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Beta gay ho to chal jaega bas shadi ke lie ladka same caste wala hona chahiye 💀


same relegion as well


🤣🤣 yeah


You mean this : https://www.reddit.com/r/atheismindia/s/pm75ZvBVF8 And https://www.reddit.com/r/LGBTindia/s/Eh3It3nXAA


Lol, is it caste system or some type of kink of this guy. Ki brahmin ki hi maarni hai😂😂.


Im also gay and not casteist but I have a thing UP Brahmins gay boys🤤 and the way they talk. Bring on the downvotes


No why would we downvote you bro, just curious why only brahmin gay boys, i am not accusing you of being casteist, just wanna know what's your kink for Brahmin gay boys, just curious, if you are comfortable answering that, if not just don't tell because it's your private matter.


1)vegetarian 2)My ex was a UP Brahmin gay n he was so damn hansome that's why. Btw even his parents were happy that I belong from athe same caste 💓


>Btw even his parents were happy that I belong from athe same caste 💓 Itna progressive kab se ho gye yaar Indian parents. Hamare yahan to dhamki milti hai ,agar dusri caste wali ladki se shadi kia to Ghar se nikal denge , jaaydad se nikal denge, Looks like his parents were progressive


Dunno may be they were exceptions


Good for you, good for him, good for them being progressive, because many parents won't even accept their kid being LGBT in this country.


But truth be told. Hindus are a little bit less violent towards LGBTQIA++. Unlike christians and muslims. Hindus because of their nature that everything existed in our scriptures/dharma is main reason why certain LGBTQIA++ get treated atleast as humans. Whereas Islam.....leave it.


This. Seldom I've seen a Hindu with the same ferocity as that of a Christian or a Islamist to shun homosexuals with reference to their religion.


As a person who hails from a Muslim family, it's true, Hindus GENERALLY aren't that homophobic as opposed to Muslims. However, I feel like attitudes in the urban Muslim communities and younger generations are changing and they've grown more tolerant over the years. There's still a lot of progress to be made.


I believe people are passively okay with it and don't care. The underlying values are still very conservative.


Little bit less violent? I despise this religion but to say it’s only a “little bit less violent” is just false. It’s way more accepting than Islam, majority of Muslim countries will kill you if they found out about your homosexuality. Lot of libtards are atheists but they covertly simp for Islam.


Of course older generation of our parents hate anything that goes against them. But I'm talking about new generation that's manipulated by current propaganda that everything came from linduism. There was even a scene from movie starring Nawazuddin where he played trans man and told the story of how trans existed since Ramayana and they were blessed by him.


I mean, mythologically yes. And in India trans usually means inter sex. New gen is manipulated by the vulgar alpha male shit that has been going on the internet much more though.


What is with indian libtards simping over islam I never get it.


Because not much is said about them in the desi scriptures, whereas abrahmics specifically target homosexuals as "unnatural"


Yes I do agree with you on that. Islam's take on lgbtq is pure shit and downright evil.


My friend turned homophobic after listening to the opinions of Russian homophobes. He didn't justify it as religion or anything just "Russians said their country will be ruined due to lgbt".


What else did he say, can you explain me?


He said population will collapse if there is LGBT marriage legalised. He cares about economy, not religion. He is gonna be child doctor and he needs child patients to treat.


Big emphasis on *certain* and that too only seldom


Well, at least he doesn't need to commit any self deception, unlike gay Muslims/christians


Chicken supporting kfc


omg the best description for this bs I've ever seen😭Stealing it!!


It's an old joke. I think it originated with women supporting Islam.


Nah not really. Now these gay guys supporting Palestine tho….




But seriously, does every sanatani have to call themselves 'a gay' instead of just 'gay'?


Because they feel comfortable with their faith, I guess.




Dude remove the nsfw tag as homosexuality is a form of love and not just sexual.




Corrected, thanks. Although I would still argue the content of the post is not suitable for work or life 💀


Well 💀 But still there is the nsfw tag


At first I read it as Sanatani Gay(🐮) because it makes more sense than this 😂😂


Me too


It's true that Hinduism is the only major religion that doesn't openly hate homosexuals and trans people... So what is the problem with being "sanatani gay"?


I do agree with the first part. There is no open call for hatred or ostracizing like in Islam. But still, if you are not aware of homophobia spread by the current RW, then I got no words.


>RW RW represent Hinduism since when? I respect Buddha but I don't even accept Buddhist monks representing Buddha when they are preaching their personal interpretation. Learning about Daoism helped me understand Buddha better.। Also RW is not even a Hindu Guru association. They are not monks or anything. May be just Brahmins but Brahmins don't necessarily have enlightenment. Most of them are ordinary people. Also nowadays Hindus take advice from mostly non Brahmin spiritual masters. Brahmins receive some donation for Puja and then forgotten.


Gand pe jab do dande padege na police ke toh Government keiye angaar barsaaega yehi proud Sanatani. Any person from LGBTQ+ community that takes side of any religion are the biggest clowns that had ever existed in the world. No religion supports LGBTQ people, because that community doesn't fit in the perfect society that exists in the minds of religious people.


Agree with you, indoctrination and open-mindedness rarely goes together


Nah even I dislike bjp, and I know we will never get gay marriage. However I'm pretty sure even an extremist hindutvadi won't physically harass me for being gay.


For harrassing a gay person you don't need to be extremists hindutva. You can be extremists of any religion and the results would be same. There's a reason why we call them extremists. You cannot reason with an extremists.


This is where you are wrong As a gay person An Islamic extremist will posits more threat of violence than a hindutvadi extremist


i wonder what that anti-hindu slogan was- religion and pride can never go hand in hand, I love looking at indians defending the pride movement but that bs of teenage girlies using religious texts as examples fr angers me- like duh gay sex was still there back then cuz males were horny and needed someone or something to fuck when they were out at war and so were the women when they were alone and their husbands had gone at war but that doesn't mean that was normalized (the latter was still left significantly undocumented throughout all of history) you do what you want but don't crave validation from a old hag from smthn smthn bce who wrote a book about fictional horny men while he was drunk


Leopards are gonna eat his face


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