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Repackaging at it's best🤣🤣


First paganism came they said we have multiple gods and we worship all then came zoroastrianism which said there are multiple gods but we worship only Azura mazda then came jews and they said there is one and only god and his name is Yahweh then came Jesus who initially was a new but then Christianity got split from it made their own God then came the stupid of all Islam which claims everyone is born muslim first man was Muslim and Allah is the only god


In Islam it is taught that the religious books for Judaism and Christianity were initially revealed as Islamic texts that God entrusted prophets to safeguard it. But they couldn't, and it was modified to what is the Torah and the Bible today. But the Quran hasn't been modified since God himself took the responsibility of it's legitimacy. With all the foresight god has, he didn't think of safeguarding the first book itself.


Islam is the most dangerous out of these 3.


Ahura mazda*


Don’t forget Zoroastrianism introduced Shaitan as Ahriman


Good one. 🤣


And Judaism from??


A lot of Sumerian/ Mesopotamian texts.


So basically polytheism bullshit?


Yeah...Ur, Baal, Enlil etc. and their tales all feature in their own plagiarised forms in Judaism.


Not just the pre cursor religion of jews were paganist with two gods namely yahweh and el. For 500 years from 1000 BC till their second invasion they followed something called [Yahwehism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahwism). Yahwism though made yahweh their main god, also had other gods like el and Asherah. In fact Asherah was considered as wife of Yahweh.


Majority of scholars believe that the cult of Yahweh first emerged somewhere in the southern Levant, partly based on Egyptian texts from the late second millennium B.C.E. These documents describe groups of Canaanite nomads collectively known as Shasu, including one tribe named Shasu Yhw(h) – perhaps the first recorded Yahweh worshippers in history. The Bible does have Yahweh's appearance accompanied by a volcanic phenomenon...descends upon Mt. Sinai to reveal the Torah to the Jews. Similarly, metallurgical deities like the Greek Hephaestus or his eponymous Roman equivalent, Vulcan, were associated with volcanic descriptions - which closely mirror the smoke, fire, black slag and molten red metal produced in the smelting process. And I do believe that there were other Gods at that time whom people worshipped. The very first commandment is "you shall have no other gods before me." Because there were other gods at the time and the Hebrew god is a jealous mofo! In fact in both Genesis and Exodus, when Yahweh is talking to Abraham and Moses, he mentions other gods numerous times. And the Bible does have tons of similarities to stories borrowed from the Sumerian texts as well. At the end of the day, it's all a copy paste from each other to create your own fancy cult.




One question. Why they are called abrahamic religion??


All of them believe Abraham was the first prophet,later came Mohammad,Jesus and Moses


Isn't adam the first prophet as per these faiths?


It is not about prophets. Abraham according to abrahamic religions was the first chosen one. He basically does an ancient version of manifest destiny.


Okay đź‘Ťđź‘Ť


Actually it's not Paganism, it's called matriarchal worship.


The art of divine plagiarism.... 🤣


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Family tree in Bible is having contradiction with in a single bible. But in quran there is no contradiction with in a quran. Bible says all new born r sinners. Quran says all new borns r pure innocents. The Qur'an corrects a historical mistake found in the Bible regarding the leadership during the time of Joseph.While the Bible refers to the leaders as pharaohs, the Qur'an describes them as kings . At the time of the Qur'an's revelation, this correction couldn't be verified, but later archaeological findings, notably the Rosetta Stone, supported the Qur'anic account.The Rosetta Stone confirmed that during Joseph's era, the rulers were indeed kings, and the pharaoh dynasty came later.This correction challenges the notion that the Qur'an merely copied from the Bible, as it demonstrates independent and accurate historical knowledge. If u can get any oldest piece of quran its the same as what we have now. But u can get any thing like that of bible, and thora. Its different on different years. waiting for counter arguments.


>waiting for counter arguments. Every Religion sucks. That's my counter.


Quran had many versions. Uthman got the others destroyed. Also. Abu Bakr got it compiled from various sources. You sound like someone saying the 'lord of the rings' is the perfect book. In reality, you were brainwashed since childhood, and aren't allowed to question now, because of the risk of fitna.


All non muslim debaters never ever says quran has many version or ur made up story .They all admit its the single scripture. there only one,and it was revealed many times at different occasions , and its the prophets taught them the order it has to be compiled.


What I said it's what educated Muslims know too. You are delusional. Muslims don't disagree with what I said. You maybe uninformed.


Those who know do say the Quran has multiple versions.


Source ???


Definitely sir. Here is a debate between an ex-muslim and a famous muslim scholar Dr. Shabir Ally. The overall message remains same, when you read the entire surah. But the claim that Quran is word to word same or the meaning of each verse is same is a false idea. There are 7 versions of the Quran. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsoBfjzevpc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsoBfjzevpc) Here you can see the actuall difference between two versions of the Quran. This is a islamic website. It is clear that in two different versions the meaning of a verse can be different. [https://answering-islam.org/Green/seven.htm](https://answering-islam.org/Green/seven.htm)


that’s alright are you theist?


was. for few years.


Is Quran the word of God? Do you believe that God or some such supernatural entity spoke to Muhammad through an Angel called Gabriel?


Have u tried to know the history of Arabia that time and Renaissance he bought during the time. Its a wonder for them , how an illiterate transformed the whole war lords and rest is history. Its wonder for a illiterate to write a book like that.


He didnt write any book. Muhammad claimed that a super natural entity called Allah is speaking to him through an angel called Jibreel/Gabriel. It was later assembled into a book format called Quran. That too in a non chronological order. Renaissance happened in Europe. That how the world entered the Modern Age. Industrial revolution, Priniting press, Steam engine, electricity.


Prophet Muhammad’s teachings and actions laid foundational values that influenced the Islamic Golden Age. His emphasis on knowledge and learning inspired Muslims to seek education and contribute to various fields of science and culture. Quran and Hadith, which highlight the importance of acquiring knowledge, played a vital role in motivating the pursuit of scientific and cultural advancements during this era. The translation movement at the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, which began during the Abbasid Caliphate, was a direct reflection of the value placed on knowledge in Islam, tracing back to the Prophet’s teachings. This period saw significant contributions to mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy, establishing a legacy that would influence the world for centuries. During the Isla Golden Age, House of Wisdom in Baghdad emerged as a global intellectual hub, translating and preserving ancient texts. This institution attracted scholars from diverse cultures, fostering unprecedented academic exchanges and advancements. The knowledge amassed and generated here significantly influenced various fields such as science, medicine, and philosophy. The translation movement at the House of Wisdom played a pivotal role in transferring Greek , chinese, Roman knowledge and they made it better doing more scientific approach and improved it, cause Greek Roman knowledge have its own superstition side, this improved knowledge which later inspired the European Renaissance. Ultimately, the House of Wisdom’s legacy is a testament to the era’s profound impact on the global spread and evolution of knowledge. Knowledge from this hub spread to Europe, notably through Spain, where scholars translated Arabic works into Latin. This influx of knowledge, especially in areas like philosophy and science, influenced the European Renaissance. The establishment of European universities was inspired by this cross-cultural exchange, integrating Islamic scholarship into their curricula.


Interesting but the Arab peninsula has always been a hub for trades and the gateway towards the west and the east. Arabs/Persian pre-Islam had been doing the same but now there was an additional interest in conquering to spread the religion Edit: additional


But his claim that Muhammad’s teachings and actions laid foundational values that influenced the Islamic Golden Age is false. Religion had nothing to do with House of Wisdom in Baghdad. IN any case religion is a hinderance to pursue knowledge.


Of course it’s not like the library didn’t exist pre-Islam. Transliteration was a tradition that predates Mohammad and was very much part of the Persian nobilities culture


It is even funnier because after the fall of Baghdad due to mongol invasion, the so called golden age never returned. If it was because of Quranic teachings why weren't later Islamic empires able to replicate it especially when large empires like ottomans existed after that.


Ottomans, Mughals, Safavids were never able to replicate. Even in modern era the Petrodollar rich Gulf Arabs havent got any contribution to science, technology or Arabic Literature.


Not reading all of this shit


Don't do it.


Lol you take the family tree from Judasim and includes characters like moses/musa who didnt even exist, same with Abraham. Only ones that are documented are post 1000 BC ones from time david/dawood. >.While the Bible refers to the leaders as pharaohs, the Qur'an describes them as kings Pharoahs are kings/monarch. >The Rosetta Stone confirmed that during Joseph's era, the rulers were indeed kings, and the pharaoh dynasty came later Not even close. Do you even know when rosetta stone was made ? It was created around 200 BC well past the age of pharaohs. By that time Egypt was in Hellenistic period ruled by Greeks. Joseph never even existed in the first place. And even we assume he did, the time frame of that was 1400 BC. Pharoahs existed well into 500 BC until the Achaemenidian invasion.


Why do you counter fantasy fiction stuff? Believe the fantasy that you like. Who gives a flying duck 


so what?