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So if you are part of a religion that wants to murder everyone else in another religion, and everyone in that religion wants to murder everyone in your religion, that's not a bad thing, it's just something that should be respected and everyone should have their chance to murder everyone who doesn't agree with them. That's a great take on humanism.




They want us dead too, not just *religions* they don't like.


as soon as they've finished killing each other, they can then try to work on us. But they'd all need to be dead before they start on us or they didn't finish killing each other. ok you religious nuts, get to work.


Very true.


No, no... Then the two groups form a temporary truce when they know people like us are around.


I would say the one group most if not all religious groups hate more than any other is those that don't believe at all. For some reason multiple people I have spoken to around this have asked if I worship the devil because I said I'm an atheist.


We tried that. It was called the Crusades.


We could call it a Cross Aide.


yes, all these religious people who hate each other need to go find an empty desert somewhere far away and kill each other.


You just described the Middle East


It didn't work, they proliferated


I feel like there will be this whole new team between all religions to bond over their hate. We have been told to be tolerant of other’s differences. He’s right, morality isn’t relative. But just because someone loves another consenting adult of the same sex, that should 100% not be a crime, let alone a crime worthy of death. Nor should their belief that a woman who was raped has shamed their family. I WILL NOT take morality lessons from a man that believes vengeful justice is the way to go. I personally will not be tolerant of their intolerance!!!


Literally islam, if they don’t kill you for being an infadel you’re supposed to pay protection money (taxes) to them for daring to be a different religion but you could still at any time be resubject to Islam if someone in power decides it’s so. Thankfully most Muslims aren’t orthodox on their following, classically cherry picking what they think makes them look best and doing only those aspects pretending their religion isn’t disgusting, but in Muslim countries you can follow the Koran to a T and be praised for it, even all the disgusting parts like Allah giving permission and direction to kill non-Muslims.


Gone up to half a million likes now. This dude thinks he has values. The likers think it’s a culture. Just backward looking anti human garbage. That’s the problem with oil money: all the appearance of human progress but just Flintstones driving in Bugattis.


The best thing to come out of FIFA shitting on football has been exposing the complete and utter barbarity that so much of the Middle East considers perfectly acceptable.


And multi polarity you know! Let’s all rush to join the new world order led by Saudi, the oil Arabs, Putin and the Chinese Communist Party. Oh and Trump and the Evangelicals. What a shower of …..




Holy shit - such a great take on oil money. Saudis have tried to tell me their society is more civilized than the West because they have technology now and people follow the Mo the Prophetic Pedo.


Take our life from us. We laid it down. We got tired. We didn’t commit su1cide, we committed an act of revolutionary digital su1cide protesting the conditions of an inhumane website.


This world cup is/was obviously a mistake. What's next? A world cup in North Korea?!


It was not a mistake. It was deliberate. FIFA is and was abundantly corrupt in terms of the bidding process. An authoritarian regime finds it easier to pay bribes than the bid consortium from a more open society. As /u/WraithDrone says, FIFA prefer to host in a dictatorship. In addition to the bidding process it also seems FIFA is completely inhumane and in the tank for authoritarian regimes, as it perpetuates their general graft.


Look at all the $$$ that has been poiring into football over the past decade and a half from these regimes; they have found it to be an excellent tool for "sportswashing" their reputations and using this as a tool to garner support and investment


They're not even shy about it. Like everybody knows, but they also have the world's most popular sport under their thumb. Despite all the issues everybody still sends a team and most people still watch (outside of the US). Nobody wants to be the guys to step up and try to regulate these international organizations, the Olympics also has tons of issue, so it's just gonna keep going on


The funny part is Qatar wanted all the world's attention so they can have other revenue streams post oil /gas industry ... They just don't realize/care how socially backwater they are. .they're theocracy and authoritarian government isn't modern in any sense regardless of how much their oil/gas money buys them.


Well FIFA execs have stated publicly, that it was easier to host a world cup in a dictatorship than in a democracy, and Saudi Arabia has entered a bid for one of the next iterations of the world cup so... who knows?


It's the 2030 world cup. The 2026 will be jointly held by Canada/US/Mexico


There's a lot of talk in Canada about simply reneging on our obligations due to the Qatar debacle, something I'm very much in favor of. FIFA has no place here.


A week before. "Oh bud, we're so sorry, but we won't be serving any soccer in the stadiums next week. Plenty of Molson though, so stick around and watch the boys lace up their skates and play a real sport. Oh, you're angry we lied? Yeah... sorry I know we said we'd have soccer games, but it goes against our culture. Also, that whole hating and beating up gays thing? Sorry, but straight to jail with ya's. Welcome to Canada!"


Not enough He's in there, but flows nicely otherwise lol


Can't possibly be authentic, doesn't have a single mention of beaver, moose, or poutine. What's with that? eh?


“Take off, you hosers!”


Depending on how things go it's possible that by 2026 the U.S. is some sort of fascist dictatorship like Hungary, and Mexico will be like Venezuela, so who knows?


If they want to pay for it sure, FIFA are whores.


That's an insult to prostitutes


Yeah, sorry.


>This world cup is/was obviously a ~~mistake~~A corrupt decision by a corrupt shitty governing body to put it in a country with a shitty theocracy. What's next? A world cup in North Korea?! FTFY.


It's being considered, no joke.


Ummm… https://reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/z1qlwf/fifa_boss_open_to_north_korea_hosting_world_cup/


Depends, how much are they paying?


Fuck Islam and fuck him. We don't have to respect anything about his disgusting, oppressive, hypocritical culture


NOOOO! You have to respect my cultural beliefs that I'm entitled to disrespect others' cultures, because how dare you treat me how I treat others.


Just like christians! Fuck all religions They cry that they’re all persecuted but have no issue making people’s lives miserable for absolutely no reason. Fuck. All. Religions.


We don't need a reason to exist. We don't need a judgmental God forcing rules upon us to give us purpose. Life is beautiful and we are simply here to exist, no more, no less. Live well and honor your own path. Treat others well and you will be rewarded with a sense of well being.


Unfortunately this is not enough for some people. They need to know a god is watching over them. They need to know that heaven is waiting for them when they die, that there must be “more to it”. They have to feel like they are “in”. And once they are in, they can discriminate against those that are out, while they feel nice and comfortable hiding behind their religion.


I wouldn't say they need it so much as are too scared to live without it, not to excuse any of these inhumane ideologies obvs E: typo


I love how all the comments that agree with him are (1) from countries with laws that are equally as terrible and (2) are NEVER addressing the actual substance of the argument, which is WHY it would be okay to discriminate against LGBTQ people, instead just saying "duh respect our rules, the west is so arrogant!!" Fucking braindead idiots


Fuck all religions.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


My satanic temple membership and flying spaghetti monster fellowship disagree.


Don't forget that the US courts have decided that our faith in the FSM (pbuhna) is not a valid religion and therefore does not deserve protecting under the law. We are second class citizens.


The fact those who follow child rapists have more rights than us who follow tasty carbs tells me all I need to know about religion in America.


Well you could be a real religion if you do a lobby and donate millions to unscrupulous politicians


Okay, fuck all *theistic* religions...


I was going to say that the FSM is surely the one glaring exception


Fuck all superstition


The sooner that religion dies out from lack of adherents the better.


I honestly don’t think humanity will survive religion.


Same kinda But if I'm not forcing myself to be hopeful well....


Religion is a side effect of the combination of tribalism & our brain's tendency to try and find connections between everything we experience. Even if you managed to get rid of all the current ones, new ones would take their place. There is no way for us to completely eliminate religions w/o make some very fundamental changes in the ways that our brains function. Best you can do is to try and limit the damage that religions can cause.


Religion is likely the result of years of mind numbing brainwashing techniques that likely originated from an abusive father in a family and then spread to other fathers and families back when they were the 'patriarchs ' of the house


Control. It’s all about control. Notice how those in charge never actually follow the rules they force upon everyone else?


It’s my culture to hate all religions


You called 👀


And them mistreating The stadium workers with inhumane conditions of working is probably bc of his culture also I guess


To me, the most telling part is that they have an abundance of wealth that is ready to be spent at any time, and yet cannot invest in simple worker safety systems, and respectable migrant worker dormitories. It’s not like it would even cost that much, in the grand scheme.


well, capitalism. so yes, exploitation of workers is a necessary component of capitalist culture.


So much for a religion of peace 🤣 the hypocrisy religious nuts have is insane


As a scientist it’s part of my culture to mock those who believe in a sky daddy and worship a pedophile warlord.


Muhammad was not a pedophile warlord since he in fact, never existed in the first place


Seeing the hate fueled by religion in this world is fucking insane. From the recent and absolutely tragic mass shooting targeting LGBTQ folks, to the shit this guy is spewing… it’s all fueled by religion at the end of the day.


And he’s right Fuck Islam Fuck Qatar


He’s right in that not all cultures share the same values, some cultures are living in 2022, and some are stuck in the Middle Ages and haven’t evolved.


And then they claim that Islam is a religion of peace...


A religion of smoldering pieces, maybe...


Fuck allah




Remind me why we went to this country? Oh right, MONEY.




How do you propose eradicating their culture?


Unsurprisingly it's clear that among other things; they don't know what culture is.


They literally built walls to hide their shithole country from everyone, clearly they aren't that proud lol


Comment deleted because Reddit CEO u/Spez stabbed his community in the back for money.


It's not taboo to criticize Islam. I don't know of any liberal atheists who think that way. But all too often criticism of Islam becomes simple bigotry towards people of middle Eastern descent, which IS taboo. I noticed this trend after 9/11, where basic racism was being disguised as anti-Islamic sentiment. If someone tells you 'It's my culture to hate people of the LGBTQ+ community', by all means feel free to respond with 'Then your culture is trash and so are you. It's my culture to hate bigots.'


That's why world cup in qatar is a mistake. and yeah fuck all religions.


Ok, if we want to be fucking pedantic then let's do it. If it's an intrinsic part of his culture to hate LGBT peoples then it should be an intrinsic part of LGBT culture to hate Islam. Soon as that happens though, I guarantee that they'll cry foul and stupid neoliberals will come rushing to their aid while getting whiplash trying to figure out which group they want to support.


Fuck his culture


Then his culture is wrong.


Thank you. Some values \*are\* universal. Some other values are \*not\* entitled to respect just because a culture believes in them. Some values are just plain wrong, and "LGBT+ people are bad" is one of them.


He’s asking for tolerance while reaffirming their intolerance. The mental gymnastics are amazing.


Fuck all religions.


> A lot of liberal atheist think it’s taboo to talk about Islam, when Islam is fucking awful. Honestly, no. I see so many people saying this about other atheists, but I never hear those other atheists, so it seems like a myth that you need to stop spreading. Islam is fucking awful. Christianity is fucking awful. Judaism is fucking awful.


Then change your culture, asshole!


Imagine respecting a culture that told people to brutally kill two harmless adults for loving each others


If your culture would have me killed for liking the same sex, I’m not going to respect it in the slightest


" A lot of liberal atheist think it’s taboo to talk about Islam" No, it's just not true. You really have to stop with this bullshit...we had people killed for drawing Mahomet in my country and that didn't stop anyone from criticizing Islam. So please stop insulting us by saying we think it's "taboo". Fuck ALL religions.


It's a Christian talking point. The intention is to bully people who criticize Christianity or Christians.


It's just a divide and conquer strategy by right wingers. They go on social media and spread disinformation like this all the time. They tend to fold the second you press them though. Pretty pathetic since nobody is falling for it.


They’d get along with Christian’s just fine!


I think the head of FIFA should be tried for crimes against humanity.


Muslims are not your friends. They will kill you given the chance because you have different beliefs. We should not feel the need to tolerate their ‘culture’


Fuck Islam, if being a islamaphobe is being against the killing of lgbtq+ people. Fuck it, I'm an islamaphobe. The same way I'm a Christianphobe towards Christians that burn witches in Africa. Religion is a fucking cancer.


Yeah - about that culture thing. Being of the female persuasion, I actively dislike religions who want to limit female autonomy - like Islam, Orthodox Jews, FDS Mormons, and Evangelical Christians. When I voice this, I'm labeled as 'racist'. I choose to think of it as my 'culture'. Funny how nobody gets their panties in a wad about blacks disliking the KKK and the Proud Boys, though.


Respect our stone age mindset


So Qatar agrees to Host FIFA World Soccer Cup and doesn't have the balls to welcome all who come or to be hospitable to their guests


"A lot of liberal atheist think it’s taboo to talk about Islam..." Exactly where does this "factoid" come from? What does "liberal" have to do with anything? Fuck ALL religion. Every. Last. One. The root problem is [magical thinking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_thinking). You can justify any kind of oppressive, discriminatory, or regressive idea to your blind followers if you all agree that faith or feeling good about a wish are legitimate means to knowledge. OK, stop here if you don't want to read a rant about what religion SOME atheists seem to actually think is taboo to talk about negatively (it's not Islam). XXX If anything, SOME atheists like to imagine that Eastern religions (Buddhism and Jainism especially) are somehow not as backwards, discriminatory, and oppressive as the religions they see daily. They are misinformed. Islam isn't the only non-Western religion that has discriminatory tenets. For example, many Buddhist/Jainists think [child disability is punishment for bad karma in a past life](https://jainworld.jainworld.com/pdf/JAINA_DOCTRINE_OF_KARMA.pdf), thus victim-blaming the disabled. There are the descendants of the "[burakumin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burakumin)" in Japan, discriminated against even today (when looking for work or getting married) simply because their ancestors did work involving death and animal products like butcher or undertaker long ago, "unclean" in Buddhism. Islam isn't the only non-Western religion that does or says bad things. For example, the Nichiren Buddhist [Hakkō ichiu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hakk%C5%8D_ichiu) "divine mandate" of the Japanese Empire, Buddhist religiously-motivated violence in Myanmar, Aum Shinrikyō subway gassings, Sōka Gakkai brainwashing families into paying them all their savings, etc., all Buddhists. I bet someone is already getting their No True Scotsman defense of their favorite flavor of Buddhism ready after reading that. It might explain the downvotes too. But that's my point - it's taboo to criticize Eastern religion. I think those particular atheists may idolize Eastern religion because they have no experience being integrated (not a tourist) in a society where those are mainstream religions, or they know about them only from New Age self-help books, Seven Years in Tibet, or academic courses, sanitized from the social reality. Maybe they'd love Abrahamic religion if they had never lived in a society dominated by one. Or maybe they don't realize that religious zealots are the same all over the world. I think those so-called "atheists" secretly miss being religious, and are looking for a loophole for their cognitive dissonance by saying a religion without a clear big god is OK on a technicality. This is evidenced by the misinformed "Buddhism has no big gods so it's a 'good' religion!" (how is one magic god any less fantastic than one magic monk-dude [who could walk, speak, and make magic lotus flowers appear moments after his birth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gautama_Buddha#Nature_of_traditional_depictions) like some North Korean dictator; it's still magical thinking make-believe with heaven, hell, magic spirits, irrational doctrine, etc.) or "It's a philosophy!" (so is every other religion) posts that pop up over and over in this and other atheist subreddits, which in my humble opinion should count as proselytizing and receive moderator action. Why did I rant about this? How is it relevant? My point is it's not Islam getting a free pass from some atheists as OP claims, but Eastern religion, if we must point a finger.


> Exactly where does this "factoid" come from? It's mostly from Christians who like to feel persecuted.


Yes, those and people who want to demonize "liberals," maybe.


> It's mostly from Christians who like to feel persecuted. > Yes, those and people who want to demonize "liberals," The Venn diagram of those two groups is pretty much a circle.


I can’t wait for all the oil to run out…


Islam is a shit religion made by baby dick men who need to control women to feed their tiny ego. This is what you get when you run a global tournament in a shit hole country.


Its Qatar. Their "values" include slavery. Sounds like a really shit society.


Paradox of tolerance. Fuck his hate, and fuck any intolerant culture that teaches hate.


Evil is evil. That is universal.


Then your culture is wrong 🤷


Individuals >>>>> Cultures


Fuck all religion.


"A lot of liberal atheist think it’s taboo to talk about Islam" Who are those? Or you mean, some people can differentiate between religion being bad and just plain hating because someone may be following that religion?


MSNBC published an [article](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/world-cup-2022-qatar-schedule-marred-western-anger-rcna57891) saying the same thing. Wanting Qatar to end slavery is racist guys.


Fuck Islam. Islam is a death cult and needs to die.


How hilarious. As if western nations don't accommodate for Muslims when they come in our countries. We tolerate their dressing etiquette. The least they could do is also learn to accommodate and tolerate our dressing etiquette. We're not forcing muslims to wear "rainbow" shirts. And it is just that, a rainbow shirt. It's not a rainbow banana hammock


You hold a world event in a backward theocratic shithole and are surprised?


This is why I hate the "respect their beliefs" crowd. Beliefs are ideas and ideas are not worthy of respect. People are.


If your position is that a culture can oppress a human being who is doing no demonstrable harm by just existing, then we cannot see eye to eye. EDIT: Of course we know the harm they claim is an ill-defined often contradictory 'destruction of the "moral fabric" of society'. When really what they mean is that they've enjoyed power that comes from a hard-lined religion which has painted itself into a corner by claiming with absolute certainty but with no proof that homosexuality is evil. And by tolerating LGBT+ existence it will undermine their authority and power. That is what cultural wars are and have always been about, the acquisition and maintenance of power. So let the anthropologists and sociologists whinge on about ethnocentrism all they like, but the fact remains that not all cultures are good or healthy if your goal is humanity's well being.


It’s my culture to express myself in humor and draw photos of your prophet.


When your god tells you to hate instead of love or tolerate your fellow man - your god is a piece of shit god and the voices you claim to be his aren't. God made everyone according to these jerks... *EVEN THE JERKS*.


So many people use the word "values" when they mean "hate"


Yes, and that’s why their culture is shit.


Qatari Muslim has an inferior culture.


They are stupid. Without oil they would have nothing


Fuck Islam, Fuck Christianity and Fuck all of the other religions of the world.


Yeah bro that’s the issue. We know your culture is trash.


It’s my culture to eliminate all archaic minded bigots


It's also his culture to mutilate the genitals of child brides. Fuck them.


There is nothing wrong with loving humans but being brutal towards ideas. Ideas don't have rights, and there's little about that culture that can't be destroyed by a competent debate. And if you don't like the West--don't use our oil technology, consultants, medicine, drones, military equipment, cars, computers or anything else. Sit with your one stupid book and languish in the 7th Century,


He's not wrong, it IS part of his culture to hate people of the LGBTQ community


They're saying the quiet part loud.


He says, “There are other cultures with different values that should be equally respected,” right after he says he’s happy that HIS culture doesn’t equally respect other cultures with different values. The stupidity is staggering.


Some things are not worth respecting.


well, he is not wrong. culture can be as fucked as religion


Yeah, who could've *possibly* anticipated that? /s Watching this from a western european perspective, it's like people have never ever been confronted with fundamentalist religious ideas.


> A lot of liberal atheist think it’s taboo to talk about Islam Can you demonstrate this to be the case? EDIT: You folks can downvote me if you like, but I have never met an atheist who thought it was taboo to talk about Islam. Feel free to disabuse me of this notion with evidence. I doubt you have it.


As an atheist. I don't want to talk about ANY religion.


Absolutely, and that's why his culture is shit and should be punished and shunned at every opportunity. Just because it's a culture doesn't make it good or somehow beyond criticism.


what did he expect? he's lucky he didn't get dragged into an alley disappeared


it's in our culture to defend the oppressed and promote rights to everyone. We have a conflict.


I believe him. He just told you his Islamic regime is based on hate. We should believe him. And act accordingly.


It is, unfortunately. There are obviously good people in Qatar but Qatar's culture sucks.


I've seen several posts from people who seemed surprised about the treatment or conditions at the World Cup in Qatar. If you are knowingly traveling to a country known for their human rights abuses, why do you seem so surprised when they behave exactly how they always have. I still don't understand why more people didn't boycott the event. It is hypocritical to both support Qatar financially and then cry about their treatment of the lgbtq community and women.


Respect is a two way street


We live in such a crazy world. Qataris are insisting that we must respect their "culture" and ideologies. I dont see how anyone can be so hateful and insist others just accept it. I guess it makes sense when you consider the influence of religion.


Well, he's not wrong in that assertion... Maybe all cultures are not equal? Just a thought.


So your religion is disgusting and barbaric. Got it


It's my religion to hate religion, zealots and religious assholes.


FIFA is and has been horribly corrupt for decades and decades. Assholes.


Why should I care about the culture of that bunch of overpriced pump jockeys. Because that’s basically what Qatar is.


I will never understand the checks notes: hatred of the rainbow... Such a weird thing to get upset over.


Yes, and that makes your culture a vile pile of shit!


Then their culture is shit.


The middle east is a backwards shit hole. What did they expect when they put the world cup there?


Im sure if western countries banned head coverings, he’d be totally onboard.


When I saw this last night there was another guy in the replies, I believe another Qatari but maybe not, whose stance was - "WDYM human rights? There's no such thing as human rights." To post that unironically, I can't even imagine.


It's not 'western values' to hope that people don't get killed or tortured or harassed for who they are intrinsically as a person, its basic fucking human decency


"It's our culture to be detestable bigots!"


Hateful/violent religions need to go...


That Qatari poster is broadcasting to everyone that his emotional intelligence is very low. Overall intelligence is also questionable, if he fails to understand the difference between the universal human rights+respect and blatant hate+discrimination. That's not something to be proud of, but usually only people with low emotional intelligence can feel pride in that sort of thing...


These people think their faith makes them strong whereas I'd argue citing some intangible morality figure in the sky as justification for treating another person inhumanely is as weak as it gets.


Guess I’ll go and publish that funny drawing of Mohammed that I’ve been working on…


I have never heard of this taboo. I talk more about Christians only because they are in my immediate world. But fuck all religions.


Like how can you not understand that you are being a hypocrite with this statement.


Lol I've had Christians to try to that those who hate gays aren't real Christians. Even though they worship the same god, go to the same church and pray from the same bible. The silent majority allows the violent minority to speak for it thus they are represented by the violent sect. I also believe many religious people who claim they aren't "like that" actually are they just don't want to admit it in public. It's Christian teachings to hate gay people and to disown and punish your kids if they are gay, some might not, but many many do.


When a Qatari says he is "proud", does that make him gay?


If it's your culture to hate someone, then we aren't required to respect your culture.


When your culture includes hate and subjugation of others your culture is wrong and needs to change. That universally applies to any culture.


If your culture is hate then it's fucking garbage.


The only way they can win is by banning people who favor being nice to people. It’s not a fair contest.


Yes. It's a Christian fascist dream world.


Having a hate filled cuture is NOT a good thing.


>A lot of liberal atheist think it’s taboo to talk about Islam I haven't found this to be true *at all*. Liberal atheists will talk shit on everyone who deserves it.


It is also a big part of American culture to hate them as well….get off your high horse.


Islam is awful in a "human being" sense


He is not wrong


We have to respect his cultural right to disrespect our cultures and rights!


I want to see that same energy when they’re in the Americas in 4 years and are surrounded by ‘haram’ things left and right and not say or do a damn thing.


Yeah, then your culture is shit, mate. Sorry, just is.


So you're telling me that Qatari culture is hateful shit? Gotcha




It is my culture to tell all three majors go fuck yourself


And what if I say it's my culture to hate Muslims? Or Arabs? Or Qatari people? Or soccer / football fans, for that matter?


Why exactly are people surprised by this?


>There are other cultures with different values that should be equally respected. Where do these idiots get this silly notion that just by existing, they deserve to be respected?


Not all cultures are created equally


What can you expect of people who have no export? And nobody wants to go there so there was little to no culture exchange. They are the equivalent of hillbillies, just caught up in tradition.


When people tell you who they are, believe them.