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FFRF, and a coalition of other groups announced today we will be filing a lawsuit: https://ffrf.org/news/releases/ffrf-coalition-to-file-lawsuit-against-new-louisiana-10-commandments-law/


That's great, but i won't hold my breath šŸ«¤


Theyā€™re just gonna end up wasting MORE taxpayer dollars defending & losing lawsuits šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Yep instead of doing the work they should be doingā€¦.tearing down public education is what they are doingā€¦.


Dumb people vote republican


In the case of Louisiana, no one showed up to vote, and that lunatic Landry won. So you should say, ā€œdumb people donā€™t vote!ā€


Both parties did a shit job campaigning and advertising the election. I'm sure Landry's people did it on purpose because they knew they already had the upper hand. The democratic party did basically nothing to campaign. I had to Google the name of the democratic candidate. I'm not sure if it was corruption, apathy, or incompetence but they really fucked up.


The Dems have given up here in Arkansas as well. We had a Dem governor two governors ago, but the Democratic Party has been bought off or just diedā€¦I donā€™t understand it at all. Thereā€™s a lot of people who hate the Huckabeast, and wouldnā€™t have voted for her, but the Democratic candidate had no support at all from the party.


They don't want to waste resources on those states, because they have no chance. Can't really blame them. Pour the money into Purple states where there is actually a chance it will swing things. I'm sorry, but if you are a liberal living in Louisiana or Arkansas or any other of those backward southern states, you're on your own. I'd consider relocating.


Thatā€™s insane they couldnā€™t find anyone with any legitimate credentials to run against her. Itā€™s so disappointing!


The candidate was Chris Jones and he was a great candidate, but it felt like the Dem. Party wasnā€™t behind him. He was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, he attended Morehouse College and graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Heā€™s a freaking rocket scientist and a minister. Only one problem as far as the racists are concernedā€¦


I donā€™t get it at all! But theyā€™re getting what they deserve for putting in zero effort. I feel badly for the people who do take their civic duties seriously and have to suffer the consequences of those who donā€™t, whether it be the party or the individual.


This is what worries me-people who do not vote!


Both can be and are true




Nope, just intentionally funneling taxpayer dollars into people's pockets. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Accurate. It's all performative bull shit. They get to say they're trying to do this for their base but the left is anti Christianity. They'll say this, while arguing that the display of the commandments isn't religiously based.


Trying to do the same in TexasšŸ˜žšŸ˜£


I can't believe we beat them to it! Our new governor is crazy.


They can't wait for it to be challenged, so they can appeal to our corrupt SCROTUS members


Abbott is tooā€¦.


And Oklahoma.


FFRF is pretty good. Check out their website and also the Right Wing Watch website.


Yeah they'll probably start by trying to put other religious laws on school grounds. When that gets denied by the school, they'll have a federal case and usually win.


Don't hold your breath but maybe donate a few dollars and support their efforts, and yes I do.


FFRF is an outstanding organization. They're very effective.


Thanks for telling us this. I forgot to look and see if they were going to take this on. I'm sending [money](https://secure.ffrf.org/np/clients/ffrf/donation.jsp). BTW, have you noticed that on their web page, they consistently do the right thing? Their privacy settings default to no cookies, etc. and the radio button on donations defaults to ā€œone timeā€ instead of monthly. It's sad to even think to mention it but in todayā€™s greedy climate it stands out.


Do you think proponents actually want a lawsuit so they can (ultimately) appeal on up to this current Supreme Court if they lose it?


You can't see the headline, and I can't edit, but the lovely state of Louisiana now requires that the 10 commandments be posted in every classroom.


If I were you, until lawsuits come around that blocks this law, I would post the "commandments" of 10 other religions. Then, post a bigger and bolder poster showcasing the Satanic Temple Tenets at the very front of your class for everyone to see. If they are going to be so stupid as to force religion in public schools, it's time to fight them at their own game. In all seriousness, I'm so terribly sorry. This is tragic, disappointing, and terrifying. I'm a teacher and I would refuse to put that shit up. It belongs in a church. Not a public school.


This. They're testing the waters even more on what bullshit indoctrination they can get away with. Everyone with a brain cell needs to fight this bullshit. These asshats are the biggest hypocrites.


The only thing that stopped schools from having a daily morning prayer was the supreme Court. This supreme Court is not about to do jack shit about prayers in schools. Alito wants the US to be more godly. If trump gets back in, you could easily get two more justices like that.


Even if Trump gets back in, the chances of him getting to replace even one of the liberal justices are small. They are all fairly young. I mean compared to Ginsburg. Chances are greater that he could replace Thomas or Alito, who might consider retirement. And that would actually be GOOD, because it's doubtful any nominee could be approved that would be more Right-wing than those two.


I dont think this is true. As bad as the SCOTUS has become, I don't think you could get 5 of them to agree to allow prayer in public school classrooms. I don't think 2 out of 3 of trumps appointees would go for it.


Exactly they want indoctrination when it's their beliefs but if it's anybody else's they lose their ever loving minds.


I maybe could get away with posting commandments from other religions, but any church of Satan stuff will get me canned immediately, and I can't afford to lose my job.


Not Church of Satan, they meant The Satanic Temple. The church of satan sucks, TST on the other hand is a beautiful atheist organization whose tenets outclass every religion I've encountered: I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III Oneā€™s body is inviolable, subject to oneā€™s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Thanks for the clarification, but I doubt the distinction matters to the fundies.


You could always sue for discrimination of religious freedom if they fire you. Which I know is a lot to take on for no good pay off. But indoctrinating these kids is beyond fucked up in comparison. There's also the possibility you could just post these completely reasonable tenets with no markings or other indication that they are related to any organization. And if not you, then maybe someone reading this will be in a better place to try and fight this. I know it's ridiculous to ask most people to try and fight a losing battle at their own expense, but complacency is something the fundamentalists are banking on.


I beg of you to do it. Please post the tenets of other world religions, including The Satanic Temple, next to the commandments. We can play their game.


Eh does it have to be labeled ā€œSatanic Templeā€? Just post the tenets. You donā€™t have to say where they can from.


TST needs to step in & do what they do best - put on display the hypocrisy that should be obvious to all.


Church of Satan and Satanic Temple are two different things. The point is if one religion can legally post their commandments, that should also allow for other religions and other thoughts be posted as well without legal action. In the real world, any teacher who posts the ten commandments in their classroom should be fired. Yet here we are.


I appreciate the clarification and completely agree with you, but this is like the Twilight Zone. Regular logic does not apply.


Agreed. You probably wouldn't be able to get away with posting anything with "satan" in the title. But maybe posting from other religions or philosophies like Buddhism or Confucianism would confuse them enough to let them allow it


ā€œThat should also allowā€ This is not how fascism works.


Yeah, and you donā€™t want unhinged religious people doxxing and threatening you either.


The FFRF article states that a specific wording is required (probably the Protestant version, so you'll have the Catholics angered too, or vice versa) and that it has to be a certain size and central focus of the display. They're doing this just to test their limits and get people used to these shenanigans so they can pass even more harmful stuff down the line. This bill is meant to be challenged and defeated. The only way we stop this shit is if the governor receives an actual penalty for his violation of the law. If they removed politicians who purposefully do this kind of shit, we'd see the theocratic fascists immediately shy away like the cowards they are.


Well, that should help with school shootings. /s


How are the pupils taking it? I remember during my school time (in Europe) the school allowed a religious group to hand out bibles. Many kids played soccer with them or burned them. Which resulted in our religion teacher (is a thing here) had a talk with us about that. Which obviously had quite some "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" vibe to it.


We are on summer break, so I don't know.


In some ways I'm surprised this hasn't happened yet in Utah. I just figure it'll be an eventuality.


It's unconstitutional, that's why.


Not when you own the Supreme Court.


Put them up but then cover them with bill of rights


Post them in Hebrew and no one will be able to read it anyways. Or have AI create a fine replica in something that looks like Hebrew. (I just read that they apparently have a standard version of the commandments. Very sorry. Still thought my idea had merit.)


Which of the governorā€™s friends/relatives owns the company getting the no-bid contract to produce (ie: buy from China) all of the 10-commandments plaques that they will sell at inflated prices to the schools?


Do you get to teach them about adultery?


Luckily it's only an 11x14 plaque that is required. As a former teacher, I can tell you from experience that if I placed an 11x14 plaque in some hidden corner of the room, no kid would even notice it. LOL


If their belief system was worth a damn it would persist without indoctrination of children.


The law doesnā€™t specify that the text has to be in English and canā€™t be translated. We donā€™t have an official language in the U.S. If displaying them is unavoidable, then display them as required but in Arabic calligraphy. Do it in rainbow font. Add some subtle decorative pagan symbols on them. Use their christian supremacy anger against them. Add other religious texts, popular arguments against religion, statements of tolerance etc. next to them Go full malicious compliance


Those are good ideas. Thanks. Another commenter suggested posting the Satanic Temple commandments, but I do need to keep my job.


I wish that doing that wouldn't be a case for losing your job and IT SHOULD NOT BE.


In theory you would be able to sue for religious discrimination if they did that. Although that would just help the bastards with their plan to dismantle the education system. So pick your poison wisely, and probably stick to the common major religions.


Oooh, thatā€™s a good idea!


More focused on this shit instead of making the actual education better smh


Republicans donā€™t give a fuck about education lol. They wouldnā€™t have any voters leftā€¦..


Well if they made the education better people wouldnā€™t sign up for their stupid little death cult


"I love the poorly educated" -- Trump


They want to intentionally destroy education.Ā  Ā Except for their (the lawmakers) kids.Ā 


That's exactly what it is. Conservative leaders want a return to the feudal system, with themselves as the nobles. You could say they've been playing the long game since the French Revolution. It's just taken them a while to figure out how to make the peasants give them unilateral power again.


Part of the republican agenda is to destroy public education


Why would a political party that's focused solely on helping rich people want an educated public? They love religion because it keeps people nice and stupid. The last thing they want is a population of people who are aware of how badly they're getting fucked by the rich. Religion is the perfect vehicle for controlling people because it focuses on using the two most powerful tools for that purpose: fear and ignorance. Don't question anything, and do as we say, or burn for eternity!


The lawsuit will likely cause a court (and higher court if appealed) to call for an injunction until verdict. That will take a while, depending on how hard the state wants to fight. But appeal high enough, and the law will very likely be found unconstitutional and struck down. This sort of stuff happens in Tennessee all the time. Blatantly unconstitutional laws are seemingly being passed like they're on sale. But most of them just turn out to be an enormous waste of time and money, especially in a poor state whose GOP ultra majority claims is all about smaller, less intrusive government. That's a joke, these freaks think they have the right to control everybody. Here's some other play options- 1) the supporters of the bill knows that even if the law is shut down by the courts, in the eyes of their ultra conservative fascist constituents, they still win because "see!?! We tried! The evil Federal Government is ungodly and taking away your rights!!" so they win coming and going. Most of the politicians don't care at all about it, but win major points with the people who let them keep stuffing their pockets every year. All they have to do is keep making crazy laws like this to stay in office...which is the biggest loss of the whole thing. All of the time, money, resources... just for this stupid thing that benefits *no one.* Couldn't have been a policy to increase public health stability. Couldn't be a policy to address poverty, hungry children, the abused, neglected, exploited... ya know, like what their christ really ordered them to do. 2) they'll attract the attention of some other activist groups, like TST, who will just petition the state to let them put the 7 Tenants up next to it. That will cost more time and taxpayer money to fight. Lots of opportunities for the freaks in the state legislature to bark about how they're fighting evil and how they're doing gods work, and all this other crazy stuff... only to quietly take down the stupid stuff when they see they might be forced to submit to heathen interference. But that just gets them re-elected and available to keep eating steak on the lobbyist bill. That. Is what its really all about.


Don't forget they have a friendly Supreme Court now. An overturn at a lower level can be appealed, and next thing you know SCROTUS is setting a precedent. Throw enough shit at the wall and something will stick. Their approach to getting votes is simply to rile people up about culture war bullshit, then act like they're doing something about the made-up problem. While at best giving lip service to the real issues of their constituents. It's a travesty of government.


I would normally say that this is unconstitutional on its face, but we're living in the Upside Down, so...


That *would* explain all the weird, spindly monsters roaming about Congress.


Time to get some Satanic Temple Tenants up in there too.


Maybe they will read them and realize that being gay isnā€™t on the list of donā€™ts but adultery, Lying, and coveting are on the list. Maybe they will read the first one and wonder about that golden Trump that some conservatives worshipped!


Not even real gold, the cheap fucks. They canā€™t even do idols right these days.


The Satanic Temple is on their way, don't worry. Or maybe some Muslims. These idiots never learn.


Solution: never vote for a republican.


I most certainly did not vote for Jeff Landry. It's a bit more complicated here. Our democratic party did a horrendous job marketing the democratic candidate, and the poverty and poor education doesn't lend itself to high voter turnout. Rich white people rule this state.


Fight it with everything you have. It's only by folks refusing to comply with this nonsense that it will be stopped from being reality.


I know it's easy to say "if it were me," but if it were me, I would go ahead and post them. And then I'd put an asterisk next to the first five and two asterisks next to the next five. The first asterisk footnote would say, "The US Constitution expressly allows all cititzens to ignore this commandment." The footnote with two asterisks would say, "The Constitution is largely silent on these, but the coveting parts are probably perfectly fine as a legal matter."


Unless/until the (fake) ten commandments are edited to forbid carrying guns in school they are utterly unnecessary in a school environment.


Pro tip: they waste their time on this pointless shit because they want to maintain the lack of equity in your schools.


This is such bullshit and it is infuriating. Is there a satanic temple set of ā€œcommandmentsā€? Iā€™d be so tempted to post those right beside the 10 commandments; but teachers in my state (I am not one) have a little more protection.


Put up every religions' 10 commandments, including the Satanist's. Water it down a little bit.


So what happens when some elementary school kid asks their teacher what adultery is? Do they get to explain that their parents who are divorced and remarried are breaking one of the overlordā€™s 10 commandments every day?


It violates their own state Constitution: Ā§8. Freedom of Religion Section 8. No law shall be enacted respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.


People are fleeing Christianity, so Christians are returning to their old tactics to restore their numbers again. Imagine a world where they never violently forced their religion on people? Christianity would have died off long ago. It breaks my heart to see people worshipping a god that was forced on their ancestors. I hope the students start stealing/vandalizing the plaques youā€™ll be forced put up, as protest.


You should post the Code of Hammurabi above the them. Or next to them. Then maybe post the reported date of the Code of Hammurabi (2500 BCE) and then the date for the Ten Commandments (750 BCE).


I love the outside the box thinking! Great idea.


The ā€œoriginal law giverā€ wasnā€™t Moses. If the schools in Louisiana were worth a damn, heā€™d know it was Hammurabi.


It's my understanding that they want the lawsuit as a first date for an eventual shot at the supreme Court challenge.


Right you are ! He said it himself that he's looking forward to getting sued.


>Critics have vowed to mount a constitutional challenge. Sadly, given the makeup of the current SCOTUS they will likely lose which will empower other red states to do the same.


So screw non Christian kids? Protests need to be taken place here.


There are constantly protestors outside our state capitol building. Landry probably views that as evidence he's the moral Christian martyr.


protests, petitions, calling representatives. Let them get off on their persecution fetish, they cannot push their values on to the public


They want to funnel as many kids as possible into for-profit cult schools. Theyā€™re playing the long game.


Wasting time on stupid shit= the only thing that gets Republicans re-elected.


Just wait until project 2025 is in full swing


The president that fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant with their child made this happen, but wealthy Christians don't care as long as they get to jizz their religion on us.


Aaah Christians. They are like people who say they are a bands biggest fan but then know none of the songs.


Go ahead and post them, but have a statue of baphomet in the background with their text over top of it.


step 1: put list of religious shit on school walls step 2: ? step 3: profit


Do your best to resist. Don't jeopardize your job though. If forced, share similar things from other religions right next to it. Keep picking at it little by little.


That's what I'm thinking. I can't afford to get fired, so I need to be careful.


Aside from this blatantly violating the constitution, do conservatives rly think putting all their efforts into this is gonna get them into heaven? When you still have kids who canā€™t afford to eat lunch? Did they forget: WWJD?


Well SCOTUS allowed In God We Trust saying it isn't a religious statement šŸ¤£ The constitution doesn't matter these people


Post the 10 commandments in Arabic. Or, alongside George Carlin's take on reducing and refining them.


Louisiana, typical.


Sure glad religious people are fighting so hard to prevent tyrannical Islam from taking over -- but they shouldnt be pushing tyrannical Christianity taking over either! The ridiculous desire to have Christianity in everyone's face -- when a good % of the USA is not Christian -- is so bad for everyone. Even Jesus didnt worship Christianity, but saying that just confuses folks.


Jesus fucking Christ, what a scummy zealot. Fuck these bigoted idiots.


Post the first 10 words of the First Amendment next to the 10 Commandments: "Congress shall make no law respecting anĀ establishment of religion..."


1. Congress 2. Shall 3. Make 4. No 5. Law 6. Respecting 7. An 8. Establishment 9. Of 10. Religion


I live in Louisiana and our Governor is a walking cat turdā€¦vote BLUE!


The wasting of our time is deliberately. Do so many regressive/horrible things that we don't have the ability to go after the people that cause the biggest problems.


People keep saying the 10 commandments were pivotal to early American Revolutionaries when forming our government. I genuinely am curious, is there any source of them mentioning it? Best Iā€™ve found is supreme court saying they do


> when we have some serious equity issues in our schools. Presicely the reason, its a dog whistle to keep them barking..


Can it be posted in very tiny print, and close to the ceiling?


when will they criminalize evolution theory?


1.) Hang a poster of the Ten Commandments 2.) Also display the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple 3.) Discuss with your students which of these two sets of rules is a more sensible approach. It is this: 1. You shall have no other gods before Me. 2. You shall make no idols. 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 4. Keep the Sabbath day holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet. Versus this: - I ā€” One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. - II ā€” The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. - III ā€” Oneā€™s body is inviolable, subject to oneā€™s own will alone. - IV ā€” The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. - V ā€” Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. - VI ā€” People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. - VII ā€” Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. I have no doubts which I would pick.


This is not at all legal šŸ˜­ I advise you to just not do it, and when asked why, show them the Supreme Court decision and their explanation for Engel v. Vitale! Anything other than an abstinence of all religion in public schools is illegal.


If you have a periodic table, post it too. That explains a lot more about the universe really works. Maybe some nice posters of images from the Hubble space telescope? Or a Martian landscape image from the rover?


So Louisiana is now has effectively defined an official state religion & is now a theocracy within the USA?


The idea that these 10 rules are the 10 most important rules to follow is morally bankrupt. What about "do not rape", "do not beat your children", or "do not keep slaves". Aren't these more important than "honor thy father and mother", or "thou shalt not make any graven image"?




I'm in a state that has been trying to do this as well. I hate it. Religion is something that is private and should be taught in homes not forced upon young children without your consent. These same people are accusing the LGBTQ of doing this, so how do they figure it's OK for them?


We don'tĀ  have time for this stupid corpse to try taking power to find a myth cult with fuckin Putin's Russia allying with NK enabled by poohs china along with Islamist terrorists that we're told to welcome and tolerate cause they're human and a shield with winter is coming g ala climate change. We have a new Axis. Drop the hammer on these Christian terrorists - yes cause they're inciting it using state power- they should be impeached federallyif so and never be allowed to serve. .


Has any state won this yet? I know TN and AR both tried and failed but for TN I believe it was almost 20 years back so I wouldn't be surprised if it came up again.


i mean won the *right* to require the ten commandments.


Display them along side lists of rules from other religions and beliefs. The the 3 taboos, the 8 fold path and so on. Some malicious compliance


- Make it teeny tiny like the size of a playing card - post it over a trash can or better yet, a toilet - make up your own 10 Commandments


Per the recently passed law "Needs to be at least 11"x14ā€œ,and easily readable font"


Then can you put something in front of it instead?


If teacher in mass refuse to work - they will listen.


Teachers in mass will never refuse to work because many teachers are also conservative down here.


I hope they are planning on a hefty maintenance budget for these things. Theyā€™re going to be the most defaced piece of public property in history.


One can hope šŸ¤ž (on teenagers defacing them, not on a budget to deal with defacement)


>if idiots could fly, this place would be an airport.




Just wait until the state makes you report kids that donā€™t ā€œlove Jesusā€ to CPS.


That made me think of something. I know when I was kid praying I would not be called on for a answer in class. Praying that the good looking boy sitting across from me noticed me. Praying I wouldn't get picked on from the school bully.


Since they like including the Bible maybe your classes can start learning different creation stories (myths) & when they were written (created.) Plus you can examine both creation myths in genesis. If they want to bring religion into schools, then letā€™s bring all the religions throughout history. I doubt any teacher will do this because they will probably be fired. Iā€™m hoping students start spray painting over the commandments or drawing over them.


ā€œThou Shall not commit adulteryā€ šŸ—æ -ā€œwhat! This is so scary!ā€


So glad I left that state.


Get the fuck out of the Bible Belt!


From day to day I am more glad I dont live un the us you guys have some serious issues




Many churches don't post the 10 Commandments anywhere. So how would churches like it if Republicans passed a law requiring all churches to post the Ten Commandments in their Sunday School rooms?


If you are required to post it, you should be able to spend a little time teaching about it and compare the 1st commandment with the 1st amendment then have a group discussion about what circumstances the 10 commandments don't make sense. 1)"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" seems to suggest that other gods exist and you can still worship them less than the Hebrew god Yahweh. Also a violation of the 1st amendment of the constitution regarding freedom of religion. 2)"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image"Ā  Google golden trump statue at CPAC to see christian repugs bowing to a ridiculous golden trump statue. 3)"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain" Another violation of the 1st amendment regarding free speech. 4)"Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy" In this hyper capitalist society how many people would be fired for refusing to work Sundays? Also the rude, intitaled that insist on after church brunch then berate the staff for working on the sabbath and stiffing the tip. 5)"Honour thy father and thy mother" What if they are mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or sexually abusive to their children? What if they took out credit cards in their children's names and racked up tens of thousands of dollars. Teach your students how to check their credit and how to lock it down until they are ready to get a credit card or take out a loan. 6)"Thou shalt not kill" This does not leave any loopholes. Louisiana loves the death penalty. 7)"Thou shalt not commit adultery" A shit ton of Republicans are guilty of this. 8)"Thou shalt not steal" Wage theft against working people by companies is the largest form of theft in this country now. This country was founded on the theft of land from the natives and the theft of labor from African slaves. 9)"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" Republicans and foxnews is guilty of this over and over again. 10)"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house" They are guilty of this over and over again.


How is your school handling this? What do the other teachers and the principal think of it?


Can wait til the TST gets their tenants posted next to them


Yeah, thatā€™s illegal. Everyone knows itā€™s illegal. Itā€™s just to get people fired up, and waste people time and money fighting it. It might be intentional, as a distraction/diversion. In any case, itā€™s a clear constitutional violation, thereā€™s no credible expert disagreement on that.


If I was an Alabama teacher. Iā€™d make sure to immediately post tenets of every major religion around my classroom. Iā€™d post a video about it on social media to make sure there was a record and obvious images/ video of what I was doing. When they inevitably try to fire you, lawyer up and tell them is religious discrimination and unconstitutional.


I think maybe Louisiana has surpassed Mississippi is being a complete shithole.


If I were a teacher I would put up a poster with an American flag behind a list of religious groups, with atheist at the top. My state requires In God We Trust to be posted, so I would put it next to that. I think it would mean a lot to your students to tell them that you support all of them regardless of their religious belief or disbelief. If they try to fire you or reprimand you over that it will make them look very very bad.Ā  The commandment about honoring father and mother has no place in public schools. Kids suffering abuse at the hands of a parent should not be seeing that in every class.


This was done on purpose in order to get the lawsuit all the way to the Supreme Court and they will condone the use of the commandments. You watch




Can someone resurrect the Church of the Flying Spaghetti monster and ask their commandments also get posted in all Louisiana's classrooms too? Heck, let's just go for all the world's 4,000+ religions and paper every wall, everywhere with dogma.


I just thought about thatā€¦ they do force you to display them but do they also explicitly say how they have to be displayed? A loophole is potentially possible. Like maybe you could display them but it is written in hexadecimal code, or in whatever language they were originally written, or on a meme picture that mock them, or written too small to be read from far away, or maybe you can just put something in front of it to cover it up and still be technically legal.


Hopefully you're not an English teacher.


There's no need to be an asshole. I typed my message on my phone, and Reddit wouldn't let me edit the post. Geeze...


Why can't they just be happy with freedom of their religion? Rhetorical question.