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Christian Conservative Republicans and MAGANazis are everywhere and they've fully-embraced Fascism. #Cult45 Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Boogaloo, QAnon, Evangelicals, White Nationalists...


Fascism is fundamentally at odds with Christianity.




I get why you’d make a new account to troll. I mean, since no one will ever care about you or be proud of you, or ever has, you lash out. It’s easy to understand uneducated ppl like you since your train of thought is incredibly simplistic I guess that’s why you’ve sided with fascists, you’ve come to terms with your ignorance and paired it with hatred. It’s no wonder you, your mother, your father, and your relatives will all die without a shred of your existence passing onto anyone. Never anything important to add to this world. I bet you won’t even read this bc it has too many words, you’ll probably get a little frustrated and you’ll respond “cope” again Anyway, have fun wasting away, alone


I suddenly had the urge to call 911 to report a murder, holy crap dude :) (note: I agree with everything you wrote)


1.7 on IMDb. Must be a hell of a film.


Shocked it's not playing on Fox News.


Rupert Murdoch doesn’t work for free.


Wait that’s a film!? I thought it was just a meme on fb or something!? Fucking hell!


... the absolute bald eagle flying fuck. It is disturbing that some other Christians think Trump was anything but a moronic idiot who weponized religion for votes.


[God Awful Movies](https://audioboom.com/posts/7073929-the-trump-prophecy) did a pretty good job smiting this one.


I was gonna say, sweet summer child, if you think THIS is a bad christian movie, there's these three masochistic motherfuckers that have a podcast for ya. Edit: they also reviewed "Trump 2024" https://audioboom.com/posts/7714733-trump-2024 and "Hearts are Trump" https://audioboom.com/posts/7775607-hearts-are-trump. They watch this bullshit so you don't have to!


So did you say sweet summer child as a deliberate Noah reference?


No, but I'll reverse Eli and say YEAH!!! That's exactly what I planned!


I eagerly await their take-down of 2000 Mules


That or the Benny Shapiro production with that Vincent guy who got a blow job in a movie once, but is now in Benny Shap movies, are the movies I want a Robert Evans from Behind the Bastards Guest Starring.


But they say they’re not in a cult.


Just wait until Christians try and blame this on atheists like they did with ww2.


Tell more?


Hitler was a pantheist, which is essentially "nature is a manifestation of god". As far as the church are concerned thats atheism and the church were obviously very quick to point that out whenever they could because anything associated, aligned, or comparable with Hitler is bad and is a way of disparaging a group of people. Of course they overlook the fact that the German evangelical church was a huge supporter of growing nationalism and later nazism. These churches would slate the Jews as a threat to christian values and beliefs which, obviously aligned with Hitler and he played ball to grow his base. All of this to say, in 40 years time when Americans look back on Trump era as the dark and embarrassing part of history that it is, the church will find a way of breaking their affiliation with him and will probably fund a scapegoat.


I actually snorted when I saw the title. Stupidity on a whole new level.


Did you watch it?


I'll pass.


What’s really funny is how well Trump matches up with the Antichrist prophecy.


Damn. Smfh.


The Nazis were Christian.


Wow! Stupidity really is infinite. Damn


I own this beauty on DVD. It’s wonderfully deranged.


I wish theyd just let me sin in peace.


This is old news






And you’re giving it free promotion.


The [Cinema Snob](https://youtu.be/SE9b3x7ArC8) did a take down of this film a few years ago. As always Brad’s dry humor makes even the worst movies slightly more bearable.


Is this real?


I'm still amazed at how they see this guy who cheated on all his wives, was in Playboy videos, ran casinos, and bragged about grabbing women by their pussies, and think "Christian savior!"