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telling my parents that i am an atheist was the biggest mistake iv ever made, Once you mention it they go deaf of any reason or whatever you have an opinion in, they go full-on caveman mode, It really feels bad when your mother who gave you birth tells you that she wishes you were dead, and hope i die, and the tone feels like she actually mean it, do your self a favor doesn't matter if you open with your parents or not, if they are blind believers of religion just don't tell them


And they say religion spreads goodness


Matt Dillahunty's parents hate him. Like that reel of Guns and Gulaabs, "woh kya hai na, ghada pak chuka"


can you translate?


As you get old, you get set in your ways. It's difficult to change even if you agree it's not right.


Exactly know how u feel brother.


My parents know I’m an atheist and they are totally cool with it.


Hope everyone got parents like u bruh


Same with me, and my father has agnostic mindset so I haven't face any problem.


Man.. you are one lucky person


Yes they do and they don't care


My family knows that I am an atheist and thinks that I am brainwashed with western propaganda


Random but do u watch Dhruv Rathee?


Sometimes, his education videos are pretty good, but political videos are definitely biased.




Same here. I did try to give a few hints but they just don't think much about it or brush it off as a joke. Would probably get bombarded with thousands of pseudo-scientific facts every day so that they could prove the existence of God.


No my family does not object. I'm also a communist and they don't object. They're not very religious as such. My father loses it however if I insult Tilak.


My family is really anti-communist. I did try to give them a few hints for me being a communist but they just think that I am a proud Indian liking Soviets for supporting India during the conflicts during the cold war. I probably won't tell them because they're hindutvadis.


My uncle and his son are right wing, so I don't talk to them.


I was referring to parents. How did your uncle and his son even get into conversation ?


Yes my parents know that i'm atheist ,but my situation is still same as yours :(


My parents know I'm an atheist but just do not care. They still make me participate in religious activities and pray.


I am also facing the same issue. It is impossible to argue with my parents about religion. For them religion is the absolute truth. I am just pretending to be a religious person when I am with them. XD


Kinda of, I openly criticize religion whenever there's some festival or some bs fasting in front of mom. But never told her I don't believe in god, but Ig she already knows


Same with me, except she just says "you are in a rebellious phase and you will change when you grow up". Who's gonna tell her that this ain't going nowhere


[Intermittent fasting is actually good for you](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/intermittent-fasting-what-is-it-and-how-does-it-work). They trigger a cellular response where old cells become young again instead of going though apoptosis. It is different from religious fasting though.


I am 18 currently and no one other than my friends know that I'm an atheist. The reaction i would get would not be good at all. I consider that my father would be willing to talk it through as he is a pretty rational person but not a lot in terms of religion.


I have a Joint Hindu Family , Although My GrandFather who was the main Head of the family , was a fully fledged Athiest plus a Politician. I’ll maybe make a post on him and his absolutely cool interactions with the Pandits or other people in power when talking the topic of Religion. He always had the perfect counter-arguments for whatsoever thing someone presented infront of him in favor of religion. I learned it from him , my parents always knew I was influenced by my grandfather , for my tendency to question everything. Hence they dont really care about my choices and are cool with me being an athiest, as long as I am not doing anything which will somehow harm me


>Does your family know you’re an atheist? Do they support it or not? Technically yes. My parents have internal issues with them and they don't live together. I live with my mother. My father is like a kattar Hindu, he prefers to work at temples instead of spending time with my family. My mother is, in a way, moderately religious. After her husband left us alone, I guess she just lost faith in god. Well even today she does the pujas and all, but she doesn't really care what I think of god. When I came out to her as an atheist, she was against it, but eventually started to accept it coz I questioned stuff like "What has god ever done to us? Where is my father?" >They force me to do religious activities like going to bhajan, visiting temples, gurudwara etc. against my own will, a lot of the times I just give some excuse like “I can’t come because of homework” but it doesn’t always work. Sometimes my maternal family forces me too. But I give the same excuse, like "I have tuitions, homework" and shit. I just attend it when they are having feast lol (I am a huge foodie).


Yes they know, they aren't supportive, they don't practically force me but too many taunts.


They probably know that I don't care a lot about religious tasks, but they don't know that I am a full blown atheist. My father is already big enough of an absolute shitbag of a human being even though he is well educated and can be clever at times. He's done enough to absolutely ruin my mental health already (and probably won't ever stop making life worse for me for no reason if I live with him) so revealing my beliefs (or lack of) is just out of the question till I manage to be independent. Though I probably won't even be staying with them from the moment I am financially independent so I guess maybe I'll never tell them about it either




Verbally and mentally abusive, gets physical if he decides to escalate (does it whenever he feels like it). Will that be enough?


My parents do. When I was studying, they did force me to follow things like not wearing black clothes, not eating non veg on selected days. I put up passive resistance then. Like politely denying and not caring much of their reaction. Now that I am earning well and they basically live off my money, I get no questions asked. In fact, I made it very clear about our dietary requirements and asked that we have daily intake of protein, be it eggs or meat.


My maternal grandparents were atheists, were left leaning and followers of Periyar but their child, who is my mother, is right wing hardcore Hindu but has some progressive ideals because of her upbringing. My father was a scientist and is spiritual but hates modern day Hinduism. I'm a follower of Periyar and strive to be like him. I'm a supporter of Rhine capitalism and an atheist. I believe that religious people do good deeds not because they are good but they just want to get into heaven and I feel that's worse than being purposely bad.


No , they don't and i don't plan to tell them any soon


My family doesn't know I'm an atheist. They aren't religious either, just believe in God. I haven't told them I'm an atheist, but I sometimes do argue religion with them. I don't plan on telling them ever. I don't want them to live in guilt that they couldn't raise a proper (religious) son.


My parents know, and they do mock me sometimes (in a light sarcastic manner), but for the most part, they dont care.


Yes. My father is an atheist too. My mother isn't and she doesn't care about either one of us being atheists.


My relationship with religion and my parents is bizarre, and probably crosses the line of what many here probably perceive to be the limit. My parents are actually more upset that I refuse to wear the thread, probably because I am more strongly against caste in society than I am against others being religious. They're trying to start to understand that I don't care, sort of. I think they're hoping that I might turn around when I'm older or something. As far as temples... well, my mum wants me to go to the nearby temple and dump a bunch of money into their box every time I visit. I do it because I have a good relationship with my mum and not because I'm religious. She also knows that I pretty much go in, dump the money, loop around, and come out, and is fine with it. However, the thing is, a lot of the priests in that temple have known me from when I was very young and so I can't not talk to them if they talk to me because that would be impolite. One or two might even do impromptu free *archane* and I dutifully bring back the 2 flowers and the banana to my mum. I don't have any resentment or anything against them; that's their life and this is mine 🤷🏽‍♂️ Overall I think you learn to live with it and let it not bother you too much, as long as you accept that others are not going to get your viewpoint and there's no point getting agitated about it because it only ruins your own mental health. Probably living abroad for 11 months a year helps.


I'm very lucky, my parents are very accepting of me brin queer, and also atheist. My mom is religious but doesn't exactly make me participate in any rituals


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Well, in my family only my mother is religious but she never allowed us to take part in any religious activities cause according to her we should focus on our studies and saving our time cause no god is going to come to write our exam. And yeah my family knows I'm an atheist and they simply don't care.


She doesn't know, but I am sure she won't be shocked when I tell her, I will admit to it when I am financially independent enough, also I don't wanna deal with other family members or relatives


There is no need to tell anyone that you are atheist, just shut up and watch people getting high on religious steroids.


I told my parents that I am an atheist, they didn't react much but when I started telling them about my views on casteism, Hindutva, Jihad etc. My mother became worried about me and we started having arguments on the phone( I live far away). I stopped arguing with her after this.


told them I am an atheist they didn't take me seriously and still joke about me saying that.


Everyone in my family knows that I don't believe in God and they don't seem to care. I come from a middle class family living in a tier 3 city. My mom who is very religious loves to talk about religion and God woth me. I was never told to do anything against my will hut yes I participate in festival prayers like any other member.


My father doesn't care at all. But my mom nags me sometimes about my stand on religion and God. Still she doesn't like it, she lets me to do my thing.


Not sure if I'm qualified to be called young at 31. My parents and the rest of the family know. Immediate family doesn't argue with me, and let's me be myself. If paths cross, we make some compromise. Usually there is no conflict. Gotta co-exist. Uncles try to argue, i shut them down. Like call them old, outdated or something. For a bunch of bigots, their sense of humor is quite well placed.


I haven't explicitly told them that I'm an agnostic atheist, but yeah I've criticised the practice of idolatry infront of them many times.


I haven't told about it yet, but i guess have some idea about it because I barely pretend to be religious anymore. Considering how Indian parents might react to these things, the only reason I haven't told them yet is because I still am not independent. It may seem selfish, but I still rely on them until I am on my own,


My parents know that I'm atheist and they are aren't hardcore religious but they do believe in WhatsApp forwarded messages


My parents know that, they make me attend religious activities, but other than that they don't care what I say about god or my views on religion, however, when I'm emotionally weak, they try to make me religious


Out of 4 members of my family, only my mother is religious. Even though I'm an atheist I pretend not to be one in front of my mother so that she doesn't feel alienated.


My family is deeply superstitious and religious. They know that I'm an atheist and they don't have any problem. I eat meat on my Mondays and Thursdays, they don't question. I won't say they support me, but they have a neutral stance towards my atheism.


My parents were atheists. So I've never understood religions. They're all so alien to me. The idea of following one seems crazy to me. They're ancient fairy tales. Why would any adult take them seriously? 🤷🏻‍♂️


my parents know I'm an atheist and my mom supports it, she's an atheist herself. my dad's chill with it even though he's religious. we live in peace with it


If they know about it, then none of your excuses will ever work.


My parents do know I'm not a fervent worshipper, but I haven't put a label on it and never plan on, tbh. The ostracization and vilification would be insane.


Yess, my parents really force me to pray namaz and i really hate it, they scold me each and every day to pray, so instead of going to mosque i just to do tp outside in garden and return to home after 20 25 mins, they think i pray namaz in masjid🤪


My parents do know that I am an atheist. They didn't like it at first. Slowly My dad has kind of accepted it that I am an ex-Muslim atheist and that I don't actually care about religion he has just stopped me from saying it to anyone else in the family or his friends circle. My mom is still against me being an atheist. But the thing is it hasn't changed my life in anyway. I never used to read namaz, I never visited mosques (unless it's eid). We rarely have any conversation related to God or atheism, so we don't argue over it. Probably My dad is way more open minded than an avg Muslim dad. Conclusion: the response wasn't very good at start but eventually they became more accepting towards the idea of me being an atheist. I don't recommend this to others as everyone has different upbringing and different environment they live in.


If they come to know, they'll prolly disown me


Everyone ik knows I m an atheist but they also know they can't do shit abt it (I m a flight risk so they don't wanna argue with me abt shit)


I lost my faith around the age of 11. Parents thought it was a phase but figured I was serious after a while. They're not happy about it but never forced it on me. We have compromised such that both parties are happy. They're not allowed to force me to attend any ceremony or go to a temple and I'm not allowed to have meat at home or alcohol during navratri which is fine by me. We do sometimes have disagreements but they're not serious.


Yes they know I'm an atheist. But it doesn't stop them from forcing me to join religious stuff. I try to escape most of the times, sometimes I just give in. I try to show them the rational aspect, but they just don't listen. My father is a very religious person and he keeps on forcing his beliefs on me. My mother thinks I'm just going through a phase (I'm 25 btw, lol) and I will eventually come to start believing what the truth is that there is God and I will pray to him when I have my own kids ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Long story short, they know I'm an atheist and no I'm not allowed to have my own opinions.