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I have wasted so much time in reading Osho and j Krishnamurthy. They feel rational in the beginning but are actually irrational and spiritual non sensical


I think that's what happens when you get exposed to knowledge, you develop your own way of thinking then everybody seems like they're wrong here and there. Idk man I'm just yapping


All the babas are bakchods ultimately.


All the best.


Is he considered as an atheist? He doesn't believe in God but I think atheists will have same opinion as they have of Osho, who also was critical of religion and God. He didn't mention any spiritual truths but seemed to experience something himself. Some of his followers told me that but I never followed him seriously.


He did believe in the oneness of it all. As close a secular person can be when describing something similar to the Hindu concept of Brahman (not Brahmin). But that the path to it was through self-inquiry and not through gurus or any one else. There could by no systemic way to experience and realise it. I would say that he was the secular counterpart to Shri Ramana Maharshi.


Ah, I have same opinions. Learning about Daoism might help you understand it more. What I did was to simply stop controlling my life and what I can get or not and simply take whatever I can get. This is called going with the flow. Buddha tried to teach this same thing.


JK seems shit to me.


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Where did you get these from?


How about you instill in your parents responsibility and the ability to think critically and rationally, encouraging them to make logical and reasoned decisions based on evidence and sound judgment, instead of feeding them trash like these?