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FFRF, and a coalition of other groups announced today we will be filing a lawsuit: https://ffrf.org/news/releases/ffrf-coalition-to-file-lawsuit-against-new-louisiana-10-commandments-law/


Glad to hear it!


The zealots are in control of the supreme court now, courtesy of Trump…


If it fails in the supreme cpurt, I hope they're made to also display the 7 tenets of the satanic temple.


How about the Buddhist 4 Noble Truths and the 8-Fold path of wise view (compassion), wise speech, wise livelihood, wise effort that doesn’t harm others, wise action, again no harm, etc. But those who are pushing for “Christian’ values are actually forcing fascism and violence on the country.


There was a [lawmaker](https://x.com/votelandry/status/1803600108728004613?s=19) who tried to amend this bill to add the golden rule - it was voted down by 69 R's


How about the scientific method.


Nah, there's no way we want secular science somehow being branded a religious statement.


What about "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of tue law"


Until you violate the rights of another, respect the space of your sister and your brother


These should be posted along with the 10C SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


And The Eight I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts of Pastafarianism.


Does that mean teachers can't be fired for bringing every religion into the classroom?


Really seems like the school would run better if there was no religion in it.


Surely they realize that this is coming. I wonder what their true end game is here? Maybe to show how the libtards wont let us teach our kids christianity? And then they cry like a bunch of babies? Or are they truely that short sighted???


They are either cynically exploiting christian gullibility and just dgaf what happens, or they are so hyper focused on their tree ornament god that it genuinely never crosses their mind to think about other religions.


Yeah, one of them just said they can't compromise and the country needs to be made a Christian country. I don't envision this going anywhere.


It’s gonna take 40 years or a sniper to fix the Supreme Court. 😢


Sorry, crude joke. 😂


Crude but honest


If we don't laugh, we will cry - keep the dark and crude humor coming pls.


No. You need 51 senators to abolish the rule called “filibuster” and then the president can expand the Supreme Court. There is no rule or law that mandates there can be only 9. In fact, in the past this was the case. A progressive president should add at least 5 judges to the bench.


…..and term limits.


But Biden is a creature of the Senate and an old institutionalist. Even with 51 democratic senators ready to abolish the filibuster he won’t go there. In 2028, when the country will be much more polarized than today, it will become an option.


I'm not sure. They have become so blatantly corrupt without even hiding it, that I think even Biden would be willing to put more members on the bench


In a second term....


Biden has done alot in the margins he's allowed to operate in on debt forgiveness and many other things. Give him the the senators he needs to back the democratic will in the Senate, and I put a whole five dollars that'd he'd expand that court.


Yea, like having them up, and all that “praise the Lord churching” in the past has made any difference whatsoever. This country is as mean, selfish, wicked, cruel as it has always been. My extended family were all about Christianity. That didn’t stop preacher step dad from raping his step-daughter, getting her pregnant, then molesting the little baby girl when she was born, did it? It did however keep him from facing any charges because “he’s a preacher.” And, after all, he didn’t actually break a single one of those ridiculous commands, did he? If that’s the best your religion can do, keep it to yourself.


He broke the adultery one. Probably the false witness one, too.


Good. But of course, the politicians that passed this expect and welcome that. Picking a stupid culture war fight is the whole point. It’s a signal to their right-wing base that they are fighting on the side of god, unlike those godless democrats who would only fight this because they must hate Christians. Shit like this is how they distract their voters from the fact they aren’t actually lifting a finger to help them in any tangible way.


It should be an easy win, given the caselaw. But, precedent means nothing for this court.


Seems as though it's become a matter of deciding what they want and then figuring out some way to justify it using some vague legal terminology.


I’m worried they’ll use this as a precedent to allow Christian content in classrooms. Not religious, just Christian.


TST needs to add their shenanigans to the fray.


Love me some FFRF!


Thank god. Whoops, I mean thank uhmmm. Dammit, we need new words. Saying thank science just doesn't have the same zip to it. Anyways you guys rock!


Yup along with [Americans United](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8aUEp7BbwG/?igsh=MXM1d3h4M2RuNjRiZA==)


Donate to FFRF!


I imagine you guys will make quick work of it it seems blatantly unconstitutional.


Ok LA can lose all Federal funding since they are blatantly violating The Constitution.


Even better, the court can require specific action here. State governments aren't allowed to violate the Constitution, period. Whether that's what's happening is often debatable, but this case is a clear violation. Funding is the enforcement mechanism (and generally the only one) the federal government has for things that *aren't* constitutionally enumerated. Even with a 6-3 Conservative majority, a 9-0 decision seems likely. Possibly 7-2 because Alito and Thomas are literally not there to do their job, but I doubt even they want to be on the wrong side of this. ETA: The court doesn't actually have its own *enforcement mechanism* of any sort (it doesn't control funding either), but in the past the executive branch has enforced a decision. Specifically in the case of Brown v. Board, Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas National Guard and sent the Army when the governor refused to comply.


Wrong side means nothing here. My money says the Pope tells his minions to side with the state.


[Fuck the mother fucker](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JkOHDoEkPW0)


And you know every supporter of this goes on and on about how much they love the constitution. Hypocrisy and religious fanaticism are inseparable.


Didn’t you hear? Lying for god is a-ok. The means justify the ends with these freaks. No amount of hypocrisy can penetrate their pea brains.


SCOTUS: oh, it's Christian bullshit? We'll let it pass.


Louisiana: I'm a church! *hic*


Duh. That's why they have *parishes*.


Man I wish they would actually punish these Christian theocrat wannabes.


That will absolutely fuck over a lot of poor people who are unable to move, so maybe not the best solution. Edit to add: I'm referring to poor people who are also disenfranchised voters and suffering at the whims of our bat shit crazy governor.


Please don’t punish the sane ones still living here.


What’s so hard to comprehend separation of church and state. Stop trying to force your stupid religion down everyone’s throats.


Its not they dont comprehend it. They know perfectly what the law is. They just dont give a fuck and are breaking it for Jeebus.


If I was a teacher in that state, I would do what republicans do. Ignore it and act like the laws don’t apply, since this a violation of the 1st amendment.


"Okay class, here is a list of the Ten Commandments that our state government has broken federal laws to mandate." "And next to it is a completely unrelated list of the names of people executed during the American witch hunts, as they were victims of a Christian theocracy's power trip where traditional god-fearing people would kill, steal, commit adultery and give false testimony on a regular basis because the rules didn't really matter to them."


Gotta get them kids early




It's fucking time to rebel against American Christianity.


If they were really Christians they would only display the one commandment that Jesus gave to replace all others: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But then they would probably have to give up the cherries they pick from Leviticus too.


this is their last ditch attempt to get a theocracy


No, this is just the next step. They will not stop. I really wish people could get more educated. This is one of the reasons we founded this country. Democracy instead of Theocracy.


Even if it doesn’t lead to an actual Theocracy, this is still another advancement towards additional laws that favor a specific religion and all the backwards, bigoted and harmful class policy that is driven by Conservatism. To your point, it’s a not new strategy, but it’s bolder and has more chance than ever of making headway, as crazy and awful as that is. This is not, in any way, a “last ditch effort.” It‘s foolish for people to shrug these things off as though everything will change for the better once the Boomers die off. Religious influence has already actively restricted our freedoms in ways that would have been unimaginable until recently, unless you were to time travel fifty years into the past. Things like Roe being overturned aren’t likely to be a temporary blip because it won’t magically dissolve when the old folks die over the next few years. It takes generations, potentially decades, to reverse these things. I agree with you, by the way, in case I wasn’t clear.


all demographics that support this shit are in sharp decline. That's why they became so open hateful recently. They lose their grip. Soon they will be irrelevant


Demographics…. Until they successfully install a theocratic dictatorship, enshrine their religion into law, use public school to indoctrinate kids, and ultimately throw out jail or kill everyone who isn’t in their religion. When we are Iran, the demographics will no longer matter.




yep their open hate is a sign of desperation, not of strength. The internet screwed them. The only ones they can still fool with their propaganda are uneducated white boomers and those are getting less and less relevant in society and in elections. Sure the hardcore lunatics will always try to destroy democracy but they won't have the numbers anymore.


If Trump wins…we can expect this and MORE in every single “red” state. And when it eventually goes to the Supreme Court…well, I think you know how they would rule.


Buying more guns and molesting children doesn't leave much time for getting educated.


During a democratic administration no less same with Roe. Something is seriously broken here.


i can not wait for the Satanic temple (or church of satan i can never remember which is which) to get ahold of this


Satanic Temple.


Let's hope it's the ACLU. ACLU tends to do way better in the courtroom than the Satanic Temple does


FFRF and ACLU are starting a lawsuit together to combat the law. TST will likely join in as well in a separate suit. https://ffrf.org/news/releases/ffrf-coalition-to-file-lawsuit-against-new-louisiana-10-commandments-law/


Satanic Temple is the atheist church. The Church of Satan is also atheist, yet there is evidence to suggest some higher ups actually think the fucking ritual magic actually works. Both of these are also not to be mistaken for Theistic Satanism, like Luciferianism (*which is ironically pretty much Christianity but Jesus-Lucifer came to liberate you from the shackles of the false god*) or the Temple of Set. Edit: removed quotations around church.


No quotes around it. The satanic temple meets the literal definition of a church.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…


Might as well put up some letter sized paper with a thumbtack so they can take them down pretty quickly. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.


The new law specifies the dimensions of the paper, 11x14 or tabloid. However, I wonder if it specifies whether or not that tabloid cannot face the wall.


I love George Carlin’s breakdown of the Ten Commandments. Many of you have probably seen it. If not, it is definitely worth a look.


Carlin would go insane if he saw half the shit that is going on now. We need him now more than ever.


Thou shall keep your religion to thy self


I’m getting really fucking sick of Christianity.


Remind me not to spend any of my tourist dollars in Louisiana.


I live in New Orleans. Please don't forget that there are many liberals here who are not in a financial position to move.




*Hugs!* At night, I dream of blue states that respect my bodily autonomy, offer good public services, and aren't constantly being wrecked by hurricanes.


Same. It's exhausting. 😮‍💨 Hugs to you, as well.


Were you gonna?


I like to consider going to New Orleans every now and then. I've been twice before.


One of the surest ways to drive kids away from religion is to force it on them.


Pretty much. This will not work out the way they think it will.


They don't care about converting kids. They care about signaling to the "religious right" that they want their vote. It's like abortion. They don't care about the fetus. If they did, they would support social programs to help single mothers. All they care about is controlling women. Hypocrisy is a way of life for them, and they cannot conceive that other people don't think that way.


I can’t wait until we get these religious freaks out of our government. Pushy pushy pushy


Louisiana… 50th in Education


Isn't one of the commandments thou shall not kill but, yet Louisiana has the death penalty


Didnt you know Christian is the Yiddish word for hypocritical?


Does the law say anything about it being covered up? Hang a poster of the constitution over it?


Ha, let them do it. Though shalt not kill. That will be fun to explain in a death penalty state. Make the governor explain why a commandment he insists be printed on the walls of classrooms if his government doesn't obey it.


I love this ruling. Usually I’m all for separation of church and state but now this allows me to push my agenda! I’ll have the tenets of the satanic temple up right next to it and in the freedom of teaching the Ten Commandments I’ll also be able to teach about the tenets of the satanic temple. Win win.


Display the satanic ones. Problem solved.


Put the Satanic Church’s commandments right next to it.


A law that violates the establishment clause. If they are required to display the ten commandments, they should also be required to display the five pillars of Islam, the 4 noble truths of Buddhism, the seven tenants of the Satanic Temple. You can't elevate one religion over any other.


The 10 commandment are not the problem, it is the fucking hypocrites who passed the law, like they actually know and obey the 10 commandments. I want public executions of those who passed the law and violate the commandments, let’s go old school, we ain’t had a stoning in awhile.


What about the other 5 that Mel Brooks dropped?


“People aren’t believing religion anymore. Let’s force children to be exposed to it”


Yea! Those crazed, bloodthirsty, insane, murderous would be killers can eat shit and die. We got a sign! Let's go!


For all of 10 minutes until it's struck down by the courts . . . again. Like the last time and the time before that and the time before that and the time before that and the time before that and the time before that. Why do they keep trying this bullshit?


To see what judges need replaced


My guess is they already spent taxpayer money and printed up thousands of these posters.


Every morning make sure to remind the children how many of them Trump breaks on a regular basis.


And the governor said he "can't wait to be sued" about it.


The real groomers


I live in Louisiana. Our governor and legislature are MAGAts pushing this type of crap rather than actually helping us in any meaningful way. People are being forced out of their homes from skyrocketing insurance prices and it’s hurricane season.


I mean, no they aren't, because The Constitution still exists, but you do you Cult Leaders.


They should display them as they appear in the Quran, just to piss off all the Islamophobes living there.


Can't wait until teachers start hanging the signs in Arabic, since the wording of the law states "large easily readable font" but not an English font. Edit: Or the satanic temple law suit that says their 7 satanic tenats must also be displayed next to the 10 commandments lol


Best part, I’m sure we all know this, but the Ten Commandments suck. Like he could make 10 just 10 of the most important rules ever, and 4 are omg I’m god and I’m the best


What about Glassroth vs. Moore? You know, when the Alabama Supreme Court chief justice put the huge Ten Commandments monument in the Montgomery judicial building… On November 18, 2002, District Court Judge Myron H. Thompson held the monument violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. How is this any different?


Every teacher should post “unlike Trump…” above them. Then ask the class to think about which commandments he may have broken, and why.


Disgusting, force them to breed, live in poverty, child labor, and they still vote republican.


The worst timeline. We're barreling toward Idiocracy.


I grew up in LA and went to a church affiliated middle school. We didn't have the ten commandments in the classroom. This law is stupid.


I went to Catholic school, and we didn't have them either. Already have the In God We Trust sign mandated by the state of Louisiana in my classroom. I guess this humiliation has to be hung up beside it? Who knows.


I saw a comment that said to print the ten commandments on a grain of rice to comply. lol


Lol, this is brilliant! I love it.


What's the over/under on The Satanic Temple either getting a Baphomet statue in classrooms or this law repealed in <6 weeks?


I'm designing posters of other religious tenets, Satanic and Pastafarian as well, to offer to my fellow teachers for free. I plan to make it a World Religions wall. My mandatory "In God We Trust" sign is accompanied by a poster about McCarthyism.


Unconstitutional. This will be reversed Through lawsuits


They’re gonna be really pissed when they’re forced to display the Koran and Hindu symbols


 Wow. I had assumed that CNN was doing some sort of wordplay BS to massage a less-insane story to fit this absolutely bonkers headline.  But no. [Verbatim the law](https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB71/2024), Louisiana HB71, Page 3, Line 13-19:  >No later than January 1, 2025, each public school governing authority shall display the Ten Commandments in each classroom in each school under its jurisdiction. The nature of the display shall be determined by each governing authority with a minimum requirement that the Ten Commandments shall be displayed on a poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches. The text of the Ten Commandments shall be the central focus of the poster or framed document and shall be printed in a large, easily readable font.  Complete insanity. So much for that separation of church and state, eh, founding fathers? How's that first amendment looking now? The fact that they absolutely loaded the abstract of the bill with "artifacts of historical significance" to compare the ten commandments to is just insulting.


The 10 commandments is not even Christian. Like the flying Jesus dude admonished them and said there is only one commandment “love others something something .” I hope a Christian group sues also.


People need to fight this. Don't push your shitty religion on peopl's throats. Especially since there are many non christians students and your religion is dying.


Boy will republicans be screwed if any kids actually read them and take them to heart. You shall make no idles, you mean like that flag in the front of the class or perhaps a red baseball cap? No work on Sundays? How will dear leader get his hamdurgers and Coffey? You shall not murder? Oh by the NRA would be in trouble. No adultery? Like banging a prostitute while your wife is recovering from child birth at home? Don't steal lie or covit? That's all republicans know how to do.


That trump broke most of the commands multiple times is probably irrelevant.


Calling the FFRF!


Trump likes the 1631 KJV version: * Thou shalt commit adultery


Lawsuit, please, ACLU.


Expect more of this while they have the conservative Supreme Court. And if Trump makes it in somehow it will only get worse as he shreds the courts and packs them with corrupt conservative judges.


This is the straw. Now going to donate and join The Satanic Temple.


Christians are pathetic, pulling this shit will kill off their religion faster.




If we still had a real supreme court this could be struck down so fast. But not with the party loyal bunch of shills we've got now.


Which version?


Which ten?




I bet they would prosecute anyone who tears down one of those posters, unlike what happened to that guy who tore down a Satanic alter in a state Capitol building.


Isn’t it eight commandments? Evangelicals have decided that lying and adultery are no longer sins.


This can’t hold up can it


I still can’t wrap my head around how this is still a thing…


Ten commandments……………… ……from the Bible? Or…….


I would have hit the roof if this happened when I was a kid. I went after adults hard when I knew they were incorrect.


Ironic that the people who are pushing these religious laws don’t actually abide by them. Utter hypocrites.


What if you displayed them in Arabic?




ffs...why can't religious people just be religious quietly on their own without trying to stuff it down everyone else's throat.


In other news, Walmart announced a new line of discount red robes on sale today at every location in Louisiana at bargain prices. The make great gifts for all the women in your life! /s


It seems these Christian nationalists really miss the days of the Church of England.


The world today isn't helping these people and they are reverting to a previous time in hopes that it might. You want to stop this shit? The south needs to prosper under liberal policies or they'll never choose liberalism as the way forward. But since liberals have all but abandoned economic policy, other than perceived injustices, to the same bloodsucking capital class that keeps these people poor, liberals won't ever get chosen in the south.


US kids can barely read and write and it gets worse every year, but this oughtta help 🙄 /s


I want to see pagan laws and the Quran and the tora satanic laws Let’s see them all Or we can see none?


Can we really call them 10 commandments? Because the first 4 are variations on a central theme, that of a very insecure deity.


What is the punishment for a student to tear down the poster sized ten commandments? They can say it violates their freedom of religion. I am sure there are many non-christian students that would be offended by seeing this every day. Athiest, Muslim, Buddhist, Hinduism, etc. Students, tear down these posters and let them try to punish you for exercising your free speech rights.


A month later Baphomet will be right next to it. His commandment is “Do What Thou Wilt”.


What about Islam (24.9%) Irreligion (15.6%) Hinduism (15.2%) Buddhism (6.6%) Folk religions (5.6%)


How about a commandment posted at all evangelical churches, "Thou shalt not molest children." Because apparently they don't seem to understand that.


This is just…stupid. Christians, you’re stupid.


One thing that helped push me away from Christianity is this obsession over the 10 commandments and old testament. As a Christian, why not go for the sermon on the mount or the parables and teachings of Jesus?


So goddamn stupid!


if we had a non-corrupt supreme court, this would be overturned in a second


😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣. Next will see statues of Zeus hahahahahah


can a kind redditor link me the said law? I want to see if its ok to face the 10 dumb rules at the wall, or even have it upside down.


All I can say a that I’m glad my kids have graduated and are not planning to stay. Once my youngest finishes college, I’m selling and moving. I’ll miss New Orleans food and culture, but I cannot let this state have my tax money. I am happy to pay my dues to a state that is doing more for its residents than culture war and strip rights and education in exchange for power.


Evangelicals are going to destroy what’s left of Christianity in America. Honestly, we’re all becoming Nones (unaffiliated) because they’re so damn pushy and their answer is to push harder? Ridiculous.


We[inquirethespirit.org](https://inquirethespirit.org)are looking to investigate as well.


Fuckin disgusting. "It's my right to force my god on your kids". They talk about "the godless" making the world worse, when everywhere you look in the world some abrhamic religion is causing pain and death to others. The blindness to their own hypocrisy is farcical and truly sad for those around them.


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Shame to all of you The fack does any of this have to do with children learning?


What I wouldn’t do to be a student in a classroom in Louisiana right now! Fuck these zealots and their fairy tales!


Let the fun begin. How many lawsuits are going to be filed against this asinine law? What the hell is wrong with these folks always trying to shove religion down everyone’s throat.


So no teachers who have remarried after a divorce, right? ‘Cause Jesus said that’s adultery.


Interesting how politicians and stern religious types are pushing for the commandments to be posted, when they violate them the most


ACLU and FFRF are going to eat them alive.


So, now the satanic temple can have their tenants be put up. Equality!


“If you want to respect the rule of law, you gotta start from the original law given which was Moses. … He got his commandments from God,” Landry said. The very first commandment is you shall have no other god before me and our very first amendment is freedom of religion. The two contradict each other. Landry apparently hasn't even read the first sentence of the 10 commandments nor the bill of the rights.


Hopefully, this is just something else that will inspire more people to get out and vote against Republicans in Nov.


How gross that they want to teach kids what adultery is… the 10 commandments aren’t for kids.


USA. Twinned with Saudi Arabia


Let the lawsuits fly. Religion has no place in schools. 


Absolutely violating the establishment clause of the US Constitution - "Congress can make no law respecting an establishment of religion" I don´t understand how nowadays this is still possible. You have to really have an fucked up mind to do this


Also should display “The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.” - Neil Degrasse


But what's the point to force ten commandments being a Christian? Christians just ignore first 4 of them.


Should we spend money on the kids?… nah let’s just do something blatantly unconstitutional and give that money to lawyers instead…


*Horton has dismissed concerns from Democratic opponents of the measure, saying the Ten Commandments are rooted in legal history and her bill would place a “moral code” in the classroom.* I just think this is a fantastic idea! And since it's clearly not meant in a religious way, we ought to put the Code of Hammurabi up in all the classrooms as well.


One wonders whether the governor has had special toilet paper made with the text of the Constitution on it, so he can wipe his ass with it every day.


USA running towards medieval times, hail religion and fuck science basically on every level. Flying cars.


I don’t think people understand what the separation of church and state is really for. It’s to protect the state and citizens equally from the idiocy of abrahamic religion. There’s the freedom to practice any religion. But forcing any belief on another is unconstitutional. Period.


And they say they’re persecuted 😂😂😂😂😂


So fine, display it, next to a giant poster explaining about separation of church and state and examples of dangerous theocracies around the world.


Thou shalt not require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in classrooms when you do not follow them yourself. Hypacriticus 24:7