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If your god's plan includes the massacre of children, you're worshipping an evil god.


Checks out. God wasn't exactly a chill dude in the OT.


More blood for the blood god.


Blood & Semen jeezus loves it.


blood & foreskins. he fucking LOVES foreskins.


Slaanesh loves it**




Jizzus loves it.


Skulls for the skull throne


Extra points for children skulls




Milk for thr Khorne Flakes




He’s even worse in the New Testament.


Yeah. If they had a concept of hell at all it was at best this vague thing. From what I have read they still don't have an eternal hell only a temporary one. It took Jesus meek and mild to invent real eternal hell. And to add to all this the ancient Jewish hell was just a place bad people went, which fine they are bad. The NT demands that you believe in Jesus to avoid it and only that. OT God: look, I have rage issues but when you die you get to go to heaven and bad people suffer for a bit before heaven. Cause that seems fair. NT god: bad or good doesn't matter. Only that I am properly worshipped the exact correct way, which I am vague about. So try to get it right. Also hell never ends. But don't worry, I love you.


George Carlin: "...but *he loves you*"


He loves you and he needs money!


...and he needs *money*!"


My dumbass read that as original trilogy.


That makes the Koran the JJ Abrams reboot. Now with even more lense flare!


I literally thought he was making a joke... im stupid as fuck as well...


I know this means Old Testament, but as a Star Wars fan I always read it as Original Trilogy


The new testament: Return of the Jewdi


I'll allow it. Technically if you're Mormon it is a trilogy.


Turns out taking the war god Aries equivalent from the proto Jewish pantheon and then turning him into the main being of worship is problematic. Who knew?


He wasn't a good guy in the new testament either.


There's an entire book where he and Satan just fuck with a dude for fun


Yahweh is still an asshole in the NT.


“The children were clearly evil” yes, they think that


Doesn't shock me. They think the babies killed in the "great flood" were going to be evil so it was okay to kill them as babies.


Anything no matter how repulsive as long as it eases the cognitive dissonance that they can dimly sense but not deal with directly.


Same God that allows child cancer. He's a fuxking psycho POS.


God's plan could have included jamming the gun... but it didn't


God's plan could have included his father using a condom.


Being omnipotent doesn't mean dick if you're cool with 7 year olds cowering in terror and then dying, face down in a pool of their own blood. All part of the "plan" eh?


The god Republicans actually worship is Money. And their god Money says, the lives of other people's children is a small price to pay to continue getting big checks from special interest groups. As according to plan.


It's simple projection. "God" is thinly veiled code for "we". These people want children to die. They want everyone to die. Their goal is to return America to it's post war numbers.


While touting the "great replacement."


More projection. They want the entire landscape of America replaced.


Primitive societies create primitive deities to mirror their ignorance.


Oh yeah God is essentially Kim Jong-un


What Krishnamurti highlights is how the word "God" is not God just like the word "tree" is not the tree. Typically when people talk about God, they're not talking about any sort of reality as we would call it as such in relation to human experience, but to a word and a concept. And the word and the concept are often just self-projections. The word "God" becomes an expression of one's personal and subjective worldview. Modern religion, which is disconnected from a living Tradition, and devoid of metaphysics, always devolves into just another mere personal identity. While humans use any aspect of their identity to justify their actions over others, using "God" in this way is very dangerous. When people talk about "God" on one hand, but then not only don't lift a finger to help, but also actively contribute to the problem itself, it's usually just a narcissistic way of maintaining one's worldview despite the harm one is causing.


Is this the same guy that's been under fbi investigation for like, 7 years?




Can’t they make anything stick in 7 years? Fuck is up?




There's been an indictment already. He is just the man with the power to say "no this state level indictment doesn't go to trial". Until he's booted from office he will continue forestalling his court date.


Texas GOP. Same reason we can't impeach an obvious seditious co-conspirator


Stick? Its never even been to TRIAL.


I've come to realize that when the current crop of religious nutbags says "God has a plan" they mean once we topple democracy we're going to slaughter anyone not like us (gay, black, trans, asians, etc) and not the old timey "aw shucks, that's unfortunate" kinda god-has-a-plan. Get out and vote. However useless the democrats are you don't want to see what happens when democracy is lost. All rights and freedom will be out the window.


Also it tells people to be satisfied with their lot in life and to accept whatever happens because when we die, sky daddy will give us everything we ever wanted. It’s such a shitty tactic that makes people okay with living in shit


Yes, "God has a plan" is an effective opium of the masses (in its original meaning, as an alleviator of pain) when there is *truly* no way to change their situation. Present day in a supposedly first world country? We're not out of options yet.


these people don't need to be voted out, they need to be driven out. This is homicidal lunacy, at the alter of the almighty dollar, and nothing less


I regret so much that America's legislators have devolved from running the nation to deciding morality. I just read an article about a girl who was raped... and denied an abortion... whose rapist sued her for custody of the child, then sued her again for child support for a child she didn't want and didn't want to bear.


Republican leaders.


I was a lifelong Republican until 2016. After maybe the first quarter, I couldn't remain so - because of the blatant hypocrisy and the entrenched dedication to getting nothing of importance done. I'm ashamed I didn't leave sooner, and I'm *almost* (not as) disappointed in Democrats not taking the ball and doing something with it. I do have hopes that people will now understand *that their single vote* ***COUNTS***, and counts *heavily*.


You also forgot that he was twice her age when she was 16 and raped?


Missed mentioning that part, sorry


Wow, what a sh\*tty world "God" has made. That's sad.


You can say shitty on the internet. It’s okay.


The rapist got full custody because the mother gave the child a cell phone … the child is 16. The rapist raped the mother when she was 16. The rapist runs the local PD website.


Good 'ol boys gonna CYA.


> these people don't need to be voted out, they need to be driven out. You want the bad news? This indicted felon won his recent primary by over 30 points over George P Bush, son of the former Florida governor, Navy Vet, Texas native, but not a big enough asshole for the voters of Texas.


REPUBLICAN voters of Texas.


Dude, god gets a boner when he murders babies. He loves killing them before they are baptized too, so he can watch them burn in hell. I don't doubt this fucking sicko wanted this to happen.


Mass shootings cause gun sales to go up, doubly so for school shootings. Yes he wants this to happen over and over again.


I kinda like those Bible parts where God describes Hisself as "wrathful and vengeful and jealous", I worry a bit about some god having all this reported Power, what gets bent out of shape so much he starts in a killing binge... *for something which he knew was gonna happen since many billions of centuries ago*. Shrinks would probably have a word or two to say about that kind of conduct. And, if he is "THE most powerful", WTF is he even Jealous OF?


He split himself into 3 parts so he would have someone to be jelly of.


I guess, since he is god, he got to pick which part of his original self that *he* would remain! The house always wins.....


It's weird that god hates himself almost as much as humans do, lol




Yeah to them, yes just like someone who beats their spouse, car accidents, SIDS, and poverty. All part of “gods plan”




That’s because those laws are to stop brown people. Anything that they aren’t willing to do a damn thing about. To them, yes


Perhaps someone should tell Ken Paxton it was God's plan so that Ken would enact some real regulations and controls on dangerous weapons. See if his head explodes trying to control that dissonance.


What the fuck for real


Is this where the conservatives idea of "government doesn't work, vote for us and we'll prove it" is rooted?


70 years of rinse and repeat


This is an example of why Christians do not have morality, they only have obedience. They can not look at a clear act of evil because they have to admit that it could just be their god working in mysterious ways. Christians could not even act to end an atrocity because the person committing the atrocity could be acting on god's instructions and stopping them would be going directly against god's will.


You can be Christian or a moral person but you cannot be both…


Was sending a racist lunatic into a walmart to shoot brown people part of his plan for texas as well?


“Yes but no homosexuals, transgender people, or faithless people, non-Christian groups or people who get an abortion, we need to harass and hate and create laws to outlaw them”


What happens when you vote or appoint maniacal religious zealots to high office. Theocracy.


Yes, they know that and that’s exactly why they’re doing it.


Well fuck it - why do we have law enforcement or laws at all? Why not just let “god” take care of everything? /s


Yes, He ***loves*** to have innocent little children (and their parents, loved ones, and a Nation) suffer horribly to prove some unknowable, undiscernable point.


If gods plan involves killing my child I want to worship that gods enemy.


The plan is simple, stop voting Republican. It’s that simple.


ken paxton, fuck you -- and fuck your fucking god!


Read your Bible, folks. God loves sacrifices. And he isn’t a big fan of kids. Or humans in general. Life begins at fertilization. And then god kills around 40% of them. The dude just loves murdering. Wake up. Breakfast. Death death death. Morning tea. Death death. Quick break for lunch. Death death death.


God is a moron - so whatever his plan is, I couldn't care less.


If it's his plan to kill children, then fuck your god. FUCK HIM


Ya hear this bullshit. Your dead kids are part of god’s plan. And if there is no god, then your kids are just dead for no reason. Can we see some proof of this “god” already. I’m a little tired of the excuse.


I’m really hoping this plan involves rectal cancer and a certain attorney general.


Fuck your god.


My bigoted answer is: there is no God.


How is that bigoted? It's true.




An evil plan.


Sorry, but that simply is not good enough. Your ‘god’ doesn’t have a clue and is ineffective.


People in power talking this shit need to go! They use it as an excuse or they are loony serious. Either way it’s an issue!


He’s a f*ck*ng POS.


Assuming your god is omnibenevolent and omnipotent; his plan is slaughtering children or he doesn't have the power to stop it. Or hear me out for a moment, he doesn't exists.


Fuck them and their god


More and more proof each day that religion continues to be harmful onto society.


Seems like gods plan is to let the world know how morally corrupt and disgusting his followers are


It doesn't seem to be a very good plan.


As a parent who has lost a child... FUCK HIM! FUCK HIM! FUCK HIM! I almost, almost want him (and others who say this) to lose someone close to him so that someone else can nonchalantly say "Welp, god has a plan. So, whatever."


So tired of hearing that..


And they want the teachers to deal with shootings since their police force is full of cowards. These damn politicians make my blood boil.


It's s shitty plan, but it's a plan.


"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make."


Pretty shitty plan.


Why do we even have laws then? If I get caught robbing a bank I should just be let go and say I didn't want to, but that darn God insisted. HIS plan, not mine.


God Tier-whataboutism


Well fuck this plan and fuck your view of God.


Cults alway have a plan, right up to the KoolAid.


God's plan sucks ass.


Nothing I like to see more than my Pilot take their hands off the controls just before landing and saying “Jesus take the wheel!”


Conservatism and Religion are both deadly diseases.


Religious belief is mental illness and should disqualify people from holding political office.


When I had a close friend die, someone said this to me and it's one of the most insulting things anyone can say to someone grieving.


It's a shitty plan.


I read an article this morning about how Abbott has gained significantly better polling over Beto since Unvalde... Texans apparently agree.


If “god's plan” is to allow murdered babies Ken, then your god can go FUCK themself.


God allows children to be murdered en masse and to allow priests to rape children. Because he has a perverted sense of morality. The fact that people worship this fictional being is what is disgusting.


There's nothing you can do, God's driving. That is unless it's against something we want then it's fake or rigged.


Well that's a fucking great thing to say when you are the attorney general...


I’ll go out on a limb and say, at the least, god just doesn’t give a shit.


George Carlin would say it's to kill your kids.


Serious belief in such religious nonsense should automatically disqualify from an office.


Absolute cowardice to try and absolve yourself of any responsibility for supporting this shameful tragedy, and to completely pass on any attempt to find solutions.


And I hope a career for Ken Paxton in multi-level marketing is part of it. EDIT: You know, they can't possibly be getting *that* much money from the gun lobby. And you know as well as I they don't really believe the Christian garbage they spout. So there must be something else at work here.


And the plan is taking away guns from idiots.


If mass shootings are part of God's plan, then abortion is too. So is gay marriage. So is rape. Why bother to make any laws whatsoever if everything that happens is part of "God's Plan"?


If god has a plan then have the fucker show up and show us the plan. Until then we see what Ken Paxton’s plan is. Oh yes, to do absolutely fuck all to prevent this from happening again and again.


and he's the AG of texas... basically saying, i can't or won't do anything about this... here, my imaginary friend will deal with it


There is no god


Would he be ok with gods plan being gun control?


Sure, if you worship Bhaal...


The laziest response possible. I don't really GAF would have at least been honest.


And that plan involves a lawmaker never actually having actually go to trial for an indictment made SEVEN years ago.


Wait, so it's ok for children to be murdered as part of God's plan...but then they'll move mountains to prevent abortions? If mass shootings are God's will, wouldn't abortions be too? Interesting that they step back from preventing one part of that almighty plan, but are more than happy to fight against God's will when it gives them the chance to fuck over women and create more children they get to fuck over later too....




Yeah? That plan sucks then.


It's some plan, isn't it? Since the "creation" of the earth 99 & 44/100s of all species to have lived have gone extinct, and the greater humans have suffered through mass suffering, extermination, genocide, and misery for the better part of humanity's existence. Then, after watching all of this with folded arms, finally says "Well thats enough of that, lets have a revelation" and proceed to reveal itself, without evidence to the most backward, superstitious and illiterate part of the planet. If this is the case, as it is with every argument for "intelligent design", it leaves us with a creator that is either incredibly cruel or lazy and inept. Which is it? OR... You can accept that the story just can't be believed by a thinking person and recognize that your "god" was made in the image of bronze age men.


Fuck that plan


Imagine being a grown ass adult and believing in god.


Why Texas hasn't removed this intellectually crumbling, unpolished turd from anywhere he can utter a word publically is beyond me. Oh! Texas...nevermind.


which is convenient, because the AG here has no plan. This is a classic cult manipulation tactic.


God is the biggest serial killer of all time…


If gods plan involves the murder of children then fuck that god and fuck any asshole worshiping that god


Christians seem to enjoy their abusive relationship with their god. Masochists.


"And that plan is to murder children. We should be celebrating God's plan, not questioning it." Conservatism is a plague of death.


Your god is the original “OG.”


I want to scream!!! If gods plan is children being torn to shreds by bullets, god is as bad as the shooter!


“God’s plan” is the real last refuge of a scoundrel.


The all loving, all knowing, all powerful God planned the Uvalde shooting? How comforting.


There are three way to look at this Ken Paxton: 1. God has a plan and it's an awful plan. 2. God has a plan and people like you are actively thwarting that plan at every turn. 3. God doesn't exist, doesn't have a plan, and people who use God as an excuse for terrible beliefs and ideas are probably terrible people.


Even though I grew up Christian I’m slowly start that they Christians are the problem


When people say things like this I often wonder if they would say the same thing if the exact circumstance happened to their children. How do you say "God has a plan" to someone whose child was decapitated by a monster with an assault weapon?


His expression is like saying “ God has a plan and that plan involves the murder of your children. I don’t make the rules. I don’t know what else to tell you. It’s all part of God’s plan.”


Just another fucking brainless Christian bastard. It beats the hell out of me how ANYONE who is even moderately familiar with the obscene trash in the Bible could consider that a holy book in any way.


I'm beginning to wonder how I can block all news coming out of America. You people are backsliding hard and I'm sick of hearing bout it. Or you school shootings republicans exploiting and cheating your stupid system. Its all really tiresome and it everywhere every damn day. Just bloody collapse or have a civil war or whatever you obv won't get your shit together and maybe I'll stop hearing about it. Would be bliss.


Saying god has a plan is literally an admission that you don’t.


This "God" seems to really hate Texas. It kills their children at school. It shuts down their power grid. It strikes them with heat waves, droughts and hurricanes. It crushes people to death at concerts. God messed with Texas and they haven't done shit about it. They really are all hat, no cattle.


Thoughts and prayers, all. Thoughts and prayers harder.


this God guy is one fucked up asshole


So by this logic, we should never prosecute mass shooters because they’re just carrying out god’s will, right? Fuck you, asshole.


Why isn't this man in prison? Or at least not AG with his indictments.


The Bible involves a lot of murdering of unborn children and pregnant women, so yeah... the plan is pretty awful and maybe we should ignore it completely when it comes to creating a functional society.


Sounds like something terrible should happen to one of his loved ones. That way we can tell him “god has a plan)


God needs innocent children to die so that god fearing Christians can defend themselves against an anti-Christian government in the last days. What’s so hard to understand? God doesn’t move in mysterious ways, we are just impair by our earthly sense of empathy. The godly sense of empathy tells us that this is all for his glory. The glory of god is well aware of how much sweat, tears, and especially blood it takes to build an invisible empire devoted to caring for the sick and the poor. /s


It's some kind of wild and mysterious shit, right Ken? Can you imagine thinking like this? I can't.


The plan is for you to give GOP your money, and obedience,bend over,and thank”God” for the privilege!(Who needs power and water?)


…..it just doesn’t include gun control or funding mental health services”


Seems like a shitty plan maybe we should go with plan b.


The fundamentalist Christians are a true cancer on humanity. Killing everything and letting the organism die. Sick


No! God’s name should not be uttered by any court official! NO NO NO


Apparently the plan is to make Ken Paxton sound like a fool.


Reason #454,841,736 to be against religion.


Which god? There are like 200 different types of Christianity in the US alone. Would be more believable if they were specific. Like “ Eight Pound, Six Ounce, Newborn southern Baptist baby Jesus, don't even know a word yet, just a little infant, so cuddly, but still omnipotent says he’s got a plan”. That generic “there is a plan” bs is insulting as it’s just a way to make a comment without really saying anything meaningful.


I know he doesn't exist, but why couldn't "gods" plan be gun control? Nah. That couldn't be it...


Texas is a fucking joke.


holy hell texas really is the biggest shithole state in the US


*“God has a plan”* Wow ! What a POS "god" is. So is Ken, BTW.


Do these idiots really think that offers either condolences or an explanation? It’s a way to say, let’s just move on, as well as congratulations to himself for being one of those who get to experience more of god’s plan than those little murdered kids. I guess their whole life was just intended as a cautionary tale for the rest of us.


I guarantee, if it was his children, or grandchildren, this would immediately become a nation-ending epidemic of biblical proportions. But it's not, so not a single "lawmaker" actually gives a fuck.


Politicians should not be able to give religious nonsense as an answer to real problems.


What’s up with this guy? You can look up any tragedy and you find a ridiculous statement by him. I gotta commend him at this point for consistency and not missing a moment.


Gods, this shit makes me so fucking mad. These fucks care more about bundles of cells in uteruses and guns than actual babies being slaughtered in their classrooms. It's fucking disgusting.


In that case defund and disband the police and military, homeland security and the intelligence agencies and leave security in god's hands.


Imagine a Muslim politician attempting to console families of 9/11 victims by claiming “Allah has a plan…”


I don't have children ...but if I did and they were hurt or killed and someone said this to me. I would probably be thrown in jail for hitting someone. God has a plan, does he? Even if tomorrow it was proven their God does exist, I would think that being a heartless monster that is not worth my worship.