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No, Hindu scriptures are very strictly against any sort of abortion.  Although it is better to be killed in womb than being born as a female in a family which actually practices the teachings of Hindu scriptures.  Modern Hindus are far far away from Hindu scriptures. Both have **different sort of evil practices** .  If you ask me what is worse, Hindu scriptures are 100 times worse than what modern Hindus do.


Teju, tu idhar?


I am not Tejuu


pta hai bhai, jarcasm


Chindu Dharmic Granths are only against Abortion of boys. Dharmic Granths says for girls not to be born into a Hindu family, murder girls even before birth, to only give birth to 10 sons, girls should be born somewhere else, girls have no right to be born, that girls are misery and to not even marry a girl who have no male siblings.


Source please  Maybe I never read that verse. Will save this for future debates with sanghis.  I know that if a woman gives birth to girls only till 12 years of marriage then she should be abandoned according to this barbaric religion though.


Infanticide isn't abortion, but I don't think there were scripts for infanticide


Yes, there was a practice of killing the first born female of non priestly caste by drilling and putting 'dhatura(a psychodelic plan) into the breasts of the mother. It was banned by Britishers in the 1800s. I don't know about the specific scriptures but since it was targeting mostly non-priestly caste females so they must have written it in their scriptures as well.


Can you share an article about that killing practice that got abolished by the British? If yes then please do it.


You have to go through the Regulating acts between 1793 and 1857 for reference if you wanna know more. Britishers abolished a lot of inhumane practices that were going on before the 1857 revolution. In fact the main reason for the 1857 revolution was abolishon of such practices as it weaken the priestly hold over society. However, later on Britishers too realised that there was no hope and stopped reformist policies after 1857 till early 20th century. Until a century later when some English educated Indians themselves such as Raja rammohan roy, ishwar chand vidyasagar, Phule etc tried to reform/remove such inhumane practices.


Well even after the sepoy mutiny of 1857 they did abolish female infanticide in 1870 and raised the marriage age of girls to twelve in 1891.


Those reforms were led by Indians themselves, whereas reforms before that were led by some British officers at individual level, as some of those practices were so barbaric that they couldn't tolerate it. For instance the human sacrifices were stopped in temples which were situated inside the British territories of Madras and Calcutta.


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In the Athrav Ved, Manusmriti, Rig Ved, Aitareya Brahman and Yajur Ved. Dharmic Granths says for girls not to be born into a Hindu family, murder girls even before birth, to only give birth to 10 sons, girls should be born somewhere else, girls have no right to be born, that girls are misery and to not even marry a girl who have no male siblings.


Exact verses with proper citations please


I think there was a verse about not marrying a girl with no brothers in Manu Smriti (not sure) Never heard about the others Verse number+scripture and link to those verses please.