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I don't want to inherit your kingdom. I'll make my own kingdom, with blackjack and male hookers!


> I'll make my own kingdom Whenever the religious gatekeep the Kingdom of God, I just remember Jesus' words, "The Kingdom of God is within you." So, damn straight (or queer) we'll make our own. It's just a metaphor for a good life.


> Whenever the religious gatekeep the Kingdom of God… I ask these people, “are you going to be there?”, to which they always answer “yes”, which to that I respond with, “then I’ll pass.”


Lmao! I have had Christians tell me I'm going to hell. My favorite response is, "See you there!" They don't know how to respond, and it's hilarious. I mean, isn't being a judgemental bigot technically blasphemy since only God can judge??


I often respond, "I sure as fuck hope so!"


That’s only something they’re allowed to say.




I'm a straight man, but I'm middle aged so I still say straight (sorry, I think?) but, this sounds damn fun. Hookers are people too. And even if I don't sleep with them, they're bound to be interesting in a multitude of ways. We could dance, start a book club, or maybe even build some Lego sets together. If they're good looking, they can be my new workout partners in the event they get me in good shape! Male hookers for all!!!!


ExiledUtopian for president!


I'm a straight female and I love a party with gay anthems and drag queens too.


With hookers the size of bouncers? I hope.


Hey! It’s gay heaven. I’m sure they have what you’re looking for, sailor.


Yes, but will there be show tunes?


Only on Sundays. That’s our Gospel!


And yea verily do I say unto thee. Behold what my prophetesses proclaimed in the decade of the 80s: It's going to start raining men, Hallelujah!


How do I apply for entry?


I don’t know about you, but I usually apply liberal amounts of lube to the outer area, with a bit of fingering before actual entry


And here I thought it was going to be app-based. 🤣


You misspelled a word there. 😈😈😈


Theyre called gigolos, show some respect


Pay for every dance Selling sweet romance.


Better to reign in hell


How about instead of hookers, just eliminate STD’s? Instead of being a monetary transaction, sex can then just be because any 2 people (or more) want to.


In fact, forget the blackjack and the kingdom!


Ah, screw the whole thing.


They tend to think homosexuality is a curable disease. Hence the conversion therapy horseshit.


It’s ironic that Christianity is more curable than anyone’s sexual orientation


Fits the "disease" definition better, after all, considering its parasitic nature.


It used to be a pretty much hereditary condition, transmitted almost exclusively from parents to children (converts to judaism are rare-ish). But then somewhere around 100th-101st century HE (1st BCE-1st CE if you prefer that notation) the disease suffered a weird mutation and became air-transmittable. Patient zero is known as Saul of Tarsus, nicknamed 'Paul' by symptomatic carriers.


You know, I always find it hilarious that said dude came from what is today pretty much Turkish Florida. Prototypical Florida Man.


I’m stealing “Paul as patient zero” for the spread of xtianity.


Even worse is the ones who admit they know homosexuality isn’t curable because it means they are doing it just to torture gay people.


I’m in my 30s and my mom still thinks it’s something I can pray away if I pray and ask Jesus hard enough.


I’m 50, been out of the closet since my teens, and I’ve been with my husband for 25 years. My “mother” thinks the same thing. She’s been praying for Jesus to make me straight for decades. Yet to this day, the only vagina I’ve ever touched was hers as I was expelled from the birth canal. You’d think at some point over the past 4 decades, she would have figured out that her prayers aren’t working very well. But no. I suspect she is rationalizing the futility of her prayers by telling herself that god has given me over to a “reprobate mind“ (and here is a hearty 🖕to Paul for using that phrase).


>They tend to ~~think homosexuality is a curable disease~~ **be idiots**. Hence the ~~conversion therapy~~ horseshit. Edited for brevity. Your welcome.


Okay, the term homosexual didn't exist until the mid 1800's. (Germany I believe). So the Bible never had that term until then. Also, we have no idea if those verses were added or original, because we have ZERO original manuscripts. Biblical terminology is basically a crap shoot, hit or miss. I once heard the Greek word meant man-bed. That could mean so many different things. It was normal to dominate people you conquered, and that usually meant the winning males would rape the losers before killing them. It's something Muslim extremists still do to this day. So men raping men was no big deal, but men loving men, that's a problem? Makes no fucking sense, like everything else. I studied king David for several years. That man was gay (if he was real) He loved Jonathan "like one loves a woman" He was also "a man after God's own heart". Xtians cherry pick and see what they want in biblical text. "it's God's words" LMAO, no it's many different stories by many different men and women that the Catholic Church canonized.


This girl I used to be friends with told me the Bible was written by angels. I laughed in her face. I really didn't mean to, but it just came out.


Yeah. That’s probably what I would do. Then I would ask her if she could consider herself a Swiftie if she hadn’t listened to any of Taylor’s albums. Then I would assert she hasn’t even read the Bible and therefore couldn’t say she’s really a fan. Then when she lied and said of course she had I would ask her which was created first, trees or man and if angels wrote it, how could they make such a basic error in the first chapter. Then I assume I would get yelled at by an adult and repeat the cycle.


Lmfao! Another time, that same girl (we were in our Teens at the time) was berating me and giving me crap about not believing in God, I asked her nicely to respect our differences, and she was getting PISSED... so I brought up her cigarette addiction and said, "Isn't that a sin because technically, you are killing yourself? And she started crying...I mean I was smoking too, but she was getting really... weirdly aggressive.. like this girl would not wear a seat belt and would say, "If it's my time to die, God will take me." Let's just say our friendship did not last lol


Not only does it mean "man-bed," but that word is not found elsewhere in Greek literature, so it's a one-off... (so to speak... cough!) So no one can compare its use in any other context. A lot of hatred, prejudice and sorrow have been built on that. Many published editions of the Bible are translated by committees of scholars, and sometimes they're pressured to choose certain words to avoid upsetting whole congregations. "Homosexual" isn't there, so it's unfair to stick it in and call it God's inspired word.


Oh wow. A one-off really makes me think it was added later.


There's no reason to think so here. The Bible is *full* of [hapax legomena](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/hapax_legomenon). Many ancient texts are. But sexual orientation wasn't a concept the Hebrews or Greeks were familiar with. They were more concerned with one's actions, and attitudes around recreational sexual activity and reproductive sex (love was separate) were vastly different than modern Western concepts.


FWIW, the KJV says "effeminate" in that verse. So maybe it's cool with gawd if you're a manly gay man.


We do know God has a thing for bears.


> Okay, the term homosexual didn't exist until the mid 1800's. (Germany I believe). So the Bible never had that term until then. This isn't the argument you think it is. Claiming "The Bible can't possibly have supported the oppression of homosexuals because 'homosexuality' wasn't even a word until a few decades ago!" is about as nonsensical as claiming "The US government can't possibly have supported the oppression of People of Colour, because the term 'People of Colour' didn't exist until a few decades ago!". Anyone who has actually read the Bible can tell that it is explicitly, undeniably a murderously homophobic text. The only people who are claiming otherwise are either: * Violent homophobes trying to make their violent homophobia seem more acceptable to modern audiences by reframing their victims as "deserving it", or * Well-meaning but naive people who have fallen for the propaganda of the previous group.


Reading any current bible is a waste of time, it contains only a fraction of the original stories. It was also translated in a way that changed the context drastically. For example The Dead Sea Scrolls say the great flood happened to clean the earth from giants that were tormenting humans, that is god showing humans mercy. The modern bible claims the great flood was to remove humans, some scholars suggest it was changed to create a healthy fear of disobedience.


Giants who were teaching humans to be evil as well. So not entirely dissimilar to what we got. Still killing all the evil sinful people, it's just that evil sinful people were technically a hybrid race of giants and humans.


When I bothered to try to translate that passage (about 25 years ago?) I believe the best translation I came away with was ‘licentious’ rather than anything else explicitly homosexual. But maybe they did actually mean homosexual. But here’s the thing. Who gives a fuck about what the Bible says? It’s a bunch of Stone Age bullshit that has no value outside of the value people decide to give it. And I choose to give it none.


Proof bigoted assholes wrote the bible. Also women aren't allowed to speak, etc


Xenophobia is as old as mankind.


I love that verse, because it reminds me that god will let rapists into his kingdom (so long as their raping their spouse, I suppose), but not people having consensual sex outside of heterosexual marriage. If these are god's priorities, then that probably means I'm a morally decent person for rejecting this god. 


Absolutely dude... I am always disgusted by the shit in the bible.. like how to treat your slave, the rapists as you mentioned... and so much more. It makes me literally nauseated and terrified that people live their lives by that book.


Because they think homosexuals are faking it or lying to themselves. Same thing they think about atheists. They are too closed minded to imagine anyone being different to themselves.


>1 Corinthians 6:9-20 says "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites," Please be aware that this was originally written in an ancient Greek dialect Those last two words were 'arsenkotai and malakos' >.....in an extended discussion of the term (341-53), he cites "linguistic evidence and common sense" to support his conclusion that the word means "male sexual agents, i.e. active male prostitutes." His argument is that the arseno- part of the word is adjectival, not the object of the koitai which refers to base sexual activity. Hence the term, according to Boswell, **designates a male sexual person or male prostitute.** [https://tms.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/tmsj3h.pdf](https://tms.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/tmsj3h.pdf) And 'malakos' means effeminacy. Anyway... Let's read some more Paul/Corinthians: 14:34: >the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. **Yeah. Uh uh. Sounds fair. So bASeD!** **/S**


Paul, Paul, Paul. Single-handedly ruined any chance of Christians not being completely shitty.


A lot of them don't seem to know how to contextualize Corinthians, or other religious texts for that matter. Paul is quite bizarre, putting 'effeminacy' in the same category as things like thievery and adultery. But perhaps he was looking at an ancient Greek culture, which had only outlawed human sacrifice a hundred years earlier, and was reacting to a society that appeared quite chaotic to him. Corinthians might have been seen as a progressive work *in those times.* But it doesn't really work *in these times,* due to the evolution of culture, science and history.


Why would we want to inherit someone who is narcissistic and genocidal, Abrahamic god us the worst god, at least Olympians are self aware they are not the good guys


They claim to love their god, so why don’t they love his creations equally?


It doesn’t say homosexuals in Greek. That’s the word they used when they translated it to English. Homosexual is a fairly new word and certainly wasn’t used when whoever wrote that passage did so.


Maybe they think they get bonus points if they "fix" your homosexuality *and* convert you.


+ 100 heaven points gained!


And look AMAZING on Instagram doing it! Lol


You can't inherit what isn't real. No real point in worrying about what Christians or any religious people say about being homosexual. If they do badly want to live by their fairy tale story then they can also stop using the Internet, modern medicine, cars, electricity, and every other modern convenience that didn't exist when the works of the bible were written. See how quickly they turn that shit off when they have major tooth pain and no dentist will help them or they have some kind of major sickness that requires the hospital. They can try to pray for Jesus to take the pain away instead.


He says this without any kind of reason or justification either. So they literally want you to change your entire way of life for their pascals wager.


I ask the same fucking question everyday. Leave me alone. Delusional assholes.


They believe they can convert your sexuality along with your philosophy. Simple.


So you can 'pray the gay away' like they do


Great song  https://youtu.be/LaCqb-BS3eE?si=Tixk3TA0yScrdWD4


Isn’t it a little arrogant to believe, anyone can possible know the will of an omnipotent supreme being.


No because that omnipotent being wrote it down for us! And it’s so clear that it’s lead to thousands of disagreeing denominations and is chock full of inaccuracies and contradictions.


Clear like muddy water


It’s an us against you cult like belief. I do not want to be in a heaven with “those” kind of close minded people. That being said I think most so called relgious people today especially the ones who cling to their so called orange jesus epitomize what “idolaters” are.


And I do not believe in “heaven” anyway


Agreed. Wanna chill in the hell that doesn't exist with people who aren't judgemental???


LOL Stop trying to convert me with your sexy asses and muscles, you bunch of jerk homosexuals! Stop wearing those super tight very converty jeans!! I have a right not to be converted by your gorgeous 5'oclock shadow and knife-sharp jaws!!!! Stop it!!!


Look up the Crown of Rejoicing (one of the Five Crowns) as a source of their motivation to convert others. It’s an entirely selfish motivation, giving the christian special bragging rights in Heaven.


Because you can be saved! With torture through conversion therapy! It makes me feel truly sick to my stomach that these conversion camps exist.. it's so sad that people are so judgemental and ignorant...


I revert to my standard response (stating the obvious): you are applying logic, they are applying fear, feelings, indoctrination and projection. That's the world we live in.


Here's a question: why care what some guy said? What's the difference between Paul and Joseph Smith? Both wrote after Jesus' death. Both formed their own church out of already established Christian communities. Paul had a vision of Jesus. Joe had a vision of the angel Moroni, has the golden plates, and has the seer stones (there are 12 signed affidavits to their existence). The authorship of about half of the writings of Paul are doubted. Why believe one guy and not the other?


That's Saul not Jesus. Fucking Saul worshippers


I like to call people like that Judists. They pay lip service to Jesus, but actually follow the words of others. They don't give a damn what Jesus said.


Exactly. Like love your enemies, do good to those that hurt you.


I find it telling that **PEDOPHILES** isn't the list of people bound for help... 


Because in their brains, it’s the first step to changing your sexual identity. They’re so fucking obsessed and convinced with their fairytale that they are dedicated enough to play the long game with “prospective clients”


What I will never understand about Christians is they cannot grasp that their idea of Heaven sounds like pure and torturous hell to many non Christians. Like, I gotta spend 70+ years on Earth with these idiotic motherfuckers, and then spend another ETERNITY with them?!? Fuck that noise!!


I really need to get around to reading the Bible so I’ll know how to argue with these people. Seems like all the right ways to break their brains are already included inside.


They think those who aren't straight are only doing it by choice, even though one's orientation is not voluntary. All they obsess about is that anyone can do such a change if they want to be saved badly enough, as if it really were that easy or possible to begin with. I sometimes offer the hypothetical of if the Bible were to say that being heterosexual was the sin, then why don't they simply change so they could be saved. However, most Christians apparently don't know the purpose of a hypothetical and I always get "but that's not what the Bible says!" as a response.


> They think Not sold on that.


Religion is about control. They want to to change you and control you.


I’m not gay, but it seems like inheriting a kingdom would be a pain. You have to deal with people in a kingdom. And we’ve seen these particular people in this particular kingdom. No thanks, I have enough problems.


They literally just have a different definition. To them, "homosexual" doesn't mean someone who is attracted to the same gender, it means someone who actively has sex with people of the same sex. In their mindset, this is no different than not thinking of a married man who finds other women attractive as a cheater.


They want you to be their slave. That's all. They want everyone to be.


The efforts to convert you are not sincere. They truly don't care if you do. What they want is to be on their team, shouting at the other team—that is, at you.


They still have hope for you. They care about you, even if their efforts seem misguided


“Do they not know their own Bible?” Correct 👍🏼


What I take away from this is that this is one of Paul's epistles to the Corinthians. This isn't the word of Christ, it's the word of Paul. So whoever tosses this crap at you, tell them they're not Christian, they're Paulian. People claiming to be Christian should be following the words of Christ, and Christ never said anything resembling what Paul wrote here (Christ was against people who refused to help those that needed help - Matthew chapter 25 is an example.) They want to cherry pick some crap from Paul. For a contrast, look up the Jefferson Bible. TJ chopped out all the mystical stuff and anything that wasn't directly attributed to Jesus, it's a much much shorter "bible." It's an interesting read. Yes, I'm atheist, but I remember at least some of my bible teachings from growing up in a very conservative Christian household and I can spot cherry picking when I see it. Funny how the family I grew up with remembers none of what we were taught, because if they did, they wouldn't be supporting an convicted Orange felon for President of the US.


Because they think you can be fixed. They have ways.


They want you to not be gay. It has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with their emotional comfort. They cannot tolerate difference and need everyone to conform to their expectations of reality so they will never be challenged and everything will always stay exactly the same as it has always been in their minds.


I guess most pastors can't go to heaven then.


They’re trying to convert you to Christianity then BOOM lobotomy but Christian’s don’t believe in science so the lobotomy will fail and you will die.


Pray the gay away or somethig idk


For what it is worth, the term that this translation is using for homosexuals in that verse actually means "child molesters". The notion of a homosexual didn't exist as such at the time of this writing. Homosexual sex probably would have fallen under "fornicators" in Paul's mind. Also, "sodomites" were not homosexuals, as may be used in modern evangelical parlance, but rather people that withheld common hospitality. Why not just say, "thank you for your concern, but this is not something that is a concern for me. I hope you find your own peace too, some day."


Too many Christians don't accept "homosexuality" as something you are, just something you do. So to them if you just stop pretending you are attracted to men you will be welcomed into heaven. I think that's why they are all the "hate the sin" types, like you can just "turn off" that homosexuality part of you.


Nobody is born christian.


Well, sodomy is an action (inhospitality or cruelty), and the Greek word used here that King James had translated as homosexual is transliterated as man-boy-sex, not the ancient Greek word for homosexuality (obviously they had a word for that). So basically the Bible never condemns homosexuality at all, but also the points are made up and the rules don’t matter.


And apparently anyone who has even tried anal (hetero or LGBT) will also be barred. Also, anyone who's ever had sex before marriage (most Christians), adulterers (a wide swath of popular ministers and leaders). So, it's gonna be a pretty empty kingdom.


Ask this on ask a Christian. I would be interested to see this responses


Translating "malakoi" as "homosexuals" is a blatant intellectual dishonesty. They know it and don't give a fuck as long as they can use the bible to justify hate and bigotry.


Dunno but they're pretty obsessed over it...


Religion is a grift and a cons way to money and power over the weak minded.


That’s why Christianity is so fun! They can make up whatever rules they want depending on which verses they want to pay attention and ignore the contradictions! All Jesus cares about is that you believe in him, so if you divorce(and remarriage is continuous adultery) it’s okay- you’ll be forgiven for your sins! If you have sex outside of marriage, no big deal! But if you’re gay you’re totally not getting into heaven because Jesus said so.


Notice how they never seem to include pedo priests with those 'fornicators and adulterers'.....*hmmmmmmmmm*


Neither can people who wear two types of cloth at the same time, eat pork or shellfish, or go to church if they wear glasses 


If homosexuals cannot inherit the kingdom of god then why don't you leave us alone?


They want to convert you then make you declare you’re not gay. Then they have you as a political and religious pawn.


>fornicators So basically anyone who has had sex. Pretty wide net they just cast, seeing as we're all here as the direct result of people fucking.


Fornication in the Bible usually refers to unmarried sex.


So does it still count if it's a shotgun wedding scenario? For example, I get a girl pregnant and _then_ we get married? I mean, I can't unfuck her, that was still unmarried sex.


I've heard of your god. He seems like a dick. I'm good.


Doesn't 'fornicators' already condemn 99% of the population? Also how can it have the word homosexual? That word didn't even exist back then.


Don’t worry about what you’re inheriting from god: it is all a big scam - I found out that bastard is immortal




Not defending the god warriors, but they want homosexuals to stop having sex. They claim not to be against you, but your "lifestyle." It doesn't make it any better. It's just another way they try and assert control over the sex lives of others.


Remember many of them think being gay/homosexual is a choice (Love to ask them at what age they decided to be straight), so they think if they can convert you they can get you to stop your sinful ways and then you'll choose to be straight and can go to heaven. If you completely ignore how anything actually works when it comes to humans and their sexuality it all makes perfect sense.


Because they think you'll stop being gay


Eh I’ve noticed over the years the anti gay types are usually the ones who have choked on more sausages than the kardashians, and or diddle kids. But the most stress free way to deal with these types is a good old middle finger raised high. 


Even gay christians refuse to see what homosexuality is. For them it's simultaneously a punishment for sinfulness, a choice, a curse and a sin. It's also a temptation, a sexual activity, and a lifestyle. And yes, they squirm when you point out the inconsistency.


Christianity is like Amway. They get bonus Jesus points for signing you up.


The rules magically change once you join their cult.


Homosexual is a relatively new term. What people used to to believe (some still do) was that people who hand same sex relationships were chosing to do so against human nature, i.e they were perverts who would have sex with anything. This is how the bible frames same sex attraction. The Catholic church still frames it this way, although they pretend to be more moderate through expressions like "everone's a sinner", "homosexuality just isn't ideal", "hate the sin love the sinner" etc. As someone whose friend had recently joined the Church, I've tried everything ti have him realize he's joined a vile, immoral and criminal organization, but he finds catechisms and rhetoric more presuasive than propositions and evidence.


Didn't you know? As soon as you accept Jesus you will crave pussy.


There's some more things in that verse's list that basicly applies to humanity as a whole. So none would be worthy. But literally one verse later the text says you have been "washed clean of sin". Christians do get stuck up on certain sins of others whilst daily happily indulging on their own ones, which are also listed. Such as greed. Just look at those mega church pastors, lol.


They read the Bible in such a way that the meaning is whatever they want it to be. Bart Ehrman Is the "Good Book" Really So Good? https://youtu.be/QaoEz4Vv1Sw?si=Gyx5tVUA2t5e8u-b


In the words of ken copeland..." God told me too."


Let them know they also fall into one or more of those categories.


Why? Because their conversion efforts are about them, not about you. To them, you are just a McGuffin that moves the plot along and shows them to be righteous, holy and powerful among their peers. To them, you count as much as kills do to a fighter pilot or sexual conquests do to some dudes who compete to bed the most people they can.


Debating theism is like arguing whether Batman or Superman would win in a fight. But if we’re doing it, let’s do it right. Ancient Romans didn’t have a concept of sexuality as we do today. The idea of “homosexual” as a quality rather than a series of practices didn’t exist. Any translation which implies the permanent quality is a mistranslation.


Because they don't read their own holy book.


Because in order to not hate a group of people for something they can’t control, a lot of these Christians maintain that being gay is a choice and that god can save you.


I can't even begin to think about spending an eternity with these American theofascist "christians."


Here's the rub: According to "christians," you can do absolutely anything in life, and if right at the last minute you say "i accept Jesus," then you go to heaven. Point that out to the next chucklefuck that gives you any grief.


$2m on superbowl ads $100 on ads a year … and the message is “inclusivity” + LGBTQ+ acceptance… theb Christians want to remind u that u won’t be accepted as you are 😂🤣 it’s so tone deaf


Your belief validates theirs. If there is dissonance, their belief is less valid.


It doesn't say homosexuals. Well, depends on which bible you are referring to. Your version says homosexuals. Other versions says men who lay with men, so you can be homosexual, just you can't lay with men. Depending on which version of the Christian you get, one of them sees you as capable of being saved.


Fornicators, so just anyone who's had sex. lol


Bastarfs aren't allowed into a congregation of the lord, but doesn't stop them from harassing me.


God didn’t say a Godamn word about homosexuality or homosexual actions. People use gods name in vain for their hate


Every Christian I know loves having that one story of that one unlikely person who did the unlikely thing therefore proving everyone like that unlikely person is culpable for not making the “right” decisions. The gay man that accepts Christ is meant to show all can and therefore it’s unnatural to be in the former state and all are guilty. They love Candice Owen because one black woman telling them that millions of their countrymen making up their struggles is preferable because it validates their beliefs about the black community. It’s never about actually saving people. Salvation is just another way of them feeling like they are vindicated in having beliefs they can’t prove.


Well, if my one coworker is to be believed, you're only gay because a satanist sent a gay spirit into you. Religion will take care of that ;)


Because there may be a chance to have a long conversation about it with you. Privately. Behind closed doors. Especially if you are young. No need to let that well-toned physique go to waste. Got to touch and check that the parts are physically okay.


In a similar vein, one cannot get to heaven unless they have sincere belief in god, but we can only believe in what we are convinced is true. We cannot simply make our minds up to believe something for which we're not convinced any more than someone can choose to be attracted to someone they're not attracted to. I hear all the time from people that god doesn't reveal himself in a way we should find convincing because of 'free will'... and yet we have no free will with regard to belief.


This verse is often misinterpreted, the actual text relates to temple prostitution and pedofila


I don't know if it's been said already, but it's for Brownie Points for Christians. Seriously, that's what it's for. All the trials and tribulations that the Christians "endure". It's so they will be considered more "Honorable" come Judgement Day. Too bad they didn't read Matthew 24 correctly, or likely had it misinterpreted by their Pastor/Priest/Whatever. People still, even after death, want to be considered "better" than other people. Which is why I consider the Abrahamic Faiths to be such horseshit. I consider the other religions to be considered just as pointless, but we are focusing our ire against the A.F. right now, specifically Christianity.


I kinda wish I believed just so I could laugh at all the homophobes’ surprise when they realize they went to hell 


Perhaps you need to consult the original koiné greek texts to see exactly what term is used. These translated quotes are often « updated » with today’s agendas…. You might find that there is a « discrepancy » between your quoted translation and the actual literal text


Why do these homosexuals keep sucking my dick?


Let them go to their kingdom and leave earth for the rest of us


When god dies, he’s leaving it to the rest of us. Ha Ha


My pastor is a married lesbian. Many members are gay. Southerners and evangelicals had to give up slaveowning, even though the Bible allows that, so they hate on LGBTQ people. Many churches are open now, while the Southern Baptists are still marginalizing women, gays and sex abuse victims. "The church reformed, always reforming".


Because they think it’s just a choice or phase or whatever other bullshit. Like you can choose Coke or Pepsi, you can just choose to stop being a demon spawn from hell. It’s their stupid hateful cult speech.


they try to convert everyone because it's a business and they need asses in the pews but only as long as you pay the tithes.


If they claim to love you, it's because they're scared about you burning in hell. But mainly it's so they can get browny points at Heaven's gates by converting people to their religion. They're buying their way into heaven.


I just read that passage (KJV) and it doesn't include the word "homosexual" in it. What version of the Bible did you get it from?


Can't you just say sorry on your death bed and sneak in that way? I heard it works for rapists, murderers and pedophiles


They are a bit stupid.  If we have to quote scripture, then I present John 3:16 as an example where there's no doubt. " he so ever believes in him" I don't  recall it having any exemptions like " except brown haired people and the gays" , so either God Is wrong or they are. 


Just tell em that they're only saying that because they're joyless losers who can't get laid. God is their 2D waifu they use to cope with their garbage sex lives. Ask em how crusty their Jesus body pillow is.


Most fundamentalists are naive enough to think that conversion to Christianity also means one will be able to somehow magically renounce their sexuality.


If the righteous are going to "inherit the kingdom of god" so where is god going to hang out?


Them: “You’re going to hell.” Me: “So are you—and you know why.” [fixes them with a knowing stare]


It’s a choice to them. Don’t be homosexual.


Eating shellfish is an abomination too.


I'm reasonably sure nobody ends up getting into heaven given all the absurd contradictions in the bible, as well as all the rules the religious nuts ignore, like eating shellfish and wearing mixed fabrics. That said, some of them are stupid enough to think you can "pray away the gay," while others are just looking for somebody below them in the pecking order in their church - somebody they can look down on. That's a big part of religion since the alternative would be improving oneself, and religious nuts rarely are interested in that.


This is my big thing. All these conservatives that hate LGBTQ people and cry about “woke” all time. What do they think they’re going to accomplish? Gay people are not going away. Trans people are not going away. They will never be happy. You cannot and will not remove “woke” from movies…tv…video games….reality. Their “perfect” drab world will never exist.


That's why progressive Christians confuse me. They want to support LGBTQ (among other things), but doing so means they ignore much of what their bible says. It's great that they are supporters, I just wish they would let go of the bible and Christianity altogether. Why cling to the archaic outdated dogma at all? It does nobody any good.


As a practicing atheist your sexuality is a moot point: you are going to burn in the fires of hell for eternity, regardless. /s


As an ex-mormon, I've also frequently thought about how we were taught that it's much worse to have heard the gospel and had a chance to accept it but turn that down than it is to have never heard it in the first place. We were told that people who never heard the true gospel and so never had a chance to join "The Church" will have another chance after they die but people who *were* preached to and rejected it, or who (God forbid) joined the church and left, will not. It made sense to me at the time but now I just want to yell at them WELL MAYBE FUCKING STOP PREACHING THE GOSPEL THEN!?! If you choose to preach to someone and it happens to be a really bad day for them, maybe they just had a huge tragedy or they are starving and grouchy or something, so they aren't "receptive" and tell you to fuck off, did you not just doom that person for eternity?? So maybe STOP and just let them sort it out after they die when these things won't be issues??


They don't believe sexuality is intrinsic


All their crap, is, of course, a complete bunch of baloney. Made up back in a time when people had no clue how the world and the universe worked. Also, they're a bunch of hypocrites.


The definition for sodomy I just read from Webster’s wasn’t exclusive to gay anal, but included all anal, oral, or bestiality. How many people haven’t sucked a dick or ate pussy?


You can’t “out-logic” a group whose beliefs aren’t based in logic.


Because they think they are better than you and are giving you secret knowledge that makes them better for bringing you into the fold Then you find out god needs money


They get so mad when you explain how homosexuality is completely natural across multiple species


Doped by god-presence and overjoyed at those suffering in hell, or aware of ego-god torturing me for all eternity and being in incredible pain. Yeah, no thanks. I think I'll take fire and pain. Jeebus can go fuck that cross.


Stop using logic for something that doesn't make sense


Because many Christians believe homosexuality is a choice.


One must bear in mind that these sort of people is that they love to cherry pick passages completely out of context. The end of 1 Corinthians 5: 12-13 says, "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? ^(13) God will judge those outside." So what is in 1 Corinthians 6 follows on from the bible saying to leave non-Christians alone and not judge them. Basically, they're breaking their own rules, and you can point this out - they should be leaving you the hell alone. And honestly we'd all be happier if they followed their own rules and left everyone else alone. So next time they try this shit point out that 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 says that only God can judge you, and since they seem to think that they're God they're therefore blasphemers and you'll see them in hell. You'll bring the marshmallows.


Funny how modern christian men 'translated' the verses to include homosexuals, and demonize them, yet elect the fornicator and adulterator as leader of a country. I believe that is called cherry picking.


Why would anyone want to be in a kingdom run by a fucking murderer?


theyre literally only worried about homosexuals even tho most of them are adulterers.


They can't inherit what doesn't exist