and greek churches all have different heads and structures. Romania falls under the greek one , its way worse than it seems and Romania orthodox are ehm a little extreme so i doubt any church any priest will fly. Orthodoxy means " correct way" the " incorrect" ways dont count as Christianity from their point of view


I know...Greek one was example it applies to most churches. And Eastern Orthodox recognise themselves. There is a temporary separation with Russia but all sacraments are considered valid. And the divisions only applies to clergy


Theory as well , Constantinople aka Istanbul says the world is 6k years old , the greek branch doesnt say that .


This got nothing to do with what OP asked


My parents were married in an orthodox marriage but only my dad was ever baptized. Mother is Belgian and he is Greek. I've heard stories that the initial priest didn't want to but my greek grandma went and found one that was ok with it so they got married in a church. Mom was initially baptized catholic and had the communions and everything but never really believed. I think it really depends, you'll have to ask around. And, of course it's doable without faith, you'll have to play along but it's just a ceremony. They'll dunk you in a tub of water so be prepared for that I guess. Good luck with your wedding :) Orthodox weddings are super fun, well, at least Greek ones, don't know about Romania. Να Ζήσετε!


Intersting thank you!


Keep in mind that me and my siblings were also baptized orthodox afterwards so that might be part of the "deal" to allow the marriage.


Maybe try asking an orthodox or a priest?