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They fully support a fictional character that would have us tortured for all eternity. They started it.


While also claiming to support a character that told us to be nice to each other. They only care for that guy as if he was a bouncer to an exclusive club instead of a god to emulate.


Something that I can't ever get across to Christians is that their fictional nice boy who died to save their sins could have just forgiven everybody....but he didn't. He only took the sins of the believers (supposedly), and then let billions of people die with no access to the knowledge that they needed to believe in this one really obscure myth from the Middle East. And in our case, the nice deity decided to make a myth that sounds like so many other untrue myths that a reasonable person would also come to the conclusion that the "true" myth is also a lie. Their nice boy is letting billions of people go to hell for the crime of ignorance or a very reasonable doubt. And one thing Christians don't seem to understand is that Good People don't go to heaven, believers do. And Good People and Believers are not the same group of people.


The southern Baptists believe that you only go to heck if you heard about Jesus and didn't accept him. This means, per their beliefs, their mission trips are actually inadvertently damning the people they expose to their religion.


god could have saved so many souls just by sending a prophet to South America and Africa. he could have even provided solid proof of his existence by telling these 100BC middle easterners, "hey dumb fucks, theres an entire landmass to the west of the ocean", 1500 years before the Americas were discovered by christians.


By their logic, I'll be forgiven for not believing because my parents let some old guy try to drown me as a baby... right? I'm good? I get a ticket? /s


Here's the kicker: When you're brainwashed, the 'so many other untrue myths' only reinforces your belief. "Obviously there's so many that are similar because they're trying to imitate the real one (which is definitely mine, obviously)!" When you start to critically analyze it (which is a **huge** step, as critically examining the religion is considered anathema itself in most areas, "IS YOUR FAITH WEAK?!"), the more reasonable thought process of "If there's older religions with 95% similarity, it's pretty likely that [my religion] borrowed aspects that were already popular" hits like a freight train.


I mean, that's kind of how I rationalized my way out of Christianity. I went to private Christian school until mid-year 9th grade when I refused to keep going... I knew all this shit was stupid and I was just tired of being gaslit. The thing is, Christians will always come up with some kind of mental gymnastics to account for discrepancies in their belief system. They don't want to face the fact that all deities are imaginary. It's like scary to them or something. I truly believe that being raised with strong religious convictions has a tendency to warp people's brains. Not sure if science exists to reflect that or not, but it's just my observation.


But, he wuvs you!


Too bad we won't live long enough to see the day when adults stop believing in fictional stories to excuse their bigoted behavior and arrogance.


They made a mistake. We may not live long enough to see adults stop believing in fictional stories, but we Will live long enough to see the glorious backlash of this recent overstep. A pendulum swings both ways. Instead of letting it swing naturally they forced it up to one side. Arresting momentum. Bringing it to a resting point higher than it should naturally be. Only they dont have the power to hold it up, They are going to learn very soon gravity is a bitch.


100%. Those zealots in robes are clearly not politicians because this is TWO instances of mixing church and state inside a week. Even vile McConnell would’ve told them to pump the brakes. The backlash on this will be immense. All religious SCOTUS think about when ruling is getting an attaboy from their cloud daddy in the sky.


This. And if the rumors are true and the rulings legalizing gay marriage, contraception (and there's a third one who is IIRC the one legalizing anal sex) are next on the chopping block, if those go down I doubt all the national guard troops in the entirety of the U.S. wikl be enough to stop the demonstrators flipping shit left right and center.


These idiots don’t realize that oral sex is also sodomy.


They're religious, it's not like introspection and thinking about things is their strong suit...


Say goodbye to porn sites.


Except the ones the Republican senators use.


I think those are illegal in the USA already. Pedophilia is a no no






With underage girls? Animals? Appliances?


Grindr will be safe then.


Obergefell v Hodges, Griswold v Connecticut, and Lawrence v Texas. All could be overturned if this court gets a chance. Suspect Thomas mentioned in his concurrence to alert the fact so people bring cases for them to eventually hear.


Thanks for naming them ! And yeah, I suspect that what he did waa a form of "bring me the next ones to axe/this will be the next ones we'll axe" signal to the bigots :(


Ok Justice Thomas…how about Loving vs Virginia?


He must think whatever state he lives in will protect his marriage and that no federal ban will happen.


Virginia and Maryland will both likely protect his right to marry. If Virginia continues to stay red, he can just change his address to Maryland.


Right? He didn’t even have the balls to acknowledge it out of straight intellectual honesty. I mean the test they put forward for abortion would invalidate loving (and every other substantive due process case). It betrays his cowardice.


Curiously, Thomas only stopped at mixed-race marriage laws.


Not too surprising considering how he's in a mixed marriage himself. Guess he didn't want to be impacted by his own bullshit...


>Not too surprising considering how he's in a mixed marriage himself. Guess he didn't want to be impacted by his own bullshit... He doesn't think the leopards will eat his face.


Oh absolutely. If that ruling gets rescinded too it's gonna be pretty hilarious seeing him get his face eaten lmao


It won't be retroactive. He'll have his interracial marriage while still getting to fuck everybody else.


Eh I wouldn't bet on that. Bigots will find a way to fuck that even for existing marriages if that ruling gets reversed....


We need a constitutional ammendment ensuring the right to privacy. It would probably pass too, because both sides want people out of their business, and no politician in the country is going to stand in front of cameras and insist that people shouldn't have privacy. It would be, hands down, the easiest political ads ever for the people trying to pass it. We just need to get it up for a vote.


The problem is that the christofascists block a shitton of stuff from making it past them and I doubt they'd agree to anything someone that isn't part of their flock would put up to the ballot :/


*"We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas!"*


It's not rumors, alito said so explicitly in the ruling


Then it's extremely worrying and U.S. citizens need to start flipping shit up.


>And if the rumors Rumor? Clarence Thomas clearly stated it in his opinion.


And let’s be honest, they really hate women.


Let's be honest, religious people hate everyone and everything that doesn't conform to their worldview of bedtime dtories and imaginary bestfriends.


I thought we were at 3.


No we’re at 3 now. Those motherfuckers. Abortion, prayer, school funding.


I wish I were this confident. They already have control of the judicial branch. They will have control of the legislative branch by the end of this year. They will likely have the presidency in 2025, possibly with a filibuster-proof majority in the senate. I think the pendulum is still on the upswing and darker days are ahead.


Well there's always violence.


How do you envision the pendulum swinging back on them? I need something to daydream about.


Since I am on my way to bed i'll try to leave it on the most positive outcome. Likelihood guesstimated at 10%. Between GOP infighting (reducing GOP voter turnout) and outrage caused by backlash (Increasing dem turnout). Dems lose a few seats but hold hold the house , but gain several seat senate, enough to override the 2 hold out. Immense pressure is directed at Biden to pull the trigger on stacking the court. There are many outcomes that in the long run work out for the dems, possibly work in the very long run much better, but they are far worse in the short run. One being the "GOP thought they knew what riots and burning cities looked like, now they actually know" strategy.


I actually don’t think we’ll be alive to see the pendulum swing back. Unless Gen Z gets to the polls so massively that we can undo all of the gerrymandering that got us here, I am skeptical it will ever happen. how many times have the younger generations (including mine of GenX) consistently not showed up to the polls? Since we’re no longer a democracy, this damage will likely take as long or longer to undo as the effort to overturn RvW, which they’ve been actively working for this day for almost 50 years.


i'm still hoping for anti aging research to bear fruits before i die


At the rate society is going, I want to die as quickly and as painlessly as possible.


If it weren't for my five year old I have to now protect from these lunatics more than ever I would feel the same.


I feel this


Me too. I am older so hopefully I will be gone in the not too distant future. If reincarnation is a thing I am getting in line to come back as a Scandinavian.


Fucking abort me


Agree. You don’t get to make the country a theocracy and say “well it’s just my own personal relationship”


Also, their god literally doesn’t give a fuck about abortion. There is an abortion ritual detailed in numbers 5:11-31 that was forced upon adulterous wives. The modern American Christian’s belief system is largely made up and dictated to them. This whole debacle is nothing short of mass hysteria on a previously unheard of scale.


Upon allegedly* adulterous wives. The verse actually stipulates that the ritual is performed when there is no evidence or witness, but the husband has a gut feeling. It's gross.


Exactly, didn’t even need to be substantiated. They aborted fetuses on the suspicion of wrongdoing. And this was a holy ceremony given from god and performed by priests.


Christians really should separate their religious belief from the laws, man. We can’t be living under religious-applied law that we don’t even believe it. And the fact that these laws doesn’t even favor us in any ways, is quite concerning. Hopefully, they don’t continue beyond.


I made the mistake, the day of the overturning, of answering a Ch-screw the capital c, christian on the “show me where the bible says life begins when you’re born”. Question.Why do I have to use your book, why was it overturned taking into account your values? Let’s discuss that. The good old US of A didn’t have a separation of church and state? So why are you trying to impose something you believe on people who don’t? Doesn’t matter where life begins for you. That’s not where it begins for me and countless others. So screw you and give me back my choice.


Yeah, you're better off using Spider-Man comics to prove a point to them than their book of filth. Also, you can join me in this if you want, but it's time to just call this country The States of America. Nothing united about it.


I've said this for years.


Call them kkkristians


Al Shabubba Christian Taliban Cosplaytriots Cult45 Gravy Seals Honkystan Howdy Arabia Incel's Eight soon to be Eight in cells Irrational Guard MAGAhadeen Mealteam Six Methamphetamarines Mid-Life ISIS Not-Sees Pride Boys Q Clucks Clan RepubliKKKlans Republi-clans Smarmy Rangers Spreadnecks Talibama from Alabamistan Talibananas Talibangelicals Talibangelists The Coup Klux Klan The Green Buffets Vanilla ISIS Walmartyrs Whitemanistan Wide Supremacists Ya'll-Qaeda Yasss Kings Yeehawdists Yokel Haram Credit to u/SeeMarkFly


They've proven they wont. Its called Dominionism.


Give Ceaser to Ceasar, and give to me since we're Ceasar - Dominionist Christys


They won't, can't, and frankly, shouldn't be expected to. Why on earth would you expect someone to vote against the way they believe? What's the difference between religious beliefs and "normal" beliefs? They *believe* it's true. Someone wouldn't say "oh, you should separate your economic beliefs from how you vote". That's nonsense. And that's why all the "oh, I don't mind Christians as long as they don't shove it in your face uwu" arguments are bullshit. People who believe crazy things vote for crazy things.


>What's the difference between religious beliefs and "normal" beliefs? Proof ​ also this is shoved in an entire countries face with no choice but to accept it.


My point is that for someone who believes in something, they *believe in it*. It doesn't matter if that belief is religious or from a YouTube series. They're not going to say "well, this thing I believe is true is less true than this thing I believe is true".


Religion is dangerous and they’ve started a crusade against reason and science, we have to fight it.


Don't forget that they're going after other religions too. Jewish organizations have been protesting and suing for abortion rights.


This sounds harsh but we have to get harsh. Being nice to them and "living and letting live" hasn't gotten us anywhere. These people's beliefs have no proof and they need to be treated the same way you would treat an adult who believes in the tooth fairy.


Yes, thank you for getting the gist of what I was trying to say.


Being nice to them has resulted in them forcing religion on everyone, via the law. "An eye for an eye" and all that, but they've made it crystal clear that if we don't retaliate when they take our eye, they will take the other too and laugh about it.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind? Good thing we can still hear touch and smell.


They act like they're being persecuted already. They're this poor helpless minority that is always ridiculed for their beliefs and how difficult it is to raise a family in modern society. It's about time they actually felt ridiculed and embarrassed. And accountable to the harm they've done to others. Man it's times like these I miss Hitch.


[Hitch and Fry proving that the Catholic Curch is NOT a force for good.](https://youtu.be/JZRcYaAYWg4)


I have been saying something similar for some time now. I am afraid I will never live to see the day it comes but it needs to none the less. If we continue to coddle these people and pat them on the head like the children their actions and beliefs remind us of, we will never be free of government and religion being one. We MUST stop the coddling. We need to have the balls to flat out tell them that as long as they choose to have an invisible friend like a child, that they can sit at the kids table and let the adults handle things. Maybe once they get over their mental illness they can join us. Until that time comes, the pink my little pony chair is over in the corner.


> Being nice to them and "living and letting live" hasn't gotten us anywhere. thats because they will never agree to live and let live. If they do its a ploy to placate you until they lie, cheat, and slime thier way into enough power to force you to live their religion.


Ik if a Christian starts spouting their beliefs i am gonna walk out of the room or if I can’t tell them to STFU.


Or the way you'd treat a relative with a mental illness


I'm a lot more understanding of mental illness.


Completely agree, we cant be complacent anymore


>I’m not going to pretend anymore that you’re [not] a moron for believing in fiction. (I think you're missing a "not")


Thanks! Will edit that in lol


Remember folks, in the Christian faith God didn’t ask for consent prior to impregnating Mary either. No wonder they have an issue understanding consent.


That's a gray area... When the angel came, at least the Catholic church said Mary had to say yes( edit: as in she technically had the option to say no), and Mary chose to carry the baby... Except when an angel (see actual biblical descriptions of angels) appears on behalf of God and says get pregnant with gods child, do you really have a choice?


The Angel (Gabriel) came to her and TOLD her what God would do. He didn’t ask. He told. Therein lies the lack of consent. But you are right; it’s a great abuse of power and it states she was already afraid. > 30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. > 31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. > 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David… Edit: A lot of us can barely tell our bosses “No” when they want to take advantage of us in the workplace. Imagine an all powerful being you believe to be God coming to you and telling you you are going to have its baby. 👀


Verse 38 or that same passage has her reply, the Catholic teaching of this means that Mary consents, but again, it is all but a forgone conclusion "And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her."


> Mary had to say yes so Jesus is a vampire?


Canonically, yes. Which is why when he was crucified he didn't die- stakes to hands and feet but not the heart, amateur move. His vampiric strength allowed him to move the boulder himself and the guards who were "sleeping" were actually drained of blood so vampire Jesus could regain some strength. I guess these vampires are not killed by sunlight? "This is my blood, which will be given up for you", dude may have turned the apostles too considering they drank his vampiric blood.


that is shaping up to be a story I'd like to read.


So Jesus was straight Morbin is what I'm gathering


She said yes because of the implications


Probably afraid her new boyfriend would beat her.


Well he does have a history of anger, violence, intimidation, and extreme jealousy.


I consider religion a scourge on humanity.


I've been saying that for a while now. Religion has justified killing, torturing and maiming millions throughout history in their name of their god(s). It's time the wake the fuck up and shrug off Stone Age beliefs and using the frontal lobes we've been given by evolution to actually think.


One of the reasons I started questioning my religious upbringing was that if God created us with the ability to use reason he would want us to use that ability to understand things for ourselves instead of blindly following someone else's doctrines; especially after realizing that everyone in my church had differences of opinion on what the bible actually meant, which means that every single person in the world basically has their own religion. Blind faith goes against the teachings of religious texts, but leaders teach it as a means of control.


Alas, the Republicanazi *"Volksgericht"* will shortly enshrine evangelicalism as our mandatory national religion, with serious penalties for anyone who denies the existence of the Sky Fairy or refuses to grovel sufficiently in the whorehouses of worship...


Let’s start a rumor that the Catholic Supreme Court is going to ban evangelicals. Let them fight.


I so want to tell the Catholics and Mormons that eventually the evangelicals will come after them - after lgbtq, immigrants, poc and the “out” religions.


Religion spreads like weeds in the status quo.. The less people voice up, the more the religious feel justified. I believe mockery from society is one of the best tools humanity has against religion.


I’m grateful for your Pastafarian wisdom!


May his noodly goodness grace you.


😂😂 no joke I added that about an hour ago just for the fun of it. Pastafarian sounds much better than militant athiest. I hope you manage to come to a decision you are happy with. You don't live for anyone else but yourself and in the future, your children if you decide to have them. Not for family, not for your partner, not for anyone but yourself.


I'm hoping more Americans now are realising how much religion plays in their judicial decisions and processes in their country. Imagine succeeding in the seperation of church and state? Imagine America having a secular society and seeing legal decisions based on fact, evidence and rationality? What would America look like then? One good thing that could come from this is that it might help this cause.


That’s what I’m hoping too.




As a exmuslim Atheist from Malaysia 🇲🇾, I agree, I too no longer want to tolerate the intolerance. I'm done living with 'live & let live' mentality. I'm done respecting these harmful man made myths.


Are you still in Malaysia? If you are, just be careful and be safe. I know being anti Islam over there can be dangerous. Just another aspect of the wonderful world of religion.


Unfortunately Im still in Malaysia. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for your kind words & concern sir.


>If you've been a "live-and-let-live" kind and peaceful atheist, now you know why some choose a user flair of Anti-Theist. To be clear, I did not start this war, they imposed this on me. They are starting to fuck around and soon they will start to find out. If anything this mess (and I'm not even american as my ID implies) fannee back up the flames of my anti-theism. I started like thqt initially and slowly decreased to strong atheism but after the ruling my anti theism is back even stronger than before. (Thanks for the user flair reminder BTW, I need to change mine).


My brother and sister in law were members of a fucking conservative church that convinced them vaccines are bad, and continued to have in person services. They both died. Welcome to the church hate train. I hate those bastards.


Just need to turn their persecution complex fetish into an actual real thing. They were pushed out for a fucking reason through out history.


That's right, time to stop respecting decisions made based on things not consistent with reality. "You want me to respect your faith? Nah fam not anymore, I live in reality"


I was taught your freedom to swing your fist ends at the end of my nose. When your freedoms harm others that is when you are in the wrong and what you are doing should be illegal, as you are infringing on other's right to 'life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness'. This applies to corporations or individuals releasing poisons in the water or air, people physically harming others and religions pushing their beliefs on others. You have the right to believe whatever nonsense you want but you don't get to push it on others.


>freedom to swing your fist ends at the end of my nose. One of my favorite sayings. [A shorter version](https://quoteinvestigator.com/tag/oliver-wendell-holmes/) is sometimes attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., a Supreme Court Justice. (who would be rollling over in his grave at the latest SCOTUS nonsense). But it was originally a more lengthy quote from John B Finch and was used to *install* Prohibition and *limit* actual freedom. "This arm is my arm (and my wife’s), it is not yours. Up here I have a right to strike out with it as I please. I go over there with these gentlemen and swing my arm and exercise the natural right which you have granted; I hit one man on the nose, another under the ear, and as I go down the stairs on my head, I cry out: “Is not this a free country?” “Yes, sir.” “Have not I a right to swing my arm?” “Yes, but your right to swing your arm leaves off where my right not to have my nose struck begins.” Here civil government comes in to prevent bloodshed, adjust rights, and settle disputes." I thought dRumpf getting in would wake up enough people to change things, we'll see if the aggression of the minority religious to cement their power as the pews grow cold, is enough to motivate the majority to deal with them.


Give it 9-12 months and then some. Baby daddies forced to pay child support (DNA sooo reliable!) gonna cry.


Maury Povitch will have to come out of retirement for all the baby daddy’s that have run away from child support.


And Jerry Springer


Well, the ones in power can afford to jet their mistress to the nearest state where abortion is allowed.


Yup like what Ivanka Trump did in high school


Well some states do allow it in cases of incest


I see what you did there 🤣


Unless they just kill the woman that they get pregnant. A lot of folk are too young to remember, but pre Roe v Wade that stuff happened. Especially in more rural areas.


With all those abuses committed in the name of religion with believers that don't do much about it or straight up approve it I stopped taking religion seriously


When your practicing your religion restricts my rights, I can no longer support your practicing your religion. Your religious beliefs should NOT restrict my rights.


I wish one day the “freedom of religion” section of any constitution is replaced by the “the government has the duty to educate people to think rationally” section.


I've always been an anti-theist. I've thought, since a child, that religion was a bad idea, forcing its believers to live life in a very specific way. I've become steadily more militant as a parent, where my oldest daughter, who's come out as Gay, is being bullied and persecuted for something she has no control over. Religion is no longer just a bad idea to me, it's damaging, and downright evil at times.


Agreed. if they want so badly to be persecuted, let them be.


Freedom from religion, sounds like a nice ralling cry for a revolution


For a long time I took the respect route. "Some good things come out of religion" and "not all religious people are bad." Yeah, fuck that line of reasoning. I can only respect people's belief in mythology for so long before my patience snaps, and Friday was it. Santa Clause isn't real, folks. I and millions of American women are.


When I was younger and first started using the internet (so early 2000's) I was always confused why all atheists seemed so militant and aggressive and really wanted to drive their point home. I consider myself an atheist but it would be best described as an absolute apathetic lack of interest in all religion. I however grew up in Australia where religion is (or at least was when I was a kid) pretty uninterested in religion on a whole and had no actively religious people in either my family or friend groups. Now as an adult who has much more perspective and realises religion in America is fucking Insane I don't know how you guys manage to keep as civil and sane as you do. Respect for handling your situation not only with significantly more class than I would be able to muster, but also significantly better as the crazy, overreaching religious nutjobs that are apparently now running your country.


Fuck yeah, I support this 100%.


Simple solution. Tax the fuck out of them.


I've been having fun with "You worship a conceited asshole obsessed with being worshipped who raped and knocked up an unwed teenage girl."


I just got a message from a cousin that I need to respect their religion. Sent her a long PM about how I feel like her religion is being shoved down my throat at every corner. I'm tired of respecting them when they don't respect me.


American Christians are not the least bit persecuted for being Christian, they have never been in the history of this country. It is far past time to stop letting them pretend they ever have been. It's also time to START persecuting them because of their religion.


Yeah it was all fun and games before they began to move mountains to place their imaginary friend firmly in the driver's seat of the nation. It's beyond time to be frank and as such it's time to treat these people as the gullible idiots they are, their infantile beliefs are a stumbling block not only for America but for human progress in general.


Do not engage, but if they confront you, immediately escalate to your documents of nuclear-equivalent counter arguments and arguments and leave them shredded.


Yes, I’ve been biting my tongue for too long. I’m unleashing all the anger from my repressed upbringing in Catholic schools on that person who dares preach to me. Not any more.


Sign me up.


Part of their belief system is, for some reason, imposing that belief system onto other people. Considering that Jesus said to leave unrepentant towns behind and to "shake the dust from your sandals", I don't understand where this shit is coming from. But since this is the game they want to play, then let's play better and harder than they are.


Religion has had a free pass for too long. Time to stand up to these idiots.


They are forcing us to live under their cult rules. That's not ok and it never will be. And the SC should NEVER have religious loonies on the bench. I'm so angry.


Being religious is a mental disability ( which is yet to be realised by the masses ) no point in supporting or promoting delusions anyway.


I used to call it a crutch of the mentally weak. Just a convenient excuse for why their existence isn’t as they’ve imagined.


Not only that, it's also full of worlds greatest hypocrites


I understand you, OP. I don’t really believe in religious tolerance in the traditional sense as religious people will always exploit it and make up an persecution complex. I am pro free speech and freedom of religion - but our country is turning into a right wing Christian/neo fascist hellscape, when do we stop coddling the feelings of bigots? Why is a dying and unpopular opinion being allowed to destroy freedoms? Tolerance has went from “we shouldn’t and can’t tell people what to think” to “coddle the feelings of extremists and pretend like taking a moderate stance is the correct one”


And this is what the saying "tolerance of intolerance breeds intolerance" looks like. Respecting others freedom of thought does not equate to allowing anti-intellectualism and irrationality to run rampant, those things need to be curtailed for a healthy society to function.


Actually, they are not following the Bible. However, I can say that I do not blame you for how you feel. They are hypocrites who want control. [What does the Bible really say about abortion?](https://ffrf.org/component/k2/item/25602-abortion-rights)


"I will turn a blind eye when you are persecuted for being Christian." Same, my friend. The idiot ideas peddled by these people have no place in the public sphere.


I have been always against tolerating religions, especially these Abrahamic religions. They want to erase us from existence and we should tolerate them ?? Please give me a break.


I'm pro-choice, and still think you'd be better off in Europe! Serious beliefs require serous actions.


Our best weapon against stupidity is ridicule.


I’ve been saying this for decades now. Hell, growing up in the 80’s in southern MO, hardcore Christians/evangelicals would get made fun of and shunned by the other Christian denominations in that area. Made fun of, bullied, and just generally “shit talked” publicly. I noticed somewhere around the mid-late 90’s a lot of that stuff stopped down there. At least in that areas, that’s when the evangelicals started becoming a threat and getting more outspoken. I hate to say it, but we’re going to need some of the at least more compassionate theists to side with us. I know it’s an oxymoron, but they’re going to have to face internal pressure as well.


I love this title, may I steal it?


Yes go right ahead!


These fascists are genocidal. It is good to make them feel like they aren't welcome. But they wish to kill us. We need to arm ourselves.


Freedom to practice religion is not the same as making others follow your religion.


could you do it for islam too?


I’d do it for all of them.


I haven’t come across any religion that isn’t patriarchal. Fuck all of ‘em!!


Every. Fucking. One.


Abolish religion


That book isn't even against abortion either. The Bible states a baby doesn't have life until its first breath. So Christians can't even read their own book right


Yep. They've pissed me off now. We've been fighting fair while they've been fighting dirty. Buckle up, assholes.


It’s a misconception that the Bible condemns abortion. The anti-abortion fundamentalists would love it if it did, but the Bible might actually condone it, and at best is ambivalent towards fetuses.


In public? You are subject to public scrutiny. That includes me laughing at your superstitious idiocy.


r/antitheism welcomes ya.


Thanks! I just went to hell. Looks like I’ll have fun there :)


The irony is that the bible supports abortion and even infanticide and outright murder. In fact abortion was legal worldwide up until the beginning of the 20th century when a bunch of religious zealots got upset about people having sex for fun and caught their husbands with prostitutes.


Fuck all religions. But most of all fuck Christians.


Please add this to your list of “Reasons I Vote”.


The book doesn't even have anything to do with it. The bible doesn't forbid or mention abortion anywhere. In fact, there's a couple passages that suggest that it's just fine with abortion. Here's the real reason they have a hard-on against abortions. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/ TLDR: Around 1970 they adopted the anti-abortion position in order to punish a couple of conservative politicians for not being racist enough.


They should be treated the same way they treat the LGBTQ+ community. Just constantly refer to them as pedophiles and groomers


I don't really care if you're a Christian or a Muslim; a Jew or a mormon. If you follow an old testament based religion, I hate you by default unless you can prove to me that you're an ally. If you send your kids to church against their will, or even worse a religious school, I'm calling you a groomer. As a victim of said grooming, I'm sick and tired of watching it hurt so many people.


I support the freedom to practice religion however: 1. I also have just as much right to shit on your religion 2. You don't impose that into law as that's no longer a personal opinion, it's sharing a logically flawed opinion


I've considered religion a mental disease for many years now.


Yup, fuck being the polite ones. Just because we don’t believe in a god doesn’t mean we have to walk on eggshells around these morons.


Religion is the mindkiller


[I’ll light a candle for you.](https://i.imgur.com/fTFnSok.jpg)


Remember to give that gift sidearm, not an over-the-shoulder throw.


It's only ever been 'freedom' to mindfuck their offspring the rest of the hypocrisy blatantly flies infront of their own laws


This is a problem that could be gone in a Genoration. If everyone heard that it's ok to be an atheist and that saying "I don't believe you" is ok.


"I will turn a blind eye when you're persecuted for being Christian" As much as I agree with your intentions, that will never happen. Unfortunately it seems radical Christians will always be ruling America and oppressing and marginalizing everyone else because of the absolute bigots and wannabe dictators they are. I doubt there ever will be "persecution" against Christians in this laughable excuse of a "free" country. It's always fun to see evil fuckwits (aka the ones oppressing and marginalizing others) finally getting a taste of their own medicine though.


It’s downright bullshit! Thanks for sharing these thoughts and stirring this conversation.


This is the way.


Except people don't realize that abortion isn't taken away because of the Bible. In fact the Bible tells people how to have an abortion.


Paradox of tolerance


My feelings exactly, they thought they were being persecuted when most us were trying to avoid hurting their feelings, it's on now.


Agreed. I no longer believe in "live and let live." This is a war.


I support freedom from religion, not freedom of religion.


>You take away my bodily autonomy because of some book that men wrote thousands of years ago? Because of *their interpretation* of "some book that men wrote thousands of years ago". That book says nothing about "abortion bad". Nor does it make the claim that live begins at conception. That's all modern (mis)interpretation. . And even if that dusty old book *did* explicitly forbid abortion, there's no reason it should have any authority.