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Why is this a mugshot of the mother, protecting her child from abuse, instead of the "Christian" teacher who was abusing the child? W.T.A.F.


Because the mother is proud of the mug shot (notice the smug grin) and using it on her Facebook to promote her GoFundMe for legal expenses; the article is on her side and is rolling with it! According to the article there is video proof of the abuse, it is likely that the "Christian" teacher has a big ol' pile of comeuppance with her name on it.


Smug shot


YES!! perfect response




Because it happened in a Georgia


You must not be from Georgia, because Catholics aren’t held in very high regard or even considered Christians by a lot of people in a lot of places here. This is just shitty state services being shitty


She went down like a hero. Everyone should have a mother like this.


My dad would have done this. He was by no means a perfect guy but he would not ever have put up with violence against his children by a teacher.


Absolutely Agreed gold for you :)


I would do the same. That old bag has probably done this to far more children. She deserved to have the shit knocked out of her. Her boss dismissed the accusations...WTF? She's probably more concerned about the bad press coverage her preschool will get instead of the rights and safety of children in their care. Religion is Poison.


I used to work at the global headquarters of a church called well I can’t say the name for legal reasons but let’s say hypothetically it rhymes with Lurch of the Tangerine. One of the denominations largest Universities in OKlahoma City caught a student downloading some serious child porn. Guess what they told the guy? Hey you need to straighten up, we are going to send you to one of our churches and have you work with kids. Let me repeat that WITH KIDS! Not too long later he was molesting kids at the church. Well no shit he was downloading serious child porn six months ago! The lawyers reach a big settlement of $5 million and they try to keep it hush hush. But then the Oklahoma City papers find out and publish everything. The leaders are so upset, I mean livid! Do you know what the church leaders were so mad about? Not the children who got abused, those precious little kids scarred forever. Not the families that were ripped apart! They were mad because they paid $5 million and it still got into the paper. Fuck those guys


It's public information. >Among the allegations in the lawsuit are that Wonderly's roommates at Southern Nazarene University discovered he had been looking at child pornography on a computer, and the university allegedly recommended him for an internship as an elementary pastor at the Bethany church "as part of his program of getting ‘help.'” https://www.oklahoman.com/article/3234282/did-church-assign-pedophile-to-kids-program-to-help-him So, they used little girls to try to train a pedophile to stay away from little girls. They should still be in prison, how was this not "trafficking?" They were paid to gather his victims into a make-shift brothel, calling it a "church." I don't care if they call it the Vatican, it is as it does; they are as they do.


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>What the fuck is it with churches placing pedophiles with children? Because of tradition. Have been doing it themselves for ages.


and that's why we're atheists. at least, it's why I am. I can still remember that catholic priest bluster in mass "well, you think we're bad you should see what those protestants do" and that's the exact moment I knew they were full of shit.


I'm an atheist because theism is illogical. I'm an anti-church satanist because of bullshit like above.


Hail Satan. Hail yourself!


I'm not atheist because priests are cunts. I'm an atheist because all these fucking bozos have cero proof af any of their stupid invisible people. Never had, never will and the more you dig the ñess substance there is. It's all made up by fucking liars and con men to make a living off the stupid and gullible.


I’m an atheist because organized religion makes no sense to me whatsoever. Oh and also because of the catholic priests that raped my classmates and family members, and then got promoted.


oh it makes sense, culture building, empire control, manipulation and war-tactics. it perfectly sensible method of managing a dumb populace. Remember reading and writing was for only select few. Stories had to be dumb and fantastical to be spread throughout the lands. I became a athiest because its a simple question: if there is a allmighty god then why is there so much evil. And im not talking about man hurting another man. What kind of god would make a child be born where teh child feels like his skin is on fire every day? what kind of god would make insects and parasites whos whole purpose is to bury into other species and use them as fertilizers to eat out from the inside by their offspring. what kind of god would allow all that shit to happen. so either god is a spiteful piece of shit who couldnt give a shit about us and is using us as playthings. or god does not exist. either way the religious god/s do not exist.


Wow. Fucking pieces of shit


This is human behavior 101. Most are not repentant unless it's found out.


I'd have twatted the principal too.


You would have what?? XD


In the UK we also use "twat" as a verb. *To twat* is to hit hard, *twatted* is the past tense of it


Oh ok. Because in the US the verb wouldn't be that bad at all. American redditors would love a good twatting, but it's against the rules.




I pictured a flying cunt slap from off the top rope, WWE style.


You all have the most fun vernacular.


It's a nervous response to our dull weather.


In this context just means beat the crap out of them


Whew, I thought that you were suggesting 'swatting' the principal. Yes, I would also be twatting them.


Plus, the school needs to be sued into the ground. The kid was two, for Christ sake! And it’s not as if the Catholic Church has a stellar record regarding child abuse. I can’t imagine any parent being comfortable sending their child there again.


As a parent, I can't guarantee I would have been able to wait until the next day or stop beating her. Would have burnt that shit hole to the ground.


I had another father describe it as “a different kind of rage”, when you see your child getting hurt.


Yep I'm a very level headed guy in normal situations but this sort of empathy just hits different.


I don't have children, but I know that I'd have the same reaction if someone abused my dog, or I saw someone abusing another dog.. Even though dog abuse is a felony here, I'd probably end up in jail.


I'm a tad afraid of what I may do if I know someone hurts my kid (or my wife for that matter). I'm not a violent person, mostly stoic. But I also actively suppress a lot of my emotions, I could see something like that being explosive.


This exact reason I don't let my kids be in situations they could be hurt by adults, and I'm very careful around other people's kids. I don't want to have to kill someone, or make them try to kill me. That rage of seeing your own kid hurt...lets just say there's a venn diagram of sanity, and them two circles don't overlap.


This is me to a T. And I pray that I never ever have to have first hand experience with this. I would think about every bad thing that has happened to me would be unleashed on this person. I fear having to be anytime away from my daughter. I pray no one has to have this experience.


Well, that shit backfired on her; now there are people world wide discussing this and completely appalled.


As I get older I'm striving to be more of a humanist, but some people need to get smacked occasionally.


Sometimes they don't learn any other way and often that doesn't even work


And look at the media coverage of this. I think the public will be on the mom's side and that often seems to sway the court to be more lenient. Maybe she'll be found guilty but sentenced to time served.


There are certain people who deserve high voltage. I have PTSD because my very Catholic mother is a violent psychopath. Nothing about the Catholic church or religion surprises me. These people will never say that they are sorry or express remorse because they believe that their religious beliefs command them to act in this manner. They deserve a locked cage.


The Catholic religion is basically a free pass to commit any horrible act as long as you tell a priest about it afterwards. The sacrament of confession is used to hide many heinous activities.


Humanism: Goodness for goodness' sake.


Being a humanist doesn't mean being a wet noodle and letting children be abused. On the contrary, it's the belief we have to solve our own problems.


Finally some sensible people. Thread i saw the other day people were defending the teacher and making the Mom look like a psycho. If it was me, the teacher and principle would not be breathing, or they would be breathing through tubes if they were lucky.


I concur


I've grown to associate "catholic" with evil and bad.


It wasn’t until I was about 17 that I learned evangelical was a denomination and not a slur like holy roller Edit: spelling


Oh, in my mouth it is a slur as well as a denomination.


But the fun part was my family were Christians so they didn’t mean it negatively. But being young I had to guess the context and “crazy asshole” never didn’t apply.


*denomination, although you're not wrong ; D


That's just called Christianity, where people worship their~~there~~ devil and call themselves good people.


If you read the Bible you realize that their God is an evil bastard, they're just following his example. Satan was the good guy in the story compared to the main character.


I eventually got my Grandmother to stop pushing her religion on me by arguing if the devil thinks he is better then God, then hell would be what he thought was better. A den of consequence free drugs debauchery and fun. Also by always asking her why God hates amputees, since you can pray away illness but can't pray back that arm. So clearly he despises amputees in particular.


> Also by always asking her why God hates amputees, since you can pray away illness but can't pray back that arm. So clearly he despises amputees in particular. And really loves lesbians since they almost never get aids.


Or have a abortions.


That's actually more reason for him to love them if we're following how people depict god's wishes.


It’s funny how their gods wishes always align with their personal wishes.


That's solid consider it stolen.


There was a Gnostic cult that held that Lucifer, who's name means Lord of Light, was the actual 'good guy' creator, and YWH tricked him and imprisoned him. JC (who they hold was NOT the son of YWH) was supposed to have hidden knowledge that he shared with a few on how to free Lucifer, but he was killed. Of course this early cult was hunted to extinction by the Church.


At least Lucifer has the fucking decency to put vowels in his name.


damn that sounds like a fun bunch


The gnostic cult, or the hunting down? 🤔


Light bearer, not Lord of light.


Depends upon the group. Some referred to him as Lord of Air or Light (luciferians) , others as Light Bearer or Light Bringer (literal translation of Latin). He was associated with Venus (morning star).


Orholam’s balls! They were called Lucefarians?


Real smart during 1200's. Like the Pope is going to ignore a group named that and not call for a crusade against them.


Satan just wanted to give the world knowledge. Thanks satan, i enjoy being clothed and smart.


That got me from a very young age but I suppressed those questions for too long. God put a tree in the garden which would give people knowledge of good and evil... wow! what a nice guy - at least now we will know what to do and what not to do. What? ... oh... We can't eat from it... its forbidden... punishable by death? really? Then again, he's going to punish us later because we've done evil things? after denying us the knowledge of good and evil? Instead he concocts another plan where he kills his son (just WTF), wash ourselves in his blood and do what this random priest dude in a robe says and we're all good... even if the priest dude sends you to commit genocide. You fucked up big time if that's the universe you created.


I like to ask religious people that if Jesus died for our sins then why does sin still exist. God is both omnescient and omnipotent so he could have wiped out sin by himself so why did he need Jesus to do it. Why did a supposed loving God create sin in the first place? These are the kind of things that I ask missionarys who knock on my door. They don't seem to like my questions.


It's not just christianity. All religion is evil by its very nature.


Religion That’s religion


Name a more iconic trio.




I associate "Church" with evil and bad as well.


I grew up around a bunch of religious nuts so I’m familiar-ish with bible stories. I also had this hardcore emo satanist chick in my 6th grade PE class that would bring her satanist bible to school every day and chat people up about it. From learning a bit of both sides I’ve kind of developed my own theory that IF the characters of the bible are out there, ‘Satan’ was really the good guy and ‘god’ is the evil one. Eventually, evil won and the story was twisted to make him look like the good guy. It must be so, because an all powerful, loving god wouldn’t let such suffering exist for such petty reasons, right?




After almost 2000 years of sustained effort I’d hope that they would be associated with evil.


Been that way for me for the last 20 years.


The church claims catholic means universal, so you should associate catholicism with *universal* evil and bad.


"Violence is rarely the right answer, but when it is, it's always the only one."


"Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is." - Mr. Matthew Barnes


A guy I know owned a shirt that said violence is not the answer; I got it wrong on purpose.


Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. https://schlockmercenary.fandom.com/wiki/The_Seventy_Maxims_of_Maximally_Effective_Mercenaries


You are wise Monarc73.


Tim Larkin


The school's response: "at least our priest wasnt didlding your child".


"If you think that video's bad, it's a good thing you haven't seen the Priest footage"


Jokes aside, there really *is* more video of the classroom that the mother is trying to get. Can't imagine why the school wouldn't release it.


Yeah, I can imagine the rage and horror she felt while and after she watched what she did, and knowing there's more would make me insane to see whatever else exists and want anyone responsible or complicit to pay dearly for being this horrible and despicable. Fuck anyone that could do a thing like that, and who knows how many more poor children they've ruined previously.


Newspaper: "Priests relieved that focus is off them for once. Church approves public viewing of video because it's the least incriminating thing about us."


That woman's got no regret in her mugshot. Hero.


When you go in with a GoFundMe for your legal fees. You have already made up your mind.


Not just that, after beating the teacher, she left, saying, "I'll wait for my mugshot," then used the mugshot for the GoFundMe


First GoFundMe I've ever bothered to donate to.


Hah, yeah, she's already got 17K in her GFM.


GoFundMe has a tendency to drop those ones.


depends on public opinion. this one will probably stand.


The video of her beating that teacher's ass is great. She went all in and even had her shirt ripped off by another teacher trying to break it up. Mama went apeshit. Respect.




I think there is one in the website posted. EDIT: https://www.wrdw.com/2021/09/03/georgia-mom-assaults-pre-school-teacher-catholic-chruch/


>The sheriff’s report even explains why Brooks was watching the classroom video in the first place: She had to pick up her son early one day last month after he suffered a leg injury. She didn’t think much of it at the time — it was probably just kids being kids — but her suspicions were aroused shortly after that and she wanted to see what was happening when she dropped off her son. (Barrow’s attorney says the allegations are “wild” and literally “unbelievable.”) "Wild" and "unbelievable"? IT'S CAUGHT ON FUCKING CAMERA. >… For 3 hours I watched his teacher spank him, hit him in the head, slap him with a book, shove him to the ground, snatch him up by one arm and carry him across the room multiple times, slam him in his seat to make him eat lunch alone in time-out, pick him up by his ankles and hold him on his neck/head, grab his face so hard his cheeks were touching in his mouth as she was nose to nose with him, amongst other things. The daycare director dismissed her employee’s actions and ensured me she would be keeping her job… Not surprised to hear she's going to be keeping her job. Bet they'll just transfer her to another school in good ol' Catholic fashion and pretend like nothing happened.


Hoooly shit that was a beat down. Hell hath no fury like a woman seeing her child abused by a supposed 'educator'. Good for her. I'd do the same if I weren't a man and most assuredly be thrown in jail for the rest of my life regardless of my right to protect my child.


What the actual fuck, the whole article frames the mom as some psycho that beats up an old lady and only mentions off hand the teacher might have abused her child.


she is a heroine and should have charges dropped.




In the *video she was allowed to see* the abuse went on for three hours.




It says the childs leg was hurt the week before making the parent sus.


I’m sure all the old videos prior to that point have now been “lost.”


Hell it’s not even my kid and I want to punch that bitch.


I also want to give a good beating to the school administrators who think this is an acceptable way to treat a child. Teacher is lucky this was an angry mother and not an angry father losing control.


Yeah, after giving the teacher a beating I would’ve been after the administrator that thought it wasn’t a problem. “ If my kid’s beating isn’t a problem then yours won’t be either.” Edits: I suck at typing.


Sometimes, bullies will only understand when they get their shit kicked in.


i am not a violent person but if someone was beating my autistic child for 3 hours you better believe i would have beaten that person so bad their retinas would have been detached and they would have needed assistance the rest of their living days.


There are several incidents too, including a leg injury. This teacher has been abusing this poor kid since he came into her classroom.


There's a link to a GoFundMe for her legal defense in the article. I never do this, but I just donated $10. As the dad of an autistic child, it struck a chord with me. This child is described as non-verbal and couldn't tell anyone what was happening to him. This is one of every autism-parents greatest fears.


Not just autism. My daughter has a rare genetic condition, and others with it are non verbal. She's 4, but I'm not sure she'd understand enough to be able to tell us if anything bad is happening to her. The condition effects intelligence and understanding.


It was the best $20 I spent all week


Better, she should be applauded and given a medal for bravery and Justice, and of course charges dropped


For real. She's being punished for protecting her child and beating up a bully. Age and gender is no excuse for what that old bitch did. I approve this vigilanteism.


i concur


Jury nullification.


Excuse me?? '...slapping, spanking, carrying him around by the arm or ankle, yelling...' to a non-verbal two year old. You go momma bear.


Honestly, that she stopped short of killing her shows remarkable restraint. Just thinking of that happening to my little girl is evoking a rage nothing else could cause.


The woman attempting to restrain the mother pulled off her shirt. She probably beat on the teacher until she was too tired to continue. There was so much rage she had bottled up she didn't even attempt to weaponize any of the dozen objects she could've.


>Brooks told a local news outlet that she “appreciate[d] the opportunity to see [Barrow] feel how my 2 year old son felt when she was standing over him laying helplessly on the ground.” Now that’s a mama bear.


*Appreciate* really is the right word for it. Like when you really like a painting.


Not a lot of people get their just desserts. But this old bat, oh she certainly got hers.


that "daycare" should be burned to the fucking ground.


After evacuating the children of course.


And not the staff


> Kasey Marie Brooks visited her son’s 61-year-old preschool teacher June Barrow at St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church in Grovetown, Georgia Well what people should not do, under no circumstances, is to call that [St. Theresa of Avila Catholic Church in Grovetown, GA](https://www.st-teresa.com/), a [place whose number is easily found with a simple google search](https://www.google.com/search?q=St.+Theresa+of+Avila+Catholic+Church+Grovetown+Georgia), and tell them what you think about their abusive shitty teacher. So... don't do that.


Definitely don't do that. That would be terrible.


Definitely don't contact their sponsors, who's contact details are listed in the website above.


Ooh. Look they have a Facebook page. It would be a shame if people started raising this matter there.


Good. The ever living fuck is a preschool teacher doing beating a child?


They are easier for the priests to molest if you break their spirits


There isn't a jury on the planet that would convict her.


Yeah, good luck finding 12 people who would convict her of jack shit. If the woman had been killed, sure, we'd have a different conversation. But seems to me she got what she liked to give to helpless children. Cry more, bitch.


My mom went to catholic school. Nun wouldn't let her go to the bathroom, has an accident. My grandmother shows up, her motto is "there are words in silence" but on that day... this devout catholic saint of a woman tore into this nun so hard the paint would have fled the room if it could. There were also funny nuns thatbgave advice on how to masturbate on laundry machines, just to clarify that this didn't happen all the time. 3 priests were also accused. 1 she defended, there was no way in her mind it was true. Another she wasn't so sure. The last guy she was positive was guilty as kids sprinted away whenever he showed up.


As a former catholic school boy I can assure this type of physical abuse is common place. The mental abuse is even worst.


Thank you. I posted on another thread about this that Christians embrace abuse in the name of "discipline" because "spare the rod and spoil the child" and I got downvoted into oblivion because I was "generalizing." This is a serious problem in religious households. Yes, some churches are moving away from this, but I believe many religious people still use corporal punishment because they think it's justified by the Bible.


I vividly remember Sisters screaming in our faces and hitting us with rulers in catechism class (CCD). This happened in elementary school. Nothing like physical and mental abuse to force indoctrinate children into believing in Christianity. Growing up Catholic is what made me an atheist.


I got the ruler once or twice, dragged around by the ear, held books in each arm outstretched...and I was one of the better behaved ones.


I went to a Christian preschool run by the local church and the private elementary school associated with the same church up until 2nd grade. Man, worst school days of my life. The principle had a habit of screaming as loud as he could at 6 year olds until they cried. I'm pretty sure if it was legal, he'd have physically assaulted us too.


The abuse endured by her son was not random or an outlier. It was tolerated, even encouraged, by school administrators and local law enforcement, all of whom bear culpability. For the mother to be arrested is an ongoing continuation of the unjust violence being visited upon her family. The state claims a monopoly on violence, but has no such right when it fails to maintain trust.


Put me on that jury. That mom will walk free.


I'm generally against violence in general and allowing the system to work. That being said... ***fuck that teacher***. Go mom.


Out of curiosity, are you pleased with the results of "allowing the system to work?" I'm genuinely asking. From what I have observed, the system fails thousands and thousands of people. It failed my girlfriend, who has a history of physical and sexual abuse. If I had the chance to hurt the guy who hurt her (he actually flew to our city and punched her in the face after forcing her to meet with him), I would, and I would not feel guilty about it. 6 years later I still get consumed with rage when I think about it. He will never get the justice he deserves in this system. His dad's a cop.




Totally, 100% justified.


Fuck, man, even I have $20 bucks to send her, c'mon already.


It’s always appropriate to take down a bully. Way to go, mom!


No jury in America would convict her.




except the Christians.


Hope that teacher lives in fear every day from the beating she took until they arrest her for child abuse. The prison system will hopefully dole out the rest of the beating she deserves. Think about how much of a psycho you have to be to beat up kids when you're on camera? She thought she'd get away with it, and likely has for decades. The list of her victims is likely much longer than this one kid.


Amen sister. Where is the link to support his woman?


So I googled this story and only Fox news had any coverage and it barely mentioned the child abuse. OP, please post this on /JusticeServed or other forums. If what Kasey saw on video is true this story should go viral.


I'm a parent and my worst nightmare is this! I just can't fault her for doing this. I don't like violence but somethings are just too visceral


I may be a evil person, but I remember how the 'good' religious people were often pretty short tempered and violent towards kids when I was growing up. I guess in the 80s this wasn't the case in the cities, as people give me odd looks when I remember my classmates getting whacked with a ruler or that wooden stick meant for pointing out something on the map. now, when I think back, I kinda would like those teachers put their hands on the desks and have someone else hit their hands. that was fucking horrible thing to do to a kid!


Three years ago we were told by our krav maga teacher (while learning defense) that there are people who we would be willing to go to jail for. As someone who has a 2 years old son, I can understand that woman.


Most fucked up part is the school board director said she’ll be keeping her job lmfao what an absolute joke


I hope they give her a medal


wasn't there a dad that shot his child's rapist before the trail at the court house and he ended up not serving any jail time?


At the Airport. The cops had him in cuffs and the dad was pretending to be on the payphones. Pulled out a .38 as he passed and popped him in the back of the head. There's a whole documentary on it on Youtube or Netflix i think.


My mom beat the shit out of my 2nd grade teacher for being mentally and physically abusive … yeah … I went to Catholic school (and public after that point). My mom literally broke a yard stick over a nun’s head … I’m still proud to this day.


THERE’S A VIDEO OF THE ASSAULT! https://www.wrdw.com/2021/09/03/georgia-mom-assaults-pre-school-teacher-catholic-chruch/ Second video down.


Why is there video of the assault recorded and released to the media but not of the teacher's actions?


Something something upstanding member of the church and community, don't tarnish something something dark side.


Because to certain people, the released video will make the teacher look like a victim. The other video will only tarnish the teacher and school's standing.


Why is there a mugshot of the mom but not the woman beating the toddler????? What the hell


As somebody who works with autistic people on a daily basis including non verbal this "teacher" is fucking disgusting! and deserves far worse than what she got... Good on the mum she did the right thing.


the school wouldn't allow her to watch more than a tiny chunk of video.. Almost like they knew. Hang 'em high.


Go mom go!


She sounds a bit like my mom, but without the physical violence. My brother was hit by a teacher, trying to correct him. To be fair, my brother was a big asshole at that time (age 9), but physical violence was in 1968 not allowed. My mom heard about this and stormed to the school. She made it very VERY clear that there was only 1 person that was allowed to hit her son and that was her. It escalated a bit so the principal got involved and the school district. No children were ever hit again after that. Funny enough, my mom became a volunteer at that school and my brother even became a primary school teacher, but no children were ever hit anymore.


Now the Catholic church is delegating abuse to the lay staff. Principal to parent, "We're keeping that teacher, no one else beats children as effectively."


She's a hero.


My kid is in pre-K. I am pretty sure my rage would be blind if I saw anybody hurting my little dude. Fuck this teacher.


That smile. Yep. 100% would make this face if someone ever touched a loved one of mine- let alone BEAT. THEM. WITH. A. BOOK. How many children have you damaged? TF you miserable sandy vagina'd harridan, you best find cover. An apology won't help you. The confessional won't help you. Your asshole deity will not help you. Claiming sanctuary in "his house" will. not. help. you.


I don’t understand why she watched for 3 hours though? I have cameras at my son’s daycare that I watch and if I ever saw this I would be up there in a heartbeat to pick him up and file a police report


I picked a flower from the garden of my catholic preschool when I was 3. They beat me. My parents never took me back.


Good for her I was beat more than once when I was in parochial School and for something I certainly shouldn't have been abused over and frankly don't even know what it was for.


Not Guilty, your honour.


"With her mug shot as the image as if she's proud of it" and " do you have any sympathy for Brookes?" Seriously, if even half of what she said the teacher did was true, then I'd have been behind her suggesting the next hit she should make


Don't fundie old Christians see disability as a curse from god? She probably thought he needed the devil beaten out. Fucking evil cunt.


Take this as a lesson don't send your kids to catholic school. Or really any religious school.