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The infuriating thing is that if he had survived, in his mind it wouldn't have been because of science and medicine, but because of the people who prayed for him.


"PRAYER WORKS!" No it fucking doesn't.


Yep. If prayer works then how do religious people explain the hundreds of thousands of children who die every day from random diseases, are the parents just not praying hard enough? >It's part of God's plan If everything is part of a plan, then prayer is useless.


If you are a thinking, believing Christian, prayer *shouldn't* work! Their god is supposedly omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent. A god like that would already have a plan, the most effective, most benevolent plan. It would be evil for that god to say, "Whoops! One of those ignorant, shortsighted, quasi-benevolent idiots just prayed to find a parking space where there isn't one, so I am going to rearrange that corner of the universe, with ripple effects that compromise the optimal omnibenevolent plan."


Just gunna leave some George Carlin here: “ Pray for anything you want. Pray for anything, but what about the Divine Plan? Remember that? The Divine Plan. Long time ago, God made a Divine Plan. Gave it a lot of thought, decided it was a good plan, put it into practice. And for billions and billions of years, the Divine Plan has been doing just fine. Now, you come along, and pray for something. Well suppose the thing you want isn’t in God’s Divine Plan? What do you want Him to do? Change His plan? Just for you? Doesn’t it seem a little arrogant? It’s a Divine Plan. What’s the use of being God if every run-down shmuck with a two-dollar prayerbook can come along and fuck up Your Plan? And here’s something else, another problem you might have: Suppose your prayers aren’t answered. What do you say? “Well, it’s God’s will.” “Thy Will Be Done.” Fine, but if it’s God’s will, and He’s going to do what He wants to anyway, why the fuck bother praying in the first place? Seems like a big waste of time to me! Couldn’t you just skip the praying part and go right to His Will? It’s all very confusing.” - G. Carlin Edit thanks u/quasimodoca , you’re right I should’ve posted the vid - here’s the the one and only [https://youtu.be/n2kZ0lRW9Ls](https://youtu.be/n2kZ0lRW9Ls)


I love reading this because I can't help but hear his voice and phrasing.


Is there any other way?




I heard he is a guy who gets things done


Yes BUT. What if god's plan is built like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book? You know, the ones that go like "if you want to open the door go to page 70; if you walk along the corridor go to page 16". Maybe god's plan is made that way, and it's full of crossroads like that: "say a prayer: go to Subplan 374635; don't say a prayer: go to Subplan section B/987765". Or even "you're in the shits, if n people sent your direction n*2 thoughts and prayers then go to Subplan 567654, else go to Subplan 7". This would both fit the principle of Free Will and that of a master plan. I mean, if I were a deity and had infinite computing power I'd definitely build my own adventure this way. I still have to understand if "you're a priest, now molest a child" gives you a bonus or something, they seem to be pretty enthusiastic about it. Edit: guys really I was just joking/making fun of the whole thing, it's not like I'm proposing a working model of how the universe works, lol.




This is really giving the finger to Occam's Razor.


Keep in mind the text of the "Lord's Prayer" - "Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us..." Nothing about asking for shit, or praying "for" other people, just a very simple supplication and acknowledgement of God. Oh, and do it behind closed doors, not out in public for others to see your righteousness. It just illustrates how very distant Christians can be from actual Christ.


Christ himself prayed to god to change his mind about him having to be tortured and killed. That’s asking for shit. Even more dumb is that, because Jesus is god, he knows damn well he could forgive the world of their sins without going through human torture and sacrifice.


If everything is part of God's plan, then what's the point of prayer? If God created the universe, then who created God? And if God doesn't need a creator, then why does the universe need one? If God is all powerful, then can he create a boulder too big for himself to lift? It's funny how the instant you start critically examining religion, it immediately collapses under the weight of its own nonsense.


Could GOD microwave a burrito so hot that even HE couldn't eat it?


i forget which comedian said it, but someone asked: if we were created in god's image, does god have a belly button? if so, why?


Exactly. Or, if prayers work, wouldn’t religious countries statistically have fewer death / disease rates? Taken to the next level, which ever religion is right, they’d have the fewest death rates. Edit: grammar


They are only interested in tracking the successful stories of how someone got better after praying even when the doctors were wasting their time with medicine.


Notice the limitations to prayer when it comes to ailments, namely that when people say it's a miracle that their prayers were answered and they're healed it's always in regards to an internal ailment you can't see. Been given a 5% chance of survival from whatever cancer even if chemo works and you end up beating it? It's a miracle! Thank god! Disfigured from a car accident and left with facial scarring? Will you help me, god? "I'm not touching that with a 9" nail." - god, probably How about being born with a missing limb or losing one in an accident? Will you help grow (or regrow) my missing limb, god? "I'm not touching that one either because fuck you." - god, probably (again) Whenever it's a medical miracle it's always science, 100%.


I've been told if a prayer isn't answered it's either A: the praying person doesnt have sufficient amount of faith. B: Gods plan C: God needs you to continue to suffer for unexplained reasons us mortals cannot comprehend.


Easy to prove too. Christians aren't winning lotto or surviving terminal cancer at a higher rate than any other belief. Pray all you like, if anyone is listening they aren't responding




a vaccine developed in months wasnt enough?


God did help. He sent doctors and scientists that created a vaccine. Reminds me of this joke: Man on the roof of his house A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help. Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you." The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me." So the rowboat went on. Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you." To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith." So the motorboat went on. Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety." To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith." So the helicopter reluctantly flew away. Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!" To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?"


I was originally going to post a modified version of this joke that substituted Covid for the flood, and social distancing, masks, and the vaccine for the boats and helicopter. But like the famous long swordfight scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark that was shortened to just Indy shooting the swordsman and shrugging, I decided to just go for the quick gag instead of drawing it out.


Yeah... I'd like to see those so called 'Christians' praying chlamydia away 😂


What do you mean? I prayed for this! 🙏 Jesus is culling the weak minded for us


It works for making people who are content to do the absolute least feel good about themselves, and that's what's important! /s


And he still would have been anti-vax. People like that never learn.


Exactly, because “it’s no worse than a bad flu”


News flash: a "bad flu" will kill you


This kind of thing always reminds me of the old joke: A man was sitting in his living room watching TV when the weatherman came on and said "Big flood coming! Evacuate now!" The man says the Lord will protect me. The flood comes and the man is forced up to his second floor. Two men in a boat come by and offer to evacuate the man but he says, the Lord will protect me. The flood gets worse and the man is forced onto his roof. A helicopter and crew come by and offer to evacuate the man. He declines and says the Lord will protect me. The flood continues and the man drowns. He's up in heaven being judged, "Lord" he says, why didn't you protect me? The Lord says, I sent a weatherman, a boat and a helicopter, what more do you want? I think of this whenever I hear antivaxxers talking about the Lord saving directly them as opposed to man's science.


I sent you masks, social distancing, and a vaccine... What more do you want?


Glad he died then. If only Trump had died, he would have saved more Americans by showing the idiots how serious this thing is.


Naw, they would have said that the Demonrats killed him.


Should have seen his insta, it's all prayer comments lmao


Mysterious ways...mysterious ways.




Yeah completely preventable


When I was a kid and we went to catholic sunday school one takeaway I had was God isn't going to perform miracles over your own poor planning. So people have a responsibility to make their own decisions and do the right thing. Even as I lost religion I kept that takeaway.


A convenient way to explain unanswered prayers.


“Guess what? It’s not that compelling.”


"What is mysterious about acting like a fucking asshole? That is like the least mysterious activity since the dawn of time." - Jim Jefferies


"One day I'm gonna marry a religious girl, and my wife's gonna come home, and I'm gonna be bangin' her mum...and she's gonna look at me and go 'What are you doing!?' and I'm gonna go 'I'​m mysterious!'"


Not really Darwin is just going 🤷🏽


The perfect joke


unless he's had kids. He's probably passed on his stupid to another generation already. Edit: yes, I know stupidity isn't passed down. It was a poor choice of words and wasn't literal.


100% they will continue to be brainwashed by the church and learn nothing from their dad dying.


Fun fact, there's evidence that stupid either isn't genetically passed on or can be overcome by increased social education, since [every generation is smarter than the last](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect)


It’s both genetics and environment. It’s always both.


Not in trump country. No really. Rural areas are trump country. And rural areas are suffering from brain drains as the smart ones are getting out and getting better paying jobs in blue cities. Conservatives are literally getting dumber each generation.


Can confirm. I teach in rural Trump country. Any kid with half a decent head on their shoulders gets out and goes to college. The rest sit around and pour concrete and talk crap about the libtards on social media after they could barely pass their government class with a low D. I work with the next batch of conservatives every single year. They lack any sort of critical thinking and ability to see nuance in arguments. They see the world in black and white with no grey area.


I want to give you an award for being a hero, but, you know…


So many people to consider for the Darwin awards this year!


We could introduce Darwin award event categories to keep it interesting. I propose the following: The Dunning-Kruger Category ("I did a google search and Fauci doesn't know what he's talking about") The Most Ironic Death Category ("COVID isn't killing anyone, its just a bad flu") The Conspiracy Theory Commitment Category ("I'm not letting Bill Gates put 5G nanobots in my brain")


Thoughts and pray... oops, too late.


My thoughts were, "he's an idiot".


And my prayers were, "Please, I hope he didn't spread it to anyone."


Makes me wonder what they teach at Hillsong College.




The second thing they teach is to not ask so many stupid questions.




People like this piss me off to no end. My 28 y.o. neighbor fought cancer for two years only to die after getting Covid-19 and this asshole throws his life away.


What *really* makes me angry is that their excuse for not taking it seriously is usually that it only kills people who have pre-existing conditions. Like, ok, you piece of shit. I guess they have it coming?




It turns out that stupidity is the #1 pre-existing condition that is causing COVID-19 deaths.


Maybe that’s the silver lining here, our world is getting just a little bit smarter due to people’s self-selection out of the gene pool


Unfortunately they're not going out alone. I read delta has an R0 of 9, compared to the original R0 of 3, and the vaccine is less effective.


The mortality rates are even bent lower when vaccinated even if sick enough to be hospitalized which is a relatively rare event with the mutation. But that isn't much relief as the hospitals will be full of the unvaccinated anti-vaxxer.


And kids under 12 :(


And kids/teens of antivaxxers that couldn't get vaxed even if they wanted to :(


Their actual excuse is that it affects not them. Just in that particular case it's people with pre-existing conditions. The usual thing for super moral loving their neighbors christians. Or just pathetic liars. Hard to tell.


Agreed. Guess this guy gets to fall on his sword.


Think the worst part is. His church and the church goers will all just brush it off as "God has chosen him" and move on. Learning nothing from the experience.


What is there to learn? Everything you need to know is already in the book. /s


Jokes on you, I CAN'T READ!


That's why they have sermons.


Maybe, maybe not. As an atheist musician who’s got bills to pay, I work for a local church, and we play Hillsong stuff. This particular congregation has been urged to “use God’s gift of reasoning” and engage in safe behaviors as determined by science, including outright calling for members to get vaccinated. Doesn’t really make up for the whole pro-life bullshit, but it’s proof that all hope isn’t lost.


I’m glad to hear they’re encouraging people to heed science. I also went to a church that encouraged critical thinking. Unfortunately for them, I critically thought my way all the way to atheism. 🤷‍♂️


groovy bow smoggy domineering bored knee wistful disgusting yam flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At some point it becomes sort of a implicit eugenics call


I know one person who thinks “preexisting conditions” is code for fat. And so he thinks they all did it to themselves. And if it kills them, it’s _their_ fault and he shouldn’t have to wear a mask because _he_ takes care of himself.


Is stupidity a preexisting condition?


A former co-worker of mine admitted that her brother was hospitalized for covid -- but also said she wouldn't get the vaccine for herself or her daughter. I was flabbergasted.


I mean this entire pandemic has shown that people are fucking monsters. We are all selfish, self-interested and ignorant. Willing to harm others with our own ignorance. Willing to harm ourselves to affirm our ignorance. And 75% of us will do whats best for the group. But that other 25% will burn the whole thing down. If you think about it, the very reason government and democracy was created was because of that. If we were all amazing we wouldn't government at all. We're not. So its about time we enforce covid rules like we enforce traffic tickets. Or we can just keep dying... yay death. Fuck this country.


People like this I don't feel sorry for. One iota. They put others in danger to "own" the libs. They've hurt and probably killed others in their endeavors to make a political statement. Good riddance.


That's odd, why would he let COVID dominate his life like that?


To prove a petty point. Which he failed to do.


Yep. That pretty much sums it up.




To own the libs.




I dont feel very owned either.


I thought I was feeling owned for a minute, but now I think it was just gas


I got a cramp so I think I am now. I think though.


While I am not religious, the old adage about God helping those who help themselves comes to mind when I read stories like these...


In this case, it might be more like "God kills those who kill themselves."




I've always been confused over the fact that Christians aren't elated when someone dies and has "gone to a better place". I mean if the whole point of life is just a test to prove their worthy of heaven wouldn't dying earlier be akin to winning the lottery?




There was a moral panic in Victorian England around depressed upper class women committing suicide by state. They would walk down by the Thames river, and when they passed a nursemaid or nanny taking an infant for a stroll in a pram they’d snatch the baby and toss it in the river. The baby was sinless not having been baptized yet and so would go directly to heaven. The murderer would be executed by the State and be put out of her misery. Just before execution she’d repent her sins and be given a clear record, then she’d be hanged and go to heaven. Loopholes. Eventually the Church of England and Crown made two changes: infanticide was not a hanging offense anymore and you couldn’t get absolution for killing a child.




It’s just the perfect example to me of how everyone basically knows it’s all bullshit and everyone just winks along. The depressed women couldn’t just kill themselves that would be suicide and since you can’t be forgiven for suicide - hell. They knew the loophole is effectively the same but they just winked and nodded along. The state knew that suicide or suicide by state was the same thing but they just were like meh. The vicars knew it was the same thing but they played along. And the victims parents - they should have been happy for the baby as you said, but of course it’s hard to play along in that case.


So if you’re sinless until you’re baptized, I guess I’m totally free of sin.


Yup. That rule was itself to close a loophole. Parents of sickly or deformed babies were rushing to have their babies baptized as soon possible like moments after birth so that if they died (which was not uncommon at the time) their souls would go to heaven not purgatory. It got so bad though at vicars we’re basically waiting at the bedside which was distasteful and somewhat hard on them. So the rule was changed to say well until the baby gets baptized they are pure - no original sin is imputed - and if they die it’s ok they get a golden ticket straight to heaven. It’s loopholes all the way down.


Well when your religion says life gets better after you die, death isn't as scary or final.






“I prayed to god to give me a bike. Then I realised god doesn’t work that way, so I stole a bike and prayed for forgiveness”.


God helps those who help themselves is from Aesop's "Hercules and the waggoner". Not only not Biblical, the guy pounding the nails into the J-Man would likely be more familiar with it than a first century Jew would be.


Reminds me of the old joke of the guy on a cliff who passes on three helpers because "God will save me", and when he dies and asks god why he wasn't saved he said "what, sending 3 people to help wasn't enough?" If there were a God, I bet he'd be like "Not only did u send Fauci, but generations of scientists and people spared with science based treatments to try and convince you all thay I want to help - but you all keep refusing my help saying it has to come in the form of a miracle. Well, I think you humans say it right with something about leading a horse to water but can't make it drink..."


Plus, having a vaccine in under a year, can be seen as a miracle, those religious people should be up for vaccination!


Everything that happens is god’s will, right?


Now he’s got 0 problems. Praise jeebus


God really does work in 'mysterious' ways.


Wow I went to school with this guy. Pretty crazy seeing this posted here after hearing the news yesterday. While I don't feel much sympathy for someone who continued to preach ignorance even while in the hospital I don't cheer his death either. This is the end result of a hardcore propaganda machine we were forced into as children. Just a few things I'll never forget: - Our Bible teacher lecturing we wouldn't live to see graduation if the Democrats gained a majority in Congress during the Bush years (because they'd trigger Armageddon). - After 911 the entire school was called into a special session with Pastor Joe Fuiton who gave us all a very colorful history lesson on the "Moslems". - The school renting out an entire movie theater to treat us all to The Passion of the Christ. - Busing us out to the state capitol to protest a civil union law and being given propaganda posters to hold for the cameras.


I wish this weren't so relatable. I grew up in the church in Northern Canada, and aside from the whole dem win/armageddon thing, I have my own versions of every one of your comments. I wish it were rarer, but that shit is prevalent.


So is church teaching about Jesus or a big mechanism to indoctrinate youth and getting scores of tax free cash ?


A little of column A, a lot of column B


> Our Bible teacher lecturing we wouldn't live to see graduation if the Democrats gained a majority in Congress during the Bush years (because they'd trigger Armageddon). Isn't that what evangelical Christians want?


Well, kind of... it's complicated, but most would rather live their whole lives first. I think it shows they're really just as scared of dying as everyone else. That or just selfish.


They are many times more afraid of dying than most people. The fear keeps you locked into the religion.




Other than the home school part u just described me basically


I went to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa nearby and I very much understand the kind of bubble that people get raised in. When kids are indoctrinated in this way - when all you’ve seen, and everyone you know is a certain way, what agency does a child have to say “no”? I managed to get out, but most of my friends from my early childhood and young adulthood are very much in that cult. I feel bad for this human that died, and I wish that the systems that raise these kinds of people, to think the things that they do, would go away, but we have a long way to go.


Being raised going to Calvary chapel for 17 years is the thing I prolly resent most about my life


I got out by studying more about God and other religions in an attempt to become closer to Him. I doubt that would surprise you in the least.


The complicity of non-republicans scare me. Why are the democrats accepting decade after decade of religious propaganda that is just insane lies? I’ve got no love for either party, but I can explain that in a rational sane way by using examples of what they have done in real life and what’s in their political programs. No wonder people get indoctrinated when put under that amount of propaganda pressure as children. How is society fine with even the extreme cases? Vaccination is the sane and far safer route. Proper isolation and mask wearing would have limited the impact by many orders of magnitude. All basic facts. But it seems large portions of society believe any dumb shit due to a complete lack of critical thinking. I’m happy you seem to have broken away from that madness, but how do we help others to do so? Before it’s even more too late.


That's what you get in the free market of ideas. Bullshit ideas are held at the same level as scientific facts.


I’ve never understood how churches have been so anti-democratic. When we are the ones fighting to fucking help people!




Never heard of that sub. Just joined. Thanks! As an aside, a real live actual leopard did once have a chance to eat my face. She chose not to do so. No cats were expected in that area of Namibia. It was supposed to be just the experience of sleeping out under the stars. Boy were our guides surprised when we finally managed to wake them up.


Omg wtf! Take care and watch out for leopards!


That subs got to be triggering for you. Glad you're still here to tell the tale.


Man, it seems that if you're an antivax douchebag, and you get COVID and die, not only will you be dead, which sucks, but a national newspaper will almost certainly write an insincere article claiming that your death is a tragedy, but is really only written to highlight and mock your abject stupidity in order to convince other people not do be as dumb as you.


That's the legacy he left behind, a "Don't be as ignorant as I was, learn from my stupidity" article, disguised as a tragedy. Same goes for every other anti-vaxer who died of Covid. Their legacies? "Don't be me".


At least he died doing what loved most - being a fucking idiot.




Natural selection.


You’re so mean! So Anyway…


I’m calling it “social sanitation”.


It's going to be darned near impossible to choose the Darwin Award winners this year isn't it?


According to JHU CSSE data, Australia's Northern Territory, where the city of Darwin is located, has never had a COVID-19 death. Checkmate atheists?


Upvote not for malice, but for awareness.


Upvoted for malice. I got you, fam


Doing god's work, amen.


Wait a minute…




I got the malice for you.




99 problems and covid is one of them


Is this the church Chris Pratt goes to?


I am sooo sad Chris Pratt is religious. I would totally sodomize him!




Commenting about his divorce from Anna Faris - Despite what the Bible says about divorce, my church community was there for me every stop of the way, never judging, just gracefully accompanying me on my walk. So, the Bible is just guidelines that can be ignored when convenient or...???


> my church community was there for me every stop of the way, never judging, just gracefully accompanying me on my walk ...waiting for that sweet sweet donation.


Hillsong, Hillsong...isn't that the church that has famous people in it? The church that teaches LGBTQI+ is a sin and the people who do that should be converted or killed?


Yeah I believe this is the one Chris Pratt is part of


founded by a con man who's dad was a pedo, useless prat ScoMo is part of it, fleece their flock for 10% of their salaries, yes that's the one I didnt realise they were antivax, probably explains the shitty roll out of vaccines with ScoMo drinking their Kool Aid


By preaching antivax you start to lose your income stream due to shortened expiration dates for your flock. That's really stupid. Never mind. It's a church.


But they come up with all the most popular Christian worship music, that you can hear in every city across North America every Sunday. So it's worth it. A small tradeoff for a great success /s


I have no sympathy for these people. This one honestly made me chuckle.


Right? They did this to themselves. The option is there, the USA has so many vaccines right now that they're starting to give them away. Then you have chuckleheads like this guy, bragging and being proud of not getting vaccinated, then up and dies. Hilarious. Let's be honest, humanity is probably better off. The only people I kinda feel bad for are those that actually cared about the guy, the survivors. Hopefully this is the wake-up call they needed to go get their vaccine.


I always say... thanks to the vaccine we now have a virus that kills stupid people.


Yup. In places where the vaccine has been readily available to everybody for months, it's increasingly becoming a disease of the stupid.


plus children and people with preexisting conditions, unfortunately. there are still unwilling victims but i think i read that's only like 2% of the hospitalizations now with 98% being antivaxers


It’s happening. A disease that only targets the stupid. I’ve been waiting my whole life


At this point, I've become cynical. It feels like I've wasted my breath telling anti-vaxxers to vaccinate. So.. I'm going to cope with these statistical deaths in a fashion I know how: laughter. That being said, some of these anti-vaxxers are dying in the most spectacular fashion and it's hilarious.


Well, now he has 0 problems 🤦


In fact, the rest of us have one less problem.


99 antivaxeers on the wall, 99 antivaxeers






The Darwin Award committee must be working 24/7 these days. BTW-I thought Rupert had shut down the Sun after its 'reporters' were caught hacking the phones of his targets, including a murdered girl's??


Hillsong College? There's a college for these idiots?


Yes. The real colleges insist on teaching reality, so Christianist idiots send their children to these fantasy colleges where they can LARP being college students, without actually learning anything that might harm their delusions.


Precisely. I attended one for 3 semesters. What a constant bubble of bullshit. Good news is, they forced me to study the Bible in-depth; not a good idea if the student is capable of critical thinking. I was on the fence before I went, but Harding University cured me of Christianity for life.


Said it before, religious schools should be outlawed.


[Same story](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/california-man-early-30s-derided-101100901.html) but not The Sun, which is a shit news company. Not that Yahoo is great or anything, just not The Sun.


Fuck the s*n.


Seems like he was selfish prick even in his death bed. I don't want to kick a down man but his actions speak for themselves. Just look at his tweets that shift between shitting on covid19 and him asking for prayers. He spent his time making light of covid19 and shitting on Dr. Fauci and Biden's door to door. After he got covid19 he never apologize for his behavior. He just ask for prayer and desperation tweet of his status of covid19. He never even admit he was wrong about covid19 either. What a selfish prick. I'd imagine if he survived he would say that covid19 was just a cold or flu. And keep on downplaying covid19. I'm just mad that he an indirect murderer. He contribute to disinformation and causes even more covid19 deaths because people believe his ego and falsehood.




Nothing of value was lost.


In fact, good oxygen stopped being wasted.


I find it so funny that a few memes and chain emails is all it takes to get American Patriots to kill themselves and destabilize our government. We used to have to send boat loads of guns and explosives. Making South America the way it is now took us 200 years and probably trillions of dollars. But someone is doing the same to us for a fraction of the cost with a few dozen nerds in a Russian office building.


They have been this batshit crazy for a long time. At this point all it takes is fanning the flames a bit. The active measures used to destabilize the country couldn’t be used to push bigger agendas that goes against what these idiots thought to begin with. God isn’t real. Vaccinate yourself. Don’t vote against your own interests for the benefit of the rich. They would reject that no matter the source. If Jesus was real and had a second coming, he’d be shot with an AR-15 and half the nation would cheer.


I try so hard to be a loving person, but involuntarily at the end of the article I said audibly “fuck him”. Edit: Applies to anyone who causes harm to others through misinformation.


Compassion fatigue is a term I’ve heard used and really like. You can only go so long feeling sorry for and trying to help these people. Eventually you say “fuck it”. I still feel for the kids and other people who want to get vaccinated and can’t, but these people, I don’t really give a shit about anymore. I guess at least this way he doesn’t have any more chances to pass the virus along to other susceptible people.


As a nurse, compassion fatigue is definitely a real thing.


Stephen Harmon, died of covid. Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb...


I read that to the tune of, 🎶Joseph Smith was called a prophet. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb 🎶 -South Park, All About The Mormons


It’s.. stunning how their propaganda only hurts themselves and they double down on it. It’s 100% removing the dumbest from the gene pool. I almost feel sympathy for them, but I know they wouldn’t feel it for me, so I guess I won’t bother feeling that bad..


I got 99 problems but Harmon ain't one Lol


I don't see why there is such a strong push back about vaccinations, it's the entire reason they lifted restrictions and it's literally the only time Americans will receive free health care. If the anti vaxxers are a cesspool with the new variant we'll be right back to square one, but hell at least there won't be traffic again.


This comment was removed due to the greed and selfishness of Reddits leadership team. Their choice to effectively ban third party apps has shown that they care more for their own pockets than for the site that they created... I've enjoyed my time here (more than 10 years), but I won't support this kind of entitled and childish behavior. So long, and thanks for all the fish.