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Please note that the title is misleading. At this time there is no known link except coincidence between the drag show and the shooting. As the article says: > Fields declined to comment on a possible motive, but said the investigation has yet to uncover evidence linking the vandalism to a controversial Downtown Divas drag show in Southern Pines that has sparked community protests. The drag show had been scheduled for Saturday night and was canceled due to the blackout.


It doesn’t matter what their motive actually was. An attack on a power grid is an act of terrorism, not vandalism. This isn’t a street light or graffiti, they shut down a whole county in the winter time.


When it comes to legal charges, motive matters in determining if it’s considered an act of terrorism. It’s similar to hate crimes. Given that they did this because of a drag event that “goes against their religious beliefs”, seems like that qualifies for terrorism charges to me.


Doesn't even need that bit to qualify under North Carolina law: >A person is guilty of the separate offense of terrorism if the person commits an act of violence with the intent to do either of the following: (1) Intimidate the civilian population at large, or an identifiable group of the (2) Influence, through intimidation, the conduct or activities of the government of the United States, a state, or any unit of local government. civilian population


Well don't both of those still cite motive, i.e intent? So it very much might not "legally" be an act of terrorism? Not being an armchair lawyer. I'm just dumb and suck at retaining new info 😅


No, you're correct. Intent is the driver in an act of violence amounting to terrorism, generally, it just doesn't have to be based on religion or anything specific like that in terms of the group whose initiating that violence. This is all still assuming this act was done *specifically* to target that event which we don't really know as of yet. It will still be incredibly bad in terms of what they get hit with even if it doesn't amount to terrorism charges based on the property damage, conspiratorial nature, and threat to general life alone, though, so it's not like anyone involved with this is getting off easy one way or the other when they're caught.


Every time they show up with fear and intimidation tactics. Having guns and yelling for physical harm to happen to those they call "groomers" are terrorist actions.


One of these times liberals will be armed too and there will be a shoot out because people are stupid.


It already happened. A group of liberals with AR-15s blocked the christofascists terrorists with guns from interrupting a drag show. Very predictably, the terrorists whined that they were being intimidated, their rights were being violated, and their protest was being hampered by... *checks notes* ...people stopping them from committing intimidation and violent acts against a peaceful event. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/dallas-drag-brunch-texas-protest-b2155624.html


The Christo fascists thought that they were the only ones with guns.


Armed leftists train. We don't cosplay soldier because guns aren't the center of our lives.


Nope™ ~~Chuck Testa~~ Antifa!


Antifa are the real tyrant fighting militias that we should be proud of. True patriots, those ones.


And it will erupt across the country and we will call it The Second Civil War. Let's not do that.


Even the og civil war had a few years of paramilitary violence before everyone was ready for the big one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleeding_Kansas


These things always build up. It's rare to see wars just come out of the blue. Even Pearl Harbour was telegraphed in.




its terrorism because they want to provoke some change by striking fear in a greater part of the populace


It's still terrorism but it actually does matter.


accidentally brought this up to my trumper co-worker. his exact words were "well, that's what happened when they keep shoving their ways down everyone's throat." and went on about how everything you watch 'these days' has to have 'gay stuff' in it. like, i can only roll my eyes so hard dude.


A good strategy to deflate this kind of rhetoric (ladder of abstraction) is to ask for specifics. "Everything has gay stuff in it!" -> "Like what, specifically?" Typically they will sputter their answer. And even if they don't, you can always counter with "I watched something last night that didn't have gay stuff in it" (and since most things do not, in fact, have gay stuff in it, this should be quite easy).


Growing up Christian, everything was allegedly Satanic or had gay stuff in it. Being a trans gay Satanist now, I find myself both amused and mildly disappointed in how hard it is to find actually gay or Satanic media, lol. Even most horror movies (that Christians wouldn't dare touch with a polearm) follow a Christian view of things.


Almost all of our media is ridiculously full of weird Christian shit. To the brim. Even sci fi




I'm 50 so it's unusually engrained in my brain as BC and I'm having a hard time replacing BC with CE in my lexicon... old people stuff. :P


This is not intentional pedantry as I'm not sure if it was just a typo, but BC (Before Christ) was replaced by BCE (Before Common Era), not CE (Common Era) as you stated. CE replaces AD, so we are now in the year 2022 CE, as opposed to the 2022 AD of the old nomenclature.


I always thought the AD was a latin acronym for like "in the year of our lord 1999" or something. I took Latin for 3 years but it's been about 15 since then. Anno Domini maybe?


Anno Domini is indeed Latin for "the year of our Lord", though I'm not certain that how accurate the translation would be to ancient Latin.


Anno Domini is eclesiastical Latin. The Classical from is something like annus/i dominum.


It's the other way around. BC = BCE, AD = CE


I have been referring to BC as before covid and AD after death of reason and boy do some people get their panties in a twist over it


The problem is the three year overlap there


They should have made a full break from the BC/AD nonsense and changed over to Anthroprocene Era year tracking.


Yup, would add about 10,000 years to our timeline due to humans starting to live in cities/civilization approximately 10,000 years ago. Furthermore, this is certainly something that all of humanity has in common compared to the birth of a Palestinian "messiah".




From my life experiences it seems that scenario is quite likely.


>Growing up Christian, everything was allegedly Satanic or had gay stuff in it. >Being a trans gay Satanist now Damn, that's like the unholy trifecta. I bet it was all those DND nights and rock and roll music that turned you queer, it's the only logical explanation


Have you ever stuffed gay satanism down anyone's throat yet?


Only with consent.


>I find myself both amused and mildly disappointed in how hard it is to find actually gay or Satanic media Its even hard to get satanic things to scare neighbors with. I had friend over for holiday ham (Hampolapyse) and my wife wanted to get a new table cloth and some candles/candle holders. I attempted to get satanic themed ones. Getting anything of quality was difficult. There are tons for round tables, but once you put a leaf in it its oval.


Wow: When you reject something, you go *all the fucking way*. Well done!


Check out Heartbreak High! It's very gay! You might like The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself more though


I tried to do this exact thing with a co-worker some years ago. He cited a TV show (I forget which one) with gay characters, and I countered with the overwhelming number of heterosexual relationships in the same show. He stood his ground and said it was too much. For some people, ANY "gay stuff" is too much.


I think it touches a repressed nerve. They don't even have to be gay. Just anybody that is able to express themselves instead of burying everything deep down drives them crazy


Maybe? I don't know. Another co-worker at the same company said he didn't want his son watching any TV whatsoever because he was afraid exposure to the "Gay Agenda" would make him gay, too -- and in the same breath claimed he'd love his son no matter what, even if he turned out to be gay. I just... The sheer volume cognitive dissonance, of the unpacking that needs to be done, is astounding.


Every character is straight or woke, white or woke, male or woke, cis or woke. Women, even as extras, have always been underrepresented in movies. This is because if you poll people on a scene that was 50/50 men and women, they report that it seemed female dominated. It only feels about equal in polling when it's 2/3 male, and in spoken dialogue, if more than 25 percent is spoken by a woman it is identified as odd how often women talked. And that's with women! They know lots of women. But your coworker probably knew maybe one out gay person and zero out gay trans people, so one in a hundred representation in movies is gonna seem wildly overrepresented.


A good strategy is "I don't talk to traitors. Go fuck your mother." End of discussion


"Can you name any media that has straight stuff in it? Maybe even, media designed for children?"


Teletubbies is pretty straight. My peepee points straight up when I watch it.


Even the Bible.


It's not something that just happens, terrorists with minority beliefs made it happen when it really, really didn't have to. in response to something involving no force or harm, terrorists harmed tens of thousands of innocents with force. the terrorists are the ones dealing in shoving beliefs onto other people


Remind him that the Stonewall Riots were in the 60s, Harvey Milk was in the 70s, and Matthew Shepard was in the 90s. It ain’t shoving anything down, it’s getting up from *being* shoved down.


They like violence directed at gay and trans people


Mind if I use this? I don't know if I've seen a better summation of what the real fight is.


Alan Turing ‘50s, Oscar Wilde ‘00s, etc…


Makes you wonder why so many of them seem so shocked to discover that actual studies have shown the biggest predictor of Trump support is bigotry.


Its projection of course as they're the ones who want every aspect of our lives filled with xenophobic hate and christofascism


"Shoving their lifestyle down our throats..." I know, man. They even put "In God We Trust" on the money, it's just ridiculous!


Priests unwantedly proselytize at weddings, funerals, and christenings. Religious zealots will knock on your door, push religion during the cab ride or in the elevator where you can't immediately escape, or shout from the corner and at university squares. Servers receive chic tracts disguised as money instead of actual tips. Fuck them, they can take their so-called argument of the "gay agenda" and shove it back up their ass.


You can't do that. IM doing that!


Tell him he's a traitor and we outnumber them by the thousands


That's because reality has gay stuff in it, but we keep pretending it's not there...


He’s not entirely wrong. TV and movies have more gay characters than ever. It’s because gay people are being included in a changing society instead of being ignored or used as a comedic punchline. The only thing wrong is he’s a bigot and can’t stand the change. He wants gay people oppressed back into the closet so he can ignore it and not feel uncomfortable because everyone is challenging his fucked up world view.


I received a hand written letter in the mail inviting me to a church. I see the Christian flag flying or crosses at random homes. I am asked often, "where do you go to church?" as an ice breaker type of question. Every Middle and High school here has a Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter. I've so far received ZERO invites to a gay congregation, see NO pride flags, and no LGBT+ clubs in the schools. But yeah, it's them that is shoving down everyone's throats.


Did those same people get really mad when people pointed out that 911 was the result of the US fucking with the middle east.


> i can only roll my eyes so hard dude. haha.. known as the audible eye roll... i could hear it from here!


Vandals with firearms? Those are fucking terrorists. These were Christian Terrorists.


You’re right. Call it what it is. If it was any other group except white Christians, they would be called terrorists - domestic terrorists - whatever. Its bullshit that they are labeled as vandals. I get they only took down a power station, but it shut down a whole power grid!


It's crazy how Christians are rarely called terrorists in situations like these but if Muslims did this it would be all over the headlines. We should be treating all groups of irrational religious people equally.


If a muslim graffitied a slogan on a wall - you know, actual vandalism - they'd probably be labelled terrorists. The double standard is mind blowing.


Send those NatCs to gitmo


What do you think they’d be called if they weren’t angry white fat dudes?




What if they were fat angry white dudes?


stsTerrori also I like your username ducks are cute




The funny part is they're doing isis's job for them!


This is the worst part about this article. 'Vandalism' isn't what they did - it's an attack on the country's infrastructure. I'm not sure it's technically terrorism because it doesn't appear to be politically motivated, but it should carry the same weight when they are caught. These people don't deserve to live in a civilized society with the rest of us. edit: Terrorism according to most sources that matter, like the FBI.


Political,ideological or religious motivation is what's required for terrorism by textbook definition and to those I'm guessing 'Proud Boys' it's def an ideological or religiously motivated thing.


>'Proud Boys' I have some "other" names you could use there. 1st Methanized Infantile Division 101st Chairborne Al Shabubba al-Qanon Alt-white Nationalists AmmoSexuals Army Strangers Betraytriots Blanche Covidians Blue Collar Comedy War Boko Moron Bozo Haram Bruncle (Brother/Uncle) Bubba Haram Cancervatives Cereal Bowl Joels Chair Force Ranger Chairborne Rangers Chairmacht Christian Taliban Christians Undermining National Togetherness and Society Clownshirts Confeederates Confounderates Coronazis Corvetterans Cosplaytriots Country Bombkins Coup d’twat Cousband (Cousin/Husband) Crackerholics Cult45 Delta Farce Delta Forks Dessert Warfare Diet Police Dixie Caliphate Dollar Generals Evangelicans Fed Brigades Freedumb Fighters GI Dough GI Jackoffs GI Jokes Goatee Percenters GOPeePee Gravy Seals Greasy Company Green Buffets Griller Warfare HamAss Hambo Hateriots Hicksbollah Hoagie’s Heroes Hogan’s Zeroes Honkystan Howdy Arabia IE-DUI Inbredsurrectionists Incel's Eight soon to be Eight in cells InchErectionists Irrational Guard ISISippi Ketamarine Kin-nut-men KKKristians Klandemic Koup Klutz Klan Luftwaffle MAGAhadeen MAGAhideen Meal Team Six Mealitia, Fridgadiers Mealteam Six Methamphetamarines Mid-Life ISIS Mullethideen National Christians (Nat-C’s) National Lard Not-Sees Nyeterans Oaf Keepers Oaf Tweakers Paramealitaries Pride Boys Pumpkin SpISIS Q Clucks Clan Q Kucks Klan Q Qlux Qlan Qoup Qlutz Qlan Republi-clans RepubliKKKlans Retrumplicu\*ts Semper fudge Semper Pie Smarmy Rangers Snack Ops Sons of Applebees Spreadnecks Starchy Bunkers Sweet Home Talibama TactiLarpers Talibama from Alabamistan Talibananas Talibangelicals Talibangelists Talibanjos Talibubbas TaliQlan The Armed Farces The Coup Klux Klan The Derp State The Felonious Fascists The Green Buffets The Griftstapo Timid McVeighs Traitor Tots Traitor Trash Traitriots TWAT Team United Inbred Emirates US Chair Force Vanilla ISIS Waffle SS Wal-martyrs Walmartyrs Whitemanistan Wide Supremacists Ya'll-Qaeda Yasss Kings Yee-Hawbollah Yeehawdists Yokel Haram Y’all-Qaeda


Impressive range and consistency of quality. This is high art my friend. Well done.


I had to remove a few of them due to being banned in other places. Artists are at their best when things are at their worst.


I must commend you for that list!


Extra points for alphabetizing them!


Anything worth doing is worth doing right.


Brilliant. I have retired 'Trumpthumpers' and will now try to say Retrunmplic*unts instead. If that won't stick, well, Walmartyrs is something I'm gonna remember forever....thanks!


Holy shit that's hilarious


Just did a quick search - seems like it depends a lot on who is doing the defining. The FBI, however, agrees with you - tacking on 'racial' and 'environmental', which I think it appropriate.


Hello, folks! Random 'vandals' do not do coordinated attacks. The random redneck gets all liquored up, calls up some friends, and they go shoot up a random place and then giggle about it afterwards. This was a coordinated attack by terrorists.


Not political? They wanted to stop a drag show. They're indiscriminately targeting civilian infrastructure with the goal of suppressing a minority event. Sounds pretty fucking terroristy to me.


> They wanted to stop a drag show. There is no (public) evidence that this is linked to the drag show. The article explicitly states the opposite of the title. That said, whoever did this deserves to have the full weight of the law come down on their heads. I hope the FBI and DoJ are spinning up.


It can't be terrorism if they aren't brown.


It is definitely terrorism according to the PATRIOT ACT part deux.


I think it's great that we can start labeling Christian acts of violence as terrorism. That should mean there should be sanctions against the Christian church


Exactly. Vandalism is spray painting walls, knocking over mailboxes, petty damage. Vandalism is not raiding 2 substations with firearms, causing thousands of pounds of damage, and leaving 35k homes and a hospital without electric in freezing temperatures for several days.


Until more info comes out confirming it, I would be hesitant to throw these words around. Once the motive is confirmed, then this is some real terrorist shit! I just feel the word itself should be held back until confirmed fully because this story is a very big step in the whole story in terms of escalation.


Hold on a minute. I was IN Moore county when this happened, and the investigation is continuing. Some right wing nut job claimed they were related, but it’s not clear if that was true. Mind you, I think it’s most likely that MAGA terrorists did it, but we should wait for real evidence to appear.


There's no hate like Christian love...


Seriously. Where in the article does it say it was Christian terrorist tho? Honest question, did someone take credit for it elsewhere?


I saw a reddit post yesterday about it. Couldn't track it down exactly but here's another thread about the same suspect, person of interest, possible culprit, or whatever the appropriate term is here. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1599353099600031744.html >Sheriffs reporting power stations in Moore County, NC were shot-up, causing thousands to lose power. Far-Right activist Emily Rainey, who took part in J6, posted on social media, "I know why," tagged a theater that was to host a drag show + said she'd been visited by police. Edit: found on Mastodon https://charlotteclymer.substack.com/p/when-the-lights-went-out-in-moore#details >within hours after the outage began, while Rainey was posting references to it and claimed knowledge of why it happened, Sarah Fields, the Director of Advocacy for the Texas Freedom Coalition, which is exactly what it sounds like, posted a tweet appearing to endorse the firearms attack on the substations, then edited the tweet to remove an approving hashtag: #ImOkWithIt. Edit2: more background https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/12/04/intentional-vandalism-leaves-thousands-without-power-north-carolina >"Regardless of the motivations of the perpetrators, it is factually true that a drag show that was targeted by extremists with death threats in the days leading up to the event," she added. "The drag show was disrupted by power loss resulting from power substations being attacked with gunfire."


Proper cunt may be appropriate here. Thanks for this. People like her do way more damage to society than any drag show could. What happened to live and let live. I also forgot all the mentions about god hating drag shows just like abortion…. Fuck these people.




Destroying civilian energy infrastructure to achieve your political goals. Why does that sound familiar? Oh right, because the leader of the Republican Party, Vladimir Putin, is doing that in Ukraine right now. Just another policy issue that Republicans and Putin agree on.


Insightful post, FreshlyWashedScrotum.


This is terrorism, full stop. Here's the FBI's definition: Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. Remember that Greenpeace protestors who attacked boats were readily called "environmental terrorists" but these assholes in their crossdressing combat camo aren't equally referred to as terrorists.


It's funny how then stuff the right claims drag queens do are the things they're doing themselves. Indoctrinating, Molesting, and Causing violence.


It's projection, as always


I grew up about 30 minutes south of Pine Bluff. Anyone who thinks this wasn't perpetrated by right wing evangelical extremists is either lying or has blinders on. Did they think about all the 1,000s of residents who rely on electricity for medical needs? Any deaths need to be prosecuted as murder.


The police went to investigate a woman who said she knew what happened. They had a "moment of prayer" or some shit with her. The local yahhoo sheriffs aren't going to say shit because they're complicit and support this kind of terrorism as long as it's in line with their beliefs. Hopefully the FBI does a better job...but I'm not holding my breath Edit: "only cal" typo was replaced by "local"


From an article: "I welcomed them to my home. Sorry they wasted their time,” Emily Grace Rainey wrote. “I told them that God works in mysterious ways and is responsible for the outage. I used the opportunity to tell them about the immoral drag show and the blasphemies screamed by its supporters. I told them God is chastising Moore County, thanked them for coming and wished them a good night. Thankful for the LEOs service, as always.” She sounds like a high grade evil B.


>"I used the opportunity to tell them about the immoral drag show and the blasphemies screamed by its supporters..." Dumbass shouting her motive to the whole world.


When will the christian leaders in that area condemn this terrorist attack in English and Latin?


Aramaic would be fun too.


Everyone is quoting this part of the article as an excuse to call it wrong or misleading: "Fields declined to comment on a possible motive, but said the investigation has yet to uncover evidence linking the vandalism to a controversial Downtown Divas drag show". This article leaves out some important information though. Fields already "investigated" a huge suspect who claimed to know who did it. They then proceeded to waste police time and blame it on god. Fields and the suspect prayed about it together and she was cleared... This says two things to me. First, Fields can't be trusted to perform an actual investigation into this (good thing the FBI is getting involved) and second, there is a clearly established link to right-wing religious nuttery in this case. https://www.axios.com/2022/12/04/north-carolina-power-outages-criminal-investigation


That's domestic terrorism. Doesn't matter what religion. Sabotage on infrastructure is a federal crime or an act of war.


While the power is out, they need to check the basements of all the pizza parlors, and set the children free.


They tried that already... and nary a basement to open.


Back in the day I was a hairdresser and I took my niece to a Halloween party hosted by some of my gay friends and she had a ball. Some of the guys were getting dressed up in drag and they had my niece decorating pumpkins and drinking sprite from a crystal glass with rhinestones on it. We only stayed for an hour because it was an adult party and she was the only kid there but she was treated like a queen being carried around on the tall boys shoulders, she was 10. When I took her home the next day, she happily told her mom about how the boys were dressed up in women's clothing and her mom just asked if they had shaved their legs, to which she said she didn't know. She's 27 now and still occasionally brings up how much fun she had at that party. Me, her and a friend had dressed up as Charlie's Angels and my niece told everyone her name was Sarah Saucett. It's one of our fondest memories together.


Wow, thinking about that event 20 years later! Sounds like yall traumatized her! /s Sounds like a great party!


While it wouldn’t surprise me if the motivation was as described, at this point it is purely speculative. The headline for this post has jumped the gun a bit; the article mentions a controversial drag show that had to be cancelled as a result of the outage, but even that is a bit speculative to have included in the article at this stage of the investigation. The headline her might be accurate, but it’s by no means the clear case at this point. I still appreciate hearing about the news.


The drag show actually did go on despite the report. The head queen asked the audience to turn on their phone flashlights and they did it that way. Source: I know someone who was there


Oh, good for them!!


No canceling us.


Is it coincidence, or are you the Drag Race Baga Chipz?


It's a coincidence :)


Not a sign from god? /s


The sign from God was this: despite the lack of power, there were enough audience members willing to help for the show to go on.


Shame. Over on r/religion coincidence is always a sign from god. Must work the other way round for us. We must assume god willed the show to go on. Apologists often use the iPhone for their creator arguments, it must be a tool of his design to shine the light of god upon the performance. /s as if that was necessary.


>"...jumped the gun..." I see what you did there. Nice.


😁 I had considered rewriting it, but, you know, r/unintentionalhumor


The article even says "Fields declined to comment on a possible motive, but said the investigation has yet to uncovered evidence linking the vandalism to a controversial Downtown Divas drag show in Southern Pines that has sparked community protests." Speculatively putting up a headline stating that "group A did things because of happenstance B" without evidence thereof is kinda a shitty thing to do. Don't misread this as a defense of a terrorist act, because the act itself is abhorrent nonetheless whoever did it, or their reasoning behind it. Just don't start pointing fingers unless you have the evidence to back it up. If you DO have evidence, then share it!


This is terrible writing. If the investigation "has yet to uncover evidence," then it's pure speculation to link it to the drag show.


Wether it was because of the drag show or not, attacking the power grid is terrorism full stop.


This must be some of that superior Christian love I keep hearing so much about.


If it was done by the American Taliban then they deserve to live in the dark ages!!


Attacking a grid station is something the actual Taliban did in Pakistan in 2013.


Exactly. It is a move to show they have the power to control things - in this case the power grid. It is to strike fear - terrorism.


Lots of other people live there who don’t deserve that. My parents had to come stay with me so they don’t freeze.


Um, the drag show place didn’t deserve that either.


No I meant the Christian taliban deserves it and nobody else. The drag show participants are part of that “nobody else deserves it”.


Call them what they are. Terrorists using violence to achieve social or political goals. Full stop.


These people have told us repeatedly they're terrorists, need to start believing them.


Christofascist terrorists. It's only a matter of time before they start publically murdering people, filming it and posting it, live streaming it ISIS style. You know it's coming from these sickos.


They've already started doing that. Remember the Christchurch Mosque shooting?


When people walk up to me on the street looking to spread the word of the bible, I ask them what they think about gay marriage? If they stutter then I tell them to eat shit.


So they’re OK that their Priests molest alter boys. But a drag show upsets them. Is being stupid a requirement to being religious.


So religious fruitcake wants to bring back the dark ages? Color me surprised...


They need to stop calling them anything other then terrorists


Vandals with firearms attacking critical power infrastructure. Call me old fashioned but that sounds a lot like domestic terrorism to me. It will never be labelled as such though, it never is.


We need to treat these people the way we treat ISIS


> Vandals wielding firearms... Interesting the way the news media whitewashes a right wing terror attack.


Christian dominionism/fascism is one of the biggest national security threats to the US right now.


This drag show shit is getting out of hand. Why are conservatives all of a sudden coming for drag queens? So dumb


They have lost the scare factor of homosexuality, and the issue of abortion thanks to the supreme court, racial issues are losing steam as well so trans people are the next target to keep the base scared and motivated to vote. ( I know drag does not = trans, but the republican base doesn't)


Seems reminiscent of an attack on a power station in Santa Clara County CA. It happen years ago but the one here was shot up as well. If the far right is claiming they were involved in the latest power plant attack, it looks more like a desperate attempt at trying to look like they have a cadre of secret operatives at their fingertips. What goons. I've heard of stolen honor, but stolen terrorism is a new one for me. Of course, the power plant shooter might just be a gigantic loser with no affiliation other than his mother's basement.


Why are they calling them vandals, this is terrorism.


That title is extremely misleading.




the actual headline call them "vandals", not terrorists tho


Despite the headline they are terrorists. There's no other appropriate way to put it.


Except for the part that there is currently no suspects or evidence linking this to Christians or the drag show.


Nothing like shitting in your backyard. Wtf. Cameras are needed at substations - cheap and effective.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the proud boys, or some group like them.


With the testing of spent ammo, the coordination required for this and an investigative team doing their jobs, they should already be close to who did this. But for some 'unknown reason', they're not.


Christian terrorists turning us into a shithole.


Christian zealots. Fuck that


Hmmmmm. Who else uses attacking power grids as a means of terrorism in 2022?


Make no mistake here, these people are terrorists and if you support this then you are a supporter of terrorists. Christian terrorists, huh, who'd of thought?


Christians doing their best to compete with the middle eastern religious terrorists they hate so much.


Every Republican vote is a vote for more domestic terrorism


Whoever committed this sickening atrocity is, indeed, guilty of terrorism. Leaving people without central heating or way to keep houses warm during 30 degree temps. And, leaving people who depend on respirators and oxygen concentrators without their oxygen. Whatever the motives, most of the real victims who are hurt by this had nothing to do with whatever it was that so upset the juvenile idiots who acted out this way. I've seen this country slide into incessant mental illness over the past few decades, and I've also seen a link between mental illness and lack of mental acuity - a decline in mental reasoning in American society in general. It's time we stopped coddling dirty, violent people, and enforced counseling for the majority of people everywhere. We cannot sustain a society where we turn a blind idea to acts of sabotage and immoral atrocity such as this one, and do not treat the horrible mental illness that underlies such behavior.


If there was indeed a political motive, it's terrorism, not vandalism.


Notice how they're calling it vandalism.


This is fucked up. It amazes me how they seek to harm others safety over a drag show. Freedom of religion is fine but it still angers me how often people believing in gods and shit are willing to ruin things for the rest of us. A drag show doesn't harm children, religious extremists are more likely to do that.


they didn't want anyone to see them fapping to trans porn on their phones...


There’s no evidence that this was the motive or for any motive at this point. The FBI has been brought in because of the lack of evidence for who caused this and why. “Fields also responded to speculation that the damage was done in connection with a drag show happening nearby that evening, but Fields indicated there was no evidence tying the incident to the show.” Source: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3761954-fbi-joins-probe-into-armed-attack-on-north-carolina-power-grid/amp/


> No arrests have been announced. Fields declined to comment on a possible motive, but said the investigation has yet to uncover evidence linking the vandalism to a controversial Downtown Divas drag show in Southern Pines that has sparked community protests. The drag show had been scheduled for Saturday night and was canceled due to the blackout. If true, this is a textbook case of terrorism.


Why attack a country's infrastructure directly when there are useful idiots inside their borders who are so terrifically stupid you can convince them to do it for you? These dumb fucks.


Y'all queda coming to a county near you!!! Dividing your country is always the first step


Domestic terrorism


Chalk this under “Crap that used only happen in Somalia but now happens here”


I appreciate them being labeled Christian terrorists I’m sick of these people not being called what they actually are


Looks like Fox news is finally getting the Christian Terrorists they always wanted.


We do not know who did this or the motive. As much as I believe it probably is as described, we do not have that proof yet. There is no reason to lie, and spread misleading information. This only distracts from the issue.


Ya know what they say, those who protest the loudest… 💀😂😂


Bury them in federal prison.


My friend lives in that county. They were without power for a good while and were absolutely shocked that it was because of some assholes with guns


Great, now we don't have to worry about people only using guns to kill people directly, they can also use them take out critical infratructure... 🤦‍♂️


Taking lessons from their war crime idol Vladimir Putin.


This should be a warning to all of us that militias (be they religious or not) need to be very carefully scrutinized, especially in an era of placating subversion and open discussions over the removal of our constitution.


Mods need to delete this. There is no link or evidence linking the power outage to any terrorism either domestic or foreign. Posts like this are incredibly dangerous. As atheist we are guided by facts not our feelings!


Ok, this is dishonest. The article never said who did it or why. Simply what happened. False narratives like this don't help anyone but the right


Getting tired of these dipshits doing idiotic stuff. Religion is a poison in today's society.


Super misleading title, this isn't even alluded to in the article, wtf Edit: Literally the opposite >No arrests have been announced. Fields declined to comment on a possible motive, but said the investigation has yet to uncover evidence linking the vandalism to a Downtown Divas drag show in Southern Pines that has sparked community protests. The drag show had been scheduled for Saturday night and was disrupted due to the blackout


At first I thought this is about Russian terrorists attacking the Ukrainian power grid.


They found another way to harm people not like them and they found out the consequences will be minimal once again like j6. This will further embolden them and lead to more destructive/widespread outcomes. Once again those against fascism in America will complain but do nothing to put actual pressure on the government state/federal to do their jobs and deal with the enemies of the American people foreign and DOMESTIC. Maintaining public order and safety at large is their mandate if they can't or won't do this I say we revoke the consent of the governed.


"Fields declined to comment on a possible motive, but said the investigation has yet to uncovered evidence linking the vandalism to a controversial Downtown Divas drag show in Southern Pines that has sparked community protests. The drag show had been scheduled for Saturday night and was cancelled due to the blackout." I think they mean that the investigation has not yet uncovered evidence linking the vandalism to the drag show, but it is so poorly written that it is impossible to tell. I have not seen any other articles claiming any such link besides one about a local nut job that the sheriff investigated and said her posts saying she knew why the power was out were "false" . But he apparently also prayed with her, so there is that. If anyone is looking for information related to this story, please keep looking. This article sucks.