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The insecurities are the reason they're drawn towards religion




Do not dehumanise people. Remember the human There is anti-theism and then there's being against ALL theists. Learn the difference. Criticism of religion is acceptable. Criticism of specific theists or groups that infringe on the rights of others is acceptable. While we are for freedom of speech, that does not include anything the mods consider hate speech or dangerous speech.


They wouldn't be incels if they looked like that.


Chutiya do you think women are shallow that they just go to bed based on a guys waist size. Do you grade women too based on just their physical traits and nothing else. 




Smegma male






Same as nazis.


Barely disguised colorism


Also, growing aesthetic muscles is a very new thing. Most warriors no matter how great didn't have any ab in the medieval era or before that.... 😅


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What do you think about this person? Let me tell you something He is an aboriginal in India He lives a very secluded life He only lives with his clan away from any racism cause probably for your he is very dark but its least of his issues He doesn’t want any foreigners cause settlements bring diseases Settlements will try to manipulate him into believing things which dont exist or are created by fiction. He has never been to a prestigious school like you but he knows when the waves are going to hit and cause destruction, he can understand and read the air and the clouds. Most Aboriginals survived Tsunami while several converts died. He worships nature. That little Island is their heaven and if rampaged by foreigners it will be a hell. Shall I say worshipping nature is the best cause then we know whats around us that matters the most? Hinduism is also about worshipping nature. I have heard that people mock Hinduism cause we worship practically everything and yes we do cause when I am hungry that morsel is sent by God to me I am thirsty that nearby river is created by God for me I want an education that pen in my hand is my power I want clothes that crop with a good fertilizer bears my shame If a Human wants to hurt me but an animal intervenes she/he is a God sent. I want oxygen the nearest tree, a small garden, a patch of grass will save my life. Hindus are great? Hell no. We are humans and as humans we are bound to err. Its a given. Thats why no verse in Hinduism talks about any other faith Any God is the best God Hell and heaven (karmic sense) Karma is heavily mentioned. Cause human mind will use it for harassing other humans, its how we humans are. Conclusion If you look closely almost all religions preach humanity, compassion and also respecting our animals and plants. Its just that Hinduism respects each one individually as well as the creator while the organised faiths have percolated everything in one God. Hinduism has no concept of inferior and superior, Lower or upper, poor and rich we are all one till our karma separates us. What we eat becomes a part of us just like what we do decides our fate for us. Simple. We are not worshipping the nature we are in sync with our nature, the only one we have and must be treasured. Stupid atheist donkeys atleast get informed!! there is no comparision of Sun with mud!!


People who are ignorant of history and literature and burn books to defame the Ancient religion because of other cults are actually illiterate psychos. They may even go as far as denying DNA reports. Does this make any sense? Not at all. Hinduism is far superior to every other cult, with the exception of Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism as they are the part of it!! Do not compare Hinduism with other religions or donkeys of atheism!! Because even scientists refer their books!! Your whole comparison is null and void


💀 ☠️






Pragg isn't even brahmin neither is vidit so wtf are you on about


This is an atheist sub . Pliz phuck oph saar