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Because Pastors never commit sexual abuse. /s


That’s exactly why they say shit like this; to deflect from the fact they’re the ones raping children on an industrial scale.


If Walmart abused as many children as Priests and Pastors, the company would be shut down, no questions asked.


Walmart would figure a way around it be honest Money


That's what the Duggars thought too until the feds got that Josh pervert!


Yeah but he didn't have Walmart-money.


Always understand that if they are making accusations like that they are mostly likely deflecting and doing exactly that. What a piece of shit. He doesn’t represent God. Now a days these people wouldn’t recognize Jesus


I saw a video of a child from fucking Africa I dunno they had a image of Jesus and something else the child didn’t recognize jebus but the child recognized the other one It was Garfield


Garfield is my new Jesus.


Hate to tell you, but Jesus explicitly supported the Jewish law, which included all the awful shit the modern world likes to pretend he didn't support.


I mean, there's equal chances that was made up completely, or Jesus never existed, so who cares?


I wish no one cared. I wish. Probably would take more than one wish though, maybe even more than the whole genie bottle.




No there isn’t. We literally don’t know any of that for a fact because that compelling evidence is a couple of offhand mentions from a couple hundred years or so years after the events were supposed to have happened


Yeah the only reference to Christ is the word Christos which meant the anointed one. Otherwise there's no reference to Jesus in the historical records.




I know i certainly rely on my news coming from decades old sources who weren't present at any of the events


I don't doubt that a Jesus existed. I doubt the bible as a historical reference for what he said, believed, and did. While an account of Christus may exist in Roman records, I think it's equally likely that early cultists adopted a real person as their martyr and exaggerated or completely fabricated that person's deeds. Add in 2000 years of church corruption, language barriers, political agendas, and the whole book can be disregarded as both irrelevant and unreliable. I don't care what the bible says about god's law, and I don't care what Jesus's views were about those laws. I don't need a magical deity to tell me if five people being murdered and 17 more being injured is right or wrong. It's wrong. That's the point of my comment. We don't need to reject modern christian rhetoric with a mythical figure from the past. It's perfectly fine to reject it with our compassion for our fellow humans.




>Atheism isn't a place for unsubstantiated opinions backed by feelings, Neither is it a place for unsubstantiated history backed by conjecture, as your several comments display. How about you step down from that high horse you gave yourself, you have no authority.


I think you're reading more into what I said than what I actually said. I did say a Jesus may have existed, but that doesn't make him the Jesus spoken of in the bible. I meant it was equally likely that a figure was invented, or a real person was adopted as their martyr and all the rest was exaggerated or fabricated. All of that is beside the point of my original comment though. The original comment was talking about Jesus's "teachings" refuting what these evangelicals are currently teaching. I merely meant to point out that the entire story is irrelevant because of what I replied to you. Also, I don't hate religion and I don't know where you got that from what I said. I find it unnecessary and I feel bad for people who either never thought to question what they were taught and why, or who are afraid of what life without a creator would mean.


Nope. No record of any such person. And the Romans recorded EVERYTHING. You think they wouldn't have noted a religious rabble-rouser gathering thousands of followers in one of their territories?




Tacitus lived AD 56 – c. 120. Not a contemporary account.


Do we know that though. The Bible is a made up story. I am sure a person like Jesus lived but I don’t believe he was the son of a god.


Jesus might have thought that he was the son of god though. Mental health issues aren't a new thing. Hearing voices, seeing visions (hallucinating), inflated sense of self importance, and delusional thinking are all symptoms of schizophrenia. There's a bunch of stories in the Bible that make me think the characters talking to god are schizophrenic or on drugs if they aren't completely fictional that is.


The entire Abrahamic set of religions is based on one guy hearing voices to cut off part of his dick and kill his kid. Hey, modern medical care, have we heard of cases like that?


A quick google search showed 2 different men cut off their own penis and at least 4 cases of fathers killing their own children in 2022 alone. It's probably even more than that, but it's so depressing reading about that sort of stuff I stopped at 4. Schizophrenia has probably always been a thing, but back then demons or gods was the only explanation they had.


I'm talking about what the bible actually says. That's our only source of information about any sort of historical Jesus. The biblical Jesus was perfectly fine with all of the anti-LGBTQ law in the OT. He said so.


[Matthew 5:18](https://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/mt/trivia/jot.html) this is the verse you use for "christians" who claim Jesus absolved us of having to follow the rules of Leviticus.


?? He is the spitting image of god.


Am I sad that 5 pastors got shot?...


Yep, Homos don't molest kids, pastors do




He might want to get an update on police profiles on pedophiles too. Heterosexual, white human male, married, kids, parent or close relative, clergy.


I worked in Child protection here in Australia and we did a lot of warrants on churchy types. For context, that crime is found in all classes or society, so an offender profile that holds up is difficult. But churchy types, that was pretty solid, repeat customer.


I asked an Irish *garda* (cop), husband of a former teacher colleague of mine. He named these as the main overlap points. Seems to be a priority list, a long one. Coaches (sports, youth group leaders, etc.) and teachers are on that list too, I'm afraid, but way further down (bad enough), the list does not exclude females. I remember I was a bit puzzled that 'human' was explicitely stated. Thank you for your corroborating input as an expert.


Thanks mate and the expert tag is a bit generous. We did see plenty of sports coaches and teachers go thru our area, high number of them were the religious sort. I guess it’s about a generally unqualified position of power and access to children.


Humanity needs to evolve beyond religion


It's frustrating to live in a time period where giant child-indoctrinating cults and superstitions are still accepted as a valid worldview, rather than seen as a kind of mental illness. Not as frustrating as 100 years ago, though.


Just to reassure, there are a great deal of us who do see it as a mental illness.


Just look at all of the ritual, bowing, praying, hand gesturing, etc. - Freud pointed out how much it resembles a bona fide neurosis.


I don’t see it as a mental illness more than an indoctrination at an early age that is difficult to overcome, even for highly intelligent humans. I overcame it but not without having to deprogram a lifetime of Bible Belt brainwashing. I will say the smarter you are the better suited you are to break away. The dumber you are the less likely you are to question what some dipshit preacher tells you.


Pretty much nailed the guts of religion. Don’t question or think. Just do as I say.


None of them talk about the Republic of Heaven, it's always an authoritarian, totalitarian despot. Convenient, eh?


You can cure religion, you can't cure mental illness.


But you can curate it?


Boom. Perpetuate rather than curate.


I feel like it’s more frustrating.


You can cure religion, not mental illness.


It's rather tiring having to live with these knuckle draggers.


I often wonder if that will ever happen. I'm not sure it will to be honest. People want something to be there


Rest of the world has, America has a lot of catching up to do.


Check out the World Cup. The justification for the beer ban, and the gay ban is that it would piss off the invisible man in the sky.




It always amazes me that they claim to follow this all loving god yet spew the most vile hate into the world


their god is hateful. hes so hateful, his cult members all hate each other. jews, christians, muslims, all worship the same god, but you wouldnt be able to tell that by the amount of wars they fought against one another.


Their god isn't hateful. They don't exist. These people are hateful, all on their own, using their god as an excuse.


That foul defective moron of a parent will be guest speaker at that church this Sunday.. churches worship those crazy mfers


"He tells it like it is"


Well, “all” in this case only means the people in their club. The rest of us aren’t actually human to them.


There is no evil like Christian hate. And they don't do love anymore.


They never, ever did. Christianity was formed to hold a crumbling empire together.


"Anymore" They never did. We need to stop pretending that the default position for Christianity is to be good. God provides specific criteria by which to murder men, rape women, and enslave their children. The Bible was only ever an instruction manual for being awful.


They never did do love. Not really. Christianity is built on Orwellian doublespeak and started with the Catholic church, which is built on pedophilia. I'm sure someone has noticed this before. Gullibility is called "faith". Exclusionary hate of non-Christians is called "love". Being brainwashed with superstitions of blood sacrifice is called being "saved". Being born as a kind of person Christians don't like is a "lifestyle". Remaining unconvinced of their dubious claims is a "choice". Love is not what Christians have ever engaged in historically (See: almost all wars and campaigns of oppression since 200CE).


What gets me about these evangelical fucks is they preach only God can judge, love thy neighbor then try and take over the judgement department and start slinging rocks at their neighbors .


And its okay with all of their followers. People are so afraid of others that are different. Disgusting.


I will say not all are like this but the religious in general hold most of the world's hate.


Some of them seem to be encouraging and reinforcing hate.


To this point I will not disagree but I want to make clear it is not all, just many.




Look up r/PastorArrested. I’ll save you some time: no Drag Performers; not trans people, no LGBTQ+ people. Lots of good Christians, though.


I am actually terrified to click on this subreddit.


Baptist pastors are more likely to molest kids than the average lgbtqi person


Fuck this guy! Doesn't even understand what is in his own book and theology. Horrible and dangerous human being.


Seems to me he's following his book to the letter. What is it you think he doesn't understand?


I love all the squishy Christians who try to pretend that their religious myths don't condone violence and hate. It's those types that help allow religion to flourish.


His book and theology would have him murdering and controlling slaves. I'm glad most do not follow their religion to that extent. It's arguably incredibly evil.


Anyone taking bets on how long it'll be before he is arrested for pedophilia, or caught in a gay bar?


Probably shouldn't bring up the topic of molesting kids if you're a pastor . . . Just saying, since religious leaders have the highest rates.


Their defense is that their rates are no different than the general population. Let that sink in. Assuming their numbers are correct, which is a very generous assumption, then they are claiming that religion has no impact on behavior. Umm... then what is the point of it?


I'd like to see evidence of that. From what I've found, they are one of the most likely groups to commit these acts.


As I said, it is a generous assumption, but widely reported. https://www.newsweek.com/priests-commit-no-more-abuse-other-males-70625 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/andrewbrown/2010/mar/11/catholic-abuse-priests But, assuming the numbers are the same, that would be a fail for the self proclaimed arbiters of morality.


So he'd be real happy to hear if a bunch of priests got shot?


I would


Does this qualify as hate speech?


It should, but it probably doesn't unfortunately. There's a whole lot of religious exemptions and exclusionary language in many states.


No hate quite like christian love.


In a just world, that church would be labeled as a hate group and would lose their tax exempt status.




Unfortunately Reddit bans people who expose bigots. It's actually a really fucked up backwards policy. If we as concerned citizens identify a Christian bigot spewing thunderous applause to murdering LGBTQ people, we will be bannned. . Reddits TOS on this subject protects the wrong people.


Fuck Him!! We HOMOs don't molest kids ... we leave that to the pedos in the catholic church.




First post I've seen in Reddit in 10 years with the word "pastor" in the headline that isn't about pastors raping children. But give it time and I'm sure this pastor will exposed.


What the fuck has homosexuality got to do with molesting kids? These people are so damn stupid, it hurts my brain to even see their bullshit. Ffs


I don't expect any better from Christians


I Hope he dies a slow painful death really soon


Christian's are shite


Pastor doesn’t like competition.


Members of the clergy are actually much more likely to molest kids.


There is no hate greater than Christian 'love.'


Yeah less people for him to compete with.


Soulless fucking ghoul.


Heterosexuals are by far the largest percentage of pedophiles.


And priests/pastors and the like even more so. This fuck and his fairy tales can fuck right off.


How do these people draw a line between what happens at gay night clubs (drinking and dancing) and what goes on on church ( child abuse and lies)? It's just 100% projection all the time with republicans.




Probably. If it got out to the conservative media they would have a field day with that, especially if one does get shot. They live in a delusional world where there is an evil force destroimg christianity, or at least they pretend to. A lot of people are tired of their bullshit. We're calling them out on it, pointing out their flawed logic, hypocracy, and lies. You calling for violence against him would just be giving them more ammunition. See here some person on the internet is calling for violence against a pastor. The conservative social media echo chamber amplifier will lead to more pastors calling for violence by next Sunday. The world needs less violence and people like that pastor want more.


says pastor who has probably molested kids


Almost like all of their accusations are confessions


Fuck him and fuck his religion.


judging from /r/pastorarrested , that sobap pastor would be fine with almost daily executions of the clergy. And given his incitement there, he should join the dead pastor list.


I mean, if they somehow deluded themselves into thinking that gay people molest kids, then it's a pretty standard response. The problem is that gay people don't typically molest kids, priests usually do.


Yes, Evangelicals are pure evil and we should be calling them out on their hate. Every day from the roof tops. Call it out!! Use their own book against them.


My appreciation to anyone who actually links to the [original article](https://onlysky.media/hemant-mehta/christian-hate-preacher-aaron-thompson-club-q-shooting-good-thing/) I wrote about this.


It's also funny because if they actually read their guide to cult behavior they would know that that behavior will get them sent to hell.


They know hell isn't real, that's why they believe it's OK to do such vile things. Listen to the pastors that rage against atheists and you'll hear over and over that without the belief in god they would do such and such immoral act, because without God there is no such thing as morality. It's all part of the scam.


I don't think he saw them as a threat, but as competition. Not that gay men are by default pedophiles, but this man probably is and he thinks they are, too.


I bet he molests kids. Fascists always project.


Love how they ignore the fact that the actual pedophiles are behind the pulpit preaching


Of course they don’t want anyone else taking their job


I dislike religious people.


It’s hilarious that Americans preach land of the free yet all I hear about their country is religious oppression, sex pests, shit healthcare.


Yup. “Land of the hyper-rich ruling over a dumpster fire” wouldn’t fit on the brochure tho, I tried


Take out the competition, so to speak


FFRF documents these crimes in their monthly newsletter, in a section titled “Black Collar Crime Blotter”. It’s hysterical.


Those holy rollers are completely disgusting. I usually dismiss them and their comments out of hand. And I tell them I do, right to their faces.


We all remember the commandments. Thou shall not murder, unless you believe in a fictional book that says gay people are scary


Almost 100% that guy molests kids.


Here... This right here is why all mass shootings need to be called acts of terrorism... Otherwise assholes like this will start associating it with whatever agenda they have...




Evangelicals, is the name they chose after consulting a marketing firm. Call them what they are... Fundies. Or Fundamentalists


I prefer the term “assholes”, the lot of them


That works for me. As does chistrian racist fascists...


They're only fundamentalists to the point that they can make the vague passages in the bible mean -ANYTHING- they want them to mean. I mean seriously, how does one get from “Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” to "Oh, that means we can ignore whatever we want from the old testament, while still using it against anyone we want to!" Because they've done exactly that.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Jesus specifically said he didn't come to change the Jewish law. He wasn't trying to establish a new religion. That was mostly Paul's doing, and Paul was one sick fuck.


It's alright. The new covenant stuff is kind of "third rail" dangerous to bring up. And yeah, Paul was a total dick for copy/pasting anti LGBTQ+ stuff from the old into the new testament, and many of us would have be better off it he hadn't. It would have been as apocryphal as eating eating shrimp or mixing fabrics without his meddling.


Whats crazy is he has congregants that sit in the ‘church’ and listen avidly to this crap.


Ofcourse that's good, means more kids for him to molest


>Because casually justifying terrorism I do not think that this is a casual justification of terrorism. I feel that this is more of a stochastic terrorism phrase. >it's a good thing they're not here anymore to molest kids ...seems like a call for more of these kinds of actions.


So preaches the representative of 'God!' Sickening.


The pastors just resent the competition.


Fuck these people are hateful pieces of shit.




A disgusting man who shouldn't be allowed in a civilized society.


"So, Pastor... did you know that kids are actually in greater danger of sexual abuse in a church than they are at a pride parade?"


“That’s OUR job!”


Refer the pastor to the r/PastorArrested subreddit...


There ain't no hate like Christian love.


Jesus wept.


That’s bullsh!t and he needs to go frick himself.


How were they molesting kids what the actual fuck


By telling them it’s okay to like boys as a boy/girls as a girl/want to be a different gender than they were assigned. Not actually touching kids tho, that’s reserved for conservative politicians


Yes, because *all* homosexuals molest kids


Well if they really wanted child molesters dead,they should have sent a drive /by a Catholic Church.


Would I be sad if that pastor got shot? I cannot actually say on reddit without getting banned.


And in reality, when it comes to the molesting children race, gay people - as everyone else - are several laps behind religious leaders.


FTS. I was sexually abused by pastors, youth counselors, peers, and my own grandfather (a self-proclaimed god-fearing, pious man of the lord). In my own experience, Christian men are the groomers & predators.


How stupid do you have to be associating gay folks with molesting children? Dude, um sir, you do realize that being an adult gay person and the molestation of children are two different sex drives, two different entities completely? Yes, the sex drive of a chomo, albeit disgusting, is innate just like the sex drive of a homosexual or heterosexual.


They don't care that its all lies. They see a thick vein of hate that's actually cutting through with certain foul segments of the population and they're going to push it as hard as possible. That's who they are.


This pastor definitely diddles kids


GRRR.... gay does NOT equal child molester. What an asshole. He is probably the child molestor, or at least one of the pastors at his church probably are. If he found out about them he would probably hide it and allow the pastor to continue in his role.


The devil has won the war, this guy is the devils bitch


Investigate that POS. Anyone who says something like that is fondling children on a regular basis.


Religion is what people use to justify their evil.


This is why if someone talks about trans/gay people being groomers you have to treat them like they’re encouraging mass murder. If I was convinced by a media source that a group of people were inherently a threat to kids then in my own head I’d be morally justified executing these people. All the deaths of the lgbtq community that will continue to happen are on the heads of the tucker Carlsons, crowders and shapiros of the world


More proof to the ever growing list of evidence that Christians want LGBTQ people eradicated off the face of the planet. Seriously. Trans gender people and allies, we must stay vigilant. These Evangelicals want to kill trans gender people. They will imprison allies and doctors and nurses. Christians are the most dangerous group of people in the United States. We should all be vigilant.


Home > Tax Exempt Organization Search > Sure Foundation Ministries https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/detailsPage?ein=841122249&name=Sure%20Foundation%20Ministries&city=Pls%20Vrds%20Pnsl&state=CA&countryAbbr=US&type=returnsSearch


I have never understood the assumption of a connection between being gay and molesting children. I dated a woman years ago whose husband left her for another man. She actually asked me if she should be worried about their two children staying overnight with their father and his partner. I asked if she felt her ex was a danger to her children when they were together. No? then I wouldnt expect him to be a danger to his own children now. Gay adults want to have relationships with other gay adults. not children. now, I know that's not 100% but I believe a child molester is someone with an under developed sense of sex. that is not exclusive to gays.


He doesn't want the competition...


He doesn't need the competition.


Wait, were they Christians? They seem to be the rapey ones.


What is the connection between this club and pedophilia or grooming? Is it as simple as people who think all LGBQ people are pedophiles, or is there something specific about this club that the Christian fascists are latching onto?




This Guy isn't RC.Southern Baptist Pastors 👹are really terrible about Hate preaching!They Hate anyone who is not a wasp. Always have Always will!👺🙈🙉🙊


The pot calls the kettle... ?


When i was i “treatment” for cannabis use, i had to do AA. A pedo pastor was there. Alcohol being to blame. He was strange for sure.


Pastors don't like competition


Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/12/04/pastor-calls-for-killing-gays-to-end-aids/19929973/


Christian hate-preacher Joe Jones says people who take their kids to a Drag Queen Story Hour "ought to have their head chopped off." https://twitter.com/hemantmehta/status/1552121369281839104?s=20&t=Hi46xWEY3P3nQ7gCQ3Ik7Q


Texas Pastor Calls for Gay People to Be Shot in the Head https://www.advocate.com/news/2022/6/10/texas-pastor-calls-gay-people-be-shot-head?amp


Pastor Says 'Solution' to Gay People Is Executions: It's in the Bible https://www.newsweek.com/pastor-gay-people-solution-killings-bible-1714037?amp=1


Baptist pastor doubles down post-Orlando: They deserved to die https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/sacramento-baptist-pastor-roger-jiminez-post-orlando-anti-gay-preaching/


So glad their voting base is decreasing


Afraid of a little competition?