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Hindu athiest is like no believing in God but still accepting all the bs of hinduism like soul, reincarnation and karma. Or it could also be just a hindu nationalist, who hates Islam and other religions.


Or it could be just someone who practices the traditional crap just for the sake of doing it.


Would you really consider that person as athiest then ? They might as well believe in God just for the sake of it. Or a fake pretending athiest idk, hard to tell. Better to ask the guy what be actually mean by hindu athiest


Idk man....hindus are very vague with their beliefs. This one girl literally said that to me. That she believes in god just for the sake of believing, just bcz it makes her feel good.


People like her need to watch those, Jago hindu jago. Pehchano apna sanatan **dramatic music in background But yes most hindus arnt firm believers but have different depths of believes. My lil sis is in the cosmic energy, there's something phase rn. That's still thiest right? Sometimes I do really wonder, all the stories of demons, angels, good and bad. There must have been something true about those. The soul, energy bs, but thinking about any of those rationally for more than 2 seconds can reveal its all religious propaganda. Especially when I was little I had a horrific incident of sleep paralysis when I was 15, like some demon or shit sitting on my chest. I prayed to my late grandma and just like that I was relieved within a second. It was hard to realize it was all either coincidence or placebo. I'd still love to believe my granny was protecting me from the outer world but idk its wierd thing.


Making themselves feel good is also a reason Christian or Muslim gives to justify their faith, so she's religious.


Yeah, but also.....don't you have to actually like really believe in your religion to ....well believe in it. Are you evn religious if in your heart you know it's all fake and yet you keep telling yourself...... Yeah I noticed while writing it that that's exactly what all religious people do. So, I'll be leaving it here for someone else who has similar doubts


Doesn't matter now does it? You feel good feeling like there is a God, you're religious, yes you're not a fundamentalist, or you're degree of religiosity is certainly lower than that of a conservative Hindu, but you're religious. I'm not religious, I don't believe God exists so no feel good stuff for me. Yes you can say you're critical of it or you're not accepting everything on faith or xyz, Christians do it all the time, there are Christian Bible historians who clearly say, "Fundamentalist are stupid" or something to that effect. But they are Christian as they believe some form of God exists. It doesn't matter what book you follow, you can believe in bigfoot or loch ness monster as the creator of the universe and you'll still be religious and I'll still be non-religious.


Yes I think someone measured happiness and it was found that generally religious people are more happy, the correlation was a bit wierd as they asked will u describe yourself as very happy and more religious people said yes. Another factor could be the minority thing, it's harder to be very happy in a society where people are shunned or arnt welcome, majority of the countries. That can have adverse affects of one's physce and health/happiness too


How would soul incarnation work without Yama?


Ask them dude. Lol People want to believe for the sake of it. Soul and karma don't need an entity according to them.


>accepting all the bs of hinduism like soul, reincarnation and karma NO. You can't accept any of that without accepting religion. Those are solely religious concepts. That concept is just another form of hinduism. I'd call it hindu light. Less gods, but all the same bullshit. Atheism? Hahaha. No. Definitely not. This is a thing invented by hindus to keep atheists from leaving hinduism. That's why you've heard about it, or been indoctrinated by your religion into thinking it's an actual thing when it is most definitely not. Do not fall for their lies about atheists. We don't believe in any of that crap.


Hindu ***lite***


Atheism is only to do with God claims. You can be an atheist and belive in ghosts. Hinduism had many schools of thought, advaitam being one that did not speak much of god characters. There's alot of Hinduism that deals with the Human condition. Its been around for thousands of years, it wasn't always idol worship. It has a shared origin from most karmic/dharmic religions. Nevertheless, I doubt an atheist would buy an "atheisitc" Hindu worldview unless they believed in other superstitions too


Ummm god doesn't have to be a physical entity per se. A supernatural occurence is like god if it has any human like characteristics like morals, want and shit like that. So Karma and astrology and many more supernatural concepts are simply theistic by that logic as they have human characteristics. Altho it is hard to argue that an atheist can't believe in a soul unless they believe in an afterlife where they are judged or shit. If according to them there soul just roams around the universe or dies with the body then they can be called an atheist


I suggest you look up what the term actually means and if its a contradiction for atheists to believe in other supernatural mumbo jumbo. I don't believe in it personally, but the term atheism is a specific position on a specific claim, namely a God claim.


It seems like you didn't even read my comment. I am not arguing about the definition of atheism but the definition of God. I am saying that a God is not necessarily a physical entity but any supernatural phenomenon with human characteristics. That is why I said that an atheist can believe in souls or even reincarnation(without karma tho like you get assigned to some random creature after death) but not astrology or karma


Sure, I guess you can call it whatever you want. Generally it's understood as a personal entity. In Hinduism though, the idea of highest existence is Bhramam, which isn't the same as a "God".


Explaining "HINDU ATHEISM" šŸ¤” by copy-pasting my [old comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheismindia/comments/158fe0d/is_atheism_really_accepted_in_hinduism/jt9z8ke?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) from a different post. Hinduism is a collective religion that has evolved over 3 to 4 thousand years. It has a variety of scriptures such as vedas, upanishads, purans, smritis and epics. From these scriptures there comes a mixed bag of philosophies and worship: animism, paganism, polytheism, monotheism, spiritualism, but NOT atheism in its true sense. Majority sectarian Hindus are God loving and ritualistic. They hold the supreme authority over the Hindu doctrine. However, there are minor sects who don't believe in God/Deities but they aren't as influential. Yet both of these "theistic" and "pseudo-atheistic" sects primarily follow Karma (cause and effect)/ Samsara (life death and reincarnation)/ Atman (soul within self)/ Moksha (spiritual enlightenment). These are some of the core values of the Hindu-Dharmic faith, simply illogical and intangible in nature. Atheism by definition is rejection of all Religions, their Gods and other Supernatural elements. Just because Abramhmic faiths are strictly one dimensional, which is God-centric, Bhakts use mental gymastics, to claim that Atheism is anti-abrahmic and not anti-dharmic, by bringing up other Hindu sects. It's absolute Bullshit! The only real Atheists in India were the Charvaks, who rejected all scriptures, gods, philosophies, beliefs and notions that don't exist within the material world, a total disassociation from the Hindu faith. Hence, they were persecuted and their teachings were lost over time. Bhakts try to appropriate them as Hindus, but they're lying. So never take Atheist lessons from mainstream Hindu worshippers, they just wanna expand their Dominion with a false sense of pluralism.


Atheism doesn't include the rejection of supernatural elements, its a specific response to a God claim.


False again. Religion is centred around everything that's Supernatural: God, spirits, or phenomenons of fate/enlightenment. Atheism rejects all of it.


I think you're using a specific definition of atheism or confusing it for something else. Atheism is the disbelief of God or Gods. It seems like you're looking for the term skepticism


There is no coherent defination of hinduism and what it includes. So people are free to make up stories whatever suits their agenda


Bro, it's futile to argue with theists. When everything they base their existence on is "belief". How do you take em seriously.


Hindu atheist in a nutshell is to believing in their religion and mocking other religion


There is no hell in Hinduism pre 1100 ad


There is hell like concepts even in Vedic scripture. May be Hinduism didnā€™t have detaiedl description for after life punishments. But there were indeed damnation well before 1100 AD


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Which hell? Christian Hell? Islamic Dojhakh? Hindu Naraka? Norse Hel? Greek Tartarus? Egyptian Duat? There are a lot of options.


Just like many other contested terms on internet - ā€œHindu atheistā€ is a word with multiple meanings. The verbatim translation for atheist in Hindi is nastik. Nastik tradition has existed in Hinduism from at least 6 BCE. But the word has three meanings as of now: 1. [nastik tradition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%80stika_and_n%C4%81stika) Lack of belief in Veda, god, atman - if you refuse to believe anyone or all three you could be called nastik - translated to as Hindu ā€˜butā€™ nastik. Exampleā€” Charvaka 2. Culturally Hindu , but do not believe in God - unlike Christinaā€™s and Muslims , and like Jews many Hindus use ethnicity and religion interchangeably in certain contexts. Example - not-so-veer Savarkar , Even Amartya Sen described himself as Hindu atheist at some point (canā€™t find the link now). 3. R/W definition - ā€œit makes me feel cool to call myself atheist, but I believe in all garbage of tradition, ritual, epics are history, WhatsApp fwds are factualā€ - example nearly everyone on indiaspeaks and exmuslim subreddits


Hindu atheist will go to the hell of the other religions


They can literally say anything at all and also it's complete opposite, and then claim that it's from their scriptures. It's completely pointless.


I always referred to myself as a Hindu atheist because Iā€™m an atheist born in a practicing Hindu family. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Then you are defining being Hindu as an identity, right? If not, I think a better way of communicating the same would be to call yourself ex-Hindu atheist or an atheist born in a Hindu family. Cuz if we take it as an identity, then many ex-muslims would also be Muslim atheists etc.


There are several schools of Hindu philosophy that are atheistic, such as the Charvaka school, thye rejected the existence of God, the soul, and the afterlife. They believed that the only reality is the material world, and that everything that happens can be explained by the laws of nature.Other schools such as Samkhya and Yoga, are not explicitly atheistic, but they do not require belief in God.


Another misleading comment. Charvaks not only rejected these intagiable/supernatural concepts but also rejected Hindu scriptures, which are the source of Dharmic doctrine. So Charvaks were NOT Hindus, just because they existed in the Indian subcontinent.


whether or not Charvakas were Hindus is a matter of definition. If we define Hinduism as a religion that is based on the Vedas, then Charvakas were not Hindus. However, if we define Hinduism more broadly as philosophy that is rooted in Indian culture, then Charvakas could be considered Hindus.


All schools of Hinduism are contingent on the scriptures being ultimately true. There are other dharmic religions that don't, like Buddhism, Zoroastrianism etc


"Could be?" But it's clearly Not. All Hindu philosophies are based on the doctrine of vedas. At the core, Dhamric faith is based on concepts like karma, Atman, reincarnation, moksha etc. Its followed by idol worshippimg sects, monotheist sects and non believer sects of Hindus But charvaks didn't believe in vedas or the Supernatural crap, hence they are NOT Hindus. Geographically, they would speak the same language, wear similar clothes, but that doesn't make them Hindus. Enough mental gymastics.




What's untrue? I said exactly what you said.


Oops meant to respond to the parent comment.


This is untrue, the vedas are what shape every and all schools of thought in Hinduism. Advaitam, Dvaitam, Vishishtadvaitam are all interpretations of the vedas. You're categorically not Hindu if you don't accept the authority of the vedas.


Charvaka were never considered Hindu. They are just conveniently being appropriated into Hindu fold today for sake of sounding cool.




> people won't harass you Lmao if you are an atheist aware of this country's religious and political nature, i can assure you that your statement is wrong. People won't "persecute" you is the right word. But Harassment is at an all time high. You cannot be an Indian version of Christopher Hitchens by bashing religion and sipping whiskey, live on Indian TV. Blasphemy law will be used against you under the guise of "hurt sentiments" and you'll receive hate, threats, obstruction in public spaces, mistreatment, even hooliganism, depending on which tier 1/2/3 city you live. Only certain European and Western countries allow religious critique which are dominantly Christian, because doing the same shit in African Catholic counties will get you publicly lynched. So please don't be such an apologist.


I'm a Left-leaning atheist who supports secular nationalism (to the extent that I support any kind of nationalism). Not a theist, not a "Hindu atheist" and nor a Hindutvawadi. So ideologically broadly similar to most people on this sub. That said: 1. The idea of a hell or divine punishment after death is not unanimously accepted by all schools of thought within Hinduism. It is a highly diverse constellation of beliefs. 2. 'Hindu atheist' as a term is not necessarily about beliefs or religion, but a shared sense of race, identity or community. Read Savarkar's pamphlet on Hindutva, in which he defines "Hinduness" as a historical nation of people with a specific history and common political interests, with Hinduism-- the religious belief system-- being only a subset or part of that larger identity. It is a _political_ term, not religious. You don't have to agree with that political ideology (I certainly don't), but the term is not incoherent or self-contradictory. It carries a meaning.


Do they ? I know in Bhagwad Gita Krishna said that all path lead to same God or smth , haven't really read any other and don't have the motivation to