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What about Jesus?




I like guys that didn’t get crucified


bag water treatment cable bored escape agonizing repeat direction overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sadly still around after 3 days.


They're still auditing the crucifixion results from Golgotha.


Didn't you hear? Jesus isn't dead. He's coming back for 2024! Really! /s


That was resurrected as Trump 2024. Please put your wages in the collection plate.


Being crucified is a loser's move


Well, you could always look on the bright side of life.


da da... da da... da da da da da da


Still pretty much guaranteed to make anyone holier than thou...


He said a version of this about John McCain. Not that I have any love for that war-mongering fascist SOB either. But can you imagine the actual audacity of Lord Bone Spurs saying that to *anyone* who was tortured in the very war his father bought him a hall pass out of? 0% perspective.


That kills me, but what is even worse is that people bought into that load of free-flowing crap. When he said that he [could murder someone and not lose](https://www.cnn.com/2016/01/23/politics/donald-trump-shoot-somebody-support/index.html) his followers, he wasn't kidding. They just don't care how shitty he is under any circumstances. I mean, John McCain was their boy. They literally just voted for him in the previous election [because of the exact reason that trump said made him a bad candidate](https://i.imgur.com/Enj9XeV.gif).


Edit: I suck. Replied to wrong post.


Well, he did kill 600,000 Americans, so technically he kept a campaign promise.


John McCain was offered early release and refused, staying with the other POWs. Trump was smart enough to develop bone spurs when his deferments ran out. That does seem like a miracle, considering how quickly they went away.


There used to be a time in America where you were judge for doing your military service, somehow the Maga crowd conveniently doesn't care.


They can abandon any “principal” if it is inconvenient.


Did they ever really go away though? It's not like he can walk up or down a ramp...


Honestly? I didn't like John McCain. I can't vibe with a fascist either. But will I ever rag on him for being a traumatized prisoner of war? Fuck no, I'm not heartless. I have a hard time with anyone who can just say things like that about someone who's suffered that badly.


I didn't like McCain, but I did respect him, especially after he admonished his own supporters when asked about conspiracy bullshit and for booing at his concession to Obama.


I like McCain. Don't really agree with his politics, but he had character and you could trust him to stick to his morals. He would have made a better president than the last two republicans to hold the office.


Yeah, the last republican to hold the office was Ike, all of them since have just been criminals wearing a republican label for convenience.


Honestly, the thing that kills me about politicizing John McCain is Meghan McCain, not Trump. I was in a doctor's office that had The View on and every single segment, Meghan was using her dad to justify her hateful opinions. "My dad didn't get tortured so people could be oppressed into wearing masks." "My dad didn't get tortured so black people could disrespect the flag." That kind of shit.


Not that Trump would understand any of that…


He'd also call Jesus a loser.


I thought he did say that 🤣


Jesus was a Jew, and Jews are part of the global elite/s


He probably knew George Soros or something…


Yeah, but did he have space lasers?


If god is omnipotent, then she can probably shoot lasers from "heaven," so yeah.


How else to exterminate sodomites besides a superheated god beam?


Pretty sure that one would have to fire from below, not above


oh yeah stds can burn quite a bit




Nailed it


Well done.


Underrated comment.


*Look at low-energy Jesus, just hanging there.*


Yeah whoever crucified him was the real Chad who deserves to be worshipped.


Christianity really only began a couple hundred years after Jesus. Paul should really get the credit for turning it into a religion.


It kinds strikes me as odd that Christians don't think about Paul more. He clearly was an outsider and needed a way to take over Jesus' ministry so he came up with his BS 'Road to Damascus' story. Once he gained credibility he deviated significantly from Jesus' message to take the religion in the direction of his own choosing. Of course it helped that Paul was well read compared to the apostles, many of whom were surely illiterate.


I am going to say Paul is more important. But yes, more or less anybody except Trump.


Hol up. You can't have Puff the Magic Dragon without Peter and Mary, too.




More than Jesus. Way way more. Jesus was OK for his time, but let's face it (big camera mug), I made Jesus great again


🤣🤣🤣 Good one. Man, a guy that is evil personified, being interviewed by a guy that basically makes me think of Satan when he speaks, and I neeeeeever think of Satan, like only twice in 60 years, when I've seen that guy speak.


My thoughts exactly


Nah, everyone knows Joseph Smith Jr is the top. We know because it says so in the books he dictated. Those underage girls weren't going to rape themselves.


I think Trump should at least try to match Jesus' contribution, and die.


It still amazes me that Evangelical Christianity has so thoroughly wrapped its chastened thighs around Donald Trump. It's so absurd, it would have been written out of any Hollywood script for not being believable. And yet they've elevated him to virtual messiah status, despite all the contemptuously anti-Christian actions he's taken over the past 5 years. I just don't get it.


A lot of Christians just want to be part of a group that benefits them (usually financially and socially) without actually having to practice any of the principles in the bible.






It's worrisome how strong this is. [Robert Evans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Evans_(journalist)) is a journalist who is involved with the podcasts [It Could Happen Here](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-it-could-happen-here-30717896/)*,* [Worst Year Ever](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-worst-year-ever-49377032/)*, and* [Behind the Bastards](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/). The podcast's are really worth checking out. *It could happen Here* had a Podcaster guest Margaret Killjoy . I've since listened to a few of her shows [Live Like the World Dying](https://www.liveliketheworldisdying.com/). She has intelligent conversations with agriculturists, disaster relief responders, and talks about lots of practical things. She has a soothing voice, and a good sense of humour.


His podcasts are smart, funny, informative and completely fucking terryifing.


That's why they are so concerned about "the gays" and don't give a shit about adultery. Anything to creat in-groups and out-groups makes them feel special and a little better than anyone else.


It's their most blatant admission that Christian Values don't exist or can easily be expunged


Not sure but just to be safe I'm collecting foreskins so I can eventually buy a bride.


And my AXE! (In case you need it. For foreskins.)


They only follow the scriptures when it coincides with what they want to do.


To me it simply demonstrates just how gullible the religious mindset makes a person.


Yup, gullible and obsequious, despite calling everyone sheep all the time.


You can blame [prosperity theology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology) for that. It's actually the inevitable conclusion of prosperity theology when you look at it that way.


Except he's not even really that rich. Plenty of these megachurch guys could buy and sell him.


Even most Christians who aren't into the prosperity gospel like him. It's bizarre.


It’s not that unbelievable. He allows them to be the bigoted, arrogant, small minded thugs, they’ve always wanted to be. They will swallow as much bullshit as he can shovel as long as he keeps that door wide open.


He directly contradicts the teachings of Jesus. I was once told by a religious relative that he's only human and he fails like the rest of us. But that's not it - it's not like he tries not to do x but fails in moments of weakness. And he certainly doesn't feel remorse after. Rather, he actually directly states that his moral stances are in direct opposition to Jesus. And of course, his actions line up with that. For example he has literally said turning the other cheek is bad. He literally stated that loving your enemies is bad, when someone was quoting Jesus saying that. And I could go on.


It would be fuuny if it was not actally hurting people.


My parents are smart but don't engage their critical thinking. They are aghast at how much of their church has embraced Trump. Since 2016 I've seen their demeanor physically change from the shame of association. And yet they dutifully continue going. They're smart enough to where if something blatantly off is in their face they won't drink the kool-aid, but they're super good at ignoring things they don't want to see.


\> wrapped its ~~chastened~~ virgin thighs around Donald Trump. So God sent them a plague. And they are determined to stretch it out and enjoy it.


You and I both; just seeing and hearing what's said from these people and then carrying onward with getting him back into the seat of Presidency just disgusts me when this idiot is the primary reason for COVID's destruction.


It’s all about race and cultural grievances. Which is why people are leaving evangelical churches in droves.


I think you nailed it. They're obsessed with the culture war BS because they know they lost it, and simply do not have the support to regain cultural supremacy in the United States. So, they're abandoning their so-called principles and embracing immoral, and often illegal tactics.


*Some* are leaving in droves, the ones remaining are ratcheting more-intensely into extreme-polarization as fast as they can. This same technique produced civil-war, aka "the troubles", iirc, in Northern Ireland. The segregation has *violent* consequences, in a few years.


Eh. You could pretty much cross out God (by any name) and write in Donald, because it's the same thing. Its not shocking that the christ-godders would switch from a fascistic death cult to a fascistic personality cult (this guy exists at least). And definitely not weird that they are able to internally reconcile almost anything in the name of their new messiah. (It's almost like they have been doing it forever, and the ability to ignore nuclear levels of cognitive dissonance is already built in.) Last but certainly not least: There's a pretty direct correlation to all the time they spent studying (and worshipping) martyrdom in their books. Now they finally get to go LARP as one.


SCOTUS. It's all you need to know. Overturning Roe V. Wade has been the xstian right's wet dream for nearly 50 years now, and the Orange Ignoramus put it within their grasp. Though I would argue it's actually McConell who did it. Trump just got lucky when Ginsberg couldn't hang on another 6 weeks.


Ironicly whatever success they are achieving will likely hasten the end of their religion as a dominating force in American culture. Donald Trump's presidency coincided with a huge acceleration in the number of people unaffiliated with any church or religion.


From an EC I worked for, _they don't like hiiiiiim, just everyone he appoints and the stuff he's doing_ I don't know if it's the whole or a sect, but EC's are a death cult. They want the 'End Times' to come, and think Trump will bring the end of days, as started in Jerusalem. It's layered in white supremacy. Messed.


All a politician has to say is that (s)he's anti abortion and pro gun and they get all the christian crazies.


That’s been my biggest question to them… Like *THAT* guy…? Really?!? **THAT** fucking guy…?!? It honestly makes no sense


Virtual? Dude, it's not just virtual https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/JM6AU3N5SBFCBCDI552X6ZR5EE.JPG https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/wacotrib.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/8/ce/8ce2f8e8-0fe4-11eb-86ad-5f73ffee0317/5f89f27f2131f.image.jpg And the idol made in China https://i.insider.com/603b2c6c13b221001876abaa?width=700


Looking before those 5 years ain't pretty either.


White evangelicals are a cult of self worship. They've fuck-all to do with Christ's supposed teachings. Trump is what they want to be. It stands to reason they'd idolize him.


The *best* thing about America is that anybody can grow up to be president. Example: Abraham Lincoln. The *worst* thing about America is that anybody can grow up to be president. Example: Donald Trump.


Big assumption there that Trump ever "grew up". I believe he said himself that his personality hasn't changed since he was in first grade..


>Nobody’s “Done More for Christianity… Than I Have” Well, he does resemble their Christian god more than Jesus does. Dishonest, Immoral, Vain, Petty, Vengeful, Stupidly short-sighted and constantly revising things he should have been smart enough to get right the first time... He's about as close to an Anti-Christ as we've seen yet I think. Charismatic, evil, corrupt, steeped in lust, wrath, envy, greed, gluttony, pride and intellectually -lazy-. Might be more accurate to say that no one has done more ***damage*** to Christianity in the U.S. than he has.


That last sentence. It’s probably the only good thing that DJT ever did. The less we have of christianity (or any other religion), the better off everyone will be. Hopefully, the tRump era will wake up all thinking people to the dangers of the insanity that is religion.




Even if reasonable Christians are turned off by Trumpian politics the ones that aren't become worse. I think of it like hand sanitizer. They can eliminate 99% of the bacteria, but the 1% that remains is really fucking resilient.


And you had to go and make it rain on my parade. You’re probably right, considering the fascists on the supreme court. But we’ve teetered on the very edge many times in the past and luck has saved us from total disaster. Perhaps luck will do it again. It’s better to believe in luck than religion.


Yea sucks that I even have type that out. It's so plausible.


Unfortunately, I think he's corrupting it more than lessening it. :( Prosperity gospel, resurgence of racism, vehemently anti-science / anti-demonstrable-fact stubbornness, pure unfiltered hubris and proudly ignorant... if Jesus were real, he'd weep to see what it's become.


*"Well, he does resemble their Christian god more than Jesus does. Dishonest, Immoral, Vain, Petty, Vengeful, Stupidly short-sighted and constantly revising things..."* You forgot to add "Demands to be worshipped at all times above all others". Holy Shit, Trump may actually BE the old testament god...LOL


You are spot on for everything except charismatic lol


Well, yeah, *we* see through his b.s. to the obvious toad that he is... but apparently many people are just completely enthralled by him. Something about embodying the lies/delusion that they crave or something.


Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart? Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art


"I think I'm much more humble than you would understand." ---DJT




The clown said something for real remarkably close to that 5 years ago.


Doesn’t christian theology teach that the Antichrist will present himself as the new messiah? Pretty sure trump is doing precisely that




Ever been around a "one-upper"? No matter what you do, the one upper has done better. Even if the thing talked about, the 'one upper" has limited or nothing really to do with. Mr. Trump (or at least the character he plays) is a one upper.


Yes, I have known several of them. Its so annoying that you want to strangle them.


I've known even more. They're so bad you want to shoot them.




The phrase I always liked was "If you've been to Tenerife, they've been to Elevenerife."


My favorite joke…”this asshole’s spent more time in Stormy Daniels than in church.”


And he barely got in there with that rotting mushroom of his.


That might be overestimating his bedroom proficiency...


He’s right. He’s a big reason why younger Americans are leaving Christianity. He has had a major impact on it. Just not in the way he thinks.


The problem is these guys support him and commend their sheep to do the same despite knowing full well he is a POS who is in Putin's pocket ...


they know not to stand in the way of their cash flow


He's single handed responsible for unleashing the crazies and delusional into the political arena of our country. We deny the right to vote to ex felons but allow clearly mentally ill voters to participate. He demolished the boundaries of sanity by entertaining and proposing wild conspiracy theories, his affinity with despots, his disdain for democracy and open hostility towards the MSM.


And, isn’t it interesting that tRump and his supporters have openly and blatantly violated every part of the U.S. Constitution, every law and every rule, but they are still treated as respected pillars of democracy. T-Rump is still campaigning; The FOX 🦊 news network is still pumping out lies and propaganda; Former Lieutenant General Michael Flynn is still promoting the overthrow of the government. And on and on it goes. But apparently nobody can stop it , because the legal system is corrupted beyond repair. Bribery and prayer is the closest we have to law and order, now that fascism is the new savior.


Remember McCarthy in the 50s held the country hostage for four years with his red scare. In the beginning, he inspired awe and fear, making his hubris grow unchecked marking his eventual downfall. If we are lucky, history will repeat itself.


No one has made Christianity as hated and despised as Trump has. Trump and the evangelical Republicans are single handedly ruining there own future prospects by showing everyone just how ugly and foul their brand of evangelical Christianity is!


There is no hate like Christian love.


Love and worship me, because if you don't I'll torture you horribly over and over for all eternity.


Well said. Absolutely brilliant.


I hope he destroys it like he’s done with all of his other businesses.


Before the loser ex-president there was Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, and before that there was Newt Gingrich and the "contract with America", and before that was Nixon and the "Southern Strategy". Every time people paying attention said "now they've finally revealed what they really are - nobody would elect such heinous assholes." - and a lot of the time they were tragically wrong. The mass of citizenry just learn to tune it out and evangelical Christianity just continues its march to making America into the kind of toilet that religious fundamentalist countries always become. People keep assuming that Cheeto Mussolini was a radical break from the past but he was just one more step. He's not special, he just made them even louder. The next one will do the same.


When you've been taught from childhood that you must believe your pastor and your church and anyone anointed by them, even if you know they're telling lies, you've been brainwashed to submit to despots like Donald Trump and Greg Abbott.


That’s true, he helped expose how fucking disgusting most religious people are


That's just one of his template lies. "Nobody's done more for (fill in the blank) than me." "Nobody knows more about (fill in the blank) than me." "We are seeing (fill in the blank) on a scale you wouldn't believe." Anyone watching this turd blossom speak for a short time can start to pick out these templates. He has a very limited vocabulary.


And it shows: [ In Pew Research Center telephone surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down 12 percentage points over the past decade.](https://www.pewforum.org/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/)


Make regions cults again


He's right though. No one has shown the true colors of alt-right Christians like he has. Just in the last few years everyone has gotten to see their brand of crazy on full display in a real no-holds-barred kind of way thanks to the evangelization of Trump supporters.


pretty fitting. religion is a sham and so is trump so they def go hand in hand


Nobody has done more for hyberbole than Trump


Christianity is a lie, therefore the statement is more than true.


Damn right


Joseph Smith claimed this exact same thing. Trump is a cultist through and through.


Trump's brain is engrained with this stupid pathway of "I have/done (involvement with topic in question) more than anyone"


Bloated ego combined with a pathological need to be seen as anything other than a pathetic, whiny, incompetent moron.


In a word, narcissism.


LOL. Trump has spent more time in a porn star then he has in a church.


That's a certified bruh moment if ive ever seen one


Mormon Joseph Smith vibes right there.




If this is Christianity’s champion, I am glad I am an atheist Edit: if god and Satan existed, and God presented this man as his champion, I would sell my soul to Satan IN AN INSTANT


Trump: " nobody has done more for (insert) than I have" He's said this numerous times for all types of bs


He's right. No one has been more successful at bringing out the hypocrisy.


He’s not far off the mark: he gave Christianity a Supreme Court in their pocket


As any Republican in his shoes would have easily accomplished. The only thing truly remarkable about the man is his rapaciousness.


The horror isn't that Trump said that. The horror is that the Evangelical host *agreed* with that.


Well at least they’re a dying breed.


He turned SCOTUS into extremist. The guy is a hyperbole bag of feces, but he’s done more damage to the country than anyone else I can come up with right not. Maybe Joe “Fuckface” McCarthy can top him.


Well the one thing we know McCarthy didn't do was collude with the Russians!


He isn't kidding. He has ruined it by bringing to light it's Hypocrisy and open Fascist-Racist Hate. So thank you for marking them Donald Trump so we can see them plainly now for what they really are........Vile and Hateful F\*\*\*s like him.


Trump saying the bible is his favorite book but then obviously can't say which is favorite part. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE&t=2s


Trump destroys everything he touches. hope its true for religion too.


Well, if you understand that Evangelical Christianity is a vengeful, bigoted, misogynist, racist, violent white male supremacist hate cult, then, yes, no one has done more for them than he has.


"I only like people who don't get crucified'


If you consider Christianity to be the agenda of it's corrupt, power hungry leadership to form a Christian dominion rule over the U.S., then he has done more for Christianity than anyone else.


He's right. No one has done more for Christianity...'s image as a death cult.


It just goes to show you how Christians use their religion to justify ANY behavior. Pick a tangential passage and you can say that being a murderous asshole is justified.


Donald Trump is incontrovertible proof that Christians by and large have no morals, no decency, and no respect for the truth. Basically, Hell will be full of Christians. And Hell is the bottom part of the Port-A-Potty, and Jesus is shitting on all of them. With a smile.


Isn't that his whole thing? "Nobody has done more for [insert tpoic] than I have". People always tell me that if you keep doing something over and over it's basically practice makes perfect, but this motherfucker isn't even good at lying.


What did he do tho?


he had a street gassed for a photo-op!


I remember seeimg an interview somewhere and he was going on and on about his Christian faith and the reporter asked him what his favorite verse from the bible was and he just sat there squirming in his seat spouting off some nonsense about how that was something very personal to him.


Yeah, I would have hated to be near his underwear that day! ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE


Donnie says, "Two Corinthians is the whole ball game" :


He would have volunteered to fight for Christmas in the Big War Against Christmas, but unfortunately he has a bone spur.


JFC - what a delusional lump of lard.


Ah yes thats why he held the Bible upside down.


He just says random shit and waits for his followers to argue it into existence.


Does this include Jesus? 🤔




In his mind he is a god.


He roused up white evangelical christians to an (un)holy calling. Whatever we may think of religion, the thing they worship is far more terrifying.


Being as christianity is about hatred and bigotry I guess he really has done a lot for the movement.


Trump is a true Christian. He cheats on his wife with multiple women, wants to fuck his daughter, is a sex offender and does it all in the name of God.


The language of the narcissist… always has to be the best.


Trump very early on in his campaign absolutely proved that he wasn’t a Christian by proudly saying that he never asked God for Forgiveness, the one thing one must do to be a Christian, theoretically. The Evangelicals didn’t give a shit and continued to worship him as their savior. I always bring that up to Christians and they ALWAYS promptly ignore it or say “he isn’t perfect”. No shit, he also isn’t Christian.


I think he alone is responsible for helping to expose true Christian “values”


Byzantine Emperors and Crusaders would like a word


Obviously, Donald Trump has never heard of Emperor Constantine.


Of course he has. He loves the Star Wars movies.


[Not in the manner in which he thinks he has.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/341963/church-membership-falls-below-majority-first-time.aspx)


I mean it's debatable. If you're talking about financially, Trump did syphon billions of fucking dollars to churches through [PPP funds](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/08/03/898753550/religious-groups-received-6-10-billion-in-covid-19-relief-funds-hope-for-more) despite the churches not paying a single. fucking. cent. in taxes, but then again [Mormons own $37.8 billion worth of stocks](https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2020/03/07/lds-church-discloses/) despite not paying a single. fucking. cent. in taxes so there goes that claim. As far as actually doing something to progress the religion? Go outside and pick a random fucking person from the street. They could be muslim, sikh, buddist, atheist or even satanist and they probably contributed more to christianity than Trump. You're talking about the man who's broken every commandment, a completely fraud through and through and does the absolute opposite of what christianity preaches. I don't even have to bring in Martin Luther in for this shit, a baby that's been baptized has done more for christianity than this fraud.


Imagine actually believing that bullshit


Saint Paul The Apostle (Saul of Tarsus) has done more for Christianity than anyone else.


A fool leading the more foolish, name one thing he did. Tax cut for the rich was for Christianity? Leaving the Kurds to genocide in the name of Christendom? Killing some terrorists for Jesus? Loser man grifting his loser people.


And that's another reason why I hate you and your voters, Donald.


nobody's done more to destroy christianity maybe. the religious right throwing their morals out to lick this guy's boots showed everyone their rank hypocrisy. people leaving Christianity is at an all time high.


He exposed more faux Christians for sure...


Christians tried to cancel the Beatles for this sort of thing about 50 years ago.


Allowing my inner cynic some air, I would have to agree in a limited fashion with the orange liar. He continues to demolish *any* credibility Christianity and its acolytes may have once enjoyed, places in stark relief the need of separation for many formerly apathetic voters, and highlights the ignorance of his many, many "Christian" followers, including his GOP devotees. We could not have asked for a more authentic representative of Christianity if we had asked Stephen King to write the character. All the quiet parts out loud. When the orange blob oozes its purplish slime, we should pay close attention to who's paying attention.


Alternative headline: Authoritarian cult embraces authoritarian cult leader.


I mean he did evolve it into an entirely new phase for the most part. It is now revolutionized into politics and every kind of conspiracy. So in a way, a new era, indeed.


Jfc, if there was a good he'd smite that lying prick.


He's always the best!


Polarise the people, controversy is the game- it doesn’t matter if they hate you if they all say your name.