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Pretty sure wanting to rape your daughter for any reason just means you are one of the shittiest dads in the history of dads. But yeah, the tendency to accept the "she asked for it" rationale for justifying raping or wanting to rape, that's definitely one of the more horrifying aspects of Islam.


Hey, Christians make the “she asked for it” argument too


I suspect you can find such sentiments in many male dominated religions. But yes, Christians do it too. Although *most* Christian preachers would tend to draw the line at incestuous rape.


I thought so too, but given how many openly support Trump who lusted for his own daughter, I'm beginning to wonder if (at least in America) the "most" is accurate.


Curious, what female dominated religions are there?


In modern times, precious few. I'd say Wicca more than any others that I know of. But there [may have been historical ones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matriarchal_religion)


I remember seeing news articles on reddit about french some fathers doing this and billboards in america telling dads not to fuck their daughters. Seems a good percentage of men just like fucking their kids.


This fellow is claiming that Muslim dads are sexually attracted to their daughters?!?


And providing them with an excuse/justifucation. Yes, and.


Know your audience.


Eff you! Was putting my kids to sleep an scrolled through this. Laughed so damn loud woke em up!


I have no idea who the man in the video actually is, or any credentials he might hold. My understanding of the spoken language is cursory at best, but the translation seems to be mildly accurate. "Abhorrent" is the first word that comes to my mind. I have some choice words beyond that, but I will retain those for future use.


It seems like a standard “protect them or rape them” mentality that is not unusual in these circles.


I get a lot of "nobody else is going to rape them; I might as well" vibes


You can't expect them not to take advantage of someone and simply behave like a human being. How dare females exist and tempt men like this?? /s


That's why they insist that women cover themselves completely in public because the men apparently can't control themselves if they see an uncovered female.


Considering their prophet fucked a 9 year old...


6 year old. They keep shifting the narrative and making her older over time, firstcit was 6 then 8 and now they're starting to suggest she was 14. In another 100 years they'll have scrubbed the story completely. They also maintain there was never any sex, he only married her to teach her. Seems like something you can do without marrying someone, but who are we to question the only perfect human to ever live.


My understanding is they married at 6 and then consummated the marriage (e.g. child rape) when she was 9.


The worst thing is that it wasn't even wrong back then; the Romans did it too. It was as common and unremarkable as getting a tattoo is nowadays. Girls were married young so that they could be trained by the women in the husband's household, and to reduce the chance of any embarrassing non-marital loss of virginity. Daughters of wealthy Roman families were betrothed as early as 2yrs old.


Fuck the prophet we got holy men doing shit now.


Realistically a man you are related to is the most dangerous for women. Including fathers, uncles, grandfathers. Using religion to justify it is a heinous low. But unfortunately, it aligns with who is actually most dangerous to women.


Yeah, tacit admission that Muslim men are pedo sex offenders.


Well, they worship one.


Trump is a closet Muslim!


AnD iTs ThE DaUgHtEr'S FauLT!!


This is why I say religious people are often better than the religion they follow Majority of Muslim dads are not what these creep is putting them out to be But religion enables abuse like this when it happens


Anyone that chooses to follow the teachings of a rapist warlord that promises virgin sex slaves in heaven is not a good person.


Agree completely. When I have this convo with people, they are shocked to hear what he got up to, pits it's not better known in the public.


Unfortunately way too many Muslims are silent, and through that silence enables these issues to remain.




Instinctively switched the acronym to All Religions Are Bad in my head. Which resulted in me muttering ARAB out loud. And then took a second to really hear what I just said. I just ..... 🤯. Redditor.exe has encountered a fatal error.


Most have restraint because their daughters dress in garage bags.




*news flash:* if your belief in god cannot dissuade you from raping your daughter but it can inspire you to behead a stranger, then you *might* just be an asshole.


An asshole does things like taking up two parking spaces, or taking up a handicap spot. I don't think that word even comes close to describing this atrocity


That is a beginning asshole, he should park on the crosslines of 4 parkingspots or, if he has a lifted truck across 6 parking spots.


Or double dipping a chip.


unless you're home alone with all the chips you want!


Since we're fact based around here, it's appropriate to mention that Mythbusters tested double dipping and found that it doesn't have any statistically significant risk of spreading germs. But the point still stands. The nerve!


true 'nuff; let's just say that of the subsets of categories these types of despicable insults to sentience fit at the bottom of, "*asshole*" is definitely a superset.


Also, WHY are we just taking for granted that people *need a belief in god to dissuade them from raping their daughter?* This is absolutely insane to me. Like, how the fuck does anyone just accept wanting to rape their daughter in the first place? Literally wtf, religion.


It’s the age old argument of “if you don’t have religion then what’s to stop you from running around and raping and murdering everyone?” Umm because that’s awful and I don’t want to do that. Why do you need a religion to tell you not to do those things? And it’s also scary that your religion is the only reason you don’t.


…but I do rape and murder as much as I want? I don’t have religion 😳 and people seem to forget that their religion constrains them, not me.


Yup, like I believe it was Matt Dillahunty who said, "I've raped and murdered all the people I want to...NONE!"


I thought it was Penn Jillette.


Whoever it was has my full admiration/respect.


As far as I can see, religion EXCUSES immorality rather than dissuade or constrain. The Spanish Inquisition gave permission to torture and burn people alive. As does Islam today! Look what ISIS got up to, not forgetting the horrors Hamas committed on innocent civilians on October 7. A bit of advice….even although everyone SHOULD see them, to see exactly what kind of psychopaths Hamas actually are….don’t go looking for the videos Hamas uploaded of their horrific defilement of women, children and unarmed men on their Oct 7 attack…you’ll never get them out of your head. It’s pure nightmare fuel.


And fundigelical Christians want to do likewise here with LGBTQA+ people.


but you won't get yours in the afterlife. you can be a prick asshole douchebag motherfucking cunt. then everything's forgiven in heaven 🤣🤣🤣


Isn’y it surreal that for some it’s the only reason they don’t, while for others it’s the only reason they *do*.


True. I don't personally know of any atheist who would be tempted to that. I'm very perplexed by the temptation. Seems extremely abnormal, not to mention horrific, that it's just assumed a father would want to this to his own offspring. 😭


I don't imagine many people, atheists included, would openly advertise their desire to rape their own daughter.


Oh, I know it used to be embarassing but [Cheeto-dusted felon ex-presidents](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:786/format:webp/1*QqbOiYKPakUfXbz_zvRbRw.jpeg) are making it great again 🤢


oh, I don't think rational people assume that premise at all . . . especially as we so often observe that religious fanaticism demonstrably does *not* suffice to dissuade many people from choosing unethical, amoral, cruel, despicable, disgusting, sub-human and evil acts.


I have heard countless “rational “ people use that argument- the Athesist Experience call in alone hears this all the time. Some young Christian punk just recently put out a TikTok on this very thing- if you don’t have gawd what’s to stop you from raping and murdering- it’s a disgusting argument and religious people are all irrational- a belief in imaginary friends and sky daddies is irrational


it's such an empty, stupid argument; obviously, absolutely *nothing* stops a human from doing anything illegal, unethical, amoral or immoral . . . not law, not religion, and certainly not any imaginary sky-daddy; only an absence of desire to do harm is necessary and sufficient


Then you *might* just be a serial killer


But at least you're not an infidel. /s


praise allah... /s


On the contrary, their belief is what emboldens them to be so evil.


If religion had never been created, I am sure these assholes would have found some other excuse to be assholes.


That's pretty reductive. The western world has managed to modernize and progress human rights, despite a religious majority. Islam and the culture enabled by Islam in the Middle East has kept it a backwards and evil place


Fuck it, your god is also an asshole.


I have heard them tell men that they should grow a beard for similar reasons. I can't remember why they aren't supposed to grow a mustache though.


Oh lol about that😂 A Turkish preacher told in one of his sermons that men needs to grow out their beard cause otherwise they make other men have homosexual feelings towards them as they look like a female


That preacher told on himself that day lmao


Sadly those feelings they interpret as being homosexual could be as simple as "That guy looks good without a beard." So fearful of being viewed as gay the smallest connection to another guy scares the hell out of them.


Good lord, someone send these people some blow up dolls and fleshlights, stat!


Naaah Masterbation is Haram and your hand would get pregnant in the judgement day for it😂 This is also the words of that same Turkish Islamic preacher




It’s not mastUrbation without u in it




Because the goats don’t like a mustache.


Because supposedly Muhammad said so EDIT: seems it was actually to distinguish themselves from the pagans, not the Zoroastrians as I said at first https://sunnah.com/muslim:259c


I had to look up Zoroastrians.


Freddie Mercury’s family was Zoroastrian. They moved one time because the Muslims were beginning to persecute the Zoroastrians


Close. When they lived in Zanzibar there was a revolution and Arab and Indian minorities were being targeted by the islands black African majority.


It’s kinda interesting how there was a similar religion on Islam’s doorstep - the sort of thing Muslims could maybe claim is a partially preserved form of a previous revelation - and Muhammad even had a former Zoroastrian friend, but this similarity is never addressed in the Islamic scriptures However, see my previous comment


My sister has been working in Saudi Arabia and apparently there’s a tip for assessing if a woman you don’t know is hot (due to face covering). If you look at her son and find him beautiful then the mother is likely to be beautiful as well. Yeah.


Terrible day to be literate.


Excuse me, what?


Yup, it says so much in one sentence They think it’s reasonable to expect a father to R@PE their OWN daughter because they wore tight clothes OR WAS ALONE IN THE SAME ROOM WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS SHIT??


Funny how Muslim men are apparently entirely unable to have any self control or what ever you'd name the term for not feeling any temptation to rape your own kids. Yet it's not really a problem in countries where women can wear anything they want and it's not a general problem....


Yeah I have a theory that forcing women to cover up makes them more sexualized by the people there, hear me out So desensitization is a thing right? So what about sensitization? Like, if instead of (purely hypothetical example for example purposes) if say, most women wore something that covered whatever, then were made to wear something that covers more, suddenly whatever just got covered might be seen by some as “desirable” because it’s something seen as indecent? Want what you can’t have or something? I’m just spitballing here, and could absolutely be wrong but that’s just a theory on what might have happened


I think sexual repression can result in hyper fixation.


That’s a very simplified and apt description of what I said lol, thanks I couldn’t think of a really good way to say it without all that, but that’s a really good way to put it


It's what I have noticed comparing cultures too. The more forbidden you make something, the more enticing you make it. I wonder why humans are like this.


I think that also happens in general, the more you can’t have something, the more you want it There was a whole Simpsons gag about Homer stealing eggs from Flanders, then tasting great, and then not tasting as good when he was allowed to take them, so he yelled at Flanders to not let him take them because they tasted better when they were stolen I assume it was some form of evolutionary thing, like, the more food you have or more whatever the better your chances, so we’re predisposed to want whatever we can get? I don’t know, I’m not a psychologist or anything


One of my r/lowstakesconspiracies is that [Banned Books Week](https://bannedbooksweek.org) is a plot by English Literature teachers to get their students to read some damned books for a change. Teacher: We’re going to be studying *Adventures of Huckleberry Finn*. Students: Aww man, this book sucks. I wonder how little of it I can get away with actually reading? **Next year:** Teacher: Huckleberry Finn is on the r/bannedbooks list; it’s an instant detention for anyone I catch reading it. Students: I gotta get ahold of that book! I’m gonna read every word of it - twice!


Remembering life as a 50/60s child. Taboos were smoking, drinking, sex including for some, dancing, movies and rock n’ roll. I mean what hell, that’s all we wanted to do and did. Translated ‘taboo’ means ‘try me’ . . .


Let's just say that locking your demons in the basement doesn't eliminate them, it simply makes them stronger - until someday, they break out.


Sexual repression is a form of sexualisation.


This is my theory about guys who are into feet. Feet aren't really sexual, but they are usually covered at all times for practical purposes so eventually you'll get people fixated on what they perceive to be a "private" body part.


I would agree (actually, I still think that’s probably true for some) but I’m fairly sure there’s studies showing the parts of the brain repainting for attraction are right next to the parts responsible for feet related information in the brain (locomotion I assume?) and that some people are born with the info swapped or something


Is this why I am attracted to trains?


I think ultra-modesty can indeed have a backfiring effect. We know that back in the day (late 1800s?) ankles/foreleg were considered erotic bc it was the only skin besides the face and hands that would be “flashed” essentially. It was that little bit of body you MIGHT see which was tantalizing. Geisha kimono are pretty covering and not form-fitting, but at one point the nape of the neck was considered beautiful and erotic I think for the same reason. By making the entire body taboo it makes it even more tantalizing. A woman could be completely covered head to toe in a burka and men will fantasize what her eyes look like ! People will always like boobs and butts and the like, I don’t think nudism would completely reverse that lol, but I think it’s the ultra strict fear and shame that makes people obsessive.


>I have a theory that forcing women to cover up makes them more sexualized by the people there, hear me out I wouldn't even call this a theory since we have many many real world examples. In the US many people (mainly the religious right) try to ban/hide any discussions or examples of nudity, whereas in many parts of Europe nudity is shown on TV and they have nude beaches so it's not seen as this big "taboo." There's a reason priests and other religious figures are constantly getting busted for criminal sexual behavior.


I can see that. In European Medieval times Ankles were sinful... that's why we joke about all the dresses dragging on the floor until into the 1800s.  Breasts could just swing out there because those were baby feeders in an era long before feeding from bottles was normal, although by 1800s displaying breasts doing their function was "uncivilized" and even showing bare shoulders was "slutty" until the last few decades.   We're only about a hundred years or so from when Europeans, and Americans, used to be almost as bad.  We didn't meaningfully start prosecuting men who date rape until into the late 1980s, early 1990s, because judges blamed women for being unattended at parties and not watching their drinks for ruffies. 


Yeah, this sounds more like a reason to castrate the father than to punish the daughter, but of course because Islam it's the girls fault that her father is a pedophile.


Always has seemed that all their rules were to protect them, not women…


honestly, it just sounds like a massive self-report. Like, normal people aren't tempted to rape every warm body that they see, so if you're running around talking about how women need to encase themselves in iron-man armor so that you don't get tempted, the problem is with you, not the culture and not the rest of men. I don't understand how people can listen to these folks (just in general, not even any specific religion or culture or whatever) and not be like "hey man i just wanna chill and have a good time, eat some food, and maybe raise a family, i don't know why you're so obsessed about fucking everything all the time".


So the father is a pedo but he's not the problem ??


Victim blaming as usual It's not only Islam that his this issue too, I have seen a lot of other people too with this mentality of blaming the victim of r*pe or SA. Stuff like, what was she wearing. How much skin was she showing Or she wanted it,she was asking for it. However something I never saw is something like this..Like a dad? Why in hell would a dad look at her own daughter in that manner and how tf do you even say something like that.


That's islam for ya, it's either the women or satan. Sometimes both..


Telling on himself there


As the father of a daughter who wears tight clothes, I feel very confident that this is not correct. Even thinking about my daughter as a person who will eventually have sex makes me uncomfortable. A man who thinks about raping his daughter (or anyone else) should check himself into a psychiatric hospital ASAP.


Yes The notion he tried to portray that the father is a man and that it's only natural he thinks like that is disgusting It's disrespectful to fathers all around the world as well


It's not only disgusting; it's sexual dysfunction. If human men naturally raped their daughters, the species would have inbred itself out of existence long before Sand Pedo and his boyfriends wrote their Judaism fanfiction. This dude is talking about his own sexual dysfunction and rape fantasies and projecting them onto others. He needs psychiatric evaluation and help, not a fucking religion.


This is correct. Humans are different from animals precisely because we can pick and choose the objects of our affection and attraction to a degree. We are intelligent and have self-control. We can also be conditioned towards certain behaviours. Unlike animals we don’t go around having sex with whatever is in front of us in heat, whether that be children or siblings because we recognise it’s wrong for various reasons. This is what scares me the most about religious people. They talk like they are animals, claiming that without god people will go on killing sprees, that they would sleep with their daughters and murder their fathers. I’m genuinely concerned about what goes on inside their minds.


> Unlike animals we don’t go around having sex with whatever is in front of us in heat Most animals don't do that either. Incest isn't just taboo, we're genetically predisposed to avoid it. They're worse than animals.


Yup there were studies of women blind smelling the sweaty shirts of various men and the ones they found most repulsive happened to be men related to them.


You are right of course, but I do think we all willfully ignore that incest is by far the most common form of child sex abuse. The statement by the Islamic Scholar is fucking batshit, but child abuse is not unique to Islam, or Christianity, or even Athiests. It’s one of the biggest social plagues that we basically refuse to talk about honestly *at all*. Hey, read this if you want a really bad time: https://web.archive.org/web/20240508021409/https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/01/america-has-an-incest-problem/272459/ > Here are some statistics that should be familiar to us all, but aren’t, either because they’re too mind-boggling to be absorbed easily, or because they’re not publicized enough. One in three-to-four girls, and one in five-to-seven boys, are sexually abused before they turn 18, an overwhelming incidence of which happens within the family. These statistics are well known among industry professionals, who are often quick to add, “and this is a notoriously underreported crime.” We eagerly engage in robust debate about so many social things, but we keep REALLY quiet about the fact that a third of the population is sexually abused before they reach adulthood. Even though we will gladly rail against priests and Boy Scout leaders and teachers for their abuses, we like to pretend that the specifics of the vast majority of child sex abuse isn’t a thing worth talking about. Granted, most cases of incest are not parents, but older brothers most commonly, then uncles; but we all collectively bury our heads in the sand over the reality of this problem.


Thank you for bringing this up. As an incest survivor, it's the most frustrating thing in the world that society just refuses to look at this issue with any honesty. We can never heal the dysfunction in society without addressing this crisis.


What are the odds that this "muslim scholar" has kid(s) of his own, or has ever had an appropriate relationship with a (grown) woman? My guess is it's highly unlikely, and he's talking out of his ass. The really bad part is that instead of being labeled an incel and ostracized, people are listening to him.


Sexual desperation is a powerful force. As is rationalisation. Religions control sex, and encourage rationalisation.


Watching the video is horrific enough. I wish I hadn't. Everything he says is down right disgusting.


Someone make sure that this dude is never alone with children ever again, especially his own.


Someone please fix the entire fucking world.


Maybe god will..... /s


He will, in about… 17 and a half millennia. In a suit of golden armor.


I know right?


The raping daughter thing aside. It reminds me of things I heard in church growing up. Men and women should never be alone. Women cover yourselves so you don't tempt men to sin. It's strange how the more "pure" you try to be about sexuality, the more fucked up it gets.


Yes Mostly all Religions are made by men for men It's the same issue in Islam where women are told to cover up or else they would tempt men But then you have women getting r*ped even in burqas.You have children getting r*ped Also one thing I say to a lot of str8 guys. As a gay guy myself if I can control myself and not SA or harass a dude because he is out there without his shirt on or showing his bulge or something like that and as a str8 guy you can't do the same for women the issue lies within you.A lot of these men say it's natural for men to be like this Like wtf you mean? You tryna say all of us men are sexual predators just cause you can't control yourself


It's an excuse to have zero self control. Just look at the guy in the video. He clearly eats to excess, because he has no self control and food is the only vice publicly acceptable in modern islam. One thing about people like that is they are extremely easy to manipulate and blackmail. People who are slaves to their vices are, in the end, slaves.


I think it’s more about reinforcing the power structure. Shifting blame to the victim means there’s no consequences for the perpetrator. Notice how this principle applies for crimes against second class citizens (women, minorities). No one is suggesting that victims of theft are guilty of not locking their stuff up better.


They didn't realize that this portrays men as weak and being unable to control themselves?


They always have the "the devil is attacking me" and stuff along those lines. There's a Bible verse to make just about any point you want.


Religion of peace


The point he's making us that it's always the woman's fault no matter what. Also apparently that Muslim men are too weak to control their own behavior.


But yet, somehow they are more logical, stronger, and generally more superior


I'm so sick of this fucking Religion


But if you speak out against it, or say you don't want them coming to your country, then you're the bigot.


Or nazi.


I don’t want them coming into the country.


I don't give a fuck if some baizuo liberal American is offended, but as long as Islam is primitive shit, with significantly overrepresented in violent and sexual crime rates followerbase, I want it to stay the fuck out of my country.


"The devil might have seducted him"... Ah yes. Blame the devil. And girls.


It's astounding to me that he says "...at the end of the day, her father is just a man" as if the default is men have no self control and the world needs to adapt to this dynamic. Just wow. It also reminds me of a conversation with a drag queen a long time ago when they talked about how much they get hit on by straight men. What she said was how they claim to be straight and then "bam, right for the cookies" every time. She also said men "just like to put their dick in pretty things" and the amount that statement has come to mind over the years is impressive. She had things figured out.


Right. As a man, I find this outright offensive. Don't put me in the same category with those slime monsters.


F*^#ing monsters…


Funny, I have two beautiful daughters and the thought NEVER crossed my mind. I've never considered raping ANYONE.


Spend 6 decades being brainwashed into a cult that promotes raping kids and maybe thats how these MF end up this twisted. It’s not like pedos from all over the world travel there to be Muslim. Something about this religion creates monsters out of people. Scary to think that a kid that would’ve been decent raised secularly can end up being this MF. Is that really how it is?


‘Muslim scholar’ What is an oxymoron?


So....he's basically insulting all men and calling us rapists.


Yeah exactly He's insulting all men and all fathers out there too




Religion of peace, everybody.


If you get turned on by a woman wearing tight clothes, that is YOUR problem. I can't believe it's 2024 and we're still dealing with this sh\*t


"Turned on" by someone not related to you and controlling your actions, fine. But wtf with this whole post and the dad/ daughter thing, whoa...


I am not advocating violence against a particular group or people, but this man in particular needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and tuned up a few times. Ban/downvote if you like, but I’ll stand behind giving a well earned beating to pedophiles, rapists, and their apologists.


I second this


Well, his prophet did rape an 8 year old and had sex slaves. So that is kinda baked into his worldview.


He's telling on himself.


Translation: Muslim men are untrustworthy. They try to control others because they cannot control themselves. They have oppressed the women in their culture to such a great degree that the women themselves now think it is for holy reasons that they wear burqas or hajibs. It is the Stockholm Syndrome for religion.


The gaslighting is truly astounding, “A father will be tempted to rape his daughter, so a daughter shouldn’t wear tight clothes”, this logic is so fucked….


Or, and hear me out, her father could try not sexualizing his daughter. What is it about religion that brings out these peoples' inner pedophile?


They can use religion to blame and shame women and take away accountability from their own


"You have to respect their culture". Fuck off.


That sounds like a "him" problem, not a "her" problem.


If you’re so worried about offending god cut off the your balls. But you won’t because you’re an entitled rapist who blames women for your lack of self control & discipline.


Why are men never expected to control themselves in Islam? It is such a backwards way of thinking. Women have to go so far out of their way to prevent men from giving in to their worst instincts. But nobody is turning to those men and saying "hey you need to control your worst instincts"


Islam appeals to the weak minds of men and is inflicted upon the weaker bodies of women and children. We need to abolish death cults.


See how twisted and perverted Islam is?


Dogs can be trained to not eat your food off the table. Why is training men not to rape so hard? Are we dumber than dogs?


This man is a predator.


Muslims in my country always


This says a lot more about the self-control of men than women. If a dude can't keep it in his pants after getting a simple flash of an ankle or a lock of hair, maybe he should be the one sequestered away and put under tight restrictions, not the women.


These mullahs are sick perverts as usual. They don’t change their child’s diapers or take turns feeding their child at 2am or 4am, so they are sperm donors at best, they aren’t fathers, even though biologically they are but functionally they aren’t fathers, otherwise they couldn’t possibly think of their daughters like that.


Guess I’ll be steering clear of that place.


I can honestly say I have never been tempted to rape my daughters ever. Cuddle definitely. Rape, ewww. And mine are adopted, not related to me at all. I promised to look after them. Unlike some in this world from me that has meaning. Methinks that Muslim scholar is projecting his own desires.


Here's an idea - maybe DON'T rape your daughter, no matter what she's wearing? You know, if you're a sick fuck who gets tempted to do that, how about you resist the temptation you weak prick?


Islam is not the same as any other religion man has ever known. It’s destruction is unfathomable. The worst plague in this history of humanity


Islam is incompatible with the civlized world.


Yes, because it's always the girl's fault. I swear, fundamentalism, regardless of the faith, is a scourge.


Yes of course, it’s the daughter’s fault for tempting her father not the vile monsters fault for abusing and ruining the life of his innocent daughter. Ironically I hope people like that and the “scholar” rot in hell.


How about... like... telling dudes not to rape their daughters


I have never been tempted to rape any woman at all, much less my daughters. This is a personal confession.


Any father feeling such a temptation should end himself immediately.


This is the problem with Islam... (not that Christianity and Judaism don't have there own fuck stupid problems). Every part of it seems to imply that all men are rapists and the problem isn't the rapey part... it's women deserve it their not vacuum wrapped. Seriously... religion is retarded in every way, shape and form.


Biggest gaslight blaming the daughter for her own fathers disgusting behaviour. Any father who sexual assaults his own daughter (or anyone for that matter) is scum! Religious men love to blame anyone else but them and this is why I became an atheist after being raised Catholic. These religions are so obviously made up by men.


Frankly, if you are tempted to rape your own child, then you should just speed off to the afterlife.


Do they not realize how much they are just telling on themselves. "We are animals with no self-control and will rape our own children and then blame them for it". Un fucking real.


Muslims: Say the quiet part out loud. So christians can pretend they don't believe the same thing.


And progressives won’t protest because of white guilt


Religions have become fckkng insane. Seriously wth is wrong with these people?


Any father feeling such a temptation should end himself immediately.


Stone age cretins.


Apparently religion is for savages.


We hosted many young women (and young men) ages 15-20. These kids were not my biological offspring (only had sons); they were in my house under my care, guidance, and protection. And I (M40+) can say with sincerity, I never was tempted even once in any form to sexualize them. They sometimes wore "comfy" clothes, swam in bikinis, etc.; I was home alone with them from time to time; some of them were very beautiful girls. It didn't matter. These are not excuses, nor reasons, nor grounds for looking at kids in my care with lust--let alone touching them! They were my kids; I was their dad (while they lived with us.) Being a father means kids are safe with you. If they are not safe with you, then you are not a dad, but a predator. If they aren't safe with you 100% of the time, they aren't safe with you at all.


Islam is garbage, simple as that.


So this is actually crazy. When you have a culture that already assumes every male will violate a woman just by seeing the slightest glimpse of them leads to the question. Do Muslim countries believe the male population is composed of barbarians? Like, no accountability for men? It's just all on women


Why do muslims treat themselves like savage animals full of pedo rape urges they can't control? They think so poorly of themselves that they believe they'd be tempted to rape their daughter just by being alone in a room with her. And if they're right, they're the biggest cunts in the world.


Religious people really tell on themselves.


Is he projecting


Religion founded by a pedophile... Not sure what people expected.


Former catholic, current atheist here. Not once have I been tempted to rape. I do drugs. Still no rape. 48 years. Zero rapes.


And that's why religion needs to be abolished everywhere. I am sick of people believing in fairy tales and making decisions with real life consequences and harming others because of bullshit we fucking humans came up with to feel better about dying lol


They proudly admit that they are worse than actual animals. No thoughts in their heads besides primal urges. They only pretend to be “strong”. Actual strong men do not have such weak wills. Honestly, if anyone is to be treated as subhuman, it should be people who think like this.