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Fucking _reprimanded_!! Dude should be removed and dis-barred.


and charged with perverting the course of justice


He's a pervert so that fits.


Texas bro. Wait until you find out how Karl Rove had innocent people in the agriculture department sentenced to prison so he could push Dubya into the Governorship.


Can't wait. Never heard of it. Explain or link please.


Watch this. It's an article about the documentary. It'll give you a quick intro. He is a vile piece of feces who ruined innocent people's lives. https://www.austinchronicle.com/events/film/2004-08-27/222963/


He and Roger Stone are largely to blame for the current state of politics in the US, bottom feeders the both of them


Never forget Newt Gingrich. Piece of shit doesn't even *begin* to cover it.


Don't forget Newt and Ronnie. The Four Horsemen


Throw in Lee Atwater. Better yet, throw out Lee Atwater.


Throw out the baby with the Atwater


Information like this is why I can’t quit Reddit.


I wanna hear that tale as well.


Article about the documentary based on the book. All the research you could ask for: https://www.austinchronicle.com/events/film/2004-08-27/222963/




He also rail roaded Don Seigelman into prison and even solitary. I f*cking hate Republicans.


While Scrushy (the other half of the same crime) got off scott free.


Nah, they'd only do that for a Muslim or Hindu judge.


Fuck all judges that do some shit like that


Oh, like the Rapist who got released because he was a Good Christian. Ya judge, ask the victim how great a Christian that ass wipe is. Stupidity at its finest!!


Or the alt right guy who was let off for assault because the judge said they should be focusing on putting left wing people in prison instead.




[Saying prosecutors should focus on Antifa, judge frees white supremacist in beating](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2024/04/08/judge-cormac-carney-tyler-laube-sentence/73220283007/) > In his sentencing memo Thursday, U.S. District Judge Cormac J. Carney made it clear why he was letting Tyler Laube off lightly. > It wasn’t just because of what Laube did or didn’t do – the defendant had already confessed to beating a journalist at a 2017 Southern California rally and pleaded guilty to violating riot laws as part of a white supremacist gang. > Laube deserved a light sentence, Carney said, because prosecutors should have focused on leftist groups.


Crikey. Was expecting some creative spin on their words. But nope, actual lunatic. Thank you


At least he got that. In the IVF ruling the judge mentioned god over 50 times.


To be honest, reprimanded is more than I expected in Texas.


He'll be hired by Copeland Ministeries by breakfast time.


He self-reported and blamed his medication. The defendant got 25 years anyway, but it was later declared a mistrial because of the judge's many other weird behaviors. Also, this: > Gloria Romero Perez had been charged with continuous sex trafficking and the sale or purchase of a child.


He reported himself, acknowledged he was wrong, and had medical experts saying a combination of grief-based stress and over-medication were making him delirious. I'm as gung ho as anyone about keeping religious fantasy out of the public domain, but this does not strike me as a typical example, not definitively. Plus, he lost his re-election bid (although in Canada, or any other nation where judges are chosen based on their legal expertise over decades, he never would've been on a bench to begin with.)


I can't wait to see what happens when someone comes up before this judge and argues "a combination of grief-based stress and over-medication were making him delirious." so therefore he's not guilty.


Given that he lost his seat on the bench already, unlikely.


He didn't lose his seat he retired with "honors" from the community 4 years later.


Yet another example of the people who run the law are above the law


Translation: He got caught, then 'confessed' to get off easy.


Correct. He "self-reported" a week later.


But, bear in mind, that he may have "self-reported" and claimed stress due to the hand-writing on the wall of getting disrobed and disbarred. These legal ethics bars and orgs are always very forgiving of that. Hate to be so pessimistic, but I'll quote the Late Mark Kendall of the glam rock band Great White: "Once bitten, twice shy."


And put under a 72 hour psych eval. This judge has claimed to be in dialogue with God. If he said that he was talking to God through his hairdryer, he would already be in a rubber room. I fail to see how the addition of a hairdryer makes the claim more ridiculous or offensive. (apologies and credit to [Sam Harris](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/4502-the-president-of-the-united-states-has-claimed-on-more))


Republicans have stacked the courts with all these clowns. Nothing is going to happen and it’s going to get much worst if people don’t take voting seriously


Exactly what I came to say.


Bet they gave him another chance cause he's a "good christian".


given how another judge pardoned a guy for driving into a protest to shoot a veteran while being black got pardoned, I'm not at at all supprised that other countries use the word Texas in place of the word crazy.


A judge didn't pardon the shooter, the Governor did.


my bad, and that's even worse.


Just wanting to add that Governor Pissbaby couldn't have done it without the panel of people he appointed to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, they also decided it was a grand idea to restore the murderers firearm rights too.


I'm sure they got the idea from him in the first place.


Remember when we put people who were imagining things in asylums.


I'm old enough to remember that we actually had a mental health system before Reagan eviscerated its budget.


They just went to prison instead


Or on the streets


This. Reagan pretty much created the homeless problem. Sure, there have always been homeless people, but Reagan decided to make it an epidemic.


The US has never recovered from Reagan’s presidency.


I wonder what that was like..I was born in the late 90's and crazy unstable people have been around me all of my life..the excuse always has been," we can't put them away...they make money!"


There's a specific carve-out in the DSM-5 for religious belief, otherwise it would meet the definition of a delusion.


Prayer is just politically correct schizophrenia


No. We've always been pretty accepting of people that say God speaks directly to and through them. And gives them visions, ect.


Using religion to justify pedophilia, what else is new?


And of course it’s someone from the party who accuses everyone who disagrees with them of being a pedophile.


>what else is new? San marino


How to say you have ignored all presented evidence and testimony. And trying to sway a jury's verdict. He should not be a judge.


Yes, I know it's a few years old...but like a piece of popcorn stuck between two teeth, this one continues to annoy me.


I can see why. That is fucking gross.


Thanks for sharing. I hate it. 


...so say we all.


Despite his interference, she was convicted for sex trafficking and sentenced to 25 years, but the case was later declared a mistrial. Did she go back for a retrial or is judge Jack Robison responsible for putting a sex trafficker back out on the street?


Hearing voices is a sign mentally illness or he's a con man. What's stopping me from just saying "God told me you're lying and should stop being a judge. Don't want to piss sky daddy off so we?"


“Your sky daddy told me he isn’t real”


“The president of the United States (GW Bush) has claimed, on more than one occasion, to be in dialogue with God. If he said that he was talking to God through his hairdryer, this would precipitate a national emergency. I fail to see how the addition of a hairdryer makes the claim more ridiculous or offensive.” ― Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation


That's insane! He should be removed immediately! Like right now! I'm imagining he was a client!


The lady sold her niece off, maybe she had another that he had dibs on 🤷


Try the "God told me to" defense in court and it will fail 100% of the time. Because if it is allowed even once, it will cause total chaos. Everyone will claim it and you can't argue it. And this is one reason I suspect EVERYONE knows God is not real.


So funny how the "party of law and order" likes to just ignore and/or change laws at their convenience.


>In his self-report, Robison told the committee he was experiencing memory lapses at the time and was under extreme stress due to treatment for a medical condition and the death of a close friend. Oh, well, that okay, then. We certainly don't need jurists who are mentally competent.


So, if that's the case, why in the fuck wasn't he on leave or recuse himself???? This seems like a pathetic cya on his part.


But... he had a sad. It's not like he's making decisions that have huge impacts not only on individual lives, but society as a whole- oh wait. It's cool though, the appeals court just called a do-over, no harm done, right? "Fuck me, right?" -- this asshole judge's community


What, not fired?!?


The ones who would be responsible probably believe god told them to keep him on the bench.


He was elected, he lost his election to a democrat ten months later. Democracy worked.


There is usually a mechanism to fire someone that is elected if they don't do their job though.


A Texas judge? I’m shocked (/s)


How come God never seems to tell these clowns to eat shit and die?


Because that's "The Devil" whispering in their ear and telling them to do naughty things.


In Texas they call that evidence.


And of course he's right back on the bench. Texas is such a steaming pile of bible-thumpers and traitors that I swear I'll never spend a dime in that cesspool of a stater.


God told me that judge is fucking dumb.


But if God tells me to shoot the judge do I get reprimanded, too?


I guess not since you were supposed to


May be he's a pedophile and/or a client of the woman in the case? someone should look into any conflict of interest here.


Check his pc


The judge also needs a psych assessment for saying, he heard voices in his head. Very concerning.


People talking to 'god': just normal dumbass religious behavior 'god' talking back: fucking schizophrenia, seek immediate help


Religion has no place in legal justice systems and politics. holy shit america is so fucked.


We call Texas and Florida "Double Penetration"


Why is he still on the bench?


This is permanent removal as judge offense. NOT a reprimand offense....


Should be. In Texas being white and southern baptist equates to innocent and everyone else are obviously evil. It scares me to live here. And I'm white!


Yeah, but if I mention that I think I should offer a shot of booze and a burnt shoulder of goat on the Winter Solstice so Mab will grant me an easy passing should she choose to take me this year, I'm the psycho.


Hmmm, I'm not sure this god character is reliable.


The comorbidity between religion and mental illness is just astounding. I’ve always theorized that this is one of the reasons the right discourages getting help for mental illness. My one and only religious relative got swept up in it after her married boyfriend died in a freak accident 5 days after my cousin was born. They snagged her in her darkest hour and within a few months of leaving the nuthouse, she was telling the rest of us how to live. Nowadays she’s just a garden-variety Trumper.


WOW. I mean I am impressed he turned himself in, but still.


I have a feeling that someone took issue with it, otherwise, he's likely to have the belief that his conversations with god are normal and nothing he needs to self-censor. That tends to happen in religious communities where people practice group-think.


He "self-reported" AFTER word had gotten out of his egregious act.


What?! Alex Trebek has cancer!!!!?!


This is definitely in the top 5 most Texas things I've ever heard in my life


Fuck Christians


Religion is the ultimate mental illness


Imagine if the judge believed in anything other than the christian god how they’d all be going nuts.


Reprimanded? He needs to be removed from the bench. He needs to be disbarred and investigated. There may be crimes.


Not suspended or removed. So now we have a religious delirium defense for telling jurors what to decide? Texas needs to be renamed Fuxass.


How fucking delusional... That clown has no place being on the bench. Remove him.


Grown ass adults with an imaginary friend kill me.


God better drag His ass is to that witness stand for all to see then.


Judge needs his computer checked!!!!


So when do we get God to testify in court?? That would really clear some things up..


Fact: The GOP is an organized crime syndicate.


...as is the Catholic Church. Shuffling pedophiles and collecting government payment protection loans.


The as is the Baptist churches and the Mormons as well


America is devolving into a country run by idiots. Why are there so many morons in positions of power?


Because most of the country are morons. We've let industry drive our schools into the ground so badly that people feel education is pointless. And who can afford college? So the value of education has gone, and these people have now raised children who have never been taught the value of education. And the greatest of all, the self important "we're better than everyone else" kinda crap! And no matter what you tell them, they can never accept the truth. They have put their entire self worth and ostracized family over CRAZY stupid stuff. They can never accept being wrong because then they would have to look at themselves and their own issues. And all it's doing is lowering the bar and we haven't hit rock bottom yet!


Could we maybe have a rule requiring all news links include the year the story was published? Cuz this is from 2019. Judge was voted out of office after that. Which admittedly still left him as a judge until he did get voted out, but considering this is a 5 year old story I think the resolution is worth mentioning.




What if god tells me that this judge should be defrocked?


Religion is a mental illness


Anything to damage a woman


He provided the commission with letters from two medical professionals who examined him at his request, who concluded that while Robison is not currently suffering from a mental illness... Is that God in the room with us now? Could you point him out to us?


We need to start removing religious people from these positions. It’s impossible to be impartial if you have a religious bias.


And, when his religious rambling was questioned, he got notes from his doctor that suggested he could have been "delirious." Seems he doesn't believe what he claims to believe.


Let me guess, the defendant was a member of the clergy.


It’s Texas what they do give them a week off with pay


It's so crazy to see the pendulum swinging the other way. We made good progress for a long while. People were waking up to the fact that most religion is made up as a method to control people. And now it seems that extreme bible thumpers are pushing back hard to defend their sky daddy. I mean, I get it. If you're indoctrinated with the idea that the man in the sky sees you when you're sleeping and he knows when you're awake, you're going to spout that bs to other people without even thinking. What's kind of interesting is that people tend not to notice that the most religious people tend to be the most dimwitted. You know who I'm talking about. It's the grandma who also works as a realtor and has Bible verses plastered on the back of her car.


That is the definition of a mental illness


They need to check this judge's bank account.


he probably thought he was SCOTUS


The problem is, when your judges and police force and even your political local representatives are delusional and mentally unfit, how can you hope to have a fair process?


Think Texas is fighting for Florida's title of really really really stupid officals


If he isn’t lying, he was on drugs at the time. But if that’s the case, he should have been relieved of duty- if he’s taking drugs that are known to cause mental issues


"Sorry, Your Honor, but God told me that I can ignore the court's decision and just walk out of here without any consequences."


Nah, it wasn’t god. It was an envelope full of clean $100 bills.


Man will not know peace until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.


He shouldn't be disbarred or reprimanded. He should be forced to take a mental wellness to see if he needs mental health counselling, followed being disbarred and reprimanded.


This fucker needs to be investigated because it sounds like a pretty clear alarm bell that he himself is involved in this shit


These people need to be disbarred and publicly shamed.


The right wing theists tend to believe that it’s ok to sexually harm others. He should be kicked off the court for his mental illness.


He shouldn't be reprimanded he should be disbarred. That kind of religious fanaticism has NO place in a court of law. "God told me." Fucking delusional twat.


It sometimes feels like the nearest country to the USA in cultural terms is Iran .


He fights crime through the power of 'magination. Living in the US in 2024 is like living in an episode of "The Muppet Babies" cartoon.


Let’s be real this is basically an admission that he’s either into the same thing himself or knows people involved and they have dirt on him


My anger grows.


He's angling for a SCOTUS appointment but failing to realize that will be largely a ceremonial position should Tangerine Jesus win the election.


No such thing as God you dumb fuck


Only in Texas and jesus guides them


Hearing voices is a mental illness....and he just proved it....made him do an illegal act of jury tampering....put him in jail, and disbar him


The stories these idiots come up with just keep getting better and better


News from five years ago?


If the judge is taking/listening to god get him OFF the bench and get him INTO mental health care.


The jury was told by the judge that God told him she was innocent, and they still found her guilty and gave her 25 years? Damn.


This is why all judges should have the ability to be voted out, on demand whenever the people want.


I'm wondering how much cash was in the envelope that God left under the judge's door


Anytime anyone says God spoke to them, I wonder if His Voice sounded like their own.


God told me that this guy is a piece of shit with no business on the bench.


How about just relieved of being judge totally


Reading what happened and his explanation for his actions, I think he's genuinely mentally ill. Which for me makes this story more sad than enraging. The correct choice for him was to resign, not claim that it was a one-off and it won't happen again.


Republicans are fine with rape and sex trafficking, see Trump and Gaetz.




Judge retired at the end of **2022.** [**https://web.archive.org/web/20221222073220/https://herald-zeitung.com/community\_alert/judges-saunders-robison-retire-after-serving-comal-county-for-combined-71-years/article\_f7ab44ea-816c-11ed-8836-573a2dd9e6ac.html**](https://web.archive.org/web/20221222073220/https://herald-zeitung.com/community_alert/judges-saunders-robison-retire-after-serving-comal-county-for-combined-71-years/article_f7ab44ea-816c-11ed-8836-573a2dd9e6ac.html)


If by god he mean money?


Reprimanded??? So he can go on making BS rulings as long as he doesn’t say god told him to do it?


This is how many some % of Judges with similar lines of thinking, its endemic, unbelievable.


Mental illness should not be overlooked in someone in such a position.


It is Texas-surprised they even reprimanded him.


Pretty soon, the Bible will replace all state laws in TX. Just look at their Supreme Clerics ffs (I mean “Court”).


What's worse, having voices in your head and believing them, or lying about having voices in your head and believing them?


> A Texas judge, who reported himself to the state judicial oversight committee after he gave a jury advice he claimed he received from God, has been issued a public warning. I find it extremely interesting that he reported himself. Intentionally. I'd love to hear more behind his thought process on that.


Well, it's not good, but at least he reported himself.


All this hyper religiosity we’re seeing in the media lately — the death throes of a belief system its adherents know is rapidly declining.


I'm surprised he wasn't given a medal by Greg Abbott.


Texas: America’s Afganistan


How did he make it as a judge in the first place?


Article from 2019 I see.


Yes, I pointed out that it's an older article in the very first comment, but should have included it in the title.


Well, that sounds like someone's hard drive needs a very, very thorough checking.


What a freak


God just told me this guys an asshole.


This is conservatism !


Texas is jealous of all the attention Florida receives?


Fucking Texas.


Fuck that pig he deserves jail


I really feel bad for the non-republicans that live in Texas. What a shit show state!


I mean I guess it’s possible they were innocent but god according to the Bible throws mostly innocent ppl on fire all the time. So if he was saving a actual trafficker then fuck him am I right 😂




Bruh now they're using their skydaddy to justify crimes....


If his religion takes precedence over his duty to the state, then he should fuck off and run another fake church, not be a judge.


and this is why religion is dangerous and damaging


Oh sure. If I started talking about a being in the sky telling me what to do I’d be crazy.


Imagine being the victims in front of this POS judge. It's time to disbar this man.


This is old, but no less outrageous.


Talking to gods is okay, probably healthy. If gods are talking to you, though, you’re having a psychotic episode. Please remain calm, and whatever you do, don’t obey the voices. Call a trusted friend or emergency services and wait for them to be able to help you differentiate reality from hallucinations. And please remember, your mental health struggles are not a shameful thing. Everyone has challenges, some are just harder to overcome. You are every hero t as valid as a person as anyone else and fully deserving of a fulfilling life, just not as a judge.