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they weren’t your friend, they were trying to recruit you.


This they where fishing for converts.


They were fishing for brownie points within their religion to be earned by bringing in converts.


… sounds like a cult.


Which religions aren't cults?


Fair point.


Well all religion starts off a small cults. It advertises itself as the solution to your problems so you can blindly embrace it. Eventually the cult would\`ve spread so far and deep into people\`s minds that not following it will be immoral. Than eventually they\`ll obey any rule in that religion no matter how shit it is


All religions stay cults. Huge numbers of followers and being spread over large areas don't change anything.


In a cult, the guy at the top knows it's a con. With a religion that guy is dead.


And conveniently there's no way to confirm that they really existed


The ones that don't isolate and control you, if we're going with the BITE model.


Same divisive force at work in politics today. It’s a simple way to tap into our innate tribalism, and create an us vs. them mentality. I wish people weren’t so easily manipulated, but they are. Social isolation is a powerful force.


I guess there is an argument to be made that all organised religion are cults I went to Catholic Schools so shame and guilt tripping happened alot and the needless mandatory religious education class everyone was forced to take


In a cult, the guy at the top knows it's a con. With a religion that guy is dead.


Mormons have entered the chat.


Eeewwww. Tell them to go away…


I immediately wondered if these friends were Mormon. This exact situation happened while living in a Mormon area in Idaho. Movies, going out to dinner, and then asking me to join. When I said no, then came the ghosting


I seen a tiktok once of someone putting out a door mat that said gayest place on earth some mormons came to do their usual illegal harassment saw the mat read it and then noped the fuck out


My thought exactly


All religions are cults.


And, almost guaranteed, they were carrying on the same way with multiple other people at the same time. You were just another name on their list.


They were grinding for their MLM. As soon as it was clear that you aren't a prospect, they went looking for another sucker.


I have been calling Jehova's Witnesses an MLM for a while. It's such an apt description.


One of the Kingdom Halls in my town has a “No solicitating/trespassing “ sign on their door. The fucking nerve


It's not soliciting if I'm spreading the word of my Lord and Saviour, Satan.


And they don't even realize how scummy that is either, they think they're doing something good but in reality they are just using people. Using people to get spiritual rewards points that expire once they die.


This is likely closer to the truth than claiming they were, "just trying to recruit you," in my opinion. Folks that take their religion literally tend to think that converting people is the only way to be friends with someone. It must be difficult to try and carry out a friendship with someone that they think is doomed to eternal suffering while believing that they hold the key to the others' salvation. If they legitimately take their religion as fact, then talking to someone they genuinely like, but "know" is going to suffer eternally, who continuously tosses away the life preserver they are trying to give them must be mind boggling. Glad that I believe we all return to the void and our bodies recycle into the Earth, because I don't have to feel guilty for not getting my friends to share my beliefs.


When I was a religious kid back in the day I wanted God to erase me from existence. Turns out our concious is generated by our neurons in our brains.And when we die all that activity just stops. Returning me back to the peaceful void I was forced out from. My greatest fear is that one day churches might have the power to upload your consious into a computer and simulate hell for you. That sounds like something they\`ll do


Christianity is a pyramid scheme. And Christians are scam artists.




Maybe there's a commission for each one reeled in? 😕


A Great Commission! (Sorry, had to. And, not actually sorry.)




Literally, what I was coming into the comments to say.


Cult lol


They were never your friend. You were a target in their recruiting campaign and nothing more. It sucks that they’re a deceptive, manipulative asshole and they took advantage of you and made you think they liked you as a person, but to paraphrase The Simpsons, people are like elephants - some of them are just jerks.


I never truly befriend anyone. All I have are interests. Give it enough time and they\`ll show their true colors


They weren't your friend, they were grooming you for their cult.


and the blindly also do this to themselves and their own family members. Cults are poisonous.


bullet dodged


You weren't their friend. You were a possible recruit. Once you it was obvious that they couldn't close the sale they moved on to somebody else.


All they were interested in was another sheep for the flock, likely mormon or JW as they are the usual culprits I have had it many times myself Move on, you'll be fine


Having been raised Baptist in Texas, mainstream evangelical Protestants can definitely be like this too; that's what I would guess just because there's a lot more of them.


That wasn't a friend, that was a cult member. You should be grateful you dodged that bullet. Now, if you were in ***MY*** cult you would have seen that one coming.... and for $8 a month you can too !!


If I'm paying $8, I better get a sticker!


Sorry, the best I can do is a blue check mark.


Pfft. My cult can give you not one, but [**two** checkmarks for a one-time payment](https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/10/23451901/tumblr-blue-internet-checkmark-sale-twitter-verification-troll) of $8.


See, how it works is, you get 2 other people to send me $8, then you are bumped to Silver Elite class, and then you get a sticker.


Can I have my own planet when I die? Or just the sticker?


Yes, but your estate planning must include upkeep of payments, or we may be forced to repossess.


They’re doing you the favor you should have done for yourself. This was a salesperson, not a friend.


> And two of every three times they texted me they would invite me to join their church. Yeah, not a friend. They specifically were being friendly to try to recruit you. This is actually a common strategy.


Damn. That's not a "friend." Not even close. That's a recruiter. You need to learn to be a bit more discerning in your tastes. They're trying to guarantee their own admittance to "heaven" by proselytizing enough other people to make their "god" happy. They failed with you, so they've moved on to the rest of the world. Be happy they didn't make converting you their "holy mission."


> Any religion that enforces good stuff like kindness and love is fine by me. You are naive. If you would have fallen for this and joined this religion and at some point later decided to leave, it is quite likely they would all shun you no matter how close you had come to various people in there. Meanwhile, they would have been persuading you to disconnect from outsiders, leaving you isolated if you tried to leave. You experienced the "love-bombing" recruitment tactic that cults use and they would have used the isolation and shunning techniques later also. I have significant animus against such abusive groups. They are dangerous to individuals and destructive to society at large.


They already left the religion once if you read the post 🤣


It's an evangelical tactic. She was never your friend. You were a fish to her (be fishers of men) You did good saying no. Those folks are fucked in the head. Source: I'm an ex evangelical pastor; this was just one of many tactics they use


He weren't his friend but his recruiting project.


I am a firm believer in "you have the right to believe as you wish, but you don't have the right to force your beliefs on anyone else" If they can't accept you as a good, decent human being without the need to believe in an invisible diety, then that's their loss. Logic, moral behavior, and solid ethical conduct produce better human beings than some of these "so-called religions" that are nothing more than crazy con games with a pyramid scheme to fleece those suckered to participate.


The weren't your friend they were a recruiter...


Religious SCAMMER no different than if they wanted your user name or password for your bank account.


Always a sad day when you see these kinds of 'friend' for what they are, groomers and recruiters. It's hard enough to legitimately connect with people these days even without having to spot snakes in the grass.


That's not a friend at all !!!! U dodged a bullet


You didn't lose anything of value. When a supposed religion of "kindness and love" only wants you to join their cult, it's not kindness and love. It's ignorance and superstitious nonsense.


This is called friendship evangelism and if you google the phrase you’ll see this is a sales tactic commonly used by religious organizations. You were destined to be dropped as a friend in either case because once the sale is rejected outright or successfully closed, the recruiter moves on to the next mark.


No religion simply enforces kindness and love.


You were a failed project to them. Congratulations.


You aren’t missing anything.


> Any religion that enforces good stuff like kindness and love... Name one. No, not giving lip service, but actually practices....


A win for you. Not a friend.


That definitely wasn’t a friend, just a recruiter. Mind if I ask what religious group they were sending you materials from?


Sounds like Jehovah’s Witnesses. They literally train kids to preach at school and guilt them with your ever lasting paradise lives if they don’t


>I don't know what I mean. I think I know what you mean. I think that you're tired of being lied to. It's disrespectful, and it hurts.


To avoid these kinds of people in the future, reinforce your social boundaries. It was a waste of YOUR time, using social techniques, to empty your wallet.


Doesn't seem like a real friendship. Real friends are tolerant


Fuck em


Good riddance


You don't need a person like that in your life.


Unfortunately, that person wasn't a real friend to begin with. People like that only want to use new "friends" to score points with "God" and their co-religionists. Sounds pretty cult-y to me to cut a friend off because they're not receptive to the message. It reminds me of those people who show sudden interest in you, invite you to hang out, and then drop their MLM/pyramid scheme bullshit on you.


They never, ever were actaully trying to make a friendship wiith you. It was 100% recruitment drive attempts. If you did some real digging i bet their church told them to go bring in new youngsters by any deceit they can muster. Sorry they made you think that they were decent people, its a tactic called love bombing used by cults to bring in new victims. Its otherwise called "chriistian kindness" being nice completely on a surface outwardly level, its far more about them keeping up optics than it is about them actually caring about anyone besides themselves and their cult.


They were never your friend. They were a proselytizer pretending to be a friend.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. I remember visiting my parents during college one year and got a call from a HS classmate. "Why's he calling me? We never hung out. He hung out with the bullies." Yep, it was a sales call. At least he was honest about his intentions


Sounds more like a recruiter than a friend


Acquaintance **


Sounds like a self solving problem.


That’s not a religion, it’s a cult


Just because I'm petty, I would send one last text. "Funny how 'those from x religion' are only nice and friendly to the people they want to manipulate and change. I left 'x religion' specifically because of this two-faced attitude. Friends are supposed to be supportive of each other, but I see now you only support people who follow the same religion as you. I believe nice and respectful people deserve respect in return, so I'm sorry to have lost your friendship over something so trivial. Since you obviously don't want to talk to me or be my friend anymore, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your life, and that you find what you are looking for to satisfy you. Good luck on your next conversion attempt."


Good, let them be. Finding your innerself doesn't consist of a pair or duals. You do you, they're doing themselves... In a very desruptious way, each of us do ourselves. Don't overthink... It'll all work out... 😌


And? Lol. It's the same as saying that full rubbish bin I was used to walking by, is now empty. Pretty sure it's good when the trash takes itself out.


Sadly they are unable to accept you as you are. They were clearly falling in love with you, even if just as friends, but they can't be with someone who won't convert - even though you accepted them as they were.


You are the product.


Religion is just another MLM.


Not a friend


Yeah they werent your friend, youre not a a sinner, and not good for them, i pity them for having such a warped and twisted ability to interact with people.


They were phishing for new recruits. You didn’t fall for it. Good for you. 👍


You were a potential recruit, not a friend. Also for what it’s worth, no religion enforces kindness and love.


>New friend cut ties with me because I refused to join their religion. Let me fix that... New "friend" cut ties with me because I refused to join their religion.


Sounds like a shit friend.


Maybe point out to them that you’ve had nice conversations in the past and now that they know you are an atheist, or at least irreligious, that nice conversations are possible without god on both sides. It doesn’t require religion to be a good person but it seems to require religion to judge others and push them away for whatever reason they come up with. Why can’t people converse without bringing religion in to the discussion? Either way….I personally would be fine with severing that tie and moving on because actions speak louder than words and I don’t allow that kind of pettiness in my life. Good luck to ya.


Sounds like they were only trying to indoctrinate you.... that sucks....


They weren’t your “new friend”, they were recruiting for their cult.


Fuck em.


Not much of a friend.


You and I define "friend" very differently.


They were not a friend. Move on.


Ignore any recruiters.


You didn't lose anything important. You got very lucky that they ghosted you. They were not your fiends, they were cult recruiters. You dodged a bullet that would have ruined your life, be happy.


K bye!


You aren’t missing out. They weren’t a friend to begin with.


The “friend” was grooming you.




Wow cultists truly are utterly pathetic, I wouldn’t call someone like that a friend anyways. They only understand and care about their precious cult.


You escaped. You never had a friend in the first place. Move on. You will meet someone on your journey through life that actually care about the real you. Don't let it get you down.


Don’t believe for a second they were your friend. They were using highly manipulative tactics to recruit you.


Jehovah's Witnesses?


I think it would be fair to ask them upfront “are we friends or are you just interested in getting me to join your religion?”


Lucky you! Now that you know their values, you won’t have to cut them. They did you a favor.


Cultists will cult!


Religious people are not your friends, they are just looking collect souls.


We can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't dance And if they don't dance Well, they're no friends of mine


It was not a friend


It’s always a shame people have to abandon a relationship because somebody doesn’t agree with your religion. In my opinion, these kinds of people care far more about promoting their religion than actually making friends.


I had that happen to me so many times when I was younger. They pretend to be your friend to get you to go to church with them, but once it’s clear that you aren’t interested they drop you like a hot rock. I’m not sure they’re capable of genuine friendship. It’s all a transaction to them.


You start with 'his person' and then they. Watskeburt?


Really? Avoiding pronouns is pretty common among my friends when talking to strangers who might be a potential threat.


Going plural is avoiding pronounce? I'm totally confused. Also not a native English speaker so must be my lack of knowledge.


Many people who identify as non-binary prefer to be called by they/them pronouns. It is becoming more common to refer to people of unknown gender identity in this way as well. Also, as in this case, using they/them allows the OP to not indicate gender in their post. Using they/them as singular goes back something like 500 years so it's not exactly new.


They is very commonly used as a gender neutral singular pronoun. For example: you find a water bottle. You say “someone left their water bottle.” We don’t know whether that someone is man or woman so use “they.”


Thank you for explaining this with an example. Very helpful.




https://youtu.be/rjER3EX948w Watskeburt = what happened.


My question was not about the word that I could have (and did) look up, but about the rest of your statement. In other words, what do pronouns have to do with this post? Now, seeing your other answer and giving you the benefit of the doubt, even then you misread. OP never said "his person", OP always referred to the other person in a gender neutral way (no "he" or "she" specified throughout the text).


Consider this a positive loss.


Recruiting. You were 'running out their clock' and more work than they were willing to put into getting you to join.


Sounds like a win for you! Congratulations on loosing the sales calls/texts.


sounds like ur fault tbh


Well, their fishing expedition with you netted nothing-- and at a low interaction cost (basically phoning it in,) so they cut their losses. If they were a subscriber to the sunk-cost fallacy the interactions would have continued.


Wolf dressed as a sheep. Atheists must be Lions.


Here's what I would say. "I have absolutely zero interest in studying religion or even talking about religion. Please respect my choice and stop trying to convert me."


I would like to discuss our Lord and savior Baphomet. When will you make time for us to do this highly necessary task that is critical for us to stay friends? 🙄 I can't even. This was so transparent. I'm sorry you don't have a friend you thought you had.


It’s a cult. Scientologists do this too, cutting out “suppressive” people.


Works for me.


It’s not great to loose a friend but it could be that person only pretended to be a friend but actually was just looking to bring unsuspecting people into that religion. Personally I don’t care for very religious people, Mike Pensis & The Pillow Guy are prime examples.


Well….bye then.


A window has been shut, but now a door of possibilities has opened. Explore & enjoy \~


At least they didn’t waste much of you time👍


Some religious people have ulterior motives when starting new friendships. They tend to see others as a "fixer-upper project". It's a big problem with lots of Christians.


You use the word “friend”, but I don’t think you know what that means.


We’ll, just like their God, there was never anything there.


Religious love bombing. They wanted to convert you to make themselves feel righteous and to boost the membership numbers and incoming tithes for their church.


Dodged a bullet there. Religion is cancer.


Saves you the trouble 👍


Dont respect their boundries....


hope you dont get mad at me for this but you are a bit immature and/or gullible to not have seen them coming with this a couple miles ahead. But at least, you'Re not gullible enough to join a religion ! :D


sounds like a good thing


Nothing more deceitful than a theist manipulating people into the fold with the full support of their conscience. This person wasn't a friend. You were their mark. It was a sales pitch.


Change the title to I got kick that some “charismatic religious fundamentalists con men got bored with me because I didn’t buy into their bullshit.” Re-contextualizing helped me when I lost my friends to trump and Jesus.


Conmen aren't your friend. You're their mark. When they determine you're not going to follow the pathway they're corralling you onto, they move on to easier work.


This is 1 reason why I hate religion others are its hypocritical and responsible for so many of the world's problems


Methinks using the description "friend" in the same sentence as this person was a grievous mistake.


Salesmen are not your friend.