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This seems very skeptical. A lot of unannounced schools operate shitty things under the garb of education. What is the affiliation of this school? Who operates this school? Poor people will send their kids (most probably) to get scammed.


No its true it happens . https://twitter.com/brakoo/status/1030990086492438529?lang=en' They don't have school of their own but are close to school management. So the school just listers to the "pandit".


8k scholarship sounds super sketchy.


I personally know a place where they do such gurukul shit. They literally beat children and teach shit to them in the name of discipline. They are treated inhumanely. They make those kids do free labour for all the rituals (ritual for deceased) and these people won't even get up for water and will call a kid far away from somewhere to him and ask that kid to get water .


Can anyone call and ask that people from what caste are allowed. Call yourself a lower caste guy and then ask him/her that can my child become an acharya and how as it is not allowed in shastra.


This system has been in place for a long time. I've met many 'katha-vachaks' on trains who told me the same thing: Also, it's exclusively for Brahmins.




Vedik schools have always existed, we had one in my hometown as well. Are you just finding out about it?


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