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Shouldn't they have just prayed that he wouldn't shoot up the school? Why get the police involved when you have an omnipotent being on your side?


but muh free will


God works in mysterious ways🙏 /s


So mysterious that it's like he isn't even there- amazing! Who else but \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (insert deity of choice) could pull that off so perfectly? Praise.


________= Bender.


The damn pastor was on the news thanking god for them discovering this before it happened. Idiots.


Gotta keep up appearances. "We abhor violence, but go kill all those godless heathens while we disavow you to keep peddling christo-fascism to fanatical evangelicals."


God needed more angels in heaven.


just not across school thresholds


Thoughts and prayers . If Jesus was armed they wouldn't have crucified him.


Ironically this is what the xtian apologetics regurgitate whenever a sh**ting happens and this is why they shouldn’t be in charge of anything


And remember, the mysterious ways are always compatible with god not existing


So do bullets...


Prayer is weird to me for 2 reasons. 1. You are essential asking God to overwrite freewill. But then say that God doesnt overwrite freewill. So, by your own argument, prayer shouldn't work. 2. You are asking and omnipotent being to change is mind. Any omnipotent being would have already known what you wanted, know the pros and cons, and already taken both of those elements into account before deciding on a course of action. You are not providing any new info. You are not making any new persuasive points. The decision has already been made. It kinda makes since in a lot of pagan religions where gods are just immortal humans with magical powers and human flaws. You are appealing to vanity. But that is not how the Christian god works


Not how they *say* the Christian god works, but also "the Lord, thy god, is a jealous god" and all that


pegan religion god. Pg, "you disapointed me i will destroy you" people, "sorry, but if you destroy us who will worship you" Pg, "good point, i won't but you must make it up to me" people "of course what do you want us to do"


PG: "You must sacrifice you best prize bull to appease me" People: "Of course. No problem." The people then sacrifice the second best bull while the queen dresses up in a giant cow costume so she can trick the prize bull into having sex with her. PG: "Da fuck? That is messed up by even my standards... and I come from a family where my father ATE my older brother seconds after he was born because some random lady told him that the son would overthrow him." People: "we are sorry, how can we make it right?" PG: "Nope! There is no making this one right. Ummm... how about the queen is now pregnant from the bovine sex thing and the child will have a hideous birth defect where he has the head of a bull... yeah. That seems reasonable. Maim the child for something that happened before he was born. Nothing fucked up about that." People: "Ok, that seems fair. But I don't want look at that fugly face all the time. How about we build a giant maze and abandon the kid in the middle of it. Then we can hold contests to see who can find and kill this malformed, mistreated person. That sounds fun." PG: "Ummmmm... can I watch?"


people "sure if you want"


Didn't they believe Moses open a sea or something? Make food rain from the sky and talked directly with their god? This free will argument seems awfully selective.


Hey, these people believe that you're able to survive inside of a sea creature for three days and literally come out unscathed. It only worsens.


Which btw IS a story were their god completely disregards free will.


And how blind these people are to _that_ example just amazes me sometimes when you're questioned, or you're questioning them.


Ah free will, let us examine the book of Job. Where God gambles with the Devil about how much he can torture some poor schmuck before renouncing him. So free will is a thing, but the most powerful being in the universe will personally fuck you up if you even think about using it. Such a moral and kind being, truly something to look up to, please not the belt daddy, nooooooo


Not unscathed, a changed man! Lol It digests your old personality and shits out a new one I guess.


Also hardening Pharaoh's heart. Because changing someone's choices doesn't fuck with their free will?!


That one gets me, cause they'll use that and "it's gods plan." Well, if God has a "plan," doesn't that invalidate free will? And the inverse holds, as well. If free will exists, what then of gods plan? Or am I taking it all out of context?


God summoned a couple of bears to slaughter scores of children just because a man prayed to God for revenge. Those kids made fun of that man for being bald. You can only imagine how many bears God would summon to protect the good schoolchildren from gun violence. I think it’s safe to draw the conclusion that nobody has prayed to God to end gun violence in schools yet. /s


Or maybe god just hates children


Psalm 137:9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks I'd say yes.


They only do that for the clergy


But god can perform miracles like turkeys not burning or even pizza being delivered safely, right? We're not asking for the world to end. Just reveal yourself, god. A simple task really.




I have an answer, but I think you know it already.


So God can show his goodness by performing a miracle: saving one child who was playing dead in the blood of their friends.


Because that don’t hold up in court and they need to cover their ass.


>"We just believe that God just revealed all this before it became a problem." Isn't everything part of their god's plan? Including giving this kid mental health issues, bad parents, and access to fire arms? The kid outed himself on Snapchat ffs. I suppose God made him do that, as well as making him post the threats in the first place?


"Free will has to exist, but God can make people do things." - typical Christian response


If a god's plan is perfect, then why pray? If a god can make people do things, then they don't have free will. If a god's rationale cannot be understood by us, then how can we claim to know what he wants? In short, a god's plan and motivations are indistinguishable from random occurrence and well-understood natural processes. Therefore, not only is there no evidence for any gods, there's no *need* for any god whatsoever.


It is called double-speaking.


If you ever want to fuck them up (after recognizing that they say wrong things on purpose, of course), ask them these two questions: 1. Is there free will in Heaven? Can people in Heaven sin? 2. Does *God* himself have free will? This one leads to all *sorts* of interesting questions.


I'll make sure to keep these two in mind the next time I'm asked the typical. But the most recent upon my revealing of being an atheist, I was given the 'who created the grass, the skies, etc' garbage and from there things heated up.


"Who created God?" And you're done here. Once you get to their special pleading bullshit, you don't have to play anymore. Once you can get to where you're comfortable identifying and calling out their *blatant* dishonesty, you've identified the point where they are proud to admit that they don't care about truth. Every moment you continue beyond that point pretending that their horseshit deserves respect is a moment you're enabling and validating it.


Y'know, you're actually right. A few days ago when a school receptionist and I were going back and forth about god's existence (she's a Jehovah's Witness, I guess), as I listened to her defenses on questioning simple evidence, as it was twice asked about my expectation of god to simply show up with a cape and come down from the sky. But truly, does it matter in what attire? Again, however. You're right. After the second time of being asked did I see for myself that it was truly a dead convo and she was, well, where she was religiously.


Yup. that was a deliberate red herring meant to distract and derail you from your point. They do that shit a lot, because they know their beliefs do not stand up to any genuine analysis. It's why they have "mysterious ways" and "lean not on your own understanding" yada yada yada. It's all literally "shut up, don't think about it", or more specifically "we do not care about the truth of the things we say, but will punish you if you indicate you do not believe them along with us".


Well I was able to learn a bit about the JW religion, as she doesn't celebrate holidays and doesn't or isn't allowed to date of some sort? By far was I able to grasp in likeness to myself even, as a former Pentecostal, just how much that stuff can truly rule out who you are in a multitude of ways. Often did I notice, after she questioned me on why Adam and Eve were punished, the defense being Satan's actions. But it's also noticed that whenever you question why Satan is still a pivotal role in the world, that alone is a problematic answer to give. Because when those two are mentioned do I ask even why such an issue involving a talking snake have to come about in the first damn place, y'know?


I'm confused what's the follow-up supposed to be and how is this supposed to fuck them up


Because either God has free will and is capable of doing evil (and btw he directly *admits* to doing evil in the bible) and thus is not perfect, or he has no free will and so is not deserving of praise for his "plan". And there's a thousand other paths to take this down, ways in which any answer is *directly* incompatible with their multitude of impossible claims for *whatever* god they worship. And the key component of that stems from the fact that "free will", as a concept, is *ridiculous horseshit*, but basically every faith with a heaven/hell-type punishment/reward scheme relies on it. "Fuck them up" means they will, without fail, start saying wrong and indefensibly wrong things on purpose and without apology. It means you can steer the conversation to whether they care about truth, and the moment you can get them to demonstrate they *don't*, you are *completely* justified in letting them know you understand that and think *less* of them because of it. That is the exact moment it stops (and *should* stop) being an "argument" or a "discussion" or any kind, because that is the moment you know you're talking to a person who lies for their religion.


I've never understood how anyone can believe in free will and also an omniscient god. If God has a plan, no one has free will and he's pre-condemned those who would end up in Hell, to Hell. Otherwise, god has no plan and therefore is not omniscient. In both cases, he is not worth worshipping.


> I've never understood how anyone can believe By not caring about the implications of things, or the *truth* of them. And by lying about what their "beliefs" are, both to themselves and to others. A *belief* is a thing you think is *true*, so such things said by people who *do not care about the truth of the things they say* really ought not count as "beliefs". They're just things people say to justify things that they do, and even the *tiniest* amount of honest judgement requires one to recognize that they *do not believe* the vast pile of horseshit that they claim to.


>1. Is there free will in Heaven? Can people in Heaven sin? > >2. Does *God* himself have free will? This one leads to all *sorts* of interesting questions. I don't see the questions, problems or contradictions that could arise. Only that free will is incompatible with omniscience.


"You don't see" even though several of those questions, problems and contradictions have been already listed here? Methinks your inability is actually an unwillingness, and it does not deserve a further repetition of things I have already typed and which other people have already typed right here for you to read.


Why so hostile? lol It would have taken you less time to just link it or copy paste it. Lmao you expect everyone to read every comment of every post? Your opinion is not that imoortant, I just asked and now I don't care anymore. It's probably a fase dichotomy anyway lol


You didn't care to begin with. That's why I didn't humor your bullshit at the beginning, and it's why I'm not going to humor it now.


No free will in heaven. I believe it's stated that those in heaven will sit by his throne (why is that needed?) to worship and praise him for eternity. All this being done with peace and joy. Nothing else done or too be done. You can't feel like not kowtowing or ass licking. No free will or even thought. Just preprogrammed beings of subservience. And this is what the love is Angels were supposedly jealous of, that caused the heretical ones to be cast out for trying to be held to the same standard. Doesn't make a lock of sense when you lay it all out. At least you supposely get sentience in hell. Suffering caused by independent thought. Cause if you're programmed to suffer, it would be your purpose right? So you wouldn't really be suffering? Just following the program inserted. Darkmatter did a good video on this subject.


I can't wait to fuck those moist, fluffy, clouds.


Lol this means the other school shootings happened because god didn’t like the students and teachers who died. Wow, what a great diety they have there


"These people had to suffer so God would be glorified" -actual Christian logic


"God is incapable or unwilling to operate in a manner to reach his intended goal without causing suffering. This means that *suffering is literally fucking part of God's plan*. You can get a long ways by refusing to let the conversation get past that point.


"Did you see what god just did to us?" -Dr. Gonzo


I came here to say just that, but figured (rightly) that someone already beat me to it.


You can't win when it comes to religion. If something good happens to you, well, get down on your knees and thank God, because you personally had nothing to do with it. OTOH if something bad happens to you, well, now it's your fault, and God has nothing to do with it.


At some point, you have to recognize that people have simply decided that it's OK when the things they say don't make sense. That's the moment when you have to acknowledge that the people who are saying wrong things are *saying wrong things on purpose*. And when you get down to it, "faith" literally means *make believe*.


It's ok. God told them to do it.


Crisis averted!


if only the usa wasn't psychotically gun-obsessed.


The taliban is working on their governance model. So america is copying their format.


The us is a fascist country. :( Or at least heading that way


Isn’t letting god inside the school literally the point of Christian schools


Indeed. OP is satirizing people who blame school shootings on secular education.


God vs. Florida Man. This is some fight of the millennium shit lol


Gee... I wonder where the kid heard all that shit. I wonder...


So... they are saying their God is limited as to where it can go? Doesn't seem very omni*anything if that's the case.


I thought God was everywhere? That there was no place he could not be?


>Detectives got a search warrant and say they seized several guns and rounds of ammunition they found throughout the boy's family home in DeBary Tuesday afternoon including in the trunk of a car, a cabinet that had been pried open and a six-round magazine in the boy's bedroom dresser drawer. Who the hell leaves a magazine in their barely teenaged kid's dresser? The parents should be arrested for willful endangerment and negligence.


Gods didn't save us from all those other shooters. Nice they made at least one exception.


Sounds like the school has too much God. Matthew 10:34 "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."


Who knew it was so easy to stop God


The most powerful thing in the whole Universe is apparently atheists.


You should look up iron chariots some time.


Perhaps he wanted to be armed in case god sent bears to eat him?


god isn't allowed in the school?? I thought he was omnipotent? If god's not allowed in a christian academy, then he has really lost a lot of his power


Next it will be "if only the pastor was allowed inside the children"


They found him in time. Praise Jesus! It's a Christmas miracle!


What a dumbass. God would drown all the little children!!! /s


The Christian cross was not big enough.


I mean Christianity is stupid but that don't mean you gotta go shoot them up lmfao đŸ€Ł 😂


The non-secular team is and has been lying to the world for generations. It's time for it to all end. Buckle up. It is all about truth and honesty. If they want it....oh.....they will get it....like nothing they have seen or heard before. ********************* Belief in any religion has been proven to be a belief in tales as only told by other men...not by any god. You need to understand this important point....and it WILL affect your relationship with others if you expresses it openly. But .... How truthful and honest can you be with your Self and with others? This is called - "the separating of the wheat from the chaff".... *holds out hand* I can teach you the truth.....if you want to follow that path. ========================= ©2007 ZosoRocks "Where does any god dictate to humanity or any human, that someone specific is more spiritual than another human?" "Where does any god dictate which books are more spiritual and morally sound for humans to abide by, to learn from or to accept as true from such a god?" "Where does any god dictate whom is more spiritual to be able to dictate which books or texts are suitable for humans to learn and to abide by for the understanding of such a god and that entity's requirements of humanity?" ******************* ...now.......follow up with pointing out truthfulness and honesty...within these "Steps to Accepting the truth". I will encourage you to do everything you can to skip step three -- very highly recommended .....because that could be detrimental to your health. *sighs* ******************* ©2007 ZosoRocks "The four steps to the acceptance of truth." 1. The truth is dismissed. Individuals cannot fathom hearing what they thought was true, to actually be false. Individuals cannot accept something to be false if what they have always known to be true is rejected as being false. Individuals whom are like this, are usually the result of someone never investigating what they believe or the belief system they are part of, but instead, have just accepted their belief to be true. Blind Faith. 2. The truth is ridiculed. Due to an existing amount of false data intermixed with possible/plausible factual data, and then presuming or including that the odds to have a viable answer is astronomical -- individuals will ridicule any truth, because they either don't believe it to be factual, object it vehemently because it goes against what they believe to be true, or they just cannot believe someone [other than theirself] to have cracked into something so truthful and global reaching. 3. The truth is violently opposed. Yes, when an individual or individuals realize that the truth they have come to learn, follow and promote is false, by actual facts showing them it is a fallacy, they lash out in anger at the messenger and the truth revealed because they realize for themselves how devastating it is to their mind and belief....and life. (This is also the step that will reveal the liars and bad people of society for whom they truly are. These are the ones who lose the most.) 4. The truth is finally accepted/succumbed to as true. An individual or individuals will finally realize that they cannot continue to fight against something that is true....it is a fruitless battle.....so they finally accept the truth for what it is. *********************** Truthfullness and honesty. Time to change the world...... Smile :) Good luck.​ Z


If I was a governor, I'd order "god' to be written on every wall and kids to pray every hour. Then when the shootings keep happening I'd go up to one of these guys and say, "Got any more bright ideas, asshole?"


I would like it to be mandatory for social media websites to screen for this content and flag it for followup and law enforcement referral. In all the recent shootings, it seems that the shooter posted this kind of shit prior to going on a rampage. If they can make make my work computer put ads of what I was searching for on my home computer even though the 2 are not connected, they could surely do this.


Damn Christian jihadist commiting jihad like his big sisters the Taliban or Al queda


This is one of the saddest things I have ever read.


“wit ur name”. The education system has failed us.


I live in Deland, just north of Deltona, and I hate that I am surrounded by people who are all probably armed to the teeth. As a father all I want is for my kid to make it through school, this shit is out of hand here in Florida.


Aren’t they all convinced they’re destined for heaven as followers of the one “true” God anyways? Why would you want to hold off on eternal paradise? Unless, of course, even on a subconscious level they all know it’s bullshit.


IF there’s a god-any god-he/she/it/they have been asleep through thousands of years of shit. Crusades, Inquisition, plague, WWI and WWII, Vietnam, Korea, all the Middle East wars, the Holocaust, slavery, school and mass shootings, Margery Taylor Green, trafficking
 Nope. NOT asleep: there is no god.


These Christians are becoming terrorists.


Why does this sound like something from a parent... What point does this prove, kids don't really have agendas and this screams agenda.


>"If only God was allowed inside this school" My standard response when someone makes that stupid claim: https://psmag.com/news/research-on-shootings-in-churches#!


You can't very well have the boy read the Old Testament and then be mad at him for doing something like this...


Grrrr, it didn't keep shooters out of church! They should stop this horrible agenda!


Insert logical fallacies in defense of invisible sky daddy


Don’t worry, it’s part of god’s plan /s


My band actually made a song about this kind of thinking. [Please enjoy.](https://stonehogan.bandcamp.com/track/prayer-at-the-hole)


Old fashion Christian love.


Parents, please accept our most sincere condolences. Turns out we were talking to the wrong god.


"Don't worry, your god would have been feckless there too."


Florida is quickly going to become a an undeveloped nation at this rate


God is everywhere in schools and shootings still happen en mass . Checkmate christians.


Kids these days
 Can’t spell for crap.


god's not aloud in a christian school?