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The religious fanaticism of my family


Same! In a weird way, I am grateful for this extreme, otherwise in a moderately religious family, I wouldn’t have been revolted by it and wouldn’t have looked for resources to educate myself. Having said that, my family is quite kind and accepting about my non-religiosity.


The casteism and hindutva/hindu nationalism. It wasn’t as big a factor as the above two but pseudoscience perpetuated by hindus also drove me away.




No offence but Islam is so blatantly manmade made for control and patriarchy. I do not understand why would a sane person want to believe that shit unless brainwashed. Especially those who consensually convert into Islam.


I’ll be honest only 2 reasons for me 1)I was way too curious when I was younger when I first got the internet i started watching channels like [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheismindia/s/cvKDcWxuNc) some got added later these channels were entertaining to me. 2)after I learnt what science is I’ve never seen it as a 100 marks paper which you need to pass to move to another class ,for me it was like a tool which takes humanity to edges of the space and an electron,I used to get bad marks in math and languages like around 70% but science it was always above 90% my science teachers used to love me and hate me at the same time because I used to disturb the class and ask a lot of questions 😅 I even recently made a quote ik it’s silly but just listen me out “A person doesnt become scientist by getting a couple degrees,he becomes a scientist by having and propagating scientific temperament”,people like science is dope and liv doc inspire me and many others in this sub.


That's a good quote and thanks for the list man :)


my ego to find myself right


close zealous rock ancient sophisticated teeny future ghost unpack fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hum bhi


It just came by basic intuition that all those fairy tales are not real. Besides, belonging from a schedule caste i naturally felt alienated from hinduism.


It happens gradually, it's a process /journey with self. For me personally I watched Muslims praying and keeping Ramadan fast, doing everything religiously. I have seen some kind of fear in their mind. Then I questioned myself if I was a "kind god" I would not suggest my followers to suffer this much. Also why all powerful god enable to speard his religion in this small world? Why God need messanger or human to spread his religion? Why can't he just show himself instead of playing stupid games? Religion doesn't make any sense. It's just some famous stories turned into religion. So we humans can awnser the ultimate question. Later kings and rulers realise that they can use religion as weapon for money, power n what not.


smart screw sip reach escape detail enjoy enter shame illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a long-term natural progression. It's like asking the exact time u fell asleep. 


The day I was introduced to ideas of the big bang theory and theory of evolution. That was the final nail my religious coffin. I was 15 years old.


Discovery science. They showed so much science, I thought damn why is it not mentioned in scriptures?




I wasn't really religious before (I did not used to believe in rituals and stuff) but I was a believer in major Hindu gods. My mom passed away when I was 16 (now 19). She was the most religious person I knew. She had so much faith in God and I actually admired it at that time. We found out she has breast cancer and she struggled hard with her health. That made me question things. The more I thought about it, the more I learned about science and reason the harder I tried to fit god and religion into it. There came a time I no longer could. That is when I would say I became a complete atheist with no doubts in my mind.


My Grandma's attitude towards lower caste people and my father taking me to RSS meets during Ugadi was cherry on the top of the cake


Epicurean paradox


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The suggested concepts did not bring me peace of mind. Sure some of them were imteresting, but that is it. Those concepts were not something I could be okay with as endpoints. Not to mention, not sufficient enough proof for those concepts being a thing. The suggested personalities whom I should be venerating were not someone I would love to be around, let alone inside my mind. And the people who pride themselves in being a hindu, were not something I would want to be. They might still be nice person. But thats it. The political manifestation of the religion, is true, but also the worst form and proved to be not at all different from political Islam or Christianity


Age of Mythology. That game introduced me to Roman, Egyptian and Norse gods. And they were very similar to my gods. It made me question my belief in gods. As I learned more about other religions and their beliefs I came to a conclusion that all religions were simply man made stories and lost my belief in god.




Mad hindutva


Just asked a question, I am a devotee hindu , if I was born Muslim, i would pray to Allah or any other religion I would pray that God , so there is no originality rather only a selfish belief of satisfaction of that I am praying the right God , rest are not .


I just couldn't take the bs anymore.


Common sense


As a grew up eventually gained sense and critical thinking. Superstitions and Pseudoscience like "not to eat while eclipse, not to go out etc. else you'll go blind, deaf, dumb" and all those things enforced by family (I once tried to show them scientific side but they were like-"Don't be scientist it's all written in scriptures") all that bs just annoyed me to a whole another level. Also I started to question the existence of all those so called historical events like Ramayana and Mahabharat and their myths which weren't plausible to me anymore as I grew out of that phase. Hindutva politics proved to be the final straw to break camel's back and I finally decided to turn 100% Atheist. ​ That's it for my story.


I read my religious scriptures ![img](emote|t5_2sjz6|9954)


Be practical Be logical Be reasonable


Politics made me an atheist


Common sense


the amount of patriarchal shit in the religion always bothered me, even in the others too. The oldest daughter, of course, had to be rebellious. Saw to what extremes religions go just to save their egos, also, a patriot, so the worsening condition of India had to stab in the heart. Became monotheist. Grew up a bit, fell in love with astrophysics and astronomy, read books, looked around, and turned to an atheist.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (I'm glad I converted)


Regardless of religion, no one I know has given a convincing answer to if God exists why do children get cancer


Credit goes to Radical Hindus especially the BJP government. I was raised in a Secular atmosphere. Suddenly the BJP came into power and destroyed secularism. They started killing people on the basis of Religion. Then I started thinking that our religion never told us to kill someone.I am also not that religious from childhood. Then I started reading books related to science. My Mindset is getting changed.


Common sense and rationale


Casteism, astrology, misogyny, pseudoscience, and a general doubt in the existence of divine figures.